United Telegraph Workers Records
Call Number
Language of Materials
The United Telegraph Workers was an American labor union representing commercial telegraph operators. The Commercial Telegraphers Union of America (CTUA) in 1903 and changed its name to the United Telegraph Workers in 1968 and merged with the Communications Workers of America in 1986. The United Telegraph Workers Records includes records of predecessor and rival unions, correspondence, bargaining files, bulletins, convention records, legal files, photographs, charters, and badges. Materials date from 1928 to 1996, with the bulk of the material dating from 1940 to 1986.
Historical Note
The Commercial Telegraphers Union of America, emerged from a series of struggles between smaller unions of private and postal telegraph workers. The Commercial Telegraphers Union was founded in 1902 and merged with the Order of Commercial Telegraphers to form the Commercial Telegraphers Union of America (CTUA) in 1903. Percy Thomas and I. J. McDonald were elected associate presidents and the new union had approximately 8000 members in 60 locals across the United States and Canada. Throughout its existence, the CTUA fought for improved wages, equal pay for women in the CTUA's membership, employee pensions, and other issues. The CTUA changed its name to the United Telegraph Workers in 1968 and merged with the Communications Workers of America in 1986.
The records are arranged in 11 series. Folders are generally arranged chronologically within each series. The series arrangement of the records is as follows:
I, History and Jurisdictional Disputes
II, Internal Structure and Divisions of the CTU/UTW
III, Correspondence
IV, Bulletins
V, Convention Proceedings
VI, Indexed Arbitrations
VII, Collective Bargaining Materials
VIII, Joint Labor-Management Task Force/Quality of Work Life
IX, Subsidiaries Case
X, Arbitration Appeals and Negotiations XI, Photographs, Badges, and Charters
Scope and Content Note
The United Telegraph Workers Records includes records of predecessor and rival unions, correspondence, national office bulletins, convention proceedings and resolutions, election materials, organizational and industry histories, articles of agreement, contracts, arbitrations, legal documents, collective bargaining and strike materials, materials related to the Joint Labor Management Task Force and Quality of Work Life Program, photographs, badges and charters. Materials date from 1928 to 1996.
Conditions Governing Access
Materials are open without restrictions.
Conditions Governing Use
Copyright (or related rights to publicity and privacy) for materials in this collection, created by the United Telegraph Workers was not transferred to New York University. Permission to use materials must be secured from the copyright holder.
Preferred Citation
Identification of item, date; United Telegraph Workers Records; WAG 144; box number; folder number; Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University.
Location of Materials
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Donated by the Communications Workers of America / United Telegraph Workers Bargaining Council in 1995. The accession numbers associated with this gift are 1995.018, 1995.019 and NPA.1995.012. An additional donation of 19 boxes of Arbitration Appeals and Negotiations Records (Series X) was made circa 2005.
The accession number NPA.2001.019 is also associated with this collection.
About this Guide
Processing Information
Photographs were separated from this collection during processing and were established as a separate collection, the United Telegraph Workers Photographs (PHOTOS 146). In 2013, the photograph collection was reincorporated into the United Telegraph Workers Records (WAG 144).
Revisions to this Guide
Edition of this Guide
Series I: History & Jurisdictional Disputes
Scope and Content Note
Series includes histories of the CTU, and the Association Western Union Employees, brief histories of technology and the technological changes that affected the telegraph industry; and materials relating to the various organizations which were competing for membership in the telegraph industry. Includes election materials, War Labor Board and National Labor Relations Board cases; arbitrations, articles of agreement, mergers and amalgamation agreements.
