Series 2: 1999
Scope and Contents note
These files document the second season of the institute in a manner similar to the previous series. Apart from the alphabetical administrative files, there are discrete sets of files relating to the intern program, a large body of email correspondence, and a summary report of all the year's activities.
Subseries 2.1: Administrative Files
Scope and Contents note
These files are arranged alphabetically by folder title and comprise the main records of administrative activity of 1999. Included are resumes, job applications and other files relating to administrative staffing, budget information, fax correspondence, and records relating to space planning, guest accommodations, and other facets of planning.
Advertising, 1999
Artists Abstracts and Information, undated
Budget Breakdown per Company or Artist, undated
Call to Artists: Contact Institutions, 1999
Call to Artists: Questions and Requests, 1999
Call to Artists: Correspondence, 1999
Call to Interns, 1999
Call to Scholars, 1999
Call for Papers: Request for Applications, 1999
Casual Employee: Dong, Chinnie, undated
Casual Employee: Frasier, Dionne, undated
Casual Employee: Gonzales, Andrea, undated
Casual Employee: Harvard Temp service, undated
Casual Employee: Hickey, Kirsten, undated
Casual Employee: Medeiros, Maria, undated
Casual Employee: O'Connell, Nathaniel, undated
Casual Employee: Tan, Michael, undated
Catering Closing Party, 1999
Catering Picnic, 1999
Center for Training and Development, undated
Company and Teachers, 1999
Computers for 1430 Mass. Ave, undated
Computers: "Bit by Bit" Rentals, 1999
Consulting Services: Artist/Scholar Program Consultant, undated
Consultant Services: Issacson Miller (Headhunter), undated
Consulting Services: Page, Liz, undated
Consulting Services: Payments, 1999
Contacts and Network, undated
Current Job Descriptions, 1999
Deputy Director Search: Candidates, undated
Deputy Director Search: Interviews (Prior), undated
Deputy Director Search: Letters Informing Candidates of Prolonged Selection Process, undated
Deputy Director Search: NYC Interviews 1/15-1/16, 1999
Deputy Director Search: Rejection Letters, 1999
Deputy Director Search: Resumes, 1999
Deputy Director Search: Resumes, 1999
Deputy Director Search: Resumes, 1999
Deputy Director Search: Resumes, 1999
Dinners: Number of Participants, undated
Directions to the City, undated
Directory of Summer Participants, 1999
Du Bois Correspondence, memos, undated
Du Bois Staff List, undated
Employees and Participants: Rivers, Stephen, undated
Employees and Participants: Chalian, David, undated
Equipment, undated
Equipment: Audiovisual Rentals, undated
Equipment: Estimated Costs, undated
Event Schedule, 1999
Evening Schedule, undated
Fax Chronology #1, 1998
Fax Chronology #2, 1998
Fax Chronology #2, 1998
Faxes, Communications, and Reading Notes, undated
Fax Cover Sheets, undated
Fax Machine, 1999
Feedback: Audience Evaluation Form, 1999
Feedback: Core Audience Questionnaire, undated
Feedback: Staff Evaluation, 1999
Feedback: Responses from Dorothy Channing, undated
Feedback: Unmediated Evaluations/Responses, undated
Financial: Alien Payment Information Form, undated
Financial: Budget, 1999
Financial: Computer Finance, 1999
Financial: Credit Vouchers, 1999
Financial: Donations, 1999
Financial: Extra Compensation Requests, 1999
Financial: Expense Report Copies (Mauzy), undated
Financial: General Correspondence, undated
Financial: Keyform Orders, undated
Fund-Raising Guidelines, 1999
General Information, undated
Graphic Design: Web Page, undated
Graphic Design: Brochure, undated
Graphic Design: Stationery/Website Correspondence, undated
Graphic Design: Designers, undated
Housing Agreement: 18 Bank Street #503, undated
Housing Agreement: 19 Centre St #2, undated
Housing Agreement: 50 Follen St #301, undated
Housing Agreement: 1572 Mass Ave #5, undated
Housing Agreement: 65 Mt Auburn St. #65, undated
Housekeeping: Memos from Carol MacLeod, undated
Hotels: Charles Hotel, Art Spiegelman, undated
Hotels: Charles Hotel Information, undated
Hotels: Charles Hotel, Convening, undated
Hotels: Doubletree Hotel, undated
Hotel Information General, undated
Hotels: Inn at Harvard, undated
Hotels: University Park Hotel at MIT, undated
Interim Personnel, 1999
