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Giuliano Garavini collection

Call Number



1960 - 1997, inclusive



404.6 Megabytes
in 113 records (PDF)

Language of Materials

English .


Digital copies, in PDF format, of minutes of conference meetings of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), and associated documents, from the beginning of the conference in 1960 up to 1986, acquired by historian Giuliano Garavini during the research and writing of his book "The Rise and Fall of OPEC in the Twentieth Century."

Biographical note

Giuliano Garavini (born 1976) is an Italian historian and member of the Faculty of Humanities at the Universita degli Studi, Roma Tre, in Rome, as well as a former Senior Research Fellow in the Humanities at NYU Abu Dhabi. He earned a doctorate in international history from the University of Florence in 2006.

He has mainly written about European integration, decolonization and the Global South, the history of energy and petroleum. He has taught and received fellowships in various institutions including the European University Institute (EUI), the Graduate Institute in Geneva, RomaTre University, the University of Bologna and the University of Padua.

He is the author among others of "After Empires. European Integration, Decolonization and the Challenge from the Global South, 1957-1986" (2012), and has recently co-edited "Oil Shock. The 1973 Crisis and its Economic Legacy" (2016), "Counter-Shock. The Oil Counter-Revolution of the 1980s" (2018), and "The Rise and Fall of OPEC in the Twentieth Century" (Oxford University Press, 2019).


The collection is arranged largely in chronological order, with minutes of meetings and related documents having been placed in one of five series by date: 1960-1969, 1970-1975, 1976-1980, 1981-1985, and 1986. An additional folder contains copies of two published compilations of press releases and statements issued by OPEC between 1960 and 1997.

Content Description

The Guiliano Garavini collection consists of digital copies of meeting minutes of OPEC Conference meetings, with other selected attached documents, beginning with the first conference in 1960, and extending through the 80th meeting of the Conference, in December 1986. Includes copies of OPEC resolutions and press releases dating from 1960 to 1997. Digital copies exist as PDF files. Files were obtained by Garavini during the research and writing of his book, "The Rise and Fall of OPEC in the Twentieth Century."

The minutes of the meetings, arranged chronologically by meeting date, show the evolution of the organization and development of its policies, as it dealt with questions of how best to maximize the position of its member states as oil producers in the developing world in response to consumer demand from industralized nations. From the earliest meetings, topics represented included attempts to coordinate pricing of crude oil, how to address the question of price differentials by type of crude and region where it was produced, the nationalization of oil companies in some member states, the role of national oil companies in member states in response to outside oil companies, and whether to set production ceilings applicable to all member states, in order to strengthen the position of member states and to stabilize prices to their benefit, among other recurring issues.

The challenges faced by the cartel are documented these minutes through events and trends that members responded to, such as competition from increasing production by non-member nations (such as that from the development of North Sea oil fields by Norway and the United Kingdom in the 1970s), the oil embargo in response to the Arab-Israeli war of 1973, the devaluation of the U.S. dollar (the currency in which crude oil was priced and traded), fluctuating consumer demand, inflation, and other economic trends.

Conditions governing access

Materials can only be accessed by permission of the donor, and must be viewed onsite at New York University Abu Dhabi. Please contact Archives and Special Collections at the New York University Abu Dhabi Library ( for further information.

Conditions governing use

This collection is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use materials in the collection in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).

Preferred citation

[item], [folder title], Giuliano Garavini collection, MC-038, New York University Abu Dhabi Library, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Immediate source of acquisition

Gift of Giuliano Garavini, 2018.

Collection processed by

Brad Bauer

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Processed by Brad Bauer and Kainaath Ahmad Shah Mumtaz, 2018-2019.


NYU Abu Dhabi, Archives and Special Collections

Minutes of OPEC meetings, 1960-1969, inclusive

Language of Materials



75.0 Megabytes in 18 PDF documents.

1st meeting [no minutes available], 1960

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_001 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


No minutes of meeting available.

2nd meeting: Draft minutes of the Second Meeting of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Caracas, January 15-21, 1961, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_002 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations present: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Discussion of administrative structure of OPEC, its budget, and the proposed location of its headquarters, and nomination of Juan Pablo Perez Alfonzo to chairmanship. Also included discussion of requirements for admission to membership, including acceptance of Qatar as member and review of requests from Trinidad and Colombia. Text of speeches delivered by Fouad Rouhani (Iran), Juan Pablo Perez Alfonzo (Venezuela), Mohamed Salman (Iraq), and the President of Venezuela, Romulo Betancourt.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 58 pages, 3 MB.

3rd meeting [no minutes available]

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_003 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

4th meeting [no minutes available]

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_004 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

5th meeting: Proceedings of the Second Session of the Fifth Conference, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, December 25-31, 1963, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_005 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Language of Materials


Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela Topics covered included determining budget for 1964, appointment of auditors, reorganizstion of the Secretariat, discussion of country to host headquarters (Switzerland), proposed membership of Emirate of Abu Dhabi, appointment of Abdul Rahman Bazzaz (Iraq) to succeed Fouad Rouhani as Secretary General, the status of negotations between OPEC and various oil companies, and mechanisms for determining the price of crude oil. Text of speeches by Crown Prince Faisal of Saudi Arabia, Ahmad Zaki Yamani (Saudi Arabia).

Physical characteristics

PDF, 87 pages, 3 MB.

6th meeting: Minutes of Sixth Conference, OPEC, Geneva, Switzerland, July 6-14, 1964, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_006 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Language of Materials



Delegations in attendancd: Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics discussed included the drop in oil production in Saudi Arabia, and questions about its likely causes; a proposed embargo by OPEC members on shipments of oil to South Africa, in order to protest that state's policy of apartheid; the formation and function of an inter-OPEC court, the intention of Algeria to join OPEC as a member state, and discussions of how member states negotiate with oil companies for setting oil prices.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 134 pages, 6 MB.

7th meeting: Minutes of Seventh Conference of OPEC, Djakarta, Indonesia, November 23-28, 1964, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_007 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Language of Materials


Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics discussed included modifications to OPEC's statutes, delineation of the role of Secretary General and the proposed role of Deputy Secretary General, the budget for 1965, the role of royalties paid by oil companies to OPEC member governments, and continued difficulties in negotiations for such, report of the OPEC Economic Commission (regarding pricing), the nomination of Ashraf Lutfi (Kuwait) to serve as the next Secretary General

Physical characteristics

PDF, 158 pages, 7 MB.

8th meeting: Proceedings of the Eighth Conference (Extraordinary), Geneva, 5-10 April, 1965, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_008 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Language of Materials


Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Discussions largely centered around the question of excess production and whether OPEC could limit excess production and stabilize or increase oil prices, including how production allocations among member countries would be determined, and what the side effects of this could be. The delegates presented and approved a production program, reviewed changes in the organization's statutes, and also discussed moving the headquarters of OPEC from Geneva to another country, with Austria being the leading candidate.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 101 pages, 5 MB.