Constitution, 1945, inclusive
History, 1928-1996, inclusive
History, 1928-1996, inclusive
History, 1928-1996, inclusive
History, 1928-1996, inclusive
History, 1928-1996, inclusive
History, 1928-1996, inclusive
History Telegraph, 1928-1996, inclusive
AFL v. CIO (CTU/Radio Officers Union (ROU)/American; Communications Association (ACA), 1937, inclusive
Association Western Union Employees (AWUE) Assembly; (Boston, Mass), 1937, inclusive
Western Union (Western Union) election (Atlanta, Georgia); Telegraph Employees Union, 1940, inclusive
Western Union Division established (Articles of Agreement), 1942, inclusive
CTU AFL and Telegraph Employees (Federal) Union; (Agreement), 1943-1948, inclusive
AFL v. ACA (CTU/ROU), 1941-1942, inclusive
Anti ACA campaign literature, 1943, inclusive
Western Union ACA hearing; National War Labor Board (transcript), Dec 30, 1943Apr 24, 1944
AFL v. ACA; Election NLRB, 1943-1947, inclusive
Election, NLRB; AFL v. ACA (CTU), Sept. '46 May '47, 1943-1947, inclusive
ACA Western Union Arbitration, 1947, inclusive
ACA Western Union 1950, 1966 (Articles of Agreement; correspondence), 1950 , 1966, inclusive
Western Union/Postal Telegraph merger; 1943 (FCC), 1943, inclusive
Western Union/Postal Telegraph merger (printed; documents/information), 1943, inclusive
National War Labor Board; Arbitration (Western Union (Western Union)/Postal merger; Western Union ACA TEU merger), 1944, inclusive
AFL Western Union agreement, 1946, inclusive
CTU charters to Western Union Employees Union; Western Union Telegraph; Union (Amalgamation Agreement), 1948-1949, inclusive
Merger Agreement Western Union Federal Unions (National Bargaining; Committee), 1949, inclusive
Contract Western Union AFL, 1949, inclusive
Amalgamation Agreement (Telegraph Workers), 1951, inclusive
Western Union Commercial Telegraphers Union (CTU) Re organization effort, 1952, inclusive
Series II: Internal Structure and Divisions of the CTU/UTW
Scope and Content Note
Series includes materials related to the structure, the numerous reorganization plans, and records relating to the various divisions within the union. These include the Southern, Southwestern, and Western Union Divisions, the Canadian Pacific Division and the Press Divisions, representing the Associated Press (A.P.) And the United Press International (U.P.I.). Materials include correspondence, election, bargaining and strike materials.
Western Union/CTU Re organization effort, 1953, inclusive
Western Union/CTU Re organization effort, 1954, inclusive
Re organization (1955 1957 Proposed re organization and; opposition; correspondence), 1955, inclusive
Re organization (proposed), 1955, inclusive
Re organization (proposal), 1955, inclusive
Correspondence 1955, proposed re organization, 1956-1957, inclusive
Amalgamation agreement, 1961, inclusive
Re organization CTU Western Union (merger Southern and Western; Divisions), 1963, inclusive
Re organization (CTU October 18, 1965 consolidated into one; Unit), 1965, inclusive
So. Division, October 3 4 (merger of So. and West. Divs., CTU), 1966, inclusive
CTU/merger Western Union Division, 1967, inclusive
CTU Western Union (proposed merger), 1968, inclusive
Merger Southern, Southwestern and Western Union Divs., 1968, inclusive
merger #2 Southern, Southwestern, Western Union Divs., 1968, inclusive
Merger Agreements; 1968; 1969; Southern and Southwestern Divs., 1928-1996, inclusive
CTU Name change (proposed), 1968, inclusive
Merger talks #1; continued negotiations (February October), 1985, inclusive
#2 (February October 1985); (November '85 January'86), 1985, inclusive
Div. 1, Div. 43 (Canadian Pacific); CTU Correspondence (arbitration, attorney's fees), 1966-1967, inclusive
CTU Canadian Pacific Division #1; (Amended) By laws, 1928-1996, inclusive
Div. #1 Canadian Pacific; Div. #43 CTU Correspondence 1968 (contracts; other), 1968, inclusive
Div. #1/#43 Canadian Pacific CTU; Correspondence, 1969-1972, inclusive
Div. #1/#43 Canadian Pacific CTU; Correspondence, 1973, inclusive
Div. #1/#43 Canadian Pacific/CTU/UTW; Correspondence, 1974-1976, inclusive
Div. #1/#43 Canadian Pacific UTW; Correspondence, 1977, inclusive
United Press International (UPI) Div. #47; Correspondence, contracts, negotiations, by laws, 1967, inclusive
Div. #14 Correspondence, 1951-1952, inclusive
Div. #14 Associated Press (AP) "Chapel Chatter" (December '67; December'68), 1967-1968, inclusive
UTW Div. #14 AP; Correspondence, notes, Bulletins, draft contract, 1928-1996, inclusive
UTW Div. #14 AP; Correspondence, notes, Bulletins, 1980-1983, inclusive
UTW Div. #14 Arbitration (Brief), 1984, inclusive
UTW Div. #14 Contract negotiations, notes, Bulletins, 1996, inclusive
NLRB; strike flyer, stickers, 1928-1996, inclusive
UTW Div. #14 AP; Disaffiliation Div. # 14 UTW CWA affiliation/merger, 1987, inclusive
Series III: Correspondence
Scope and Content Note
Series includes the Presidents' correspondence, Executive Board correspondence, and correspondence of the divisions. This section includes only those materials from the E. L. Hageman and D. J. Beckstead administrations.
