This series documents the contentious election history of the Local. Elections are well represented through leaflets, memos, clippings, ballot tallies, and official reports of arbitrators and court-appointed monitors. This series contains correspondence and memoranda between the locals, the companies, and the National Labor Relations Board regarding the planning of elections; notices of elections and election results; decisions of the National Labor Relations Board; notices with platforms and election slates for political parties within Local 1-2, including the Justice Party, the Unity Party, Members 1st Party, and Administration; lists of election observers; notices and posters for elections; polling lists; and election results. Correspondents include the Brotherhood of Consolidated Edison Employees; the Joint Council of Locals 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7; Consolidated Edison System Companies; Harold J. Straub; Elinore M. Herrick; Patrick McGrath; Augustus Low; Andrew McMahon; John C. Arnell; Edward L. Marsine; and Bernard E. Gallagher. Early elections are well represented, especially the 1940 election in which the Brotherhood of Consolidated Edison Employees became Local 1-2.