Time Inc. People Publishing and Business Records
Call Number
Language of Materials
With the first issue launched on on March 4, 1974, People was one of the first publications coming out of the Magazine Development Group later transitioning into its own department. The People Publishing and Business Records contain records from offices and staff from the publishing and business side of the magazine, not the editorial side. Staff represented include Publisher Richard Durrell, Assistant Publisher Charlotte Schiff-Jones, Associate Consumer Marketing Director John Hartig, Director of Marketing Services Chuck Lund, and Magazine Development Group Marketing Director Mal Ochs.
Biographical / Historical
People magazine was launched as a newsstand-only publication on March 4, 1974, with Richard Durrell as founding publisher. Before joining People, Durrell worked in advertising for both Life and Time magazines, including a position as Life's Assistant Publisher. People was created under the Magazine Development Group, divesting and becoming its own department by 1978. The Magazine Development Group, Time Inc.'s in-house publishing idea think tank, had previously successfully launched Money magazine in 1972.
The magazine exceeded sales of one million copies per issue by July 1974 due to Richard Durrell creating a distribution network within Time Inc., known as Time Distribution Services (TDS). TDS worked with and eventually replaced the distributor Select Magazines Inc. and focused on market research to improve sales tactics.
For the majority of Time Inc.'s existence, the company maintained a strict separation of editorial from the publishing and business side of each magazine, colloquially called the separation of "church" (editorial) and "state" (publishing). Publishing and Business Management includes the publisher, general manager, business manager, advertising sales, marketing services, letters, circulation, and public relations. The editorial side reported up to the editor-in-chief and the publishing/business side reported up to the corporate business executive which was the president prior to 1960 and the chief executive officer after. Henry Luce structured Time Inc. this way so that the business side could not (in theory) influence the editorial content of the publications. For example, the advertising sales people could not interfere with a magazine's decision to run an article on the dangers of cigarette smoking, even though it might mean losing millions of dollars in tobacco ads.
Elson, Robert T., Curtis Prendergast, and Geoffrey Colvin. Time Inc.; the Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise, 1960-1980. New York: Atheneum, 1985.
Hooper, Bill. Email to Holly Deakyne, 10 June 2016.
Arrangement Note
The record group is currently organized in six series:
Series I. Publisher Richard Durrell Files
Series II. Assistant Publisher Charlotte Schiff-Jones Files
Series III. Marketing Files
Series IV. Advertising Files
Series V. Public Affairs Records
Series VI. General Files
Scope and Contents
The People Publishing and Business Records contain records from offices and staff from the publishing and business side of the magazine, not the editorial side. Staff represented include Publisher Richard Durrell, Assistant Publisher Charlotte Schiff-Jones, Associate Consumer Marketing Director John Hartig, Director of Marketing Services Chuck Lund, and Magazine Development Group Marketing Director Mal Ochs. Records include correspondence, memorandum, advertising and marketing records, poll results, statistical computer analysis reports, convention information, People magazine development materials, and information on the short-lived 1978 Time-Life Films People television series. Includes records from when People operated under the Magazine Development Group before becoming its own department.
Access Restrictions
Open to qualified researchers with the exception of restricted materials. Restricted materials include contracts and agreements; records with personally identifiable information; and records with mold issues. Restricted materials are located in box R42. Box R43 contains materials restricted due to mold.
Unreformatted audiovisual material in the collection is not accessible.
Materials are stored offsite and advance notice is required for use.
Use Restrictions
Taking images of documents from the library collections for reference purposes by using hand-held cameras and in accordance with the library's photography guidelines is encouraged. As an alternative, patrons may request up to 20 images per day from staff.
Application to use images from this collection for publication should be made in writing to: Department of Rights and Reproductions, The New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West, New York, NY 10024-5194, rightsandrepro@nyhistory.org. Phone: (212) 873-3400 ext. 282.
Copyrights and other proprietary rights may subsist in individuals and entities other than the New-York Historical Society, in which case the patron is responsible for securing permission from those parties. For fuller information about rights and reproductions from N-YHS visit: https://www.nyhistory.org/about/rights-reproductions
Preferred Citation
The collection should be cited as Time Inc. People Publishing and Business Records, MS 3009-RG 27, The New-York Historical Society.
Location of Materials
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Gift of Time Inc. in 2015.
About this Guide
Processing Information Note
Time Inc. People Publishing and Business Records were processed by Melanie Rinehart in 2018 and 2019. The original folders were retained although some documents were transferred to archival containers in instances of overcrowding. Rinehart created the inventory and other descriptive notes for this collection.
Holly Deakyne processed and added the General Files in 2021.
Sponsor Note
Series I. Publisher Richard Durrell Files, 1973-1983, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Materials are from Richard Durrell's position at People and also within the advertising industry (see: convention materials and speeches).
Arranged into two subseries:
Subseries I.A. Magazine Development Files
Subseries I.B. Subject Files
Biographical / Historical
Richard Durrell joined Time Inc. as a circulation newsstand representative following graduation from the University of Minnesota in 1948. He worked in advertising for both Life and Time magazines, including a position as Life's Assistant Publisher. He was instrumental in the launch of People Magazine as its founding publisher in 1974. The magazine was launched as a newsstand-only publication on March 4, 1974, and exceeded sales of one million copies per issue by July 1974 due to Durrell creating a distribution network within Time Inc., known as Time Distribution Service (TDS). TDS worked with and eventually replaced Select Magazines Inc., Time Inc.'s previous distributor, and focused on market research to improve sales tactics. He was a vice president of Time Inc. and retired from the company as People publisher in 1984.
Creswell, Julie. "Richard J. Durrell, First Publisher of People Magazine, Dies at 82." The New York Times. March 08, 2008. Accessed November 27, 2018. https://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/08/business/media/08durrell.html.
Elson, Robert T., Curtis Prendergast, and Geoffrey Colvin. Time Inc.; the Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise, 1960-1980. New York: Atheneum, 1985.
Subseries I.A. Magazine Development Files, 1973-1975, bulk
Scope and Contents
Materials were collected from Tony Cox by Richard Durrell to be kept as reference on the development of People magazine. Font tests, congratulatory correspondence from collegues in and outside of Time Inc., and research on other magazines are included.
In original order.
ANA: October 1973 (RDJ Letter), 1973, inclusive
Bonuses, 1973, inclusive
Clips: People, 1973, inclusive
Comments on People, 1973, inclusive
Compton: Promotions, etc, 1973-1975, inclusive
Congratulatory Notes: Outside, 1973, inclusive
Congratulatory Notes: Time Inc., 1973, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes audiovisual material:
1 phonograph record (45 rpm) ; 7 in. Label on side 1: "Barbara Streisand, 'People'". Label on side 2: "Barbara Streisand, 'Secondhand Rose'". Label on container: "Columbia Hall of Fame Records. '10/18/73, Dick-- People who are people-people are the loveliest people in the world. Congrats, Dick Maylander'".
Facsimile Covers, 1973, inclusive
Launch Presentation, 1973, inclusive
Legal, 1973, inclusive
Legal: Logo and Other People Magazines, 1973-1974, inclusive
Launch Presentation, 1973, inclusive
Memoranda: Larsen, Roy, 1973, inclusive
Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1973, inclusive
Merchandising, 1973, inclusive
National Enquirer, 1973, inclusive
National Star, 1973-1974, inclusive
People: Original P & L Statements: Launch March 1, 1974, 1973, inclusive
People Pre-Publishing, 1973-1974, inclusive
People #2 Research, 1973, inclusive
People Test: Expenses, Questionnaires, Etc., 1973, inclusive
People Typeface: Century, 1973, inclusive
People Typeface: Helvetica, 1973, inclusive
People Typeface: Helvetica Unjustified, 1973, inclusive
People Typeface: Remington, 1973, inclusive
Permissions, 1973, inclusive
Rate Protection Plan, 1973, inclusive
Reactions, 1973, inclusive
Subseries I.B. Subject Files, 1973-1983, bulk
Scope and Contents
Materials include: memoranda from sales staff and People staff, correspondence, advertising research, advertising numbers, Time Distribution Services (TDS) files, correspondence with advertising agency Young & Rubicam, convention materials, golf trip information, speeches, branch office information for end of year, People development materials, copies of People magazine, and information on luncheon or dinner engagements.
Notable correspondents include: Dick Stolley, Pat Ryan, Hugh Sidey, Hedley Donovan, Art Keylor, and Erik Thorkilsen.
Arranged by year, then alphabetically within year. People branch office materials are filed at the end of each year.
18 Month Plan: People, 1974, inclusive
Advertising Marketing Strategy, 1974, inclusive
Announcement Ad, 1974, inclusive
Announcements 1973-1974, 1974, inclusive
Bios, 1974, inclusive
Budgets: General, 1974, inclusive
Cambridge Marketing Group, 1974, inclusive
Circulation, 1974, inclusive
Cole, Monger, Waterhouse, 1974, inclusive
Comments: Publicity (Extras), 1974, inclusive
Conventions: American Association of Advertising Agencies: May 15-18, 1974, inclusive
Conventions: NAFC: Las Vegas: October 20-23, 1974, inclusive
Conventions: Housing Conference: Lyford Cay: November 6-10, 1974, inclusive
Cover: Policy, Positions, 1974, inclusive
CPM, 1974, inclusive
Critiques on People: By Agencies, Etc., 1974, inclusive
Detroit, 1974, inclusive
Ideas for People: From Outside, 1974, inclusive
Launch Party: February 25-27, 1974, inclusive
Letters: Miscellaneous, 1974, inclusive
Letters: To Lists from Richard Durrell, 1974, inclusive
Lists: Dummy Issue, 1974, inclusive
"Magic Of People" Presentation: Doug Henning Lunches: October 8-10, 1974, inclusive
Marketing Plan, 1974, inclusive
Memoranda: Coffey, Richard, 1973-1974, inclusive
Memoranda: Keylor, Art, 1974, inclusive
Memoranda: Furst, Austin, 1974, inclusive
Memoranda: Larsen, Roy, 1974, inclusive
Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1974, inclusive
Memoranda: Posthorn, Stan, 1974, inclusive
Memoranda: Stolley, Dick, 1974, inclusive
Memoranda: Sutton, Kelso, 1974, inclusive
Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1974, inclusive
Memoranda: Valk, Garry, 1974, inclusive
Monthly Reports to Art Keylor, 1974, inclusive
Orient Express Showing: November 21, 1974, inclusive
People Magazines, 1974, inclusive
Personnel, 1974, inclusive
Photographers: Use of Pictures, Etc., 1974, inclusive
Postal Rates, 1974, inclusive
Promotion: General and Advertising, 1974, inclusive
Publicity: Print: Letters, Etc., 1974, inclusive
Pub Letter, 1974, inclusive
Publisher's Information Bureau, 1974, inclusive
Publisher's Report Letter: 17 Weeks: August 12, 1974, inclusive
Research, 1974, inclusive
Screening: The Great Gatsby, 1974, inclusive
SDRS, 1974, inclusive
Select Magazines, Incorporated, 1974, inclusive
Select Magazines: Store Checks: Letters To and From, 1974, inclusive
Select Magazines: Wholesalers, 1974, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Durrell, Dick, 1974, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1974, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1974, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Posthorn, Stan, 1974, inclusive
Speeches, 1974, inclusive
Speeches: Others, 1974, inclusive
Speeches: Overseas Press Club, 1974, inclusive
Study: Study of Target Public Attitudes Toward People Magazine and Reactions to Specific Editorial Dimensions, 1974, inclusive
Study: Top Advertisers and Agency People Magazine as a Vehicle for Advertising, 1974, inclusive
Subscription: Pricing, Etc., 1974, inclusive
Swaps: Trades, Etc., 1974, inclusive
Syndication, 1974, inclusive
Syndication: Air, 1974, inclusive
Syndication: Print, 1974, inclusive
Testimonial Ad, 1974, inclusive
Tests: Sales, Etc., 1974, inclusive
Trendex, 1974, inclusive
UPC (Universal Product Code), 1974, inclusive
Weekly Reports To Art Keylor, 1974, inclusive
Year End Double Issue, 1974, inclusive
Young & Rubicam: Promotion, People Advertising, 1974, inclusive
ActMedia, 1975, inclusive
Advertising Complaints (Reproductions, Etc.), 1975, inclusive
Ad Director's Letter, 1975, inclusive
Ad Records, 1975, inclusive
Airline: Subscriptions, 1975, inclusive
Airport: Sales, 1975, inclusive
Audience Statistics, 1975, inclusive
Bonuses, 1975, inclusive
Carson-Pirie-Scott Incorporated, 1975, inclusive
Circulation, 1975, inclusive
Clips: People, 1975, inclusive
Conventions (Dinners, Etc.), 1975, inclusive
Conventions: Trade, 1975, inclusive
Conventions: Super Market Institute: Bal Harbour, Florida: January 12-15, 1975, inclusive
Conventions: American Association of Advertising Agencies: Puerto Rico: March 19-22, 1975, inclusive
Conventions: Sour Mash: April 24-25, 1975, inclusive
Conventions: Energy Conference: Lyford Cay: April 24-27, 1975, inclusive
Conventions: National Association of Convenience Stores: September 21-25, 1975, inclusive
Conventions: National Association of Food Chains: Washington, D.C.: October 12-15, 1975, inclusive
Conventions: Western American Association of Advertising Agencies.: October 12-15, 1975, inclusive
Conventions: Association Of National Advertisers: Palm Beach: November 30-December 3, 1975, inclusive
Conventions: Lyford Cay: November, 1975, inclusive
Copy Acceptance, 1975, inclusive
Covers, 1975, inclusive
Dinners: Fischbach Gallery: Brainard, Connecticut: December 15, 1975, inclusive
Dinners: Screenings: Fortune: May 22, 1975, inclusive
Distribution: Delivery, 1975, inclusive
Edit Film: People: Between The Covers, 1975, inclusive
Europe Trip: August-September, 1975, inclusive
Faces magazine, 1975, inclusive
First Anniversary Party, 1975, inclusive
Free Space Requests, 1975, inclusive
Future of Magazines, 1975, inclusive
Golf, 1975, inclusive
Hall-Kirkendall and Associates, 1975, inclusive
Ideas for People, 1975, inclusive
International, 1975, inclusive
Legal: General, 1975, inclusive
Legal: Logos, Other Magazines, 1975, inclusive
Letters: Miscellaneous, 1975, inclusive
Letters: Personal, 1975, inclusive
Magazine Publishers Association: General, 1970-1975, inclusive
Magazine Publishers Association: Magazine Day: Chicago: February 27, 1975, inclusive
Memoranda: Barnet, Bruce, 1975, inclusive
Memoranda: Corr, Joe, 1975, inclusive
Memoranda: Donovan, Hedley, 1975, inclusive
Memoranda: Hale, Paul, 1975, inclusive
Memoranda: Keylor, Art, 1975, inclusive
Memoranda: McCluskey, 1975, inclusive
Memoranda: Sidey, Hugh, 1975, inclusive
Memoranda: Stolley, Dick, 1975, inclusive
Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1975, inclusive
Memoranda: Valk, Garry, 1975, inclusive
Miscellaneous, 1975, inclusive
Orlando Market, 1975, inclusive
Permissions, 1975, inclusive
Personnel, 1975, inclusive
Photographers, 1975, inclusive
Positioning, 1975, inclusive
Presentations, 1975, inclusive
Price Increase: 50 Cents, 1975, inclusive
Promotion, 1975, inclusive
Publisher's Estimate, 1975, inclusive
Publicity: Air, 1975, inclusive
Publicity: Print, 1975, inclusive
Rates, 1975-1976, inclusive
