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Redstockings: Women's Liberation Studies Archives for Action Archived Website, Nov 10, 2009- ongoing


Redstockings, Inc.

Scope and Contents note

Redstockings was a name taken in 1969 by one of the founding women's liberation groups of the 1960's to represent the union of two traditions: the "bluestocking" label disparagingly pinned on feminists of earlier centuries--and "red" for revolution. Redstockings today is a grassroots, activist "think tank", for defending and advancing the women's liberation agenda. The Archives for Action is a project Redstockings established in 1989 to make the experiences of the 1960's movement more widely available for new understandings and improved strategies. The movement also supports a national health care system and equal job benefits for women.

Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012