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Series I. Speeches, articles, papers, remarks, reviews, etc., 1932-2005, inclusive


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Scope and Contents

Series I holds the myriad conference papers, speeches, articles, remarks, and reviews delivered by James R. Dumpson throughout his long and ever-evolving career in social work.


Series I is sorted chronologically. Undated items come last. The researcher may encounter duplication of papers revised for publication, or presented in multiple forums.

Speeches, articles, etc., 1932, 1938, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

The Educated Man in the Time of Depression (30 May 1932).

The Administration of Public Assistance and its Relationship to Pressure Groups (December 1938).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1944, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

The Child and His Family During the Period of Foster Care (27 October 1944).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1951, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

The Menace of Narcotics to the Children of New York: A Plan to Eradicate the Evil (August 1951).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1955-1959, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Statement, dedication of cottage at St. Agatha's, Nanuet, New York (22 April 1955).

What is Happening to Our Children Overseas? (29 March 1957).

Improving Social Relations, Developing Social Responsibility, and Enrichment of Life (23 September 1957).

Governmental Responsibility on the Mobilization of Resources for Program Planning and Development of the Social Services (October 1957).

Organized Guidance of the Family for its Socio-Economic Development (9 April 1958).

Exploring New Horizons: A Challenge to the Status Quo (26 April 1958).

Community Organization Responsibility of the Public Administrator (12 May 1958).

Relationships With Public Agencies for Children (22 May 1958).

How High the Ceiling (4 June 1958).

Philosophy, Convictions and Goals in Public Welfare (17 October 1958).

Teamwork Among Community Agencies for the Mentally Ill (30 October 1958)

Recent Developments in Public Services for Families (17 November 1958).

Public and Private Agency Responsibility (19 November 1958).

Are Residence Laws Necessary? (17 March 1959).

Serving the Multi-Problem Family: Implications for the Public Agency (1 April 1959).

How to Establish Community Programs: Special Problems and Needs of the Aging Among the Minority Groups (16 April 1959).

Public Welfare and Community Planning (9 September 1959).

"ADC and Human Rights" by Dean Wayne Vasey, discussed by James R. Dumpson (22 September 1959).

The Future of Public Welfare in New York City (19 October 1959).

A Changing City: New Issues and New Relationships (8 November 1959).

Public Welfare and the Newcomer (3 December 1959).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1960, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

A New Look at Medical Welfare in New York City (15 March 1960).

Mobility and Health and Living Conditions as These Affect the Young (28 March 1960).

Commencement address, State Teachers College, Cheyney, Pennsylvania (23 March 1960).

Speech on child welfare (26 May 1960).

Working Together on Old Problems in Child Welfare (9 June 1960).

Why Public Welfare is Everyone's Concern: A Statement of Philosophy, Convictions and Goals in Public Welfare (23 June 1960).

The Next Twenty-Five Years in Public Welfare (9 September 1960).

National Health and Welfare Needs and Programs (29 September 1960).

The Place of Public Welfare in an Affluent Society (2 October 1960).

Welfare Services - Private and Public Potentials from a Public Agency Point of View (26 October 1960).

"A Challenge of Service: Current Developments in Staff Training in Public Assistance" by Hilda Tebow, discussed by James R. Dumpson (5 November 1960).

Statement . . . to the Subcommittee on Public Welfare of the Temporary State Commission on Coordination of State Activities (14 November 1960).

The Welfare of Children is Everybody's Business. "Hindrances, Obstacles and Bottlenecks to a Good Program" (30 November 1960).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1961, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

The Next Twenty-Five Years in Public Welfare (19 January 1961).

Can We Afford Unmet Human Needs? (25 January 1961).

Statement on Child Welfare (1 February 1961).

Facts, Fallacies and Future: A Study of the Aid to Dependent Children Program of Cook County, Illinois (23 February 1961).

The Unmarried Mother and the ADC in New York City (25 March 1961).

Maladjustment Among Children (13 April 1961).

Protecting Our Children (17 April 1961).