Internal/Co. Info, undated
Invocation, undated
Invoices: 1998 Invoice Copies (processed), 1998
Invoices sent to ART for Payment, undated
Job Openings: Miscellaneous, 1999
Job Openings: Staff, undated
Job Positions: Staff/Participant Recruitment, 1999
Job Positions: Staff Descriptions, undated
Job Positions: Rejected Resumes, 1999
Maps--Harvard, undated
Meeting Notes: Planning Retreat, 9/98, 1998
Miscellaneous Artist Correspondence, undated
Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1999
Miscellaneous Girls' Writings, undated
Miscellaneous Resumes, undated
Orientation Notes, 1999
Organizational Charts, 1999
Other Equipment: Crimson Cash Copy Card, undated
Other Equipment: Pagers, undated
Panels and Panelists, 1999
Participants, 248
Phone Scripts; List for Core Audience and Fraternal Organizations, List of Participants, List of Contacts, undated
Phones: Anna Deavere Smith's AT and T Calling Card, undated
Telephone Bills, 1999
Phones: Cellular Phone Rentals, 1999
Phones: Phone Manual, undated
Phones: Voice Mail, 1999
Phones: Phone Issues, undated
Press Release, 1999
Press Clippings, undated
Press Correspondence, undated
Proposal for Collaboration: The Cambridge Multi-Cultural Arts Center, undated
Proposed Associations: Boal, Augusto, undated
"Producer of the Public" Position, Correspondence, 1999
Public Conversations and Production Budget, undated
Purchase Orders, undated
Purchase Orders: Requisitions, undated
Purchase Orders: Requisitions (Copies), undated
Receipts, undated
Rehearsal Schedule and Notes, undated
Rehearsal Schedule for the Institute Company, undated
Rehearsal Space/Studio Information, undated
Reports: Ciuberkis' Suggestions for IACD and ART, undated
Reports: Gardener, Howard, undated
Reports: Project Zero Report, 9/9/98, 1998
Reports: Weekly Status, undated
Request for Reimbursement, 1999
Requests: Archival Access, undated
Requests: Barker Room, undated
Requests: Core Audience, undated
Requests: Meetings, undated
Requests: Scheduling, undated
Requests: Miscellaneous, undated
Schedule of Performances and Presentations, undated
Schedules/Residencies, undated
Scholars Attending Panels, undated
Special Guests, undated
Staff and Staff Meetings, undated
Staffing, undated
Staff/Artists' Meetings, NYC, May 1-2, 1999, 1999
Staff Contact Sheets and Information, undated
Staff Information, undated
State and Regional Arts Agencies Listings (from NEA), undated
Yellow Voucher Checks, 1999
Taxes: Certificate of Exemption, undated
Taxes: Tax Identification Number, undated
Teleconference: Fundraising, undated
Telephone Meetings With Anna Deavere Smith, undated
Tony Newfield's Company List, undated
Training for Facilitators of Core Group Audience Response Panels; Feedback from Core Audiences, undated
Travel, 1999
Travel Expense Reports: A-B, undated
Travel Expense Reports: C-D, undated
Travel Expense Reports: E-H, undated
Travel Expense Reports: I-N, undated
Travel Expense Reports: O-Z, undated
Vendor (Corporate) Invoice Coding From, undated
General Travel Information, undated
Vendor Information: Boston Coach, undated
Vendor Information: Cambridge Radio Dispatch Services, undated
Vendor Information: Don West (Photographer), undated
Vendor Information: Harvard Faculty Club, undated
Vendor Information: New England Conservatory, undated
Vendor Information: Hipster Entertainment; Anna Deavere Smith's Stay in New York, December 1998, 1998
Vendor Information: Northern Light Productions, undated
Vendor Information: Staples Business, undated
Vendor Information: Town Office Supply, undated
Vendor Information: Vocell Bus Company, undated
Vendor Information: Harvard Venue Information, undated
Venues: Theater Policy Book for Non-Harvard Affiliates, undated
VIP Welcome Letters and Info on Steering Committees, undated
Web Page Materials (Including Requests to Revise IACD site), 1999
Welcome Letter, 1999
Welcome Package, 1999
Subseries 2.2: Intern Records
Scope and Contents note
This series of records deals exclusively with the intern program for the 1999 session at the Institute: their hiring and activities, housing and other administrative details. This series of files constituted a distinct group for 1999 where in other years intern records were integrated into the main administrative files. Folders are as found, loosely arranged by topic.
