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Series III: Trappan Gift: Other Materials

Subseries III.1: Trappan Gift: Documentary Material

Scope and Contents Note

This subseries incorporates ephemera belonging to Bracklow and material related to Bracklow accumulated by Ruth Trappan. Bracklow material includes unused boards for a planned Marblehead album, Bracklow's notes of titles in negative boxes (these are loose, as compared to those laid in to the 1903 datebook in Subseries III.2), a map of Long Island, a postcard of Marblehead, MA, and several envelopes with Bracklow's stamp on them. Other material consists of a folder of 7 pictures and cabinet cards of Mary Granger (two are taken by Bracklow), Ruth Trappan's copy of Mary Black's Old New York in Early Photographs 1853-1901 (New York: Dover, 1973), and typed captions describing Bracklow photos from a planned exhibit by Ruth Trappan.

Bracklow's negative box notes, Undated

Offsite-Box: 31, Box: 31, Folder: 111 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Envelopes, postcards, etc., Undated

Offsite-Box: 31, Box: 31, Folder: 112 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Photos of Mary Granger, 1897, undated

Offsite-Box: 31, Box: 31, Folder: 113 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Trappan's photo captions, Undated

Offsite-Box: 31, Box: 31, Folder: 114 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Trappan's copy of Old New York in Early Photographs, 1973

Offsite-Box: 31, Box: 31, Folder: 115 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Subseries III.2: Trappan Gift: Logbooks

Scope and Contents Note

This subseries includes two logbooks, one kept by Bracklow and one created by John Judson Trappan, Ruth Trappan's father. The Bracklow logbook is a commercially published datebook for 1903 (perhaps of a kind sold by Bracklow in his stationery store) in which he has recorded the titles of negatives in a number of negative boxes. Bracklow ignored the datebook's printed dates and instead wrote about eight titles per page. This book also contains several loose pieces of paper, which seem to have once accompanied negative boxes, on which photograph titles are also recorded. The other logbook is a composition book in which John Trappan recorded the subjects of the photographs in Bracklow's albums. A photograph of Bracklow is pasted to the front. It is unclear why Trappan undertook this project, but the book, which is in good condition, provides a quick reference to the albums.

1903 Datebook, 1903, Undated

Offsite-Box: 31, Box: 31, Folder: 116 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Logbook of prints in albums, Undated

Offsite-Box: 31, Box: 31, Folder: 117 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Subseries III.3: Trappan Gift: Vintage Prints

Scope and Contents Note

Some of these prints have Bracklow's notation along the bottom. Most are undated. Trappan grouped the photos by city or state, and this arrangement has been kept as much as possible. Trappan also wrote on the back of some of these prints, and in this case signed her notations "R.T." Many of these scenes are from the same trips documented in the photo albums, such as Fort Lee and Somerset, N.J., and New Rochelle, N.Y. Others are from towns either not well represented, or otherwise unrepresented, in the albums and Alland's prints, such as Bridgehampton, N.Y., Sag Harbor, N.Y., and Boston, MA. Three of these prints are cyanotypes. Several landscapes, of an unidentified location, show intense light contrast. The two still lifes in this subseries (in box 33, under the heading "Other") appear to be the only studio shots in the collection. Prints are organized by size, by state and city, when known, and then by subject.

7 x 9" prints (7), 1901, Undated

Offsite-Box: 31, Folder: 118 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Connecticut--Clinton, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Connecticut--New London, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Connecticut--New Milford, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Connecticut--Miscellaneous, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Maine, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Massachusetts--Boston, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Massachusetts--Great Barrington, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Massachusetts--Lenox, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Massachusetts--Lexington, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Massachusetts--Marblehead, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Massachusetts--Medford, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Massachusetts--Newburyport, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Massachusetts--Stockbridge, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Massachusetts--Miscellaneous, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--New Hampshire, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--New Jersey--Hackensack, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--New Jersey--Jersey City, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--New Jersey--Morristown, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--New Jersey--Somerville, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--New Jersey--Miscellaneous, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--New York--Bridgehampton, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--New York--East Hampton, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--New York--Hudson River, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--New York--New Rochelle, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--New York--New York City, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--New York--Sag Harbor, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--New York--Miscellaneous, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Pennsylvania, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Rhode Island, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Virginia, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints--Unidentified location--Bridges, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints---Unidentified location--Buildings, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints---Unidentified location--Churches, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints---Unidentified location--Houses, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints---Unidentified location--Landscapes, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints---Unidentified location--Other, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints---Unidentified location--Rivers, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints---Unidentified location--Streets, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints---Unidentified location--Waterfronts, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

5 x 7" prints---Unidentified location--Views, Undated

Offsite-Box: 32, Box: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Subseries III.4: Trappan Gift: Lantern Slides

8 Lantern Slides, Undated

Offsite-Box: 33 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents Note

The 7 slides in this subseries include several portraits of Bracklow, including one shot of him and a friend in a cow yoke. A modern copy print was made of this image for the 1983 exhibit, and can be found in the collection file. Other slides show Bracklow's friend Moses Joy, Grace Church, and Fulton market.

New York Historical
170 Central Park West
New York, NY 10024