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National Housing Law Project Archived Website, Mar 5, 2012 - ongoing


National Housing Law Project

Scope and Contents note

The National Housing Law Project is a nonprofit national housing and legal advocacy center established in 1968. They work to advance housing justice for low income people by increasing and preserving the supply of affordable housing; improving existing housing conditions, including physical conditions and management practices; expanding and enforcing low-income tenants' and homeowners' rights; and increasing housing opportunities for racial and ethnic minorities through litigation and policy advocacy. The website contains publications, information on training sessions, and a frequently asked questions section. The website also contains information on their Housing Justice Network, which is an informal network of more than 700 experienced housing advocates and clients from throughout the country.

Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012