Requests for Appearances from Schools, Etc., 1975, inclusive
Research, 1975, inclusive
Result Stories, 1975, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Durrell, Dick, 1975, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Lund, Chuck, 1975, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Ochs, Mal, 1975, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Plaia, Dean, 1975, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Posthorn, Stan, 1975, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1975, inclusive
Simmons (W.R. Simmons Research), 1975, inclusive
Speeches: General, 1975, inclusive
Speeches: Grand Rapids Ad Club: October 3, 1975, inclusive
Speeches: Advertising Club of Fairfield Country: September 10, 1975, inclusive
Speeches: Requests for: General, 1975, inclusive
Speeches: Requests for: Cleveland Advertising Club, 1975, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesaler Incentive Program, 1975, inclusive
Time Distribution Services and Select Marketing: Store, 1975, inclusive
Time Distribution Services and Select Marketing: Wholesalers, 1975, inclusive
Time Distribution Services Staff Memoranda: From Dick Durrell, 1975, inclusive
Time-Life Films, 1975, inclusive
Test Markets: Portland and Minneapolis-Saint Paul: 50 Cent Test, 1975, inclusive
Two Year Plan, 1975, inclusive
Weekly Reports to Art Keylor, 1975, inclusive
Women, 1975, inclusive
Young & Rubicam, 1975, inclusive
Branch Offices: Minneapolis, 1975, inclusive
Branch Offices: Washington, D.C., 1975, inclusive
Branch Offices: West Coast: General, 1975, inclusive
Advertising Complaints (Reproduction), 1976, inclusive
Advertising Council, 1976, inclusive
Airline: Subscriptions, 1976, inclusive
Alberse, 1976, inclusive
Associated Press, 1976, inclusive
Automotive Strike: Policy, Etc., 1976, inclusive
Awards, 1976, inclusive
Bonuses, 1976, inclusive
Budgets: General, 1976, inclusive
Cambridge Research, 1976, inclusive
Canada, 1976, inclusive
Clips: General, 1976, inclusive
Clips: People, 1976, inclusive
Cole, Monger, Waterhouse, 1976, inclusive
Conventions: Dinners, Etc., 1976, inclusive
Conventions: Super Market Institute Midwinter: Bal Harbour: January 11-14, 1976, inclusive
Conventions: Western Association of Food Chains: Coronado: April 4-7, 1976, inclusive
Conventions: Building Conference: Lyford Cay: May 2-5, 1976, inclusive
Conventions: National Association of Chain Drug Stores: San Francisco: May 16-19, 1976, inclusive
Conventions: Food Merchandising Education Council: August 22-24, 1976, inclusive
Conventions: National Association of Convenience Stores: Atlanta: September 19-23, 1976, inclusive
Conventions: National Association of Food Chains: Los Angeles: October 18-20, 1976, inclusive
Covers: Tests, Etc., 1976, inclusive
Delivery: Traffic Study, 1976, inclusive
Dinah Show Taping: May 6, 1976, inclusive
Filler Space, 1976, inclusive
Five Year Plan, 1976, inclusive
Golf: Arcata Outing: Aspetuck, New York: October 7, 1976, inclusive
Golf: Blind Brook: September 9, 1976, inclusive
Golf: Sour Mash Tournament: May 13-14, 1976, inclusive
Golf: Time Inc. Golf Outing: Shoreacres: Chicago: June 8, 1976, inclusive
International, 1976, inclusive
International: Japan, 1976, inclusive
Legal, 1976, inclusive
Legal: Logo, Etc., 1976, inclusive
Letters: Miscellaneous, 1976, inclusive
Lists: Mailings, Etc., 1976, inclusive
Luncheons: Agency-Advertisers, Etc., 1976, inclusive
Mailing: Power Shift: May, 1976, inclusive
Meetings: Advertising Sales Staff: New York and Greenwich: August 4-5, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Barnet, Bruce, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Edit, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Elliman, Don, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Fisler, Bob, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Hall, Bill, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Keylor, Art, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Meier, Joe, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Ochs, Mal, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Posthorn, Stan, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Posthorn and Vecchio: Posters, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Stolley, Dick, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Valk, Garry, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Vecchio, Donna: Covers, 1976, inclusive
Memoranda: Walsh, Bill, 1976, inclusive
National Enquirer, 1976, inclusive
National Star, 1976, inclusive
People to People, 1976, inclusive
People Shopper, 1976, inclusive
Permissions, 1976, inclusive
Personnel, 1976, inclusive
Photographers, 1976, inclusive
Presentations, 1976, inclusive
Pricing: Regulations, Tests, Etc., 1976, inclusive
Promotion: Air, 1976, inclusive
Promotion: Air: Horror Movies, Etc., 1976, inclusive
Promotion: Air: Quadra, 1976, inclusive
Promotion: Consumer: Circulation, 1976, inclusive
Promotion: Print, 1976, inclusive
Publicity: Air, 1976, inclusive
Publishers Estimate, 1976, inclusive
Publisher's Letter, 1976, inclusive
Rates, 1976, inclusive
Requests for Appearances: Advertising Clubs, Schools, Etc., 1976, inclusive
Research, 1976, inclusive
Select Marketing: Correspondence, 1976, inclusive
Staff Memoranda: Durrell, Dick, 1976, inclusive
Staff Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1976, inclusive
Staff Memoranda: Posthorn, Stan, 1976, inclusive
Staff Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1976, inclusive
Stanford Court: San Francisco, 1976, inclusive
Starch, 1976, inclusive
Stores: A & P, 1976, inclusive
Stores: Giant Food Stores, 1976, inclusive
Stores: Safeway, 1976, inclusive
Stores: Stop and Shop (Louis Banks), 1976, inclusive
Stores: Weingarten, Lufkin, 1976, inclusive
Stores: Winn-Dixie, Etc. (Heiskell), 1976, inclusive
Store Checks, 1976, inclusive
Store Check By Ad Salesmen, 1976, inclusive
Strike, 1976, inclusive
Syndication: Print, 1976, inclusive
Test Markets, 1976, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: A.R.A., 1976, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Correspondence, 1976, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meetings, 1976, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores, 1976, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Kroger, 1976, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers, 1976, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers Incentive Program, 1976, inclusive
Time-Life Films, 1976, inclusive
Time-Life Films: NBC Television Show, 1976, inclusive
Time-Life Films: Television Shows, 1976, inclusive
Trades: Swaps, 1976, inclusive
Trades: Swaps: Air, 1976, inclusive
Two Year Plan, 1976, inclusive
Universal Product Code (UPC), 1976, inclusive
Us, 1976, inclusive
Weekly Reports to Art Keylor, 1976, inclusive
Women, 1976, inclusive
Year-End Issue, 1976, inclusive
Branch Offices: Los Angeles: Party, 1976, inclusive
Branch Offices: Washington, D.C., 1976, inclusive
Branch Offices: West Coast, 1976, inclusive
Act Media, 1977, inclusive
Ad Council, 1977, inclusive
Ad Pages: Limiting, 1977, inclusive
Advertising Age, 1977, inclusive
Ad Director's Letter, 1977, inclusive
Alberse, Jim, 1977, inclusive
Airline Research, 1977, inclusive
Annual Report, 1977, inclusive
Applications, 1977, inclusive
Audience Analysis, 1977, inclusive
Awards, 1977, inclusive
Bonuses, 1977, inclusive
Budget, 1977, inclusive
Budgets: Ad Sales, 1977, inclusive
Budgets: Circulation, 1977, inclusive
Budgets: Edit, 1977, inclusive
Budgets: Promotion, 1977, inclusive
Clips: Articles, 1977, inclusive
Clips: General, 1977, inclusive
Clips: People, 1977, inclusive
Clips: Supermarkets, Chains, Etc., 1977, inclusive
Cole, Monger, And Waterhouse Inc., 1977, inclusive
College Market, 1977, inclusive
Company Plane, 1977, inclusive
Complimentary Lists, 1977, inclusive
Conventions, 1977, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: Boca Raton: January 19-22, 1977, inclusive
Conventions: Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association: Boca Raton: February 27-March 3, 1977, inclusive
Conventions: Energy Conference: Williamsburg: April 5-8, 1977, inclusive
Conventions: Western Association of Food Chains, 1977, inclusive
Conventions: Proprietary: May 16-17, 1977, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: May 1977, 1977, inclusive
Conventions: Joint ANA/MPA/4A's Sesssion: New York: June 22, 1977, inclusive
Conventions: Creative Conference: July 10-13, 1977, inclusive
Conventions: Ad Age Media Workshop: Chicago: August 18, 1977, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: Atlanta: October 21-25, 1977, inclusive
Conventions: National Association of Convenience Stores: Toronto: September 18-22, 1977, inclusive
Conventions: Western American Association of Advertising Agencies: October 16-19, 1977, inclusive
Conventions: Housing Conference, 1977, inclusive
Copy Acceptance, 1977, inclusive
Covers, 1977, inclusive
Cover Tests, 1977, inclusive
Donohue Show, 1977, inclusive
Filler Space, 1977, inclusive
Five Year Plan, 1977, inclusive
Free Space Requests, 1977, inclusive
Golf, 1977, inclusive
Golf: Stoneacres Golf Club: Chicago: June 7, 1977, inclusive
Golf: NAGA: September 17, 1977, inclusive
Golf: La Quinta: December 8-9, 1977, inclusive
Helgeson, John, 1977, inclusive
Ideas for People, 1977, inclusive
International, 1977, inclusive
Issue Review, 1977, inclusive
Legal, 1977, inclusive
Legal: Logo, 3090, inclusive
Letters: Miscellaneous, 1977, inclusive
Letters: Replies to "The Gamesman", 1977, inclusive
Letters: Requests for Story Coverage, 1977, inclusive
Letters: Too Much Advertising, 1977, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners, 1977, inclusive
Memoranda: Clare Crawford Book, 1977, inclusive
Memoranda: Crutcher, Larry, 1977, inclusive
Memoranda: Edit, 1977, inclusive
Memoranda: Elliman, Don, 1977, inclusive
Memoranda: Keylor, Art, 1977, inclusive
Memoranda: Jones, Charlotte, 1977, inclusive
Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1977, inclusive
Memoranda: Posthorn, Stan, 1977, inclusive
Memoranda: Raley, Deane, 1977, inclusive
Memoranda: Shepley, Jim, 1977, inclusive
Memoranda: Valk, Garry, 1977, inclusive
Merchandising, 1977, inclusive
National Enquirer, 1977, inclusive
National Star, 1977, inclusive
People-to-People, 1977, inclusive
Paper Quality, 1977, inclusive
Party: Halloween: October 27, 1977, inclusive
Permissions, 1977, inclusive
Personnel, 1977, inclusive
Photo Exhibition, 1977, inclusive
Photographers, Etc., 1977, inclusive
Posters, 1977, inclusive
Poster Campaign, 1977, inclusive
Presentations: People Film, 1977, inclusive
Presentations: Miller Brewing: May 11, 1977, inclusive
Pricing: Regulations, Tests, Etc., 1977, inclusive
Promotion: Air, 1977, inclusive
Promotion: Television: Flighted vs. Control, 1977, inclusive
Rates: Corporate Discount, 1977, inclusive
Rate Increase, 1977, inclusive
Rebates: Advertising Complaints, 1977, inclusive
Research, 1977, inclusive
Sales Meeting: Bermuda: May 3-6, 1977, inclusive
Sales Staff: Durrell, Dick, 1977, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Lund, Chuck, 1977, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1977, inclusive
Speeches, 1977, inclusive
Speech Requests, 1977, inclusive
Store Checks, 1977, inclusive
Television: David Susskind Show, 1977, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores, 1977, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: A & P, 1977, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Stop And Shop (Lous Banks), 1977, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers, 1977, inclusive
Time-Life Films, 1977, inclusive
Time-Life Films: NBC, 1977, inclusive
Television and Television Shows, 1977, inclusive
Television: Special Edition, 1977, inclusive
Temple-Eastex, 1977, inclusive
Third Anniversary Party: March 3, 1977, inclusive
Universal Product Code, 1977, inclusive
Us, 1977, inclusive
Weekly Report: Keylor, Art, 1977, inclusive
Women, 1977, inclusive
Year End Issue, 1977, inclusive
Young & Rubicam Promotion, 1977, inclusive
Branch Office: Detroit, 1977, inclusive
Branch Office: Los Angeles, 1977, inclusive
Branch Office: Texas, 1977, inclusive
Branch Office: Washington, D.C., 1977, inclusive
Ad Council, 1978, inclusive
Airlines: Subscriptions, 1978, inclusive
Alberse, Jim, 1978, inclusive
Analysis: Breseman, Herb, 1978, inclusive
Annual Report, 1978, inclusive
Apparel Category, 1978, inclusive
Applications, 1978, inclusive
Automotive Category, 1978, inclusive
Bloomingdale Poster Program, 1978, inclusive
Awards, 1978, inclusive
Budget, 1978, inclusive
Budgets: Ad Sales, 1978, inclusive
Budgets: Circulation, 1978, inclusive
Budgets: Cost and Profit, 1978, inclusive
Budgets: Edit, 1978, inclusive
Budgets: H-Low Volume Requirement, 1978, inclusive
Budgets: Production, 1978, inclusive
Budgets: Promotion, 1978, inclusive
Canada, 1978, inclusive
Cigarette Category, 1978, inclusive
Circulation, 1978, inclusive
Circulation: All Magazines, 1978, inclusive
Clips: Articles, 1978, inclusive
Clips: People, 1978, inclusive
Clips: Supermarket, Chains, Etc., 1978, inclusive
College Market, 1978, inclusive
Company Plane, 1978, inclusive
Complaints: Advertising, 1978, inclusive
Comp Lists, 1978, inclusive
Conference: Board of Directors: Lyford Cay: November 15-16, 1978, inclusive
Conference: Housing Conference: December 10-14, 1978, inclusive
Conventions, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Dinners, Luncheons, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Middle East Tour, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Suggested Material, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute Midwinter: Boca Raton: January 8-11, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Detroit Auto Show: January 13, 1977-1978, inclusive
Conventions: Housewares Show: Super Bowl Screening: January 15, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Hilton Head: February 10-12, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Cosmetics, Toiletries, and Fragrance Association: Boca Raton: February 26-March 2, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: American Advertising Federation: March 18, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Western Association of Food Chains: San Antonio: March 23-26, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Corporate Manufacturing and Distribution: Sawgrass: April 9-11, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: National Association of Chain Drug Stores: April 9-12, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: Dallas: April 30-May 1, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Board of Directors Reception: Chicago: May 17, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: American Advertising Federation Award : Dinner-Dance: June 2, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Time Sales Meeting: Kiawah: June 4-8, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Magazine Publishing Week: June 12, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Creative Conference: Cambridge: June 18-21, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Taxation Conference: Washington, D.C.: September 13-14, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: National Association of Chain Stores: Los Angeles: September 24-28, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Magazine Publishers Association and the American Society of Magazine Editors: Pheonix: October 15-18, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: New Orleans: October 21-25, 1978, inclusive
Conventions: Creative Conference: 1979, 1978, inclusive
Copy Acceptance, 1978, inclusive
Copy Processing (Decentralization), 1978, inclusive
Corporate Manufacturing and Distribution, 1978, inclusive
Cosmopolitan , 1978, inclusive
Couponing, 1978, inclusive
Cover Tests, 1978, inclusive
Covers, 1978, inclusive
Covers for Merchandising, 1978, inclusive
Covers from Other Magazines, 1978, inclusive
Covers: Research, 1978, inclusive
CPDA News, 1978, inclusive
Cross Fertilization, 1978, inclusive
Delivery Reports and Complaints, 1978, inclusive
Dinah, 1978, inclusive
Dinners: Staff: Giambelli: January 26, 1978, inclusive
Dinners: Windows On The World Dinner: June 29, 1978, inclusive
Direct Mail, 1978, inclusive
Distribution: Misses, 1978, inclusive
Donath, Bob Column: Daily News, 1978, inclusive
Donohue Show, 1978, inclusive
Edit: Close and Misses, 1978, inclusive
