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Tamiment Library Web Collection on Organizations

Call Number





Tamiment Library


316 websites

Language of Materials

Websites are mostly in English, with some Spanish, Chinese, German, and other languages.


The Tamiment Library Web Collection on Organizations, established in 2007 in conjunction with the California Digital Library's Web Archiving Service (WAS), contains webpages of organizations and other entities concerned with issues related to economic, civil, and social justice from a left and/or progressive perspective. These entities focus on issues ranging from corporate accountability, immigrant rights, unemployment, homelessness, urban justice, healthcare reform, wealth redistribution, and other issues, including a focus on the Occupy Wall Street movement and the Guantanamo Detention Camp. Tamiment also archives political websites, focusing on political parties of the far Left, including Marxists, Communists, Socialists, and Trotskyists. Website contain a variety of formats and materials, including pdfs, images, multimedia, event listings, and blogs.

Historical/Biographical Note

Tamiment Library, New York University began web archiving in 2007 as part of a grant given by the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIPP) of the Library of Congress. As most unions, left movements, progressive organizations, and others stop creating ephemeral material and paper based collections and move most of their administrative and informational material to the web, Tamiment continued to document the changing face of the labor and left movement into the web era. Tamiment uses the California Digital Library's Web Archiving Service (WAS) as their tool to capture and preserve websites. WAS was created in 2007 and Tamiment is one of its earliest partners. The California Digital Library provides the storage and infrastructure for the project.


Websites are arranged alphabetically.

Scope and Content Note

The Tamiment Library Web Collection on Organizations, first began by Tamiment in 2007, contains webpages of organizations and other entities concerned with issues related to economic, civil, and social justice from a left and/or progressive perspective. This is an assembled collection, the websites were selected by the archivists. These entities focus on issues ranging from corporate accountability, immigrant rights, unemployment, homelessness, urban justice, healthcare reform, wealth redistribution, and other issues. The collection also contains websites related to environmental and green movements, prisoner rights, the Jewish American Left, peace movements, art and cultural organizations, education and youth movements, animal rights, feminism, housing rights, and other websites related to the Left movement. Tamiment also archives political websites, focusing on Marxian inspired entities, including political parties that identify with or are inspired by Communist, Socialist, or Trotskyist perspectives.

In addition, there is a huge focus in this collection on the Occupy Wall Street Movement, established in September 2011. Occupy Wall Street is a social movement, started in New York City, that works to reform both the private and public sector. The websites in the collection focus on different aspects and working groups of the movement. Another huge focus of the collection contains websites of those critical of U.S. policy in relation to Guantanamo Detention Camp and its representation governing enemy combatants, prisoner interrogation, the related legal processes and issues, the global detention system established by the Bush administration, including efforts to secure civil and human rights for detainees. Contents include prisoners' testimony and documents from attorneys defending them.

These websites contain a huge variety of media, which include videos, pdfs, blog postings (including Tumblr and Wordpress blogs), petitions, news feeds, message boards (or forums), and audio. These websites often act to document and update upon the organizations' activities, schedule upcoming events, build awareness of their cause or organization, information on projects the organizations are working on, writings and articles by members of the organization or party, or other activities.

The web collection documents the publicly available content of the web page, it does not archive material that is password protected or blocked due to robot txt exclusions. Although Tamiment attempts to archive the entirety of a website, certain file types will not be captured dependent on how they are embedded in the site. This can include videos (Youtube, Vimeo, or otherwise), pdfs (including Scribd or another pdf reader), rss feeds/plug-ins (including twitter), commenting platforms (disqus, facebook), presi, images, or anything that is not native to the site.

Access Restrictions

Archived websites are open to researchers without restrictions. Archived websites are made publically available 6 months after the initial capture.

Use Restrictions

Tamiment does not own the copyright to these websites. Copyright to these websites resides with each website's author. Tamiment Library and Web Archiving Service (WAS) operate in observance with Section 108 Study Group's Report on Web Archiving. Tamiment archives websites for preservation and research purposes only. Tamiment respects robot txt exclusions and requests from websites with robot txt exclusions to allow our crawler to capture their website. Tamiment will also honor a website owner's request to remove a website from the collection.

Preferred Citation

"Page Title." Archived month/day/year. Tamiment Library Web Collection on Organizations, Robert F. Wagner Labor Archive and Tamiment Library, New York University. ArchivalURL. (Accessed month/day/year).

Existence and Location of Originals

Clicking on the links provided in the container list will take the user to the Web Archiving Service (WAS) page for the website. Sometimes the original website is still available on the live web and the original URL may be available. To get to the original web page, click the live link provided in the "Latest Starting URL" field on the WAS page.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Websites are selected by archivists and captured through the use of the California Digital Library's Web Archiving Service (WAS). WAS uses a web crawler to copy the website at a scheduled time and displays only an archived copy of the website.

In December 2021, and were added. The accession number associated with this website is 2022.038.

Custodial History

The archived websites were migrated from the California Digital Library's Web Archiving Service to the Internet Archive's Archive-It Service in November 2015. The links to California Digital Library were removed in October 2017.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Due to technical or privacy issues, archived websites may not be exact copies of the original website at the time of the web crawl. Certain file types will not be captured dependent on how they are embedded in the site. This can include videos (including Youtube and Vimeo), pdfs (including Scribd or another pdf reader), rss feeds/plug-ins (including Twitter), commenting platforms (disqus, Facebook), presi, images, or anything that is not native to the site. Other parts of websites that the crawler has difficulty capturing includes Javascript, streaming content, database-driven content, and highly interactive content. Robot txt exclusions also change the formatting of websites from their original display, websites with robot txt exclusions often display as an index.

Keyword and file-type search are also available to archived websites through the Web Archiving Service (WAS). To search for keywords within archived websites, click a site name link in the container list. From that page, click the "search" tab on the top left corner. From the search page, you can search by keyword, URL, and file type across all captures of one site or all the sites in the project.

Take Down Policy

Tamiment respects robot txt exclusions and requests from websites with robot txt exclusions to allow our crawler to capture their website. Tamiment will also honor the website owner's request to remove their website from the collection. To request a site removal, please contact

Related Archival Materials

Tamiment Library Web Collection on Individuals
Tamiment Library Web Collection on Labor Unions
Printed Ephemera Collection on Organizations (PE 036)


In general, crawls of sites are added quarterly. New sites are added to finding aids upon completion of 6 month embargo.

Collection processed by

Nicole Greenhouse in compliance with DACS and Tamiment Required Elements for Archival Description

About this Guide

This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on 2024-01-08 12:27:36 -0500.
Language: Description is written in: English, Latin script.

Processing Information

Tamiment Library uses the California Digital Library's Web Archiving Service (WAS) to capture websites for historical purposes. Tamiment archivists select websites for capture based on Tamiment's collecting policy. After the site is added, the title of the site is sometimes changed to better reflect the name of the organization/project/event/site.

Sites are copied by what are commonly known as spiders, robots, or crawlers to index the website. WAS uses the Heritrix web crawler to copy (or capture) the website at a scheduled time and displays only an archived copy of the website. In general, the host page of website is captured for up to 36 hours. The initial capture of a website often includes the archived version of websites that have been linked to by the host website. Websites are crawled quarterly, unless contemporary events cause rapid change to content on a website.

The archivist describes each site using subject headings, a brief description of the site and its contents, and tags. WAS arranges the websites alphabetically and preserves the websites.

In 2014, finding aids were created from the 23 original projects. Original projects were collected by topic and continue to be maintained by the archivists. Three finding aids were created based on Tamiment Library's Printed Ephemera collection categories, to provide better access across websites and collections in Tamiment Library. These finding aids were created using the XML export tool in WAS and manipulated to create DACS-compliant EAD finding aids.

In 2022, narrative description for the archived website of "The Trials of The Scottsboro Boys" were edited to employ the recommendations in the Archives for Black Lives in Philadelphia's Anti-Racist Description Resources. Black was capitalized across the collection. Additionally, language was amended to be more gender inclusive across the collection. Future changes to correct inaccuracies or inappropriate language are anticipated.


Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives

#occupywallstreet Archived Website, Oct 25, 2011- ongoing


Occupy Wall Street (Movement)

Scope and Contents note

#occupywallstreet is a tumblr blog that contains updates related to the September 17, 2011 occupation of Wall Street by New York City protestors. The website contains news, audiovisual media, and other articles.

100 Days to Close Guantánamo and End Torture Archived Website, Aug 2, 2009-Mar 17, 2010, inclusive


100 Days to Close Guantanamo & End Torture

Scope and Contents note

We support President Obama's executive order to close the Guantanamo prison. But it must be closed not just on paper, but in reality. After seven years of detaining hundreds of men without trial, a one year timeline for closing Guantanamo is unacceptable. For the over 70 men currently on hunger strike in Guantanamo, it has been seven years too long. We want justice now. Witness Against Torture announces a campaign to close the U.S. detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and end torture and rendition by the U.S. within the first 100 days of the new administration. With Barack Obama taking office, we have a historic opportunity to reverse the disastrous policies of the last eight years.

123 Community Space Archived Website, Feb 20, 2009-Jul 7, 2011, inclusive


123 Community Space

Scope and Contents note

123 was a community space in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn that was formed by formed by four grassroots groups - A New World In Our Hearts, Freegan Bike Workshop, Misled Youth Network, NYC Anarchist Black Cross. The organization held daily programs, had a screen-printing studio, a food co-op, a lending library, and support groups. The goal of 123 was to create a community center for the people of Bed-Stuy to organize and make their voices heard. 123 closed down in 2009.

Abraham Lincoln Brigade: Spanish Civil War History and Education: Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives Archived Website, Feb 8, 2007 - ongoing


Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives

Scope and Contents note

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) is dedicated to preserving and communicating the history and memory of those Americans who participated in the Spanish Civil War on the Republican side. It is also successor to the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. The ALBA archives are housed at the Tamiment Library, New York University. They also publish the quarterly journal, The Volunteer.

ACORN Archived Website, Nov 20, 2008-Mar 12, 2012, inclusive


ACORN (Organization)

Scope and Contents note

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), formed in 1970, was a collection of community-based organizations in the United States that advocated for low- and moderate-income families by working on neighborhood safety, voter registration, health care, affordable housing, and other social issues. In 2010, ACORN filed Chapter 7 liquidation and closed the organization. The organization consisted of 400,000 member families organized into more than 1,200 neighborhood chapters in 110 cities across the country.organizations that are committed to social and economic justice, and won victories on thousands of issues of concern to our members, through direct action, negotiation, legislative advocacy and voter participation. ACORN helps those who have historically been locked out become powerful players in our democratic system.

Act Against Torture Archived Website, Aug 1, 2009-Feb 8, 2010, inclusive


Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp
Act Against Torture.

Scope and Contents note

Act Against Torture is a coalition of activists based in the San Francisco Bay Area working to abolish torture and indefinite detention, to end U.S. intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to prevent future wars. Our work is guided by radical, systemic analysis of war, torture and detention; the connections between these and other forms of oppression are the reason we support other movements for social justice as an integral part of our mission. We use strategic, campaign-based organizing to link individual actions in pusuit of larger goals. We work to build strong coalitions and are committed to democratic and participatory organizing. Act Against Torture is not affiliated with any party or organization.

Activist Poet's Roundtable with Dennis Brutus | The Socialist Party - USA, Greater NYC Local Archived Website, May 2, 2011, inclusive


Activist Poets' Roundtable

Scope and Contents note

Activist Poets' Roundtable with Dennis Brutus was an event in New York City on March 16, 2008. Dennis Brutus was a banned poet and political prisoner on Robben Island with Nelson Mandela and 1000 others before the fall of Apartheid in South Africa.


Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) Archived Website, Aug 17, 2009- ongoing


A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition

Scope and Contents note

Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), was formed on September 14, 2001. ANSWER is a coalition of organizations and individuals across the United States, campaigning against US intervention in Latin America, the Carribbean, the Middle East and Asia. Partner organizations have campaigned for civil rights and for social and economic justice for working and poor people inside the United States. They work through direct action, protests, and other forms of demonstration. The website contains news listings, news analysis, information about regional offices, and event listings.

Act Up New York Archived Website, Dec 7, 2008 - ongoing


ACT UP New York (Organization)

Scope and Contents note

Act Up NY was founded in New York City in 1987 and is a diverse, non-partisan group of individuals united in anger and committed to direct action to end the AIDS crisis. AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), founded in New York City in 1987, and is a diverse, non-partisan group committed to direct action to end the AIDS crisis by bringing about legislation, medical research, treatment, and policies to bring an end to the disease. The website has not been updated since 2007.

AFT ACTS Archived Website, May 1, 2011- ongoing


Alliance of Charter Teachers and Staff

Scope and Contents note

The Alliance of Charter Teachers and Staff (ACTS) is community of charter school employees organized by the Federation of Teachers. The alliance works to mobilize charter school employees around issues such as expanding professional development, bettering wages and benefits, improving teaching and learning conditions, and strengthening their voice in school-level decision making.

Against the Current | Solidarity Archived Website, May 8, 2011-Nov 7, 2012, inclusive


Solidarity (Organization : U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

Against the Current is's bi-monthly analytical journal. This capture has not been scheduled for future crawls, future captures will be made only at's main entry here:

Aisling Irish Community Center Archived Site, Mar 27, 2014-ongoing


Aisling Irish Community Center

Scope and Content Note

The Aisling Irish Community Center is located in Yonkers, New York. Established in 1996, the Center serves to assist Irish immigrants moving to the United States. The Aisling Center also provides services for the elderly Irish and Irish-American community in Yonkers and Woodlawn. The website contains event and classes schedules, a photo gallery, and news listings.

Amalgamated Housing Archived Website, Mar 28, 2012 - ongoing


Amalgamated Housing

Scope and Contents note

Amalgamated Housing Cooperative, founded in 1927, is a limited equity housing cooperative in the Bronx, New York, originally sponsored by the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union. Their goal is to provide affordable housing and community, while living in accordance with cooperative ideals. The cooperative provides housing for 1500 families. The website contains a photo gallery, an activities committee page, and a community guide.


American Civil Liberties Union, Accountability for Torture, Restore the Rule of Law, Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, Waterboard Archived Website


American Civil Liberties Union

Scope and Contents note

We are finally beginning to learn the full scope of the Bush administration's torture program. Government documents show that hundreds of prisoners were tortured in the custody of the CIA and Department of Defense, some of them killed in the course of interrogations. Justice Department memos show that the torture policies were devised and developed at the highest levels of the Bush administration. The ACLU is committed to restoring the rule of law. We will fight for the disclosure of the torture files that are still secret. We will advocate for the victims of the Bush administration's unlawful policies. We will press Congress to appoint a select committee that can investigate the roots of the torture program and recommend legislative changes to ensure that the abuses of the last eight years are not repeated. And we will advocate for the appointment of an independent prosecutor to examine issues of criminal responsibility.

American Civil Liberties Union, Close Gitmo & End Military Commissions Archived Website


American Civil Liberties Union

Scope and Contents note

Close Gitmo and End Military Commissions is a website of the American Civil Liberties union Accountability for Torture Project.

American Civil Liberties Union, Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp


American Civil Liberties Union

Scope and Contents

Blog posts, press releases, news, and other publications related to the American Civil Liberties Union's work on closing Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp. Articles date back to 2007.


American Civil Liberties Union, National Security Archived Website

Scope and Contents

Website for the American Civil Liberties Union's National Security Project. The project is dedicated to ensuring that U.S. national security policies and practices are consistent with the Constitution, civil liberties, and human rights. The project is focused on topics such as detention, military commissions, torture, targeted killing, and secrecy. The website also includes links to legal documents.


New site crawls are accrued semiannually.

Custodial History and were initially selected by curators and captured through the use of The California Digital Library's Web Archiving Service in 2009 as part of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp & War Crimes (U.S.) Web Archive. In 2010, redirected to In 2012, redirected to In 2015, redirected to

In 2015, these websites were migrated to Archive-It. Archive-It uses web crawling technology to capture websites at a scheduled time and displays only an archived copy, from the resulting WARC file, of the website.

In 2015, redirected again to the current URL, In 2016, redirected under the host for was added to the web archives in 2018. The accession number associated with this crawl is 2019.090.

American Civil Liberties Union, Safe and Free Archived Website


American Civil Liberties Union

Scope and Contents note

National Security: SAFE AND FREE AT HOME There has never been a more urgent need to preserve fundamental privacy protections and our system of checks and balances than the need we face today, as illegal government spying, provisions of the Patriot Act and government-sponsored torture programs transcend the bounds of law and our most treasured values in the name of national security. Throughout U.S. history "national security" has often been used as a pretext for massive violations of individual rights. The terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 mobilized our country in the fight against terrorism. However, this also launched a serious civil liberties crises. The ACLU continues to challenge policies like the USA Patriot Act, and creates campaigns like Safe and Free.

American Friends Service Committee Prison Watch Archived Website, Sep 28, 2007-Jul 24, 2009, inclusive


American Friends Service Committee

Scope and Content Note

The American Friends Service Committee carries out service, development, social justice, and peace programs throughout the world. Founded by Quakers ( A pacifist Christian denomination) in 1917 to provide conscientious objectors with an opportunity to aid civilian war victims. AFSC's work is based on the Quaker belief in the worth of every person and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice. The organization's mission and achievements won worldwide recognition in 1947 when it accepted the Nobel Peace Prize with the British Friends Service Council on behalf of all Quakers. This is the website for the Prison Watch campaign, which monitored injustices in the American prison system.

American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA) Archived Website, Jan 8, 2012- ongoing


American Independent Business Alliance

Scope and Contents note

American Independent Business Alliance, founded in 1997, aids communities to establish and operate an Independent Business Alliance (IBA). An IBA works to build vital local economies based on independent, locally-owned businesses and prevent chain proliferation and other trends from displacing local entrepreneurs. AMIBA provides training and consultation for those wishing to start an IBA.

American Library Association. Social Responsibilities Round Table Archived Website, Nov 24, 2008 - ongoing


American Library Association. Social Responsibilities Roundtable.

Scope and Contents note

Since 1969, the American Library Association's (ALA) Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) has worked to make the ALA more democratic and establish progressive policies for the ALA and the librarian profession. SRRT maintains task forces, three listservs, and publishes a newsletter.

Animal Liberation Front Archived Website, Oct 10, 2007-Dec 29, 2011, inclusive


Animal Liberation Front

Scope and Contents note

The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) consists of small autonomous groups of people all over the world who carry out direct action against animal abuse in the form of rescuing animals and causing financial loss to animal exploiters, usually through the damage and destruction of property.


