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Access Restrictions

Researchers who wish to view restricted children's files or restricted volumes should contact the library of the New-York Historical Society. These researchers will be referred to a designated specialist from the Children's Aid Society who will interview the potential researcher to determine what he or she may consult and will then supervise the reader's use of the appropriate material. Guidelines currently in place for family history research at CAS, as determined by legal restrictions on the accessibility of adoption and foster care records, will be followed. Such researchers will follow as well the general registration procedures of the New-York Historical Society.

Researchers who wish to view open materials will register as Manuscript users, and be allowed access to the unrestricted materials in the collection.

This collection is stored offsite. For more information on making arrangements to consult it, please visit

Use Restrictions

Permission to quote from this collection in a publication must be requested and granted in writing. Researchers will be asked to agree that no names of principals (children, families, etc.) will be included in any published material. Send permission requests, citing the name of the collection from which you wish to quote, to

Manuscripts Curator
The New-York Historical Society
170 Central Park West
New York, NY 10024

The copyright law of the United States governs the making of photocopies and protects unpublished materials as well as published materials. Unpublished materials created before January 1, 1978 cannot be quoted in publication without permission of the copyright holder.

New York Historical
170 Central Park West
New York, NY 10024