United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 2320 (National Organization of Legal Service Workers), Legal Services Staff Association Records
United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America. Local 2320 (National Organization of Legal Service Workers). Legal Services Staff Association
The collection consists of the records of UAW, Local 2320, LSSA in the form of correspondence, board meeting records (including minutes), as well as negotiation, organizing, legal, financial, and general administrative files.
Michael V. D'Ambrosio and Daniel Michelson, Jun 2011
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Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Agenda and Meeting Minutes of Delegates (1975 - 1981), Membership Correspondence, Strategy Committee, Job Announcements, Legal Correspondence, Financial Statements, Organizational Materials, 1975-1985, inclusive
1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Field Reports, Correspondence, Publications, Union and Delegate Materials, Grievances, Handwritten Notes, Questionnaires, NLRB Files, Legal Memoranda, 1974-1986, inclusive
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LSSA Election Proceedings, Legal Files: Briefs and Memoranda, Contracts, Financial Contracts and Statistics, Reports on Financial Statements, Community Reports, 1966-1975, inclusive
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Correspondence and Administrative Materials, Membership Minutes, Employee Certification, Announcements, Contract Arbitrators Aways, Contract-Challenged Employees, Panel Evidence, Legal Briefs and Memoranda, 1973-1974, inclusive
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Legal Briefs: DC Certification LSC, Certification and Recognition Files, LSC Organization Files, Correspondence, Notes, Memorandum, Petitioner Exhibits, Salary Descriptions, 1983, inclusive
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Legal Briefs: DC Unorg and Cert -- LSC, Trial Material, 1983, inclusive
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Legal, Member, and Strategy Surveys, Handwritten Notes, Client Outreach, Reports, Local Newspapers for the Media Committee, Registration Forms, 1990-1991, inclusive
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Budget and Financial Reports, Questionaire, Committee Reports and Materials, Contract drafts, Management Demands, Handwritten Notes, Memoranda to Staff (LSSA), Board Members Matrix, 1977-1985, inclusive
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Correspondence, Strike Material, Negotiation Files, Mailing Lists, Fliers, Handwritten Notes, Budgetary Charts, 1990-1993, inclusive
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NLRB Briefs, Negotiation Materials, Contract and Questionaires, Safety and Health Reports, Salary Charts, Demonstration Files, Press Releases, Journal Advertisements, Workers' Committee, Affirmative Action Committee, 1981-1986, inclusive
10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Memoranda, Charts, LSC Fundraising, Applications, Reviews and Approvals, Union Notes, CALS Budget, Program Evaluations, Member Lists, MFY, Legal Services for the Elderly, Salary Reports, Questionaires, 1985-1986, inclusive
11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Legal Briefs, Memoranda, and Correspondence: Folger Library Material, DC Unorg, Defenders, Multi-national Monitor Press, National Law Journal, Rural Health Reports, Child Services, Organizational Directories, Publishing Information: Graphic Artists' Guild, 1984, inclusive
12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
OR Law Suit and Appeal: Papers & Pleadings -- Multi-organizational, Affidavits, Miscellaneous Research, Union Files, Portland Papers, 1985-1990, inclusive
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LSSA Negotiations, Draft of Demands, Summary of Demands, Contract Costs, Letter and Leaflets, Childcare Files, Handwritten Notes, Artwork, VDT Information, Legal Correspondence and Reports, 1988, inclusive
14 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Coalitional and Organization Memoranda, Handwritten Notes and Letters, Special Reports and Mailings, Newsletters, Correspondence, Materials Related to Procedural Policy and Jt. Union Effort for Legal Services, Wharton Papers, Save Legal Services Files, LSC Brief, 1981-1985, inclusive
15 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Newsletters, Handwritten Notes, Committee Files, Correspondence and Published Messages, Solidarity Organizations -- Letters and Donors, Demonstration Files, Affiliation Materials, Bronx Legal Services, Insurance Reports, LSC Resolutions, Funding Materials, Individual Files, Program Checklists, 1979-1982, inclusive