Animal Liberation Front Archived Website, Aug 16, 2010- ongoing


Animal Liberation Front

Scope and Contents note

The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) carries out non-violent direct action against animal abuse in the form of rescuing animals and causing financial loss to animal exploiters, usually through the damage and destruction of property. ALF's goal is to save as many animals as possible and directly disrupt the practice of animal abuse to eventually end all animal suffering by forcing animal abuse companies (agribusiness, laboratories, etc.) out of business. Because ALF actions may be against the law, activists work anonymously, either in small groups or individually, and do not have any centralized organization or coordination. The ALF also advocates veganism or vegetarianism.

Custodial History

Site crawls were discontinued and captures were deaccessioned Fall 2015.

Asia Pacific Forum Archived Website, Sep 21, 2014-ongoing


Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions

Scope and Content Note

Asian Pacific Forum was founded in 1998, when Samori Marksman, program director of WBAI, and Sybil Wong, former business director of WBAI, brought together a group of journalists and activists to organize a weekly program focused on New York's Asian communities. In 2006, APF began podcasting and making its weekly broadcasts available as downloads on the web, allowing the show to reach a broader audience both nationally and globally. The website contains programs on activism, immigration, civil and human rights, politics, and other topics. The website also has a listing of songs on the station, book recommendations, news, and event listings.

Asian CineVision Archived Website, Mar 27, 2014-ongoing


Asian CineVision (Organization)

Scope and Content Note

Asian CineVision (ACV) is a non-profit media arts organization that develops, promotes and preserves media made by or about peoples of Asian descent. Asian CineVision was founded by grassroots media activists in New York's Chinatown in 1976 to raise social and cultural awareness of the Asian American experience, both in the Asian American community and among the general public. CineVue Online is ACV's media arts journal established in 1986. The website contains their media arts journal, information on their Asian American International Film Festival, news listings, event listings, and press releases.

Asian American Arts Centre Archived Website, Mar 25, 2014-ongoing


Asian American Arts Centre

Scope and Content Note

The Asian American Arts Centre, founded in 1974 as Asian American Dance Theatre, is one of the older community arts organizations in New York City Chinatown. The current name, Asian American Arts Centre, was adopted in 1987 to encompass both the dance company (Asian American Dance Theatre) and the visual arts program, Asian Arts Institute, initiated in 1984. In 2007, the Asian American Art Centre created a new archive, the AAAC Artist Archive. 150 artists who exemplified the major issues that compose the subject of Asian American art were selected and their materials processed for long-term archival preservation. The website contains a blog with details on past and current exhibitions, the digital archive of art, and information related to community organizing in Chinatown.

Asian American Legal Defense Fund Archived Website, Sep 29, 2007-ongoing


Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund

Scope and Content Note

Founded in 1974, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) is a national organization that protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans. By combining litigation, advocacy, education, and organizing, AALDEF works with Asian American communities across the country to secure human rights for all.

Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development Archived Website, Mar 18, 2012 - ongoing


Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development

Scope and Contents note

The Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development (ANHD), founded in 1974, is a membership organization of New York City nonprofit neighborhood housing groups engaged in community development and organizing throughout the city. ANHD's mission is to protect neighborhoods and provide affordable housing for all New Yorkers. ANHD provides training, technical assistance and advocacy for and on behalf of member organizations. The website contains member organization listings, resources, and training materials.


Autonomedia Archived Website, Sep 21, 2007- ongoing



Scope and Contents note

Founded in 1984, Autonomedia is a North American publisher of radical theoretical works, especially in the anarchist tradition. Autonomedia publishes books on topics such as anarchism, Marxist works, cyberfeminism, drug literature, turn of the 21st century queer individualist anarchist novels, and other works. They are known for publishing the "Autonomedia Calendar of Jubilee Saints," in which every day of the calendar recalls a deceased person of some significance to progressive movements or thought. They also maintain the Interactivist Info Exchange, an online forum for discourse and debate on themes relevant to the books that they publish.

Black Left Unity Network Archived Website, May 7, 2012-Aug 6, 2013, inclusive


Black Left Unity Network

Scope and Contents note

The Black Left Unity Network is a network in solidarity with the Black Liberation movement, which opposes racist and anti-immigrant laws. The website publicizes information about strikes and other actions.


Blackout Arts Collective Archived Website, Oct 3, 2007-May 19, 2014, inclusive


Blackout Arts Collective

Scope and Contents note

Blackout Arts Collective (BAC), founded 1997 in New York, is a grassroots coalition of artists, activists and educators working to empower communities of color through the arts.

Black Radical Congress Archived Website, Aug 15, 2009 - Sep 10, 2013, inclusive


Black Radical Congress

Scope and Contents note

The Black Radical Congress (BRC), founded in 1998 in Chicago, is a radical African American activist coalition of organizations and individuals focused on advocating for broad progressive social justice, racial equality and economic justice goals within the United States. The BRC holds conferences and other programs. The website only gives information on the BRC's history and biographical information on notable individuals relating to the BRC.

Brecht Forum Archived Website, Aug 15, 2009- ongoing


Brecht Forum (New York, N.Y.)

Scope and Contents note

The Brecht Forum, originally located at 451 West Street in Manhattan, now at 388 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, is a Marxist cultural and educational center. The Brecht Forum was founded in 1975 as The New York Marxist School. In 1984, the founding collective incorporated as The Brecht Forum with The New York Marxist School as the Forum's core project. In addition to the New York Marxist School, it also offers other programs, language classes, and arts and cultural events. The website contains information on their curriculum and classes, as well as economic news analysis.


Bureau Public Secrets Archived Website, Mar 9, 2010- ongoing


Knabb, Ken

Scope and Contents note

A situationist website, largely consisting of situationist writings in several languages, apparently edited by Ken Knabb.

Campaign for Peace and Democracy Archived Website, Jul 8, 2009- ongoing


Campaign for Peace and Democracy

Scope and Contents note

The Campaign for Peace and Democracy, founded in 1982, works to advance a progressive and non-militaristic U.S. foreign policy and is opposition to current U.S. foreign policy. Orginally, the campaign engaged Western peace activists in the defense of the rights of democratic dissidents in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and enlisted East-bloc human rights activists against anti-democratic U.S. policies in countries like Nicaragua and Chile. The majority of the Campaign's work has been its efforts to work with dissidents and social justice movements worldwide, and to forge alliances between them and progressive movements in the United States. The website contains petitions, endorsements, action alerts, news analysis, and endorsements.

Campaign to Stop Killer Coke Archived Website, Dec 2, 2010- ongoing


Campaign to Stop Killer Coke

Scope and Contents note

The Campaign to Stop Killer Coke is a worldwide movement based on the efforts of thousands of volunteers. Ray Rogers is the director of the Campaign to Stop Killer Coke. His organization, Corporate Campaign, Inc., created the Campaign to Stop Killer Coke to hold The Coca-Cola Company, its bottlers and subsidiaries accountable and to end the gruesome cycle of violence including the systematic intimidation, kidnapping, torture and murder of union leaders and members of their families in efforts to crush their unions, particularly in Colombia and Guatemala.

Camp Delta Standard Operating Procedure Archived Website, Nov 21, 2007-Jul 12, 2009, inclusive


WikiLeaks (Organization)

Scope and Contents note

Contains the United States Dept. of Defense Joint Task Force Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO) standard operating procedures (SOP) for Camp Delta (Guantanamo Bay prison), 2003 and related documents. This is the primary document for the operation of Guantanamo bay, including the securing and treatment of detainees. The document is extensive and includes, in addition to text various forms, identity cards and even Muslim burial instructions. It is signed by Major General Miller, who Donald Rumsfeld later sent to Abu Ghraib to "Gitmoize it". The document is also the subject of an ongoing legal action between the ACLU, which has been trying to obtain it, and the Department of Defense, which has withheld it in full. Wikileaks is a multi-jurisdictional organization to protect internal dissidents, whistleblowers, journalists and bloggers who face legal or other threats related to publishing. Wikileaks provides a forum for the entire global community to relentlessly examine any document for its credibility, plausibility, veracity and validity.

Camp Kinderland Archived Website, Apr 1, 2012- ongoing


Camp "Kinderland" (Hopewell Junction, N.Y.)

Scope and Contents note

Camp Kinderland was founded on Sylvan Lake in Hopewell Junction, NY in 1923 by members of the Workmen's Circle who worked in the organization's New York City schools. The camp's founders sought to create a summer youth camp that would not only provide a recreational escape for the children of working people from the tenements of New York City, but also one whose culture would encourage and foster a commitment to socially progressive activism and the embracing of a rich Jewish secular tradition. The website contains news and event listings, camper and parent resources, and information about renting their facilities.

Campus Activism Archived Website, Feb 20, 2012- ongoing


Campus Activism

Scope and Contents note, established in 2002, operates as a networking tool and database for student activists. The website works with activists to share contact information, event information, ideas, and resources. The website contains tools to add and browse email lists, campaign notices, issues, events, contacts, groups, and resources.

Center for Constitutional Rights Cases: Illegal Detentions and Guantanamo Archived Website


Center for Constitutional Rights (New York, N.Y.)

Scope and Contents note

Contains websites of cases taken by the Center for Constitutional Rights in relation to illegal detention and the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp

Center for Constitutional Rights Archived Website, Feb 7, 2007 - ongoing


Center for Constitutional Rights (New York, N.Y.)

Scope and Contents note

The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), founded in 1966 by attorneys who represented civil rights movements in the South, is dedicated to advancing and protecting the rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. CCR is a non-profit legal and educational organization committed to the use of law as a force for social change. Some issues CCR works on is illegal detention and Guantanamo, surveillance and attacks on dissent, criminal justice and mass incarcerations, corporate human rights abuse, government abuse of power, racial and gender justice, and international law and accountability. The website lists news and current cases. Note that the CCR's records are at the Tamiment Library.

Center for Constitutional Rights Active Cases Archived Website

Scope and Contents

List and accompanying documentation related to active cases of the Center for Constitutional Rights. Issues focused on by CCR include abusive immigration practices, corporate human rights abuses, criminalizing dissent, discriminatory policing, drone killings, government surveillance, Guantanamo, LGBTQI persecution, mass incarceration, Muslim profiling, Palestinian solidarity, racial injustice, sexual & gender-based violence, and torture, war crimes, & militarism.


New site crawls are accrued semiannually.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

This website was added as a replacement for, which became defunct in 2014 and redirected to in 2015. The website was added to the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp & War Crimes (U.S.) Web Archive in 2018. The accession number associated with this website is 2019.090.


Crawl was limited to host URL in order to remain within the collection scope and data constraints.

Central New York Reds Archived Website, Apr 28, 2013- ongoing


Central New York Reds

Scope and Contents note

Central New York Reds is the website for the Socialist Party of Central New York. The organization holds regular Socialist forums to discuss and debate important topics and to include radical perspective, organize protests, and other activities. The website contains event listings, information about their platform, resources, and a blog.

Code Pink Archived Website, Nov 11, 2009- ongoing


Codepink: Women for Peace

Scope and Contents note

CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, stop new wars, and redirect resources into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities. CODEPINK rejects foreign policies based on domination and aggression, and instead calls for policies based on diplomacy, compassion and a commitment to international law. The website sponsors events and is made up of action alerts, a blog, and a media center.

Color Of Change Archived Website, Jul 7, 2011- ongoing


Scope and Contents note works to strengthen Black America's political voice, make government more responsive to the concerns to Black Americans and to bring about political and social change. is comprised of Black Americans from every economic class, as well as those from all backgrounds who seek to help Black Americans be heard. Members are united to make sure all Americans are represented, served, and protected regardless of race or class.

Combatant Status Review Tribunal (CSRT) and Administrative Review Board (ARB) Documents Archived Website, Jul 11, 2009- ongoing


United States. Department of Defense. Military Commissions. Combatant Status Review Tribunals

Scope and Contents note

Contains unclassified summaries of evidence for Combatant Status Review Tribunals held between July 2004 and July 2007. Included are summaries for High Value Detainees (HVD). Other documents and audio recordings of testimony for HVD can be found on the Detainee Affairs webpage of DefenseLint at:

Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence (CAAAV) Archived Website, Oct 25, 2011- ongoing


CAAAV (Organization)

Scope and Contents note

Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence (CAAAV) works to build grassroots community power across diverse poor and working class Asian immigrant and refugee communities in New York City. Through an organizing model constituted by five core elements- basebuilding, leadership development, campaigns, alliances, and organizational development- CAAAV organizes communities to fight for institutional change and participates in a broader movement towards racial, gender, and economic justice.

Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism Archived Website, Aug 13, 2009- ongoing


Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism

Scope and Contents note

The Committees on Correspondence was organized in 1992 after the 1991 Communist Party USA convention as a non-Leninist, democratic socialist organization to dispute the policies and leadership of CPUSA head, Gus Hall. The movement centered around veteran communist and former leading CP official, Gil Green (1906-1997). The Committees on Correspondence sought to reach out to others on the left outside the Party, and held conferences in 1992 and 1994 to formally establish the new organization. Around 2000, the Committee on Correspondence changed its name to the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism. The website contains information on their conventions, publications, including their newsletter, the Mobilizer, by- laws, and other materials.

Communist Party USA Archived Website, May 10, 2008- ongoing


Communist Party of the United States of America

Scope and Contents note

The Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) is a Marxist-Leninist political organization that was founded in Chicago in 1919. The CPUSA played a pivotal role in many significant political and social movements of the 20th century. Its Party platform focused largely on working class issues such as fair wages and unemployment, civil rights for racial and ethnic minorities, civil liberties for politically persecuted communities, economic justice for the poor, the unemployed and for immigrants, and international peace efforts. The Party's work left an indelible mark in the arena of progressive politics and made it an influential force in the labor movement, particularly from the 1920s to the 1940s. Its varied political, social, and cultural initiatives attracted the support of a number of prominent artists, intellectuals, and activists, including Woody Guthrie, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Angela Davis. Though the CPUSA's strength and size declined sharply following World War II and the advent of the Cold War and McCarthyism, it remains committed to socialism, peace, economic and social justice, and civil rights and liberties. Today, the CPUSA continues its struggle for socialism, peace, and social and economic justice, and publishes a newspaper, the People's Weekly World (, a monthly journal, Political Affairs (, and through its Labor Commission, the online periodical Labor Upfront (captured here: The website contains a blog, event listings, action alerts, and other writings.

Communist Party USA: Southern California Communist Party Archived Website, Aug 26, 2010-Jan 20, 2012, inclusive


Communist Party of the United States of America. Southern California District

Scope and Contents note

This website contains the small, briefly extant (2008-2009) blog of the Southern California organization of the Communist Party USA.


Communities United for Police Reform Archived Website, Dec 10, 2014-ongoing


Communities United for Police Reform

Scope and Content Note

Communities United for Police Reform is a campaign to end discriminatory policing practices in New York, and includes dozens of community organizations. Communities United for Police Reform was a key supporter of the Community Safety Act, a groundbreaking reform to the New York Police Department that was signed into law in 2014. The website includes news, resources, and campaign summaries.


Cooperative Village Archived Website, Mar 28, 2012 - ongoing


Cooperative Village

Scope and Contents note

Cooperative Village is a community of housing cooperatives on the Lower East Side of Manhattan sponsored, organized and built by the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America and International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, as well as the United Housing Foundation, a development organization set up by the unions in 1951. The Cooperative Village manages four smaller corporations, Hillman Housing Corporation, East River Housing Corporation, Seward Park Housing Corporation, and the Amalgamated Dwellings. The cooperatives followed strict Rochdale Principles, with one vote per member. The website contains information on cooperative services and the corporation.


Cooper Square Committee Archived Website, Mar 10, 2012 - ongoing


Cooper Square Committee

Scope and Contents note

The Cooper Square Committee (CSC), is a housing association of the Lower East Side, which works with area residents to contribute to the preservation and development of affordable, environmentally-friendly housing and community/cultural spaces. They provide housing and social services, including tenant counseling and eviction prevention; community and tenant organizing; social services and referrals; and community development. The website contains news updates, tenant rights resources, and project information.

CorpWatch Archived Website, Sep 24, 2007 - ongoing



Scope and Contents note

CorpWatch, launched in 1996, is a site that uses investigative research and journalism to monitor and expose corporate malfeasance and to advocate for corporate accountability and transparency. They work to foster global justice, independent media activism and democratic control over corporations and promote human, social, environmental, and workers rights. They publish investigative reports on their website and they are affiliated with Friends of the Earth International.

Crimes of War Project Archived Website, Aug 10, 2010-Aug 9, 2013, inclusive


Crimes of War Project

Scope and Contents note

The Crimes of War Project (established in 1999 as a private, non-profit corporation) is a collaboration of journalists, lawyers and scholars dedicated to raising public awareness of the laws of war and their application to situations of conflict. Their goal is to promote understanding of international humanitarian law among journalists, policymakers, and the general public, in the belief that a wider knowledge of the legal framework governing armed conflict will lead to greater pressure to prevent breaches of the law, and to punish those who commit them. They seek to raise raise the level of understanding about the law among those reporting on war and war crimes; provide information for journalists, scholars, and the policy community about critical issues in modern armed conflict; encourage wider appreciation of international law as a framework for understanding and responding to conflicts around the world; promote consultation among journalists, legal experts and humanitarian agencies about how to increase compliance with international humanitarian law; and provide a forum for accessible debate about the current state of international law. The website contains a glossary, commentary arranged by region, and other articles. The website last updated in 2011.

Cuban American Alliance Education Fund Archived Website, Feb 28, 2012- ongoing


Cuban American Alliance

Scope and Contents note

The Cuban American Alliance Education Fund, Inc. (CAAEF) is a nonprofit national network of Cuban Americans that educates the public on issues related to hardships resulting from United States-Cuba relations. The Alliance is a vehicle for the development of mutually beneficial engagements which promote understanding and human compassion. The website contains news and legislative updates, event listings, reader commentary, and gallery.

Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation Archived Website, Mar 7, 2012 - ongoing


Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation

Scope and Contents note

The Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation (CHLDC), formed in May 1983, is a nonprofit community-based organization, serving approximately 8,000 residents per year through a comprehensive array of community service programs and neighborhood development projects in the Cypress Hills neighborhood in Brooklyn. Their mission is to revitalize the Cypress Hills community through housing preservation, economic development, and the positive development of youth and families. The website contains event and program listings.

d.u.m.b.A collective Archived Website, Dec 11, 2009, inclusive


Dumba Collective

Scope and Contents note

The Dumba Collective (1998-2006) was a non-profit arts collective in the Brooklyn NY, solely devoted to the contemporary art practices of the queer community. They offered space to local and international artists, primarily queer, and gave the majority of the profit back to the artist. The website was primarily a social networking one.

Deep Dish TV Archived Website, Jul 31, 2009- ongoing


Deep Dish TV Network

Scope and Contents note

Deep Dish TV was launched in 1986 by Paper Tiger TV as a distribution network, linking independent producers, programmers, community-based activists and viewers who support movements for social change and economic justice. The network has produced and distributed over 300 hours of television series that challenge the suppression of awareness, the corruption of language, and the perversion of logic that characterizes so much of corporate media. Deep Dish TV is committed to democratizing media by providing a national forum for programming created by community-based organizations and independent producers. Their programs are shown on over 200 public access cable stations around the country, on selected PBS stations, and received by thousands of satellite dish viewers nationwide on Free Speech TV channel 9415 on the DishNetwork and LinkTV on DirecTV.

