Series XVI: Political and Government, 1805-1994, inclusive
Scope Note
This series is comprised of certificates from various government and political organizations.
Two certificates of appointment to federal positions have President Warren Harding's signature.
Tammany Society (also known as the Columbian Order) certificates contain one printed by Samuel Maverick and two that are illustrated and hand-lettered. Certificates of membership to the Tippecanoe Club are printed with images of William Henry Harrison.
One certificate of note was issued to Elisha Harris in recognition of his efforts to conduct the first sanitary survey of the city to try to combat cholera.
Government-Federal- appointment to Aide in the Inaguration Parade, 1901
Government-Federal- appointment to Assistant Secretary of War, 1921
Government-Federal- appointment to Pension Agent, 1886
Government-Federal- appointment to the Advisory Committee at the Conference of Limitation of Armanent, 1921
Government-Federal- appointment to the War Industries Board, 1918
Government-Local- City of New York- appointment of Comptroller, 1934
Government-Local- City of New York- appointment to committee for the commemoration of NYC's golden jubilee, 1948
Government-Local- City of New York- Common Council, 1851, 1878
Government-Local- City of New York- Common Council, 1861, 1863, inclusive
Government - Local - City of New York - Accumulated Debt Bond, 1869, 1879
Scope and Contents
Bond for $2,000 issued to Mrs. H.G. Hawkins. Stamped on back as transferred to George H. Sistare's Sons in 1879. (Source: Gift from an anonymous donor, May 2019)
Government - Local - City of New York - Corporate Stock to Provide for the Supply of Water, 1906
Scope and Contents
Cancelled certificate. Issued to Matilda E. Webb. (Source: Gift from an anonymous donor, May 2019)