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Series IX - Facilities Records: Industrial Schools, Lodging Houses, Summer Camps, and Farm Schools, 1854-1972 and undated, inclusive; 1854-1958, bulk

Scope and Contents

Series IX contains documents produced by and regarding CAS facilities, including industrial schools, lodging houses, camps, and farm schools. The materials are divided into 2 subseries:

IX.1 Facilities - Mixed

IX.2 Facilities - Arranged Alphabetically

The documents in subseries 1 are arranged chronologically. The documents in subseries 2 are arranged alphabetically by facility, and then chronologically for each facility. For convalescent facilities, please see Series X - Convalescent Facilities and Medical Programs.

Series IX includes both volumes and material in boxes, interfiled. Some volumes provide statistical data; others provide narrative material (stories about individuals who passed through the facilities). Volumes with narrative material are noted in the container list.

Material types in the boxes include pamphlets, invitations, press releases, reports, memos, correspondence, forms, disbound volumes, property surveys, an address book and bank passbooks, newsletters, programs for minstrel shows and other entertainments and events, and some photos and minutes.

Bowdoin Farm and the Newsboys Lodging House are particularly well represented in the boxed materials. The Girls Lodging House, Elizabeth Home, Eleventh Ward Lodging House, Tompkins Square Lodging House, and Emergency Shelter for Women and Children are particularly well-represented among the volumes. There are fewer records from the industrial schools. Some materials from Bowdoin Camp, Bowdoin Farm, Brace Farm, and the convalescent homes are housed in a separate oversized (OS) box, noted in the container list.

Note: Children's Aid Society facilities changed names and locations frequently, and were sometimes known by different names at the same time. For a history of name changes, and how they relate to arrangement, see the note for Subseries IX.2 - Facilities, Alphabetical.

Related Material in Other Series:

Photographs of facilities are in Series XIII - Photographs. Volumes and other material related to the finances of a particular facility are included here in Series IX, but capital fund-raising campaigns for facilities are in Series VI.1 - Fund Raising - because such campaigns originated from the CAS main office, not at the facility itself.

Subseries IX.1 - Facilities, Mixed, 1882-1937, inclusive

Scope and Contents

This subseries consists of 1 box of records 1882-1937, and 9 volumes 1900-1909, documenting CAS facilities arranged as a group. The box is listed first in the container list, followed by the volumes. The box contains 7 folders of documents from 1882-1912 -- memos, correspondence, reports, and notices -- and 12 folders of statistical reports on all facilities dated 1937. The folders are arranged chronologically. The volumes consist of one volume documenting teacher and staff assignments at All CAS Industrial Schools 1903-1909, and 8 volumes of comprehensive registers of All CAS Lodging Houses, 1900-1907, arranged industrial schools first, then lodging houses.

All Facilities - Notice of Christmas Festivals, 1882, 1884, 1899

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

All Industrial Schools - Memos regarding teacher absences and salary deductions, 1888, 1890, and undated

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

All Industrial Schools: Notices sent to principals (1 original, 1 photocopy), 1889, 1893

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Report of the principals of 3 industrial schools under the supervision of Superintendent of Schools Moore Dupuy on how the schools might include more manual training and "be made more akin to the settlement idea", circa 1905-1906

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

All Facilities - memo about coordinating the purchase of supplies for CAS facilities, and correspondence from vendors re: supplies and prices, 1909 January 3-1910 February 11

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

All Facilities - Correspondence from vendors to Superintendent Rudolph Heig of Newsboys Lodging House re: supplies and prices, 1910 April 14-1910 April 27

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Report on compliance with recommendations by the Independence Inspection Bureau for all CAS NYC facilities, 1912, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Statistical reports for all facilities - month of December 1936, 1937 January

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Statistical reports for all facilities - month of January 1937, 1937 February

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Statistical reports for all facilities - month of February 1937, 1937 March

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Statistical reports for all facilities - month of March 1937, 1937 April

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Statistical reports for all facilities - month of April 1937, 1937 May

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Statistical reports for all facilities - month of May 1937, 1937 June

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Statistical reports for all facilities - month of June 1937, 1937 July

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Statistical reports for all facilities - month of July 1937, 1937 August

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Statistical reports for all facilities - month of August 1937, 1937 September

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Statistical reports for all facilities - month of September 1937, 1937 October

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 17 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Statistical reports for all facilities - month of October 1937, 1937 November

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 18 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Statistical reports for all facilities - month of November 1937, 1937 December

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 19 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Information about facilities compiled by Victor Remer, undated