Deep Dish TV Waves of Change Archived Website, Oct 14, 2011- ongoing


Deep Dish TV Network

Scope and Contents note

Waves of Change: The Many Voices of the Global Village is a multimedia project by Deep Dish Network designed to survey community media around the world by compiling and archiving the creative use of participatory communication globally. Waves of Change acts as a platform to share pieces that do not get seen outside of local coverage. The website includes an interactive map individual projects from their location on a world map and other media.

Demarcations Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic Archived Website, May 3, 2012- ongoing



Scope and Contents note

Demarcations: A Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic is a communist journal that contains revolutionary theory, Marxist thought, and applies communist theory on contemporary issues. The website contains articles. The last update was in 2009.



Democracy Now! Archived Website, May 9, 2008- ongoing


Democracy Now! (Organization)

Scope and Contents note

Democracy Now!: Radio and TV News, is a daily progressive, independently syndicated TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 750 stations. Began on WBAI, in New York City in 1996, the program is funded entirely through contributions from listeners, viewers, and foundations and does not accept advertisers, corporate underwriting, or government funding. Democracy Now! is the flagship program for Pacifica Radio network.

Democratic Socialists of America Archived Website, Nov 26, 2008-ongoing


Democratic Socialists of America

Scope and Contents note

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) was founded in 1983 as the result of the Merger of the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee, founded in 1973 by Michael Harrington (1928-1989). He led the DSA until his death, and the New American Movement, a New Left organization founded in the early 1970s. DSA is affiliated with the Socialist International. The party's platform calls for reforms that weaken the influence of corporations in politics and give more power to working people. The website contains information on their campaigns and programs, which include student debt alleviation, immigrant rights, and the protection of social programs. The website also contains meeting minutes, chapter information, their publication, Democratic Left, their blog, Talking Union, their scholarship fund, and event listings.

Detainee Death Investigation Archived Website, Nov 24, 2009, inclusive


United States. Department of Defense. Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff Reading Room

Scope and Contents note

Contains documents released in litigation concerning three detainee deaths at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp on June 10, 2006.

Detainee Related Documents (U.S. Department of Defense) Archived Website, Jun 26, 2009-Jan 14, 2010, inclusive


United States. Department of Defense. Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff Reading Room

Scope and Contents note

Contains documents obtained/posted via the Freedom of Information Act on the website of the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff Reading Room.

Detainees Positive Responses (pdf Object) Archived Website


United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation

Scope and Contents note

The FBI on January 2, 2007 released documents related to an internal inquiry in 2004 of FBI personnel who had served at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba since September 11, 2001 and had observed any aggressive interview techniques, interrogations, or mistreatment of detainees by representatives of law enforcement, the military, or the FBI. There were no documented incidents involving FBI personnel. These documents include summaries of what FBI personnel observed.


New site crawls are accrued annually.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Websites were initially selected by curators and captured through the use of The California Digital Library's Web Archiving Service in 2009 as part of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp & War Crimes (U.S.) Web Archive. In 2015, these websites were migrated to Archive-It. Archive-It uses web crawling technology to capture websites at a scheduled time and displays only an archived copy, from the resulting WARC file, of the website. In 2018 the original URL,, was defunct and the new URL,, was added to the collection. The accession number associated with this new URL is 2019.090.


Crawl was limited to the host in order to remain within the collection scope and data constraints.

Dissent Magazine Archived Website, May 4, 2013- ongoing


Dissent (New York, N.Y.)

Scope and Contents note

Dissent Magazine, founded in 1954 by Irving Howe, is a quarterly leftist/social democratic intellectual magazine of politics and culture edited by Michael Kazin and Michael Walzer. Dissent's website contains direct links to articles from current issues and back issues, a blog, online articles, videos, and topical issues.

Early American Marxism: A Repository of Source Material, 1864-1946 Archived Website, Sep 23, 2009- ongoing


Davenport, Tim, 1961-

Scope and Contents note

Early American Marxism is a repository of primary source Marxist materials dating from 1864-1946, collected by Tim Davenport. The website contains a historical background of significant groups established in the United States, including the First International, Language Federations, Socialist Labor Party, Socialist Party, Communist Party, Communist International, and other organizations. The primary resources are arranged by year, and summarized individually by Davenport.

Ecosocialist Coalition Archived Website, Apr 23, 2013- ongoing


Ecosocialist Contingent

Scope and Contents note

The Ecosocialist Contingent is a grouping of socialist organizations and supporters, dedicated to fighting global warming and its chief cause, capitalism. The websites contains their manifesto, conferences, and news.

Ecosocialist Horizons Archived Website, Apr 18, 2013- ongoing


Ecosocialist Horizons

Scope and Contents note

Ecosocialist Horizons seeks to advance ecosocialism as a world-view and as a movement capable of offering real answers to the crises caused by capitalism. They work to providing news and analysis of ecosocialist concern through a multi-media website and other publications, to educate members to produce creative work and to organize events, actions, and convergences to advance diverse struggles towards an ecosocialist horizon. The ecosocialist movement aims to stop and to reverse the process of global warming in particular and of capitalist ecocide in general, and to construct a radical and practical alternative to the capitalist system. The website contains sections on the economic crisis, the food crisis, and global warming. It also contains event listings and articles.

Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL) Archived Website, Dec 9, 2008- ongoing


Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL)

Scope and Contents note

Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL) is a resource for the study of the international Trotskyist movement. It includes a "tree" of U.S. Trotskyist organizations, a list of pseudonyms, historical documents, and other materials.

Eugene V. Debs Foundation Archived Website, Aug 10, 2010- ongoing


Eugene V. Debs Foundation

Scope and Contents note

The Eugene V. Debs Foundation was founded in 1962 to preserve the Debs home and open it as a museum for the public, as well as act as a repository for Debs' papers and other artifacts. The Foundation also administers an award yearly to an individual that embodies "the spirit of progressivism, humanitarianism, and social criticism by Eugene V. Debs." The website also contains their biannual newsletter, a biography of Debs, information about the museum, and their essay contest.

Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting Archived Website, Mar 8, 2010- ongoing


Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (Organization)

Scope and Contents note

FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), a national media watch group, has been offering criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986. FAIR advocates greater diversity in the press, structural reform in the media, and works to expose neglected news stories. FAIR publishes Extra!, a magazine of media criticism, and produces the weekly radio program CounterSpin. In addition, they have a listserv through which they distribute regular action alerts to their international network of activists.

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Guantanamo Bay Investigation Archived Website, Nov 30, 2009, inclusive


United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation

Scope and Contents note

Contains a survey of 493 Federal Bureau of Investigation personnel asking whether they observed aggressive mistreatment, interrogations or interview techniques at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp.

Ferguson Action Archived Website, December 2014-September 2021, inclusive


Ferguson Action

Scope and Content Note

Website documenting the Black Lives Matter movement following the police murders of Mike Brown and Eric Garner in 2014. The website includes listings for actions, movement demands, and resources.

Ferguson National Response Network, December 2014-October 2017, inclusive


Ferguson National Response Network

Scope and Content Note

This site was originally created to list actions across the United States organized in response to the Ferguson, MO grand jury decision in the killing of unarmed African-American teenager Mike Brown in 2014. The website later expanded to list other events pertaining to police brutality, racial injustice, and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Fight Imperialism Stand Together Archived Website, Aug 1, 2009-Jun 24, 2013, inclusive


Fight Imperialism Stand Together

Scope and Contents note

Fight Imperialism Stand Together (FIST) is a national youth revolutionary group affiliated with the Workers World Party, a Marxist-Leninist communist organization of Trotskyist provenance. The organization advocates for the equality of race, sex, orientation, and the working class. The website contains news listings and their blog. The site last updated in 2011.

FOIA Post (2007): Summaries of New [Federal Court] Decisions -- August 2007 Archived Website, Nov 30, 2009, inclusive


United States. Department of Justice. Office of Information Policy

Scope and Contents note

Contains summaries of Federal court decisions pertaining to the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp that were received by the Office or Information Policy during the month of August 2007.

FOIA Post (2009): Summaries of New [Federal Court] Decisions -- January 2009 Archived Website, Nov 20, 2009-Nov 30, 2010, inclusive


United States. Department of Justice. Office of Information Policy

Scope and Contents note

Contains summaries of [Federal] court decisions pertaining to the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp that were received by Office of Information Policy during the month of January 2009.

Freedom Road Socialist Organization Archived Website


Liberation Road

Scope and Contents note

Freedom Road Socialist Organization/Organicion Socialista del Camino Para la Libertad (FRSO/OSCL) was founded in 1985 when two small organizations, Proletarian Unity League (PUL) and the Revolutionary Workers Headquarters (RWH) merged. They are a network of revolutionary organizers that work to fight white supremacist capitalism. They work in the Black and Chicano movements and various immigrants' struggles, and in labor unions, workers centers and labor/community groups and coalitions. The website contains information on their platform and news and analysis. In April 2019, the organization changed its name to Liberation Road and changed its URL to

Freedom Socialist Party Archived Website, Feb 7, 2007- ongoing


Freedom Socialist Party (U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

The Freedom Socialist Party (FSP) was founded in 1966 by former members of the Socialist Workers Party. The party is a revolutionary, socialist feminist organization, dedicated to the replacement of capitalist rule by a genuine workers' democracy that will guarantee full economic, social, political, and legal equality to women, people of color, gays, and all who are exploited, oppressed, and repelled by imperialism. The website contains their publication, Freedom Socialist, their platform, and information on their affiliates and chapters.

Global Exchange Archived Website, Apr 3, 2012- ongoing


Global Exchange (Organization)

Scope and Contents note

Global Exchange, founded in 1988, is an international human rights organization and resource center dedicated to promoting social, economic and environmental justice and educating the U.S. public about root causes of injustice and the impacts of U.S. government policies and corporate practices. The website contains information on their programs, reality travel tours, event listings, and news updates.


Grassroots Education Movement (NYC) Archived Website, Feb 26, 2010-Feb 25, 2013, inclusive


Grassroots Education Movement to Defend Public Education

Scope and Contents note

The Grassroots Education Movement (GEM) educates and organizes educators, parents, students, and communities to defend public education. GEM works to stop privatization of schools, advocates equality and quality of public education services and rights for teachers and school workers. GEM also works to limit charter schools, supports teacher union rights, works to end the focus on high-stakes standardized testing and school closures, and raise awareness of racism and inequality in schools.

Grassroots Immigrant Justice Network Archived Website, Jul 5, 2011-Apr 5, 2011, inclusive


Grassroots Immigrant Justice Network

Scope and Contents note

The Grassroots Immigrant Justice Network works to promote community dialogue on immigrant rights issues, labor issues, and immigration reform and is formed by leaders in the immigrant rights and labor movements across the country who believe that the immigration system must be based on human rights, not on increased enforcement measures, militarization of the border, and the criminalization of immigrant workers.

Gray Panthers Archived Website, Nov 17, 2009- ongoing


Gray Panthers

Scope and Contents note

The Gray Panthers, founded in 1970 by Maggie Kuhn and friends, all of whom were retiring from national religious and social work organizations, to discuss the common problems faced by retirees — loss of income, loss of contact with associates and loss of one of our society's most distinguishing social roles, one's job. The organization has expanded, and also supports a single-payer system of health-care, as well as an increase in welfare payments, supporting peace activity, lifelong public education, the rights of workers, reproductive rights, abolition of the death penalty, legalization of same-sex marriage, the legalization of medical marijuana, and environmental activities through advocacy, education and action.

Green Anarchy Archived Website, Sep 21, 2007, inclusive


Green Anarchy

Scope and Content Note

Green Anarchy, established in 2007, features news on anarchism and environmentalism.

Green Party of New York State Archived Website, Sep 22, 2007-Nov 21, 2008, inclusive


Greens/Green Party USA

Scope and Content Note

This is the website for the Green Party of New York State collective. It contained information on local caucuses, issues, and event listings.

Green Party of the United States Archived Website, Mar 26, 2009 - ongoing


Green Party of the United States

Scope and Contents note

The Green Party of the United States is a federation of state Green Parties. It was formed in 2001 as a successor to the older Association of State Green Parties (1996-2001). The Green Party is affiliated with the European Federation of Green Parties and the Federation of Green Parties of the Americas. The Green Party's goals include environmentalism, non-hierarchical participatory democracy, social justice, and respect for diversity, peace and nonviolence. The website contains news, election results, and organizational information.

Greenwich House Archived Website, Aug 25, 2009 - ongoing


Greenwich House (New York, N.Y.)

Scope and Contents note

Greenwich House, founded in 1902 by Mary Kingsbury Simkhovitch, is a social settlement house in the Greenwich Village section of New York City. Initially founded to help New York's immigrant populations adjust to life in a new country. The organization by offers social and health services, cultural and educational programs, and opportunities for civic involvement to New Yorkers of all ages and backgrounds, including a chemical dependency program, classes in music and pottery, a nursery, and a senior center.

Guerrilla Girls Archived Website, Sep 29, 2007 - ongoing


Guerrilla Girls (Group of artists)

Scope and Contents note

Guerrilla Girls are an anonymous group of feminists devoted to fighting against sexism within the visual fine art world. Started in New York City in 1985 to protest gender and racial inequality in the art world, members are known for the gorilla masks they wear to keep their anonymity, as well as for taking pseudonyms of dead women artists. The website lists their art projects, videos, lectures and appearances, exhibitions, and action projects.

Guerrilla News Network, February 2007-June 2017, inclusive

Scope and Content Note

Guerrilla News Network is an independent news organization with headquarters in New York City and production facilities in Berkeley, California. Our mission is to expose people to important global issues through cross-platform guerrilla programming.

Haiti Grassroots Watch Archived Website, Oct 13, 2011-Jan 12, 2014, inclusive


Haiti Grassroots Watch

Scope and Contents note

Haiti Grassroots Watch operates as a "watchdog" website which produces text, video, and audio content on the aid and reconstruction of Haiti from the point of view of the Haitian majority. The website provides updates and critique on the reconstruction efforts, as well as structural causes and challenges. Haiti Grassroots Watch is a collaboration of two Haitian grassroots media organizations, Groupe Medialternatif/Alterpresse and the Society for the Animation of Social Communication (SAKS), along with two networks – the network of women community radio broadcasters (REFRAKA) and the Association of Haitian Community Media (AMEKA), which is comprised of community radio stations located across Haiti.


HARLEM FIGHTBACK AGAINST WAR AT HOME & ABROAD Archived Website, May 28, 2012- ongoing


Harlem Fight Back

Scope and Contents note

Harlem Fightback Against War at Home and Abroad is a Harlem based protest group. The website is their blog highlighting action alerts.

Highlander Research and Education Center Archived Website, Jun 23, 2011- ongoing


Highlander Education and Research Center

Scope and Contents note

The Highlander Research and Education Center was created in1932 (as the Highlander Folk School) by Myles Horton and Don West in Grundy County, Tennessee, to serve as a grassroots organizing and movement building organization in Appalachia and the South that supported racial justice and the labor movement. They work with people fighting for economic and social justice, against environmental degradation. Through popular education, participatory research, and cultural work Highlander works to give people the ability to develop leadership and help create and support strong, democratic organizations.

Housing Conservation Coordinators Archived Website, Apr 17, 2013 - ongoing


Housing Conservation Coordinators

Scope and Contents note

Housing Conservation Coordinators is a not-for-profit organization based in Clinton/Hell's Kitchen that seeks to preserve safe and affordable housing, advance social and economic justice, and fight for the rights of poor, low-income and working individuals and families. They provide services such as legal representation, tenant and community organizing, installation of energy efficient systems through their Weatherization Program, and technical training courses. The website contains information on legal and community services.


Housing is a Human Right Archived Website, Mar 4, 2012 - ongoing


Scope and Contents note

Housing is a Human Right is a multimedia project to record people's experiences trying to obtain or maintain housing. The website contains stories in many multimedia forms, including audio recordings, videos, and written accounts.

I Am Mike Brown Archived Website, Dec 10, 2014-ongoing


I am Mike Brown

Scope and Content Note

Collected livestream coverage of protests and events following the murder of unarmed African-American teenager Mike Brown by Darren Wilson, a Ferguson, MO police officer in 2014.

Immigrant Solidarity Network Archived Website, Sep 30, 2007 - ongoing


Immigrant Solidarity Network

Scope and Contents note

The National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN) is a coalition of immigrant rights, labor, human rights, religious, and student activist organizations from across the United States. The network organizes action and letter-writing campaigns and publishes immigration related news and organizes conferences and mobilizations.

In Defence of Marxism Archived Website, Dec 11, 2008- ongoing


International Marxist Tendency (Organization)

Scope and Contents note

This is the website of the International Marxist Tendency, a Trotskyist organization, with roots in Great Britain.


International Bolshevik Tendency (IBT) Archived Website, May 9, 2011- ongoing


International Bolshevik Tendency (Organization)

Scope and Contents note

The International Bolshevik Tendency (IBT) is a revolutionary socialist organization founded by former cadres of the international Spartacist tendency (today the International Communist League). They work in solidarity with the Revolutionary Tendency of the Socialist Workers Party to defend the revolutionary program against the centrist objectivism of the majority. They stand on the Trotskyist positions defended and elaborated by the revolutionary Spartacist League. The website contains their publication, 1917, other publications, articles, and other materials.

International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist) Archived Website, Nov 26, 2008- ongoing


International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist)

Scope and Contents note

The International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist), founded 1998, is an international Trotskyist organization, "a proletarian, revolutionary and internationalist tendency committed to the task of building Leninist parties as national sections of a democratic- centralist international." The origins of the ICL are in the Spartacist League/U.S., which began as the Revolutionary Tendency in the Socialist Workers Party and was bureaucratically expelled in 1963. The ICL publishes the periodicals, Workers Vanguard and The Spartacist. The website also contains periodicals, a directory, and other literature.

International Freedom of Expression Exchange Archived Website, Oct 15, 2011- ongoing


International Freedom of Expression eXchange Network

Scope and Contents note

International Freedom of Expression eXchange Network, created in 1992 in Montreal works to expose violations of free expression around the world and promote free expression. The website publishes news and runs advocacy campaigns. IFEX's positions are based upon the principles of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. IFEX numbers 95 independent organizations worldwide and is managed by the Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE).

International Publishers Archived Website, Apr 28, 2012- ongoing


International Publishers

Scope and Contents note

International Publishers is a publishing house historically associated with the Communist Party USA that publishes working class literature. The website contains an online catalog.

