Series II: Correspondence, 1964-2013, inclusive
Subseries A: General Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Subseries A contain one or two items. There is a signficant amount of correspondence from Wilson's sister Callie Wilson, and also from her parents.
Other people well-respresented in the correspondence include: Jerry Allyn, Tonia Aminoff, Jacki Apple, Anton Van Dalen, David Dunlap, Illona Granet, Marc Harrison, Donna Henes, Pieter Holstein, Glena Hydler, Tehching Hsieh, Richards Jardin, Sharon Kulick, Stephanie Brody Lederman, Joni Mabe, Susan Mogul, Linda Montano, Penny and Bob Morris, Alyson Pou, Barbara Quinn, Marcia Ross, Erin Rumm, Lucy Wilson Sherman, Harley Spillers, Annie Sprinkle, Diane Torr.
For the most part, correspondence was not sorted or arranged when it was received by the Fales Library. Correspondence in Subseries A is arranged alphabetically by last name where available, and by first name or initial where no last name was provided. "Illegible" or "unsigned" correspondence is labeled as such.
2twice Arts Foundation, 1988
37th birthday invitation, 1984
copies, some returned and some annotatited of Wilson's birthday invitation announcing her name change to Martha Redy Story.
A, 1991
A, 1995-2000, inclusive
A, David, 2002
ABC No Rio
Aballea, Martine, 1976-2005, inclusive
Abby, 1991
Abrams, Bonita and Ron, 1983-2003, undated, inclusive
Abrams, Benita, 1989-1997, undated
Abrams, Linsey, 1984-1988, inclusive
Acierno, Lou/Dapartment of Cultural Affairs, 1995
Adam, undated
Adams, Moira, 2003
Adams, Nancy, 1990
Adele/ Green Gorillas
Adelsic, James, 1998
Agriturismo Cretaiole, 2006
Alan, 1974
Alan and Betty, undated
[Alen], undated
Alex, 1996-2000, inclusive
Alex, 1998
Alex, 2007
Alexander, Kay, 2001
Alice, 1997
Alice, undated
Alison, Tom, Kyle and Maddy, 2000
Allan, 1978
Allyn, Jerri, 1983-2007, inclusive
[Alosteir and Hilary], undated
Alternatives to Marriage Project/ Marshall Miller and Dorian Solot, 1998-2006, inclusive
Amass, Katelyn, undated
Ame, date illegible
American Association of Museums, 1986
American Civil Liberties Union Censorship Project, 1991
American Civil Liberties Union newsletter, 1992
The American Federation of Arts/ Mi Jin Hong, 1998
America's Funniest Home Videos, 1990
Aminoff, Tania, 1978-2000, inclusive
Amos, Emma, 1995
Amy and Mike, 2001
Anastasia, 2006
Amy and Fred, undated
Anderson, Ally and Jack Spivy, 1989-1998, inclusive
Anderson, David, undated
Anderson, Laurie, 1987-1998, inclusive
Anderson, Max and Jacqueline, undated
Anderson, Maxwell, 2000
Androccio, Carol, 1981
Angelopoulos, Elaine, 2008
Andy and Scott, 1980
Ann, 1989
Anna Leonowen's Gallery, 1995
Anne, 1996
Anne, 1999
Anne, 2002
Anne, undated
Anne and Gretchen, undated
Annie, 1975
Annie, 1998
Annie, undated
Annie, Ana, Barbara, Barbara L., Garrisen, Lynn, Matthew A., [1982]
Annie and Jonathon, 1990
Anton, 1985
Antonacci, Lori/ Artists Talk in Art Inc., 1979
Antupit, Samuel/Common Place Books, 1996
Apple, Billy, 1975
Apple, Jacki, 1986-2001 and undated
April, 1979
Aptekarm, Ken, 1994
Armajani, Siah, undated
Armand Hammer Museum/Sexual Politics, 1995-1996, inclusive
Arn, 1964-1965, inclusive
Arndt, Dianne, 1986-1987, inclusive
Arnoult, Philip, 1996
[Arnplausen], Carol, 1981
Arneson, Heidi, 1997
Art Deadlines List, 2001
Art Dealers Association of America, 1992
Art Hazards News, 1986-1988, inclusive