Edit: Production: Five Plants, 1978, inclusive
Esquire, 1978, inclusive
Estimates, 1978, inclusive
Evaluations, 1978, inclusive
Faces Magazine, 1978, inclusive
Family Circle, 1978, inclusive
Federal Trade Commission, 1978, inclusive
Filler Space, 1978, inclusive
Five-Year Plan, 1978, inclusive
Focus Magazine (Australia), 1978, inclusive
Free Space Requests, 1978, inclusive
Free Sub Requests, 1978, inclusive
Golf, 1978, inclusive
Golf: DAA, 1978, inclusive
Golf: "Legends of Golf": Austin, Texas: April 26-28, 1978, inclusive
Golf: Detroit Golf Invitational: May 22, 1978, inclusive
Golf: Anama VIP Pro-Am Golf: June 19, 1978, inclusive
Golf: Chicago Gold Outing: Shoreacres: June 27-28, 1978, inclusive
Golf: National Golf Links: July 12-13, 1978, inclusive
Golf: Time Inc. Invitational: July 24-25, 1978, inclusive
Golf: Arcata National Corporation: Aspertuck Country Club: September 7, 1978, inclusive
Golf: National Golf Links: September 20-21, 1978, inclusive
Golf: National Golf Links: Supermarket People: September 28, 1978, inclusive
Golf: Time Inc. Golf: LaQuinta: December 14-15, 1978, inclusive
Hall Magazine Editorial Reports, 1978, inclusive
Home Box Office (HBO), 1978, inclusive
Ideas: Ad Expo, 1978, inclusive
Ideas for People, 1978, inclusive
Inserts, 1978, inclusive
International, 1978, inclusive
International: Australia, 1978, inclusive
International: England, 1978, inclusive
International: European Representation, 1978, inclusive
Intercorporate Group, 1978, inclusive
Kotter, John: Harvard University Session: December 12-14, 1978, inclusive
Legal, 1978, inclusive
Legal: Logo, 1978, inclusive
Legal: Logo: Modern People, 1978, inclusive
Letters, 1978, inclusive
Letters: Circulation Complaints, 1978, inclusive
Letters; Complaints on Stories, 1978, inclusive
Letters: Miscellaneous, 1978, inclusive
Letters: Per Person Versus Billing, 1978, inclusive
Letters: Pricing, 1978, inclusive
Letters: Requests for Story Coverage, 1978, inclusive
Letters: Too Much Advertising, 1978, inclusive
Life, 1978, inclusive
Liquor Category, 1978, inclusive
Look, 1978, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Agencies, Advertisers, Etc., 1978, inclusive
Madison Avenue, 1978, inclusive
Magazines, Newspapers, Tabloids, Etc., 1978, inclusive
Mailings: 1978 Diary, 1978, inclusive
Mailings: Andre Watts Album, 1978, inclusive
Media Industry Newsletter (MIN), 1978, inclusive
Media Workshop, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Arnold, Kerry, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Barnet, Bruce, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Crawford, Clare, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Crowley, John, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Crutcher, Larry, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Davidson, Ralph, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Donovan, Hedley, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Dunne, Bill, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Edit, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Edwards, Bari, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Elliman, Don, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Fisler, Bob, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Gallagher, John, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Hale, Paul, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Hall, Bill, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Hall, Bill, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Heiskell, Andrew, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Jones, Charlotte, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Keylor, Art, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Labich, Dick, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Larsen, Roy, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Lund, Chuck, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: McCluskey, Jim, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Mulcahy, Eileen, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Nunes, Lucy, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Posthorn, Stan, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Pouliot, Ruth, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Production, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Schenck, John, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Schiller, Clark, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Schrieber, Bob, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Slovinsky, Lou, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Stoklos, Mary, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Stolley, Dick, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Strauss, Ed, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Sutton, Kelso, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Valk, Garry, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Znachko, Mike, 1978, inclusive
Memoranda: Zucchi, Dan, 1978, inclusive
Money, 1978, inclusive
Merchandising, 1978, inclusive
Monger and Waterhouse, 1978, inclusive
National Association of Broadcasters Presentation, 1978, inclusive
Nashville Weekend: October 13-15, 1978, inclusive
National Enquirer, 1978, inclusive
National Golf Links, 1978, inclusive
National Star, 1978, inclusive
New Orleans, 1978, inclusive
New York Times, 1978, inclusive
Newsweek, 1978, inclusive
NOVA Magazine, 1978, inclusive
Parties, 1978, inclusive
Parties: For Charlotte Schiff Jones: June, 1978, inclusive
Parties: December 3 Party at Home, 1978, inclusive
People Shopper, 1978, inclusive
People to People, 1978, inclusive
Permissions, 1978, inclusive
Personnel, 1978, inclusive
Personnel: Restructure, 1978, inclusive
Photographers, Etc., 1978, inclusive
Photo Show, 1978, inclusive
Pioneer Press, 1978, inclusive
Positioning, 1978, inclusive
Postal Service, 1978, inclusive
Posters, 1978, inclusive
Presentation Film, 1978, inclusive
Presentations: People's Choice: November 1, 1978, inclusive
Price Tests, 1978, inclusive
Pricing: Regulations, Tests, Etc., 1978, inclusive
Print: Plants, 1978, inclusive
Production, 1978, inclusive
Production: Corporate, 1978, inclusive
Production: Weekly Meetings, 1978, inclusive
Promotion: Air, 1978, inclusive
Promotion: Consumer Circulation, 1978, inclusive
Promotion: Consumer Radio, 1978, inclusive
Promotion: General, 1978, inclusive
Promotion: Print, 1978, inclusive
Promotion: Trades, 1978, inclusive
Publicity: Air, 1978, inclusive
Publishers' Lunch, 1978, inclusive
Raises, 1978, inclusive
Rates, 1978, inclusive
RDA, 1978, inclusive
Reader's Digest, 1978, inclusive
Rebates: Advertising Complaints, 1978, inclusive
Recession, 1978, inclusive
Redbook, 1978, inclusive
Regional and Metro, 1978, inclusive
Reprints, 1978, inclusive
Research by Young & Rubicam: Tests, 1978, inclusive
Rate Increase, 1978, inclusive
Research, 1978, inclusive
Research: Focus Groups, 1978, inclusive
Research: Scarborough Study, 1978, inclusive
Result Stories, 1978, inclusive
Sales Figures, 1978, inclusive
Sales Meeting: Sawgrass: May 9-12, 1978, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Durrell, Dick, 1978, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Lund, Chuck, 1978, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1978, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Posthorn, Stan, 1978, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Schenck, John, 1978, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1978, inclusive
Screenings, 1978, inclusive
Screenings: A Chorus Line: Chicago: January 9, 1978, inclusive
Screenings: Grease: June 15, 1978, inclusive
Select Magazines, 1978, inclusive
Shopping Lists (Inserts), 1978, inclusive
Simmons, 1978, inclusive
Special Units, 1978, inclusive
Speeches: Minnesota Advertising Federation: January 19, 1978, inclusive
Speeches: International Periodical Distributors Association: November 30, 1978, inclusive
Sports Illustrated, 1978, inclusive
Starch, 1978, inclusive
Store Checks, 1978, inclusive
Store Checks by Ad Salesmen, 1978, inclusive
Subscriptions, 1978, inclusive
Supermarket News, 1978, inclusive
Tanglewood, 1978, inclusive
Target Group Index, 1978, inclusive
Television and Television Shows, 1978, inclusive
Television: David Susskind Show, 1978, inclusive
Television: People Show: Share of Market, 1978, inclusive
Temple-Eastex, 1978, inclusive
Time, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: A & P, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Checkout, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Correspondence, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Draw, Sale, Etc., 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Front End, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: General, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: People, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meetings, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meeting: Regional Managers: Dallas: March 28-29, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meeting: Los Angeles: September 22, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meeting: Disney World: December 3-7, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Personnel, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Racking, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Safeway, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stop and Shop (Louis Banks), 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Weingarten, Lufkin, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers: Cities Off Certification, 1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Winn-Dixie, 1978, inclusive
Time-Life Books, 1978, inclusive
Time-Life Films, 1978, inclusive
Trades, 1978, inclusive
Travel Category, 1978, inclusive
Trips: Fishing, Tennis, Etc., 1978, inclusive
TV Guide, 1978, inclusive
United Fund, 1978, inclusive
US, 1978, inclusive
US: Advertising, 1978, inclusive
US: Circulation, 1978, inclusive
US: Promotion, 1978, inclusive
US: Publicity, 1978, inclusive
US: Racking [EMPTY]
US: Research, 1978, inclusive
US: Sales Figures, 1978, inclusive
Washington Star, 1978, inclusive
Weekly Report: Keylor, 1978, inclusive
Woman's Day, 1978, inclusive
Women, 1978, inclusive
Year-End Issue, 1978, inclusive
Young & Rubicam Promotion, 1978, inclusive
Branch Offices: Chicago, 1978, inclusive
Branch Offices: Denver, 1978, inclusive
Branch Offices: Detroit, 1978, inclusive
Branch Offices: Los Angeles, 1978, inclusive
Branch Offices: Minneapolis, 1978, inclusive
Branch Offices: New York, 1978, inclusive
Branch Offices: Washington, D.C., 1978, inclusive
Branch Offices: West Coast (General), 1978, inclusive
Advertising Age, 1979, inclusive
Ad Council, 1979, inclusive
Advertising/Edit Ratio, 1979, inclusive
Airline Research, 1979, inclusive
Airline Subs, 1979, inclusive
Airport Sales, 1979, inclusive
American Advertising Federation, 1979, inclusive
Annual Report, 1979, inclusive
Anny, 1979, inclusive
Apparel Category, 1979, inclusive
Applications, 1979, inclusive
Automotive Strike, 1979, inclusive
Awards, 1979, inclusive
Bleed, 1979, inclusive
Blynn, Buz, 1979, inclusive
Budget, 1979, inclusive
Budgets: Ad Sales, 1979, inclusive
Budgets: Circulation, 1979, inclusive
Budgets: Edit, 1979, inclusive
Budgets and Five Year Plan, 1979, inclusive
Budgets: General, 1979, inclusive
Budgets: Production, 1979, inclusive
Budgets: Promotion, 1979, inclusive
Cable Television, 1979, inclusive
Canada, 1979, inclusive
Circulation, 1979, inclusive
Circulation: All Magazines, 1979, inclusive
Clips: People, 1979, inclusive
Clips: People: Carter Statement, 1979, inclusive
College Market, 1979, inclusive
Company Plane, 1979, inclusive
Complaints: Advertising, Etc., 1979, inclusive
Complaints: Subs, Edits, Etc., 1979, inclusive
Comp Lists, 1979, inclusive
Conferences: Northwestern University: April 27-28, 1979, inclusive
Conferences: Conference on Anti Trust: Washington, D.C.: May 6-8, 1979, inclusive
Conventions: Trade, Etc., 1979, inclusive
Conventions: Dinners, Luncheons, Etc., 1979, inclusive
Conventions: Detroit Auto Show: January 12, 1979, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: Boca Raton: January 23, 1979, inclusive
Conventions: Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association: Boca Raton: February 25-March 1, 1979, inclusive
Conventions: Western Association of Food Chains: Honolulu: April 7-11, 1979, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: Dallas: May 6-9, 1979, inclusive
Conventions: American Association Of Advertising: Greenbrier: May 16-19, 1979, inclusive
Conventions: ACT Accolade: Philadelphia: August 15, 1979, inclusive
Conventions: National Association of Convenience Stores: New Orleans: September 14-15, 1979, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: Washington, D.C.: October 14-16, 1979, inclusive
Conventions: American Society of Travel Agents: Munich: October 21-26, 1979, inclusive
Conventions: American Advertising Federation: Phoenix: November 9, 1979, inclusive
Copy Acceptance, 1979, inclusive
Copy Processing: Decentralization, 1979, inclusive
Corporate Manufacturing and Distribution, 1979, inclusive
Cosmopolitan, 1979, inclusive
Covers, 1979, inclusive
Covers: Tests and Research, 1979, inclusive
Covers: Tip Ons, 1979, inclusive
Couponing, 1979, inclusive
CPM, 1979, inclusive
Distribution, 1979, inclusive
Douglas, Mike Show: Los Angeles: November 12, 1979, inclusive
Edit: Serious Articles, 1979, inclusive
Family Circle, 1979, inclusive
Fifth Anniversary, 1979, inclusive
Filler Space, 1979, inclusive
Filler Space: Others in People, 1979, inclusive
Folio, 1979, inclusive
Fortune, 1979, inclusive
Free Contribution Requests, 1979, inclusive
Free Space Requests, 1979, inclusive
Free Sub Requests, 1979, inclusive
Gallagher Report, 1979, inclusive
Golf, 1979, inclusive
Golf: Legends of Golf: Austin: April 24-25, 1979, inclusive
Golf: National Golf Links: May 15-16, 1979, inclusive
Golf: Time Inc. Golf Invitational: Detroit: May 21, 1979, inclusive
Golf: National Golf Links: July 11-12, 1979, inclusive
Golf: Golden Lights Pro-Am: May 29-30, 1979, inclusive
Golf: Detroit: June 19, 1979, inclusive
Golf: Time Inc. Golf Invitational: June 25-26, 1979, inclusive
Golf: National Golf Links: Retailers: July 19, 1979, inclusive
Golf: Chicago: September 17, 1979, inclusive
Golf: National Golf Links: September 19-20, 1979, inclusive
Golf: Time Inc. Invitational: Palm Springs: December 6-8, 1979, inclusive
Hall Magazine Editorial Representation, 1979, inclusive
Hold, 1979, inclusive
Home Broadcasting Office (HBO), 1979, inclusive
Ibit, 1979, inclusive
Ideas (For People), 1979, inclusive
Ideas: Airborn Audio Systems, 1979, inclusive
Ideas: Radio: Murray Roberts, 1979, inclusive
Ideas: Warner Paperback, 1979, inclusive
International, 1979, inclusive
International: England, 1979, inclusive
International: Germany, 1979, inclusive
International: Japan, 1979, inclusive
Inserts, 1979, inclusive
Insert Cards, 1979, inclusive
Intercorporate Group, 1979, inclusive
Legal, 1979, inclusive
Legal: Logo, 1979, inclusive
Legal: Trademark, 1979, inclusive
Letters, 1979, inclusive
Letters: Circulation Complaints, 1979, inclusive
Letters: Complaints On Stories, 1979, inclusive
Letters: Miscellaneous, 1979, inclusive
Letters: Northland College, 1979, inclusive
Letters: Per Person vs. Billing, 1979, inclusive
Letters: Personal, 1979, inclusive
Letters: Personal [RESTRICTED], 1979, inclusive
Letters: Personal: Pen Tudor and Arthritis Foundation, 1979, inclusive
Letters: Personal Stocks, Etc., 1979, inclusive
Letters: Personal Stocks, Etc. [RESTRICTED], 1979, inclusive
Letters: Requests for Story Coverage, 1979, inclusive
Letters: To Personnel, 1979, inclusive
Licensing, 1979, inclusive
Life, 1979, inclusive
Liquor Category, 1979, inclusive
Look, 1979, inclusive
Look: Panel Estimates, 1979, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Agencies, Advertisers, Etc., 1979, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Marine Dinner: Washington, D.C.: June 12, 1979, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Saratoga Outing: August 9, 1979, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Arjay Miller: San Francisco: August 21, 1979, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Henry Kissinger: October 2, 1979, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Clare Booth Luce: October 9, 1979, inclusive
Magazine Research Inc., 1979, inclusive
Magazines, Tabloids, Newspapers, 1979, inclusive
