Series II. General Office Files, 1930s-2005 (bulk 1970s-1990s), inclusive
Scope and Contents
The series includes files compiled by the accounting and finance department primarily related to various endowment and memorial funds established by N-YHS over time. The files hold mostly photocopies of documents, but several files hold originals. Most of the files are somewhat slender, but files that hold a subtantial number of documents include those related to the Bryan Fund, Harper Fund, and Wilbur Fund. The files also hold information about some project grants, including those from the Mellon Foundation, NEH, and others, and audited financial statements from 1985-2004 with some gaps.
The series is arranged roughly by topic with files on the special funds, which make up most of the series, preceding other topics.
General information about N-YHS endowment and memorial funds (14 folders), 1970s-1990s, inclusive
Files on specific endowment and memorial funds (21 folders), 1970s-1990s, inclusive
Scope and Contents
These files include funds named for Waldron Phoenix Belknap (2 folders), Margaret L. Brown, Bryan Fund (6 folders), Levon Hein Chutjian, Thomas S. DaPonte, DeGroot, Edward Delafield, De Menil (2 folders), John DePeyster, Richard Varick Dey, Asher B. Durand, Louis Durr, Goelet, and Goldsmith.
Harper Fund (11 folders), 1950s-1990s, inclusive
Scope and Contents
These files have several original documents about the Fund dating from the 1950s.
Files on specific endowment and memorial funds (34 folders), 1970s-1990s, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Funds includes are those named for Harriman (3 folders), Hearst (3 folders), Hoffman, Ide, John Divine Jones, Leech, LeBoeuf, McKesson, Middledorf, Cornelia Post Mitchell, Doris R. Morton, Muhlenfels, Naval History Society, Orvis, Paltsits, Pell (3 folders), Phoenix, Ruth Samuel (2 folders), Sloan, Slocum, Sons of Rhode Island, Sotheby's, Starr, von Kienbush, Wallace, and Warner.
John J. Watson Fund (2 folders), 1940s-1950s, inclusive
Scope and Contents
These folders hold original 1940s-1950s documents, including correspondence between N-YHS curator Donald Shelley and Eliza Watson.
James B. Wilbur Fund, 1930s, 1990s, inclusive
Scope and Contents
These folder hold original documents from the 1930s re: the related case State of Vermont against Bankers Trust Company, et al.
Mellon Foundation Grants & Matching Funds (12 folders), 1970s-1990s, inclusive
Other Funding Sources (21 folders), 1980s-circa 2005, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Holds files on grants from NEH, NHPRC, state sources, and other grants for some programs and exhibitions.
Reinstatement of Property Tax Exemption (2 folders), 1972-1973, inclusive
Financial Data for Attorney General, 1990s, inclusive
Golden Loan, 1990s, inclusive
Audited Financial Statements (8 folders), 1985-1995, 1997-2000, 2003-2004, inclusive
Scope and Contents
The audited financials for 1994 are not here, but the 1994 year-end figures are in the 1995 report. 1996 and 2001-02 are not here. 1989 also has a copy of the Form 990; that Form is not in the files for any other year.
Various financial statements, 1983-1988, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Informal balance sheets and income statements with various year to year comparisons for 1983-1988