Art Lab Inc. /Megan Pringle, 2004
Art Matters, 1995
Art Metropole, 2007
Art Table, 1993
Artists in Residence Gallery, 1983-2007, inclusive
Arts Coalition for Freedom of Expression, 1990
Aru, 1964
Ashley, George, 1984
Asian Cine Vision/ Arlene Goldberg, 2002
[Askevold], 1988
Askevold, David, date illegible
Astrid, Roland, Rosemary, 1986
Athena [Tacha], 1977
Atkins, Robert, 2003
Atkinson, Esther, 1985
Atkinson, Karen, 2007
Augustmoon, Ochiishi, 1982-2001, inclusive
Aunt Belle, undated
Aunt Mary, undated
Avocus Publishing/Jennfer Peters, 1991-1992, inclusive
Aycock, Alice, 1975
Aycock/ Segal, 1976
Ayers, Robert, 2002
B., 1986
B., 1990
B., 2001
B.B., 1991
B.B. and Lul, 1977
B., Judy, undated
B.K., undated
B., Linda, 1987
Bacon, Karin, 1986
Baer, Josh, 1995
Baker, Bill, undated
Baker, Julia, 2001
Baldely-Pörschman, Sandra and Dirk, 2002
Baldessari, Mike Fink, 1976
Balderston, Julia (Aunt Julia), 1975-1984, inclusive
Baldwin, Ann and Crans, 2003
Ball, Lillian, 1991
Bamberg-Johnson, Matthew, 2005
Bandman, Murray, 1992
The Banff Center, 1999
Bankowsky, Jack, Charles Guarino and Knight Landesman, 1999
Bannerman, Isabella, 1994
Barbara, 1975
Barbara, 1986-1989, inclusive
Barbara, 1995
Barbara, undated
Barbara, undated
Barbara and her boys, 1988
Barbara and Susan, undated
Barbiere, Patrick, Mary Taylor and Deirdre Scharffs
Bard College/Rhea Anastas
Bard, Perry, 2002
Barfield, Tanya, 1996
Barowitz, Jane and Anne Richter/ Foundation for the Community of Artists, 1980
Barnet-Sanchez, Holly, 2007-2008, undated, inclusive
Barrett, Deirdre/CAA, 2002-2007, inclusive
Barrett/Gosin, 1990
Barron, Susan, 1985-2001, inclusive
Barry, 1996
Barry, undated
Barth, Bob, undated
Bartlett, Jennifer, 1977
Barton, Priscilla, 1988-1995, inclusive
Bartha, Catherine, 2005
Baruch College, 2000
Bascove, 1990
Bastis, Kathleen, Merrry and Rad Pavelic, undated
Batson, Bill, 2006
Bay Area Video Coalition/ Kim Wood, 1997
Bayer, Patricia, 1998
Beatrice, 1998
Beatty, Maria, 1991
Beaumont, Betty, 1998-1999, undated, inclusive
Becker, Emmanuelle and Valtors Lindbergs, 1990
Becky, 1982-1995, inclusive
Beebe, Aaron/Coney Island Museum, 2005
Beigle, Lauren, undated
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 1987
Beirne, Bill, 1976
Belt, Mike, 1977
Ben, Emily and Sarah, undated
Ben-Haim, Tsipi, 2008
Benitez, Sylvia, 1997-2000, inclusive
Bennington College/ Elissa Tenny, 2005
Benrabia, Sabrina, 2000
Benson, Vickie, 1998
Berge, Carol, 1975
[Berger], Ted, 1989, undated
Berger, Theodore and Riger Bruce/New York Foundation for the Arts, 1985-2001, inclusive
Berghash, Mark, 1986-1995, undated
Berghash, Mark W. and Rachel, 1983-1998, undated
Berkowitz, Terry, 2000
Berman, Jennifer/Bomb Magazine, 1996
Bernstein, Judith, 1983-2008, inclusive
Berry, Carolyn, 1989
Berry, Michael, 1980
Bertlmann, Renate
Betsalel, Ken/ UNCA, 1992
Betsey, 1996
Betty and Paul, undated
Beube, Douglas, 1992-2001, inclusive
BEZERK productions/Linda Sibio, 2001-2005, undated
Bill, 1982-1985, inclusive
Bill, 1984
Bill and Layne, 1988
Bilsky, Pauline, undated
Blachly, Jimbo, 2002
Blake, Nathan, 1998
Blanka, undated
Blieden, Molly, 1998-2008, undated
Blittner, Mr. and Mrs. Adam, 2005
Bloch, Mark, 1985
Block, Holly/ National Association of Artists Organizations, 1991-1994, inclusive
Block, Holly/ Art in General, 1991-1992, undated
Block, Holly/ Art Table, 1998
Blog Family, 1994-2004, undated
Bloom, Barbara, 2002