Magazines, Tabloids, Newspapers: New, 1979, inclusive
Mailing Lists, 1979, inclusive
Mailings: Diary, 1979, inclusive
Meeting: Anti-Trust Review: June 1, 1979, inclusive
Meeting: Northland College, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Barnet, Bruce, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Cooper, Mike, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Crawford, Clare, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Crowley, John, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Crutcher, Larry, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Davidson, Ralph, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: D'Onofrio, Pat: Share of Market Report, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Donovan, Hedley, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Edit, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Fisler, Bob, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Gallagher, John, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Gentalen, Tiit, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Keylor, Art, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Labich, Dick, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Larsen, Roy, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Lund, Chuck, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Marketing Services, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: McCluskey, Jim, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Meigher, Chris, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Mulcahy, Eileen, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Nunes, Lucy, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Posthorn, Stan, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Pouliot, Ruth, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Publicity, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Schenck, John, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Schiller, Clark, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Slovinsky, Lou, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Stokley, Mary, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Stolley, Dick, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Strauss, Ed, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Thorkilsen, Eric, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Verdon, John, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Znachko, Mike, 1979, inclusive
Memoranda: Zucchi, Dan, 1979, inclusive
Merchandising, 1979, inclusive
Miscellaneous, 1979, inclusive
Monger and Waterhouse, 1979, inclusive
Motion Picture Industry: Category, 1979, inclusive
Nashville: October 5-7, 1979, inclusive
National Enquirer, 1979, inclusive
National Golf Links, 1979, inclusive
National Star, 1979, inclusive
Newsstand Draw and Sale, 1979, inclusive
New York Times, 1979, inclusive
Newsweek, 1979, inclusive
Offset, 1979, inclusive
Out of Town Schedules, 1979, inclusive
Paper Shortage, 1979, inclusive
Paper Shortage: Supercalendered, 1979-1980, inclusive
Parties, 1979-1980, inclusive
Parties: Valentine's Day: Roseland: February 14, 1979-1980, inclusive
Parties: Fifth Anniversary Party: March 8, 1979-1980, inclusive
Parties: Stan Posthorn: May 9, 1979-1980, inclusive
Parties: Lund and Hodgekiss: June 21, 1979-1980, inclusive
Parties: San Francisco Opening Party: August 22, 1979-1980, inclusive
People Shopper, 1979-1980, inclusive
People to People, 1979-1980, inclusive
Permissions, 1979-1980, inclusive
Personnel, 1979-1980, inclusive
Personnel: Promotion Director Probe, 1979-1980, inclusive
Photographers, Fees, Etc., 1979-1980, inclusive
Playboy Enterprises, Inc., 1979-1980, inclusive
Positioning, 1979-1980, inclusive
Postal Service, 1979-1980, inclusive
Posters, 1979-1980, inclusive
Posters [RESTRICTED], 1979, inclusive
Presentations, 1979, inclusive
Presentations: Food Category: Food Marketing Institute, 1979, inclusive
Presentations: Industry, 1979, inclusive
Presentations: People's Choice, 1979, inclusive
Presentations: Synergistic, 1979, inclusive
Price Tests, 1979, inclusive
Pricing, Regulations, Tests, Etc., 1979, inclusive
Printing: Plants: Pine Street, 1979, inclusive
Production, 1979, inclusive
Promotion: Air: Commercials, 1979, inclusive
Promotion: Circulation Agency Search, 1979, inclusive
Promotion: Circulation Subscription Cards, 1979, inclusive
Promotion: Consumer Circulation, 1979, inclusive
Promotion: Consumer Radio, 1979, inclusive
Promotion: General, 1979, inclusive
Promotion: Print, 1979, inclusive
Promotion: Television, 1979, inclusive
Publicity: Air, 1979, inclusive
Publicity: General, 1979, inclusive
Publicity: Print, 1979, inclusive
Publisher's Lunch, 1979, inclusive
Raises, 1979, inclusive
Rate Base, 1979, inclusive
Rate Increase, 1979, inclusive
Rates, 1979, inclusive
Rates: Subscriptions [EMPTY]
Reader's Digest, 1979, inclusive
Research, 1979, inclusive
Research: American Association of Advertising Agencies, 1979, inclusive
Research: Focus Groups, 1979, inclusive
Research: Focus Groups: Atlanta: March 22-24, 1979, inclusive
Research: Focus Groups: Hartford: June 28-29, 1979, inclusive
Research: Focus Groups: Long Island: August 7-8, 1979, inclusive
Research: Focus Groups: Ridgewood, New Jersey: December 18, 1979, inclusive
Research: People Buyer Survey, 1979, inclusive
Research: Readers Perception Study, 1979, inclusive
Research: Telmar, 1979, inclusive
Result Stories, 1979, inclusive
RFK Pro-Celebrity Tournament, 1979, inclusive
Sales Figures, 1979, inclusive
Sales Meeting: Hawaii: May 16-21, 1979, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Crowley, John, 1979, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Durrell, Dick, 1979, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Gentalen, Tiit, 1979, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Lund, Chuck, 1979, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1979, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Motta, Tony, 1979, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Nelson, Bill, 1979, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Promotion, 1979, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Schenck, John, 1979, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1979, inclusive
Screenings:, 1979, inclusive
Screenings: Dracula: July 9-10, 1979, inclusive
Serialization, 1979, inclusive
Simmons, 1979, inclusive
Simmons Market Research Bureau, 1979, inclusive
Special Units, 1979, inclusive
Speeches: Philadelphia: August 15, 1979, inclusive
Starch, 1979, inclusive
Store Checks, 1979, inclusive
Store Checks by Salesmen, 1979, inclusive
Subscriptions, 1979, inclusive
Subscriptions: Test, 1979, inclusive
Syndication, 1979, inclusive
Teamsters Strike, 1979, inclusive
Temple-Eastex, 1979, inclusive
Test Markets, 1979, inclusive
Television and TV Shows, 1979, inclusive
Television and TV Shows: Susskind, David, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: A & P, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Bonus, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Bus Stop/Poster Campaign: Young & Rubicam, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Checkers, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Checkout, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Correspondence, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: General, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meeting: Miami: January 23-24, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meeting: Dallas: May 9, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meeting: Sterling Forest: June 27-29, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meeting: Phoenix: November 6, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Monthly and Weekly Report, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: People, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Personnel, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Racking, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Racking: Stories Covered Weekly, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Jewel, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Safeway, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Test: Burbank, California Agency, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers: Cities Off Certification, 1979, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers: Late Delivery Reports, 1979, inclusive
Trades, 1979, inclusive
United Way, 1979, inclusive
Us, 1979, inclusive
Us: Circulation, 1979, inclusive
Us: Promotion, 1979, inclusive
Us: Publicity, 1979, inclusive
Us: Research, 1979, inclusive
Us: Sales Figures, 1979, inclusive
Vacations, 1979, inclusive
Washington Star, 1979, inclusive
Weekly Regional Managers Sales Estimate, 1979, inclusive
Weekly Regional Managers Sales Estimate: Us, 1979, inclusive
Weekly Report, 1979, inclusive
Wholesalers: Charles Levy Circulation Company, 1979, inclusive
Women, 1979, inclusive
Women's Books, 1979, inclusive
Women's Day, 1979, inclusive
Year-End Guesstimates: 1979, 1979, inclusive
Year-End Guesstimates: 1978: By January 15, 1979, inclusive
Year End Issue, 1979, inclusive
Young & Rubicam Promotion, 1979, inclusive
Branch Offices: Chicago, 1979, inclusive
Branch Offices: Columbus: April 24-25, 1979, inclusive
Branch Offices: Detroit, 1979, inclusive
Branch Offices: Los Angeles, 1979, inclusive
Branch Offices: New York, 1979, inclusive
Branch Offices: San Francisco, 1979, inclusive
Branch Offices: Washington, D.C., 1979, inclusive
Branch Offices: West Coast, 1979, inclusive
Ad Council, 1980, inclusive
Ad Director's Memoranda, 1980, inclusive
Advertising/Edit Ratio, 1980, inclusive
Advertising Records, 1980, inclusive
Advertising Research Foundation, 1980, inclusive
Affirmative Action, 1980, inclusive
Agency Reports [EMPTY]
Airline Research [EMPTY]
Airport Sale, 1980, inclusive
Airline Subscriptions, 1980, inclusive
American Advertising Federation, 1980, inclusive
Annual Report, 1980, inclusive
Apparel Category, 1980, inclusive
Applications, 1980, inclusive
Association of National Advertisers, 1980, inclusive
Audit Bureau of Circulation Reports: 1975-1980, 1980, inclusive
Audit Bureau of Circulation Reports: 1975-1980, 1980, inclusive
Automotive Category, 1980, inclusive
Awards, 1980, inclusive
Background, 1980, inclusive
Bagley Report: Food Marketing Institute, 1980, inclusive
Baseball Lists, Etc., 1980, inclusive
Basketball Lists, 1980, inclusive
Bios, 1980, inclusive
Bios [RESTRICTED], 1980, inclusive
Bleed, 1980, inclusive
Blynn, Buz: Miami Representative, 1980, inclusive
Body: Edit Section: Diet/Fitness, 1980, inclusive
Bonus Letters, 1980, inclusive
Budget: 1981, 1980, inclusive
Budget: Ad Sales, 1980, inclusive
Budget: Edit [EMPTY]
Budget and Five Year Plan, 1980, inclusive
Budget: General, 1980, inclusive
Budget: Marketing Services and Research, 1980, inclusive
Budget: Promotion, 1980, inclusive
Cable Television, 1980, inclusive
Cambodia Campaigns, 1980, inclusive
Cambridge, 1980, inclusive
Canada, 1980, inclusive
Cancer Story, 1980, inclusive
Cigarette Category, 1980, inclusive
Circulation, 1980, inclusive
Circulation: All Magazines, 1980, inclusive
Circulation: Red Tag, 1980, inclusive
Clips: Background Material, 1980, inclusive
Clips: Box Stores, 1980, inclusive
Clips: Cutback in Buying, Etc., 1980, inclusive
Clips: People, 1980, inclusive
Clips: Supermarket, 1980, inclusive
College Market, 1980, inclusive
Color Costs, 1980, inclusive
Comp Lists, 1980, inclusive
Company Plane, 1980, inclusive
Complaints: Advertising, Etc., 1980, inclusive
Complaint Reports: Jerry Stelle, 1980, inclusive
Conventions: Political, 1980, inclusive
Conventions: Second Half, 1980, inclusive
Conventions: Trade, Etc., 1980, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: Las Vegas: February 10-13, 1980, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: Las Vegas: February 10: Invitees, 1980, inclusive
Conventions: Western Association of Food Chains: Phoenix: April 19-24, 1980, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: Dallas: May 4-7, 1980, inclusive
Conventions: American Association of Advertising Agencies: May 14-17, 1980, inclusive
Conventions: Republican Convention: Detroit: July 14, 1980, inclusive
Conventions: Democratic Convention: New York: August 11, 1980, inclusive
Conventions: National Association of Chain Stores: Honolulu: October 4-9, 1980, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: October 19-21, 1980, inclusive
Copy Acceptance, 1980, inclusive
Copy Processing: Decentralization, 1980, inclusive
Corporate Manufacturing and Distribution, 1980, inclusive
Corporate Manufacturing and Distribution: CPDA, 1980, inclusive
Corporate Manufacturing and Distributing: Letterpress/Offset, 1980, inclusive
Cosmopolitan, 1980, inclusive
Couponing, 1980, inclusive
Covers, 1980, inclusive
Covers: Other Magazines, 1980, inclusive
Covers: Tip-Ons [EMPTY]
Covers: Tests and Research, 1980, inclusive
CPM, 1980, inclusive
Doonesbury, 1980, inclusive
Delivery Reports, 1980, inclusive
Direct Mail, 1980, inclusive
Direct Response Advertising [EMPTY]
Discover, 1980, inclusive
Distribution, 1980, inclusive
Douglas, Mike Show, 1980, inclusive
Edit: Close, 1980, inclusive
Edit: Close and Misses [EMPTY]
Edit: Color, 1980, inclusive
Edit: Pages, 1980, inclusive
Edit: Production [EMPTY]
Edit: Serious People Articles, 1980, inclusive
Edit: Windows On The World, 1980, inclusive
Esquire, 1980, inclusive
Evaluations, 1980, inclusive
Fact Sheets, 1980, inclusive
Family Circle, 1980, inclusive
East Close, 1980, inclusive
Federal Trade Commission [EMPTY]
Figures [EMPTY]
Filler Space, 1980, inclusive
Filler Space: Others in People, 1980, inclusive
Five Year Plan, 1980, inclusive
Folio, 1980, inclusive
Food Category, 1980, inclusive
Fortune, 1980, inclusive
Free Contribution Requests, 1980, inclusive
Free Space Requests, 1980, inclusive
Free Subscription Requests [EMPTY]
Free: Young & Rubicam, 1980, inclusive
Gallagher Reports, 1980, inclusive
Golf, 1980, inclusive
Golf: Time Inc. Invitational: May 19, 1980, inclusive
Golf: Golden Lights: May 28, 1980, inclusive
Golf: Time Inc. Invitational: Art Keylor: Maidstone: June 23-24, 1980, inclusive
Golf: Blind Brook: Alaska: July 15, 1980, inclusive
Golf: Tuxedo: July 17, 1980, inclusive
Golf: Time Inc. Invitational: September 15-16, 1980, inclusive
Golf: Time Inc. Invitational: Palm Springs: December 3-6, 1980, inclusive
Good Housekeeping, 1980, inclusive
Grant Gentry, 1980, inclusive
HABA Category, 1980, inclusive
Hall Magazine Editorial Report, 1980, inclusive
HBA Category, 1980, inclusive
Hold, 1980, inclusive
Home Box Office, 1980, inclusive
Home Furnishings Category [EMPTY]
House Space Orders, 1980, inclusive
Ibit, 1980, inclusive
Ideas, 1980, inclusive
Ideas: Little Brown, 1980, inclusive
Ideas: Murray Roberts, 1980, inclusive
Ideas: Norbach, 1980, inclusive
Ideas: Puzzle, 1980, inclusive
Information Systems Division, 1980, inclusive
Inserts, 1980, inclusive
Insert Cards, 1980, inclusive
Intercorporate Group, 1980, inclusive
International, 1980, inclusive
International: England, 1980, inclusive
International: Japan, 1980, inclusive
International: Japan [RESTRICTED], 1980, inclusive
Legal, 1980, inclusive
Legal: Logo, 1980, inclusive
Legal: Trademark, 1980, inclusive
Letters, 1980, inclusive
Letters: Circulation Complaints, 1980, inclusive
Letters: Complaints on Edit, 1980, inclusive
Letters: Miscellaneous, 1980, inclusive
Letters: Northland College, 1980, inclusive
Letters: Per Person vs. Billing, 1980, inclusive
Letters: Personal, 1980, inclusive
Letters: Personal: Arthritis Foundation, 1980, inclusive
Letters: Pricing, 1980, inclusive
Letters: Re: August 11 Cover, 1980, inclusive
Letters: Reports, 1980, inclusive
Letters: Reports: Second Half, 1980, inclusive
Letters: Requests for Edit Coverage, 1980, inclusive
Letters: Too Much Advertising, 1980, inclusive
Licensing [EMPTY]
Life, 1980, inclusive
Liquor Category, 1980, inclusive
Look [EMPTY]
Luncheons, Dinners, 1980, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Dan Shedrick Proposals [EMPTY]
