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Tamiment Library Web Collection on Organizations

Call Number





Tamiment Library


316 websites

Language of Materials

Websites are mostly in English, with some Spanish, Chinese, German, and other languages.


The Tamiment Library Web Collection on Organizations, established in 2007 in conjunction with the California Digital Library's Web Archiving Service (WAS), contains webpages of organizations and other entities concerned with issues related to economic, civil, and social justice from a left and/or progressive perspective. These entities focus on issues ranging from corporate accountability, immigrant rights, unemployment, homelessness, urban justice, healthcare reform, wealth redistribution, and other issues, including a focus on the Occupy Wall Street movement and the Guantanamo Detention Camp. Tamiment also archives political websites, focusing on political parties of the far Left, including Marxists, Communists, Socialists, and Trotskyists. Website contain a variety of formats and materials, including pdfs, images, multimedia, event listings, and blogs.

Historical/Biographical Note

Tamiment Library, New York University began web archiving in 2007 as part of a grant given by the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIPP) of the Library of Congress. As most unions, left movements, progressive organizations, and others stop creating ephemeral material and paper based collections and move most of their administrative and informational material to the web, Tamiment continued to document the changing face of the labor and left movement into the web era. Tamiment uses the California Digital Library's Web Archiving Service (WAS) as their tool to capture and preserve websites. WAS was created in 2007 and Tamiment is one of its earliest partners. The California Digital Library provides the storage and infrastructure for the project.


Websites are arranged alphabetically.

Scope and Content Note

The Tamiment Library Web Collection on Organizations, first began by Tamiment in 2007, contains webpages of organizations and other entities concerned with issues related to economic, civil, and social justice from a left and/or progressive perspective. This is an assembled collection, the websites were selected by the archivists. These entities focus on issues ranging from corporate accountability, immigrant rights, unemployment, homelessness, urban justice, healthcare reform, wealth redistribution, and other issues. The collection also contains websites related to environmental and green movements, prisoner rights, the Jewish American Left, peace movements, art and cultural organizations, education and youth movements, animal rights, feminism, housing rights, and other websites related to the Left movement. Tamiment also archives political websites, focusing on Marxian inspired entities, including political parties that identify with or are inspired by Communist, Socialist, or Trotskyist perspectives.

In addition, there is a huge focus in this collection on the Occupy Wall Street Movement, established in September 2011. Occupy Wall Street is a social movement, started in New York City, that works to reform both the private and public sector. The websites in the collection focus on different aspects and working groups of the movement. Another huge focus of the collection contains websites of those critical of U.S. policy in relation to Guantanamo Detention Camp and its representation governing enemy combatants, prisoner interrogation, the related legal processes and issues, the global detention system established by the Bush administration, including efforts to secure civil and human rights for detainees. Contents include prisoners' testimony and documents from attorneys defending them.

These websites contain a huge variety of media, which include videos, pdfs, blog postings (including Tumblr and Wordpress blogs), petitions, news feeds, message boards (or forums), and audio. These websites often act to document and update upon the organizations' activities, schedule upcoming events, build awareness of their cause or organization, information on projects the organizations are working on, writings and articles by members of the organization or party, or other activities.

The web collection documents the publicly available content of the web page, it does not archive material that is password protected or blocked due to robot txt exclusions. Although Tamiment attempts to archive the entirety of a website, certain file types will not be captured dependent on how they are embedded in the site. This can include videos (Youtube, Vimeo, or otherwise), pdfs (including Scribd or another pdf reader), rss feeds/plug-ins (including twitter), commenting platforms (disqus, facebook), presi, images, or anything that is not native to the site.

Access Restrictions

Archived websites are open to researchers without restrictions. Archived websites are made publically available 6 months after the initial capture.

Use Restrictions

Tamiment does not own the copyright to these websites. Copyright to these websites resides with each website's author. Tamiment Library and Web Archiving Service (WAS) operate in observance with Section 108 Study Group's Report on Web Archiving. Tamiment archives websites for preservation and research purposes only. Tamiment respects robot txt exclusions and requests from websites with robot txt exclusions to allow our crawler to capture their website. Tamiment will also honor a website owner's request to remove a website from the collection.