Offsite-Box: 39, Folder: 20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

All Industrial Schools, Teacher and Staff Assignments, 1903-1909, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1046, Volume: 266 (Material Type: Books)

All Lodging Houses, Comprehensive Register, 1900, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1046, Volume: 267 (Material Type: Books)

All Lodging Houses, Comprehensive Register, 1901, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1119, Volume: 268 (Material Type: Books)

All Lodging Houses, Comprehensive Register, 1902, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1119, Volume: 269 (Material Type: Books)

All Lodging Houses, Comprehensive Register, 1903, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1120, Volume: 270 (Material Type: Books)

All Lodging Houses, Comprehensive Register, 1904, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1120, Volume: 271 (Material Type: Books)

All Lodging Houses, Comprehensive Register, 1905, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1120, Volume: 272 (Material Type: Books)

All Lodging Houses, Comprehensive Register, 1906, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1120, Volume: 273 (Material Type: Books)

All Lodging Houses, Comprehensive Register, 1907, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1121, Volume: 274 (Material Type: Books)

Subseries IX.2 - Facilities, Alphabetical, 1854-1974 and undated

Scope and Contents

This subseries consists of 3 boxes of documents, and 76 volumes of records by and about individual facilities of the Children's Aid Society, arranged alphabetically by facility, and chronologically under each facility. The facilities represented include industrial schools, lodging houses, summer camps and farm schools. Convalescent facilities follow in Series X - Convalescent Facilities and Medical Programs.

Some volumes provide statistical data; others provide narrative material (stories about individuals who passed through the facilities). When a volume includes narrative material it is noted in the container list. Some volumes contained interleaved papers; such loose materials have been kept in envelopes with the volume. The boxed materials and volumes are interfiled chronologically by the facility that produced them.

Material types in the boxes include pamphlets, invitations, press releases, reports, memos, correspondence, forms, disbound volumes, property surveys, an address book and bank passbooks, newsletters, programs for minstrel shows and other entertainments and events, and some photos and minutes.

Bowdoin Farm School and the Newsboys' Lodging House are particularly well represented in the boxed materials. The materials from Bowdoin Farm School extend late enough to include alumni reunion materials, and materials related to the end of its existence as a CAS program in 1958, as well as a property survey from 1974. See also Series XII - photographs - for a large amount of material related to Bowdoin Farm School. The Newsboys' Lodging House materials include programs for amateur minstrel shows and other entertainments and events. Both Bowdoin Farm School and the Newsboys' Lodging House materials include newsletters. Some materials from Bowdoin Camp, Bowdoin Farm, Brace Farm, and the convalescent homes are housed in a separate oversized (OS) box, noted in the container list.

The Girls Lodging House, Elizabeth Home, Eleventh Ward Lodging House, Tompkins Square Lodging House, and Emergency Shelter for Women and Children are particularly well-represented among the volumes. There are fewer records from the industrial schools.

Name and Location Changes at CAS Facilities

Children's Aid Society facilities changed names and locations frequently, and were sometimes known by different names simultaneously. An attempt has been made to arrange facilities by the names by which they seemed most commonly known, with other names noted. The following are specific notes regarding names and arrangement:

Bowdoin Camp is arranged separately and alphabetically before Bowdoin Farm School. The two programs shared the same grounds, but performed different functions. Bowdoin Farm replaced Brace Farm as the CAS farm training program in 1929. After that time, Brace Farm changed its mission to focus on children with special needs, but did not change its name. Some material on Brace Farm School can be found among the material on the Newsboys Lodging House, as the programs served the same population, and boys often attended both facilities.

The Emergency Shelter for Women and Children is listed by that name. In practice, sometimes the word Emergency was not used, at other times the name specified "evicted women and children," and when it first opened in 1901 at 311 East 12th Street, next to the Elizabeth Home at 307-9 East 12th Street, it was also called the Elizabeth Home Annex.

The Girl's Lodging House (which operated on 205 New Canal Street from 1862-1872 and at 27 St. Mark's Place from 1872-1892) was replaced by the Elizabeth Home and Training School for Girls (1892-1930) at the new location at 307-9 East 12th Street. Thirty-eight girls, and the facility's record books, moved from one building into the new one. The first two Girls Lodging Houses are arranged consecutively, but the Elizabeth Home is arranged separately under its own name (it was also known as the Elizabeth Wheeler Home in its final years). Researchers should be aware that the collection contains three record books initiated at the Girls Lodging House and arranged under the Girls Lodging House, which also contain early Elizabeth Home records.