9th meeting: Draft Minutes of the Ninth Conference, Tripoli, Libya, July 7-13, 1965, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_009 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics discussed included the findings of an appended report from the Economic Commisssion, which covered topics such as obtaining price information and the implementation of a joint production program. The move of the OPEC headquarters from Geneva to Vienna was also discussed and approved, and challenges related to obtaining pricing information from companies working in Qatar were addressed. Text of speeches by Manuel Perez Guerrero (Venezuela), Fuad al-Kabazi (Libya)

Physical characteristics

PDF, 117 pages, 5 MB.

9th meeting: Report to the Ninth Conference, OPEC Economic Commission, June 28, 1965

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_010 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Items covered--and later discussed at the meeting in Tripoli in July 1965--included pricing information, draft letter to oil companies requesting crude oil assay data (relevant to situation in Qatar), weaknesses in Libyan oil prices attributed to activities of independent oil companies there, and methods for implementing a joint production program.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 66 pages, 2 MB.

10th meeting: Minutes of the 10th OPEC Conference, held in Vienna, Austria, December 15-17, 1965, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_011 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Discussion included question of whether individual governments should negotiate allowances with oil companies, or whether should have unified approach driven by OPEC; as well as the amendment of the Libyan Petroleum Law, the proposed budget for 1966, and how the implementation of the joint production program would be impacted by production levels of non-OPEC producers, such as Abu Dhabi and Nigeria. The role of countries that had been observers at OPEC meetings, such as Algeria, Colombia, and Trinidad, was discussed, and whether those countries should be persuaded to join as members. Ashraf Lutfi's term as Secretary General was extended by one year, and the decision to appoint a Deputy Secretary General was deferred to the next meeting.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 110 pages, 7 MB.

11th meeting: Minutes of the 11th OPEC conference, held in Vienna, Austria, April 25-28, 1966, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_012 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Observer: Algeria. Topics discussed included the proposal to use prices reported as a means of imposing income taxes on companies in the member countries, the further development of the joint production program, the invitation to Nigeria to attend the next conference as an observer, and comments from the Algerian observer in attendance.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 142 pages, 8 MB.

12th meeting: Minutes of the 12th OPEC Conference, held in Kuwait, December 4-8, 1966, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_013 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Observer: Nigeria. Topics included adoption of 1967 budget, amendments to OPEC statute (concerning reorganization of Secretariat), proposed declaratory statement on oil policy, the proposed invitation to the emirate of Abu Dhabi to attend as an observer or to discuss possible membership, the further development of the Joint Production Programme, application of posted prices for tax purposes, production levels, review of the first meeting of national oil companies held in Caracas in October 1966, nomination of Mohammed Saleh Joukhdar of Saudi Arabia to be the next Secretary General, extending of invitations to Nigeria, Algeria, and Colombia to attend subsequent meetings as observers, with the hope that their countries would join as members, and texts of speeches by retiring president (Dr. Saleh Kubba), incoming president (Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmed al-Sabah, of Kuwait), and observer from Nigeria (F.R.A. Marinho) and closing speech by acting president Khaled al-Jasar.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 111 pages, 5 MB.

12th meeting: Supplemental Report to the Twelfth Conference, OPEC Economic Commission, Kuwait, November 1966

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_014 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Topics included the submission of pricing data by oil companies to governments (citing example of Qatar), gathering data about oil exports by destination, and a review of the work of the seven previous meetings of the commission toward defining the Joint Production Programme.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 32 pages, 1 MB

13th meeting: Minutes of the 13th (Extraordinary) Conference of OPEC, held in Rome, September 15 - 17, 1967, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_015 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics included the effect of the closure of the Suez Canal due to the Six Day War and Israeli occupation of Sinai, including the increase in oil prices passed on to consumers and the increase in freight rates charged by oil tankers, and the corresponding proposal at the meeting to levy taxes on them. In addition, the members agreed to extend an invitation to the emirate of Abu Dhabi to join OPEC.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 19 pages, 1 MB.

14th meeting: Draft minutes of the Fourteenth OPEC Conference, held in Vienna, November 27 - 29, 1967, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_016 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics included welcoming Abu Dhabi as a new member, the discussion of the 1968 budget, the proposed elimination of allowances and gravity correction, presentation of a report on the impact of proposed taxation of tanker earnings, discussion of a report from the Economic Commission on the proposed Production Programme, proposed outreach to consumers by establishing an office in Brussels to interact with the EEC, nomination of Francisco Parra of Venezuela as the next Secretary General.

15th meeting: Final Minutes of the Fifteenth (Extraordinary) OPEC Conference, held in Beirut, January 8 - 9, 1968, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_017 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics included the proposed elimination of the allowance off posted prices and gravity differential, and definitions of the proposed Uniform Petroleum Law.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 63 pages, 3 MB.

16th meeting: Minutes of the Sixteenth OPEC Conference, held in Vienna, June 24 - 25, 1968, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_018 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics included the continued development of Uniform Principles for Petroleum Legislation (in member countries), whether these should be embodied in a code or guiding principles, and whether they should be binding on all member countries, since contexts varied in each one. Discussion also ensued about the possible devaluation of the U.S. dollar and its potential impact on crude prices, the possibility of posting a senior OPEC officer to Brussels to be a liaison with the EEC,

Physical characteristics

PDF, 92 pages, 5 MB.

17th meeting: Minutes of the Seventeenth OPEC Conference, held in Baghdad, November 9-10, 1968, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_019 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics included the proposal of a conservation regulation, the summary of the Economic Commission report concerning the implementation of a Joint Production Program, the relationship between OPEC and national oil companies, participation of governments of member states in concession-holding companies, the 1969 budget, and the nomination of Hassan Kamel of Qatar to be the next Secretary General. Also included texts of speeches by President Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr of Iraq, OPEC President Abdul Rahman al Ateeqy of Kuwait, and Secretary General Francisco Parra of Venezuela.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 65 pages, 3 MB.

18th meeting: Minutes of the Eighteenth OPEC Conference, held in Vienna, July 8 - 9, 1969, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_020 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attenadnce: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics include welcoming Algeria to full membership in OPEC,the impact of the proposed devaluation of the U.S. dollar on oil prices, policies regarding the posting of oil prices, the role of national oil companies in relation to OPEC, contacts with the EEC, and the role of English as the language used in OPEC meetings (which Algeria disputed).

Also includes text of opening speech by Rashid al-Rifai, of Iraq, president of OPEC, and Sid al-Ghozali, head of the Algerian delegation.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 78 pages, 5 MB.

19th meeting: Minutes of the Nineteenth OPEC Conference, held in Doha, December 14 - 16, 1969, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_021 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics included pricing, the production program, relinquishment, an Algerian plan to revise fiscal regime of agreements (with French oil companies operating in Algeria), the role of meetings of national oil companies in contrast to general OPEC meetings, and the proposed construction of permanent headquarters for OPEC in Vienna.

Also included text of speeches by Sheikh Ahmed bin Ali Al-Thani, ruler of Qatar; Nadim Pachachi, of Abu Dhabi, president of the 18th conference of OPEC; and Elrich Sanger, Secretary General.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 65 pages, 4 MB.