Intern Request Forms, undated
Venus O. Reese, undated
Intern Information, undated
Intern Correspondence, undated
Intern Program Coordinator, undated
Interns and Intern Related Issues, 1999
Call to Interns, 1999
Intern Application: Bryant, Shannon (Hired), 1999
Intern Application: Cheesman, Alison (Hired), 1999
Intern Application: Cott, Emma (Hired), 1999
Intern Application: Gibbon, Amanda (Hired), 1999
Intern Application: Ginsburg, Steve (Hired), 1999
Intern Application: Kalghatgi, Jutika (Hired), 1999
Intern Application: Kertzner, Daniel (Hired), 1999
Intern Application: Kornelly, Sharon (Hired), 1999
Intern Application: McNiff, Fiona (Hired), 1999
Intern Application: Millman, Sierra (Hired), 1999
Intern Application: Shassanni, Jason (Hired), 1999
Intern Application: Turnbull, John (Hired), 1999
Intern Application: Wilensky-Lanford, Brooke (Hired), 1999
Intern Application: Yee, Pei (Hired), 1999
Incomplete Intern Applications, 1999
Intern Candidate Forwarded by ART, undated
Intern Coordinator Position/Responsibilities, 1999
Intern Recruitment/Acceptance Process, undated
Rejections: Interns, undated
Intern Applications--Rejected, D-K, undated
Intern Applications--Rejected, L-V, undated
Volunteers, 1999
Subseries 2.3: Correspondence and Email
Scope and Contents note
This series contains various folders of correspondence arranged by various topics but the bulk of the series is printouts of email to and from Anna McDonald. The email is arranged chronologically by month and divided into incoming and outgoing sections.
Correspondence: Anthony Newfield, Director of Company Relations, undated
Correspondence: Anna McDonald's Correspondence Chronology, 1998
Correspondence: Core Audience, undated
Correspondence: Call to Core Audience, undated
Correspondence: General, undated
Correspondence: Thank You Letter, undated
Email: Incoming, January, 1999
Email: Outgoing, January, 1999
Email: Incoming, February, 1999
Email: Outgoing, February, 1999
Email: Incoming, March, 1999
Email: Outgoing, March, 1999
Email: Incoming, April, 1999
Email: Outgoing, April, 1999
Email: Incoming, May, 1999
Email: Outgoing, May, 1999
Email: Incoming, June, 1999
Email: Outgoing, June, 1999
Email: Incoming, July, 1999
Email: Outgoing, July, 1999
Email: Incoming, August, 1999
Subseries 2.4: Files of Anna Deavere Smith
Scope and Contents note
This small series is composed of miscellaneous files reflecting activities of Anna Deavere Smith. They include correspondence, expenses, schedules and written pieces.
Theater Company, undated
Email Chronology #1, 1999
Email Chronology #2, 1999
Other Correspondence, 1999
Requests/Correspondence Forwarded to San Francisco, undated
Correspondence with Marty Mauzy, 1999
Business/IACD Expenses and Reimbursements, 1999
Call Letters, Schedule, 1999
Chronology File, 1999
Meeting at James Irvine Foundation (Correspondence), undated
Handwritten Introduction to Common Infractions/Gross Injustices, 1999
Subseries 2.5: Artist Overviews
Scope and Contents note
This file contains records on artists and works created or developed at the Institute in 1999. Materials include correspondence, budgets, descriptions and summaries, artist biographies and promotional material.