Report to Asia Foundation of Assignment in Pakistan (April 1961).

Working Together in Behalf of Children (10 May 1961).

Hunger and Human Welfare at Home and Abroad (16 May 1961).

Statement at Conference of Greater New York Negro American Labor Council (10 June 1961).

A New Look at Medical Welfare in New York City (12 June 1961).

Working Together for Children (14 June 1961).

Emerging Needs, Trends and Issues in Medical Care (3 October 1961).

Myths and Misunderstandings About Public Welfare (26 October 1961).

Public and Voluntary Agency Partnership Responsibilities (30 October 1961).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1962, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Child Welfare: Whose Responsibility[?] (17 January 1962).

Public and Voluntary Agency Partnership Responsibilities (January 1962).

The ADC Family in the World of Today (1 March 1962).

Keynote Statement, Seminar on Harlem Youth Needs (20 March 1962).

Improving the Living of Children and Their Families (27 March 1962).

United States Social Work in International Community Development (9 April 1962).

A Program for Raising Minimum Wages and Lowering Welfare Costs (24 April 1962).

Human Welfare in the Next Decade (28 April 1962).

Day Care Week--Remarks at Annual Luncheon (30 April 1962).

New York Hospital--Welfare Project (15 May 1962).

How Efficiently are We Spending Public and Private Funds to Meet Family and Child Welfare Needs? (25 May 1962).

Public-Private Agency Relationship (25 May 1962).

Public Welfare Revisited: 1962 (Suggestions for Mayor Wagner's Address) (27 May 1962).

Introduction of Honorable Robert F. Wagner, Mayor, City of New York (27 May 1962).

Public Welfare Today--Implications of Current Developments for Services to the Aging (29 May 1962).

Leadership and Problems of Negro Family Disorganization (31 May 1962).

Crisis in the Metropolis and Intergroup Relations (5 June 1962).

Preventive and Restorative Services--Key to Public Welfare's Future (14 September 1962).

Grosvenor Neighborhood House--Cornerstone Ceremony (Comments) (17 October 1962).

Public Welfare Revisited (1 November 1962).

Voluntary-Public Partnerships in Programming for the Aged (8 November 1962).

Public Welfare Revisited (15 November 1962).

Statement before the Joint Legislative Committee on Health Insurance Plans (16 November 1962).

Challenge to Public Welfare in the 60's--Implications for Welfare Administrators (29 November 1962).

Impact of Automation on Welfare (10 December 1962).

Speeches, articles, etc. [part 1], 1963, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Public and Voluntary Agency Partnership Responsibilities (25 January 1963).

How Efficiently are we Spending Public and Private Funds to Meet Welfare Needs? (5 February 1963).

The Local Outlook (Notes) (5 March 1963).

A Consideration: The General Welfare (13 March 1963).

Statement on Morland Commission Report (at Common Council) (14 March 1963).

Purchase of Care--Issues at Stake (25 April 1963).

Public Welfare: Today and Tomorrow (29 April 1963).

Place of Child Day Care in Meeting Children's Needs (1 May 1963).

Greetings, Angel Guardian Home Smoker (2 May 1963).

Public and Private Agency Responsibilities (12 May 1963).

Statement, Department of Welfare Symposium in Brooklyn (8 May 1963).

A Changing World--A Changing Profession (notes) (13 May 1963).

Notes on Public Welfare (for Graduate Seminar on Social Welfare Administration) (13 May 1963).

Outline for Leadership Workshop on Children's Needs (10 June 1963).

Statement at Public Hearing of Joint Legislative Committee on Health Insurance Plans (10 June 1963).

Challenge to Public Welfare in the 60's--Its Public Image (18 June 1963).

Social Welfare Problems and Needs (20 June 1963).

Statement--Memorial Meeting for Medgar W. Evers (27 June 1963).

Article on Public Assistance (Encyclopedia of Social Work) (June 1963).

The Public Welfare Amendments of 1962--Their Implications (August 1963).

Operation Alphabet (17 September 1963).

Urban Renewal's Challenge to Social Welfare (23 September 1963).