Minutes of OPEC meetings, 1970-1975, inclusive


122.0 Megabytes in 33 PDF documents.

20th meeting: Minutes of the Twentieth OPEC Conference, held in Algiers, June 24 - 26, 1970, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_022 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Topics included the report of the Economic Commission, which included the continuing discussion about the formation of a production program, a discussion of the role of national oil companies in relation to OPEC, discussion of a report on participation, and the presentation of findings of a special committee tasked with analyzing the structure of OPEC. Focus toward the end of the meeting was given on issues in Iraq regarding oil companies' production policies and royatly expensing there. Texts of speeches included those of opening addresses by Hassan Kamel of Qatar, the president for the 19th conference, and Algerian President Houari Boumediene.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 133 pages, 8 MB.

20th meeting: Report of the Economic Commission 14th and 15th meetings (Vienna, Algiers), June 1970

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_023 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

The report, included as item 6 of the agenda for the 20th conference held in Algiers, was a summary of two meetings of the Economic Commission, held in Vienna in April 1970 and in Algiers, concurrent with the 20th conference, in June 1970. An analysis of consumer use in various countries was presented to inform the proposals for a joint production program for OPEC member nations.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 9 pages, 211 KB.

21st meeting: Minutes of the Twenty-First OPEC Conference, held in Caracas, December 9 - 12, 1970, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_024 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. The conference was divided up into five meetings, and the minutes divided accordingly. The first meeting include the election of a president for the conference, approval of the agenda and minutes, and the like, before a discussion of disparities in member states in posted crude oil prices. The second meeting consisted of a report from the Economic Commission, the third meeting was a discussion about the draft proposal for a Production Program. The fourth meeting covered issues related to participation, the national oil companies, the 1971 budget, and other administrative issues. The fifth meeting included draft resolutions from Algeria and Libya, and a closed meeting of delegation heads selected Nadim Pachachi of Abu Dhabi as the next Secretary General. The minutes include the text of opening speeches by Belaid Abdesselam of Algeria, in his role as conference president for this meeting, and Rafael Caldera, president of Venezuela.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 127 pages, 8 MB.

22nd meeting: Minutes of the Twenty-Second OPEC Conference (Extraordinary), held in Tehran, February 3 - 4, 1971, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_025 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics discussed largely focused on Resolution 120, as adopted at the previous conference, which addressed rates of taxation on oil companies relative to established prices on crude oil. Countries which had implemented this reported on their experiences, those that had not yet been successful in doing so looked at strategies for doing that. At a special session held in the Iranian Senate, the conference was addressed by Shah Mohamed Reza Pahlavi, who addressed the urgency of implementing this resolution to address price imbalances among oil-producing countries, and to rectify the drop in oil prices among some producing countries, such as the nations of the Gulf region, including Iran. Text of opening speech by Hugo Perez de Salvia of Venezuela, the president of the 21st conference, Jamshid Amouzegar, head of the Iranian delegation, and Shah Mohamed Reza Pahlavi of Iran, is included.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 61 pages, 4 MB.

23rd meeting: Minutes of the Twenty-Third OPEC Conference (Extraordinary), held in Vienna, July 10, 1971

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_026 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. The meeting consisted chiefly of discussion of the findings of a standing committee on the proposed Joint Production Program, which having seen such a program as too complex, proposed a simpler means of reducing oil production among all members when market prices dropped beneath an acceptable level for a sustained period of time. A resolution to this effect was concluded.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 14 pages, 872 KB.

24th meeting: Minutes of the Twenty-Fourth Meeting of the OPEC Conference, held in Vienna, July 12 - 13, 1971, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_027 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics discussed included the welcoming of Nigeria as a new member, the question of participation (i.e., governments of member states acquiring ownership of existing oil concessions), amendments to the OPEC statutes, remuneration and conditions of service within OPEC, the feasibility of establishing a bank among OPEC members, and the proposal to adopt Arabic alongside English as an official language of OPEC. The Economic Commission produced the report from its 17th meeting, which discussed the effects of inflation on oil prices, the need for parity between various currencies, and the integration of the petroleum industry into the economics of OPEC member states.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 75 pages, 4 MB.

25th meeting: Minutes of the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Conference (Extraordinary), held in Beirut, September 22, 1971

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_028 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. The main topic of the meeting was the issue of parity among various world currencies, and how the lack of same was impacting the purchasing power of OPEC member states' oil revenues. In addition, the working committee on the question of participation reported back with its recommendations.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 27 pages, 2 MB.

26th meeting: Minutes of the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the OPEC Conference, held in Abu Dhabi, December 7, 1971

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_029 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics discussed included parity of currencies and their impact on the purchasing power of oil revenues of OPEC members, and the budget for 1972, among other matters. Also included were the texts of speeches by Abdulrahman Al-Ateeqy, of Kuwait in his role as president of the conference; Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al Nahyan, as Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Abu Dhabi, and Nadim Pachachi, also of Abu Dhabi, in his role as Secretary General.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 34 pages, 2 MB.

27th meeting: Minutes of the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the Conference (Extraordinary), held in Beirut, March 11 - 12, 1972, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_030 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics discussed focused largely on the question of participation, and much of the meeting was given to discussing the negotiations between Saudi Arabia and ARAMCO, and the latter's perceived reluctance to allow significant Saudi acquisition of their concessions. Discussions of the ways in which member countries could assist one another in such situations led to discussion of the formation of a bank for member countries to pool together funds for assisting one another as well.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 46 pages, 3 MB.

28th meeting: Minutes of the Twenty-Eighth (Extraordinary) Meeting of the OPEC Conference, held in Beirut, June 9, 1972

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_031 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. The entirety of the meeting was taken up with discussion of a conflict between the government of Iraq and the IPC (Iraq Petroleum Company), in which the government sought to take ownership of lands originally granted in the concession to IPC, but not developed, in particular around Kirkuk. The resistance of IPC led the government then to fully nationalize the company, a move that members at this meeting supported.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 46 pages, 3 MB.

29th meeting: Minutes of the Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the Conference, held in Vienna, June 26 - 27, 1972, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_032 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Observers in attendance: Trinidad and Tobago. Topics included considering whether to admit Ecuador at the status of observer, and Trinidad and Tobago as a member; the 1972 budget, and continued discussion of the issues of participation (of member states acquiring portions of concessions from oil companies operating in their territory), the possible creation of an OPEC fund for member states in need, and a review of the report of the 19th meeting of the Economic Commission, which had discussed prices and recommended a 2% increase in production, and the adoption of a contingency plan on production programming. Also discussed was a proposal to make Arabic an official language of the meetings, and the need to pay greater attention to environmental concerns in the member states. In addition, a non-agenda item was discussed, namely a news report prior to the meeting that the Shah of Iran had stated, at a news conference in London, that Iran would not follow OPEC's lead in the issue of participation, but would take action on its own due to its unique circumstances.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 56 pages, 3 MB.