Promotional Material and Artist Biographies: Common Infractions/Gross Injustices, Written by Anna Deavere Smith, undated
Artist Overview: Anna Deavere Smith with Liz Diamond, undated
Artist Overview: Lee Breuer and Mabou Mines Theater Company, 1999
Artist Overview: Demetria Royals, Anita Gonzalez, and Robbie McCauley, Mother Courage, undated
Artist Overview: Lee Breuer Ecco Porco, undated
Artist Overview: McCallum, Bradley, Witness, undated
Artist Overview: Sissako, Abderrahmane, Life on Earth, undated
Artist Overview: Art Spiegelman, Drawn to Death, undated
Artist Overview: Conway and Pratt, The Small Museum of Women's Experience, undated
Conway and Pratt Correspondence, undated
Artist Overview: Girl's Choir of Harlem, 1999
Girl's Choir of Harlem Correspondence, undated
Artist Overview: Arben Kumbaro, Disremember Me, undated
Kumbaro, Ben: Disremember Me Prop List, Rehearsal Notes, Visa Request for Spouse, undated
Artist Overview: Michael Ladd, undated
Michael Ladd Project Description, Poetry Samples, undated
Artist Overview: Bradley McCallum, Witness, undated
Bradley McCallum, Final Proposal Submission, Promotional Material and Publicity, undated
Witness Miscellaneous Archival Material, Education Guide, Draft Prepared for IACD, 1999
Artist Overview: Demetria Royals, Anita Gonzalez, Robbie McCauley, undated
Final Proposal Submission, Royals, Gonzalez and McCauley, 1999
Artist Overview: Patricia Williams, Oliver Lake, Issac Julien, undated
Promotional Material, Obstacle Illusions, Williams and Lake, undated
Artist Overview: Ping Chong, 1999
Ping Chong Rehearsal Notes, Summer 1999, 1999
Ping Chong, Pojagi: Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Promotional Materials, undated
Ping Chong, Words and Morphology Related to Pojagi, undated
Final Proposal Submission, Art Spiegelman, 1999
Gossip Program, undated
The Sleeping Beauty Program, undated
The Sleeping Beauty, Panelist Biographies, undated
The Sleeping Beauty Reference Materials, 1999
The Sleeping Beauty Reference Materials, 1999
National Convening, "Animating Democracy: The Artistic Imagination as a Force in Civic Dialogue", A Report to the Ford Foundation, undated
National Convening, "A Conversation with a Center, Not Sides", undated
National Convening, "Democracy's Discontent: America in Search of a Public Philosophy", Michael J. Sandel, undated
National Convening, July 29-31, Participant Biographies,, 1999
National Convening Promotional Statements, undated
National Convening, 1999
National Convening, 1999
Ping Chong, Reference Material, undated
Promotional Materials, Abderrahmane Sissako, Stories of a Struggle, undated
Promotional Materials, Mother Courage and her Children, undated
Subseries 2.6: Artist Profiles
Scope and Contents note
This series overlaps somewhat with the previous series in that it includes promotional materials and biographies of participating artists but it was received and preserved as a distinct record set. The series is arranged alphabetically by artist.
Bill Bowers, undated
Lee Breuer, undated
Donald Byrd, with Feedback, undated
Ping Chong, undated
Merry Conway and Noni Pratt, undated
Liz Diamond, with Rehearsal Notes, undated
Girl's Choir of Harlem, undated
Francesca Harper, undated
Issac Julian, undated
Asben Kumbaro, Del Hamilton, and Faye Allen, Disremember Me, undated
Michael Ladd, undated
Bradley McCallum Group, undated
Demetria Royals, Anita Gonzalez, Robbie McCauley, Mother Courage and Her Children, undated
Michelle Shay, undated
Abderrahmane Sissako, undated
Art Spiegelman, undated
Patricia Williams, undated
Artist Profiles--Release, 1999
Subseries 2.7: Artist Applications
Scope and Contents note
This series contains applications received from artists for the 1999 IACD session. Applications were typically received by fax so there is relatively little additional material such as photographs or other media. Files are arranged alphabetically by last name.