Bloom, Naomi Dagan, 2002
The Blue Noses, 2004
Bluestone, Mimi and Herb Perr, 1991
Blumberg, Eric, 1993
Bob, 1998
Bob and Olive, 1979
Bokaer, Jonah, 2007
Bolt, Macyn, 1991-1996, inclusive
Bonnie, 1977
Bonnie, undated
Bonnie and Ted, undated
Book, Lynn, 2007
Boone, John and Jenny, 1990-1998, undated
Boothe, Power, 1976-2002, undated
[Borus], Janet, 1997
The Boss Family, 2003
Bostric, Connie, 1995
Bourgois, Patty, 1999
Bowman, Robert, 1968
Boyle, Kevin and Susan, 1976; Undated
Brad, 1992
Brad, 1996
Brad, Undated
Bradley, Sarah / Asian Cultural Council, 1995
Brakely, Theresa, 1975
Branch, Brenda René, 1997-2008; Undated
Braunstein, Jerry H., 1978
Brazil, Pat, 1998
Brehm, Kate, 2006
Brendan, Undated
Brenda, 1998
Brill, Amy, 1998
Britton, Susan, 1979-2000, inclusive
Brockman, Brad, 1994-2004; Undated
Brodsky, Judy, 1996-2003, inclusive
Brohddus, John Eric, Undated
Bronson, A.A., 2008
Brooklyn Arts Council / Carol Sterling, 2005
Brooklyn Friends School, 2000
Brooklyn Historical Society / Deborah Schwartz, 2008
Brooklyn Monthly Meeting, 1997-1999, inclusive
Brooks, Yvonne, 2005
Brown, Melody, 1991
Brown, Nancy, 1979
Brown, Robert Delford, 1976-1984, inclusive
Bruce, Rodger / Jed Berger, Undated
Brunner, Helen Mary / Donald Hayes Russell, 1989
Bruno, Joseph, 2005
Bruns, Anne, 1998-2001; Undated
Bruns, Eileen, 1998-2005, inclusive
Bruns, Eileen and Christine, 1995-2006; Undated
Bruns, Gustav and Anne, 1996-2000; Undated
Bruns, Vince (also contains materials from Wilson), Undated
Büchler, Pavel, 1989-1994; Undated
Büchler, Alexandra and Pavel, 1996-1998, inclusive
Büchler, Alexandra and Pavel, 1999
Buckley, Brad, 1986
Budney, Jen, 1998; Undated
Building Mates, 2002
Bunning, Emily / Treehouse Shakers, 2007
Burdick, Karen, 1978
Buren, Daniel, 1988
Burgoyne, Diana, 2007
Burkey, Wayne, 1984
Burnham, Linda, 1984-1986, inclusive
Burson, Nancy, 1990-2000, inclusive
Bush Foundation / Sally Dixon, 1991-2006, inclusive
Butler, Connie, 2005
Butler, Ken, 2002
Buzz, 1982
C, 1992
C, 1993
C [Cecil] / Fordham, 2007
Callard, Andrea; Matthew Geller, 1991
Calvin and Patty, Undated
Camp Onas, 1999-2001; Undated
Campbell, Barbara, Undated
Campbell, Pamela and Wanda, 1978
Candace, 1996
Canley, J., Undated
Canna, Evan, Mike, Ryann, Undated
Carboni, Gaetano, 2006; Undated
Carey and Michelle, Undated
Carl and Jacquelyn, Undated
Carla and Noel, 1975
Carlini, John; Ben Coleman, Undated
Carlson, Moriah, 2001
Carmical, Lee, Undated
Carol, 1973
Carol, 1988
Carol, Undated
Carol, Undated
Carp, Alexis Smith, 1976
Carpenter, Mary, 2005
Carr, Cynthia, 2004-2006, inclusive
Carr, Robert; Theresa Tedesco, 1991
Carrie, 2002
Carrie, 2005
Carsch, Ruth, 1983-1995, inclusive
Carter, Azure and Alan, 2001-2006; Undated
Carulli, Diana, 1984
Casa de las Americas - Gonzalo Domingo Cabrera, 1997
Casey, Caroline, 1982-1985, inclusive
Catalyst Arts, 1995
Catherine, Undated
Cembalest, Robin / ArtForum, 1983; Undated
Center, 1973
The Center for Book Arts / Alexander Campos, 1994-2007, inclusive
Chalmers, Jessica, 2007
Chamberlain, Mark; Rebecca Sherman, 1981-2006, inclusive
Chamberlain, Rebecca and Mark, 1996; Undated
Chambers, Bruce / F.I.T., 1996
Chambers, Bruce / F.I.T., 1996
Champagne, Lenora, 1983-2003; Undated
Channon, David, Undated
Chao, Anita, 1997
Chapman, Tim, 2003
Char and Hannah, Undated
Charlie, Undated
Charlotte and Penny, Undated
Chase, Kasem, 1973