International Socialist Organization Archived Website, Nov 20, 2008- ongoing


International Socialist Organization (U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

The International Socialist Organization (U.S.), founded 1969, is a Trotskyist organization, and publishes Labor Notes, a national voice for progressive rank and file unionists (, the Socialist Worker and the International Socialist Review. Members are involved in helping to build a number of struggles: the movement to stop the war on Iraq, fights against racism and anti-immigrant scapegoating, the struggle for women's rights like the right to choose abortion, opposing anti-gay bigotry, and standing up for workers' rights. The website contains links to their publications, information on their branches, resources for socialists, and other materials.


Jacobin Magazine Archived Website, Sep 22, 2014-ongoing


Jacobin Magazine

Scope and Content Note

Jacobin is a print and online magazine focusing on news and commentary on the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. The print magazine is released quarterly and reaches over 6,000 subscribers, in addition to a web audience of 400,000 a month.

Jews for Racial & Economic Justice (U.S.) Archived Website, Sep 29, 2007- ongoing


Jews for Racial & Economic Justice (U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ) is a membership-based organization founded in 1990 that engages Jews to pursue and win racial and economic justice including via systemic changes, in partnership with people of color, low-income, and immigrant communities in New York City.

KPFT 90.1 FM Archived Website, Jul 17, 2011- ongoing


KPFT-FM (Radio station : Houston, Tex.)

Scope and Contents note

KPFT 90.1 FM is a Pacfica Foundation radio station, located in Los Angeles, California. KPFT was founded by journalist Larry Lee in 1970 in Houston.

Labor Party (U.S.) Archived Website, Feb 7, 2007 - ongoing


Labor Party (U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

The South Carolina Labor Party, founded in June 1996 at a convention of 1,400 delegates from hundreds of local and international unions as well as individual activists. The Labor Party platform includes issues such as healthcare and the rights to organize, bargain, and strike. They attempt to run candidates in South Carolina.

Labor Upfront Newsletter Archived Website, Mar 9, 2010-Mar 23, 2013, inclusive


Communist Party of the United States of America. Labor Commission

Scope and Contents note

Labor Upfront Newsletter is the online publication of the Labor Commission of the Communist Party, USA, which directs the Party's work in the labor movement.

League for Industrial Democracy Archived Website, Dec 6, 2012, inclusive


League for Industrial Democracy

Scope and Contents note

This website is the site for the contemporary League for Industrial Democracy, descended from the League founded in 1905 by Upton Sinclair, Jack London, Clarence Darrow, Norman Thomas and other writers and civic leaders. The League for Industrial Democracy was an American educational organization dedicated to increasing democracy in economic, political, and cultural life. The contemporary members of the League work for full racial equality, the abolition of poverty, the strengthening of trade unions and cooperatives, the expansion of civil liberties, the extension of public ownership and democratic economic planning, and the realignment of political organizations with a view toward making them more responsive to the will of the people. The website contains a blog and a forum.

League for the Revolutionary Party - Communist Organization for the Fourth International Archived Website, Aug 16, 2009- ongoing


League for the Revolutionary Party

Scope and Contents note

The League for the Revolutionary Party (LRP), based in the United States, is dedicated to the restoration of authentic Marxism and the political independence of the working class with an effort to recreate the Fourth International. They are affiliated with the Communist Organization for the Fourth International (COFI). They publish the political and theoretical magazine Proletarian Revolution. The LRP upholds the method of permanent revolution. The LRP aims to resurrect the method of Trotsky's Transitional Program. The website contains analysis on current events, theory, and translations of Marxist writers.


League of Revolutionaries for a New America Archived Website, May 19, 2011-ongoing, inclusive


League of Revolutionaries for a New America

Scope and Contents note

The League of Revolutionaries for a New America, founded in 1993, is an organization of revolutionaries that advocate for an end the injustices of capitalism through the education of communism. Rally, Comrades! is the political paper of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America. Rally, Comrades! examines and analyzes the problems of the revolutionary movement, and draws political conclusions for the tasks of revolutionaries at each stage of the revolutionary process. The website contains articles on technology, the economy, politics, the revolution, communism, the corporate state, and other movements.


Left Forum Archived Website, May 7, 2010 - ongoing


Left Forum

Scope and Contents note

The Left Forum is an annual conference (in the spring), and is the successor to the Socialist Scholars Conference (SSC), established in 1981. Left Forum seeks to link the critique of neo-liberalism to anti-capitalism, and to foster radical alternatives to the established order. The conference is held at Pace University in New York City, and has over 3,000 participants, over 300 panels, and 1000 speakers, related to a chosen theme. The website contains information on conferences since 2007. Archived Website, Apr 20, 2009-Apr 12, 2013, inclusive


Scope and Contents note was formed in June 2005 with the goal of showing solidarity with revolutionary Cuba against the ever-present imperialist threats from Washington, DC and Miami. Left Shift also tries to educate the US public about Cuba and its revolution, the nature of the threats against it, and opportunities for our visitors (audience) to get involved in the solidarity movement. While the current focus is Cuba, stands in solidarity with all people under the gun of U.S. and U.S.-backed imperialism–from Afghanistan to Haiti to Iraq to Palestine to Venezuela–as well as communities under attack within the borders of the U.S.

Leon Trotsky Internet Archive Archived Website, Dec 23, 2008-ongoing


Trotsky Internet Archive

Scope and Contents note

The Leon Trotsky Internet Archive contains Trotsky's writings, biographical information, photographs, and other documents.

Lesbian Herstory Archives Archived Website, Dec 9, 2011- ongoing


Lesbian Herstory Archives

Scope and Contents note

The Lesbian Herstory Archives is an archival collection of materials by and about lesbians and their communities. The Lesbian Herstory Archives exists to gather and preserve records of Lesbian lives and activities so that future generations will have ready access to materials relevant to their lives. The archive was founded in 1975, by Joan Nestle and Deborah Edel. The website lists the collections, publishes newsletters, and information about exhibits. The website also has information on how to donate to the archive.

Liberation Road Archived Website

Scope and Contents

Liberation Road, formerly Freedom Road Socialist Organization/Organicion Socialista del Camino Para la Libertad (FRSO/OSCL), was founded in 1985 when two small organizations, Proletarian Unity League (PUL) and the Revolutionary Workers Headquarters (RWH) merged. They are a network of revolutionary organizers that work to fight white supremacist capitalism. They work in the Black and Chicano movements and various immigrants' struggles, and in labor unions, workers centers and labor/community groups and coalitions. The website contains information on their platform and news and analysis. In April 2019, the organization changed its name to Liberation Road.

Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal Archived Website, Jul 2, 2011- ongoing


Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

Scope and Contents note

Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal is an academic journal for the Left in the post-Cold War era. The journal aims to foster discussion and dialogue between Marxists and socialists from different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social policies, and reject the bureaucratic model of "socialism" that arose in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China. The publishers promote a socialism that's green, feminist and anti-racism. The website contains articles, past issues of the publication, and news listings.


Living Liberally Archived Website, Dec 24, 2008 - ongoing


Living Liberally

Scope and Contents note

Living Liberally, founded in 2003 by David Alpert and Justin Krebs, provides an entrance into progressive involvement, using social interaction to promote political action. Living Liberally is built upon networks of local gatherings. These projects include: Drinking Liberally, a national network of social clubs; Laughing Liberally, a political comedy project; Screening Liberally, a politically-conscious film series; and Reading Liberally, a book tour of progressive authors.

Make Wall Street Pay Archived Website, Oct 14, 2011-Oct 13, 2013, inclusive


National Peoples Action

Scope and Contents note

Make Wall Street Pay is a campaign supported by National People Action. The campaign gives Americans the means to air grievances toward corporate banks and calls for banks to pay their fair share. The website contains "bills" sent by users posted to the website addressed to the banks.

Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) Archived Website, Jul 23, 2010- ongoing


Maoist Internationalist Movement

Scope and Contents note

This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide. Also archived herein is a collection of revolutionary art hosted by MIM.

Margert Community Corporation Archived Website, Mar 16, 2012 - ongoing


Margert Community Corporation

Scope and Contents note

Margert Community Corporation is a nonprofit, community-based organization and is a New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) approved housing counseling agency that has been providing neighborhood preservation services, housing assistance, and housing counseling to low-income tenants and homeowners, the elderly, and persons with disabilities since 1980. Their primary service area is Far Rockaway, Queens. The website contains a calendar, photos, news, and housing counseling.



Marxism Leninism Today Archived Website, Nov 2, 2010- ongoing


Marxism-Leninism Today

Scope and Contents note

Marxism-Leninism Today is an electronic journal containing articles and commentaries on the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism; contemporary dialectical and historical materialism. Its goal is to be a resource where Marxist-Leninists can discuss and apply their science to all fields of study. It contains articles that are of particular interest to Marxist scholars, both Communist and non-Communist. Topics include philosophy, religion, African American history, labor history, trade union strategy, Marxist historiography, book reviews, and other articles. The website contains articles which can be browsed by topic.

Marxist Education Press Publications Archived Website, May 1, 2012-Nov 1, 2012, inclusive


Marxist Educational Press

Scope and Contents note

Marxist Education Press (MEP) was a publishing house, publishing academic books and a quarterly journal, Nature, Society, and Thought. The website contains a book catalog, journal articles, and book descriptions. MEP is no longer active.

Marxist-Humanist Initiative Archived Website, Jan 8, 2010- ongoing


Marxist-Humanist Initiative

Scope and Contents note

Marxist-Humanist Initiative (MHI) began in April 2009 and is a collective that aims to contribute to the transformation of this capitalist world by developing the philosophy of Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Raya Dunayevskaya (1910-1987). The website contains their principles and by-laws, their publication, "With Sober Senses," event listings, and other writings and publications.

Metropolitan Council on Housing Archived Website, Mar 5, 2012 - ongoing


Metropolitan Council on Housing (New York, N.Y.)

Scope and Contents note

The Metropolitan Council on Housing, founded in 1959, is a membership organization dedicated to preserving and expanding New York City's supply of affordable housing. Met Council focuses on preserving rental housing and strengthening tenants' rights. They work through grassroots organizing, lobbying, direct action, including rent strikes, and public education. Met Council has a monthly newspaper (TENANT), a weekly call-in radio show ("Housing Notebook"), forums, and a volunteer-staffed tenant hotline.

Million Hoodies Movement for Justice Archived Website, Jul 16, 2013- ongoing


Million Hoodies Movement for Justice

Scope and Contents note

The Million Hoodies Movement for Justice is a national non-profit with over 50,000 members working to protect and empower young people of color from racial profiling and gun violence. The organization was founded in response to the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman on February 26, 2012. The organization is named for the hooded sweatshirt Martin wore when he was shot. The organization works through demonstrations and lobbying. The website contains event listings, curated music for the organization and actions, and a blog.

Millions March NYC Archived Website, Dec 10, 2014-ongoing


Millions March NYC

Scope and Content Note

The Millions March NYC was a march on December 13th 2014, which was part of a national "Day of Anger" in response to the police murders of Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice and Akai Gurley in 2014. The website includes logistical information about the march, as well as the demands of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Monthly Review: An Independent Socialist Magazine Archived Website, Aug 2, 2009- ongoing


Monthly Review

Scope and Contents note

The Monthly Review (MR), founded in May 1949 by Paul Sweezy and Leo Huberman, is an independent socialist periodical. The review aims to publish stories on current events framed from a socialist point of view. The review also established a web magazine, MRZine in 2006, which updates daily. MR also has a book press, and a blog, Reflections of Fidel.

NARAL Pro-Choice America Archived Website, Jul 23, 2012- ongoing


National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League

Scope and Contents note

National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) Pro-Choice America is an organization in the United States that engages in political action to oppose restrictions on abortion and expand access to abortion. They work through lobbying, electing pro-choice lawmakers, and educate on women's rights. Their website contains news, personal accounts, action alerts, and multimedia.

NARAL Pro-Choice New York Archived Website, March 2009-August 2017, inclusive


National Abortion Rights Action League, New York State

Scope and Content Note

NARAL Pro-Choice New York is a political and advocacy organization, whose mission is to guarantee every individual the right to make personal decisions regarding the full range of reproductive choices, including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing legal abortion. The website contains information on current and past projects, political endorsements, training manuals, reports, and news and event listings.

National Action Network Archived Website, Aug 26, 2013- ongoing


National Action Network

Scope and Content Note

National Action Network is a civil rights organization in the Nation with chapters throughout the entire United States, founded in 1991 by Reverend Al Sharpton. They work to promote a civil rights agenda that includes the fight for one standard of justice and equal opportunities for all people regardless of race, religion, nationality, or gender. Their initiatives include criminal justice, voter protection, anti-violence and gun control, jobs creation, corporate responsibility, education, and decency. The organization works through a ministry as well as non-violent direct action. The website includes information on their campaigns and events, news, video, images, and Al Sharpton's blog.

National Committee to Free the Cuban Five Archived Website, Aug 27, 2009- ongoing


National Committee to Free the Cuban Five

Scope and Contents note

The Cuban Five (Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González, and René González) are five Cubans convicted in Miami of conspiracy to commit espionage, conspiracy to commit murder, and other illegal activities in the United States. The Five were allegedly in the United States to observe and infiltrate the Cuban-American groups Alpha 66, the F4 Commandos, the Cuban American National Foundation, and Brothers to the Rescue. The Five appealed their convictions and the alleged lack of fairness in their trial. A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta overturned their convictions in 2005, citing the "prejudices" of Miami's anti-Castro Cubans, but the full court later reversed the five's bid for a new trial and reinstated the original convictions. In June 2009 the US Supreme Court declined to review the case. In Cuba, the Five are viewed as national heroes and portrayed as having sacrificed their liberty in the defense of their country. The main objective of the website is to raise awareness about the Cuban Five and work for their freedom.

National Committee to Reopen The Rosenberg Case Archived Website, Jul 26, 2009- ongoing


National Committee to Reopen the Rosenberg Case

Scope and Contents note

After the trial, "The Committee to Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case" was formed. This committee was led by David and Emily Alman. After the executions, the same committee became "The Committee to Secure Justice for Morton Sobell", a codefendant with the Rosenbergs. Sobell was also convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage and was sentenced to 30 years in jail. Approximately ten years later, the National Committee to Reopen the Rosenberg Case (NCRRC) was formed and has continuously been in existence ever since. Aaron Katz, a member of the original committee, served as director for 42 years, until his retirement in 2005. The current co-directors are Leonard Lehrman and Richard Corey. The Committee seeks to have the Rosenbergs and Sobell exonerated and to have the government publicly address and own up to its complicity in the terrible miscarriage of justice that took place in this case. The NCRRC also supports campaigns to redress the unjust incarceration and excessive punishment of prisoners; including the imposition of the death penalty on Mumia Abu-Jamal. The NCRRC deplores the dismal failure of our judicial system and calls for its review and reform.

National Housing Law Project Archived Website, Mar 5, 2012 - ongoing


National Housing Law Project

Scope and Contents note

The National Housing Law Project is a nonprofit national housing and legal advocacy center established in 1968. They work to advance housing justice for low income people by increasing and preserving the supply of affordable housing; improving existing housing conditions, including physical conditions and management practices; expanding and enforcing low-income tenants' and homeowners' rights; and increasing housing opportunities for racial and ethnic minorities through litigation and policy advocacy. The website contains publications, information on training sessions, and a frequently asked questions section. The website also contains information on their Housing Justice Network, which is an informal network of more than 700 experienced housing advocates and clients from throughout the country.

National Jobs For All Coalition Archived Website, May 10, 2012- ongoing


National Jobs For All Coalition

Scope and Contents note

National Jobs for All Coalition, founded in 1994, works to build a movement for full employment in the United States at livable wages. They also work for work equality for normally disenfranchised groups, including women and minorities. It regularly produces short, readable articles and pamphlets on such subjects as the Social Security crisis, the moderate costs of a full-employment program, the importance of labor unions, and the undercounting of the unemployed. The website contains their publications and news.



National Lawyers Guild Archived Website, Sep 28, 2007 - ongoing


National Lawyers Guild

Scope and Contents note

The National Lawyers Guild, founded in 1937, is a non-profit federation of lawyers, legal workers, and law students, who use the law to advance social justice and support progressive social movements. It was the first integrated bar association. The website lists their current campaigns, their chapters, and news.

National Low Income Housing Coalition Archived Website, Mar 6, 2012 - ongoing


National Low Income Housing Coalition (U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

The National Low Income Housing Coalition, founded in 1974 by Cushing N. Dolbeare, is an organization that works for public policies that preserve existing federally assisted homes and housing resources, expands the supply of low income housing, and establishes housing stability as the primary purpose of federal low income housing policy. The website contains information on issues and initiatives, research, publications, and conference details.

National Security Archive: The Torture Archive Archived Website


National Security Archive (U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

The National Security Archive announces (8/25/2009) the publication of the Torture Archive -- more than 83,000 pages of primary source documents (and thousands more to come) related to the detention and interrogation of individuals by the United States, in connection with the conduct of hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as in the broader context of the "global war on terror." The goal of the Torture Archive is to become the online institutional memory for essential evidence on torture in U.S. policy. Many of these documents are available in multiple locations on the Internet and in numerous private collections, thanks to landmark Freedom of Information Act and habeas litigation, leaks from whistleblowers, public relations releases from government, investigative reporting by journalists including the Torturing Democracy team, and Congressional investigations. But the disparate locations, enormous volume of documents, and lack of indexing or standard cataloging have presented real difficulties for users. With support from the Open Society Institute and the JEHT Foundation since 2006, the National Security Archive has undertaken to bring together all these materials in digital formats, organize and catalog them for maximum utility and access, and publish them online in multiple packages including a comprehensive searchable database. By combining released executive branch policy memoranda, legal documents from U.S. and foreign courts, and on-the-ground information about actual practices by the U.S. military and intelligence personnel, the Torture Archive presents a comprehensive view of the war on terrorism, its foundations and its implications. This initial launch of the Torture Archive includes the complete set of declassified Combatant Status Review Tribunal and Administrative Review Board files from the Pentagon, and thousands of documents resulting from FOIA litigation brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Archive and other plaintiffs. The Torture Archive will continue to add documents as they are released through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation or Executive discretion.

National Organization for Women, NYC Archived Website, Dec 23, 2008 - ongoing


National Organization for Women. New York City

Scope and Contents note

The New York City chapter was the founding chapter of the National Organization for Women. NOW's priorities include reproductive rights, constitutional equality, lesbian rights, promoting diversity, violence against women, and economic and social justice.This is the New York chapter website.

National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee Archived Website, Sep 30, 2007 - ongoing


National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

The National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC) is a coalition of groups from across the US that grew out of a National Action Conference in September 1982 called by the War Resisters League and the Center on Law and Pacifism. They publish a bimonthly newsletter called More Than A Paycheck and support and create war tax resistance campaigns.