30th meeting: Minutes of the Thirtieth Meeting of the Conference (Extraordinary), held in Riyadh, October 26 - 27, 1972, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_033 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics discussed centered mainly on the question of participation, with the focus being on the proposed agreement between Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states (Kuwait, Qatar, Abu Dhabi) with U.S. oil companies for their participation in concessions, and how to achieve this to avoid releasing too much oil into the market, and to allow for the building up of national oil companies. The text of a message from King Faisal ibn Abd'al Aziz, of Saudi Arabia, was also read.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 41 pages, 3 MB.

31st meeting: Minutes of the Thirty-First Meeting of the OPEC Conference, held in Lagos, November 29 - 30, 1972, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_034 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Conditions Governing Access

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics discussed included the 1973 budget, the working group report about the proposed OPEC Fund, a preliminary report about the problem of oil pollution at sea, the appointmentn of Abderrahman Khene as the next Secretary General, and the crafting of a resolution in support of the government of Iraq following its nationalization of IPC. Also included text of opening speech by General Yakubu Gowon, head of Nigeria's military government.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 52 pages, 3 MB.

32nd meeting: Minutes of the Thirty-Second (Extraordinary) Meeting of the OPEC Conference, held in Vienna, March 16 - 17, 1973, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_035 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:


Physical characteristics

PDF, 82 pages, 5 MB.

32nd meeting: Report: "The Present Energy Crisis and Its Future Implications", March 1973

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_036 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics of original

PDF, 43 pages, 2 MB.

33rd meeting: Minutes of the Thirty-Third (Extraordinary) Meeting of the OPEC Conference, held in Vienna, May 26, 1973

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_037 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Kuwait, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the current status of negotations between OPEC and oil companies on a way to compensate for lost revenue among member states due to the devaluation of the U.S. dollar.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 15 pages, 821 KB.

34th meeting: Minutes of the Thirty-Fourth Meeting of the OPEC Conference, held in Vienna, June 27 - 28, 1973, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_038 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, with Ecuador and Trinidad and Tobago attending as observers. Topics included the membership application of Ecuador and Bolivia's request to attend as an observer, reports from working groups on the topics of the energy crisis and oil pollution at sea, a report on the location of oil refineries around the world, and the administrative structure of OPEC.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 102 pages, 6 MB.

34th meeting: Report: "The Tehran Agreement Examined in Light of Recent Economic Developments and Petroleum Market Conditions," presented by the Iraqi Delegation to the XXXIV Conference., June 1973

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_039 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

The report suggests that the tax system put in place by the Tehran Agreement was out of date, due to changes in the markets for crude and refined oil since that time, and inflation.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 27 pages, 1 MB.

35th meeting: Minutes of the 35th (Extraordinary) Meeting of the OPEC Conference, held in Vienna, September 15 - 16, 1973, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_040 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics included discussion of conflicts between Libya and oil companies operating in its territory, consideration of Abu Dhabi's posted prices, and the report of a working group to analyze and consider for revision the Tehran, Lagos, and Tripoli Agreements.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 97 pages, 6 MB.

36th meeting: Minutes of the 36th Meeting of the OPEC Conference, held in Vienna, November 19 - 20, 1973, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_041 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics included discussion of basic rights of membership, consideration of applications for membership from Gabon and Trinidad and Tobago, the request of Bolivia to attend as an observer, drafts of codes and regulations to address concerns of oil pollution, review of a report on the energy crisis, and the budget for 1974.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 77 pages, 5 MB.

36th meeting: Report: "Technical Preventative Regulations for Marine Pollution by Oil in the Gulf," Technical Department, OPEC Secretariat, November 1973

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_042 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

The report describes the sources of oil pollution at sea, the prevention and abatement of oil pollution caused by tankers, cleanup operations after oil pollution at sea, and a series of draft regulations related to these matters.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 33 pages, 2 MB.

37th meeting: Minutes of the Thirty-Seventh (Extraordinary) Meeting of the Conference, held in Geneva, January 7 - 9, 1974, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_043 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Kuwait, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics included a discussion of the basis for a long-term OPEC pricing policy, including ways to coordinate pricing among member states in order to remove disparities between them, a look at ways to establish relationshihps between oil producing and oil consuming countries, and a review of the Secretary General's trip to New Delhi. Also, Abu Dhabi transferred its membership to the United Arab Emirates, of which it had been a member since late 1971.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 125 pages, 8 MB.

38th meeting: Minutes of the Thirty-Eighth (Extraordinary) Meeting of the Conference, held in Vienna, March 16 - 17, 1974, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_044 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, with Trinidad and Tobago as an observer. Topics discussed included the best method to set prices on oil for the second quarter of 1974, that the Economic Commission should also, in tandem with that question, take up the related issue of how to set production levels, and a committee was tasked to meet and set up conditions for establishing an OPEC fund for use by member states.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 27 pages, 2 MB.

39th meeting: Minutes of the Thirty-Ninth (Extraordinary) Meeting of the Conference, held in Geneva, April 7, 1974

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_045 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, with Trinidad and Tobago as observers. The main topic of discussion was the establishment of a special fund to aid OPEC member states (the OPEC Development Fund), which included a report and draft resolution prepared by a working committee.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 53 pages, 3 MB.

40th meeting: Minutes of the 40th Meeting of the Conference, held in Quito, June 15 - 17, 1974, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_046 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, and as observers, Congo (Brazzaville), Trinidad and Tobago, Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru. Topics addressed included applications for membership by Trinidad and Tobago and Congo (Brazzaville), updates on the establishment of the OPEC Fund, financial reports from 1973 and the supplemental budget for 1974, a report from the Ministerial Committee on the energy crisis, and a request for a study to examine gas prices. In addition, included the texts of speeches by General Guillermo Rodrigues Lara, the military leader of Ecuador; Shridath Ramphal, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guyana, speaking on behalf of Non-Aligned Nations; and Antonio Tord Gomez, Minister of Energy of Peru.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 118 pages, 8 MB.

41st meeting: Minutes of the Forty-First Extraordinary Meeting of the Conference, held in Vienna, September 12 - 13, 1974, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_047 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics discussed included the OPEC Fund, the formulation of posted prices, and the role of inflation impacting oil revenues, among other issues. Also included paraphrased text of a speech by Raul Prebisch, representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations Emergency Operation.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 48 pages, 3 MB.

42nd meeting: Minutes of the Forty-Second Meeting of the Conference, held in Vienna, December 12 - 13, 1974, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_048 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics discussed included requests of Bolivia to attend as observer and Congo to apply for status as associate member / observer; the selection of M.O. Feyide of Nigeria as the new Secretary General, and the budget for 1975.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 28 pages, 1 MB.

43rd meeting: Minutes of the Forty-Third Extraordinary Meeting of the Conference, held in Vienna, February 25 - 27, 1975, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_049 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics discussed included the report of an expert group looking at the agenda for a summit conference, pricing of oil in certain Gulf states, and the depreciation of the dollar. Tributes were also offered to Abdulrahman al Rateeqy, the former Minister of Oil for Kuwait, upon his retirement from that post and the Kuwaiti OPEC delegation.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 21 pages, 644 KB.

