Request Materials
Contact Information
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
The majority of the materials in this collection are stored offsite and advance notice is required for use. Please contact at least three weeks prior to research visit.
If digital surrogates exist, they should be used in place of the originals whenever possible.
Conditions Governing Access note
Student records and personnel files are closed to researchers for 100 years from their date of creation. All other files are open to researchers without restriction.
Born digital materials are available onsite at the Othmer Library. Requests to acess born digital materials must be made at least 2 days in advance by emailing
Conditions Governing Use note
Copyright held by The Packer Collegiate Institute. All uses beyond fair use requires a licensing agreement as per Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
Photographs of individuals and records pertaining to individual students or staff cannot be reproduced for commercial purposes.