Similarly, the Eleventh Ward Lodging House (709 East 11th Street) was replaced by the Tompkins Square Lodging House (295 East 8th Street). Since they were in different locations with different names, they are arranged separately, although the function and clients of one were transferred to the other. The Newsboys Lodging House volume 329 may have come from the Eleventh Ward Lodging House, but is arranged under Newsboys according to its title.

All Newsboys' Lodging House materials are arranged under that name, although the facility was re-christened Brace Memorial Newsboys' Lodging House in 1891 after the death of Charles Loring Brace. It was also known as Brace Memorial Newsboys' Home. The Newsboys' Lodging House moved through several locations, from Fulton Street, to Park Place, to Duane Street, to New Chambers Street, and then Williams Street. In all locations, it housed boys who worked in any occupation, not just newsboys.

The Mott Street Industrial School is arranged under that name, although it was also known as the 14th Ward Industrial School and the Astor Memorial School.

The Sixth Street Industrial School is listed by that name, although it was renamed the Sloane Children's Center in 1945, beyond the bulk dates of this collection. Similarly, the Sullivan Street Industrial School (219 Sullivan St) is listed under that name, although it was later known as the Lower West Side Children's Center, and then the Greenwich Village Children's Center. It is not to be confused with the West Side Italian School, which was also on Sullivan Street, at number 24. The West Side Italian School is not to be confused with the Italian School, which was at 44 Franklin Street, then 156 Leonard Street (1880's-1908), then at 155 Worth Street (1909-1912) and finally at Elizabeth and Hester Streets (later known as the James Children's Center) beginning in 1913.

The West Side Lodging House on West 32nd Street (until 1902) and then West 35th Street, was also known as the West Side Boys' Home. The facility closed as a lodging house in 1917 and became the Wendell Boys' Club, with a different mission. The Wendell Boys' Club is arranged separately from the West Side Lodging House. The building was sold in 1921. The West Side Health School was a different facility altogether, on West 38th Street.

Finally, the main office of the CAS in its earliest days did not have a facility name, but in addition to functioning as an administrative office, it performed intake work. The narrative record books from that facility, located on Astor Place, are listed first among the facilities. Unidentified facilities are listed last.

[Administrative and Intake Office of the CAS] Record Book No. 1, Narrative Daily Record, 1854 September-1856 July

Offsite-Box: 1047, Volume: 275 (Material Type: Books)

[Administrative and Intake Office of the CAS] Record Book No. 2 (Narrative), 1856 July 8-1857 September 14

Offsite-Box: 1047, Volume: 276 (Material Type: Books)

[Administrative and Intake Office of the CAS] Macy (Narrative by Assistant Secretary Jared Macy), 1858-1860, inclusive

Volume: 277 (Material Type: Books)

Avenue C School: Invitation (in German) inviting mothers to a discussion with teachers, with music and refreshments, undated

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Camp: promotional pamphlet, circa 1927-1933

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Camp: promotional pamphlet, 1937, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

[Bowdoin Camp]: records, on cards, of 3 boys who attended, 1942, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Camp: postcards with penny-saving charts (2 different cards), undated

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Camp: promotional pamphlet, undated

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Camp/Bowdoin Farm: Hand-drawn layout maps (2 maps), undated

Offsite-Box: OS 2, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm, Register, 1928 March-1943 January

Offsite-Box: 1121, Volume: 278 (Material Type: Books)

Bowdoin Farm: press releases/articles sent to Dairymen's League News (3), 1932 March and April, and undated

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: press release/article sent to American Agriculturalist, draft of same, and related correspondence, 1932 October

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: press release re: FDR's visit to Bowdoin Farm, 1933, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: pamphlet recruiting boys (3 copies), 1934, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: inspection report, 1935 April

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: pamphlet recruiting boys (1 copy), circa 1936

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: press releases, 1937, 1940 and undated

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: lists of boys referred to program, and dispositions, with analysis, 1938, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: graduation materials (memos, program, correspodence, clippings), 1939 January-March

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: statistical analysis of referrals, by source, 1939, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: pamphlet recruiting boys (3 copies), 1939, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 17 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: memos and notes re: Bowdoin Farm alumni, 1939-1955 and undated

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 18 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: graduation materials (speeches, correspondence, memos, clippings), 1940 January-March

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 19 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: promotional pamphlet recruiting boys (3 copies), circa 1940-1941

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: promotional pamphlet recruiting boys (3 copies), circa 1940-1941

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: Christmas cards mailed to alumni (1 copy of 1941 and 1945, 2 copies of 1942), circa 1941, 1942, and 1945