Call to Artists, 1999
Cancellation, Paula Vogel, undated
Ciongoli-Koepfinger, Coni, 1999
Fernando, Fleurette, 1999
Fleming, Maureen, 1999
Flores, Ana, 1999
Fruchter, Dara, 1999
Gamboa, Harry Jr., 1999
Gamson, Rosanna, 1999
Garcia, Anthony, 1999
Goldberg, Jane, 1999
Gonzales, Felicia, 1999
Green, Katie, 1999
Grass, June, and Novosielski, Viesia, 1999
Guy, Joyce, 1999
Hata, Chisao, 1999
Howie, Diana, 1999
Hsu-Flanders, Lillian, 1999
Hunt, Michael, 1999
Jackson, Homer, 1999
Jones, Ozzie, 1999
Jones, Thomas, 1999
The Jones Twins, 1999
Karrer, Lisa, 1999
Katz, Joel, 1999
Kelly, Nancy, 1999
Kim-Gibson, Dai Sil, 1999
Kreidwise, Shirley, 1999
Lanzillotto, Annie, 1999
Lawson, Thomas, 1999
Lewis, Robin, 1999
Ligorano, Reese, 1999
Lipper, Joanna, 1999
Litoff, Jacob, 1999
Loring, Sondra, 1999
Lowenstein, Mark, 1999
Martin, Renita, 1999
Mason, Keith Antar, 1999
Mayo, Lisa; Dunn, Liz, 1999
McLeod, Laurie, 1999
Medow, Zachary, 1999
Michelman, Elizabeth, 1999
Miller, Tim, 1999
Minuchin-Hargaden, Jean, 1999
Misurell-Mitchell, Janice, 1999
Morris, Tracie, 1999
Myers, Rita, 1999
Nicholson, Patricia, 1999
Nunez, Mariella, 1999
Oakes, Michael, 1999
Obenauf, Meg, 1999
Ortiz, Pablo, 1999
Owen, Kari Ann, 1999
Parkenson, Michelle, 1999
Pearson, Sara, 1999
Pimsler, Stuart, 1999
Plastow, Jane, 1999
Portillo, Rose, 1999
Ramos, Chris D.C., 1999
Reeder, Roberta, 1999
Reedus, Marcus, 1999
Rivera, Alex, 1999
Rogers, Alva, 1999
Rogovin, Janice, 1999
Rosenblatt, Julia, 1999
Sanchez-Padilla, Beva, 1999
Schulman, Sarah, 1999
Schuster, Irene, 1999
Shipley, Sharyn Abramhoff,, 1999
Siebert, Mary, 1999
Skaggs, Sarah, 1999
Smith, Cauleen, 1999
Soe, Valerie, 1999
Sparx, Anne Sullivan; Sparx, Joan, 1999
Spotted Eagle, Chris, 1999
Storey, Rachel, 1999
Strom, Mary Ellen, 1999
Swados, Liz, 1999
Tajiri, Rea, 1999
Tanaka, Janice, 1999
Theater Labyrinth; Raymond Bobgan, Holly Holsinger, Brett Keyser, 1999
Tran, T Kim-Trang, 1999
Tran, Kim-Trang, 1999
Varela, William, 1999
Vinao, Monica, 1999
Walsh, Jack, 1999
Washington, Booker T., Jr., 1999
Washington, Keith, 1999
White, Elisa Joy, 1999
Williams, Nik, 1999
Wise, Debra, 1999
Wright, Jules, 1999
Wyrrick, Sharon, 1999
Yearby, Marlies, 1999
Subseries 2.8: Scholar Applications
Scope and Contents note
Applications from scholars for the 1999 session of the Institute, arranged alphabetically by last name.
