Series IV: Francis D. Landon, 1908-1918
Scope and Contents note
Francis G. Landon (1859-1947) was a politician from New York City. He joined the 7th Regiment as a private, rose through the ranks and was promoted to Major. During the period ca.1912 to ca.1916, he was involved in the education of military officers, initially as a student, but later, apparently, as an instructor. Following the United States' declaration of war against Germany in 1917, Landon served as Morale Officer at Camp Merritt, NJ. This series consists of material that Landon accumulated primarily during these two stages of his career. The series is divided into three principal subseries. These are: General Correspondence, Military Education, and Camp Merritt, NJ.
Subseries 1: General Correspondence, 1909-1915
Scope and Contents note
The General Correspondence subseries consists of personal letters to Landon and his retained copies of his replies. Letters received by Landon are arranged chronologically in a folder titled General Correspondence - Letters Received. Landon's replies are arranged alphabetically, with one folder for each recipient of Landon's letters. The letters concern two subjects: the study of military history and a proposed program of rifle practice in colleges.
Letters Received, 1909, 1914-1915, undated
Major [ ] Hutchinson - Letters Received, 1915
[ ] Parker - Letters Received, 1909
Gen. [Chas. F.] Roe - Letters Received, 1909
Subseries 2: Military Education, 1912-1917
Scope and Contents note
Material in the Military Education subseries consists primarily of small booklets of problem-solving exercises for military officers. These booklets were published by the Army Service Schools, where Landon attended classes during the academic year 1913 - 1914, and perhaps at other times. For purposes of the arrangement of this series, these booklets are referred to as Map Problems, the genre name applied to most of the booklets. In those instances that Landon kept a map with the booklet, they are housed together. Otherwise, maps are housed separately. Also included in this subseries are Landon's solutions to some of the Map Problems, evidently composed as course work, and some problems that appear to have been composed by Landon, perhaps for courses that he taught. This material is arranged according to the particular school that issued it, or, if no specific school is identified, the course to which it pertains. If no school or course is specified, the folder title indicates only the type of material found within it.
Landon appears to have taught at least one course in military tactics. Some material in the collection appears to be lecture notes or typewritten handouts that accompanied lectures. It some cases, it is unclear whether these notes and handouts are from lectures that Landon attended, or whether he composed them for lectures that he delivered. Some notes and typescripts pertaining to Landon's military education at Fort Leavenworth are identified as such.
Army School of the Line - Map Problems - Course in Tactics, 1912-1913
Army School of the Line - Map Problems - Course in Tactics, 1913-1914
Army School of the Line - Map Problems - Course in Tactics, 1914-1915
Army School of the Line - Map Problems - Course in Tactics, 1915-1916
Army School of the Line - [Map Problems] - Terrain Exercise #6, 1913
Army School of the Line - [Map Problems] - The Rifle in War, 1913-1914
Army School of the Line - Organization of the German Army, 1913-1914
Special Course for the Instruction of Field Officers - Map Problems, 1912
Special Course for the Instruction of Field Officers - Map Problems, 1913
Special Course for the Instruction of Field Officers - Map Problems, 1914
Special Course for the Instruction of Field Officers - List of Lessons & Exercises, 1914
Special Course for the Instruction of Field Officers - Topics for Discussion, 1914
Special Class for Field Officers - Tactical Ride, 1914
Special Class for Field Officers - Map Maneuvers, 1912-1914
Army Field Engineers' School - Course List, 1913-1914
Army Field Engineers' School - Quiz, 1914 Jan.
Provisional Officers' Class - Map Problems, 1917
[Provisional Officers' Class] - Musketry Problems, 1917, undated
Army Staff College - Course in Historical Research, [1912-1913]
Army Service Schools - Map Problems - Solutions Submitted by Landon (1 of 2), 1914
Army Service Schools - Map Problems - Solutions Submitted by Landon (2 of 2), 1914
Army Service Schools - Map Problems - Tables of Troop Blocks for Maps, 1914
Army Service Schools - Memoranda, 1914
Army Service Schools - Reprint of Order - 9th U.S. Inf., 1914
Army Service Schools - Printed Examination Booklets, 1917, undated
[Army Service Schools] - Proposed Solution to Griepenkerl Problem, Undated
[Army Service Schools] - Residence List of Officers at Fort Leavenworth, 1914
[Army Service Schools] - Invitation, [1914]
School of the Line and Staff - Map Problems, 1914-1916
Board of Instruction - 7th Reg't - Instructions to First Year Class, 1915
[Map Problems] - Suggestions for the Preparation of Maneuver Problems, 1913
[Map Problems] - [Problems Composed by Landon], 1914
Notes on Map Drawing/Map Reading, [1915]
[Lecture Notes] - Fort Leavenworth, 1914
Notes on Civil War Battles, Undated
Typewritten Notes on Military Tactics, 1915, 1916, undated
Synopses of Books, Undated
Sample Quiz Questions and Answers, [1914]
Quizzes, 1914-1916
Examination - American Campaigns, [1914]
NY Service Schools - Map Problem #3, 1915-1916
NY School of the Line and Staff - Bulletins, 1914-1915
NY School of the Line and Staff - Infantry Officers' Examinations, 1915-1916
NY School of the Line Map Problem #6, 1915-1916
NY School of the Line - Organizational Table of a U.S. Infantry Division, 1915-1916
NY National Guard - Typescript of Pamphlet re Trench Warfare, 1916
Advertisement for Book - Battle Fire Training, Undated
Typescript - Manual for Infantrymen, Undated
Subseries 3: Camp Merritt, 1918-1919
Scope and Contents note
The Camp Merritt, NJ subseries contains, for the most part, material created by or relating to the Morale Office at that facility. A small portion of the material in the subseries concerns the Camp in general, and is not specific to the Morale Office. Included is correspondence to and from the Morale Office. Note that this folder group is distinct from the General Correspondence subseries, and includes material addressed to other offices on Camp Merritt, but routed to and answered by the Morale Office. Letters received by the Morale Office are arranged chronologically in a folder titled Morale Office - Letters Received. Retained copies of the Morale Office's replies are arranged in folders by the name of the letter's recipient. Subjects include: programs to maintain the morale of soldiers stationed at Camp Merritt (e.g. sporting events, Christmas decorations, 4th of July fireworks, etc.); commemorative medals for the schoolchildren of Bergen County, NJ, to be paid for by the personnel of the Camp; and weekly reports to the war Department on the state of the soldiers' morale.