Remarks at Hearing on Rehabilitation Report of the City Planning Commission (24 September 1963).

New Directions in Catholic Child Care (28 September 1963).

Speeches, articles, etc. [part 2], 1963, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Automation--A Community Reponsibility: The Meaning of Automation to the Public Welfare Administrator (9 October 1963).

Why Public Welfare[?] (24 October 1963).

Statement before the Temporary State Commission on Low Income Housing (29 October 1963).

Remarks at Donor Dinner of Wiltwyck School for Boys (30 October 1963).

Statement at Luncheon--Manhattan Chapter, Childville (and Transcript of Interview on WNYC) (12 November 1963).

Philosophical Tenets Underlying Administration of New York City Department of Welfare (15 November 1963).

Translating Knowledge into Local and State Action (18 November 1963).

Statement at Day Care Council Annual Meeting (18 November 1963).

Notes on Types of Public Funding (20 November 1963).

Automation--A Community Responsibility (4 December 1963).

AFDC: Facts vs. Fiction (as Discussant) (5 December 1963).

The Social Impact of Automation (6 December 1963).

Emerging Horizons in Human Rights and Minority Groups (10 December 1963).

Speeches, articles, etc. [part 1], 1964, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

The Efficient Spending of Public and Private Funds to Meet Social Welfare Needs in a Large Metropolitan Community (also notes based on above paper) (7 January 1964).

Some Crucial Issues in Child Welfare (21 January 1964).

The Second Vatican Council: Its Meaning for Mankind (20 February 1964).

Notes for Workshop on Poverty (7 March 1964).

Implications of the 1962 Public Welfare Amendments (notes-NASW) (19 March 1964).

The Challenge of War on Poverty to Unfinished Business (19 March 1964).

New York City Salutes Fifty Years of Service (20 March 1964).

Poverty Revisited: Challenge to the Urban League (9 April 1964).

Remarks at Parish Lay Chairmen's Annual Communion Mass and Breakfast, Catholic Charities Appeal (12 April 1964).

Working Together for Children (Philadelphia) (17 April 1964).

Working Together for Children (Oregon) (29 April 1964).

Public and Voluntary Agency Partnership Responsibilities (Notes for Institute--Oregon) (27-29 April 1964).

The World of Our Children--Working Together for Them (4 May 1964).

Statement at Colloquy on Training to Serve the Disadvantaged (4 May 1964).

Statement at Rehabilitation Institute (not delivered in person) (7 May 1964).

The Social Work Profession and Civil Rights: A Point of View (12 May 1964).

Statement at Annual Day Care Luncheon (13 May 1964).

Automation--A Community Responsibility (15 May 1964).

Notes for Seminar "The City" (20 May 1964).

Social Implications for Policy and Practice re: Poverty (JRD's Discussant Statement on Norman Lourie's Paper) (25 May 1964).

A Public Agency's New Approaches to Old Problems (not personally delivered; mailed to Buffalo) (29 May 1964).

Some Basic Considerations in Social Welfare Planning (11 June 1964).

Notes on NYC's Plan for the War on Poverty (17 June 1964).

Social Problems and the Negro Community (17 June 1964).

Challenges & Expectations in Pakistan: Conference Theme Address by JRD (20 June 1964).

Speeches, articles, etc. [part 2], 1964, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

The Responsibility of the Legal Profession in the War Against Poverty (11 August 1964).

Planning by Social Agencies (16 September 1964).

Greer Responds to a Need (3 October 1964).

Remarks at Foster Family Day at World's Fair (4 October 1964).

The Effectiveness of Family and Child Welfare Programs for Meeting Problems of Dependency, Neglect and Delinquency (6 October 1964).

Remarks (Homemaker Service) (8 October 1964).

Public and Voluntary Agency Partnership Responsibilities (15 October 1964).

Selected Top Priority Needs for Public Welfare in New York City (16 October 1964).

The Responsibility of the Mental Health Volunteer in the War Against Poverty (18 October 1964).

Remarks at Stephen Smith Home (25 October 1964).