International President's Correspondence; E.L. Hageman, 1967-1968, inclusive
International President's Correspondence; E.L. Hageman, 1969, inclusive
International President's Correspondence; E.L. Hageman, 1970, inclusive
International President's Correspondence; E.L. Hageman, Jan 1971-Oct 1971
International President's Correspondence; D.J. Beckstead, Nov 1971-Dec 1972
International President's Correspondence; D.J. Beckstead, 1973, inclusive
International President's Correspondence; D.J. Beckstead, 1974, inclusive
International President's Correspondence; D.J. Beckstead, 1975, inclusive
International President's Correspondence; D.J. Beckstead, 1976, inclusive
International President's Correspondence WUBRISA Pension revisions, 1975-1976, inclusive
International President's Correspondence; D.J. Beckstead, 1977 , 1978 , 1979, inclusive
IEB Correspondence #1, Jan 1965-Apr 1966
IEB Correspondence #2, May 1966-Dec 1966
IEB Correspondence #1, Jan 1967-Apr 1967
IEB Correspondence #2, May 1967-Dec 1967
IEB Correspondence, 1968, inclusive
TEB Correspondence, 1969, inclusive
IEB Correspondence, 1971, inclusive
Board of Trustees So. Div. Western Union correspondence, 1966-1969, inclusive
Div. #47 United Press (B.C. Red Appeal), 1928-1996, inclusive
Div. #47; (Appeal; Election of Officers, 1948-1952, inclusive
Div. #43; Western Dist. CTU (correspondence, overtime dispute), 1945, inclusive
Div. #61 Appeal;; William Howard Harris, 1942-1943, inclusive
Appeal #61, 1947, inclusive
DuPont, Organizing Drive, CTU, 1955, inclusive
The CTU Leader Local 146, NYC, Mar 1957
General correspondence (includes Taft Hartley), 1940-1983, inclusive
PTTI (Postal, Telegraph and Telephone International); correspondence, programs, CWA convention, 1928-1996, inclusive
Western Union News: April 15, 1968; March 12, 1973; August 1973 January; 1976; Western Union News: January 21, 1953 Reperforator: 1963, E.L. Hageman, 1953-1973, inclusive
CTU Letterhead, 1928-1996, inclusive
Series IV: Bulletins
Scope and Content Note
Issued by the national office, the collection includes bulletins from 1959 to 1989.
Bulletins' CTU/LJTW Western Union Div., 1959, inclusive
Bulletins, 1960, inclusive
Bulletins, 1961, inclusive
Bulletins, 1962, inclusive
Bulletins, 1963, inclusive
Bulletins, 1964, inclusive
Bulletins, 1965, inclusive
Bulletins, 1966, inclusive
Bulletins, 1967, inclusive
Bulletins, 1968, inclusive
Bulletins, 1969, inclusive
Bulletins, 1970, inclusive
Bulletins, 1971, inclusive
Bulletins, 1972, inclusive
Bulletins, 1973, inclusive
Bulletins, 1974, inclusive
Bulletins, 1975, inclusive
Bulletins, 1976, inclusive
Bulletins, 1977, inclusive
Bulletins, 1978, inclusive
Bulletins, 1979, inclusive
Bulletins, 1980, inclusive
Bulletins, 1981, inclusive
Bulletins, 1987, inclusive
Bulletins, 1988, inclusive
Bulletins, 1989, inclusive
Series V: Convention Proceedings
Scope and Content Note
The proceedings date from 1928 (the 14th Regular Convention) and end with 1994's Special Convention. The CTU Western Union Division Convention Proceedings follow, beginning with 1942 and ending in 1975. The materials include typescript proceedings, reports, miscellaneous documents..