Luncheons/Dinners: Baltimore Lunch, Washington Dinner: January 9, 1980, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Willie Stargell: January 10-11, 1980, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Dr. Arthur Schlesinger: February 5, 1980, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Edward S. Finkelstein Lunch: February 21, 1980, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Herb Brooks: April 11, 1980, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Stanley Marcus: April 16, 1980, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Herb Brooks: Minneapolis: June 27, 1980, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Minneapolis: August 12-13, 1980, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Stanley Marcus: October 9, 1980, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: "21": New York People: November 18, 1980, inclusive
Madison Avenue, 1980, inclusive
Magazine Research Inc., 1980, inclusive
Magazines, 1980, inclusive
Magazines, Tabloids, Newspapers, Etc., 1980, inclusive
Mailings, 1980, inclusive
Mailings: Desk Calendars for 1981, 1980-1981, inclusive
Mailings: The Fifth Horseman, 1980-1981, inclusive
Matthew Kelly Weekend, 1980-1981, inclusive
McCall's, 1980-1981, inclusive
Media Industry Newsletter, 1980-1981, inclusive
Media Networks, Inc. [EMPTY]
Media Workshop [EMPTY]
Mediamark Research Inc., 1980-1981, inclusive
Meetings: General, 1980-1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Cooper, Mike, 1980-1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Crawford, Clare, 1980-1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Crowley, John, 1980-1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Crutcher, Larry, 1980-1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Davidson, Ralph, 1980-1981, inclusive
Memoranda: D'Onofrio, Pat: Share of Market Report, 1980-1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Donovan, Hedley, 1980-1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Edit, 1980-1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Fisler, Bob, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Gallagher, John, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Garner, Nate [EMPTY]
Memoranda: Gentalen, Tiit, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Glatzhofer, Ed [EMPTY]
Memoranda: Goltra, Libby, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Graves, Ralph, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Heiskell, Andrew, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Karageorge, Penelope, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Keylor, Art, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Labich, Dick, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Luce, Henry, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Marketing Services, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: McCluskey, Jim, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Meigher, Chris, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Miller, Bill, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Mulcahy, Eileen, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Munro, Dick, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Nunes, Lucy, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Production, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Promotion, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Publicity, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Rueffer, Terry, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Schenck, John, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Shepley, Jim, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Sidey, Hugh, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Slovinsky, Lou, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Stoklos, Mary, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Stolley, Dick, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Strauss, Ed: Weekly Report, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Sutton, Kelso, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Thorkilsen, Eric, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Verdon, John, 1980, inclusive
Memoranda: Znachko, Mike, 1980, inclusive
Merchandising, 1980, inclusive
Miscellaneous, 1980, inclusive
Money, 1980, inclusive
Monger and Waterhouse, 1980, inclusive
Monthly Reports: Ad Sales, 1980, inclusive
Movie Category, 1980, inclusive
Music Special Issue, 1980, inclusive
National Enquirer, 1980, inclusive
Nashville [EMPTY]
National Golf Links, 1980, inclusive
National Star, 1980, inclusive
New Orleans, 1980, inclusive
Newsstand Draw [EMPTY]
Newsweek, 1980, inclusive
New York Times, 1980, inclusive
Out of Town Schedule, 1980, inclusive
Parties, 1980, inclusive
Parties: Miami Boat Trip: November 6, 1980, inclusive
Parties: Copacabana: November 25, 1980, inclusive
People Poll Issue 1980, 1980, inclusive
People Shopper, 1980, inclusive
People Suite, 1980, inclusive
People to People, 1980, inclusive
Permissions, 1980, inclusive
Personnel, 1980, inclusive
Photographers, Fees, Etc., 1980, inclusive
PIB, 1980, inclusive
Playboy Enterprises, Inc., 1980, inclusive
Postal Service, 1980, inclusive
Posters, 1980, inclusive
Presentations, 1980, inclusive
Presentations: Industry, 1980, inclusive
Presentations: Other Magazines [EMPTY]
Presentations: The Big Show, 1980, inclusive
Photo Contest, 1980, inclusive
Photo Exhibit, 1980, inclusive
Positioning, 1980, inclusive
President's Lunch, 1980, inclusive
Price Increase [EMPTY]
Price Tests, 1980, inclusive
Pricing, Regulations, Test, Etc., 1980, inclusive
Print Order, 1980, inclusive
Print Order: Plants, 1980, inclusive
Production, 1980, inclusive
Profile, 1980, inclusive
Progressive Grocer, 1980, inclusive
Promotion: Air, 1980, inclusive
Promotion: Circulation Subscriber Cards and Television Tests, 1980, inclusive
Promotion: Consumer Circulation, 1980, inclusive
Promotion: General, 1980, inclusive
Promotion: Holland and Callaway, 1980, inclusive
Promotion: Network Television Schedules, 1980, inclusive
Promotion: Print, 1980, inclusive
Promotion: Radio, 1980, inclusive
Promotion: Television, 1980, inclusive
Promotion: Trades [EMPTY]
Public Place, 1980, inclusive
Publicity: Air, 1980, inclusive
Publicity: General, 1980, inclusive
Publicity: Print, 1980, inclusive
Publisher's Lunch, 1980, inclusive
Raises, 1980, inclusive
Rates, 1980, inclusive
Rates: Subscriptions, 1980, inclusive
Rate Increase, 1980, inclusive
Reader's Digest, 1980, inclusive
Rebates: Advertising Complaints, 1980, inclusive
Recession [EMPTY]
Redbook, 1980, inclusive
Regional, 1980, inclusive
Renewal Space Credit, 1980, inclusive
Reprints, 1980, inclusive
Research, 1980, inclusive
Research: Circulation [EMPTY]
Research: Focus Groups, 1980, inclusive
Research: Focus Groups: January 21-24, 1980, inclusive
Research: Focus Group: Hartford, St. Louis, Omaha: June 24-27, 1980, inclusive
Research: Paine Webber: Status Report, 1980, inclusive
Research: Reader Perception Study, 1980, inclusive
Research: Scarborough Study, 1980, inclusive
Research: Young & Rubicam [EMPTY]
Result Stories, 1980, inclusive
Retail Display Allowance (RDA), 1980, inclusive
Sales Figures, 1980, inclusive
Sales Meeting: Scottsdale, 1980, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Crowley, John, 1980, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Crowley, John, 1980, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Durrell, Dick, 1980, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Gallagher, John, 1980, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Gentalen, Tiit, 1980, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Marketing Services Research, 1980, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1980, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Motta, Tony [EMPTY]
Sales Staff Memoranda: Promotion, 1980, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1980, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Verdon, John, 1980, inclusive
Screenings, 1980, inclusive
Selling Areas Marketing, Inc. (SAMI), 1980, inclusive
Serialization, 1980, inclusive
Serialization: The Fifth Horseman, 1980, inclusive
Simmons, 1980, inclusive
Simmons Marketing Research Bureau, 1980, inclusive
Special Editions, 1980, inclusive
Special Units, 1980, inclusive
Split People, 1980, inclusive
Sports Illustrated, 1980, inclusive
Standard Rate and Data Service [EMPTY]
Starch, 1980, inclusive
Steer Meetings, 1980, inclusive
Store Checks, 1980, inclusive
Store Checks by Salesmen, 1980, inclusive
Subscriptions, 1980, inclusive
Subscriptions: Tests, 1980, inclusive
Supermarkets, 1980, inclusive
Supermarket News [EMPTY], 1980, inclusive
Syndication, 1980, inclusive
Television and Television Shows, 1980, inclusive
Temple-Eastex: Arthur Temple, 1980, inclusive
Tests, 1980, inclusive
Test Markets, 1980, inclusive
Time, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: A & P, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Bonus [EMPTY]
Time Distribution Services: Budget [EMPTY]
Time Distribution Services: Charles Levy Circulation Company, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Checks, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Correspondence, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Direct Sell to Chains, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Draw, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Drug Stores, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Front End, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: General, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: International Periodicals Distributors Association (IPDA), 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meetings, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meetings: June 9-12, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Melville Audit, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Monthly Reports, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Monthly and Weekly Reports, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Newsstand, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: On Line Media, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: People, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Personnel, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Promotion, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Quarterly Markets Reports, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Racking, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Racking: Stories Covered Weekly, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Research [EMPTY]
Time Distribution Services: Sports Clinic, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Book and Record Stores, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Box Stores, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Drug Stores, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Jewel Stores, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Kroger, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Safeway, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Sav-On, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Stop and Shop, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Super Valu Stores, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Winn-Dixie [EMPTY]
Time Distribution Services: Success Bulletins, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Tip-Ons, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Weekly Regional Managers Sales Estimates, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Weekly Regional Sales Estimates: Us, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers, 1980, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers: Late Delivery, 1980, inclusive
Time-Life Books, 1980, inclusive
Time-Life Film, 1980, inclusive
T, P, & C, 1980, inclusive
Trades, 1980, inclusive
Travel Category, 1980, inclusive
TV Guide, 1980, inclusive
Us, 1980, inclusive
Us: Advertising [EMPTY]
Us: Circulation, 1980, inclusive
Us: Promotion, 1980, inclusive
Us: Publicity, 1980, inclusive
Us: Research, 1980, inclusive
Us: Sales Figures, 1980, inclusive
United Way, 1980, inclusive
Universal Product Codes (UPC), 1980, inclusive
Vacations, 1980, inclusive
Washington Star [EMPTY]
Weekly Account Analysis Reports by Branch Managers, 1980, inclusive
Weekly Reports, 1980, inclusive
Weekly Reports: Keylor, 1980, inclusive
West Coast, 1980, inclusive
Woman's Day, 1980, inclusive
Women's Books, 1980, inclusive
Women's Wear Daily, 1980, inclusive
Year End Review, 1980, inclusive
Young & Rubicam: Focus Groups, 1980, inclusive
Young & Rubicam: Promotion, 1980, inclusive
Branch Offices: Atlanta, 1980, inclusive
Branch Offices: Boston, 1980, inclusive
Branch Offices: Chicago, 1980, inclusive
Branch Offices: Detroit, 1980, inclusive
Branch Offices: Hartford: November 24, 1980, inclusive
Branch Offices: Houston, 1980, inclusive
Branch Offices: Los Angeles, 1980, inclusive
Branch Offices: Memphis, 1980, inclusive
Branch Offices: Minneapolis, 1980, inclusive
Branch Offices: New York, 1980, inclusive
Branch Offices: Portland: January 29-30, 1980, inclusive
Branch Offices: San Francisco, 1980, inclusive
Branch Offices: Seattle: January 27-29, 1980, inclusive
Branch Offices: Texas [EMPTY]
Branch Offices: Washington, D.C., 1980, inclusive
Ad Council, 1981, inclusive
Ad Research, 1981, inclusive
Advertising Records, Etc., 1981, inclusive
Adweek, 1981, inclusive
Affirmative Action, 1981, inclusive
Airport Sale, 1981, inclusive
American Renewal, 1981, inclusive
Annual Report, 1981, inclusive
Applications, 1981, inclusive
Automotive Category, 1981, inclusive
Awards, 1981, inclusive
Bagley Report: Food Marketing Institute, 1981, inclusive
Bleed, 1981, inclusive
Blynn, Buz: Miami Representative, 1981, inclusive
Budget, 1981, inclusive
Budget: Ad Sales, 1981, inclusive
Budget: Budget Session: January 21, 1981, inclusive
Bonus Letters, 1981, inclusive
Canada, 1981, inclusive
Chain Store Age Supermarkets, 1981, inclusive
Cigarettes, 1981, inclusive
Cigarette Category, 1981, inclusive
Circulation, 1981, inclusive
Circulation: Direct Mail Subscriptions, 1981, inclusive
Circulation: EVP Report, 1981, inclusive
Circulation: Stats Report, 1981, inclusive
Clips: Census, 1981, inclusive
Clips: People, 1981, inclusive
Clips: Supermarket, 1981, inclusive
College, 1981, inclusive
Comp Copies: To Washington People: Return Letters, 1981, inclusive
Comp Lists, 1981, inclusive
Company Plane, 1981, inclusive
Complaints, 1981, inclusive
Complaint Reports: Stelle, Jerry, 1981, inclusive
Conventions: Dinners, Luncheons, Etc., 1981, inclusive
Conventions: Trade, Etc., 1981, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute Midwinter: January 6-9, 1981, inclusive
Conventions: Detroit Auto Show: January 9, 1981, inclusive
Conventions: Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association: Boca Raton: March 1-4, 1981, inclusive
Conventions: Time Inc. Conference on Election Reform: Washington, D.C.: March 20-24: Cancelled, 1981, inclusive
Conventions: Western Association of Food Chains: Hawaii: March 28-April 1, 1981, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: Dallas: May 3-6, 1981, inclusive
Conventions: Housing Conference: Lyford Cay: May 6-10, 1981, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: Washington, D.C.: October 4-7, 1981, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: Brunch Invitations: October 4-7, 1981, inclusive
Copy Acceptance, 1981, inclusive
Corporate Creative Services, 1981, inclusive
Corporate Manufacturing and Distribution, 1981, inclusive
Corporate Manufacturing and Distribution: Gravure, 1981, inclusive
Corporate Manufacturing and Distribution: Letterpress, 1981, inclusive
Cosmopolitan, 1981, inclusive
Covers, 1981, inclusive
Covers: Other Magazines, 1981, inclusive
Couponing, 1981, inclusive
CPDA, 1981, inclusive
CPM, 1981, inclusive
Delivery Reports: Newsstands, 1981, inclusive
Direct Mail, 1981, inclusive
Direct Response, 1981, inclusive
Discounts: Frequency, Charitable, Etc., 1981, inclusive
Discover, 1981, inclusive
Distribution, 1981, inclusive
Donnelly: Chicago: November 23-24, 1981, inclusive
Dorset Suite, Etc., 1981, inclusive
Douglas, Mike Show, 1981, inclusive
Edit Close, 1981, inclusive
Edit: Close and Misses, 1981, inclusive
Edit: Serious People Articles, 1981, inclusive
EPCOT Disney Pavilion, 1981, inclusive
Esquire, 1981, inclusive
Estimates, 1981, inclusive
Executive Compensation, 1981, inclusive
Fact Sheets, 1981, inclusive
Family Circle, 1981, inclusive
Filler Space, 1981, inclusive
Filler Space: Others in People, 1981, inclusive
Financial and Development Group: Larry Crutcher, 1981, inclusive
Folio, 1981, inclusive
Food Category, 1981, inclusive
Fortune, 1981, inclusive
Fractional Units, 1981, inclusive
Free Contribution Requests, 1981, inclusive