Morale Office - Letters Received, 1918-1919
Morale Office - Letters Received - Letters from Children, 1919
Morale Office - Circular Letters Received, 1918, undated
Morale Office - Major [ ] Axton -, 1918-1919
Morale Office - Bank of Coney Island, 1919
Morale Office - Chaplain [ ] Beebe, 1919
Morale Office - Dept. of Labor, 1919
Morale Office - Dreges & Clost, 1918
Morale Office - Wm. H. Edwards, 1919
Morale Office - [ ] Evans, 1919
Morale Office - John Gorman, 1919
Morale Office - Matthew P. Halpin, 1919
Morale Office - Curtis Harrington, 1918
Morale Office - Ensign Ernest R. Holz, 1919
Morale Office - Grace W. Hurd, 1919
Morale Office - Iron Steamboat Co., 1919
Morale Office - Edwin Newall Lewis, 1919
Morale Office - Mandalay Line, 1919
Morale Office - Arthur McAleenan, 1919
Morale Office - Col. E. L. Munson, 1919
Morale Office - Thomas H. Neary, 1919
Morale Office - Col. Charles M. O'Connor, Undated
Morale Office - Pain's Fireworks Co., 1919
Morale Office - Capt. F. Peterson, 1919
Morale Office - Marian R. Ramsey, 1918
Morale Office - Joseph Raycroft, 1918
Morale Office - Alphonso Scerbo, 1919
Morale Office - Shamrock Towing Co., 1919
Morale Office - Mrs. E. M. Speer, 1919
Morale Office - Maj. [ ] Sullivan, 1919
Morale Office - Mrs. E. M. Townsend, 1918
Morale Office - Winton J. White, 1919
Morale Office - Whitehead & Hoag Co., 1918-1919
Morale Office - B. C. Wooster, 1919
Morale Office - Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co., 1919
Morale Office - Memoranda Received, 1918 Dec.-1919 Mar.
Morale Office - Memoranda from War Dept. Morale Branch, 1918-1919
Morale Office - Memoranda Sent, 1918 Nov.-1919 Aug., undated
Morale Office - [Internal Memorandum], 1919
Morale Office - Orders and Circulars, 1918 Oct.-Nov.
Morale Office - Weekly Morale Reports, 1918 Nov.-1919 Sept.
Morale Office - War Dept. General Orders, 1918
Morale Office - Minutes of Morale Committee, 1918
Morale Office - [Proposed Designs for Children's Medal], [1918]
Morale Office - Lists of Schools in Bergen County, NJ, [1919]
Morale Office - Case of Pvt. Wm. Franklin, 1918-1919
Morale Office - Distribution of Posters, Undated
Morale Office - Schedule of Service Calls, 1918
Morale Office - Bills & Receipts re Children's Medals, 1918-1919, undated
Morale Office - [Returns of Personnel], 1919
Morale Office - Distribution of Red Cross Packages & Xmas Trees, Undated
Morale Office - Organizational Chart of Morale Agencies, 1918
Morale Office - Booklet - Merritt Hall - Soldiers' Club, [1918]
[Notes for Booklet], [1918]
Booklet - Naturalization Laws and Regulations, 1918
Booklet - War Risk Insurance Act, 1919
Petition of David Richard Gottlieb for Naturalization, 1919
List of Recreation and Entertainment Buildings at Camp Merritt, Undated
YMCA school Enrollment, [1919]
Telephone Directories, 1919 Aug., undated
[Return of Garrison], 1918
Sketch of [Shoulder Patch], Undated
Clipping, 1919
Single Folder Subseries, 1909-1918
HQ, port of Embarkation, Hoboken NJ - Special Order, 1919 Nov. 4
War Department - General Orders, 1913, 1918
New York National Guard - General Orders, 1914, 1915
7th Regiment HQ - General Orders, 1909
Tables of Organization and Equipment, U.S. Army, 1918
Notebook, Undated
Doggerel, Undated
Clippings, 1914, 1918
Advertisement for Rifle Scope, Undated
Clippings of Maps from WWI era, 1914, 1915, 1916
Blank Contour Sheets for map Drawing, Undated
Scope and Contents note
Most of these are of the Pennsylvania - Maryland border, and were evidently used in conjunction with Map Problems. Other maps depict the Eastern and Western Fronts in the First World War, Fort Leavenworth and its environs, and locations in Central Europe.