CTU Convention proceedings; Vol. I (14th Reg. Convention), 1928, inclusive
CTU Convention proceedings; Vol. H (14th Reg. Convention), 1928, inclusive
CTU Convention (18th Reg. Convention); proceedings, officers reports, 1939, inclusive
CTU Convention (19th Reg. Convention); proceedings, officers reports, 1941, inclusive
CTU Convention (20th Reg. Convention); proceedings, officers reports, 1943, inclusive
CTU Convention (21 st Reg. Convention); proceedings, officers reports, 1945, inclusive
CTU Convention (22nd Reg. Convention); proceedings, officers reports, 1947, inclusive
CTU Convention (23rd Reg. Convention); proceedings, officers reports, 1949, inclusive
CTU Convention; 23rd Reg. Convention, 1949, inclusive
CTU Convention Book Vol. 11, 1949, inclusive
CTU Convention (24th Reg. Convention) proceedings, officers reports, 1951, inclusive
CTU Convention (25th Reg. Convention) proceedings, officers reports, 1953, inclusive
CTU Convention (26th Reg. Convention) proceedings, officers reports, 1955, inclusive
CTU Convention (27th Reg. Convention) proceedings, officers reports, 1957, inclusive
CTU Convention bills, resolutions, minutes (annotated) proceedings, officers reports, 1957, inclusive
CTU Convention (28th Reg. Convention) proceedings, officers reports, 1959, inclusive
CTU Convention minutes, resolutions, reports (annotated), 1959, inclusive
CTU Convention Bills, IEB reports, Committee reports, minutes post Convention, IEB, 1959, inclusive
CTU Convention (29th Reg. Convention) proceedings, officers reports, 1961, inclusive
CTU International Convention reports, bills, misc., 1961, inclusive
CTU Convention (30th Reg. Convention) proceedings, officers reports, 1963, inclusive
CTU Convention minutes. reports, bills, 1963, inclusive
CTU Convention (31 st Reg. Convention) proceedings. officers reports, 1967, inclusive
CTU Convention minutes, resolutions, bills, reports, notes, 1967, inclusive
UTW Convention (32nd Reg. Convention) officers reports, 1971, inclusive
UTW Convention (33rd Reg. Convention); proceedings, 1975, inclusive
"Convention resolutions" petitions, 1975, inclusive
Convention Local 48 petitions, 1975, inclusive
UTW Convention (34th International Convention); proceedings, 1977, inclusive
UTW Convention (35th Reg. Convention); proceedings, 1979, inclusive
UTW Convention (36th International Convention); proceedings, 1981, inclusive
UTW Convention (37th International Convention); proceedings, 1983, inclusive
Convention re organization; correspondence, 1985-1986, inclusive
Convention Re organization; correspondence, 1986, inclusive
Convention re organization, 1986 correspondence, #2, 1986, inclusive
1986 Convention re organization; (#3 July September), 1986-1986, inclusive
1986 Convention re organization; proceedings, agendas, reports, resolutions, 1986-1986, inclusive
Special Convention; reports, committees, 1986, inclusive
Special Convention; proceedings, 1986, inclusive
Special Convention; resolutions (book, other), Apr 1986
Convention re organization; Board Orders, 1986, inclusive
Convention re organization; delegates, offices, UAW merger proposal, 1986, inclusive
Special Convention; by laws, credentials, 1986, inclusive
Local UTW, 1928-1996, inclusive
Convention re organization; Notes, 1986, inclusive
Convention re organization; background, documents, correspondence, 1986, inclusive
UTW Special Convention (38th International Convention October'86), 1986, inclusive
Special Convention UTW proceedings, 1986, inclusive
UTW Convention (39th International Convention); proceedings, 1989, inclusive
CWA/UTW Bargaining Council; proceedings First Regular Convention, 1991, inclusive
CWA/UTW proceedings, officers reports; 7 Bargaining Council Second Reg. Conv, 1993, inclusive
CWA/UTW Bargaining Council 2nd Convention Resolutions, 1993, inclusive
CWA/UTW Bargaining Council proceedings Special Convention, 1994, inclusive
