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Series XIII: Archived Websites


2 websites in 2 archived websites.

Scope and Contents

This series contains Linda Montano's website and blog. The website contains her biography; descriptions of her films and books; personal photos and images of her performance art; her CV; the 14 YEARS OF LIVING ART digital exhibit and the follow-up, ANOTHER 21 YEARS OF LIVING ART (1998-2019); Chakra Prayers digital exhibit; program descriptions and needs for performances; and information on the wish list project. The blog features Montano's reflections and musings on topics related to her performance art, gender, politics, and spirituality. The site has posts dating back to 2009. It also includes interviews with Montano, speeches, images and videos from her performances. The blog also documents her impersonations of Mother Teresa and Bob Dylan and collaborations with Tehching Hsieh and Pauline Oliveros.


New site crawls are accrued semiannually.


Robots.txt (a piece of code that prevents crawlers from advancing through a site) were ignored during capture with the permission of the site owner.

There were six videos included on Linda Montano's website that were not present on the hard drive associated with this collection. These were crawled separately to ensure adequate capture.

Crawl was limited to domains and subdomains of and in order to remain within the collection scope and data constraints.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Due to technical or privacy issues, archived websites may not be exact copies of the original website at the time of the web crawl. Certain file types will not be captured dependent on how they are embedded in the site. Other parts of websites that the crawler has difficulty capturing includes Javascript, streaming content, database-driven content, and highly interactive content. Full-Text searches of archived websites are available at

Fales Library and Special Collections
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012