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 21 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: graduation materials(correspondence, memos, speeches, program), 1941 January-March

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: correspondence from alumni to Helen Baxter, Farm Home Department, retyped and numbered 1-68, not in chronological order, 1941-1944, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 23 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: mailings to alumni (dues notices, alumni updates, financial reports), 1941-1951, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 24 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: correspondence from and/or regarding alumni (includes photograph), 1941 January 20-1955 January 12 and undated

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 25 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: graduation materials (speeches by boys, poem, correspondence, memos, program), 1942 February-March

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 26 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: Alumni Society meeting minutes and notes, 1942 March 7

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 27 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm Alumni Society Ledger 1942-1945 (includes loose receipts), 1942-1945, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1047, Volume: 279 (Material Type: Books)

Bowdoin Farm: graduation and alumni materials (photos, negatives, correspondence, memos, draft of program), 1943 January 20-March 3 and undated

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 28 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: Alumni News booklet and accompanying letter (2 copies), 1943, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 29 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm Alumni Society Newsletters, 1944 January 15-1953 December

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 30 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: graduation notice, 1944 February, March

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: Graduate's Committee materials (minutes, correspondence, memos), 1946 January-April 17

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 32 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: alumni reunion materials (invitation, photo, correspondence, memos), 1946 June-September

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 33 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: promotional pamphlet recruiting boys (2 copies), circa 1946-1947

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 34 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: property surveys (4), 1946, circa 1962, 1974, and undated

Offsite-Box: OS 2, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: Certificate of Achievement (upon graduation) and speech delivered by Mr. [Hoppins] upon conferring certificate, 1947 and undated

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: Graduate's Committee correspondence, 1948 January

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 36 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: Alumni Society reunion materials (invitations, memos, photos), 1949 March-August

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 37 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: Monthly Statement of Movement of Population sent to Department of Social Welfare, 1949 September and 1956 February-1958 February

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 38 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: Alumni Society reunion materials (invitations, memos), 1950, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 39 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: Miscellaneous reports and correspondence from final years (includes photos), 1951 May-1958 July

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 40 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: CAS statistical reports, 1955-1958, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 40, Folder: 41 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: monthly reports to Deptartment of Social welfare and notice of final report and suspension of program, 1956 January-1958 August

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: reports to the NYC Board of Education, 1956 February-1957 March

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm and Camp layout, undated

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: forms and materials given to boy and family upon admittance to Bowdoin Farm, undated

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: miscellaneous (memo, dedication, presentation), 1940, 1942 and undated

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowdoin Farm: miscellaneous blank Department of Social Welfare forms from Bowdoin Farm files, undated

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Farm: monthly reports, 1900 August, 1901 November, 1902 January-July and December

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Farm: annual report of the superintendent, circa 1900

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Farm: Dairy Cash Book (includes loose correspondence), 1904-1907, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1047, Volume: 280 (Material Type: Books)

Brace Farm: property surveys 1925 (1) and 1928 (3), 1925, 1928

Offsite-Box: OS 2, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Farm: inspection reports, 1935 March and April

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Farm: correspondence, memos [from the files of Arthur Huck], 1935 September 27-1939 September 30 and undated

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Farm: Statistics for the Year 1936, circa 1936 December 31

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Farm: memos, internal reports, correspondence [from the files of Nora Johnson], 1940 April 9-1948 August 30 and undated

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Farm: Boarding Intake, 1941 November-1944 September

Offsite-Box: 1047, Volume: 281 (Material Type: Books)

Brace Farm: list of boys treated, problems, dispositions, 1942-1945, inclusive

Offsite-Box: OS 2, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

The Children's Home Daily Record Book (Narratives re: infants and small children brought in by mothers unable to care for them, for temporary homes or adoption), 1867 January 1-1868 July 2

Offsite-Box: 1047, Volume: 282 (Material Type: Books)

[Chrystie Street Lodging House] statistical reports (disbound from volume), 1942-1946 and 1948

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Columbus Hill Day Nursery, Receipts and Expenses, 1929-1932, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1048, Volume: 283 (Material Type: Books)

Duane Street School, Visitor's Book, 1875-1907, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1048, Volume: 284 (Material Type: Books)

East River School, Visitor's Book, 1889-1913, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1048, Volume: 285 (Material Type: Books)

East Side Industrial School: financial materials (receipts, 1 ledger page, 2 letters from Principal Alice Hill), 1894, 1897