Preferred Citation

"Page Title." Archived month/day/year. Tamiment Library Web Collection on Organizations, Robert F. Wagner Labor Archive and Tamiment Library, New York University. ArchivalURL. (Accessed month/day/year).

Existence and Location of Originals

Clicking on the links provided in the container list will take the user to the Web Archiving Service (WAS) page for the website. Sometimes the original website is still available on the live web and the original URL may be available. To get to the original web page, click the live link provided in the "Latest Starting URL" field on the WAS page.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Websites are selected by archivists and captured through the use of the California Digital Library's Web Archiving Service (WAS). WAS uses a web crawler to copy the website at a scheduled time and displays only an archived copy of the website.

In December 2021, and were added. The accession number associated with this website is 2022.038.

Custodial History

The archived websites were migrated from the California Digital Library's Web Archiving Service to the Internet Archive's Archive-It Service in November 2015. The links to California Digital Library were removed in October 2017.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Due to technical or privacy issues, archived websites may not be exact copies of the original website at the time of the web crawl. Certain file types will not be captured dependent on how they are embedded in the site. This can include videos (including Youtube and Vimeo), pdfs (including Scribd or another pdf reader), rss feeds/plug-ins (including Twitter), commenting platforms (disqus, Facebook), presi, images, or anything that is not native to the site. Other parts of websites that the crawler has difficulty capturing includes Javascript, streaming content, database-driven content, and highly interactive content. Robot txt exclusions also change the formatting of websites from their original display, websites with robot txt exclusions often display as an index.

Keyword and file-type search are also available to archived websites through the Web Archiving Service (WAS). To search for keywords within archived websites, click a site name link in the container list. From that page, click the "search" tab on the top left corner. From the search page, you can search by keyword, URL, and file type across all captures of one site or all the sites in the project.

Take Down Policy

Tamiment respects robot txt exclusions and requests from websites with robot txt exclusions to allow our crawler to capture their website. Tamiment will also honor the website owner's request to remove their website from the collection. To request a site removal, please contact

Related Archival Materials

Tamiment Library Web Collection on Individuals
Tamiment Library Web Collection on Labor Unions
Printed Ephemera Collection on Organizations (PE 036)


In general, crawls of sites are added quarterly. New sites are added to finding aids upon completion of 6 month embargo.

Collection processed by

Nicole Greenhouse in compliance with DACS and Tamiment Required Elements for Archival Description

About this Guide

This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on 2024-01-08 12:27:36 -0500.
Language: Description is written in: English, Latin script.

Processing Information

Tamiment Library uses the California Digital Library's Web Archiving Service (WAS) to capture websites for historical purposes. Tamiment archivists select websites for capture based on Tamiment's collecting policy. After the site is added, the title of the site is sometimes changed to better reflect the name of the organization/project/event/site.

Sites are copied by what are commonly known as spiders, robots, or crawlers to index the website. WAS uses the Heritrix web crawler to copy (or capture) the website at a scheduled time and displays only an archived copy of the website. In general, the host page of website is captured for up to 36 hours. The initial capture of a website often includes the archived version of websites that have been linked to by the host website. Websites are crawled quarterly, unless contemporary events cause rapid change to content on a website.

The archivist describes each site using subject headings, a brief description of the site and its contents, and tags. WAS arranges the websites alphabetically and preserves the websites.

In 2014, finding aids were created from the 23 original projects. Original projects were collected by topic and continue to be maintained by the archivists. Three finding aids were created based on Tamiment Library's Printed Ephemera collection categories, to provide better access across websites and collections in Tamiment Library. These finding aids were created using the XML export tool in WAS and manipulated to create DACS-compliant EAD finding aids.

In 2022, narrative description for the archived website of "The Trials of The Scottsboro Boys" were edited to employ the recommendations in the Archives for Black Lives in Philadelphia's Anti-Racist Description Resources. Black was capitalized across the collection. Additionally, language was amended to be more gender inclusive across the collection. Future changes to correct inaccuracies or inappropriate language are anticipated.


Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012