16 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Correspondence, Handwritten Notes, Questionaires, Reports: Salary for Legal Workers, Membership, Executive Counsel Summaries, Project Directors--Bronx, Certification Litigation, LSSA Delegation and Meeting Minutes, Executive Committee Agenda, Demonstration Files and Organization, Certification - Litigation Notes, 1973-1977, inclusive
17 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Correspondence, Memoranda, Collective Bargaining Agreements, LSSA Job Openings, Labor Bibliography, LSC Regulations, Personnel Action Forms, Reorgranization and Transition Offices, Budgetary Paperwork, 1988-1992, inclusive
18 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
LSSA Negotiation Files, Correspondence, Support Staff Resolutions, Contact Information for Elected Officials, Memoranda, Reports, Overviews for Legal Services, Phone Trees, Handwritten Notes, Charts, 1990-1991, inclusive
19 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Memoranda, Letters to the Public, Correspondence, Salary Comparison Charts, CBA -- Committee Files, Publicity and Newspaper Files, Political Correspondence, Support Data, Strike Files -- Manual, Data, and Background -- Labor Outreach, Ethics Committee, Strike Funds, Labor Newspapers, Press, Radio and Contacts, Statements of Support from Politicians,, 1979, inclusive
20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Loan Reports, Legal Correspondence, NAPIL Materials, Student Loan Forgiveness, LSC Appropriations, OH (Unorg) Pro Seniors, National Youth Law Services, Finance and Deficit Reduction, Reports, Charts, and Notes, National Organization of Legal Service Workers -- Folder with Component Paperwork, Convention Organizing, 1990-1992, inclusive
21 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
National Lawyer's Guild Fax and Materials, Mailing, Phone Calls, BETI, Bargaining, Insurance Information, Staff Notes (Handwritten), Immigration Project, State Files, 1990-1991, inclusive
22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Strikes, Mailing Lists, Phone Trees, Legal Correspondence, Handwritten Notes, Reports, Leaflets, 1991, inclusive
23 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Insurance Files -- Theft, Liability, LSSA Material -- Job Announcements, Credit Union Deposits, Budget Crisis, CALS Board Minutes, Board of Directors Matrix, CALS Training Announcements, Affiliation Recognition, Conventions, Committees, Staff Meeting Minutes, CALS Restructuring, 1978-1985, inclusive
24 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Organizing Drive, Il, Gd, DC, GHA -- Binder: Group Health Association Personnel Policies, 1979-1984, inclusive
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Tribunals: Individual Files, Exhibits, Union, Union Hearings, Membership List, SCAB Hearings, Finds, LSSA Correspondence, Hearing Proceedings, 1979, inclusive
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Dorkin Files: Union Activity, Job Announcements, Salaries, Correspondence, Demands and Offers, Action Plans, Budgetary Files, Handwritten Notes, 1980-1986, inclusive
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CSDF Files, Budget Projections, CALS Restructuring, Support Centers, CALS Support, Bronx Evaluation, Caseload States by Project, Committee Files, Contract Questionaires, Negotiation Notes, 1981-1986, inclusive
28 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
PRS Northwest Mississippi, NMRLS United League Tour, Leaflets and Literature, Flyers, Press, Newspaper Clippings and Newsletters, Handwritten Notes, Correspondence, Miscellaneous and Support Files, 1978-1979, inclusive
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Lawsuit and LSC Personnel Files, Grant Conditions, Houseman Materials, Refunding Application, Labor Law Preemption, Affidavits & Exhibits Union, LSC Materials, 1990, inclusive
30 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
CALS Restructuring Files, Questionaires, CALS Board and Budget Meetings, Resolution Management, Manhattan Legal Services, Funding and Trust Fund Files, Contract Votes, Membership Meetings, and Fact Sheets, Correspondence and Program Committee, 1982-1984, inclusive
31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Legal Transcripts: Community Action for Legal Services Employer and Legal Services Staff Association, 1984-1985, inclusive
32 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Agenda and Meeting Minutes: 1980 - 1981, Correspondence, Handwritten Notes, Filings, Membership Mailings, Newsletters and old copies of LSSA News, Directories, Member Addresses, Benefits, Insurance, and Legal Services Files, Graphics and Logos, 1977-1985, inclusive
33 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Minutes from the Board of Directors Meeting, Legal Transcripts: Community Action for Legal Services Inc. and Legal Services Staff Association; National Organization of Legal Service Workers, et. al., 1981-1986, inclusive