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

East Side Lodging House Monthly Accounts, 1894-1897, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1121, Volume: 286 (Material Type: Books)

Eleventh Ward Lodging House: statistical and financial reports, 1866, June-August

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Eleventh Ward School and Lodging House, Visitor's Register [also labeled and including Tompkins Square Lodging House], 1872-1925, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1048, Volume: 287 (Material Type: Books)

Eleventh Ward School and Lodging House: Monthly Statistical Reports (includes nationality, parentage, reading ability, occupations, expenses, etc.), 1873-1881, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1122, Volume: 288 (Material Type: Books)

To enlarge image:

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Eleventh Ward Lodging House: "Reasons Assigned by 100 Boys for their having to seek a home at the Eleventh Ward Lodging House", circa 1874

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Eleventh Ward School and Lodging House: Donations Received, 1875-1910, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1048, Volume: 289 (Material Type: Books)

Elizabeth Home for Girls: Register, 1899-1904, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1048, Volume: 290 (Material Type: Books)

Elizabeth Home and Training School for Girls: monthly reports, 1901 October-1902 September

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 17 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Elizabeth Home: correspondence from Superintendent E.S. Hurley to "Mr. Grimm" re: various cases (3 letters), 1902 January 29-June 10

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 18 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Elizabeth Home for Girls: Daily Register, 1908 October-1911 September

Offsite-Box: 1122, Volume: 291 (Material Type: Books)

Elizabeth Home for Girls: Register and Reports(includes folder of loose materials including photograph), 1909-1930, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1049, Volume: 292 (Material Type: Books)

Elizabeth Home: Register (disbound binder), 1923 October-December

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 19 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Elizabeth Home: Register (disbound binder), 1924 January-September and undated

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Elizabeth Home: Register (disbound binder), 1926 March-September and undated

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 21 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Elizabeth (Wheeler) Home: Requisitions for Supplies(includes folder of loose pages), 1928-1930, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1049, Volume: 293 (Material Type: Books)

Emergency Shelter for Women and Children, aka Elizabeth Home Annex: monthly reports, 1901 December-1902 September

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Emergency Shelter for Women and Children, aka Elizabeth Home Annex: Register, 1901 December-1909 March

Offsite-Box: 1049, Volume: 294 (Material Type: Books)

Emergency Shelter for Women and Children: Expenses 1902-1914, 1902-1914, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1049, Volume: 295 (Material Type: Books)

Emergency Shelter for Women and Children: Narrative Record Book No. 1, 1904-1907, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1049, Volume: 296 (Material Type: Books)

Emergency Shelter for Women and Children: Narrative Record Book No. 2, 1908-1913, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1050, Volume: 297 (Material Type: Books)

Emergency Shelter for Women and Children: Narrative Reports arranged alphabetically by individual(some pages cut out), 1908-1909, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1050, Volume: 298 (Material Type: Books)

Emergency Shelter for Women and Children: Narrative Reports arranged alphabetically by individual, 1910, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1050, Volume: 299 (Material Type: Books)

Emergency Shelter for Women and Children: Monthly Statistical Record, 1911-1913, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1050, Volume: 300 (Material Type: Books)

Emergency Shelter for Women and Children: Narrative Record Book No. 3, 1913-1926, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1050, Volume: 301 (Material Type: Books)

Emergency Shelter for Women and Children: Monthly Statistical Record, 1917-1930, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1050, Volume: 302 (Material Type: Books)

Emergency Shelter for Women and Children:Register (non-narrative)(includes loose applications), 1922-1926, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1050, Volume: 303 (Material Type: Books)

Emergency Shelter for Women and Children: Narrative Record Book No. 4, 1926-1930, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1051, Volume: 304 (Material Type: Books)

Emergency Shelter for Women and Children: Register (non-narrative), 1929-1930, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1051, Volume: 305 (Material Type: Books)

Fifth Ward Industrial School [141 Hudson Street]: Visitor's Book, 1874-1899, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1051, Volume: 306 (Material Type: Books)

Fifty-Third Street Industrial School: program for benefit, 1886 April 19

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 23 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Fifty-Third Street Industrial School: notes on cases, undated

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 24 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Forty-Fourth Street Lodging House: monthly reports and one piece of accompanying correspondence, 1901 October-1902 September

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 25 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Forty-Fourth Street Lodging House and Harlem Boys' Hotel: photocopies of fliers for World War I patriotic rallies, 1917 May

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 26 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

German Industrial School, Donations, 1866-1867, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1051, Volume: 307 (Material Type: Books)

