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Crimes of War Project Archived Website, Aug 10, 2010-Aug 9, 2013, inclusive


Crimes of War Project

Scope and Contents note

The Crimes of War Project (established in 1999 as a private, non-profit corporation) is a collaboration of journalists, lawyers and scholars dedicated to raising public awareness of the laws of war and their application to situations of conflict. Their goal is to promote understanding of international humanitarian law among journalists, policymakers, and the general public, in the belief that a wider knowledge of the legal framework governing armed conflict will lead to greater pressure to prevent breaches of the law, and to punish those who commit them. They seek to raise raise the level of understanding about the law among those reporting on war and war crimes; provide information for journalists, scholars, and the policy community about critical issues in modern armed conflict; encourage wider appreciation of international law as a framework for understanding and responding to conflicts around the world; promote consultation among journalists, legal experts and humanitarian agencies about how to increase compliance with international humanitarian law; and provide a forum for accessible debate about the current state of international law. The website contains a glossary, commentary arranged by region, and other articles. The website last updated in 2011.

Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
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70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012