43rd meeting: Report: "Currency Variations and Economic Outlook in OECD Countries in 1975 and Effects of Inflation on OPEC's Per-Barrel Income.", February 1975

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_050 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics of original

PDF, 11 pages, 474 KB.

44th meeting: Minutes of the Forty-Fourth Meeting of the Conference, held in Libreville, June 9 - 12, 1975, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_051 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics discussed included the financial report for 1974 and supplemental budget for 1975, relations between OPEC and other international organizations, the report of the Expert Group, report of the Economic Commission Board Meetings, cooperation among national oil companies, investment of surplus funds, the application from Gabon for full membership, and the application of Syria for membership. Also includes texts of speeches by the President of Gabon [xxx] Bongo, and by Ole Algard, permanent Norwegian representative to the United Nations and chair of the board of governors of the UN Special Fund.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 92 pages, 5 MB.

45th meeting: Minutes of the Forty-Fifth Extraordinary Meeting of the Conference, held in Vienna, September 24 - 27, 1975, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_052 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics discussed included the readjustment of crude oil prices, the relative value of crude oils from different members states, the propoal of establishing unit of Special Drawing Rights (SDR) as a means to define the price of oil rather than the U.S. dollar, the potential acquisition of a new headquarters building in Vienna, and the nationalization of Venezuela's oil industry.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 23 pages, 1 MB.

46th meeting: Minutes of the Forty-Sixth Meeting of the Conference, held in Vienna, December 20, 1975

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_053 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics discussed included the budget for 1976, the new headquarters building for OPEC, and the reports of the Economic Commission and Secretary General, which included coordination among national oil companies, the need for OPEC to mount a publc relations campaign, and a report on the relative value of crude oils from OPEC states, among other topics.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 63 pages, 4 MB.

46th meeting: Report: Determination of the Value of OPEC Area Crude Oil in Relation to Other Energy Sources. Final Report on the Economics of Alternative Sources of Energy. Prepared for OPEC by Chem Systems International, Ltd., January 1975

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_054 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

PDF, 441 pages, 14 MB.

Minutes of OPEC meetings, 1976-1980, inclusive


66.1 Megabytes in 23 PDF documents.

47th meeting: Minutes of the Forty-Seventh Meeting of the Conference, held in Bali, Indonesia, May 27 - 28, 1976, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_055 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics discussed included the relative values of crude oils originating from the same region but destined toward various consuming regions; the role of Group 77, to which many of OPEC's member states belonged and its support of the Manila Declaration, the status of the headquarters building in Vienna, Also included was the text of the welcoming speech given by the President of Indonesia, Suharto.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 40 pages, 3 MB.

48th meeting: Minutes of the 48th Meeting of the Conference, held in Doha, Qatar, December 15 - 17, 1976, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_056 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics discussed included the 1977 budget, the headquarters building in Vienna, a report of the Economic Commission on crude oil prices, a report on the stockpiling of oil reserves by consumer states (non-OPEC nations), the appointment of Ali Mohammed Jaidah of Qatar as the next Secretary General, the administrative restructuring of OPEC and the call for a greater role in public relations, among other issues. Also includes text of opening speech by Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad al-Thani, the ruler of Qatar.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 66 pages, 4 MB.

49th meeting: Minutes of the 49th Meeting of the Conference, held in Stockholm, Sweden, July 12 - 13, 1977, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_057 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics discussed included the relative prices of crude oil, and continued attempts to devise an equitable formula to be applied among member states; the relationship of OPEC to the Council on International Economic Cooperation; production programming, and responses to stockpiling of oil among non-OPEC nations.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

PDF, 32 pages, 2 MB.

50th meeting: Minutes of the 50th Meeting of the Conference, held in Caracas, Venezuela, December 20 - 21, 1977, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_058 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics addressed included continued discussion of the relative values of heavy crudes, the impact of inflation on purchasing power of oil revenues, as well as the related impact to the weakening of the U.S. dollar, the 1978 budget, and the restructuring of the OPEC Secretariat. Also included text of speeches by Carlos Andres Perez, president of Venezuela, which focused at length on OPECs role as an advocate for the interests of developing countries versus industralized ones, and ideas for furtherance of those interests.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 53 pages, 3 MB.

51st meeting: Minutes of the 51st Meeting of the Conference, held in Geneva, Switzerland, June 17 - 19, 1978, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_059 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Includes financial and auditor's reports, report of Secretary General,and Economic Commission. Topics discussed included whether or not OPEC should join the Council of Associations of Developing Countries Producers/Exporters of Raw Materials, the recent meeting of chiefs of OPEC National Oil Companies, determination of the types of statistical data member countries should be required to provide to OPEC, and the impact of inflation and fluctuations in currency values on prices of oil and revenues, and how OPEC should respond in the face of such challenges.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 64 pages, 4 MB.

51st meeting: Report: Currency Variations Effect on Crude Oil Income Based on the Appreciation / Depreciation of the US Dollar vis-a-vis Several Baskets, and Annex Calculation, June 1978

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_060 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics of original

PDF, 66 pages, 2 MB.

52nd meeting: Minutes of the 52nd Meeting of the Conference, held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, December 16 - 17, 1978, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_061 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics included review of the 1979 budget, the reports of working parties on petrochemicals and statistics, the report of the meeting of chiefs of OPEC National Oil Companies, and the question of how OPEC should respond to inflation and the continued devaluation of the US dollar. To the latter, OPEC announced that it would raise prices of crude in a moderated fashion in accordance with inflation, but not at the full rate of inflation. Rene Ortiz of Ecuador was also appointed as the new Secretary General, and proposals to add languages other than English (especially Arabic) as official languages of OPEC was once again discussed.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

PDF, 68 pages, 4 MB.

53rd meeting: Minutes of the 53rd Extraordinary Meeting of the Conference, held in Geneva, Switzerland, March 26 - 27, 1979, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_062 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics focused largely on pricing of oil and perceived discrepancies between prices charged by OPEC member state producers and outside oil companies, and the impact this was having on consumers, especially those in developing countries. A resulting acceleration in the increase of OPEC prices per barrel on crude was announced.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 65 pages, 4 MB.

53rd meeting: Report: The Effects of Price Adjustments on Balance of Payments and Inflation in Consuming Countries, March 1979

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_063 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics of original

PDF, 20 pages, 524 KB.

54th meeting: Minutes of the 54th Meeting of the Conference, held in Geneva, Switzerland, June 26 - 28, 1979, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_064 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics discussed included impact of inflation on oil revenues and the purchasing power of developing countries, the replenishment of the OPEC Special Fund to aid such countries, critiques of industrialized countries for their perceived unwillingness to assist developing countries, an increase in the price per barrel of crude from OPEC countries to address this situation, and the proposal to price OPEC crude using a basket of currencies rather than relying solely on the US dollar. The negative public image of OPEC was also addressed, and the need for the organization to respond, particularly in developing countries.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 103 pages, 7 MB.