German Industrial School, Subscriptions, 1867-1872, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1051, Volume: 308 (Material Type: Books)

Girls Lodging House: Narrative Dispositions Log, 1862 June-1869 January

Offsite-Box: 1051, Volume: 309 (Material Type: Books)

Girls Lodging House: disbound pages from a log book listing info about residents 1866-1868 and donations 1862-1868, 1862-1868, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 27 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Girls Lodging House: Register (names, dates, statistical), 1864-1865, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1122, Volume: 310 (Material Type: Books)

[Girls Lodging House]: list of girls who obtained situations or employment, 1866 August

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 28 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Girls Lodging House: Receipts and Expenses, 1866-1867, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1051, Volume: 311 (Material Type: Books)

Girls Lodging House: Narrative Register, circa 1860s

Offsite-Box: 1052, Volume: 312 (Material Type: Books)

[Girls Lodging House]: Attendance Record at Sewing Machine Class, 1870-1874, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1052, Volume: 313 (Material Type: Books)

Girls Lodging House: Register, 1872-1880, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1052, Volume: 314 (Material Type: Books)

Girls Lodging House: Narrative Record Book, 1872-1911, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1052, Volume: 315 (Material Type: Books)

Girls Lodging House: Night Register, 1873-1874, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1052, Volume: 316 (Material Type: Books)

Girls Lodging House: Register, 1880-1889, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1052, Offsite-Box: 317 (Material Type: Books)

Girls Lodging House: Receipts and Expenses, 1886-1896, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1053, Volume: 318 (Material Type: Books)

Girls Lodging House: Register, 1890-1899, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1053, Volume: 319 (Material Type: Books)

Girls Lodging House: Night Register, 1891-1894, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1053, Volume: 320 (Material Type: Books)

Girls Lodging House: Ladies Committee and Names of Ladies Interested in the Girls Lodging House, undated

Offsite-Box: 1053, Volume: 321 (Material Type: Books)

Goodhue Home: miniature address book belonging to a child who lived at Goodhue, 1929-1930, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 29 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Goodhue Home: reports, correspondence [from the files of Arthur Huck], 1932 January 31-1940 November 4 and 1965

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 30 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Goodhue Recreation Center report by Director William Kirchner, 1936 May 1-September 15

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Goodhue Home - map (photocopy), undated

Offsite-Box: OS 2, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Henrietta Industrial School (54th Street Industrial School): Visitor's Book, 1892-1939, inclusive

Volume: 322 (Material Type: Books)

Henrietta School: School Savings Bank passbooks (5), 1927-1931, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 41, Folder: 32 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Italian School: donations to the Italian School fund, circa 1874

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Italian School: "reports presented at the meeting celebrating the opening of the new building", 1875 April 29

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

[Italian School]: Register of Pupils, 1908-1914, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1122, Volume: 323 (Material Type: Books)

Italian School: "La Scuola Italiana dei Cinque Punti" Report printed for distribution at the Turin Exhibition, 1911, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Italian School: Italian School Bulletin, vol. 3, no. 1, 1915, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Italian School: Open Air Class and Nursery (and Avenue B Nursery) Expenses (includes loose correspondence), 1922-1927, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1053, Volume: 324 (Material Type: Books)

Italian School: pamphlet (photocopy only), circa 1920's

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Italian School: "A brief history of the Italian School, later known as the James Children Center, as given by Lillian J. Weygandt at meeting of James Boys Club", 1933 October 13

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Italian School: speeches upon the unveiling of the Weygandt Memorial Plaque - history of the Italian School and tributes to Louisa de Ferrari Weygandt, principal 1860-1921 and Lillian Weygandt, principal 1921-1930, 1939 July 25

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Jones Memorial Children's Center: Invitation to opening of new annex, and pamphlet re: facilities, 1936, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Jones Memorial Children's Center: typescripts of press releases, correspondence, internal documents, re: opening of new annex, 1936, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Jones Memorial Children's Center: reports and memos, 1954-1958, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Kips Bay Boys' Club: 2 typed histories upon changes to the facilities, circa 1928 and undated

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Kips Bay Boys' Club: map showing Kips' Bay Boys' Club properties with assessments in NYC context, 1947, inclusive

Offsite-Box: OS 2, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Mott Street School: Emma E. Smith's "Visitor's Book," narrative reports arranged alphabetically by individual, 1913-1914, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1054, Volume: 325 (Material Type: Books)

Newsboys Lodging House and Girls Lodging House: Subscriptions, undated, circa 1861-1892

Offsite-Box: 1054, Volume: 326 (Material Type: Books)