Free Space Requests, 1981, inclusive
Gallagher Reports, 1981, inclusive
Golf, 1981, inclusive
Golf: Sour Marsh: April 30-May 1, 1981, inclusive
Golf: Detroit Golf Invitational: June 1-2, 1981, inclusive
Golf: Chicago: June 8-9, 1981, inclusive
Golf: Time Inc. Invitational: Maidstone: September 14-15, 1981, inclusive
Golf: La Quinta: December 2-5, 1981, inclusive
Hall Magazine Editorial Report, 1981, inclusive
Harvard Lampoon, 1981, inclusive
Health and Beauty Aids (HBA) Category, 1981, inclusive
Hold, 1981, inclusive
Home Box Office (HBO), 1981, inclusive
Home Box Office (HBO): Directors Meeting, 1981, inclusive
House Space Orders, 1981, inclusive
Ibit, 1981, inclusive
Ideas For People, 1981, inclusive
Ideas: Murray Roberts, 1981, inclusive
Ideas: People Book Club, 1981, inclusive
Ideas: Puzzle, 1981, inclusive
Information Systems Division, 1981, inclusive
Insert Cards, 1981, inclusive
Inserts, 1981, inclusive
Intercorporate Group, 1981, inclusive
International: Japan, 1981, inclusive
Legal: Logo, 1981, inclusive
Legal: San Diego People, 1981, inclusive
Letters, 1981, inclusive
Letters: Circulation Complaints, 1981, inclusive
Letters: Complaints on Edit, 1981, inclusive
Letters: Editorial, 1981, inclusive
Letters: Kajinski, Billie, 1981, inclusive
Letters: Miscellaneous, 1981, inclusive
Letters: Reports, 1981, inclusive
Life, 1981, inclusive
Liquor Category, 1981, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Agencies, Advertisers, Etc., 1981, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: South St. Seaport: June 25, 1981, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Bloomingdale's: September 23, 1981, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Nashville: October 9-10, 1981, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Bloomingdale's: October 14, 1981, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Dallas Party: November 18, 1981, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Russell Party: Night in Casablanca: November 24, 1981, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Wassail Feast: Detroit: December 10, 1981, inclusive
Madison Avenue, 1981, inclusive
Magazines, Etc., 1981, inclusive
Magazine Committee Meeting: September 30-October 1, 1981, inclusive
Magazine Committee Meeting: January 5, 1981, inclusive
Magazine Development, 1981, inclusive
Magazine Group: Finance and Developing, 1981, inclusive
Mailings, 1981, inclusive
Mailings: Others, 1981, inclusive
Media Industry Newsletter [EMPTY]
Mediamark Research Inc., 1981, inclusive
Meetings: April 16, 1981, inclusive
Meetings: Board Managers Meeting: October 6-8, 1981, inclusive
Meetings: ABC Annual Meeting: November 4-5, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Briskman, Ira, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Burgheim, Dick, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Crawford, Clare, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Crowley, John, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Crutcher, Larry, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Davidson, Ralph, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: D'Onofrio, Pat: Share Of Market Report, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Donovan, Hedley, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Edit, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Elliman, Don, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Fisler, Bob, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Gallagher, John, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Gentalen, Tiit, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Goltra, Libby, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Grum, Clifford, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Grunwald, Henry, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Gunn, Larry, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Heiskell, Andrew, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Himmelfarb, Debbie, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Karageorge, Penelope, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Keylor, Arthur, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: King, Charlie, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Kyle, Bob, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Labich, Dick, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Legal, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: List, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Marketing Services, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: McClusky, Jim, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Meigher, Chris, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Miller, Bill, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Motta, Tony, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Mulcahy, Eileen, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Munro, Dick, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Nunes, Lucy (Freelance), 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Owen, Mike, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Promotion, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Publicity, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Roth, Frank, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Rueffer, Terry, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Ryan, Pat, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Schenck, John, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Schiller, Clark, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Sidey, Hugh, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Slovinsky, Lou, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Stoklos, Mary, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Sutton, Kelso, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Thorkilsen, Eric, 1981, inclusive
Memoranda: Znachko, Mike, 1981, inclusive
Monthly Reports: Ad Sales, 1981, inclusive
Movie Category, 1981, inclusive
Music Special Issue, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes audiovisual material:
1 phonograph record ; 7 in. Label on envelope: Addressed to "People - Dick Durrell". Label on Side A: "JBW Records, 'People' by Jerry Westerman". Label on Side B: "JBW Records, 'Mountain to Climb' by Jerry Westerman".
National Enquirer, 1981, inclusive
National Golf Links, 1981, inclusive
National Star, 1981, inclusive
New York Management Meetings, 1981, inclusive
New York Times, 1981, inclusive
Out of Town Schedule, 1981, inclusive
Parties, 1981, inclusive
Parties: Christmas Pour, 1981, inclusive
People to People, 1981, inclusive
People Poll Issue, 1981, inclusive
People Shopper, 1981, inclusive
People Spring 1981 Fisler Poly, 1981, inclusive
Permissions, 1981, inclusive
Personnel, 1981, inclusive
Personnel [RESTRICTED], 1981, inclusive
Photo Context, 1981, inclusive
Photo Exhibit, 1981, inclusive
Photo Exhibit: St. Louis: April 6, 1981, inclusive
Photo Exhibit: Cleveland: May 6, 1981, inclusive
Photo Exhibit: Pittsburgh: June 15, 1981, inclusive
Photo Exhibit: Minneapolis: July 13, 1981, inclusive
Photo Exhibit: Chicago: July 3, 1981, inclusive
PIB, 1981, inclusive
Positioning, 1981, inclusive
Postal Service, 1981, inclusive
Posters, 1981, inclusive
Presentations, 1981, inclusive
President's Lunch, 1981, inclusive
Price Tests, 1981, inclusive
Print Order, 1981, inclusive
Print Order: Plants, 1981, inclusive
Production, 1981, inclusive
Production Report, 1981, inclusive
Promotion: Air, 1981, inclusive
Promotion: Consumer Circulation, 1981, inclusive
Promotion: Director Applications, 1981, inclusive
Promotion: General, 1981, inclusive
Promotion: Holland and Callaway, 1981, inclusive
Promotion: Print, 1981, inclusive
Promotion: Weekly Letter, 1981, inclusive
Pub Letter, 1981, inclusive
Public Place, 1981, inclusive
Publicity: Air, 1981, inclusive
Publicity: General, 1981, inclusive
Publisher's Lunch, 1981, inclusive
Raises, 1981, inclusive
Rates, 1981, inclusive
Rates Increase, 1981, inclusive
Reader's Digest, 1981, inclusive
Rebates: Advertising Complaints, 1981, inclusive
Reprints, 1981, inclusive
Regional, 1981, inclusive
Renewal Space Credit, 1981, inclusive
Reprints, 1981, inclusive
Research, 1981, inclusive
Research: Focus Groups, 1981, inclusive
Research: Focus Groups: Toronto, Detroit, Washington D.C.: February 17-20, 1981, inclusive
Research: Focus Groups: St. Louis, Milwaukee, Cleveland: April 5-8, 1981, inclusive
Research: Focus Groups: Los Angeles, Phoenix: May 18-19, 1981, inclusive
Research: Men's Changing Roles, 1981, inclusive
Research: Newsweek Comparative, 1981, inclusive
Research: Reader Panel, 1981, inclusive
Research: Reader Perception Study, 1981, inclusive
Research: Subscriber Research, 1981, inclusive
Result Stories, 1981, inclusive
Sales Figures, 1981, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Crowley, John, 1981, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Durrell, Dick, 1981, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Gallagher, John, 1981, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Gentalen, Tiit, 1981, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Himmelfarb, Debbie, 1981, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Marketing Services Research, 1981, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1981, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Promotion, 1981, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1981, inclusive
Screenings, 1981, inclusive
"Search For Alexander", 1981, inclusive
"Search For Alexander": Chicago: May 14, 1981, inclusive
"Search For Alexander": Boston: November 22, 1981, inclusive
Selling Areas Marketing Inc. (SAMI), 1981, inclusive
Serialization, 1981, inclusive
Simmons, 1981, inclusive
Simmons Market Research Bureau (SMRB), 1981, inclusive
Space, 1981, inclusive
Special Editions, 1981, inclusive
Special Units, 1981, inclusive
Speeches: Others, 1981, inclusive
Speeches: Requests, 1981, inclusive
Sports Illustrated, 1981, inclusive
Starch, 1981, inclusive
Steer Meetings, 1981, inclusive
Steering Committee: Research Programs for Magazines, 1981, inclusive
Store Checks by Salesmen, 1981, inclusive
Subscriptions, 1981, inclusive
Subscriptions: Tests, 1981, inclusive
Supermarket News, 1981, inclusive
Syndication, 1981, inclusive
Television and Television Shows, 1981, inclusive
Tests, 1981, inclusive
Time, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: A & P, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Checkout, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Clinics, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Correspondence, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Direct Sell to Chains, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Draw, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: General, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meetings, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meetings: Regional Meeting: April 13-16, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meetings: Regional Meeting: July 12-16, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meetings: Regional Meeting: October 14, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Newsstand, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: On Line Media, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: People, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Personnel, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Racking Stories Covered Weekly, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Sports Clinic, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Book and Record Stores [EMPTY]
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Box Stores, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Drug Stores [EMPTY]
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Jewel Stores, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Kroger, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Safeway, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Sav-On, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Stop and Shop: Louis Banks, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Weekly and Monthly Reports, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Weekly Regional Managers Sales Estimates, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers: Charles Levy Circulation Company, 1981, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers: Late Delivery, 1981, inclusive
Time/Life Books, 1981, inclusive
Trades, 1981, inclusive
Travel Category, 1981, inclusive
Trips: Company Plane, Etc., 1981, inclusive
TV Guide, 1981, inclusive
United Way, 1981, inclusive
Us, 1981, inclusive
Us: Circulation, 1981, inclusive
Us: Promotion, 1981, inclusive
Us: Publicity, 1981, inclusive
Us: Sales Figures, 1981, inclusive
Vacations, 1981, inclusive
Weekly Meetings, 1981, inclusive
Weekly Report, 1981, inclusive
Woman's Day, 1981, inclusive
Woman's World, 1981, inclusive
Women, 1981, inclusive
Women's Books, 1981, inclusive
Year End Guesstimate, 1981, inclusive
Year End Issue, 1981, inclusive
Young & Rubicam: Promotion, 1981, inclusive
Branch Offices: Atlanta, 1981, inclusive
Branch Offices: Boston, 1981, inclusive
Branch Offices: Chicago, 1981, inclusive
Branch Offices: Dallas, 1981, inclusive
Branch Offices: Detroit, 1981, inclusive
Branch Offices: Los Angeles, 1981, inclusive
Branch Offices: Memphis, 1981, inclusive
Branch Offices: Minneapolis, 1981, inclusive
Branch Offices: New York, 1981, inclusive
Branch Offices: San Francisco, 1981, inclusive
Branch Offices: Washington, D.C., 1981, inclusive
Account Responsibilities, 1982, inclusive
Ad Age, 1982, inclusive
Ad Council, 1982, inclusive
Ad Director's Memoranda [EMPTY]
Admarc, 1982, inclusive
Advertising Age, 1982, inclusive
Advertising Records, Etc., 1982, inclusive
Advertising Research Foundation [EMPTY]
Advertising/Edit Ratio, 1982, inclusive
Adweek, 1982, inclusive
Affirmative Action, 1982, inclusive
Agency Review, 1982, inclusive
Airline Subs [EMPTY]
Airport Sales, 1982, inclusive
Alternate Delivery, 1982, inclusive
American Association of Advertising Agencies, 1982, inclusive
Annual Report, 1982, inclusive
Apparel Category [EMPTY]
Audience Figures, 1982, inclusive
Audit Bureau of Circulation, 1982, inclusive
Automotive Category, 1982, inclusive
Awards, 1982, inclusive
Bleed [EMPTY]
Blood Bank Drive: April 6-9, 1982, inclusive
Books, 1982, inclusive
Budget: 1982, 1982, inclusive
Budget: 1983, 1982, inclusive
Budget: Ad Sales, 1982, inclusive
Budget: Circulation, 1982, inclusive
Budget: Direct Mail [EMPTY]
Budget: General, 1982, inclusive
Budget: Meeting: November 18, 1982, inclusive
Budget: Production, 1982, inclusive
Budget: Promotion [EMPTY]
Cable: USA Network, 1982, inclusive
Cameras and Photo Category, 1982, inclusive
CBS Radio: Durkee, Cutler, 1982, inclusive
Charity Accounts [EMPTY]
Cigarette Category, 1982, inclusive
Circulation, 1982, inclusive
Circulation: Direct Mail Subscriptions [EMPTY]
Circulation: Weekly Reports, 1982, inclusive
Clips: Census, 1982, inclusive
Clips: People, 1982, inclusive
Clips: Supermarkets, 1982, inclusive
Clips: Time Inc., 1982, inclusive
College Market, 1982, inclusive
Commercials, 1982, inclusive
Comp Lists, 1982, inclusive
Company Plane, 1982, inclusive
Complaints: Advertising, 1982, inclusive
Complaints: Reports, 1982, inclusive
Condé Nast, 1982, inclusive
Congress/Complimentary Subscriptions, 1982, inclusive
Conventions: Dinners, Luncheons, Etc., 1982, inclusive
Conventions: Trade, 1982, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: Miami, Florida: January 5-8, 1982, inclusive
Conventions: B'nai B'rith Foundation: Eugene Kummel Award Dinner: January 12, 1982, inclusive
Conventions: Western Association of Food Chains: Broadmoor: April 18-21, 1982, inclusive
Conventions: Food Marketing Institute: Chicago: May 9-12, 1982, inclusive
Conventions: American Association of Advertising Agencies: Greenbrier: May 12-15, 1982, inclusive
Conventions: Marines: Washington, D.C.: May 21, 1982, inclusive
Conventions: National Association of Convenience Stores: Chicago: September 19-23 (Did Not Attend), 1982, inclusive
Conventions: Food Management Institute: Reno: October 24-27, 1982, inclusive
Conventions: Western Association of Advertising Agencies: Scottsdale: October 27-31 (Did Not Attend), 1982, inclusive
Copy Acceptance, 1982, inclusive
Copyright, 1982, inclusive
Corporate Manufacturing and Distribution, 1982, inclusive