National Women's Liberation Archived Website, Dec 9, 2011- ongoing


National Women's Liberation

Scope and Contents note

The National Women's Liberation is a collaborative effort between organizers from Redstockings of the Women's Liberation Movement (NY) and Gainesville (FL) Women's Liberation, started in 1968. The National Women's Liberation is a grassroots organization that works for equality for women in political and economic sphere. The National Women's Liberation also addresses struggles particular to women of color and racism within the feminist movement through their Women of Color Caucus. The website lists their campaigns and chapters.


National Women's Political Caucus Archived Website, Feb 13, 2012- ongoing


National Women's Political Caucus (U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

The National Women's Political Caucus (NWPC), founded in 1971 by Gloria Steinem, is a national multi-partisan grassroots organization that provides support to pro-choice women elected and appointed to office through recruitment, training, and financial donations. Local caucuses in communities across the country to help identify candidates needs and issues specific to their state or county. The Caucus Political Planning Committee vets women candidates for endorsement and the political action committee raises money to support endorsed candidates with campaign contributions. The Caucus also offers workshops on political appointments and collaborates with other women's political organizations to promote good women candidates for gubernatorial and presidential appointments to key posts within the government. The website features an endorsements page, a chapter's page, a training and education page, a photo page, and a news page.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors Archived Website, Mar 7, 2012, inclusive


Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Scope and Contents note

Neighbors Helping Neighbors, works to empower low and moderate income Brooklyn residents to secure quality housing and build financial assets through education, organizing, and networking. The website contains a calendar and news.

Netroots Nation Archived Website, Nov 18, 2010- ongoing



Scope and Contents note

Netroots Nation provides an online and in-person outlet for exchanging ideas and learning how to be more effective in using technology to influence the public debate. Through an annual convention and a series of regional salons held throughout the year, they work to strengthen communities, inspire action and serve as an incubator for progressive ideas that challenge the status quo and ultimately affect change in the public sphere. The annual conference includes panels led by national and international experts; identity, issue and regional caucuses; prominent political, issue and policy-oriented speakers; a progressive film screening series; and the most concentrated gathering of progressive bloggers. Netroots Nation is a project of, a 501(c)4 organization, with the generous support of the Netroots Arts and Education Initiative (NAEI).

New Jewish Agenda Archived Website, Jul 25, 2009- ongoing

Scope and Contents note

This website is an online version of Emily Nepon's Senior Thesis for Goddard College, "New Jewish Agenda: The History of an Organization, 1980-1992." New Jewish Agenda (NJA) was a national, multi-issue membership organization active between 1980 and 1992, made up of some 45 local chapters. NJA was committed to participatory democracy and civil rights for all people, especially those marginalized within the mainstream Jewish community, including homosexuals.

News and Letters Archived Website, Aug 15, 2009- ongoing


News & Letters Committees

Scope and Contents note

News and Letters is a Marxist-Humanist newspaper, founded in 1955 and chaired by Raya Dunayevskaya until her death in 1983. The publisher of the newspaper is the News and Letters Committees, which stand for the abolition of capitalism. The website contains articles, back issues, and information on the committees.

New York City Anarchist Book Fair Archived Website, Aug 28, 2009- ongoing


New York City Anarchist Book Fair Collective

Scope and Contents note

The New York City Anarchist Book Fair is a yearly exposition of books, magazines, pamphlets, art, film/video, and other cultural and political productions of the anarchist scene worldwide. The first book fair was in 2007, organized by the New York Metro Anarchist Alliance. The Book Fair includes two days of panels, presentations, workshops, and skill shares on to provide further opportunities to learn more and share your own experience and creativity. The goal of the book fair is to enable people to connect with one another as well as to provide broader access to the rich and varied field of anarchist ideas and practices.

New York City General Assembly at #OccupyWallStreet Archived Website, Oct 5, 2011- ongoing


New York City General Assembly

Scope and Contents note

The New York City General Assembly (NYCGA) is the governing body of the Occupy movement in New York City. The NYCGA is composed of smaller working groups that organize goals set by Occupy Wall Street movement. The assembly is an open, participatory and horizontally organized process. The website operates as a collaborative space for actions and working groups, contains general assembly meeting minutes, proposals, and activist resources. The website was launched in Fall, 2011.

New York Feminist Art Institute Archived Website, Jan 14, 2010- ongoing


New York Feminist Art Institute/Women's Center for Learning

Scope and Contents note

The New York Feminist Art Institute, founded 1979 by Alice Neel and others, works to create an environment for the training of women in the arts. The curriculum of the school involves the development of self awareness in a social and political context, and the development of a sense of group identity. The institute sponsors classes, workshops, and exhibits.

New York Metro Alliance of Anarchists Archived Website, Sep 21, 2007-Oct 19, 2009, inclusive


New York Metro Alliance of Anarchists.

Scope and Contents note

Founded in March, 2006, the New York Metro Alliance of Anarchists (NYMAA) is a broad organization of anarchists and anti-authoritarians who live in the New York metropolitan area. NYMAA is a social revolutionary organization. NYMAA's goal is to eradicate all forms of authoritarianism, hierarchy, and domination to help build a self-managed democratic society and bring anarchists together to spread their ideas. NYMAA holds meetings and skill shares to spread ideas.

New York State Communist Party Archived Website, Aug 11, 2010-Nov 12, 2014, inclusive


Communist Party of the United States of America (New York)

Scope and Contents note

New York State Communist Party is a blog containing news, commentary and analysis by leaders of the Communist Party USA in New York State. It discusses state politics and issues in New York City, covering developments in labor, civil rights education, housing and more.

New York State Tenants and Neighbors Coalition Archived Website, Mar 7, 2012 - ongoing


New York State Tenants and Neighbors Coalition

Scope and Contents note

The New York Tenants and Neighbors Coalition is a state-wide tenant organization that organizes and educates tenants to preserve at-risk affordable housing and to strengthen tenants' rights at the local, state, and national level through leadership development, grassroots mobilization, and strategic policy and legislative advocacy. The website contains resource material for tenants and involvement opportunities.

New York Students Rising Archived Website, Feb 6, 2013- ongoing


New York Students Rising

Scope and Contents note

New York Students Rising is a statewide network of students and campus-organizations dedicated to defending public higher education and empowering students in New York State. The website prominently features information on their convergence in Albany on March 5, 2012, which was a protest of students from all over New York state to demand financial support from the government and that education is a right. The website also contains information on other events.

New York University Student Labor Action Movement Archived Website, May 3, 2013- ongoing


New York University Student Labor Action Movement

Scope and Contents note

The Student Labor Action Movement at New York University is a group of students dedicated to cultivating the natural alliance between students and workers. In addition to holding weekly meetings at NYU, the group also actively supports ongoing labor struggles throughout New York City. The website contains a blog and information on their campaigns.

Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library Archived Website, May 3, 2012- ongoing


Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library

Scope and Contents note

Niebyl Proctor Marxist Library is a Marxist library that works to help working-class people understand their role in history by maintaining and building an accessible library and archive, by organizing classes and discussions, and by providing community space and resources to promote culture and critical thinking. The website contains a catalog and online seminars.


Northeast Anarchist Network Archived Website, Mar 30, 2011-Jun 29, 2014, inclusive


Northeast Anarchist Network

Scope and Contents note

The Northeast Anarchist Network, founded in Boston in 2007, is a network of northeast and mid-Atlantic region anarchist groups. The purpose of the network is to link and provide aid for anarchist groups across the Northeast and to help each develop working, sustainable models of autonomy, solidarity, and popular power, to support the struggles of working-class people and the solidarity of labor, advance awareness of class, and support the intersecting struggles of all oppressed peoples, and promote environmental protection of Earth.

Northern California CCDS Archived Website, Aug 11, 2010- ongoing


Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (Northern California)

Scope and Contents note

This is the news web site of the Northern California Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism. Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism consists of people of all races and national backgrounds who are committed to the struggle for democracy and socialism. The name is taken from the history of the U.S. revolutionary war against British colonialism. In the 1770s, Committees of Correspondence were formed in all 13 colonies and became the catalyst for united action against British oppression. The CCDS was founded ca. 1990, in large part by dissident members of the Communist Party USA. The website contains news postings related to the Northern California branch of the CCDS. Archived Website, Nov 18, 2010- ongoing


International Socialist Organization, NYC District

Scope and Contents note

The International Socialist Organization New York City District is committed to building an organization that participates in the struggles for justice and a socialist society. Their members are involved in the fight against police brutality, racism, anti-immigrant scapegoating, for women's rights like the right to choose abortion, opposing anti-gay bigotry, standing up for workers' rights, anti-war, and other struggles. They publish the International Socialist Review. The website contains information on their current campaigns, event listings, and principles and by-laws.

NYC Student Assembly Archived Website, Apr 4, 2012-Jan 4, 2014, inclusive


NYC Student Assembly

Scope and Contents note

The New York City Student Assembly, first formed in October 2011, is a student group in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement and for students from all universities in New York City to build a strong, visible student movement. The website contains news, media, and minutes from assembly meetings.

NYU Disorientation Archived Website, Sep 10, 2013-Dec 10, 2014, inclusive


NYU Disorientation.

Scope and Content Note

NYU Disorientation, founded after May Day 2013, is a student collective establishing community and resistance at New York University. The website contains its newsletter, a calendar, resources, and a blog.

OCCUPY.COM Archived Website, Dec 14, 2012- ongoing


Scope and Contents note is a non-profit media outlet affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street Movement. The website seeks to provide an open platform for artists, poets, musicians, writers, podcasters, filmmakers, and other creators to publish their work that promotes social, economic, and environmental justice. The website posts works by these creators and calls for submissions. Archived Website, Apr 28, 2012- ongoing


Scope and Contents note is a collection of tools for activists that provide people with software tools that align with the values of the Occupy Wall Street movement. All of the tools offered through are open source. The website maps, a forum, a directory, a wiki, projects, a classified section, and news regarding the Occupy movement.

Occupy* Posters Archived Website, Jun 4, 2013- ongoing


Occupy Posters

Scope and Contents note

Occupy* Posters is a tumblr blog, established in 2011, containing posters created for the use in actions Occupy related movements. The asterisk in the name signifies a blank space for other Occupy groups, including location and issue-based groups. Posters are sorted by chronology, by topic, and by design type (including cartoons and infographics). Topics include social and economic justice, gun control, and political reform. The websites contains posters and examples of the posters in use.

Occupy Albany Archived Website, May 5, 2012-Feb 4, 2015, inclusive


Occupy Albany

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Albany is the Albany faction of the Occupy Movement, protesting in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. The website contains general assembly and caucus meeting minutes, working groups information, and event/calendar listings.

Occupy Alternative Banking Working Group Archived Website, Feb 24, 2015-ongoing


Occupy Wall Street (Movement)

Scope and Content Note

This is the website of the Occupy Wall Street Alternative Banking working group. The group aims to push for better financial regulations, by evaluating and fostering alternative financial options, and by educating the public about the contemporary financial system to inspire activism. The website contains event listings, information on their projects, reports, research resources, and a blog.

Occupy Anniversary Spots Archived Website, May 16, 2013-Nov 15, 2013, inclusive


Occupy Anniversary Spots

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Anniversary Spots is a campaign to raise money to put out video commercials for anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street Movement on September 17. The campaign uses the website, Louder, a fundraising internet platform, to raise funds. The website contains short videos and fundraising totals. Archived Website, Feb 17, 2013- ongoing


Occupy Arrests

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Arrests is a running total of protesters arrested affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street Movement since September 17, 2011.

Occupy Caravan Archived Website, Jul 7, 2012-Jan 7, 2013, inclusive


Occupy Caravan

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Caravan, launched in June and July of 2012, was an educational road show in solidarity with the Occupy movement. The website features information on the events, the route, and a forum.

Occupy Colleges Archived Website, Dec 11, 2011- Oct 6, 2014, inclusive


Occupy Colleges

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Colleges is a college student activist group in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement. The website posts news feeds on university and city occupations.

Occupycomix Archived Website, May 13, 2012-Nov 12, 2013, inclusive



Scope and Contents note

Occupy Comix is a comic blog featuring art inspired by and in solidarity with the Occupy movement.

Occupy Data Archived Website, Jun 14, 2013- ongoing


Occupy Data

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Data is an Occupy Wall Street Movement affiliated website that gathers data to analyze and create visualizations that are argument for their grievances on topics such as economic inequality, identity-based discrimination and inequality of opportunity, corruption, lobbying, campaign finance, militarization, the financial crisis, the criminal justice system, mortgages and foreclosures, and other themes. The website contains map visualizations, data sets, code for processing visualizations, and tutorials to create visualizations.

Occupy DC Archived Website, Oct 22, 2011- ongoing


Occupy DC

Scope and Contents note

Occupy DC is a nonviolent occupation of public space in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and Occupy movements. Occupy DC was in McPherson Square in Washington during the Fall 2011 and Winter 2012, DC. The website contains event and action notices, news related to the occupation in DC, a blog called the Occupied Washington Times, a livestream, and a radio station.

Occupy Design Archived Website, Oct 24, 2011- ongoing


Occupy Design

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Design, formed in 2011, is a graphic design project in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement. The project's goal is to create freely available visual tools around a common graphic language to unite occupy protesters. The site includes a showcase of existing designs, a how-to guide for demonstrators, a graphic toolkit for designers, and a platform for the community to suggest ideas for designs.

Occupy Educated Archived Website, Dec 7, 2012-Sep 3, 2014, inclusive


Occupy Wall Street's Practical Change Working Group

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Educated is an affiliate website of the Occupy Wall Street Movement's Practical Change Working Group that works to educate activists on issues and their root causes. The website works as a knowledge aggregator and provides a list of primer books, articles and commentary, and Author interviews. The website also contains blog and a forum for user contributions.

OccupyFACE Archived Website, Feb 14, 2012-Apr 14, 2012, inclusive



Scope and Contents note

Occupy Face is a graphic design project to create a new symbol and "face" for the Occupy Wall Street movement. The artwork featured on the website was created by Paul-Felix Montez.

Occupy Foreclosure Archived Website, Sep 10, 2013- ongoing


Occupy Foreclosure

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Foreclosure grew out of the foreclosure working group at Occupy Greensboro, North Carolina, now affiliated with the national Occupy Wall Street movement. Occupy Foreclosure mostly works out of the American Southeast to protect homeowners against foreclosure and make them aware of the resources to prevent foreclosure. The working group also works to make homeowners aware of corporate malfeasance and bank fraud that led to the housing bubble and recession of 2007-2009. The website contains information about their satirical film, "Let's Lose Our House," action updates, and news.

Occupy Graduation Archived Website, Sep 13, 2013-Mar 14, 2014, inclusive


Official Occupy Graduation Website

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Graduation, affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement, is a group which advocates student loan debt forgiveness. The website contains news and stories from students.

Occupy Guitarmy Archived Website, May 1, 2012- ongoing


Occupy Wall Street Music Working Group

Scope and Contents note

The Occupy Guitarmy is part of the Occupy Wall Street Music Working Group, which was founded as part of the Occupy Wall Street general assembly. They are a leaderless, participatory musical group that plays in the streets for progressive social change. The group organizes song shares and teach-ins. The website contains information about their current and past performances and events. The website is a tumblr blog that mostly contains videos.

Occupy Healthcare Archived Website, Sep 12, 2013- ongoing


Occupy Healthcare

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Healthcare, affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement, works to build a nation-wide equitable, affordable, and universal healthcare system. They also believe in a patient-centered system built around prevention and wellness to improve health, as well as monetary incentives. They support the Affordable Healthcare Act and other political campaigns. The website contains a blog, personal stories about the failures of the current healthcare system, and information about doctors in support of the campaign.

Occupy Homecoming Archived Website, Jun 1, 2013-Sep 1, 2013, inclusive


Occupy Homecoming

Scope and Contents note

The website contains information to the June 1, 2013 attempted reoccupation of Liberty Plaza in New York City by activists affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street Movement. The demonstrations were in solidarity with protesters against plans to replace Taksim Gezi Park in Cairo, Egypt with a shopping mall. The website contains event listings and a forum.

Occupy Judaism Archived Website, Sep 23, 2012-Jun 23, 2013, inclusive


Occupy Wall Street (Movement)

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Judaism mobilizes Jewish participation in Occupy Wall Street, bringing the Jewish prophetic voice to bear on issues of social and economic injustice, and brings the values of Occupy back into the Jewish community. Occupy Judaism is nonsectarian, nondenominational, and open to Jews and their non-Jewish partners. The website features a blog, videos, and information on their events.

Occupy Money Cooperative Archived Website, Aug 29, 2013-Aug 27, 2014, inclusive


Occupy Money Cooperative

Scope and Content Note

The Occupy Money Cooperative (OMC) is a venture to establish transparent, low-cost financial services to all. The first project of OMC is the "Occupy Card," which is a prepaid debit card with a transparent fee structure, featured prominently on the website. The website contains fundraising information, a blog, and information about the co-op and structure.

Occupy National Gathering Archived Website, Jun 30, 2012-Feb 2, 2013, inclusive


Occupy National Gathering

Scope and Contents note

The Occupy National Gathering, which took place on July 4, 2012 in Philadelphia, was a gathering of groups in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement. The website contains the findings from the gathering, news, solidarity groups, and upcoming actions.

Occupy Network Archived Website, Aug 28, 2013-Nov 28, 2014, inclusive


Occupy Network

Scope and Contents note

The Occupy Network is a discovery portal for the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement and is the home of the OWS Newsletter.

Occupy News Archived Website, Dec 4, 2011- ongoing


Occupy News

Scope and Contents note

Occupy News is a news website that aggregates news on over 175 occupations that are part of the Occupy Wall Street movement across the United States.

Occupy Our Homes Archived Website, Dec 10, 2011- ongoing



Scope and Contents note

OccupyOurHomes is a website inspired about the Occupy Movement. The website works to negotiate with Wall Street banks and homeowners instead of foreclosing on homeowners. They believe that everyone has the right to affordable housing. Activists occupy foreclosed homes to work for change. The website contains videos, articles, and resources on how to protect homes from foreclosure.

Occupy People's ThinkTank Archived Website, Jul 26, 2012-Jan 26, 2014, inclusive


Occupy People's Think Tank

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Wall Street People's Think Tank, formed in September 2011, holds open dialogues throughout New York City. The website features summaries and recordings of these conversations.

Occupy Pics Archived Website, Dec 5, 2011-Jun 15, 2014, inclusive


Occupy Pics

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Pics is a blog that posts pictures and videos from the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

Occupy Resistance Archived Website, Dec 10, 2011-Mar 19, 2013, inclusive


Scope and Contents note

Occupyr is a social networking website and provides web-infrastructure and tech support for the Occupy Movement. Occupyr aims to assist in unifying protesters into actionable plans to strengthen the movement. The website has a livestream, news feed, forums, an art page, and a chat room dedicated to the Occupy movement.

