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Witness against Torture: A Campaign to Shut down Guantanamo Archived Website, Jul 8, 2009- ongoing


Witness against Torture

Scope and Contents note

At our inception, with the December 5-17, 2005: Walk to Guantanamo to Visit the Prisoners, Witness Against Torture was a group of friends who-- as Americans and Catholics-- walked to Guantanamo to visit the prisoners, to perform a work of mercy, to respond to the victims of the war on terrorism. Once we returned from that journey, we began to organize more broadly to shut down Guantanamo, working with interfaith, human rights and activists' organizations. We have planned a series of nonviolent direct actions to expose and decry the administration's lawlessness, build awareness about torture and indefinite detention amongst Americans and forge human ties with the prisoners at Guantanamo and their families.

Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012