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Michael Robinson Papers

Call Number



1969-2017, inclusive


Robinson, Michael, 1956-


55.54 Gigabytes
in 347 audio files and 1 archived website.


1 websites
in 1 archived website.


55.54 Gigabytes
in 347 audio files.

Language of Materials

Materials are in English.


Michael Robinson is an American composer, performer, and musicologist whose works combine American, South Asian, and European traditions to create instrumental pieces. This collection contains an archived copy of his website, which features a biography of the artist, information about his compositions, examples of his works in the form of embedded video and audio files and prose writings, and images of Robinson. The collection also consists of 347 audio files representing the body of Robinson's musical work, including original and remastered recordings from 104 of his albums. Materials in the collection were created between 1969-2017.

Biographical Note

Michael Robinson is a prolific American composer who uses various instruments to create and perform his South Asian and European inspired music. Active since 1969, he has composed over 450 pieces on 113 albums. He has been a lecturer at such institutions as UCLA, Bard College, and California State University, and has produced a series of interviews with masters of various music styles. He currently lives in Los Angeles, California.


The collection was arranged in alphabetical order by title of project or publication, or format of material.

Scope and Contents

The Michael Robinson Papers contain an archived copy of his website, which features a biography of the artist, information about his compositions, interviews of and by the artist, examples of his works in the form of embedded video files and prose writings, and images of Robinson, who is a composer, performer, and musicologist. The collection also consists of 347 audio files representing the body of Robinson's musical work, including original and remastered recordings from 104 of his albums. Materials in the collection were created between 1969-2017.

Robinson's music, featured both on his website and the hard drive of audio files, is influenced by American, South Asian, and European musical traditions. It combines traditional instruments from many cultures with new performance techniques and electronic components. His website also includes his writings on the subjects of music, art, and basketball. The bulk of the images of Robinson featured on his site depict him at his home in Los Angeles.

Conditions Governing Access

Sound recordings are available for streaming with password authentication from NYU Libraries for researchers with prior approval from the NYU Libraries based on a 2016 agreement with the donor.

Conditions Governing Use

Copyright (or related rights to publicity and privacy) for materials in this collection was not transferred to New York University. Permission to use materials must be secured from the copyright holder. Please contact the Fales Library and Special Collections,, 212-998-2596.

Preferred Citation

For electronic records: Identification of item, date; Michael Robinson Papers; MSS 494; electronic record identifier; Fales Library & Special Collections, New York University.

To cite the archived website in this collection: Identification of item, date; Michael Robinson Papers; MSS 494; Wayback URL; Fales Library & Special Collections, New York University.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Donated by Michael Robinson, September 2016. The accession numbers associated with this gift are 2017.048. was selected by curators and captured through the use of Archive-It. Archive-It uses web crawling technology to capture websites at a scheduled time and displays only an archived copy, from the resulting WARC file, of the website. The accession number associated with this website is 2017.150.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Advance notice is required for the use of computer records. Original physical digital media is restricted.

Take Down Policy

Archived websites are made accessible for purposes of education and research. NYU Libraries have given attribution to rights holders when possible; however, due to the nature of archival collections, we are not always able to identify this information. If you hold the rights to materials in our archived websites that are unattributed, please let us know so that we may maintain accurate information about these materials. If you are a rights holder and are concerned that you have found material on this website for which you have not granted permission (or is not covered by a copyright exception under US copyright laws), you may request the removal of the material from our site by submitting a notice, with the elements described below, to Please include the following in your notice: Identification of the material that you believe to be infringing and information sufficient to permit us to locate the material; your contact information, such as an address, telephone number, and email address; a statement that you are the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed and that you have a good-faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; a statement that the information in the notification is accurate and made under penalty of perjury; and your physical or electronic signature. Upon receiving a notice that includes the details listed above, we will remove the allegedly infringing material from public view while we assess the issues identified in your notice.

Collection processed by

Bess Pittman

About this Guide

This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on 2024-11-25 20:33:12 UTC.
Using Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language: Materials are in English

Processing Information

New York University Libraries follows professional standards and best practices when imaging, ingesting, and processing born-digital material in order to maintain the integrity of the content. Audio files were aquired by the University via an August 2017 network transfer from the creator. One hard drive was forensically imaged, analyzed, and arranged in Forensic Toolkit.

In 2017, was collected initially as part of the New York University Collection of Contemporary Composers' Websites Web Archive. In 2023, this seed was transferred to the Michael Robinson Web Archive.

In November 2024, new digital objects for processed electronic records were created to conform to current practices.

Revisions to this Guide

February 2023: Edited by Nicole Greenhouse to add updated descriptive and administrative information for the archived website
November 2024: Digital objects for processed electronic records were created to conform to current practices by Weatherly Stephan and Donald Mennerich


Fales Library and Special Collections
Fales Library and Special Collections
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012