54th meeting: Summary of the Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the Chief Executives of the OPEC National Oil Companies, Vienna, April 9 - 10, 1979, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_065 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Representatives in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. The primary topic was to address findings of a working group on staffing, education and training for the oil industry in OPEC member states.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 7 pages, 363 KB.

54th meeting: Working paper: Iraqi Proposal for the Creation of a Long-Term International Fund to Assist Developing Countries Against Inflation., June 1979

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_066 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics of original

PDF, 10 pages, 644 KB.

55th meeting: Minutes of the 55th Meeting of the Conference, held in Caracas, Venezuela, December 17 - 20, 1979, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_067 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics included the expansion of the OPEC Special Fund, both in size and scope, to assist other developing countries and increase solidarity between them and OPEC, the development of OPEC public relations, responses to the continuing challenges of inflation and devaluation of the US dollar, and reports of the Working Party on Petrochemicals and the fourth meeting of the Chief Executives of OPEC National Oil Companies. Includes text of opening address by Venezuelan President Luis Herrera Campins.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 117 pages, 8 MB.

55th meeting: Report: Crude by Crude Netback Up-dating of Batelle Netback Model (Specifnet). Energy Studies Department., December 13, 1979

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_068 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics of original

PDF, 30 pages, 2 MB.

55th meeting: Report: Current Market Situation. Energy Studies Department, OPEC Secretariat, December 1979

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_069 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics of original

PDF, 52 pages, 2 MB.

55th meeting: Report: OPEC Crude Oil Price Differentials. Energy Studies Department, December 1979

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_070 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics of original

PDF, 40 pages, 2 MB.

55th meeting: Report: Refined Product Prices and Taxes in Western Europe. Energy Studies Department, OPEC Secretariat, December 1979

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_071 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics of original

PDF, 80 pages, 3 MB.

56th meeting: Minutes of the Fifty-Sixth (Extraordinary) Meeting of the Conference, held in Taif, Saudi Arabia, May 7 - 8, 1980, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_072 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics included the Long-Term Strategy Report, which was accepted with some reservations by a few member states, the upcoming meeting of Foreign Ministers of OPEC member states as a venue for addressing relations with industralized countries, the upcoming meeting of OPEC heads-of-state in Baghdad, the pricing of natural gas in relation to crude oil, and the decision of member countries not to replace Iran's withheld exports on the international market.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 55 pages, 4 MB.

57th meeting: Minutes of the Fifty-Seventh (57th) Meeting of the Conference, held in Algiers, Algeria, June 9 - 11, 1980, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_073 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics included the financial and auditor reports for 1979, the supplementary budget for 1980s, reports on the fifth meeting of chief executives of National Oil Companies and the fourth meeting of the working group on petrochemicals, the proposed establishment of an OPEC News Agency, planning for the summit of leaders of OPEC member states, further development of the long-term strategy of OPEC, the raising of the per-barrel price of crude oil as a strategy to combat stockpiling of oil reserves, and aligning pricing strategies of natural gas with those used for crude oil in member states that produce both. Also includes texts of speeches by conference president Humberto Calderon Berti of Venezuela, and President Chadli Benjedid of Algeria.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 91 pages, 6 MB.

57th meeting: Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Working Party on Petrochemicals, Vienna, April 8 - 10, 1980, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_074 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Representatives in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Kuwait, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia. The report looked at projected production and pricing of petrochemical products over the next decade, operational problems of member countries in developing their industries, and defining means of cooperation among member states in a market environment, among other issues.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 41 pages 1 MB.

57th meeting: Summary of the Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the Chief Executives of the OPEC National Oil Companies, Vienna, April 21 - 22, 1980, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_075 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered

Representatives in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela. Topics included the survey of training institutions available to staff in member states, the report of the working group on refining operations that met in Jakarta the previous February, and ways to coordinate purchases of goods and services.

Physical characteristics of original

PDF, 11 pages, 585 KB.

58th meeting: Minutes of the Fifty-Eighth (58th) (Extraordinary) Meeting of the Conference, held in Vienna, September 17, 1980

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_076 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. The main topic was member states should best respond to the surplus of oil on worldwide markets, attributed to stockpiling of reserves by consumer nations, and the impact this was having on oil revenues in member states. The resulting decision was to lower the price per barrel of crude and freeze prices for the time being.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 26 pages, 1 MB.

59th meeting: Minutes of the Fifty-Ninth (59th) Meeting of the Conference, held in Bali, Indonesia, December 15 - 16, 1980, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_077 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics included approval of the 1981 budget, the proposed educational institute for training personnel working in the petroleum industry, the extension of the incumbent Secretary General's term by one year, and the report of the 52nd meeting of the Economic Commission, upon whose recommendations per barrel prices of crude were raised once again. Discussion was also given to the war that had recently broken out between two member states, Iran and Iraq, and attempts to resolve their differences from within OPEC. Also included were paraphrased texts of speeches from conference president Dr. Subroto (Indonesia) as well as Indonesian President Suharto.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 62 pages, 2 MB.

Minutes of OPEC meetings, 1980-1985, inclusive


87 Megabytes in 20 PDF documents.

60th meeting: Minutes of the Sixtieth Meeting of the Conference, held in Geneva, Switzerland, May 25 - 26, 1981, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_078 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics included the financial and auditor reports for 1980, reports of the 7th informal meeting of Chief Executives of the National Oil Companies, the Committee of Experts for the formation of the OPEC Institute for Higher Education, and the proposal for the formation of an energy trust fund for Research and Development at Oxford University. Reports of the 53rd and 54th meeting of the Economic Commission were presented, and discussion continued about the long-term strategy of OPEC. Marc Saturnin Nan Nguema of Gabon was appointed Secretary General. The conference adjourned on its first day to offer condolences at the Ecuadorian consulate, after having learned of the death of Ecuadorian president Jaime Roldos Aguilera in a plane crash earlier that day.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 122 pages, 7 MB.

61st meeting: [no records extant]

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_079 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

62nd meeting: Minutes of the Sixty-Second (62nd) Meeting of the Conference, held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, December 9 - 11, 1981, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_080 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics addressed included the 1982 budget, the report of the Economic Commission, continued discussions on the formation of an OPEC higher education institute, and how to best counter negative publicity against OPEC, and the need for a concerted public relations campaign. Also includes the text of the opening speech by Mana Said Otaiba, the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources for the United Arab Emirates.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 132 pages, 8 MB.

63rd meeting: Minutes of the Sixty-Third (63rd) Extraordinary Meeting of the Conference, held in Vienna, March 19 - 20, 1982, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_081 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. The meeting primarily addressed responses to current market conditions (such as drop in consumer demand and increase in production by non-OPEC states), which led them to confirm the price increase per barrel of crude as agreed at their previous meeting, to set a ceiling on production, and to address the issue of price differentials.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 28 pages, 2 MB.