OCCUPYSMS: Mutual Aid Platform Archived Website, Dec 4, 2012-Jun 1, 2014, inclusive


Occupy SMS

Scope and Contents note

OccupySMS, established in the wake of Superstorm Sandy in October 2012, expedites mutual aid by connecting people through text message by seeking and offering aid based on specific location and needs in areas without power or Internet.

Occupy Stories Archived Website, Mar 25, 2013-Jun 25, 2014, inclusive


Occupy Stories

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Stories, founded in November 2011, aims to collect and organize stories and observations from the Occupy movement. Most of the stories on the website are of a personal nature, detailing stories on individual experiences of those involved in the movement. The website also has has a forum for discussion.

Occupy Student Debt Archived Website, Jun 5, 2012-Dec 4, 2013, inclusive


Occupy Student Debt

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Student Debt is a blog in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement. The website collects user submitted stories on student debt that demonstrates the student debt crisis. The website contains demands, media, press releases, and resources.

Occupy Student Debt Campaign Archived Website, Sep 12, 2013-Sep 11, 2014, inclusive


Occupy Student Debt Campaign

Scope and Contents note

The Occupy Student Debt Campaign is an Occupy Wall Street movement campaign that advocates for tuition free public higher education, zero interest student loans, transparency of private university and colleges' financial records, and student loan forgiveness. The website contains a Pledge of Refusal that is framed as a debt strike threat (debtors pledge to withhold payments once a million others have signed). The website contains resources, stories of debtors, and an FAQ.

Occupy Technology Archived Website, Oct 26, 2011-May 9, 2013, inclusive


Occupy Technology

Scope and Contents note

Occupy technology lives as a storehouse for technological resources and ideas for the occupy movement.

Occupy the Auctions / Evictions Archived Website, Sep 2, 2013- ongoing


Occupy the Auctions / Evictions

Scope and Contents note

Occupy the Auctions, affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement, works to stop predatory and for-profit bank evictions, foreclosures, and auctions of small businesses and homes, mostly in San Francisco. Organizers work through action alerts, research, and protests. The website contains a blog and sign-up forms.

Occupy the Board Room Archived Website, Mar 9, 2012-Mar 7, 2014, inclusive


Occupy the Boardroom

Scope and Contents note

Occupy the Board Room is a site that provides those with a valid email account an opportunity to choose a "pen pal" in the top 1%, to whom they can voice their frustrations about America's economic issues.

Occupy The Bronx Archived Website, Apr 29, 2012-Oct 30, 2012, inclusive


Occupy the Bronx

Scope and Contents note

Occupy the Bronx is Bronx's contingent of the Occupy movement in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. The website contains action alerts, meeting minutes, a forum, and a blog.

Occupy the Caucus Archived Website, Nov 12, 2011-Jan 21, 2012, inclusive


Occupy the Caucus

Scope and Contents note

Occupy the Caucus, formed in Des Moines, IA, to occupy the Iowa caucuses in January 2012. They plan on occupying the presidential campaign headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa and other political events throughout the state for a week leading up to the caucus. The occupation plans to use the spotlight of the Iowa caucuses to make economic change.

Occupy The Nation Archived Website, Oct 20, 2011-Dec 27, 2012, inclusive


Occupy the Nation

Scope and Contents note

Occupy the Nation, established in late 2011, aggregates news related to the Occupy Wall Street and other occupations in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. The website contains event listings, working group pages, videos, and a resource page.

Occupy the Pipeline Archived Website, Jun 16, 2013- ongoing


Occupy the Pipeline

Scope and Contents note

Occupy The Pipeline is a grass-roots, not-for-profit environmental working group of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, founded in the spring of 2012, to oppose the construction of the Spectra Pipeline through non-violent direct action and civil disobedience. The Spectra Pipeline is a high-pressure, large-diameter, fracked-gas pipeline under construction in Manhattan's West Village, which is set to go on line November 2013. The website contains hydraulic fracturing (fracking) related news and events.

Occupy the RNC Archived Website, Jun 13, 2013, inclusive


Occupy the RNC

Scope and Contents note

Resist RNC, endorsed by occupy groups, was a coordination website for the protests and demonstrations around the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Tampa, Florida from August 27-30, 2012. The website contained event listings for all actions and counter- programming in Tampa during the RNC. Events included demonstrations related to economic rights, human rights, anti-war, and the environment. The website also features resources for activists planning events and protests. It also has a news blog.

Occupy Together Archived Website, Oct 6, 2011- ongoing


Occupy Together

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Together is a website that lists events and actions around the world in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement. The website lists major action projects of the Occupy movement, contains lists of occupy groups, and offers links to occupation planning websites.

Occupy Union Square Archived Website, Jun 14, 2013- ongoing


Occupy Union Square

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Union Square is the website for the occupation of Union Square in New York City by individuals affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement. The website posts occupy-related news, resources to support and get involved in occupy, organizing materials, and event listings.

Occupy Wall Street Archived Website, Oct 6, 2011- ongoing


New York City General Assembly

Scope and Contents note is the main website for the Occupy Wall Street Movement. This website contains news related to other Occupy movement sites, protests and demonstrations, and other social justice movements in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is a people-powered movement that began on September 17, 2011 in Liberty Square in Manhattan's Financial District, and spread to over 100 cities in the United States and actions in over 1,500 cities globally. OWS works to fight corporate banks' power over the democratic process. The website contains links to other Occupy movement websites.

Occupy Wall Street Bike Coalition Archived Website, Jun 20, 2013, inclusive


Occupy Wall Street Bike Coalition

Scope and Contents note

The Occupy Wall Street Bike Coalition (OWSBC) is a working group within the Occupy Wall Street Movement that provides bike swarm tactics for Occupy actions, free bicycle repairs, and fittings for bikes. OWSBC sees cycling as a sustainable transportation alternative. The group holds cycling meet-ups as well. The website contains event listings.

Occupy Wall Street Care Packages Archived Website, Oct 26, 2011-Dec 9, 2011, inclusive


Occupy Wall Street (Movement)

Scope and Contents note

This is a collection of notes, cards, and letters of support enclosed with contributions and care packages sent from across the United States and around the world to Occupy Wall Street.

Occupy Wall Street Library, The People's Library at Liberty Plaza Archived Website, Oct 19, 2011- ongoing


Occupy Wall Street (Movement)

Scope and Contents note

The People's Library is the collective, public, open library of the Occupy Wall Street movement. The library was located in Liberty Plaza in Zucotti Park in New York City during the height of the Occupy Wall Street Movement in late 2011. The facilities there and the collection were destroyed during the November 15 raid on Liberty Plaza. The Library consists of a book sharing system that lends free books in and out of the OWS storage facility and to Liberty Plaza and actions around New York. The website contains a catalogue of books, publications produced by the Library, and a blog.

Occupy Wall Street Media, "Occupied Wall Street Journal" Archived Website, Oct 13, 2011- ongoing


Occupy Wall Street (Movement)

Scope and Contents note

The Occupied Wall Street Journal is a print and online newspaper produced by an affinity group of the Occupy Wall Street movement. The website contains news regarding the movement, analysis, and human interest pieces regarding the movement. The first newspaper was published in October 2011.

Occupy Wall Street National Gathering Archived Website, Aug 29, 2013-Aug 28, 2014, inclusive


Occupy Wall Street National Gathering

Scope and Contents note

The Occupy National Gathering was a gathering of Occupy Wall Street Movement activists in Kalamazoo, Michigan from August 21-25, 2013. The website contains logistical and scheduling information on the gathering. The website also contains news on other gatherings across the country.

Occupy Wall Street Review Archived Website, Feb 14, 2012-Nov 13, 2013, inclusive


Occupy Wall Street Review

Scope and Contents note

The Occupy Wall Street Review is the literary review of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Occupy Wall Street S17 Archived Website, Sep 12, 2013-Sep 12, 2014, inclusive


Occupy Wall Street S17

Scope and Contents note

S-17 2013 is the organizational website for the second anniversary actions (on September 17, 2013) of Occupy Wall Street at Liberty Plaza (formerly Zuccotti Park) in New York City. The website contains information about the events, actions, teach-ins, and marches held on the anniversary. Events are related to issues including economic fairness, politics and justice, war and conflict, social equality, and environmental protections.

Occupy Wall Street Screen Printers Co-op Archived Website, May 13, 2013- ongoing


Occupy Wall Street Screen Printers Co-op

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Wall Street Screenprinters Co-op is a print production facility established during the initial occupation of Zuccotti Park by the Occupy Wall Street Movement in 2011. The money raised from the print shop during the occupation was used to General Assembly's General Fund and Occupy's Workers Cooperative. The co-op produces prints for Occupy events, custom print orders, and other community needs. The organization uses fair labor practices and prints on sustainable sourced clothing and materials. The co-op operates on a donation structure; products are on a pay-what-you-wish scale. The website contains a blog, a product line, their mission statement, and sustainability resources.

Occupy Washington, DC Archived Website, Oct 25, 2011-Jul 4, 2013, inclusive


Occupy DC

Scope and Contents note

October 2011 began as an informational website regarding a demonstration in McPherson Square in Washington DC in October 2011. It became an informational website related to the occupation in Freedom Plaza, which was in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street Movement. The website contains daily updates on the status of the occupation, a calendar of events, videos, and a blog. Archived Website, Oct 24, 2011-Jan 19, 2012, inclusive


Scope and Contents note

A website with links to other Occupy websites. Archived Website, Nov 5, 2011-Jan 19, 2012, inclusive

Creator Civic Action

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Wish List is a craigslist-type website which lists materials and supplies needed by the Occupy Wall Street movement and sustain the occupations in cities throughout the country.

Occupy with Art Archived Website, Nov 4, 2011-May 19, 2013, inclusive


Occupy Wall Street (Movement)

Scope and Contents note

Formerly Occupenial, Occupy with Art, founded in 2011, is an affinity group of the Arts and Culture working group for the Occupy Wall Street movement. The group consists of artists who produce art, cultural events and projects with a particular focus on OWS as a social art process. The website serves as an information hub for current and past art-related activities in the OWS movement. The website contains a blog that provides updates on works in progress and event information, jobs posting, videos, and photos of art projects. Archived Website, Oct 26, 2011- ongoing


Wall Street Writers

Scope and Contents note

Occupy Writers is a collection of writings by writers who support the Occupy Movement. The website contains short writings on observations, analysis, poetry, and prose on the occupy movement. The website links the names of writers and their writings contributed to the site.

Occupy Your Congress Archived Website, Jul 18, 2013-Jan 18, 2014, inclusive


Occupy Congress

Scope and Content Note

Occupy Congress, established in late 2011, is a collective affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street street movement. The collective organized an action on January 17, 2012 with members of Occupy DC. The website contains meeting minutes, videos, event listings, action updates, and a blog.

Off Our Backs Archived Website, Jul 24, 2012-Apr 23, 2013, inclusive


off our backs

Scope and Contents note

off our backs is a feminist news journal that was first published in 1970. Their mission is to provide news and information about women's lives and feminist activism, educate the public about the status of women around the world, serve as a forum for feminist ideas and theory, be an information resource on feminist, women's, and lesbian culture, and seek social justice and equality for women worldwide. The website features access to back issues.


OIG Testimony: June 4, 2008 Archived Website, Nov 30, 2009, inclusive


United States. Department of Justice. Office of the Inspector General

Scope and Contents note

Contains testimony of the Office of the Inspector General given on June 4, 2008 regarding the Federal Bureau of Investigation's observation of and involvement in detainee interrogations at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp.

OIG Testimony: June 10, 2008 Archived Website, Nov 30, 2009, inclusive


United States. Department of Justice. Office of the Inspector General

Scope and Contents note

Contains testimony of the Office of the Inspector General given before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on June 10, 2008 regarding the Federal Bureau of Investigation's observation of and involvement in detainee interrogations at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp.

Organization for Black Struggle Archived Website, April 2015-June 2017, inclusive


Organization for Black Struggle

Scope and Content Note

The Organization for Black Struggle was founded in 1980 by activists, students, union organizers and other community members in St Louis, Missouri, with the aim of building Black power. The websites contains information about the organization's political platform, news and events, and the national mobilization against police violence following the 2014 police killing of Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

Organizing for Occupation | Housing Justice in NYC through Direct Action Archived Website, Oct 19, 2011- ongoing


Organizing for Occupation

Scope and Contents note

Organizing for Occupation (O4O) is a group of New York City residents from the activist, academic, religious, homeless, arts, and progressive legal communities to respond to the housing crisis. The group advocates affordable and safe housing for all. The group works through non-violent direct action to end homelessness and foreclosures. The website contains a calendar, a mailing list, and links page.

OWS Direct Action Archived Website, Mar 24, 2012- ongoing


Occupy Wall Street (Movement)

Scope and Contents note

OWS Direct Action is the action working group of the Occupy Wall Street movement. The website contains information on meetings, their direct action campaigns and days, their eco-action campaign, resources, and passed proposals.

Paper Tiger Television Archived Website, Mar 9, 2010- ongoing


Paper Tiger Television Collective (Firm)

Scope and Contents note

Paper Tiger Television (PTTV), established in 1981, has been creating investigative and alternative media. The programs produced at PTTV inspire community productions and activism around the world. Its archive includes shows that provide critical analysis of media, educate about the communications industry and highlight issues that are absent from mainstream information sources. Through the production and distribution of public access series, media literacy/video production workshops, community screenings, videos on the website, and grassroots advocacy PTTV works to challenge and expose the corporate control of mainstream media. PTTV believes that increasing public awareness of the negative influence of mass media and involving people in the process of making media is mandatory for the long-term goal of information equity.

Parents for Occupy Wall Street Archived Website, Oct 23, 2011-May 2, 2013, inclusive


Occupy Wall Street (Movement)

Scope and Contents note

The parents for Occupy Wall Street website is a solidarity page of parents who support the Occupy movement. The website contains a blog, a campaigns page, and a videos page.

Park West Village Tenants' Association Archived Website, Mar 13, 2012 - ongoing


Park West Village Tenants Association (New York, N.Y.)

Scope and Contents note

Park West Village Tenants' Association, first active in 1974, is a voluntary, non-profit, membership organization whose purposes are to protect the rights and welfare of tenants in Park West Village (PWV); keep PWV tenants informed of their rights; represent PWVTA members in negotiations with Park West managements; represent the concerns of PWVTA members to outside organizations and to elected officials and government agencies; and support and participate in campaigns by various organizations; to expand tenant rights; strengthen rent regulations; preserve affordable housing programs; and protect the ability of low-income and moderate-income tenants to remain in their homes. They are affiliated with Tenants and Neighbors and the Metropolitan Council on Housing. The website contains resources, a renters' guide, photos, and history.

Party for Socialism and Liberation Archived Website, Aug 17, 2009-ongoing


Party for Socialism and Liberation (U.S)

Scope and Content Note

The Party for Socialism and Liberation, a revolutionary Marxist organization formed in 2004, seeks to bring together leaders and organizers to aim for revolution in the United States and promote socialism. They stand for defense of the existing workers' states, the national liberation movements, and for workers and oppressed people around the world. The website contains information on the Party for Socialism and Liberation in the United States, and its newspaper Liberation. The site features news and analysis of contemporary events, and reports from activists involved in the anti-war movement and labor movement, and other issues. The website also contains information on their campaigns and additional publications.

Peace Action Archived Website, Feb 25, 2010- ongoing


Peace Action (Organization)

Scope and Contents note

Peace Action (originally from the merger of the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign and the Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy), founded in 1987, is a national grassroots organization that organizes campaigns to end the nuclear threat, to create a more peaceful economy, and to support nonviolent resolutions to international conflicts. The website contains information on issues, news, action alerts, a media center, and a resources page.

Peace Action New York State Archived Website, Feb 25, 2010- ongoing


Peace Action New York State

Scope and Contents note

Peace Action of New York State and the Peace Action Fund of New York State are the New York affiliates of Peace Action.

Peace and Freedom Party Archived Website, Aug 1, 2009- ongoing


Peace and Freedom Party (U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

The Peace and Freedom Party is California's feminist socialist political party, founded in 1967. It is committed to socialism, democracy, ecology, feminism and racial equality. The website contains their by-laws, platform, newsletters, and news listings on current campaigns.

People's World Archived Website, Aug 13, 2010- ongoing


People's World

Scope and Contents note

People's World, established online in 2009, is a national news website that reports on workers' rights, peace, equality, social and economic justice, democracy, civil liberties, women's rights, protection of the environment, and more. The website is affiliated with the Community Party USA and descended from the Daily Worker, the Communist Party's newspaper from 1924-1991. The website publishes articles and opinion pieces. The Spanish language edition of the website is called Mundo Popular.


People of Color / #OccupyWallStreet Archived Website, Nov 4, 2011- ongoing


People of Color at Occupy Wall Street

Scope and Contents note

People of Color, Occupy Wall Street is the tumblr blog created in response to the lack of racial diversity represented at the Occupy Wall Street occupations. Their goal is to develop critical consciousness within the movement and extend the movement's reach to include those most affected by the current crisis. The website lists working group meetings and sub committees of the working groups.

People of Color Organize Archived Website, Jul 28, 2009-Sep 11, 2013, inclusive



Scope and Contents note

People of Color Organize! was the successor to, established in June of 2007. In 2010, the URL changed to Illvox supported Anarchist People of Color and its efforts. People of Color Organize! was a website journal and media source for activists who support direct action for social, racial, and economic justice. The website features debates, event listings, and commentary from the revolutionary left on matters of race, national oppression, and self determination efforts. People of Color Organize! focuses on people of color and their activism, community organizing, theory and perspectives. In 2013, this website was subsumed by the Party for Socialism and Liberation, which can be found in Tamiment's Communism, Socialism, Trotskyism Web Archive.

Political Affairs Archived Website, Apr 9, 2013-ongoing


Political Affairs

Scope and Content Note

Political Affairs is an online magazine of theories, ideas, politics and culture of the socialist and democratic traditions and visions of the United States from a working- class point of view. The website features stories from the labor movement; from associations of every trade and profession; from the struggles of communities of color and diverse nationalities against racial injustice and inequality; and the movements of women, youth, seniors, the disabled, and of gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender communities for equality. They seem to be affiliated with the Communist Party USA. The website contains sections on features, culture, editor's blog, education, and news analysis.

Practical Anarchy Magazine Archived Website, Jul 8, 2012-Apr 8, 2013, inclusive


Practical Anarchy

Scope and Contents note

Practical Anarchy, founded in 1991, magazine is a quarterly publication that is published by the Alternative Media Project. The website contains articles and back issues.

Progressive Labor Party Archived Website, Jul 29, 2009- ongoing


Progressive Labor Party

Scope and Contents note

The Progressive Labor Party (PLP), established in 1962, is a militant communist faction that works to eliminate capitalism and institute communism through a revolutionary movement and a mass Red Army. PLP organizes workers, students and soldiers to turn capitalism driven wars into a revolution for communism. The website contains issues of its newspaper, Challenge, multimedia, news postings and analysis, a history of the party, and a blog.


