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100 Days to Close Guantánamo and End Torture Archived Website, Aug 2, 2009-Mar 17, 2010, inclusive


100 Days to Close Guantanamo & End Torture

Scope and Contents note

We support President Obama's executive order to close the Guantanamo prison. But it must be closed not just on paper, but in reality. After seven years of detaining hundreds of men without trial, a one year timeline for closing Guantanamo is unacceptable. For the over 70 men currently on hunger strike in Guantanamo, it has been seven years too long. We want justice now. Witness Against Torture announces a campaign to close the U.S. detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and end torture and rendition by the U.S. within the first 100 days of the new administration. With Barack Obama taking office, we have a historic opportunity to reverse the disastrous policies of the last eight years.

Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012