Chelsea Chiropractic, 1990-1993, inclusive
Chez Bushwick, 2007
Chinaberry Books, 1991
Chou, Jerome / The New Press, 1995
Chrissie, Illegible
Christa and [Jill], 1978
Christian, 1995
[Christon], Alice, Undated
Chris, Cynthia / Printed Matter, 1995-1996, inclusive
Christov, Alice; George Moore / Intercambios Culturales of El Salvador, 1995-1996, inclusive
Christov; Moore, 1998
Chunn, Nancy, Undated
Cindy, 1979
Circle of Gold, Undated
Claire, Undated
Claire, 1989
Clarke, John P., 1986
Clarke, Elly, 2002
Claus and Ariane, Undated
Clinton, Bill (Democratic National Convention), Undated
Cloud, Lea, 2005
Clough, Charles, 1972
CNN / Gail Evans, 1992
Coates, Brenda, 1993
Cockburn Family, 1998
Cockburn, Stormie [and girls], 1997
Coco, 1986
Cody, Steven / Ski Windam, 1994
Coggeshall, Agnes W., 1980-1981, inclusive
Cognita, N. Vernita, 1995
Cohen, Charles / University of Chicago, 2005
Cohen, Elaine Lustig, Undated
Cohen, Norma, 1995
Cohen, Ruth, 1988
Coleman, Anna, 2000
Coleman, Grisha, Undated
Coleman, Mimsie, 1990-1991, inclusive
Colleen, 1984
Colleen and Chris, 1977
College Art Association / Mary-Beth Shine, 1992-1999, inclusive
Colmer, Roy, 2006-2007, inclusive
Colo, Papo and Jeanette Ingberman, 1991
Colombatto, Perhi, 1991, undated
Comfort Family, 1995-1996, inclusive
Connor, Maureen, 2001
Contento/O'Malley, undated
Con Edison, 1975
Contemporary Art Institute of Detroit, undated
Conwill, Kinshasha, 2001
Cook, Richard and Doris, 1990-1994, inclusive
Cook, Scott, 1988-2005, inclusive
Cook, Scott, 1985-1986, undated
Cook, Susana, 2001-2002, undated
Cook-Wilson, Comley, 1997-2003, undated
Cooper-Henry, Adjowii, 1999
Copp, Fletcher, 1996, undated
[Corin] Nina, 1987
Corlin, Kelli, undated
Coro Foundation/ Andrew Rubinson, 1992
Correspondence from Martha, no address, undated
Correspondence neither to nor from Wilson, 1986, 1991, undated
Cortigan, Steven, 1977
Constanzo, Jim/RePo History, 2001
Constantino, Roselyn, 1999
Costello, Terence, undated
Cottingham, Laura, 1994-2007, inclusive
Coulson, Anthony J., 1992
Covan, Ellie/Dixon Place, 1991-2006, undated
Ellie [Covan] and [Lauren], undated
Cowboy John, Spider Webb, Phil Jonns, 1979
Coyne, Petah, 1993-2001
Cramer, Erin, 1989
Crandall, Jordan/ X-Art Foundation, 1993
Crane, Mike
Crash, undated
Crawford, Cair, 1998
Crawford, Frank, 1965
Creative Time, 1993-1998, inclusive
Crest, William, 1985
Croll-Smith, Caroline, 1984
Cronin, Ciara/ James O'Malley P.C., 2005
Cronin, Kelly/ Wayne State, 1989
Cross Section Exhibition/ Marcella Steingart, 1992
Crotty, James, 2006
Crowly, Mary, undated
Crowne, Melchia, 1987-1991, undated
Culkin, Jody, 1988-1997, undated
Cullen, Kathleen and Denis Ray, 1987
Cullen, Deborah, 2007
R. Cumming, undated
Cummings, Linda, 1993-1995, inclusive
Cunningham, Elena, 1997
Curmano, Billy, 1994-2000, inclusive
Cushmore, Edna and Larry, 1967-2001, undated
Cutforth, Roger, undated
Cypis, Dorit, 1976-1985, inclusive
Cypis. Dorit with enclosure (wrapped in paper), 1979
D, 2002
D (vg), undated
D [Dlier], 2001
D, L, O, 1989
D + M, 1992
D'Amato, Alfonse, 1983
D'arc, Victor and Mary Lee, 1976
DaDao Live Art Festival/ Shu Yang, 2006
Dalby, Marcia, 1990
dal Doggetto, Lynne, 1994
Dallas-Swann, Susan/Ohio State University, 1986
Dan, undated
Dan, undated
Dan, date illegible, undated
Dana, undated
Danforth, Isabelle (Aunt Belle), 2001
Danilova, Ivina, 1997-2008, undated
Dannasch, Ariane, 1990