64th meeting: Minutes of the Sixty-Fourth (64th) Meeting of the Conference, held in Quito, Ecuador, May 20 - 21, 1982, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_082 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics addressed included discussion of the report of the Ministerial Committee, which led the conference to retain ceilings on production adopted at the previous meeting, and a review of the report of the 56th meeting of the Economic Commission, Also included was the text (paraphrased) of the opening speech by Osvaldo Hurtado Larrea, president of Ecuador.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 99 pages, 6 MB.

65th meeting: Minutes of the 65th (Extraordinary) Meeting of the Conference, held in Vienna, July 9 - 10, 1982, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_083 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. The topics discussed were primarily in response to the report of the third meeting of the Ministerial Committee, which had meant to address the issues of pricing and production ceilings, but during the meeting, the continuing issue of price differentials was raised as well.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 116 pages, 5 MB.

66th meeting: Minutes of the Sixty-Sixth Meeting of the Conference, held in Vienna, December 19 - 20, 1982, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_084 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics included approval of the 1983 budget, and the report from the sixth meeting of the Ministerial Committee, which recommended maintaining the production ceiling in light of continued reduced demand for oil.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 37 pages, 2 MB.

67th meeting: Minutes of the 67th (Extraordinary) Meeting of the Conference, held in London, March 14, 1983

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_085 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. The main topics of discussion were to set the price per barrel of crude at $29, and to keep a production ceiling of 17.5 million barrels per day.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

PDF, 29 pages, 2 MB.

68th meeting: Minutes of the Sixty-Eighth Meeting of the Conference, held in Helsinki, Finland, July 18 - 19, 1983, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_086 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics included the financial and auditor's reports for 1982, and the reports of the Ministerial Monitoring Committee and the Economic Commission, and a review of the long-term strategy of OPEC, since market conditions had greatly changed since the last time they had addressed that several years earlier. Also included was the text of the opening address by Finnish Prime Minister Kalevi Sorsa.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 59 pages, 4 MB.

69th meeting: Minutes of the Sixty-Ninth Meeting of the Conference, held in Geneva, December 7 - 9, 1983, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_087 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics included the 1984 budget, the reports of the Ministerial Monitoring Committee and the 59th Economic Commission meeting. These reports confirmed that the market had weakened and led them to hold off raising the ceiling on production and to maintain current prices. The decision to appoint a new Secretary General, pending from previous meetings, had again been deferred, due to objections from some members (such as Iran) as to the selection process.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 77 pages, 5 MB.

70th meeting: Minutes of the 70th Meeting of the Conference, Vienna, July 10 - 11, 1984, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_088 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics included the financial and auditor's reports for 1983, discussion of the reports of the Ministerial Monitoring Committee and the 60th meeting of the Economic Commission Board, and the meeting of the executives of national oil companies. No new Secretary General was chosen, and it was agreed to maintain current price levels and the production ceiling, and to reach out to non-OPEC producing countries to better coordinate pricing and production.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 86 pages, 6 MB.

70th meeting: Report: Report by His Excellency Mana Saeed Otaiba, Chairman of the Ministerial Monitoring Committee, to Be Presented to the 70th Meeting of the Conference, July 1984

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_089 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Provided the committee's assessment of market conditions, outlook for oil demand, and results of the $5 reduction in price per barrel of crude.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 10 pages, 356 KB.

70th meeting: Report: Progress Report on the Long-Term Strategy presented to the 70th Meeting of the Conference by His Excellency Ahmed Zaki Yamani...Chairman of the Long-Term Strategy Committee, July 1984

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_090 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

The report summarized the committee's discussion to date of four key issues: developing a long-term strategy for pricing policies, OPEC relations with other oil-exporting countries, OPEC relations with developing countries, and relations with industrialized countries. It was acknowledged that industrialized countries had countered OPEC's strategies in pricing and demand successfully, and that OPEC needed to think more strategically about its own response to that.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 11 pages, 1 MB.

71st meeting: Minutes of the 71st (Extraordinary) Meeting of the Conference, Geneva, October 29 - 31, 1984, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_091 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Observers: Egypt, Mexico. The main focus of the meeting was responding to price cuts from non-OPEC producers Norway and the United Kingdom, and member state Nigeria, and the reassertion of the existing price per barrel of $29 for member states, and implementation of a cut in production to 16 million barrels per day. The issue of price differentials among different types of crude was revisited, and a committee was formed to pursue that topic further.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 51 pages, 4 MB.

72nd meeting: Minutes of the Seventy-Second (72nd) Meeting of the Conference, Geneva, December 19 - 29, 1984, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_092 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Observers: Brunei Darussalam, Egypt, Malaysia, Mexico. Topics included approval of the budget for 1985, and discussion of the reports of the Ministerial Monitoring Committee and the Ministerial Committee on Price Differentials, and in regard to the latter, proposed a table of prices for different types of crude. A new Executive Committee was also formed to ensure that price and production controls were enforced among member states.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

PDF, 152 pages, 11 MB.

72nd meeting: Report: Eighteenth (18th) Meeting of the Ministerial Monitoring Committee, Geneva, 18 December 1984

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_093 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics discussed included lack of success in achieving aims of reduction of output, lack of credibility of OPEC due to differential in pricing systems.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 2 pages, 117 KB.

72nd meeting: Report: Report on OPEC's Long-Term Strategy presented by Ahmed Zaki Yamani, December 1984

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_094 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

The main topic of the report was of Yamani's (and his committee's) efforts to reach out to non-OPEC oil producing nations, both from the developed (United Kingdom, Norway) and developing (Egypt, Mexico, Malaysia) countries, as well as the Soviet Union, to gauge their possible levels of cooperation with OPEC in setting a pricing structure on oil. As a result of Yamani's meetings with representatives from each of those countries, he invited Egypt, Mexico and Malaysia to attend OPEC meetings as observers.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 7 pages, 565 KB.

73rd meeting: Minutes of the Seventy-Third (Extraordinary) Meeting of the Conference, Geneva, January 28 - 30, 1985, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_095 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Observers: Brunei Darussalam, Egypt, Malaysia, Mexico. The main topics were discussion of the reports of the Ministerial Monitoring Committee, the Executive Council, and the Ministerial Committee on Price Differentials. In regard to price differentials, a table of prices for different types of crude were adopted by most membrs, with Algeria, Iran, and Libya dissenting and Gabon abstaining.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 84 pages, 6 MB.

74th meeting: Minutes of the Seventy-Fourth Meeting of the Conference, Geneva, July 22 - 25, 1985, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_096 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Observer: Mexico. Topics included review and discussion of reports from the 62nd meeting of the Economic Commission Board, the Ministerial Monitoring Committee and the Minsterial Executive Council. In terms of the price differentials, prices were slightly reduced on different types of crude, which most members approved with the exceptions of Algeria, Iran, and Libya, which refused to support that.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 109 pages, 7 MB.