Project South Archived Website, Jul 17, 2012- ongoing


Project South

Scope and Contents note

Project South is a Southern-based leadership development organization that uses popular education, partnership and alliances, and organizing to build political, educational, and economic power at the grassroots of low-income communities. The website contains information on their current projects and programs.

ProLibertad Freedom Campaign Archived Website, Sep 28, 2007-Oct 14, 2011, inclusive


ProLibertad Freedom Campaign

Scope and Content Note

ProLibertad Freedom Campaign was a support website for the Puerto Rican nationalists who were imprisoned in the United States for sedition in the early 1980s and Puerto Rican political prisoners in general. The organization worked to release the prisoners, eleven of which were offered clemency in 1999 by President Bill Clinton. As of 2013, one prisoner, Oscar López Rivera, remains in prisoner. The website was defunct by late 2011, at that point two other prisoners, Avelino Gonzalez Claudio, and Norberto Gonzalez Claudio, also remained in prison. It contains writings by the prisoners, a radio show, newsletters, video, and a history of the organization and cases.

Puerto Rico - Solidarity Network / Red Solidaria PR-SN Archived Website, Jul 7, 2011-Oct 7, 2012, inclusive


Puerto Rico Solidarity Network

Scope and Contents note

The Puerto Rico Solidarity Network is an organization that works to inform and build support for the Puerto Rico working class labor, community, environment, and student grassroots struggles and also work to promote and develop connections in New York and across the United States.

Radical Art Caucus Archived Website, Nov 4, 2009-Nov 3, 2012, inclusive


Radical Art Caucus

Scope and Contents note

The Radical Art Caucus' (RAC) primary mission is the promotion of art and art historical scholarship that addresses problems of oppression and possibilities for resistance. RAC seeks to provide an intellectual and professional environment for the discussion of labor and social justice issues specifically related to contemporary practices of art and art history.

Radical History Review Archived Website, Mar 27, 2014-ongoing


Radical History Review

Scope and Content Note

The Mid-Atlantic Radical Historians Organization (MARHO) was formed during a conference at Fordham University in January 1973, attended mostly by professors at colleges and universities in the metropolitan New York area. he journal seeks to "address issues of gender, race, sexuality, imperialism, and class" and stretch "the boundaries of historical analysis to explore Western and non-Western histories." In addition to articles on the theme of any given issue, the journal is often comprised of sections dedicated to teaching and public history, as well as reviews of television, books, museum exhibitions, and other media. The website contains call for proposals for future issues, descriptions of recent issues, subject guides, and back issues.

Radical Philosophy Association Archived Website, Nov 29, 2008 - ongoing


Radical Philosophy Association

Scope and Contents note

Founded in 1982, the Radical Philosophy Association is an international organization whose members struggle against capitalism, racism, sexism, homophobia, disability discrimination, environmental ruin, and all other forms of domination, drawing upon a variety of radical traditions including phenomenology, Marxism, anarchism, post-structuralism, post-colonial theory and environmentalism. Its efforts center on conferences and publications. The RPA also publishes the journal Radical Philosophy Review.

Radical Reference Archived Website, Nov 26, 2008 - ongoing


Radical Reference

Scope and Contents note

Radical Reference, launched in 2004, is a collective of library workers that support activist communities, progressive organizations, and independent journalists by providing professional research support, education, and access to information. The website provides reference to activists and independent journalists related to their activities.

Radical Women Archived Website, Dec 9, 2011- ongoing


Radical Women

Scope and Contents note

Radical Women (RW) is a socialist feminist, grassroots activist organization that provides a radical voice within the feminist movement and trains women to be leaders in the movements for social and economic justice. The organization promotes union action and international solidarity, combats racism in the women's movement and views capitalism as part of the reason why women are oppressed. Radical Women was founded in 1967 by Gloria Martin. It is affiliated with the Freedom Socialist Party (FSP). The website contains event notices and activities.

Redstockings: Women's Liberation Studies Archives for Action Archived Website, Nov 10, 2009- ongoing


Redstockings, Inc.

Scope and Contents note

Redstockings was a name taken in 1969 by one of the founding women's liberation groups of the 1960's to represent the union of two traditions: the "bluestocking" label disparagingly pinned on feminists of earlier centuries--and "red" for revolution. Redstockings today is a grassroots, activist "think tank", for defending and advancing the women's liberation agenda. The Archives for Action is a project Redstockings established in 1989 to make the experiences of the 1960's movement more widely available for new understandings and improved strategies. The movement also supports a national health care system and equal job benefits for women.

Refuse & Resist! Archived Website, Mar 27, 2014


Refuse & Resist! (Organization)

Scope and Content Note

Refuse & Resist! was a human rights activist group founded in New York City in 1987. They opposed censorship, war, acts of police brutality, advocated against the death penalty and other acts of violence. They supported political prisoners, undocumented immigrants, the poor, and reproductive rights. Refuse & Resist! worked through nonviolent resistance, including speaking out in schools, communities and in the media; organizing forums and meetings; demonstrating in the streets; creating and performing cultural works; and contributing financially. The organization officially dissolved in 2006 and the website ceased updating in 2008. The website contains news listings, their CounterAttack magazine, and their artists network.

Reprieve Archived Websites, July 2009-ongoing


3 websites in 3 archived websites.



Scope and Contents note

Reprieve is a legal action non-profit that investigates, litigates, and campaigns against human rights abuses. Issues focused on include ending the death penalty, closing the Guantánamo Bay Prison, stopping illegal and lethal drones, ending the use of torture, and unlawful detention. The website contains casework, policy and research, media and reports, creative projects, action campaigns, petitions, and news. Reprieve and Reprieve US are two individual organizations but work closely together and share financial resources. Reprieve US focuses on litigation in the United States, whereas Reprieve focuses more globally.

RevLeft Archived Website, Mar 16, 2010- ongoing


Scope and Contents note

RevLeft is a leftist chat forum, of over 10,000 leftists. The website fosters the discussion of news, politics, history, political theory, philosophy, music, literature, films from a leftist perspective. The website also contains a calendar of events.

Revolution: Voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA Archived Website, Aug 15, 2010-Aug 14, 2013, inclusive


Revolutionary Communist Party, USA

Scope and Contents note

This is the official website for Revolution newspaper, voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA [A Maoist- inspired organization whose Chairperson is Bob Avakian]. This site was subsumed under the Revolutionary Communist Party website in early 2013.


Revolutionary Communist Party, USA Archived Website, Sep 23, 2007- ongoing


Revolutionary Communist Party, USA

Scope and Contents note

The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA is a Maoist organization inspired by the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the late 1960s-early 1970s. Its long-time leader is Bob Avakian. The website contains issues of their newspaper, Revolution, the Revolutionary Communist Party's platform, works and a biography of Avakian, and other publications and reports.

Revolutionary Workers Group Archived Website, May 2, 2011- ongoing


Revolutionary Workers Group

Scope and Contents note

A revolutionary socialist group based on the work of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky. The website contains their Speak Out Now broadside, their workplace newsletter, event listings, and other publications.

Rosenberg Fund for Children Archived Website, Nov 11, 2013- ongoing


Rosenberg Fund for Children

Scope and Contents note

The Rosenberg Fund for Children, established in 1990 by Robert Meeropol (son of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg), to aid the children of targeted activists that have participated in activities to preserve civil liberties, wage peace, safeguard the environment, combat racism and homophobia, and organize on behalf of workers, prisoners, immigrants and others. The website contains information on grant funding, news and events related to grantees, and information on the Rosenberg case.

Seton Hall Law School - Guantanamo Reports Archived Website, Jul 9, 2009- ongoing


Seton Hall University. School of Law. Center for Social Justice

Scope and Contents note

Since 2006, Fellows with the Center for Policy and Research have been analyzing government data to illuminate the interrogations and intelligence practices of the United States. The findings have been quite revealing, showing that what's found in the data is often the best divulger of the truth. The reports have been introduced into the Congressional record by the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Senate Judiciary Committee, the House Armed Services Committee, and as part of a Resolution by the European Parliament.

Sex Worker's Outreach Project (New York Chapter) Archived Website, May 11, 2012- ongoing


Sex Worker's Outreach Project

Scope and Contents note

Sex Workers Outreach Project New York City (SWOP-NYC) and Sex Workers Action New yorK (SWANK) is an women's organization that works to improve the lives of current and former sex workers in New York City. SWOP-NYC projects include working on advocacy and policy campaigns, providing direct support to SWANK, event organizing, and other initiatives. The website contains meeting information, and news posts.



Sex Workers Project Archived Website, May 3, 2011- ongoing


Sex Workers Project (Urban Justice Center)

Scope and Contents note

The Sex Workers Project (SWP) provides legal services and training, and engages in documentation and policy advocacy for sex workers. Using a harm reduction and human rights model, the organization protects the rights and safety of sex workers who by choice, circumstance, or coercion remain in the industry. SWP provides information to policymakers, activists, and the media on the human rights abuses faced by sex workers and those who are at risk for engaging in sex work and use documentation-based advocacy, policy analysis, training and education, and collaboration with community-based service providers to advance practical, long-term solutions to the problems faced by sex workers.


Topics Archived Website, Apr 9, 2009-Oct 13 2013, inclusive


Social Democrats, U.S.A.

Scope and Contents note

Social Democrats USA (SDUSA) is a direct descendent of the Socialist Party USA., founded in 1972. The website archived is the website for the re-foundation of the party following the death of Penn Kemble in 2005. The organization was officially re-formed at a conference in 2009. Their aim was to form a center-left party that could win local elections. The website ceased to update in 2011.


Socialist Action Archived Website, Apr 20, 2013- ongoing


Socialist Action

Scope and Contents note

Socialist Action is a national group of activists committed to the emancipation of workers and the oppressed. They work to revitalize the anti-war, labor, anti-racist, feminist, student and other social movements and bring activists together from different backgrounds into a revolutionary workers' party. Their ultimate goal is a truly democratic society. The website contains a detailed platform, news, pamphlets, and Marxist educational resources.


Socialist Alternative Archived Website, Sep 1, 2009- ongoing


Socialist Alternative (U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

Socialist Alternative, founded in 1981, is a national organization that campaigns against United States two party system and advocates for a socialist alternative. They campaign for a mass workers party to represent the interests of workers, youth, and the environment. They advocate for a living wage for all; money for jobs and education, not war; environmental sustainability; equal rights for all; and socialism. Socialist Alternative is in political solidarity with the Committee for a Workers' International. The website publishes a newspaper, Socialist Alternative, and news on healthcare, US and world politics, the environment, and the workers movement.

Socialist International Archived Website, May 4, 2012- ongoing


Socialist International (1951- )

Scope and Contents note

Socialist International, established in 1951 by the Frankfurt Congress, is the worldwide organization of social democratic, socialist and labour parties. It currently brings together 162 political parties and organizations from all continents. The website contains their constitution, committees, commission, congresses, and library. The homepage contains news updates on the organization.



Socialist Labor Party of America Archived Website, Jul 26, 2009- ongoing


Socialist Labor Party

Scope and Contents note

The Socialist Labor Party (SLP) is the original party of socialism in America. Organized as the Workingmen's Party in 1876, the Party was renamed in 1877.Its longtime leader was Daniel De Leon (1852-1914), Marxist author and editor of The People, the SLP newspaper. As the only nationally organized party of socialism in America until 1900, the SLP attracted Socialists of all tendencies to its ranks. However, the Marxist element became dominant by 1890, when the Party was reorganized on a Marxist basis. The SLP has played a prominent role in the economic and political life of the United States. It ran the first socialist presidential campaign in 1892, and fielded national tickets in every presidential campaign through 1976. The SLP's goal is a classless society based on collective ownership and control of the industries and social services, these to be administered in the interests of all society through a Socialist Industrial Union government composed of democratically elected representatives from all the industries and services of the land. Production would be carried on for use instead of profit. The SLP program for achieving this revolutionary change from capitalism to socialism is based on the Marxist tenet that socialism can be achieved only through the classconscious action "of the working class itself." The Socialist Industrial Union program, as the SLP program is known, developed by Daniel De Leon (1852-1914), is a continuation of Karl Marx's ideas on a workers' government. In all essentials--political and economic classwide organization, the breakup of the state, workers' democracy, the seizure of social power by the organized producers and their socialist reorganization of the economy--the SIU program of the SLP conforms to the democratic premises underlying Marx's concept of socialism.

Socialist Party of New York City Archived Website, Aug 10, 2009-Aug 14, 2014, inclusive


Socialist Party of New York

Scope and Contents note

The website of the NYC Local of the Socialist Party USA. The website contains international and local news, event listings, and other multimedia.

Socialist Party USA Archived Website, Sep 23, 2007- ongoing


Socialist Party (U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

The Socialist Party USA, established 1973, is a descendant of the Socialist Party (U.S.), founded in 1901, and strives to establish a radical democracy that places people's lives under their own control and advocates for a non-racist, classless, feminist socialist society. The Socialist Party fights for progressive changes compatible with a socialist future. They support militant working class struggles and electoral action, independent of the capitalist controlled two-party system, to present socialist alternatives. The website contains more information on their platform, their party publication, The Socialist, event listings, organizing assistance, and electoral action.


Socialist Party USA, 40th Anniversary of Reconstitution Archived Website, Jun 20, 2013-Jun 20, 2014, inclusive


Socialist Party (U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

This website is the site for the 40th anniversary of the reconstitution of the Socialist Party USA in 2013. The website contains an anniversary journal, a short history of the organization, and some digitized historical documents.


Socialist Party USA National Organizing Conference Archived Website, Sep 20, 2014-ongoing


Socialist Party (U.S.)

Scope and Content Note

This website contains information about the Socialist Party USA's annual organizing conference. The purpose of this event is to educate and train those who would like to know more about campaigning, issue and policy development, and organizing. The website contains information on workshops and travel information. In 2014, the conference took place in Chicago.




Socialist Viewpoint Archived Website, Aug 16, 2009- ongoing


Socialist Viewpoint Publishing Association.

Scope and Contents note

The Socialist Viewpoint Publishing Association publishes Socialist Viewpoint in the interests of the working class. The editors take positions consistent with revolutionary Marxism. Socialist Viewpoint magazine has been edited and distributed by a group of revolutionaries who share a common political outlook stemming from the old Socialist Workers Party of James P. Cannon, and Socialist Action from 1984 through 1999.

Soh Daiko Archived Website, Aug 26, 2014-ongoing


Soh Daiko (Musical group)

Scope and Content Note

Soh Daiko, founded in New York City in 1979, was the first group in the Northeastern United States. Taiko, a kind of traditional Japanese drumming used for ritual celebrations and festivals also became a contemporary performing art of mass drumming in the 1960s. Soh Daiko's performances blend movement and choreography with music; its repertoire includes traditional compositions from Shinto music tradition, adapting existing taiko compositions and performing original arrangements by its own members. The group has participated in local New York City cultural festivities, it has performed across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and has been featured in segments on public radio and television. The website contains event listings, videos of their performances, images, and information about recruitment. Archived Website, Jun 21, 2011- ongoing


Solidarity (Organization : U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

Solidarity, founded in 1986, is an independent socialist organization dedicated to forming a broad regrouping of the U.S. left and publishes the periodical Against the Current. They oppose capitalism, advocate for reproductive rights, other feminist demands and an ecologically balanced society, support the struggles of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender activists, fight against US imperialism, and socialism. The website contains their platform, their webzine, and publications.

Spirit of Haymarket : Communist Party of Illinois Blog Archived Website, Aug 11, 2010- ongoing


Communist Party of the United States of America (Ill.)

Scope and Contents note

Spirit of Haymarket is the blog of the Communist Party of Illinois.


Students for a Democratic Society Archived Website, Oct 4, 2007 - Feb 10, 2011, inclusive


Students for a Democratic Society (U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), founded in 2006, which takes its name from a similar earlier organization founded in 1962, is a radical, multi-issue student and youth organization working to build power in schools and communities. The SDS focuses on anti-war campaigns and other civil rights and social justice issues. The last capture for this site was February 2011. Their new website,, is being captured in the Education and Student Movements Web Archive.

Students for a Democratic Society Archived Website, Feb 26, 2010- ongoing


Students for a Democratic Society (U.S.)

Scope and Contents note

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), founded in 2006, which takes its name from a similar earlier organization founded in 1962, is a radical, multi-issue student and youth organization working to build power in schools and communities. The SDS focuses on anti-war campaigns and other civil rights and social justice issues.

Students for a New American Politics Archived Website, Feb 15, 2010- ongoing


Students for a New American Politics

Scope and Contents note

Students for a New American Politics (SNAP) is a student-run political action committee, founded in 2005. The mission of SNAP is to elect progressive candidates and train students to become progressive leaders in the future. The organization trains college students, recent graduates, and college-age youth to serve as SNAP Fellows, full-time field organizers for Congressional candidates.

Students for Free Culture Archived Website, Jul 7, 2011-Jul 5, 2013, inclusive


Students for Free Culture

Scope and Contents note

Students for Free Culture (SFC) is a non-partisan group of students and young people who work to get their peers involved in the free culture movement, a movement that promotes the freedom to distribute and modify creative works in the form of free content by using the Internet and other forms of media.. SFC chapters exist at over 40 colleges and universities around the world. Students for Free Culture was founded by two Swarthmore students after they sued voting-machine manufacturer Diebold for abusing copyright law in 2003. SFC has collaborated with Creative Commons, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Public Knowledge, Downhill Battle, and other free software and media reform groups.

Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University. Archived Website, May 7, 2008, Jul 27, 2009 - ongoing


Tamiment Library

Scope and Contents note

The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives at New York University form a unique, internationally-known center for scholarly research on Labor and the Left. The primary focus is the complex relationship between trade unionism and progressive politics and how this evolved over time. Archival, print, photograph, film, and oral history collections describe the history of the labor movement and how it related to the broader struggle for economic, social, and political change. In 1977 the Robert F. Wagner Archives was established as a joint program of the New York City Central Labor Council and the Tamiment Library. The Wagner is the designated repository for the records of the Council's more than 200 member unions. Today the Library has an extraordinary research collection documenting the history of organized labor in New York and the workers who built the City. Tamiment has one of the finest research collections in the country documenting the history of radical politics: socialism, communism, anarchism, utopian experiments, the cultural left, the New Left, and the struggle for civil rights and civil liberties. It is the repository for the Archives of Irish America, the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives, and a growing Asian American labor collection.

Teachers for a Just Contract Archived Website, May 4, 2011-Aug 2, 2012, inclusive


Teachers for a Just Contract

Scope and Contents note

Teachers for a Just Contract is a New York City base organization that works to improve the working conditions of teachers by struggling for the vigorous enforcement of their collective bargaining agreement, particularly in relation to disciplinary actions, harassment and job security. In addition they work to fight school overcrowding and protect their professional autonomy.

