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American Civil Liberties Union, Safe and Free Archived Website


American Civil Liberties Union

Scope and Contents note

National Security: SAFE AND FREE AT HOME There has never been a more urgent need to preserve fundamental privacy protections and our system of checks and balances than the need we face today, as illegal government spying, provisions of the Patriot Act and government-sponsored torture programs transcend the bounds of law and our most treasured values in the name of national security. Throughout U.S. history "national security" has often been used as a pretext for massive violations of individual rights. The terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 mobilized our country in the fight against terrorism. However, this also launched a serious civil liberties crises. The ACLU continues to challenge policies like the USA Patriot Act, and creates campaigns like Safe and Free.

Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012