75th meeting: Minutes of the Seventy-Fifth (Extraordinary) Meeting of the Conference, Vienna, October 3 - 4, 1985, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_097 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Observer: Mexico. One of the primary topics discussed was the request of some member states (Iraq, Ecuador, Qatar, Gabon, and the United Arab Emirates) for an increase in their production quotas. The meeting agreed to maintain the total production ceiling of 16 million barrels, but to reallocate quotas among member states at a future date. Reports of the Ministerial Executive Council and the Ministerial Monitoring Committee were discussed as well.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 74 pages, 3 MB.

76th meeting: Minutes of the Seventy-Sixth (76th) Meeting of the Conference, Geneva, December 7 - 9, 1985, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_098 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Observers: Malaysia, Mexico. Topics included approval of the 1986 budget, review of the reports of the 63rd meeting of the Economic Commission Board and the Ministerial Monitoring Committee. Given the status of the market and the increasing decline in production by OPEC member states, concern was raised that OPEC needed to do more to capture a larger share of the market, and set up a committee to examine what measures OPEC could take to do so.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 95 pages, 7 MB.

Minutes of OPEC meetings, 1986


69.5 Megabytes in 17 PDF documents.

77th meeting (1): Minutes of the 77th (Extraordinary) Meeting of the Conference (part I), Geneva, March 16 - 24, 1986, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_099 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. The 77th meeting was divided into two parts, one that met in Geneva over a week in March 1986, and the second half that resumed in Geneva a month later. During the first meeting, which c consisted of ten sessions, reports of the Ministerial Monitoring Committee, the Special Ministerial Committee, and the Minsterial Executive Committee were presented and discussed, with the main topics being the production ceiling, price differentials, and per barrel price in response to changes in the market since their last meeting, and ensuing losses in revenue to member states.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 162 pages, 11 MB.

77th meeting (1): Report: "Current Costs of Oil Production and Production Profiles in North Sea and USA, 1985-1990," OPEC Secretariat, Research Division, March 1986

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_100 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics

PDF, 41 pages, 2 MB.

77th meeting (1): Report: "The World Oil Market: Immediate Prospects," OPEC Secretariat, Research Division, March 1986

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_101 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics

PDF, 58 pages, 3 MB.

77th meeting (2): Minutes of the 77th (Extraordinary) Meeting of the Conference, (part II), Geneva, April 15 - 21, 1986, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_102 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. The conference continued its meeting in eight further sessions in which they discussed various strategies for defending OPEC's market share, set further production ceilings, discussed outreach to various non-OPEC oil producing nations (such as Mexico, Malaysia, Oman, Angola, Egypt), seeking to coordinate actions, and the meeting condemned the U.S. aerial attack on member state Libya.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 105 pages, 7 MB.

78th meeting (1): Minutes of the 78th Meeting of the Conference (part I), Brioni, June 25 - 30, 1986, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_103 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics included the Financial and Auditors' reports for 1985, discussion of the reports of the 64th meeting of the Economic Commission Board, the Ministerial Monitoring Committee, and the Group of Five Ministers. The latter report detailed the efforts of committee members to reach out to the governments of several non-OPEC oil producing countries (Norway, Mexico, Malaysia, Brunei, USSR, Angola, Egypt) in order to discuss how they could induce them to follow policies in terms of production and pricing that were more in alignment with those of OPEC. The bulk of the meeting though concerned discussions of production ceilings, quotas, and pricing of member states within OPEC. Also included is the text of the opening speech by Andrej Ocvirk, president of the Federal Committee for Energy and Industry of Yugoslavia.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

PDF, 137 pages, 9 MB.

78th meeting (2): Minutes of the Seventy-Eighth Meeting of the Conference (part II), Geneva, July 28 - August 5, 1986, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_104 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. The bulk of the meeting involved discussed on the contentious issues of quotas among member nations, as well as pricing and production ceilings.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 89 pages, 6 MB.

78th meeting (2): Paper: "Fuel Competitiveness", [July 14, 1986]

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_105 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics

PDF, 10 pages, 310 KB.

78th meeting (2): Paper: "The Impact of the USD$ 17-19 BBL Price Range on OPEC Oil", [July 25, 1986]

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_106 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


Handwritten note on first page stating: "Prepared by Dr. A. Parra and M. Slotinfemi [sp?]. Presented on 25/7/86 to conference."

Physical characteristics

PDF, 24 pages, 868 KB.

79th meeting: Minutes of the Seventy-Ninth (Extraordinary) Meeting of the Conference, Geneva, October 6 - 22, 1986, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_107 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. The continued discussion of quotas and pricing occupied the bulk of the meeting, with the decision to extend the temporary ceiling on production set at the previous meetings, along with corresponding quotas amongo member states.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 207 pages, 14 MB.

79th meeting: Report: "Criteria for Allocation of Production Quota," OPEC Secretariat, Research Division, October 1986

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_108 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics

PDF, 18 pages, 932 KB.

79th meeting: Report: "Oil Pricing System," OPEC Secretariat, Research Division, October 1986

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_109 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics

PDF, 43 pages, 2 MB.

80th meeting: Minutes of the Eightieth Meeting of the Conference, Geneva, December 11 - 20, 1986, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_110 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Topics covered:

Delegations in attendance: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Topics included the continued discussion of production ceilings, quotas, and pricing, with review of reports by the Ministerial Monitoring Committee, the Economic Commission Board, the Ministerial Committee on Pricing, and the Ministerial Committee on Quotas. The topic of adopting a fixed price per barrel, raised at the previous meeting, was adopted, at the price of $18 per barrel.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 151 pages, 10 MB.

80th meeting: Report: "Report of OPEC's Ministerial Committee on Pricing," Quito, 14 November 1986

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_111 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics

PDF, 4 pages, 200 KB.

80th meeting: Report: "Report of the Meeting of the Experts' Committee on the OPEC Pricing System to the Ministerial Committee on Pricing," Vienna, November 29 - 30, 1986, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_112 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics

PDF, 28 pages, 736 KB.

80th meeting: Report: "Report of the Ministerial Committee on Quotas," Geneva, December 11, 1986

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_113 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics

PDF, 6 pages, 198 KB.

80th meeting: Report: "Meeting of Experts on Differentials," Geneva, December 12, 1986

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_114 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics

PDF, 12 pages, 262 KB.

80th meeting: Documents: Member countries proposals on quotas, June - December 1986, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_115 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


Consists of letters, telexes, charts, statistics, submitted to Secretariat by various member countries, as background information for their positions on whether or not production quotas should be raised.

Physical characteristics

PDF, 67 pages, 2 MB.

Other OPEC documents, 1960 - 1997, inclusive


25 Megabytes in 2 PDF documents.

OPEC Official Resolutions and Press Releases, 1960 - 1990, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics of original

PDF, 325 pages, 19 MB.

OPEC Official Resolutions and Press Releases, 1990 - 1997, inclusive

box: E-records AD_MC_038, object: E-records AD_MC_038_117 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Physical characteristics of original

PDF, 91 pages, 6 MB.

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