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Series IX: Archived Website, Mar 14, 2009-ongoing

Scope and Content Note

The New York Building Congress, founded in 1921, is a coalition of 400 constituent organizations comprising more than 250,000 skilled trades people and professionals that works to advance economic and infrastructure investment and job creation. The Congress publishes reports and analysis related to building projects in New York City. The Congress also created the New York Building Foundation, which promotes research, education, and philanthropy in the construction industry. The website contains reports, committee and council information, and event listings.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Due to technical or privacy issues, archived websites may not be exact copies of the original website at the time of the web crawl. Certain file types will not be captured dependent on how they are embedded in the site. Other parts of websites that the crawler has difficulty capturing includes Javascript, streaming content, database-driven content, and highly interactive content. Full-Text searches of archived websites are available at

Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012