Notes on New York City's Plan for the War on Poverty (27 October 1964).

Remarks at Annual Day Care Council Meeting (9 November 1964).

Statement by JRD at Youth Consultation Service FORUM (12 November 1964).

The Challenge of the Negro Revolution (1 December 1964).

The Paradox of Poverty (12 December 1964).

Speeches, articles, etc. (folder 1 of 2), circa 1964-1970, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Social Welfare (undated).

Excerpt from Dean's Position Statement on Mission of the Graduate School of Social Service, Fordham University (undated).

Excerpt from Dean's Proposal for the Organization of the Faculty (undated).

Reflections of a Dean: Five Years Later (undated).

Syracuse University Project, School of Social Work, V A Curriculum Building Workshop (27 April 1970).

N.A.S.W. Speech Re: Historical Perspectives on Social Work (undated).

Speeches, articles, etc. (folder 2 of 2), circa 1964-1970, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Preparing Social Workers for Administrative Roles: An Overview of Curriculum Development in Social Work Education (undated).

Report of Discussion Group A: "The Social Worker in Social Policy and Social Planning." International Conference on Social Work Education, Population, and Family Planning (Honolulu, 8-13 March 1970).

Maternal and Child Health 4d: Welfare Programs and Their Relation to Public Health (1 May 1970).

"Alcoholism in a Drinking Society": Teaching of Addictions in the Schools of Social Work (6 May 1970).

Change: An Unending Need (Marymount College Convocation, 7 October 1970).

Comments for the Symposium of St. Francis College: "Can Urban Public and Private Colleges Co-exist?" (8 December 1969).

"The Place of Day Care in Meeting Children's Needs" (April 1964).

Discussion Paper: "Present Day Trends and Future Developments in Education for Social Work" (18 October 1968).

Human Rights and Child Welfare (Dallas, 25 May 1967).

Human Rights and Social Welfare (St. Louis, 11 October 1968).

"Ghettoes and Metropolitan Politics," by Robert C. Wood, Undersecretary of H.U.D., as discussed by James R. Dumpson (undated).

Statement in Support of Higher Minimum Wage Legislation (undated).

Presentation, Annual Scholarship Award Dinner, Mt. Zion Baptist Church (29 June [1968?]).

Speeches, articles, etc. [part 1], 1965, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Family Planning and the New York City Department of Welfare (21 January 1965).

Notes for Conference on Group Care for Infants and Young Children (22 January 1965).

Statement Submitted to Meeting of Advisory Council on Public Welfare of Department of Health, Education and Welfare (19 February 1965).

Critique of Secretary of Labor Frank Zorilla's Paper (19 February 1965).

The Who and Why of Poverty and the What of Its Elimination (1 March 1965).

Community Development--Theory and Practice (Notes) (9 March 1965).

Address at Marymount College Symposium--Christian Responsibility, etc. (13 March 1965).

Volunteers in the Field of Public Welfare (31 March 1965).

Remarks by JRD at Tesimonial Dinner in honor of Mrs. Mary Mass, Retiring President of CHILDVILLE (10 April 1965).

Our Children--What Does the Future Hold[?] (13 April 1965).

Notes for Panel on Anti-Poverty Program, Institute for Municipal Management (29 April 1965).

A Short Look Back and a Long Look Forward (30 April 1965).

Another Look at Public and Voluntary Agency Partnership (5 May 1965).

The American Family--Image and Reality (13 May 1965).

Speeches, articles, etc. [part 2], 1965, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Our Welfare System--Radical Surgery Needed (8 June 1965).

How High the Ceiling (13 June 1965).

Problems of Public Policy Arising Out of Tax-Supported Family Planning Clinics (9 August 1965).

The Role of Public Welfare in the Nation's War on Poverty (13 September 1965).

Relationship of Voluntary Health Agencies to Official Health and Welfare Agencies (24 September 1965).

Education for Public Welfare (23 October 1965).

Address, James J. Hoey Award for Interracial Justice (31 October 1965).