proceedings, officers reports; 3rd.Annual Convention Western Union Division CTU AFL, 1942, inclusive
Correspondence reports, greetings, Western Union Div., CTU Convention, 1942, inclusive
Western Union Div. CTU Convention; correspondence, reports, delegates' credentials, 1943, inclusive
CTU AFL Western Union Div. officers reports, 1943, inclusive
proceedings, officers reports, other; Western Union Div. Fifth Annual Convention, 1945, inclusive
Convention proceedings, officers reports, CTU Western Union Div. other, 1946, inclusive
Convention proceedings, officers reports, other CTU Western Union Div., 1947, inclusive
Convention proceedings, officers reports; CTU Western Union Div., 1948, inclusive
Convention transcripts; bills, credentials, other; CTU Western Union Div., 1948, inclusive
Convention proceedings, officers reports, other; CTU Western Union Div., 1949, inclusive
Convention proceedings, officers reports; CTU Western Union Div., 1951, inclusive
Proposed Amendments, resolutions, appeals convention; CTU Western Union Div., 1951, inclusive
Convention minutes, delegates, lists, credentials; CTU Western Union Div., 1951, inclusive
Correspondence (1950 1951); CTU Western Union Div. Convention, 1951, inclusive
Resolutions; other CTU Western Union Div., 1951, inclusive
Convention proceedings, officers reports, CTU Western Union Div., 1953, inclusive
Convention proposed amendments; CTU Western Union Div., 1953, inclusive
Resolutions, 1 91; 93 206; CTU Western Union Div., 1953, inclusive
Resolutions #207 280; Agenda items approved, 1953, inclusive
Convention minutes; Special Convention minutes October 21, 1953; with Amalgamation Agreement, 1953, inclusive
correspondence, delegates lists, reports, credentials; CTU Western Union Div. Convention, 1953, inclusive
Convention proceedings, officers reports; CTU Western Union Convention, 1955, inclusive
Resolutions, appeals, correspondence; CTU VVU Div. Convention, 1955, inclusive
Resolutions; CTU Western Union Div. Convention, 1955, inclusive
Contract resolutions; CTU Western Union Div. Convention, 1955, inclusive
Minutes, reports, proceedings, delegates, committees, credentials; CTU Western Union Div. Convention, 1955, inclusive
Convention proceedings, officers reports, program; CTU Western Union Div. Convention, 1957, inclusive
Committee reports, drafts; CTU Western Union Div. Convention, 1957, inclusive
Resolutions, drafts; CT U Western Union, 1957, inclusive
By laws, Resolutions Book, CTU Western Union Convention, 1957, inclusive
Contract Resolutions Book; CTU Western Union Div,. Convention, 1957, inclusive
Convention correspondence, telegrams, notes; CTU Western Union Div., 1957, inclusive
Delegates lists, credentials, correspondence; CTU Western Union Div. Convention, 1957, inclusive
Convention proceedings, officers reports; CTU Western Union Div. Convention, 1959, inclusive
1959 Convention Correspondence, 1957 , 1958 , 1959, inclusive
Convention CTU Western Union; Resolutions Book, annotated, 1959, inclusive
Resolutions Book, annotated, notes, 1959, inclusive
Contract Resolutions Book, 1959, inclusive
Contract Resolutions Book (annotated), 1959, inclusive
Convention Minneapolis Convention Brochures, 1959, inclusive
Convention proceedings, officers reports CTU Western Union, 1961, inclusive
Resolutions Book, 1961, inclusive
Contract Resolutions Book, 1961, inclusive
(1960 1961); correspondence CTU Western Union, 1961, inclusive
preliminary credentials; Convention materials CTU Western Union, 1961, inclusive
Speech, draft CTU Western Union Convention, 1961, inclusive
Greetings to Convention; Announcements, 1961, inclusive
Program flyers, Convention delegates info., 1961, inclusive
Charter, revisions Convention CTU Western Union, 1961, inclusive
Reports, resolutions; CTU Western Union Convention, 1961, inclusive
Reports and resolutions, approved (CTU Western Union Convention), 1961, inclusive
