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Series XX: Namibia: The Last Colony, 1989-1990, inclusive

Scope and Content Note

This series contains footage of Namibian independence celebrations from Estela Bravo's 1990 documentary Namibia: The Last Colony. Videos in this series include footage of meetings between Nelson Mandela and Cuban dignitaries, interviews with notable individuals including Jesse Jackson, and footage of the celebrations, which feature Estela Bravo speaking with individuals on the street.

Historical/Biographical Note

In March 1990, Namibia celebrated its independence from the apartheid government in South Africa, which had controlled and occupied the country since World War I. The independence celebration featured notable speakers and honored guests, including Nelson Mandela.

Namibia: The Last Colony, 1990

Box: Electronic Records, E-records: TW_TAM_616_ER_10 (Material Type: electronic records)

Scope and Contents

This is a complete version of the documentary Namibia: The Last Colony.

Digital materials

Namibia: The Last Colony: 1990- (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Mandela, Nelson: Interview, with Jorge Risquet and Juan Almeida, 1990, inclusive

Box: 83, DVD: ref755 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Scope and Content Note

Initial footage is of Nelson Mandela speaking with a Nicaraguan diplomat who thanks Mandela on behalf of Daniel Ortega and then gives Mandela a painting as a gift; the remainder of the film is a meeting with Mandela, Jorge Risquet and Juan Almeida. Mandela speaks about his gratitude to Risquet and Almeida for Cuban support in Angola.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Original Format: Umatic. Duration: 00:22:01.

Footage: Namibian independence celebration, 1990, inclusive

Box: 83, DVD: ref701 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Scope and Content Note

Various clips of the independence celebration along with brief interviews with people on the street. There are also interviews with Namibian youth who attended school in Cuba.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Original Format: Umatic. Duration: 00:22:00.

Footage: Namibia independence celebration (includes parade and speech), 1990, inclusive

Box: 83, DVD: ref816 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Original Format: Betacam. Duration: 00:30:00.

Namibia Almeida/Risquet, 1990, inclusive

Box: 83, DVD: ref713 (Material Type: Moving Images)
Box: Electronic Records (Material Type: electronic records)


Namibia Almeida/Risquet

Namibian Independence Celebration (includes Jesse Jackson), 1990, inclusive

Box: 77, DVD: ref248 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Scope and Content Note

This video contains footage of the Namibian independence celebration. Portions of the interview are dark and difficult to view, and there are also some issues with the sound. The end of this footage contains a relatively brief interview with Jesse Jackson in which he speaks about Namibia, Angola, and Africa in general.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Original Format: Umatic. Duration: 01:01:27.

Namibian Students: Interview, 1990

Box: 95, DVD: ref513 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Language of Materials

This interview is in Spanish.

Scope and Contents

This video begins with brief segments of Cuban political leaders, including Juan Almeida meeting with dignitaries in Namibia. Beginning at minute 4:00 the footage switches to an interview with three young Namibians. The interview was recorded on the first day of Namibian independence in 1990, and the students discuss their excitement for the new government and eagerness to participate in the political process. The three students, all of whom received part of their education in Cuba, talk about their experiences studying in Cuba and the ways they hope to use their educations. They also talk briefly about continued racism in Namibia between white and black communities, and feeling removed from their country after studying abroad for several years.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Original Format: Betacam. Duration: 00:19:01.

"Namibia Today- South Africa Tomorrow" Joe Slovo, 1990, inclusive

Box: 11, Cassette: ref251 (Material Type: video)
Box: 77, DVD: ref251 (Material Type: Moving Images)
Box: Electronic Records (Material Type: electronic records)

Historical/Biographical Note

Joe Slovo (1926-1995) was a South African politician, lawyer, opponent of the apartheid system, long-time leader of the South African Communist Party (SACP), a leading member of the African National Congress (ANC), and a commander of the ANC's military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe. He also helped form the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which is credited with bring peace to South Africa following the end of apartheid.


"Namibia Today- South Africa Tomorrow" Joe Slovo

Street Interviews (Windhoek, Namibia), 1989 September 10, inclusive

Box: 67, Cassette: ref1386 (Material Type: video)
Box: 96, DVD: ref1386 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Language of Materials

This video is in English.

Scope and Contents

This video features an on-the-street interview with a man and woman from Namibia. The interviewees discuss the war between South Africa and Angola, and their views on the goals and outcome of the war.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Original Format: Betacam. Duration: 00:07:06.

"Swapo Namibia", 1990, inclusive

Box: 3, Betacam: ref252 (Material Type: video)

Namibia Barrio Negro III, 1990

Box: 11, Cassette: ref254 (Material Type: video)

Language of Materials

The concert is in Spanish. The interviews are in English.

Scope and Content Note

The first half of this video contains clips of a concert in Spanish with shots of audience members. The second portion of this video contains various street interviews in Namibia. The first is with a man and woman who offer their thoughts on Namibia, Cuban involvement in Angola during the South African Border War, and the South African Border War in general. There video also includes street shots and an interview with an engineer at a road construction project.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Original Format: Betacam. Duration: 00:22:53.

Street Interviews about Leaving Cuba, 1990

Box: 11, Cassette: ref257 (Material Type: video)

Language of Materials

This video is primarily in Spanish with some English.

Scope and Content Note

This recording was originally labeled "Isla Juventud Escuela Namibia". It contains interviews and footage in and near a travel office in Havana. The video begins with an interview of a mother and daughter on the street discussing their attempts to obtain visas to emigrate to the United States legally to join their family. They describe their lack of resources and options, and how they are considering traveling illegally to the US via boat. There is also footage of a man obtaining a visa to travel to the United States. The last two minutes contain an interview with a Namibian student in English. The student describes how she keeps in touch with her family in Namibia, and the political future of her country.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Original Format: Betacam. Duration: 00:21:07.

Namibia - System NTSC, 1990, inclusive

Box: 4, U-matic: ref627 (Material Type: video)

Scope and Content Note

This tape may contain a full-length version of the documentary.

"The Last Colony", 1990, inclusive

Box: 30, U-matic: ref682 (Material Type: video)

Scope and Content Note

This tape may contain a full-length version of the documentary.

"Primero Estacion Telefonos Lisa", 1990, inclusive

Box: 36, Cassette: ref715 (Material Type: video)

Independence of Namibia, 1990, inclusive

Box: 97, DVD: ref829 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Language of Materials

This video is in English.

Scope and Contents

This video features footage recorded live at the swearing-in ceremony of the first Namibian president Sam Nujoma in 1990. The footage largely features crowds and dignitaries arriving at Windhoek Stadium (later called Independence Stadium) in Windhoek, Namibia. The footage appears to be live coverage recorded by NBC News. The swearing in ceremony features speeches by United Nations Secretary General Javier Pèrez de Cuèllar and South African President Frederik Willem de Klerk. Nujoma is sworn-in as Namibia's first president by de Cuèllar and makes a brief speech at the end of the video.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Original Format: Umatic. Duration: 01:00:28.

Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012