Call to Scholars, 1999
Scholars' Applications, 1999
Aguero, Kathleen, 1999
Arrigo, Jean Maria, 1999
Barnatt, Rosalina, 1999
Bergmann, Linda, 1999
Bulik, Robert, 1999
Breines, Wini, 1999
Carrington Ross, Dorothy, 1999
Chansky, Dorothy, 1999
Cohen, Michael, 1999
Concannon, Celia, 1999
Cott, Nancy, 1999
Daufin, E.K., 1999
DeTurk, Sabrina, 1999
Doyle, Jennifer, 1999
Crawford, Neta, 1999
Davidson, Mary, 1999
Davis, Dale T., 1999
Farris, Phoebe, 1999
Fernando, Fleurette, 1999
Flanagan, Constance, 1999
Garton, Jane, 1999
Garbor, Marjorie, 1999
Golden, Renny, 1999
Hafrey, Leigh, 1999
Halley, Jean, 1999
Hammer, E.S., 1999
Harper, Walter, 1999
Ishiboshi, Jean, 1999
Jacobsen, Gail, 1999
Jeffries, Judson, 1999
Jones, Joni L., 1999
Johnson, Gerard, 1999
Katzew, Adrianna, 1999
King, Sandra, 1999
Laurence, Patricia, 1999
Levan, Lori, 1999
Manning, Linda, 1999
Mermelstein, Egon, 1999
Minow, Martha, 1999
Murray, Mary, 1999
Mustafa, Hudita, 1999
Nieves-Squires, Sarah, 1999
Pagnani, Robert L., 1999
Petrites, Cynthia, 1999
Reid-Merritt, Patricia, 1999
Robinson, Jontyle, 1999
Rosovsky, Candace, 1999
Roy, Donald, 1999
Russell, Susan, 1999
Salomone, Rosemary, 1999
Siegel, Marc, 1999
Simon, Lisa, 1999
Smith, Valerie Rae, 1999
Solinger, Richie, 1999
Speiser, Phillip, 1999
Sullivan, Megan, 1999
Trachtenberg, Barbara, 1999
Travis, 1999
Uscher, Nancy, 1999
Warren, Clay, 1999
Weiss, Daniel, 1999
White, Lucie, 1999
Wilkinson Duran, Nicole, 1999
Wilkinson-Meyer, Jimmy, 1999
Williams, Regina, 1999
Winstead, William, 1999
Wooten, Linda, 1999
Subseries 2.9: Ancillary Artist Application
Scope and Contents note
Ancillary artist candidates were either applicants who made it past a preliminary screening or who were being considered for other types of roles within the summer session. In any case, these files were preserved as a separate corpus of records. They are arranged alphabetically by last name.
Rejection Letters and Rejected Proposals, undated
Akalaitis, Joanne, undated
Adams, Tessie Ann, undated
Ammon, Stefka, undated
Araiza, Alberto, undated
Aree, Elia, undated
Armstrong, Gordon, undated
Assante, Kariamu Welsh, undated
Attie, Shimon, undated
General note
Contains 19 slides.
Bachemin, Angelamia, undated
Belton, Don, undated
Benton, Suzanne, undated
"Black is Black Ain't" Unit, undated
Bardowitz, Gregg, undated
Breuer, Lee, undated
Buchanan, Nancy, undated
Burton, Gail, undated
Capers, Jerry, undated
Castro, Robert, undated
Children of War Promotional Material, undated
Chin, Daryl, undated
Cho, Seoungho, undated
Chong, Ping, undated
Chuma, Yoshiko, undated
This folder was omitted from the numbering sequence and does not exist., undated
Cohen-Cruz, Jan, undated
Conway, Merry, undated
Cortez, Reginald, undated
Cunningham, Kevin, undated
Delana, Steven, undated
Diamond, Liz; Picoult, Darcy, undated
Diggs, Peggy, undated
Girl Talk: Voices from Inside Juvenile Hall Compiled by Mezek Leimert, undated
Gonzalez, Anita, undated
Goode, Joe, undated
Graney, Pat, undated
Greanier, Mary-Ann, undated
Halleck, DeeDee, undated
High, Kathy, undated
Hoffbauer, Patricia, undated
Mueller, Lavonne, undated
Jackson, Homer, undated
Jones, Bill T., undated
Kamler, Richard, undated
Laurent, Marguerite, undated
Lock Down U.S.A., undated
Mauberry, Robert, undated
Menkes, Nina, undated
Open Wounds Divecchio, Don, undated
Ridge Theater; Zippi, Don, undated
Scott, Anna, undated
Shorr, Bill, undated
Tectonic Theater Project: Proposal for The Laramie Project; Kaufman, Moises, undated
Voices from the Invisible, or Being Poor; Divecchio, Don, 1998
Wilson, Martha, undated
Subseries 2.10: Summary Report
Scope and Contents note
One file containing the bound report of all of the Institute's Activities for the 1999 season. The report contains information on the participants; results of entry and exit interviews and evaluations; a review of the Institute's mission, goals, and planning; and recommendations for future activities. The report is 84 pages plus appendices.