Newsboys Lodging House: Subscriptions, undated, circa 1861-1892

Offsite-Box: 1054, Volume: 327 (Material Type: Books)

Newsboys Lodging House: Subscriptions, undated, circa 1861-1892

Offsite-Box: 1054, Volume: 328 (Material Type: Books)

Newsboys Lodging House [on 11th St.; may be Eleventh Ward Lodging House]: list of boys and breakdown of meals, lodging, 1873, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1054, Volume: 329 (Material Type: Books)

Newsboys' Lodging House: "Causes of application in 100 boys", circa 1874

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Newsboys Lodging House: Visitor's Register 1887-1915, 1887-1915, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1054, Volume: 330 (Material Type: Books)

Newsboys' Lodging House - testimonial letters from residents (4 originals), 1889 and undated

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Newsboys' Lodging House - monthly reports (missing September 1902), 1901 October-1902 October

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Newsboys' Lodging House - report on Brace Memorial fund and trade classes for boys, circa 1906

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Newsboys' Lodging House and Brace Farm School - Promotional Card Separated from Case File 5541, circa 1908

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Newsboys' Lodging House - Inspection Report, 1911 July 26

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 17 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: programs for annual Washington's Birthday celebration and dinner (photocopies only), 1913-1917 and 1919

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 18 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: Invitations and programs for annual Christmas festivities (photocopies only), 1915-1918 and circa 1928

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 19 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: programs for second (original) and fifth (photocopy) annual entertainment and vaudeville by "our friends from the boys' club", 1915, 1918

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' Home Newsletter: "Brace Memorial News" issued by Brace Memorial Senior Club, Vol. I No. 1 and Vol. I No. 2, 1915 December and 1916 January

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 21 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' Home Newsletter, Vol. I No. 3 (photocopy only), Vol. I No. 4 (original), and Vol. I No. 5 (photocopy only), 1916 February 1, February 22, March 17

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' Home: Program for first annual minstrel show of the Brace Memorial Senior Club, 1916 March 17

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 23 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: Invitation/program for intersettlement debate (1916) and annual reunion and dance of alumni boys (1920) and misc. other events (photocopies only), 1916, 1920, and undated

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 24 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: programs for annual spring celebation and athletic meet (3 photocopies, 1 1926 original), 1916, 1919. 1925, 1926

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 25 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' Home Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1916 November 29

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 26 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: Invitation and program for second annual minstrel show of the Senior Club, 1917, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 27 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: Lyrics for songs in the Senior Club minstrel show (2 copies), circa 1917

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 28 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: programs for annual dinners of the Senior Club (photocopies only), 1917, 1918, 1919, 1921

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 29 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' Home Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 1, and Vol. 3, No. 3 (missing No. 2), 1917 December 25 and 1918 February

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 30 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: Correspondence from the office of Brooklyn Borough President and Charles Guggenheimer to William Butcher, Superintendent, re: speakers at Washington's Birthday Dinner, 1918 February

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' Home Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2 copies) and vol. 4, No. 3, 1919 February 22 and 1920 February 23

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 32 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Card produced and signed by a newsboy, soliciting money, and photocopied letter from same "king of the newsboys", 1919 June 6

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 33 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: programs for annual Christmas festivities (4 original programs), 1922, 1923, 1924, 1930

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 34 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: programs for annual Washington's Birthday celebration and dinner (3 original programs), 1922, 1924, 1925

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: program for the first annual minstrel show of the Lane and Osborn Boys' Clubs, 1924, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 36 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: Invitation/program for a series of profitable Sunday Evenings [1925-1926] anad dedication of a plaque [1931] (originals), circa 1925-1926 and circa 1931

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 37 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: Invitation and program for housewarming of modernized building, 1926, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 38 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys Lodging House: Visitor's Register, 1926-1947, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1054, Volume: 331 (Material Type: Books)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: Christmas cards sent by Director William Lewis Butcher (2 cards), circa 1920s

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 39 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: blank letterhead stationery (2 sheets, different designs), circa 1920s

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 40 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: "The Story of Brace Memorial Newsboys' House" draft and fact sheet, CAS author unknown, 1931, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 41 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: Statistical breakdown of boys' legal residences, and their population numbers, 1932 November 1-1933 February 1

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 42 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House and Bowdoin Farm Training Program: "Information Culled from Older Boy Questionnaire", circa 1933 February

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 43 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

[Brace Memorial Newsboys' House]: Information culled from questionnaire, circa 1933