The Role of the Public and Voluntary Agency in Providing Services to Children (3 November 1965).

Education for Public Welfare (1 December 1965).

Index to Speeches by James R. Dumpson, Commissioner of Welfare, 1958-1965, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Speeches, articles, etc., 1966, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Toward the Development of Excellence (4 January 1966).

Preparation and Presentation of the Welfare Budget (5 January 1966).

The Relationship and Impact of Institutions on the Target Population (22 February 1966).

Implications of the Poverty War on the Social Work Profession (16 February 1966).

Implications of the Poverty War on the Social Work Profession (25 February 1966).

Statement for Panel on Professional Consensus (5 May 1966).

Draft statement to Subcommittee on Manpower, Employment and Poverty of Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare in re: S2993 (June 1966).

Meeting Human Need -- The Required Partnership (19 June 1966).

Social Work Education and School-Agency Relationship (20 October 1966).

Present Issues in Family Planning (30 November 1966).

Comments for Session on "Public Welfare and Its Alternatives" (6 December 1966).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1967, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Effects of a Federally Guaranteed Income on Public Welfare (12 January 1967).

Statement before the City Council, on the Organization of the Human Resources Administration (27 January 1967).

Special Legislation and Human Dignity (16 March 1967).

Hope for the Poverty Family (11 May 1967).

A Challenge to the Children's Village (11 May 1967).

Discussant's Remarks (26 August 1967).

Address, 66th Annual New Jersey State Welfare Conference (3 October 1967).

Breaking the Barriers to Self-Esteem for Millions of Americans (1967?).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1968, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Francis Cardinal Spellman and Charities (22 February 1968).

Implementation of the 1967 Amendments to the Social Security Act (unedited draft; 24 April 1968).

Public Welfare and Implementation of the 1967 Social Security Amendments (July 1968).

Comments, Jewish Guild for the Blind Symposium (26 September 1968).

Human Rights and Social Welfare (11 October 1968).

Present Day Trends and Future Developments in Education for Social Work (18 October 1968).

Social Welfare Education in a University: Its Objectives and Implementation (31 October 1968).

Removing the Barriers to Self-Esteem (13 November 1968).

Ghettoes and Metropolitan Politics (National Conference on Social Welfare, San Francisco, [1968?]; paper by Robert C. Wood, Undersecretary of H.U.D., as discussed by James R. Dumpson).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1969, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Statement to the New York City Council, Committee on Study of H.R.A. (18 March 1969).

New Developments in Social Work Education at Fordham University (24 March 1969).

Maintaining the City's Poor (5 May 1969).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1970, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Welfare and Income (with Paul Schreiber) (1970).

The Social Worker in Social Policy and Social Planning (8-13 March 1970).

Syracuse University Project, School of Social Work. V A Curriculum Building Workshop (27 April 1970).

Alcoholism in a Drinking Society: Teaching of Addictions in the Schools of Social Work (6 May 1970).

Change: An Unending Need (7 October 1970).

Remarks, dedication of William H. Wheelock Boy's Group Residence, Children's Aid Society of New York (28 October 1970).

Report to Unitarian Universalist Service Committee on Consultation Visit to Ban Co Center, Saigon, Vietnam (November 1970).

Keynote address, New York State Welfare Conference (1 December 1970).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1971, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Keynote address, Central Region Conference, Child Welfare League of America (31 March 1971).

Address, School of Social Work, West Virginia University (30 April 1971).

Opening address, Ladies of Charity, Diocese of Albany, Northeastern Regional Conference (18 October 1971).

Utilization of Data and Research Findings in Social Welfare Planning and Policy, International Symposium on Social Welfare Research (Washington, D.C., [1971?]).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1972, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

An Adequate Welfare Program! (January 1972).

Breaking the Barriers to an Open Society (28 May 1972).

Untitled remarks in "Social Conscience, the Citizen, and His Government: A Report on the Centennial Conference of the State Communities Aid Association" (22-23 June 1972).

Issues in Social Planning for the Physically and Mentally Disabled (20-24 August 1972).