Bills, resolutions; CTU Western Union Div. Convention, 1961, inclusive
Reports to the Convention, 1961, inclusive
Convention proceedings, officers reports, 1963, inclusive
proceedings, notes, telegrams, correspondence, 1963, inclusive
Reports and Resolutions Book, 1963, inclusive
Resolutions Book, 1963, inclusive
Reports, resolutions, correspondence, drafts; credentials, other, 1963, inclusive
Convention proceedings, officers reports; CTU Western Union Convention, 1965, inclusive
Resolutions Book, 1928-1996, inclusive
Contract Resolutions Book, 1965, inclusive
Proceedings, resolutions, correspondence, arrangements w/ notes, 1965, inclusive
Convention Extra notes, reports, credentials, ballot, index, 1965, inclusive
Convention proceedings, officers reports, credentials, other, 1967, inclusive
Resolutions Book, 1967, inclusive
Contract Resolutions Book, 1967, inclusive
Convention proceedings, correspondence, arrangements, notes, 1969, inclusive
Convention proceedings, officers reports, credentials, 1969, inclusive
Resolutions. Book UTW Western Union Div., 1969, inclusive
Contract Resolutions Book UTW VVU Div., 1969, inclusive
UTW minutes Convention mailed for approval, 1928-1996, inclusive
correspondence, notes, reports, proceedings, credentials., 1969, inclusive
proceedings, all correspondence, 1969, inclusive
UTW Western Union Convention; officers reports, 1971, inclusive
Convention proceedings, 1975, inclusive
Convention Resolutions Book, 1975, inclusive
Contract Resolutions Book, 1975, inclusive
Series VI: Indexed Arbitrations
Arbitrations Index #3 A, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations, 1949-1953, inclusive
Arbitrations #19 39, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #40 58, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #59 70, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #71 82, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #83 90, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #91 100, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #101 118, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #119 125, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #121 136, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #137 145, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #146 155, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #156 163, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #165 177, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #178 184, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #185 196, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations # 197 207, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #208 220, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #221 229, 1928-1996, inclusive
Arbitrations #230 237, 1928-1996, inclusive
Series VII: Collective Bargaining Materials
Scope and Content Note
The bulk of the materials in the series relates to the effort to implement a job classification system through collective bargaining. Western Union successfully avoided this standard corporate practice until the 1940's. While collective bargaining materials related to other employers such as the Bendix Field Engineering Company (satellite tracking at Goddard Space Center, near Washington, D.C) is included, the bulk of the materials relate to Western Union. Collective bargaining materials related to the divisions are included (e.g., Canadian; Press). Strike materials (bulletins, correspondence, press releases) are included in this section. Two boxes at the end of the series contain Exhibit materials, and Western Union bargaining records, 1946-1949, originating with CWA District 6 (Texas).
The materials related to the 53 day strike in 1952 are of exceptional depth. Materials include correspondence, strike bulletins, notes, news clips, company and union financial data, and public relations materials, such as radio broadcasts.