Corporate Manufacturing and Distribution: Letterpress And Offset [EMPTY]
Cosmopolitan [EMPTY]
Couponing, 1982, inclusive
Covers, 1982, inclusive
Covers: Other Magazines, 1982, inclusive
Covers: Test and Research, 1982, inclusive
Delivery Reports: Subscription Newsstands, 1982, inclusive
Direct Mail, 1982, inclusive
Direct Mail Response, 1982, inclusive
Discounts [EMPTY]
Discover, 1982, inclusive
Distribution, 1982, inclusive
Dorset Suite #907, 1982, inclusive
Edit: Close, 1982, inclusive
Edit: Closing Week for Sales Personnel, 1982, inclusive
Edit: Color, 1982, inclusive
Edit: Pages, 1982, inclusive
Edit: Serious People Articles, 1982, inclusive
Eighties: Futures [EMPTY]
EPCOT Disney Pavilion, 1982, inclusive
Esquire, 1982, inclusive
Executive Compensation [EMPTY]
Expense Account: Ageing, 1982, inclusive
Fact Sheets: Marketing Service, 1982, inclusive
Fast Close, 1982, inclusive
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 1982, inclusive
Filler Space, 1982, inclusive
Filler Space: Others In People, 1982, inclusive
Folio, 1982, inclusive
Food Category, 1982, inclusive
Fortune, 1982, inclusive
Fractional Units [EMPTY]
Free Space Requests, 1982, inclusive
Gallagher Report, 1982, inclusive
Golf: Sour Mash: May 6-7, 1982, inclusive
Golf: Time Inc. Invitational; Detroit: June 7, 1982, inclusive
Golf: Time Inc. Invitational: Maidstone: June 28-29, 1982, inclusive
Golf: Tuxedo: July 8, 1982, inclusive
Golf: Time Distribution Services and Retailers: National Golf Links: August 18, 1982, inclusive
Golf: General Foods Groups: National Golf Links: August 25, 1982, inclusive
Golf: Time Inc. Golf Outing: Chicago: September 13-14, 1982, inclusive
Good Housekeeping, 1982, inclusive
Ideas: People Puzzles, 1982, inclusive
International, 1982, inclusive
International: England, 1982, inclusive
International: Japan, 1982, inclusive
Leading National Advertisers (LNA), 1982, inclusive
Legal, 1982, inclusive
Legal: Logo, 1982, inclusive
Legal: Trademark [EMPTY]
Letters: Arthritis Foundation, 1982, inclusive
Letters: Complaints on Edit, 1982, inclusive
Letters: Complaints Re: Malpractice Edit, 1982, inclusive
Letters: Complaints Re: Too Much Advertising, 1982, inclusive
Letters: Kajunski, Billie, 1982, inclusive
Letters: Miscellaneous, 1982, inclusive
Letters: Per Person vs. Billing, 1982, inclusive
Letters: Pricing, 1982, inclusive
Letters: Reports: Second Half, 1982, inclusive
Letters: Requests for Edit, 1982, inclusive
Licensing, 1982, inclusive
Licensing: French Licensing Proposal, ca. 1982, inclusive
Life, 1982, inclusive
Liquor Category, 1982, inclusive
Little Brown, 1982, inclusive
Little Brown: Sarah Hall, 1982, inclusive
Little Brown: Tenth Anniversary Book, 1982, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: With Clients, 1982, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Herb Brooks: March 17, 1982, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Brunch: May 23, 1982, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Knoxville Expo: June 4-6, 1982, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Intrepid: September 16, 1982, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Clare Crawford Dinner: Washington, D.C.: October 14, 1982, inclusive
Luncheons/Dinners: Publisher's Dinner: November 23, 1982, inclusive
Magazine Commitee, 1982, inclusive
Magazines, Tabloids, Etc., 1982, inclusive
Mailings, 1982, inclusive
Mailings: Book: Man From St. Petersburg, 1982, inclusive
Mailings: Richard Durrell Book Mailings, 1982, inclusive
Media Decisions, 1982, inclusive
Media Industry Newsletter (MIN), 1982, inclusive
Media Networks Inc., 1982, inclusive
Mediamark Research Inc., 1982, inclusive
Meetings: General, 1982, inclusive
Meetings: Management Task Force, 1982, inclusive
Meetings: Managers Meeting: March, 1982, inclusive
Meetings: People Sales Meeting: April 19-22, 1982, inclusive
Meetings: Circulation: Dorset: June 15, 1982, inclusive
Meetings: Troutbeck: June 22-23, 1982, inclusive
Meetings: Five Year Strategy Session: August 5, 1982, inclusive
Meetings: Board Managers Meeting: September 27-29, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Business Office, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Crowley, John, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Crutcher, Larry, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Donovan, Hedley [EMPTY]
Memoranda: D'Onoforio, Pat: Share Of Market Report, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Edit, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Elliman, Don, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Gallagher, John, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Gentalen, Tiit, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Goltra, Libby, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Grander, Haidee: Proposals, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Grunwald, Henry, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Gunn, Larry, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Harris, Bill, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Himmelfarb, Debbie, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Karageorge, Penelope, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Kyle, Bob, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: List [EMPTY]
Memoranda: Marketing Services, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: McCluskey, Jim, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Meigher, Chris, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Motta, Tony, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Mulcahy, Eileen, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Munro, Dick, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Myers, Bill, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Nunes, Lucy, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: O'Brien, Jim, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: O'Donnell, Bob, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Owen, Mike, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Promotions, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Publicity, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Roberts, David, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Rolls, Linda: Monthly Report, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Roth, Frank, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Ryan, Pat, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Schiller, Clark [EMPTY]
Memoranda: Serafin, Dick, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Sidey, Hugh, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Stoklos, Mary, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Stolley, Dick, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Sutton, Kelso, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Thomas, Dick, 1982, inclusive
Memoranda: Znachko, Mike, 1982, inclusive
Merchandising, 1982, inclusive
Miscellaneous, 1982, inclusive
Money, 1982, inclusive
Monthly Reports: Ad Sales, 1982, inclusive
Movie Category, 1982, inclusive
Ms. Magazine, 1982, inclusive
Music Special Issue, 1982, inclusive
Newsweek, 1982, inclusive
New Yorker, 1982, inclusive
New York Times, 1982, inclusive
Offset: Print Specs, 1982, inclusive
Orange Coast Magazine, 1982, inclusive
Order Sheets: Second Half, 1982, inclusive
Out of Town Schedules, 1982, inclusive
Parties, 1982, inclusive
Parties: People Tenth Anniversary, 1982, inclusive
Parties: Detroit Auto Show: January 15, 1981-1982, inclusive
Parties: Bob Fisler at "21": January 21, 1982, inclusive
Parties: Farewell for Dick Thomas: March 3, 1982, inclusive
Parties: Eighth Anniversary: March 4, 1982, inclusive
Parties: George Fanning Retirement: March 10, 1982, inclusive
Parties: Dick Stolley: April 8, 1982, inclusive
Parties: Philadelphia Penn's Landing; June 17, 1982, inclusive
Parties: Lunch with Clare Booth Luce: October 21, 1982, inclusive
People Poll Issue, 1982, inclusive
People to People, 1982, inclusive
Permissions, 1982, inclusive
Personnel, 1982, inclusive
Personnel: Additions, Space, Thank You's, Etc., 1982, inclusive
Photo Exhibits: General, 1982, inclusive
Photo Exhibit: Boston: February 16, 1982, inclusive
Photo Exhibit: Washington, D.C.: May 11, 1982, inclusive
Photo Exhibit: New Orleans: July, 1982, inclusive
Photo Exhibit: Chicago: September 13-October 2, 1982, inclusive
Photo Exhibit: Troy, Michigan: October 25-November 13, 1982, inclusive
PIB, 1982, inclusive
Presentations: Films, 1982, inclusive
Presentations: General, 1982, inclusive
Presentations: Industry [EMPTY]
President's Lunch, 1982, inclusive
Pricing, Regulations, Tests, Etc., 1982, inclusive
Print Order, 1982, inclusive
Print Order: Plants [EMPTY]
Production, 1982, inclusive
Profile: Source Simmons, 1982, inclusive
Progressive Grocer [EMPTY]
Promotion: Air, 1982, inclusive
Promotion: Circulation Subscription Cards and TV Tests, 1982, inclusive
Promotion: Consumer Circulation, 1982, inclusive
Promotion: General, 1982, inclusive
Promotion: Holland and Callaway, 1982, inclusive
Promotion: Network Television Schedules, 1982, inclusive
Promotion: New Agency Probe: Consumer Circulation, 1982, inclusive
Promotion: Radio [EMPTY]
Promotion: Television, 1982, inclusive
Promotion: Trainee, 1982, inclusive
Publicity, 1982, inclusive
Publicity: General, 1982, inclusive
Publicity: Print, 1982, inclusive
Public Place, 1982, inclusive
Publisher's Letter, 1982, inclusive
Publisher's Lunch, 1982, inclusive
Radio Radio: Carl Arrington, 1982, inclusive
Raises, 1982, inclusive
Rate And CPM Increase, 1982, inclusive
Rates, 1982, inclusive
Rates: Subscriptions [EMPTY]
Reader's Digest, 1982, inclusive
Rebates: Advertising Complaints, 1982, inclusive
Redbook [EMPTY]
Regional And Metro, 1982, inclusive
Renewal Space Credit, 1982, inclusive
Research: Audience Profile, 1982, inclusive
Research: Business Science International Inc., 1982, inclusive
Research: Comparative Readership Study, 1982, inclusive
Research: Female [EMPTY]
Research: Focus Groups, 1982, inclusive
Research: Focus Groups: Hartford, Scranton, Charlotte: March 16-19, 1982, inclusive
Research: Focus Groups: Harrisburg, Toronto, Madison: July 27-30, 1982, inclusive
Research: Focus Groups: California: October 27-29, 1982, inclusive
Research: General, 1982, inclusive
Research: IMS, 1982, inclusive
Research: Male, 1982, inclusive
Research: Project: Merle Sprinzen, 1982, inclusive
Research: Perception Study, 1982, inclusive
Research: Reader Panel, 1982, inclusive
Research: Schiller-Schreiber Project, 1982, inclusive
Research: Teenagers, 1982, inclusive
Research: Television, 1982, inclusive
Result Stories, 1982, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Crowley, John, 1982, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Durrell, Dick, 1982, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Gallagher, John [EMPTY]
Sales Staff Memoranda: Gentalen, Tiit, 1982, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Himmelfarb, Debbie, 1982, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Marketing Services, 1982, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Miscellaneous, 1982, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Myers, Bill, 1982, inclusive
Sales Staff Memoranda: Promotion, 1982, inclusive
Screenings: General, 1982, inclusive
"Search For Alexander", 1982, inclusive
"Search For Alexander": San Francisco: February 20-May 16, 1982, inclusive
"Search For Alexander": New Orleans: June 24-25, 1982, inclusive
"Search For Alexander": New York City: October 20, 1982, inclusive
Serialization, 1982, inclusive
Simmons, 1982, inclusive
Special Editions, 1982, inclusive
Special Units, 1982, inclusive
Speeches: Requests, 1982, inclusive
Sports Illustrated, 1982, inclusive
Starch, 1982, inclusive
Starch: Editorial Scores, 1982, inclusive
Stars, 1982, inclusive
Status Report, 1982, inclusive
Steer Meetings, 1982, inclusive
Steering Committee: Research Program for Magazines, 1982, inclusive
Subscriptions, 1982, inclusive
Subscriptions: Tests, 1982, inclusive
Supermarket News, 1982, inclusive
Syndication, 1982, inclusive
Syndication: Television Proposal: Sandy Frank: April 14, 1982, inclusive
Technology Committee, 1982, inclusive
Teletext, 1982, inclusive
Television and Television Shows, 1982, inclusive
Test Markets, 1982, inclusive
Time, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: A & P, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Administrative Bulletins, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: ADI, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Book and Record Stores, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Checkout, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Clinics, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Correspondence, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Drug Stores, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Front End, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: General, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: IPDA [EMPTY]
Time Distribution Services: Meetings:, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meetings: Regional Managers: New York City: March 22-26, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meetings: Regional Managers: Phoenix: October 10-13, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meetings: Regional Managers: Atlanta: October 17-20, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Markets, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Newsstand, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Personnel, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Promotion, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Quarterly Market Report, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Racking Stories, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Meeting: Regional Managers: December, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Review Recommendation, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Jewel Stores, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Kroger, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Safeway, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Stores: Super Valu Stores, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Weekly and Monthly Reports, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers: Charles Levy Circulation Company [EMPTY]
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers: Late Delivery, 1982, inclusive
Time Distribution Services: Wholesalers: Late Delivery Reports, 1982, inclusive
Time/Life Books, 1982, inclusive
Trades, 1982, inclusive
Travel Category, 1982, inclusive
TV Guide, 1982, inclusive
Universal Product Code (UPC), 1982, inclusive
United Way, 1982, inclusive
Us, 1982, inclusive
Us: Promotion, 1982, inclusive
Us: Publicity, 1982, inclusive
Us: Research, 1982, inclusive
Us: Sales Report, 1982, inclusive
Vacations, 1982, inclusive
Weekly Report: D'Onoforio, Pat, 1982, inclusive
Weekly Report: Harris, Bill, 1982, inclusive
Weekly Report: Himmelfarb, Debbie, 1982, inclusive
Weekly Report: Sutton, Kelso, 1982, inclusive
Wine Category, 1982, inclusive
Woman's Day, 1982, inclusive
Woman's World, 1982, inclusive
Women, 1982, inclusive
Women's Books, 1982, inclusive
Year End Issue, 1982, inclusive
Young & Rubicam Promotion, 1982, inclusive
Branch Offices: Atlanta, 1982, inclusive
Branch Offices: Boston, 1982, inclusive
Branch Offices: Chicago, 1982, inclusive
Branch Offices: Dallas, 1982, inclusive
Branch Offices: Detroit, 1982, inclusive
Branch Offices: Houston [EMPTY]
Branch Offices: Los Angeles, 1982, inclusive
Branch Offices: Minneapolis, 1982, inclusive
Branch Offices: New Orleans, 1982, inclusive
Branch Offices: New York, 1982, inclusive
Branch Offices: San Francisco, 1982, inclusive
Branch Offices: Washington, D.C., 1982, inclusive
Branch Offices: West Coast (General), 1982, inclusive
Branch Offices: Winston Salem: June 10-11, 1982, inclusive
Focus Groups: July 6-8, 1983, inclusive
Food Marketing Institute: Washington D.C.: October, 1983, inclusive
Series II. Assistant Publisher Charlotte Schiff Jones Files, 1973-1978, bulk
Scope and Contents
Materials include: People sales memoranda, merchandising materials, correspondence, advertising and weekly reports, circulation numbers, convention information, marketing related materials, and materials regarding the development of the People television show in conjunction with Time-Life Films and CBS.