Danneels, Veronique/Trouble Performance Festival, 2008
Danny, 1993
Dantzier, Kurt, 1996
Darley Skip, 2001
Darlington, Doug, 1996
Dave and Diana, undated
Dave, undated
David, 1971
David, 1992
David, 1997
David, undated
David and Elaine, 1977
David and Judy, undated
Davies, Cristyn, 2005
Davis, Douglas, 1976-1997, inclusive
Davis, Douglas and Jane Bell, 1978
Davis, Paula/Lolita Productions includes SAG contract, 1995
Davis, Scott, 1978-2004, undated
Davis, Zebra, 1998
Deagan, Mary Ellen/ Office of Children and Family Services, undated
deBeer, Sue, 1995-1999, inclusive
deCamp, Kyle, 1998-2005, inclusive
DeSando, Sandra, 2005
Dean, David/ Printed Matter, 1996
Deb, undated
Deb, ca. 1989
Deborah, 1986-1987, inclusive
Deborah, 1996-1998, inclusive
Deborah, 2005
Deborah, undated
Del Re, Alexander, 1998-2007, inclusive
DeMonte, Claudia and Ed McDawin, 1977
Demorizzi Silvio, NEA, 1980
Dena, undated
Denes, Agnes, 1978
Denise, 1977-1985, undated
Dennis, Charles, 1996
Depas, Albert/ Mega Press, 1998
dePorter, Janna, 2006
DePorter, Kathleen, 2001
Deporter, Patti, 2003
DeSalvo, Donna, 1986
Des Becker, Claire, 1988
Deumens, Johan, 1995
Dewey, Ariane, 1988
Deutsch, Jeffery, 1982
Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn, 2005-2006, undated
Devine, Maya and Stuart Steinfeld, 1988-1989, inclusive
DeVita, Julia, 2005
DeWys, Margaret, 1979
Diamond, Dennis, 1985
Diane, 1983
Diane, Marcel and Martina, 1989
Diaz, Ryder, 2005
Dibell, Dominique, 1998
Dickson, Emma, 1980
Diggs, Peggy, 1989
Dion, Judith, 1987
Diner, Chris, 1978
Di Palma, Ray, 1976
Dixon. Jenny, 1997-2000, inclusive
Diverse Forms for New York State, 1992, undated
Do It Yourself Art Exhibit/Anne Dorothee Bohme/ Kevin Henry/ Lindsay Bosch, undated
Dobrian, Christopher, 1995
Doctorow. Erica, 1990
Dodge, Patricia/ The Macdowell Colony Inc., 1996
Dodge, Robert, 1969
Doherty, Delia, [1981]
Dominic, Magie, 1999-2002, inclusive
Donahue, Neil, 1998
Donini, Marilynn/Philip Morris Companies, 1993
Donna, 2006
Donna and Henry, 1982, undated
Donofrio, Beverly, 1989
Dormon, Mary, 1990-2005, inclusive
Dorothy, undated
Doug, undated
Dougherty, Ariel, 1988-2007, inclusive
Dowley, Jennifer, undated
Downing, Emma Elizabeth, 1995-2001, inclusive
Dowling, Jane, 2006
Downtown Little League, 2004
The Drawing Center, undated
Drew University/ Jim Hala, 1992
Dro and J., 1984
Dube, Graham, 1972
Dubiel, Alice, 1986-1990, inclusive
Dubin, Steven, undated
Duchscherer, Deb Griffis, 1987-1988, inclusive
Dunlap, David, 1975-1979, inclusive
Dunlap, David, 1981
Scope and Content
letter with enclosures
Dunlap, David, 1980-1991, inclusive
Durkee, Savitri, 2004
E, 2004
E + S, 1997
Ear Magazine, 1986
East Coast Artists, 1998
Eck, 1982
Eckel, Phillip and Anne Scarlatos, 1986-1988, inclusive
Edgar, Anne, 1983-1986, undated
Edmeades, Deborah, 1995-2002, undated
Edwards, Bill, undated
Ehrenberg, Felipe, 1985
Eichman, Shawn, 1990, undated
Eidia, Paul, 1986
Eldredge, Letitia, undated
Ellen, 1980
Ellen, 1993-1994, inclusive
Ellen, 1994
Ellen L., undated
Elizabeth, undated
Elizabeth, 1987
Ely, George, 1994-2001, inclusive
Ely, Maggie, 1994-2007, undated
Ely, Rodger, 1989
Em, 1996
embodiments listserv, 1994
Emma, undated
Emma, 2005
Emonts, Karen, 1978
Eng, Alvin, 2001-2003, undated
Ensig Press, 1984
Ensley, Susan, 1976
Envlelopes, 1968-1998, undated
Envelopes from Series II that could not be matched with their corresponding letters.