Address, convocation of Hunter College in recognition of Mr. Fairleigh Dickenson (7 December 1972).

Breaking the Barriers to an Open Society (1972).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1973, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Statement of Dr. James Dumpson and Mr. Wells Klein on Child Welfare Problems in South Vietnam Before Hearing Held by the Judiciary Subcommittee on Refugees (11 May 1973).

Statement . . . Before Sub-Committee on Labor, Health, Education and Welfare of the Committee on Appropriatons, United States House of Representatives (17 May 1973).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1974, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Closing dinner address, Conference on Children's Rights (4 April 1974).

Speech to National Associaiton of Community Developers (8 April 1974).

Statement . . . before Sub-Committee on Labor, Health, Education and Welfare of the Committee on Appropriations, United States House of Representatives (9 May 1974).

Statement . . . before the Committee on Finance of the City Council, Executive Session (6 June 1974).

In Memory of Elinor Gordon (13 September 1974).

Transcription of taped conversation between James Dumpson and Mary L. Gottesfeld, editor, Clinical Social Work Journal (28 October 1974).

The Realities of Welfare (15 November 1974).

Speech for Annual Men's Day, Newman Memorial United Methodist Church, Brooklyn, New York (17 November 1974).

[Remarks] Harlem Interfaith Board Meeting (22 November 1974).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1975, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Welfare Reform and a Guaranteed Income (18 April 1975).

Draft, introduction to Linkage Study (6 May 1975).

Response . . . to Presidential Address: "Health as a Right: The Human and Political Dimensions" (11 May 1975).

Age-In-Action (28 May 1975).

Testimony on SSI (11 June 1975).

The Effects of Budget Cuts on Services to Youth in New York City (19 June 1975).

Testimony . . . Before New York State Department of Social Services Public Hearings on New York State's Proposed Annual Comprehensive Services Plan in New York City (31 July 1975).

Blacks and the Welfare System (for Amsterdam News, 31 October 1975).

Immigrants Among Us -- Whose Welfare is at Stake (7 November 1975).

Testimony . . . Before the Subcommittee on Agricultural Research and General Legislation of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry (28 November 1975).

Opening remarks . . . Conference on Treatment of Violent-Prone Adolescents (11 December 1975).

James Cavanagh / James Dumpson Dinner by Chinese-American Democratic Association (23 December 1975).

[remarks] At Abe Lavene's Farewell Dinner, Albany, N.Y. (1975?).

Fund Raising in the Black Community [book review] (1975).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1976, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Response to the 1/15/76 Channel 13 interview of State Commissioner Stephen Berger Re: Administration of Public Welfare in N.Y.C. (16 January 1976).

Social Welfare and Social Justice (30 March 1976).

A Caring Society: Its Relation to Social Work Education (23 April 1976).

Changing Concepts in Mental Health: A Thirty Year View (7 May 1976).

Testimony . . . Before the Ways & Means Committee Subcommittee on Public Assistance, U.S. House of Representatives (11 June 1976).

Communication as a Means for Equal Opportunity (July 1976).

Response . . . to the final draft, "Training for Social Services in Public Welfare Agencies and the Role of Institutiions of Higher Education" (24 September 1976).

In Memory of Shad Polier (October 1976).

Title XX -- Present and Future for Families (17 November 1976).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1977, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

[Speech to Rotary Club of Karachi, published in Karachi Rotarian, no. 28] (14 February 1977).

Comments to NASW Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona (25 February 1977).

JRD Opening Statement, CSWE (March 1977).

Critical Issues in Social Work Education (April 1977).

Social Welfare and Social Justice (13 April 1977).

Restructuring the Delivery of Social Services in New York City (August 1977).

Challenges to Social Work Education: Old and New (12 October 1977).

Preparing Social Workers for Administrative Roles: An Overview of Curriculum Development in Social Work Education (20 October 1977).

Options for Change (27 October 1977).

Statement, Association of Black Social Workers Tenth Anniversary Dinner (2 December 1977).

Welfare Reform: Work, the Incentives to Work, and Jobs (1977?).