Notable correspondents include Richard Durrell, Dick Thomas, Donna Vecchio, and Paul Hale.
Arranged alphabetically.
Biographical / Historical
Charlotte Schiff Jones was an assistant publisher at People and former vice president of Manhattan Cable. While Durrell focused on advertising and distribution, Schiff-Jones managed People's marketing, merchandising, and publicity. She produced the short-lived 1978 Time-Life Films People television series broadcast on CBS. The series was meant to translate the People format to television, but was widely panned and quickly canceled in the face of poor audience ratings.
She had left People and was vice president of marketing at CBS by 1981.
O'Connor, John. "TV View: On Chats and Chatty Sports Announcers." The New York Times, July 26, 1981. Accessed February 5, 2019. https://www.nytimes.com/1981/07/26/arts/tv-view-on-chats-and-chatty-sports-announcers-john-o-connor.html.
Prendergast, Curtis, Geoffrey Colvin, and Robert Lubar. The World of Time Inc.: The Intimate History of a Changing Enterprise, Volume Three: 1960-1980. New York: Atheneum, 1986.
Ad Sales, 1977-1978, inclusive
Ad Sales/Promotion Merchandising, 1977-1978, inclusive
Advertising Copy Acceptance, 1977-1978, inclusive
Advertising Free Space Requests, 1978, inclusive
Bermuda: Creative Conference: July 10, 1977, inclusive
Budgets, 1977-1978, inclusive
Business Office, 1978, inclusive
Circulation, 1977-1978, inclusive
Circulation: College Market, 1977-1978, inclusive
Circulation Promotion, 1977-1978, inclusive
Circulation Reports, 1977-1978, inclusive
Conventions: California: September 23, 1977, inclusive
Durrell, Dick, 1977-1978, inclusive
Fortune, 1977, inclusive
International Editions, 1978, inclusive
Legal, 1978, inclusive
Luncheons/Meetings, 1977-1978, inclusive
Magazine Development, 1978, inclusive
Market Research, 1977-1978, inclusive
Marketing: Fact Sheets, 1978, inclusive
Marketing: Focus Groups, 1978, inclusive
Miscellaneous, 1977-1978, inclusive
Merchandising (Shopper), 1977-1978, inclusive
People: Covers For Merchandising Purposes, 1974-1978, inclusive
Photo Show, 1978, inclusive
Posters, 1978, inclusive
Promotion, 1977, inclusive
Promotion Budget, 1977-1978, inclusive
Publicity, 1973-1978, inclusive
Sales Memos, 1977-1978, inclusive
Starch Reports, 1977, inclusive
Steer Meetings, 1978, inclusive
Television: Dinah!, 1978, inclusive
Television Special Edition: Developmental Ideas, 1977-1978, inclusive
Time Distribution Service (TDS), 1977-1978, inclusive
Weekly Reports, 1977-1978, inclusive
Young And Rubicam, 1978, inclusive
Series III. Marketing Files, 1973-1998, inclusive
Arranged into three subseries:
Subseries III.A. General Marketing Files Subseries III.B. Associate Consumer Marketing Director John Hartig Files Subseries III.C. Assistant Consumer Marketing Director Hank Fifield Files
Subseries III.A. General Marketing Files, 1973-1978, bulk
Scope and Contents
Materials range from when People magazine was under the Magazine Development Group to when People became its own department by 1978. Includes budgets, research reports, Magazine Development Group invoices, advertising information, and memoranda. Most materials originated from Malcolm Ochs, Marketing Director in the Magazine Development Group. Other notable persons include Chuck Lund, People Director of Marketing Services, and Dick Thomas, People Advertising Sales Director.
Some files are similar to advertising information found in the Richard Durrell files.
Arranged alphabetically.
Account Comparison Report, 1978, inclusive
Ad Pages, 1977, inclusive
Advertising Recall Study: November 10, 1977, inclusive
Agency Ranking Report, 1977, inclusive
Audience Compositions, 1977, inclusive
Audience Research, 1976, inclusive
Awareness And Tracking Study, 1976, inclusive
Beta Research, undated, inclusive
Budget, 1976-1978, inclusive
Circulation Consultants, 1975, inclusive
Circulation Research, 1976, inclusive
College Penetration
Cover Testing, 1977, inclusive
Focus Groups, 1976, inclusive
Frequency of Reading Study, 1977, inclusive
Gardner, Lou, 1977, inclusive
Jennings, Donny, 1977-1978, inclusive
Marketing Development Group Invoices, 1977, inclusive
Marketing and Promotion Budget, 1977, inclusive
People Circulation, 1974-1977, inclusive
People International, 1977, inclusive
People versus National Enquirer, 1977, inclusive
People Primary: Total Audience Composition Tables: Adults
People Primary: Total Audience Composition Tables: Education
People Primary: Total Audience Composition Tables: Men/Women
People/Us Study, 1977, inclusive
Power Robertson & Company, 1975, inclusive
Research, 1975-1977, inclusive
Standard Rate and Data Service, 1973-1974, inclusive
Target Group Index, 1975-1976, inclusive
Time Inc. Audience Studies, 1975-1976, inclusive
Telegraf Dispatch, 1977, inclusive
Valu-Tape, 1977, inclusive
Subseries III.B. Associate Consumer Marketing Director John Hartig Files, 1979-1997, bulk
Scope and Contents
Materials includes: poll results from marketing company Pulse On America, Nielsen demographics numbers, 1990 Census results, and 1993 Newsstand Task Force materials. The test and launch materials for InStyle magazine are from after Hartig left People in 1994 to join InStyle.
The folder with People magazine Five Year Plans 1978-1983 contains memoranda from Susan Ferris, Marketing Director, Publishing Division of Magazine Development.
Arranged alphabetically.
Biographical / Historical
John Hartig was Associate Consumer Marketing Director at People magazine, who had responsibility for circulation and development, from 1991 to 1993. In 1993, he transitioned to the InStyle magazine launch team as director of consumer marketing and development. He had joined Time Inc. in 1985 as an Ad Sales Manager for People.
1990 Census Tape File 3 Summary, 1990, inclusive
Five Year Plan: 1978-1982, 1979-1983, 1979-1986, inclusive
InStyle Test/Launch, 1995, inclusive
Newsstand Task Force, 1993-1994, inclusive
Nielsen National Audience Demographics, 1994, inclusive
Pulse On America Polls, 1996-1997, inclusive
Subseries III.C. Assistant Consumer Marketing Director Hank Fifield Files, 1989-1998, bulk
Scope and Contents
Materials include budgets, sales analysis, copies of books, memoranda, copies of People magazine, and materials relating to the Jerry Garcia and Selena memorial editions of People.
Arranged alphabetically.
Biographical / Historical
Hank Fifield was Assistant Consumer Marketing Director at People magazine, where he focused on working with other departments to appeal to buyers. Before holding this role, Fifield was Director of Retail Sales at People.
Hooper, Bill. Email to Melanie Rinehart, 7 April 2019.
1995 Best and Worst Dressed, 1995, inclusive
1995 Celebrity Weddings, 1995, inclusive
Budget and Analysis, 1996-1998, inclusive
Budget and Strategic Plan, 1994, inclusive
Business Plans That Win Venture Capital by Terrence McGarty, 1989, inclusive
Celebrity Weddings, 1993-1995, inclusive
Convenience Store News, 1996, inclusive
Distribution Study of Grocery Store Sales, 1993, inclusive
DYG Scan Trend Identification Program, 1992, inclusive
Focus Report Writing, 1993, inclusive
Jerry Garcia Tribute, 1995, inclusive
Miscellaneous, 1993-1996, inclusive
Old Theme Memoranda, 1993-1994, inclusive
Selena Coverage, 1995, inclusive
Third Quarter RDP, 1996, inclusive
Wholesaler Incentive Plan, 1997, inclusive
Series IV. Advertising Files, 1975-1977, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes records from the Publisher's Information Bureau, which tracked magazine advertising paging, expenditures and related information for companies advertising within People. Also included are statistical computer anaylses on sales and demographics numbers. The person who originally collected or created these files is unknown.
Similar files can be found in the Richard Durrell files, though some are empty folders. Similar material in this series may have originally belonged to Durrell.
Arranged alphabetically.
Benchmark Optimization, 1977-1978, inclusive
Cranks, QStats, And QRF Analysis, 1977-1978, inclusive
Focus Groups: New Jersey: December, 1977, inclusive
People Advertising Record, 1975-1977, inclusive
Publisher's Information Bureau Advertising Records, 1975-1976, inclusive
Starch Analysis: October 24, 1977, inclusive
Tapper IRF Analysis, 1977-1978, inclusive
Series V. Public Affairs Records, 1977-1995, inclusive
Scope and Contents
The majority of records are press releases sent out by various people within People Public Affairs regarding upcoming articles and staff updates. The press releases may be accompanied by materials such as memoranda, news clippings, photographs, and copies of People magazine. Also includes publicity materials from the Public Affairs Director's office on cover stories.
Arranged into four subseries:
Subseries VI.A. Public Affairs Director Susan Ollinick Files
Subseries VI.B. Publicity Manager Press Releases
Subseries VI.C. Trade Publicity Manager Elizabeth Wagner Files
Subseries VI.D. Press Releases On Staff
Subseries VI.A. Public Affairs Director Susan Ollinick Files, 1995, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes publicity materials for all People magazine issues and special editions from 1995, when Susan Ollinick held the role of Public Affairs Director, such as press releases, arrangements for on-air interviews with Susan Ollinick regarding People stories, memoranda, and FedEx receipts and fax cover sheets to show who press releases were being sent to. Some of publicity coordinator Akieva Harrell's materials are also included. For some issues a chart with each article and its author and editor are included.
Folders are titled with the issue's cover article and release date.
Notably includes coverage of the Selena and Jerry Garcia special memorial editions.
Chronological by week.
Issue Publicity, 1995 January 9-April 3, inclusive
Issue Publicity, 1995 April 3-September 11, inclusive
Issue Publicity, 1995 September 18-November 27, inclusive
Issue Publicity [RESTRICTED], 1995 February-May, inclusive
Subseries VI.B. Publicity Manager Press Releases, 1980-1988, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Subseries includes editorial press releases about People magazine featured cover stories, studies, and events hosted by People, including photographic exhibitions.
Biographical / Historical
This subseries includes covers when Penelope Karageorge and Elizabeth "Betsy" Wagner each held the title of Publicity Manager. Penelope Karageorge held the role from 1980 to 1985, and Elizabeth Wagner held the role from 1985 to approximately 1994.
Issue Edit Press Releases, 1980-1983, inclusive
Issue Edit Press Releases, 1983-1986, inclusive
Issue Edit Press Releases, 1986-1987, inclusive
Issue Edit Press Releases, 1987, inclusive
Issue Edit Press Releases, 1988, inclusive
Issue Edit Press Releases, 1988, inclusive
Subseries VI.C. Trade Publicity Manager Elizabeth Wagner Files, 1983-1988, inclusive
Scope and Contents
These materials are from when Elizabeth "Betsy" Wagner held the role of Trade Publicity Manager. Includes press releases and other materials related to People magazine's advertising trade publicity, concerning specific advertising campaigns run in the magazine. Also includes photographs and photographic negatives of People magazine sponsered events and staff used for publicity and internal staff updates. The original box was labeled for the A-D range and indicates this is not the full range of files at present.
Notable is the coverage of Ten: The Musical, a People produced 1984 musical about the first decade of the magazine. Scripts, songbooks, cast lists, guests lists, and press releases regarding Ten: The Musical are included.
Press release titles reflect the name of the advertiser or the event title.
Alphabetical by event title, last name, or title of press release.
"Active People" Photo Show College Tour, 1984-1985, inclusive
Baja Club Party, 1987, inclusive
Bears Party: 7 October, 1986, inclusive
Bright Lights Screening: 29 March, 1988, inclusive
Boomer Photo Contest Winner, 1985, inclusive
Boomer Seminar Photos: 8 March, 1985, inclusive
Boomer Seminar: Chicago: 5 June, 1985, inclusive
Boomer Seminar: Detroit: 3 June, 1985, inclusive
Boomer Seminar: Los Angeles, 1985, inclusive
Boston Photo Show, 1985, inclusive
Buster Poindexter, Roseland: 29 February, 1988, inclusive
Campbell's Photos, 1985, inclusive
Catherine Barron-Heiskell Award, 1986, inclusive
Central Park, 1985, inclusive
Consumer Electronics Show Breakfast: 13 August, 1986, inclusive
Consumer Electronics Show: Las Vegas: January, 1986, inclusive
Consumer Electronics Show/People Party: January, 1988, inclusive
Consumer Electronics Show Seminar Photos: 31 January, 1985, inclusive
Consumer Electronics Show Seminar Photos: 9 September, 1985, inclusive
Consumer Electronics Show Photos: Las Vegas: 10 January, 1987, inclusive
Consumer Electronics Show Photos: Top 10 Retailer of the Year: 7 January, 1984, inclusive
Dallas Photo Show: Photos/Contact Sheets: 22 January, 1986, inclusive
Dallas Sporting Goods Show, 1986, inclusive
D'Aloia, John, 1987-1988, inclusive
Detroit Party: "People Performs", 1988, inclusive
Dezerland Party: Proctor and Gamble: 19 January, 1988, inclusive
Dodge Morgan Party: 16 September, 1986, inclusive
Dodge, Mark: Sales Manager, 1977, inclusive
Edit Luncheon Photos: 10 April, 1985, inclusive
Flynn, Dick, 1985, inclusive
Inter-office Photos, 1985, inclusive
People Magazine Sales Staff Pictures, 1977, inclusive
People Magazine Staff Photos, 1977, inclusive
Trade Press Releases: A-C, 1983-1987, inclusive
Trade Press Releases: C-H, 1984-1988, inclusive
Trade Press Releases: H-T, 1984-1988, inclusive
Trade Press Releases: T-Z, 1984-1987, inclusive
Subseries VI.D. Press Releases On Staff, 1977-1990, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Records include press releases regarding staff and personnel changes in People's advertising and sales staff. Press releases may be accompanied by photographs, news clippings, and announcements sent directly to sales staff.
Alphabetical by last name.
Staff Press Releases: Abram, Jane-Brower, Montgomery, 1977-1988, inclusive
Staff Press Releases: Burch, Jeffrey-Lincoln, Victoria, 1977-1989, inclusive
Staff Press Releases: Magee, Karen-Zappulla, Fran, 1981-1990, inclusive
Series VI. General Files, 1973-2003, inclusive
Scope and Contents
The General Files come from material waiting to be filed by the Time Inc. Archives. Records contains the contents of a hanging folder titled "People History" including copies of a 1973 prospectus and some memoranda and speeches from publisher Nora McAniff; and ephemera and audiovisual from the 25th anniversary.
Organized alphabetically with arrangement imposed.
People History, 1973-2003, inclusive
25th Anniversary: Branded Planner, [1999], inclusive
25th Anniversary: Concert: "Carole King: Making Music with Friends", 1999, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes audiovisual material.
1 videocassette (VHS) (7 min. 45 sec.) : 1/2 in.