Job Class. Bulletins;.#l, #36, Dec 1945-Sep 29, 1947
War Labor Board Award: #Postal Merger Case, 1944-1946, inclusive
Agreements, Western Union;, 1945-1949, inclusive
Arbitrations Western Union National Coordinating Board AFL; CTU; ACA, 1928-1996, inclusive
Wages, rates, Job Classification Western Union 1940s (40 hour, night shift; differential), 1940-1949, inclusive
Job Classification Correspondence stipulations, other, 1945, inclusive
Job Classification correspondence, stipulations, other, 1946, inclusive
Job Classification correspondence, stipulations, other, 1947, inclusive
Job Classification correspondence, stipulations, other, 1948-1949, inclusive
Job Classification descriptions titles, levels, agreements, 1946, inclusive
Wage rates, Job Classification, 1946 , 1947 , 1948, inclusive
Job Classification, 1946 , 1948, inclusive
Job Classification, 1948, inclusive
Job Classification, correspondence (Appendix B), 1949, inclusive
Job Classification, correspondence, 1950-1953, inclusive
Wage schedule Job Classification titles and descriptions, 1950, inclusive
Wage schedule Job Classification, 1952, inclusive
Minutes, notes, T. Freeman (40 hour work week), 1952, inclusive
Job Classification stipulations, 1953, inclusive
Job Classification correspondence (Appendix B), 1954, inclusive
Job Classification, wage schedule, 1954, inclusive
Job Classification correspondence (Appendix B), 1955-1956, inclusive
Contract correspondence; stipulations; ballot; strike vote, 1956, inclusive
Contract agenda; NBC bulletins (Job Classification, other), 1956-1957, inclusive
Contract agenda, Job Classification, other, 1956-1957, inclusive
Job Classification, (Jan. March) correspondence, 1957-1958, inclusive
Correspondence , Job Classification (April), 1957-1958, inclusive
Job Classification correspondence (May July), 1957-1958, inclusive
Job Classification correspondence (August October), 1957-1958, inclusive
Job Classification correspondence (November-December'57, January'58), 1957-1958, inclusive
Bargaining stipulations (Western Union) (#1 57), 1957, inclusive
Bargaining stipulations (VV U) (#2 57), 1957, inclusive
Bargaining stipulations (Western Union) (#2 57) (#3 57), 1957, inclusive
Bargaining stipulations (Western Union), 1957, inclusive
Proposals, agreements, wage schedules (effective 1/1/57), 1957, inclusive
Job Classification Revision, 1957, inclusive
Job Classification (revision), 1957, inclusive
Contract agenda, National Bargaining Committee CTU, 1958, inclusive
Contract agenda, company work sheets, 1958, inclusive
Contract negotiations notes, correspondence, other, 1958, inclusive
Division and District; Headquarters Seniority list, 1958, inclusive
Stipulations #1 30, 1 23 '58, Dist. re organization; #2 58, 1 23 '58, Dist. Sales Program, 1958, inclusive
Appendix A, Job Classification Western Union, 1958-1960, inclusive
Job Classification revision, Part #1 1/1/1959, 1959, inclusive
Job Classification revisions, Part #2 1/1/1959, 1959, inclusive
Stip. #1 59 23 59; Transfer of Dist. headquarters to Div. headquarters, 1959, inclusive
Contract negotiations (correspondence, notes, other) #1 (1959 61 Documents), 1960, inclusive
contract negotiations #2, 1960, inclusive
contract negotiations #3, 1960, inclusive
Appendix B, correspondence (includes documents from 1954 1960), 1958 , 1959 , 1960, inclusive
Job Classification statistics, 1957-1960, inclusive
correspondence, contracts, Job Classification and stipulations, 1960, inclusive
Stipulations. #2 60 Transfer of Work Chicago warehouse; #5 60 Switching Clerks #6 60 time keeping, clerical transfers, 1960, inclusive
Stip. #1 61 Computer Center Tech. Apprentice, 1960, inclusive
Stip 7/27/1961 #2 61, Re classification of job tides: Printer; Maintainer to Plant Maintainer, 1961, inclusive
stipulations. re alignments of Reperforator Centers, NBC; meeting; San Francisco, November 7/13/62, notes, subsequent correspondence, 1962, inclusive