Enver, 1992
Entin, Alice, 1978-1994, undated
Enz, Pamela, undated
Ericka, 1982-1983, inclusive
Erickson, Jan/ Visual Arts Center of Alaska, 1992
Erin, undated
Esper, Mark, 1979
Esper, Mark and Lilly Cohen, 1989
Ess, B., 1981
Essoglou, Tracy, 1995-2000, inclusive
Evergreen College/Russell Lidman, 1992
Everybody, 1978-1999, inclusive
Everyone, undated
Ewing, Lauren, 1979-2004, undated
Experimental Intermedia Foundation/Elaine, 1984
Fair, Scott, undated
Faris, George, 1964-1965, inclusive
Fasnacht, Heide, 1976
Fatima, Bercht, 1989
Faust, Gretchen, 1996
Feiring, Alice, undated
Feldman, Dr. Herbert S., undated
Feldman, Jeffry, 1988-1990, inclusive
Fellman, Sandi, 1996
Fellman, Sandi and Shelley Rice, 1996
Felshin, Nina, 1993-2002, inclusive
Felton, Barbara, 1967
Ferguson, Mary, date illegible
Fergusson, Claire, 2000
Fernando, 1979, undated
Festa, Angelika, 1992
Festival of East Village Arts, 2002
Feuer, Wendy, 1982
Feuer/ Weybright, 1992
Fichter, Toma, 1979-1985, inclusive
The Field/ Pele Bauch, 2007-2008, inclusive
Fifth Avenue Committee, 1994-2000, inclusive
Fine Arts Council of Florida, 1981
Fingesten, Peter, 1977
Finley, Karen, 1986-2005, inclusive
Finque, Susan, undated
Fiol, Suzanne, 1996
Fischer, Barbara, 1995-1996, inclusive
Fischer, Ellen, 1992-2007, inclusive
Fischman, Bernard, 1988
Fisher, Jean, 1994, undated
Fisher, Joel, 1990-1994, undated
Fishman, Beverly, 1991
Fitzer, Allen/ NYC Taxi Commission, 1989
Fitzgerald, Michael/ Trinity College, 1990
Fitzpatrick, Jim/ Washington Project for the Arts, 1990
Flanders, Laura, 2005
Fleck, John, 2007
Fleiss, Heidi S., undated
Fleminger, Susan, undated
Flescher, Sharon, 1991
Flournoy, Anne, 1977-Undated
Focke, Ann, undated
For Your Information, 1985
Ford, Charles Henri, 1993
Forte, Paul, 1976
Forti, Simone, 1974
Fortun, Martha, undated
Fossler, Stephen, 2001
Foundation for Independant Video and Film, 1998
Frances, Jenny, 2000
Frank, 1984, undated
Frank, Peter, 1976-1978, inclusive
The Franklin Furnace Crew, 1993
Franz, Marilyn, 1968-1969, inclusive
Frattolillo, Rinaldo, undated
Frederick, Helen, 1989
Frederickson, Kristen, 2003
Free Shawn and Joe Defense Committee, 1990
Freedom to See, 1992, undated
Freine, [Christine], 1999
Freygang-Fladd, Kate and Don, 1989-1997, inclusive
Fribourg, Nadine/ City Hamlet, undated
Friedlaender, Linda, 1996
Friedman, Barbara, 1997-2000, inclusive
Friedman, Bart and Wendy Alpern Stein, 1986
Friedman, Ken, 2005
Friedman, Martin, 1991
Friedman, Sabra, 1978
Friend, A, 1983
Friends Hospital, T.B. Ford, 1967
Friends Seminary, 1993
Frigand, Lisa and Marc Westhof, 1984
Frisch, [Norman], 2002-2007, inclusive
Fritsche, Ed, 1983
Froese, Dieter and Kay Hines, 2005
Fry, Charles, 1985
Fuller, Carole / 911 Media Arts Center, 2007
Fusco, Coco, 1999-2005, undated
Fusco, Coco and Guillermo Gomez-Pena, undated
GB, 1985
Gagnon, Jean/ National Gallery of Canada, 1995-1996, inclusive
Gail, undated
Gailee, 1992
