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Radical History Review Archived Website, Mar 27, 2014-ongoing


Radical History Review

Scope and Content Note

The Mid-Atlantic Radical Historians Organization (MARHO) was formed during a conference at Fordham University in January 1973, attended mostly by professors at colleges and universities in the metropolitan New York area. he journal seeks to "address issues of gender, race, sexuality, imperialism, and class" and stretch "the boundaries of historical analysis to explore Western and non-Western histories." In addition to articles on the theme of any given issue, the journal is often comprised of sections dedicated to teaching and public history, as well as reviews of television, books, museum exhibitions, and other media. The website contains call for proposals for future issues, descriptions of recent issues, subject guides, and back issues.

Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012