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 44 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: Statistical reports, annual, by month (including age, parentage, nativity, education, and religion), 1934-1941, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 45 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

[Brace Memorial Newsboys' House]: "States from which boys came", 1937, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 46 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: Correspondence from a former newsboy to Director G.E.W. Blum, and reply, 1938 November 25 and 28

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 47 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: Breakdown of agencies referring boys, 1939, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 48 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: notice of suspension of facilities, and conversion to Coast Guard use, 1942 December 21

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 49 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brace Memorial Newsboys' House: "The Crossroads": an artist's representation of lodging house accomplishments, undated

Offsite-Box: OS 2, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Rhinelander School: Annual Report, 1901, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 50 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Rivington Street Lodging House: Subscriptions and Appeal, circa 1870

Offsite-Box: 1054, Volume: 332 (Material Type: Books)

Rivington Street Lodging House: "Causes of Homelessness", 1874, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 51 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Sixth Street Industrial School: Testimonial from former student (photocopy), 1978 March 23

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 52 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Sullivan Street School: Visitor's Register, 1880-1915, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1054, Volume: 333 (Material Type: Books)

Sullivan Street School: Financial Record, 1913-1914, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1054, Volume: 334 (Material Type: Books)

Sullivan Street School: pamphlet, circa 1920s

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 53 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Tompkins Square Lodging House: Dispositions of Boys (name, age, nationality, parentage, destination), 1891-1906, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1054, Volume: 335 (Material Type: Books)

Tompkins Square Boys' Lodging House and Industrial School: Narrative Record, 1898-1904, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1054, Volume: 336 (Material Type: Books)

Tompkins Square Lodging House: monthly reports, 1901 October-1902 September

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 54 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Tompkins Square Boys' Home: Visitor's Register, 1903-1911, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1055, Volume: 337 (Material Type: Books)

Tompkins Square Lodging House: Boys' Bank Accounts 1904-1905 and Expenses January 1904, 1904-1905, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1055, Volume: 338 (Material Type: Books)

Tompkins Square Lodging House: Boys' Bank Accounts, 1905-1906, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1055, Volume: 339 (Material Type: Books)

Twenty-Fourth Street Boys and Girls Lodging House (AKA "Refuge"): Receipts, 1866, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 55 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Utopia Children's House: "Four Years of work at Utopia Children's House 170 W. 130th Street 1928-1932" (report - photocopy only), 1932, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 56 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Wendell Boys' Club: Correspondence and Inspection Reports, 1917 November 22-1918 May 30

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 57 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Wendell Boys' Club [in former West Side Boys' Home]: Minutes, 1917, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1055, Volume: 340 (Material Type: Books)

Wendell Committee Ledger, 1918-1921, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1055, Volume: 341 (Material Type: Books)

"Wendell Unit 28" [Wendell Boys' Club?], 1919 January 15-1919 March 21

Offsite-Box: 1055, Volume: 342 (Material Type: Books)

"Wendell Unit 28" [Wendell Boys' Club?], 1919 June 12-1920 July 3

Offsite-Box: 1055, Volume: 343 (Material Type: Books)

West Side Lodging House: monthly reports, 1901 October-1902 September

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 58 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

West Side Lodging House: Expenses and Statistics, 1901-1918, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1056, Volume: 344 (Material Type: Books)

West Side Boys' Home, Visitor's Register, 1903-1919, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1056, Volume: 345 (Material Type: Books)

West Side Boys' Home: program for 3rd Annual Minstrels (photocopy only), 1913 January 1

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 59 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

West Side Boys' Home, Coat Room Receipts 1914-1916 (loose correspondence 1913-1917 interleaved), 1913-1917, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1056, Volume: 346 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

West Side Health School/Children's Center: Annual report (1926) and Information about facility (1939), 1926-1939, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 60 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Industrial School: top half of "Testimonial" document/certificate (2 copies), undated

Offsite-Box: 42, Folder: 61 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Industrial School (?): Student Drawings of Furniture, etc. (2 folders), 1906 January, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1018, Folder: 3-4 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Processing Information

Folders added to finding aid in April 2019.

Unidentified Boys Lodging House: Intake Forms, 1901-1903, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1056, Volume: 347 (Material Type: Books)

Unidentified Boys Lodging House: Register(oversize), 1902-1904, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1123, Volume: 348 (Material Type: Books)

Unidentified Boys Lodging House: Intake Forms, 1904-1908, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1123, Volume: 349 (Material Type: Books)

Unidentified Facility for Men: Register, 1913-1920, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1056, Volume: 350 (Material Type: Books)
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