The Seafarers International Union (SIU), Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes and Inland Waters District/NMU, AFL-CIO, represents unlicensed United States merchant mariners sailing aboard U.S.-flag vessels in the deep sea, Great Lakes and inland trades. The union also represents licensed U.S. mariners in the Great Lakes and inland sectors. The website for SIU contains news from the union, labor and maritime news, training programs, courses, meeting listings, and issues of their newsletter, the Seafarer's Log. The series also contains the digital archive of the Seafarers International Union (SIU) which provides online access to back issues of the SIU newsletter (also titled 'Seafarers' Log') photographed from microfilm copies going back to 1939, as well as the Herb Brand Historic Files, which consist of photograph collections documenting the 1946 General Maritime Strike and the 1948 United Financial Employees Wall Street Strike. Archival objects in the SIU digital archive are viewable as PDF documents with descriptive metadata and social bookmarking. The collections can be browsed by collection and series or using an advanced search function.