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Series VIII: Objects, 1960-2005, inclusive

Willmington College Box, 1960-1967, inclusive

Box: 68, object: ID: 175.2.0001 (Material Type: Realia)


Shoebox of memoribilia from Wilmington College and the George Schholl. Two autograph books and assortred letters, pamphlets etc.

Paper plate with inscription, undated

Box: 69, object: ID: 175.2.0002 (Material Type: Realia)

Blue box with handle, ca. 1983

Box: 69, object: ID: 175.2.0003 (Material Type: Realia)


A collection of epherma and memorobilia including clippings, maps and materials related to Franklin Furnace.

Box with egg and invitation inside, 1987

Box: 69, object: ID: 175.2.0004 (Material Type: Realia)

Painted box with bow and objects inside, undated

Box: 69, object: ID: 175.2.0005 (Material Type: Realia)

Gold painted shoe with invitation inside, undated

Box: 69, object: ID: 175.2.0006 (Material Type: Realia)

Pink plastic heart shaped box with glitter and tape measure inside, undated

Box: 69, object: ID: 175.2.0006 (Material Type: Realia)

White florist box labeled O.O.C. with inscription and objects inside, 1980

Box: 69, object: ID: 175.2.0008 (Material Type: Realia)

Paper airline labeled U.S. Clap, undated

Box: 69, object: ID: 175.2.0009 (Material Type: Realia)

Red charm with bell, Undated

Box: 69, object: ID: 175.2.0010 (Material Type: Realia)

Placard with a screw design, undated

Box: 69, object: ID: 175.2.0011 (Material Type: Realia)

Purple garter with flower, undated

Box: 69, object: ID: 175.2.0012 (Material Type: Realia)

Franklin Furnace pencil, undated

Box: 72, object: ID: 175.2.0013 (Material Type: Realia)

Small glass object, undated

Box: 72, object: ID: 175.2.0014 (Material Type: Realia)

Art Parade 3D glasses, 1983

Box: 72, object: ID: 175.2.0015 (Material Type: Realia)

Pair of children's shoes, undated

Box: 72, object: ID: 175.2.0016 (Material Type: Realia)

Skowhegan Governors Award in box, 1991

Box: 72, object: ID: 175.2.0017 (Material Type: Realia)

Small plastic baby doll, undated

Box: 72, object: ID: 175.2.0018a (Material Type: Realia)

Small plastic and fabric fan

Box: 72, object: ID: 175.2.0018 (Material Type: Realia)

folded paper labeled El Ropo Cigar Company, undated

Box: 72, object: ID: 175.2.0019 (Material Type: Realia)

Plastic Knife in Box, 1985

Box: 72, object: ID: 175.2.0021 (Material Type: Realia)


Box is addressed to Amei Wallach and the return address is Happy Valley Rest Home

Objects from envelope labeled Byars Askevold and Richards Jarden, undated

Box: 72, object: ID: 175.2.0022 (Material Type: Realia)


items include a matchbook with a photograph, a paper scroll and inscribed tokens with Richard Jardens and Martha Wilson's name on them.

Box with cards labeled Personal Oracle, undated

Box: 72, object: ID:175.2.0023 (Material Type: Realia)

Box containing items from folder labeled 1988 , 1988

Box: 70, object: ID: 175.2.0024 (Material Type: Realia)


Objects include a fan, a rubber stamp, a box of matches, a candy box, a button with the phrase "I am a young jazz immortal" and a home pregnancy test.

Buttons from envelope labled activist buttons, undated

Box: 70, object: ID:175.2.0025 (Material Type: Realia)

WilliWear Artist T-Shirt packaging for Jenny Holzer and Les Levine tishirts, undated

Box: 70, object: ID: 175.2.0026 (Material Type: Realia)

Lapp Princess Press t-shirts in packaging, undated

Box: 70, object: ID:175.2.0027 (Material Type: Realia)

Jar labelled Genuine Melinda Hair, undated

Box: 70, object: ID: 175.2.0028 (Material Type: Realia)

Printed fabric with cat picture and Martha Wilson's name., 1976

Box: 70, object: ID:175.2.0029 (Material Type: Realia)

Aussie Kangaroo Pouch genuine kangaroo scrotum, undated

Box: 72, object: ID:175.2.0030 (Material Type: Realia)

McCall's Magazine Advent Calendar, undated

Box: 72, object: ID: 175.2.0031 (Material Type: Realia)

Red Bag of Rice, undated

Box: 99, object: ID: 175.2.0032 (Material Type: Realia)

Bag containing article, fork, pencil, and eraser, undated

Box: 99, object: ID: 175.2.0033 (Material Type: Realia)

Folder Labeled My Watercolor Folder and Happy Mothers Day, Comley, undated

Box: 71, object: ID:175.2.0034 (Material Type: Realia)

Fan labeled a.k.a FAN CLUB, undated

Box: 71, object: ID: 175.2.0035 (Material Type: Realia)

Paper Crown, undated

Box: 71, object: ID: 175.2.0036 (Material Type: Realia)

Windup Gorilla Keychain, undated

Box: 99, object: ID: 175.2.0037 (Material Type: Realia)

Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping Fans, 2005

Box: 71, object: ID: 175.2.0038 (Material Type: Realia)

Comley's 2002 Duke Calender, 2002

Box: 71, object: ID: 175.2.0039 (Material Type: Realia)

Paper Hat, undated

Box: 71, object: ID: 175.2.0040 (Material Type: Realia)

Paper Hat labeled Iron Man Award Comly, undated

Box: 71, object: ID: 175.2.0041 (Material Type: Realia)

Eileen Fisher 2003 Calendar, 2003

Box: 71, object: ID: 175.2.0049 (Material Type: Realia)

Receipt paper in envelope labeled 7/31/03 from Ricardo Miranda Zuniga, 7/31/03

Box: 71, object: ID: 175.2.0042 (Material Type: Realia)

Small gold sword, undated

Box: 99, object: ID:175.2.0043 (Material Type: Realia)

Misc buttons, undated

Box: 99, object: ID: 175.2.0044 (Material Type: Realia)

CBGB wristband, undated

Box: 71, object: ID:175.2.0045 (Material Type: Realia)

Small tile with the letter M, undated

Box: 99, object: ID: 175.2.0046 (Material Type: Realia)

paper crane, undated

Box: 71, object: ID: 175.2.0047 (Material Type: Realia)

Small ceramic object, undated

Box: 99, object: ID: 175.2.0048 (Material Type: Realia)

Envelope Labeled Santa Doll, undated

Box: 71, object: ID: 175.2.0050 (Material Type: Realia)

Baby fist pin from Comly's baby shower, undated

Box: 99, object: ID:175.2.0051 (Material Type: Realia)

Martha Wilson NYU badge, undated

Box: 70, object: 175.2.0052 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Remember the Triangle Fire 1911-2011 lace sash, undated

Box: 70, object: 175.2.0053 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Teach 4 Amerika pennant, undated

Box: 70, object: 175.2.0054 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Fales Library and Special Collections
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012