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Asia Pacific Forum Archived Website, Sep 21, 2014-ongoing


Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions

Scope and Content Note

Asian Pacific Forum was founded in 1998, when Samori Marksman, program director of WBAI, and Sybil Wong, former business director of WBAI, brought together a group of journalists and activists to organize a weekly program focused on New York's Asian communities. In 2006, APF began podcasting and making its weekly broadcasts available as downloads on the web, allowing the show to reach a broader audience both nationally and globally. The website contains programs on activism, immigration, civil and human rights, politics, and other topics. The website also has a listing of songs on the station, book recommendations, news, and event listings.

Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012