Galinsky, 2000
Galagher, Betsey, 1996-1998, inclusive
Galowitz-Ortiz, Lori, 1986
Gampel, Abigail, 1996
Gan, Elaine, 2004
Gannon, Laura, 1995
Gantt, Harvey, 1990
Garce, [Marcia], 1976
Garfield, Susan E. / The Rockefellar Foundation, 1995
Garmiany, Adalet, 2008
Gates, Jeff, 1989
Gates, Katherine, 1998
Gatewood, Charles, 1995
Gaulke, Cherie; Mayberry, Sue, 1990-2008, inclusive
Gaynor, Mike and Dana, 1995
Gearoid and Cheryl, Undated
Gearoid and Cheryl, 1999
Gehrig, Cynthia / Jerome Foundation, 1998
Gehrig Family, 1988
George, Undated
George, B., 1977
George School, Undated
George School, 1996
Georgia Southern University, 1992
Gerlovina, Rimma and Valeriy, 1989
German, Jeffrey, 1986
Gertrude, Undated
The Getty Center / Carla Luna, 1992
Ghani, Mariam, 2007
Giet, Nathalie, 1996
Gilbert, Ame, 2004; Undated
Gilbert and George, 1998
Gill, Brenden, Undated
Gillies, Archibald / Andy Warhol Foundation, 1993
Gilmor, Jane, 1989
Gina, 1982-1987, inclusive
Gimblett, Max, 1995
Gimblett, Max; Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara, 1990-2005; Undated
Glass, Susan, 1989
Gleber, Conrad; Rubini, Gail, 1978-1999; Undated
Glen / Glennda Orgasm, 1995
Glenda, Undated
Glidden, Joy / D.U.M.B.O., 2005
[Gloria], 2003
Gloria and Empeer, 2009
Glovsky, Alan, 1997
Godine, David R., 1987
Godsey, Cleo; Brever, Hubertus, 2003-2004, inclusive
Goldberg, Gary, Undated
Goldberg, Ian, 1987
Goldberg, Jane, 1993
Goldner, Barbara, 1995
Goldsmith, Caroline; Resnicow, David, 1989; Undated
Goldstein, Daniel, 2005
Goldstein, Howard, 1978
Goldstein, Malcolm, Undated
Gomez, Edward, 1985-2003; Undated
Gonzalez, Juan, 1988
Gonzalo, Pilar, 2006-2007, inclusive
Gordh, Bill, 1982-2001; Undated
Gordh, Bill; Lewis, Jennifer, 1985
Gornik, April, 1982
Gordon, Loco, 1989-1996, inclusive
Gosfield, Annie, 1999
Graham, Dan, 1972-1976, date illegible
Grandma, undated
Granet, Illona, 1982-2004, undated
Granet, Ilona and Susan, undated
Grantmakers in the Arts, 1998
Graves, Derek Scott, 2003
Gray, John, 1993
Gray, Marion, undated
Green, Becky/Banff Centre for the Arts, 1999
Green, Denise, undated
Green, Dor, 1995-2003, inclusive
Green, Vanalyne, 1984-2007, undated
Greenbau, Leslie and Seventeen Magazine, 1989
Greg, 1992
Grey, Alex and Allyson, 1989
Grey, Lydia, undated
Griffis, Deborah, 1984-1985, undated
Grimm, Sarah, 1985
The Grolier Club, 1987-1997, inclusive
Grooms, Red, undated
Grossberg, Shelley Jane/Roundabout Theatre Company, 1985-1996, inclusive
Grove, Kathy, 1998-2005, undated
Grove, Kathy and Larry List, date illegible
Grumbach, Pamela R., 1986
Guerilla Girls, various
Material Specific Details
Guggenheim, Eileen, 1996, undated
Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1987-2007, inclusive
Gulielmetti and Gesmer, P.C., 1998-2003 and undated
Gund, Agnes, 2007
Gus and Jean, 2008
Gustafson, Sharon, undated
Gutierrez-Solana, Carlos, undated
Guzman, Mariano, 1997
Gylbert, undated
HB, 1995
HG, 1992