The Social Worker Views the Criminal Justice System, co-written with Michael J. Dowling (1977?).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1978-1979, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Issues in Social Work Education (20 April 1978).

Shifting Responsibilities in the Field of Human Services (2 June 1978).

Notes for Mental Health Center Symposium (15 September 1978).

Administration of a Public Social Service Agency: A Retrospection Five Years Later (16 February 1979).

The Future Relationship Between Publicly Funded Social Services and Income Support Programs, co-written with Arnold Gurin (April 1979).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1980-1989, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Summary and Review of the XXth International Conference on Social Welfare (1981).

Social Development in Times of Economic Uncertainty (Conference Working Document, 1981).

For the Memorial Services of Richard Lodge (9 March 1981).

Add Life to Years (Symposium on Healthy Aging, 7 April 1982).

Statement in Favor [of] State Administration of Income Maintenance in New York State (27 January 1986).

Intergenerational Programs in New York City, introduction (December 1988).

Human Resource Administration Advisory Board Conference on the Homeless (23 May 1989).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1991-1992, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Towards a Caring Society in the 1990s (9 May 1991).

Transcript of Dumpson's inteverview conducted by Noel A. Cazenave, Associate Professor, University of Connecticut, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Sociology (May 1992).

Hunter College Commencement Address (3 June 1992).

Notes . . . for Citizens Union Foundation, New School's Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy, New York City Forum (20 October 1992).

New York Medical College Inauguration of Rev. Harry C. Barrett (2 December 1992).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1993, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Culturally Competent Mental Health Care (Remarks by Billy E. Jones, Health Care Delivery to African Americans, South Carolina Department of Mental Health, 22 January 1993).

Dinner for Ruth Messinger at Hunter College (27 January 1993).

Achieving Diversity: Taking Stock and Looking Forward (1 March 1993).

JRD's Statement, Queens Hospital Center (9 March 1993).

James R. Dumpson Acceptance Statement of the Frederick Douglass Award, New York Urban League (6 May 1993).

[Speech in Cyrillic] (7 December 1993).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1994, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Reforming Welfare: Putting People to Work (1994).

HRA DSS Advisory, Annual Spring Conference, "Have We Learned From the Past?" (Meeting transcript, 14 June 1994).

Notes for panel presentation on violence (5 October 1994).

Minority Elderly, 1995 White House Conference on Aging (17 November 1994).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1995, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Potential Impact of the Personal Responsibility Act on Senior Citizens in New York City (April? 1995).

James S. Jackson, "Aging and the Life-Course Among African Americans" (April 1995).

Comments: Columbia University School of Social Work Alumni Conference (19 April 1995).

Comments Presenting Dr. Mary Ann Quaranta as Recipient of NASW NYC-PACE Award (27 April 1995).

The Issue of Privatization Contrasted to Government Provision of Health Care: The New York City Case Study (notes for St. Petersburg Panel, AIHA Conference, October 1995).

Black Family Task Force (November 1995).

Speeches, articles, etc., 1996-1998, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Creating a Caring Society for Children (1996?).

Staff Observations for Community Foundation Panel (8 September 1997).

Panel discussion, 30th Anniversary Conference, Northside Center for Child Development (1997?).

Child Welfare--A Vision (1998).

Speeches, articles, etc., 2000-2005, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

Now That I Am Older (6 June 2000).

JRD Notes for International Day of Older Person (5 October 2000).

Remarks introducing Nina Bernstein for the National Resource Center for Foster Care and Permanency Planning at Hunter College School of Social Work (3 December 2001).

Social Work Practice: Its Evolution and Application in the Current Environment (2003?).

Statement of welcome, JRD Chair in Welfare Studies Colloquium on Traumatized Children in Child Welfare (16 April 2004).

Remarks, National Association of Social Workers (11 May 2005).

Statement, Forham University Commencement (2005).

Helping Traumatized Youth in Child Welfare: Perspectives of Mental Health and Children's Services Practitioners (2005?).

Speeches, articles, etc., undated, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
New York Historical
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