Tenants Political Action Committee Archived Website, Mar 3, 2012 - ongoing


Tenants Political Action Committee

Scope and Contents note

Tenants Political Action Committee is a PAC that helps preserve and protect affordable housing for tenants in New York. Tenants PAC endorses candidates who are strong supporters of tenants' rights and gives renters more power with elected officials. The website contains news, endorsements, campaigns, and event listings.

Theater for the New City Archived Website, Oct 6, 2011- ongoing


Theater for the New City (New York, N.Y.)

Scope and Contents note

Theater for the New City, founded in 1971 and known familiarly as "TNC", is one of New York City's leading Off-Off-Broadway theaters, known for radical political plays and community commitment. Productions at TNC have won 43 Obie Awards and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. TNC currently exists as a 4-theater complex in a 30,000-square-foot (2,800 m2) space located at 155 1st Avenue, in Manhattan's East Village.

Theatre of the Oppressed Archived Website, May 6, 2012-


Theatre of the Oppressed

Scope and Contents note

The International Theatre of the Oppressed, founded in 1971 by Augusto Boal in Brazil, is a theatre technique that uses theatre as means of promoting social and political change, through the use of audience participation. The website contains a listing of theater groups that use the technique, news, and a library.

The Fugs Archived Website, Jul 13, 2010- ongoing


Fugs (Musical group)

Scope and Contents note

The Fugs, a group of poet-musicians, was founded in New York City's East Village in early 1965 by Ed Sanders, Ken Weaver, and Tuli Kupferberg (1923-2010). The band is a folk rock group whose song lyrics were informed by an anti-authoritarian, anti-war, bohemian sensibility. They have performed and issued albums for the last 35 years. This website is the band's official webpage.

The Groundswell Collective Archived Website, Nov 16, 2009-Feb 15, 2014, inclusive


Groundswell Collective

Scope and Contents note

The Groundswell Collective, founded in 2006, is a loose affiliation of artists that work at the intersection of art and activism. The collective is interested in how art relates to social movements and to use of the creativity of the radical left to create an impact in society. The collective uses various different media and the website maintains a blog, catalogs art and runs an online store and barter network.

The Militant Archived Website, Jul 30, 2009- ongoing


Militant (New York, N.Y.)

Scope and Contents note

This site contains articles from the Militant newspaper, a socialist newsweekly published in the interests of working people. The Militant is associated with the Socialist Workers Party, a U.S. Trotskyist organization.

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Archived Website, Dec 5, 2011- ongoing


Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press

Scope and Contents note

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (RCFP) is an American nonprofit organization, founded in 1970, that provides free legal assistance to and on behalf of journalists. A number of prominent journalists presently sit on the organization's steering committee, including Dan Rather, and Judy Woodruff and, prior to his death, Walter Cronkite. Its offices are located in Arlington, Virginia.The RCFP actively aids in defending reporters facing subpoenas and court orders to disclose the identity of confidential sources. The Reporters Committee is also involved in a variety of First Amendment, shield law, freedom of information, and other free speech activities, including state open records and meetings law compliance. The organization publishes a quarterly magazine, The News Media and The Law. In addition, the Reporters Committee files legal briefs on a variety of issues that affect a journalist's ability to gather and disseminate news and also maintains a 24-hour legal defense hotline for journalists and media lawyers.

The Situationist International Text Library Archived Website, Aug 16, 2009- ongoing


Internationale situationniste

Scope and Contents note

Situationist International Text Library is part of, an anarchist and situationist website. The Library is an ongoing project of uploading pieces of Situationist-related literature. Entire books, lengthy articles, excerpts from the journals Potlatch and Internationale Situationniste, newspaper articles, and other files.

The Socialist Archived Website, Dec 1, 2013- ongoing


Socialist Party (U.S.)

Scope and Content Note

The Socialist magazine and website are published by members of the Socialist Party USA. The website contains information on the Socialist Party's platform, issues of the magazine, and articles.

The Trials of The Scottsboro Boys Archived Website


University of Missouri--Kansas City. School of Law

Scope and Contents note

This website was an archive dedicated to the trials of the Scottsboro Boys. Nine Black teenagers, Haywood Patterson, Charles Weems, Clarence Norris, Andy Wright, Ozzie Powell, Olen Montgomery, Eugene Williams, Willie Roberson, and Roy Wright were falsely accused of raping two white women on a Southern Railroad freight run on March 25, 1931. The results of the trials opened southern juries to Black people, exacerbated sectional strife, and divided America's political left.

This Stops Today Archived Website, Dec 10, 2014-Ongoing


This Stops Today

Scope and Content Note

This Stops Today came together to respond to the Staten Island grand jury's failure to indict police officers in the killing of Eric Garner in 2014. The organization called for eleven days of action to reflect the eleven times Eric Garner told police officers "I can't breathe" before he died. This website includes listings of actions in New York City.

TIME'S UP! NYC Direct Action Environmental Organization Archived Website, Oct 26, 2009 - ongoing


Time's Up (New York, N.Y.)

Scope and Contents note

Founded in 1987, TIME'S UP! is a New York City based direct-action environmental group that uses events and educational programs to promote a more sustainable, less toxic city. TIME'S UP! works to educate people about the environmental impact of everyday decisions, including transportation use and food purchasing. TIME'S UP! sponsors many ride events to promote cycling and a bike co-op program.

Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee Archived Website, Jul 16, 2013- ongoing


Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee

Scope and Contents note

The Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee is an organization that advocates for justice for Trayvon Martin. Martin was fatally shot by George Zimmerman on February 26, 2012. Zimmerman was tried on June 24, 2013, and found not guilty the following day. The organization believes that Martin's death was a race based murder and Zimmerman was not arrested because of white supremacy and classism inherent in the criminal justice system. The website contains information about rallies in response to the not guilty verdict, as well as reports from the rallies' aftermath.

U.S. Department of Defense. Military Commissions Combatant Status Review Tribunals Archived Website, Jul 8, 2009, inclusive


U.S. Department of Defense. Military Commissions Combatant Status Review Tribunals

Scope and Contents note

United States Department of Defense Combatant Status Review Tribunals/Administrative Review Boards site contains CSRT/ARB Special Interest Items, Biographies of key DOD personnel, High Value Detainees CSRT Information including for each, unclassified summaries, transcript and audio of hearings, procedural instructions, news releases, and current briefing transcripts.

U.S. Department of Defense. Military Commissions Archived Website, Jul 30, 2009 - Nov 5, 2014, inclusive


United States. Department of Defense

Scope and Contents note

United States Department of Defense Detainees Investigations. Contains "Special Reports, " Independent Panel Reports, Department of the Inspector General Report, all from 2004--2005


U.S. Department of Defense. Military Commissions Brief Transcripts Archived Website, Jul 30, 2009, inclusive


United States. Department of Defense

Scope and Contents note

Briefing transcripts, 2004--2005


U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress: April 1, 2008-September 30, 2008 Archived Website, Nov 30, 2009, inclusive


United States. Department of Justice. Office of the Inspector General

Scope and Contents note

Contains an Office of the Inspector General report to Congress regarding the Federal Bureau of Investigations involvement in and observation of detainee interrogations in Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

U.S. Department of Justice Summaries of New [Federal Court] Decisions -- June 2008 Archived Website, Nov 30, 2009, inclusive


United States. Department of Justice. Office of Information Policy

Scope and Contents note

Contains summaries of the court decisions pertaining to the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp that were received by Office of Information Policy during the month of June 2008.

U.S. Department of Justice Summaries of New [Federal Court] Decisions -- October 2008 Archived Website, Nov 30, 2009, inclusive


United States. Department of Justice. Office of Information Policy

Scope and Contents note

Contains summaries of the court decisions pertaining to the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp that were received by Office or Information Policy during the month of October 2008.

U.S. Department of Justice Summaries of New Court Decisions -- September 2009 Archived Website, Nov 30, 2009, inclusive


United States. Department of Justice. Office of Information Policy

Scope and Contents note

Contains summaries of the court decisions pertaining to the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp that were received by Office of Information Policy during the month of September 2009.

Union Square Awards Archived Website, Aug 1, 2011 - Jan 7, 2014, inclusive


Union Square Awards

Scope and Contents note

The Union Square Awards, established in 1998, awards grants to social activists, community organizers, arts organizations, and other activism in New York City. Over $16 million has been distributed to 238 organizations, since the awards founding. The website contains information on past awardees, grants, and award programs.

United for Peace and Justice Archived Website, Oct 1, 2007 - ongoing


United for Peace and Justice (Organization)

Scope and Contents note

United for Peace and Justice, founded in 2002, is a coalition of more than 1400 local and national groups that organizes opposition to U.S. military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, against nuclear weapons, and for economic and social justice. The website contains action alerts, news listings, event listings, and other resources.

United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Mar 17, 2012 - ongoing


United Neighborhood Houses

Scope and Contents note

United Neighborhood Houses of New York, founded in 1919, is a collective of settlement houses that promotes neighborhood-based, multi-service approach to improving the lives of New Yorkers in need and their communities. The organization provides services for youth, children, immigrants, seniors. One of their main focuses also includes housing stability, which provides community building in public housing and advocates for programs to prevent homelessness. The website contains event listings, news, programming, and advocacy campaigns.

United States. Congress. Senate. Armed Services Committee Report: Inquiry into the treatment of detainees in U.S. custody, 11/20/2008 Archived Website, Sep 28, 2009, inclusive


United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services

Scope and Contents note

United States. Congress. Senate. Armed Services Committee. Inquiry into the treatment of detainees in U.S. custody, 11/20/2008

US Peace Council Archived Website, Feb 29, 2012- ongoing


US Peace Council

Scope and Contents note

Founded in 1979, the US Peace Council is a multi-racial, pro-working class, anti-imperialist organization committed to peace, economic and social justice and to international solidarity with the peoples of the world. The group promotes the prohibition of all weapons of mass destruction, the abolition of foreign military bases, universal disarmament under effective international control, and negotiations instead of use of force in the settlement of differences between nations. It is affiliated with the World Peace Council, the world's largest peace organization and an NGO member of the United Nations. The website contains resources, news, petitions, issues of focus, and information on chapters.

Veterans For Peace Archived Website, May 11, 2011- ongoing


Veterans for Peace, Inc.

Scope and Contents note

Veterans For Peace is a veterans educational and humanitarian organization dedicated to the abolition of war, founded in 1985. The website contains a newsroom, action alerts, resources, and personal accounts by members.

veteransforpeaceny Archived Website, Dec 21, 2011-Jun 22, 2013, inclusive


Veterans for Peace, Inc.

Scope and Contents note

This is the New York chapter of the Veterans for Peace Organization.

War Resisters League Archived Website, Oct 1, 2007- ongoing


War Resisters League

Scope and Contents note

War Resisters League, founded in 1923, is a secular pacifist organization that challenges military recruitment, organizes and trains for nonviolent direct action, and offers on-the-ground education. Their projects include the GI Resistance Support Project, the Bite the Bullet: War Profiteering Education and Action Network, the quarterly magazine WIN: Through Revolutionary Nonviolence, advocacy of and support for war tax resistance, demonstrations, and local and regional anti-war organizing projects. The website contains information on chapters, publications, resources, news, and event listings.

Weather Underground FBI Report 1976 Archived Website, Aug 9, 2009, inclusive


United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation

Scope and Contents note

The Weather Underground Organization, also known as Weathermen, described itself as a revolutionary organization of communist men and women. The FBI's analysis of its motivations, beliefs, and international travels are outlined in this 420 pp. summary, released under the Freedom of Information Act.

Wellstone Action Archived Website, Jan 8, 2012- ongoing

Scope and Contents note

Wellstone Action, founded in 2003 and named for the late Paul Wellston (formerly U.S. Senator from Minnesotta) and Sheila Wellstone, is a national center that provides training and leadership development in the progressive movement. The organization works to train underrepresented communities to engage in civic life. Wellstone trains campaign workers, candidates, activists, students, domestic and sexual violence advocates, labor organizers and unions, Native American community leaders, and non-profit leaders.


Witness against Torture: A Campaign to Shut down Guantanamo Archived Website, Jul 8, 2009- ongoing


Witness against Torture

Scope and Contents note

At our inception, with the December 5-17, 2005: Walk to Guantanamo to Visit the Prisoners, Witness Against Torture was a group of friends who-- as Americans and Catholics-- walked to Guantanamo to visit the prisoners, to perform a work of mercy, to respond to the victims of the war on terrorism. Once we returned from that journey, we began to organize more broadly to shut down Guantanamo, working with interfaith, human rights and activists' organizations. We have planned a series of nonviolent direct actions to expose and decry the administration's lawlessness, build awareness about torture and indefinite detention amongst Americans and forge human ties with the prisoners at Guantanamo and their families.

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) Archived Website, Mar 8, 2010- ongoing


Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

Scope and Contents note

The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom was founded in 1915 during World War I, with Jane Addams as its first president. WILPF works to achieve through peaceful means world disarmament, full rights for women, racial and economic justice, an end to all forms of violence, and to establish those political, social, and psychological conditions which can assure peace, freedom, and justice for all. WILPF works to create an environment of political, economic, social and psychological freedom for all members of the human community, so that true peace can be enjoyed by all.

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom NY Metropolitan Branch Archived Website, Sep 15, 2012- ongoing


Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. New York Metropolitan Branch

Scope and Contents note

The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom was founded in 1915 during World War I, with Jane Addams as its first president. WILPF works to achieve through peaceful means world disarmament, full rights for women, racial and economic justice, an end to all forms of violence, and to establish those political, social, and psychological conditions which can assure peace, freedom, and justice for all. WILPF works to create an environment of political, economic, social and psychological freedom for all members of the human community, so that true peace can be enjoyed by all. This is the New York City branch website.

Women Occupy Archived Website, Jun 13, 2013- ongoing


Women Occupy

Scope and Contents note

Women Occupy is a feminist organizing group, established by CODEPINK: Women for Peace, affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street Movement. The group works to aggregate and create resources of relevance to women and allies committed to confronting patriarchy, heterosexism, and transphobia. They also provide women with resources for creating safer spaces and feminist organizing for general assemblies. The website contains resources for organizing, a discussion forum, and a news blog.

Workers Solidarity Alliance Archived Website, Apr 19, 2009- ongoing


Workers Solidarity Alliance

Scope and Contents note

Workers Solidarity Alliance is an anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian organization of activists who believe that working people can build a new society and a better world based on the principles of solidarity and self-management. WSA also publishes ideas and action, which was created in July, 1981 as an independent anarcho-syndicalist semi-annual print magazine. After Workers Solidarity Alliance was founded in November, 1984, ideas and action became the magazine of WSA (with issue #5), and continuing through the publication of issue #17 in 1997. It now exists as a blog on the WSA website.

Workers World Archived Website, Aug 1, 2009- ongoing


Workers World Party.

Scope and Contents note

Workers World is the newspaper of the Workers World Party, a Marxist-Leninist communist party of Trotskyist orientation.

Workers World Party Archived Website, Jul 31, 2009- ongoing


Workers World Party.

Scope and Contents note

Workers World Party was founded in 1959 as a Marxist-Leninist Party. The party advocates for a mass movement led by workers to promote socialism and end the United States two party system. The website contains international and national news, news on anti-war movement, immigrant rights, the economy, gay rights, the environment, prisoner rights, anti-racism, women's rights, and other news. The website also contains editorials, books, and their Spanish version of the website, Mundo Obrero.

Working Families Party Archived Website, Sep 23, 2007 - ongoing


Working Families Party (N.Y.)

Scope and Contents note

Founded in 1998, the Working Families Party (WFP) is New York progressive political party formed from community organizations, neighborhood activists, and labor unions. The party's main issue concerns are jobs, health care, education and energy/environment. The organization cross-endorses candidates who support their platforms. The website lists endorsed candidates, issues, and action alerts.

Workmen's Circle / Arbeter Ring Archived Website, May 3, 2009- ongoing


Workmen's Circle/Arbeter Ring

Scope and Contents note

Founded in 1900, The Workmen's Circle / Arbeter Ring fosters Jewish identity and participation in Jewish life through Jewish, especially Yiddish, culture and education, friendship, and the pursuit of social and economic justice. The organization was formed by Jewish immigrants to face challenges of assimilating to the new culture and fighting labor practices, and was rooted in the labor and socialist traditions.

World Socialist Web Site Archived Website, Apr 27, 2012- ongoing


World Socialist Web Site

Scope and Contents note

The World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) is the online news and information center of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI). The site publishes articles and analysis covering a wide range of topics and events all around the world with a socialist slant. The daily 'Perspective article presents the position of the WSWS on a wide range of political, theoretical, and historical issues. The website includes news on social inequality, workers' rights, and art criticism. WSWS also includes sections on history, philosophy, documents from the Marxist Library, and letters from readers.



Young Communist League USA Archived Website, Aug 10, 2009- ongoing


Young Communist League of the U.S.

Scope and Contents note

The Young Communist League, USA is a multi-racial, working-class organization made up of youth who believe we can build a better world. We come from a variety of backgrounds, just like the young people of our country: we are employed and unemployed workers, we are high school and college students, we are Black, white, Latino, Asian, and Native American, we are gay and straight, we are women and men. The YCL is associated with the Communist Party of the United States of America.

Young Democratic Socialists Archived Website, Nov 25, 2008- ongoing


Young Democratic Socialists.

Scope and Contents note

Young Democratic Socialists (YDS) is the youth affiliate of the Democratic Socialists of America, founded in 1983. YDS organizes on college campuses to fight for the immediate needs of workers and students, while building the capacity to fight for more radical and structural changes in the long term. The website contains information on their student chapters, their coordinating committee, current platforms, which include student debt relief and labor solidarity, news and multimedia, and their blog, the Activist.

Young People's Socialist League Archived Website, Aug 10, 2009-Nov 13, 2010, inclusive


Young People's Socialist League

Scope and Contents note

The Young People's Socialist League (YPSL), established in 1913, is the youth affiliate of the Socialist Party, USA. The website contains organizing tools, their constitution and principles, and a message board. The site became defunct in 2010.

Young People's Socialist League Reunion Archived Website, Sep 28, 2007-May 8, 2008, inclusive


Young People's Socialist League Reunion.

Scope and Contents note

This website was formed in connection with a 2007 reunion in New York City of members of the Young People's Socialist League . The YPSL, as it was commonly known, was the youth group affiliated with the Socialist Party (U.S.) Many of its members allied themselves with the views of Leon Trotsky.

Zuccotti Park Press Archived Website, Nov 27, 2012- ongoing


Zuccotti Park Press

Scope and Contents note

Zuccotti Park Press is the website for the Occupy Wall Street Movement's pamphlet series, taking the name from the park where the protest took place in fall 2011. The website features digital versions of their pamphlets.

Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012