Hack, Daniel, 1988
Hagedorn, Jessica and John Woo, 1991
Hagood, Trish, 1998
Hala, James/ Drew University, 1992
Halgunseth, Ellin, 1991-2008, inclusive
Hall, Matthew, undated
Hallerson, Claire/The Builders Association, 2005
Halvorson/Taylor, 1994
Hall, Sam, 1996
Hallett, Joann/NSCAD, 1978
Hallwalls, 1996
Hamburger, Annie, 1998
Hammer, Barbara, 1993
Hampton, Dan, 2005
Hampton, Scott, 2003-2004, inclusive
Hampton, Sylvia, 2000-2006, undated
Handelman, Michelle, 2002-2005, inclusive
Handlers, Dr. and Mrs., 1987-2003, undated
Hanel, Jodi/Exit Art, 2001
Hanes, Robin, 1977
Haney, Theresa, undated
Hanlon, Jessica, 1992
Hannah, 1992
Hanon, Geraldine, 1988, undated
Hansell, Freya, 1992-1994, undated
Hansen, Jan, undated
[Har], 1976
Hara, Tochio, undated
Hardinger, Ruth and C. Michael Norton, 1998-2002, inclusive
Hardy, John, 2006
Harmond, Kyle, 1989
Harnett, Lila, 1984
Harper, Glenn, 1995
Harrington, Wendall, 1992
Harris, Ellen, 1992
Harris, Melissa/Artforum, 1987
Harris, Susan, 1994
Harrison, Marc, 1964-1965, inclusive
Harrison, Marc
Harvey, Emily, 1988
Hayden, David, 1968
Heathfield, Adrian, 2001
Heckscher Museum/ Melissa Erb, 1992
Hecht, Laurel, 1989
Hedden, Dee, undated
Heiden, Stella, 1992
Heiss, Alanna and Fredrick Sherman, 1978-1995, undated
Heist, Erica and Laura Parnell/Momenta Art, 1997-2000, inclusive
Heitner, Marty, 1987-1992, undated
Helen, 1984
Helen, undated
[Helen] and Charles, 2004, undated
Helena Rubinstein Foundation/ Chelsea Romersa, 1992
Helmes, Su Ann, 1987
Hemenway, Anne, 1985
Henes, Donna, 1976-2001, undated
Henes, Donna, 1991-2002, undated
Henes, Donna and Daile Kaplan, 1990, undated
Henry [Story], 1984
Hensala, Craig, 1997
[Herb], 1978
Heresies Magazine, 1986
Herlin, Jean-Noël, 1988
Herman, Shirley, 1987-1994, inclusive
Hero, Barbara, 1977
Hewson, Federico, 2001-2007, inclusive
Heyward, Julia, 2005-2006, undated
Higgins, Diane, 1991
Higgs, Kimball, 1989
High Performance, undated
Hijuelos, Joseph, 1983-1985, inclusive
Hilary, 1993
Hileman, Jayne, 1977
Hill, Leslie and Helen Paris, 2001
Hill, Murray, 1997-2005, inclusive
Hillerbrand, Cathy, undated
[Him], undated
Hirano, Michiko, 2001
Hirschy, David and Chris, 1976-1989, undated
HO, undated
Ho, Dennia, 2005
Hodges, Jeanne/NEA, 1989
Hoff, Pat, 2008
Hoffberg, Judy, 1976
Hoffman, Barbara, 1999
Hoffstein, Murray M.D., 1982-1985, inclusive
Hogan. Matthew, 1997
Holden, Barry/Prentice and Chan, Ohlhausen LLP, 1996
Holland, DK, undated
Holland, Sarah, 1984-1987, inclusive
Holst, Lisa/ Emerson Gallery, 1998
Holstein, Pieter, 1978-2005, undated
Holtz, Helmuth, 1975
[Holzer], 1979
Honeymoon Miralda Project, 1987
Hořejš, Vit, 1997
Horn, Stuart, undated
Horschak, Amy, 1998
Howard, 1977-1998, undated
Howard, 1978
Howard, Barbara, 1978
Howard, David, 1988
Howland, Rebecca (Becky), 1994
Hsieh, Teh-Ching and Qin Qin, 2005
Hsieh, Teh Ching, 1984-2007, inclusive
Poster materials sent by Hsieh can be found in the oversize series.