34 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Negotiation Materials and Demands, LSSA NLRB Changes, Contract Demands, Contract Drafts across different Stages, Correspondence, Settlement and Settlement Changes, Demand Withdrawals, CBA Files, LSSA Meetings and Demands, LSSA Unit Clarification Petition, 1976-1979, inclusive
35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Transcripts of Legal Services Corporation Board of Directors Meeting, Audit and Accumulation Meeting Transcripts, Financial Statements, Memoranda, 1983-1986, inclusive
36 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Individual Files and Project Development for Legal Services, Political Acciont Questionaires, Pension Plans, VDT Clippings, Correspondence, Action Press, Scientific Literature on Asbestos, Delegates Mailings, Dues Referendum, Announcements, Fliers and Leaflets, Meeting Notices, Betterment Fees, Salary Materials, CALS Management Evaluation, 1987-1992, inclusive
37 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
LSC Board Meetings (1987 & 1988), Board of Directors Operation and Regulation Meetings, Memoranda and Reports, Agendas, Handwritten Notes, Correspondence, Mailing Lists, 1987-1990, inclusive
38 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Public Defender Conference Materials, Defenders Incorporated, Notes, Documents, Mailings, Literature, Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1978-1984, inclusive
39 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Organization Files: CALS Restructuring Proposal, Budgetary Materials, South African Conference, Board Composition of CALS, Audit Files, Bugets, Community Board Meeting Files and Correspondence, Allocations, New Member Materials, LSSA Holiday Party Materials, Retrenchment, Training, Post-Office Material, Temporary Employee Files, Leaftlets, Handwritten Notes, Newsletters, 1981-1984, inclusive
40 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Newsletters: Prints, Drafts, and Notes, Parties and Events, Picnics, Outings, Holidays, Legal Analysis, Payroll changes and administration, Retroactive Pay, Staff Development, Dues, Education Fund, 1979-1986, inclusive
41 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Organizing Drive Materials, LSE Individual Employee Fines, Testimonies, Bookeeping, Correspondence, Finance, Grievances, NY (Unorg), NOWLDEF, Statements and Reports, Newspaper Clippings, Fliers, Pamphlets, Individual Files, Handwritten Notes, 1980-1983, inclusive
42 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Personnel Files, Individual Correspondence, Overtime Grievances, Asbestos Litigation, CALS files, Notes, Mailings, Paralegal Studies, 1981-1990, inclusive
43 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Disbursements, Hardship Fund Requests, Correspondence, Handwritten Notes, Checks and Account Payments, Picket Cards, Joint Contracts, Expenses, Handwritten Notes,, 1990, inclusive
44 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Meeting Minutes and Staff Administration Contracts, Briefs and Audits, CCR Staff Meeting Minutes, Personnel Committee Files, CCR Board Meeting Files, Salary Committee Files, Legal Correspondence, Pamphlets, and Dockets, 1992-1994, inclusive
45 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Legal Transcripts, Respondent-Employer's Post-Hearing Brief: Communit Action for Legal Services, Inc. and Legal Services Staff Association District 65, United Auto Workers,, 1984, inclusive
46 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
State Legal Workers and TLSU Files, Expenses Reimbursement, Correspondences, Briefs and Legal Motions, Memoranda, Budget, 1986-1989, inclusive
47 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
CALS Board Minutes, Budget Modifications, Fundraising Attempts and Labor Negotiations, Dues and Dues check-off, Correspondence-General, Fundraising, Political Activity Rules and Regulations, NLADA, Contract Articles in LSC, Evaluations, CALS Financial Statements and Records, Board Minutes, 1975-1976, inclusive
48 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Handwritten Notes, Correspondence, Union - LSSA Delegates and Executive Board, History, Firings, Delagates Training, Officers, Executive Council Minutes, CALS Regional Evalution, Support Files, Funding by City Counsel, CALS Executive Council Minutes, Log Sheets, Fundraising, CALS Restructuring, Pamphlets, Leaflets, and Newsletters, Reports and Memoranda, 1981-1986, inclusive
49 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Archived Website
The National Organization of Legal Services Workers (NOLSW), UAW Local 2320, represents the majority of those who work in federally-funded legal services programs across the United States. The local also represents workers in other types of law offices, various human services programs and other agencies. The website includes news listings, strike listings, meeting information, gallery of images, office locations, lists of union officers, and other information.