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Series XIII: Medical, 1816-1946, 1970s?, inclusive

Scope Note

This series contains certificates related to the medical profession, including diplomas from medical schools, certificates of membership in medical societies, and registrations to practice medicine.

Certificates of membership from the Society of the New York Hospital are made out to John McComb, John McComb Jr., and James W. Beekman.

Commissions- Federal- Surgeons, 1890, 1911

Folder: FF39 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Commissions-State of New York- Surgeons, 1816, 1818

Folder: FF39 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Hospitals-American Ambulance Hospital of Paris, 1914

Folder: FF40 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Hospitals-Broad Street Hospital, 1922

Folder: FF40 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Hospitals-Floating Hospital of St. John's Guild, 1874-1876

Folder: FF40 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Hospitals-New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1878, 1893

Folder: FF40 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Hospitals-New-York Hospital, 1817-1850

Folder: FF40 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Hospitals-Roosevelt Hospital, 1854-1924

Folder: FF40 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Hospitals-St. Luke's Hospital, 1885

Folder: FF40 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Licenses, Registers and Diplomas-Register of Physicians and Surgeons, New York County, 1869-1914

Folder: FF41 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Licenses, Registers and Diplomas- State Board of Medical Examiners of New Jersey, 1921

Folder: FF41 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Licenses, Registers and Diplomas-New York Board for Examination and Licensing, 1871

Folder: FF41 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Licenses, Registers and Diplomas-New York State University, 1852-1913

Folder: FF41 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Licenses, Registers and Diplomas- New York Medical College, 1856-1859

Folder: FF41 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Medical Associations-American College of Surgeons, 1821-1924

Folder: FF42 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Medical Associations-American National Red Cross, 1916-1946

Offsite-Box: 7, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Medical Associations-Medical Association of the Greater City of New York, 1899

Folder: FF42 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Medical Associations-Medical Society of the County of New York, 1898

Folder: FF42 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Medical Associations-National Association of Registered Nursing Homes, circa 1970s?

Folder: FF42 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Grade A accreditation awarded to Townsend Sanitarium.

Medical Associations-New York Medico Legal Society, 1872

Folder: FF42 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Medical Associations-Sons and Daughters of Hygiea, State of Massachusetts, circa 1900

Folder: FF42 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Medical Associations-Steuben County Medical Society, 1821

Folder: FF42 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)
New York Historical
170 Central Park West
New York, NY 10024