stipulations; NBC and Co. meetings, June. 10 21, 1963; Stip. 1) overseas bonus amendment 2 63, 3 63, 4 63 2) Western Union sales Department re organization 3) Field Engineers dilution 4) Relief Microwave Maintainer (signed copies), 1963, inclusive
Stipulations establishment of Reg'I offices and Reperforator re alignment, notes, 1964, inclusive
Stipulations. St. 1 65 Regional offices (April 3, 1965); additional company credit for early retirement Stip. 2 65, 1965, inclusive
Stip. AUTODIN (3/11/66); (notes on meetings with Galbreath), 1966, inclusive
Stip. Establishment of the Western Union Material Management Department; Home Office NYC August 8, 1967, 1967, inclusive
Stipulations. 1) Stipulation #3 67 co service credits for early retirement 10/6/67, signed copy 2) Stipulation #4 67 (signed copy) notes: NBC Co. meeting November 20, 1967; Edits Friday payday, 1967, inclusive
Stipulations, 1968, inclusive
Stipulations #3 68 proposed (seniority lists of affected districts), 1968, inclusive
Job Classification, negotiations work sheets; (Los Angeles) #1, 1969, inclusive
Job Classification negotiations work sheets (L.A. #2), 1969, inclusive
Dist. of Jobs, Job Classification Fund L.A. (1/28/69 2/28/69), 1969, inclusive
Job Classification negotiations (Stips. 1 69; 2 69 and 3 69), 1969, inclusive
Job Classification negotiations #2 L.A. (proposal notes), 1969, inclusive
Job Classification negotiations #3 (Hand written notes), 1969, inclusive
Stipulations. #7 69 mechanization of book keeping functions; #8 69 Transfer of telephone recording work to Mt. Vernon, 1969, inclusive
Stipulations. (#I); 19/14 1 69, 2 69, 3 69, 4 69: Amendments to 3 68, Billing and mechanization, 1969, inclusive
Stipulations. 1969 (#2), 5 69 TWX Acquisition, 1969, inclusive
Stip. #3; Stip. 8 69; notes, 1969, inclusive
Stipulations #1, #5, 4 70 through #14 70; Oct 5, 1970 uncompleted CCC, CTB (Centralized Telephone Bureau), CSP Nov 6, 1970 Mailgram., 1970, inclusive
Stipulations. #2, #5 70, 1970, inclusive
contract negotiations, 1971, inclusive
contract negotiations, 1971, inclusive
contract negotiations statistics, correspondence, other, 1971, inclusive
contract negotiations (bulletins, press, contract, flyers), 1971, inclusive
stipulations. # 1 71; 2 71; 3 71, 1971, inclusive
negotiations on. mechanization, bookkeeping stipulations #2 72; R. C. Brockert, N.V.P. correspondence, 5/1/72, 2/2/73, 1972, inclusive
negotiations on mechanization stipulations (R. C. Brockert), 1972, inclusive
Stipulations. stip #1 72, Early Retirement Plan #2 72 Area Mechanization Program (cashier, credit, collection, bookkeeping, consolidation, mechanization), 1972, inclusive
Co. Job Classification Proposal (revised), ??? July 17, 1973; R. C. Brockert #1, 1973, inclusive
Co. Job Classification Proposal #2, 1973, inclusive
Co. and NBC contract negotiations notes (R. C. Brockert) #1, 1973, inclusive
notes #2 contract negotiations, 1973, inclusive
notes #3 contract negotiations, 1973, inclusive
contract agreement #1 Stip. 3 73 and 4 73 (amendments and changes; N.V.P. Brockert), 1973, inclusive
Stip. #2, 1973, inclusive
Stip. #3, 1973, inclusive
Contract negotiations Book #1 (a), 1973, inclusive
Contract negotiations Book #1 (b), 1973, inclusive
Contract negotiations Book #2 (a), 1973, inclusive
Contract negotiations Book #2 (b), 1973, inclusive
Economic Stabilization, Phase III Cost of Living Council (CLQ, 1973, inclusive
Contract negotiations Job Classification changes R. C. Brockert, Oct 1972
Notes (b) changes Job Classification (R. Brockert), 1973, inclusive
Negotiations Job Classification (a), 1973, inclusive
Negotiations Job Classification (b), 1973, inclusive
Stipulations #4 73 Rates, 1973, inclusive
NBC #1 NBC matters and contract amendments, 1974-1975, inclusive
NBC NBC matters and contract amendments, 1974-1975, inclusive
NBC NBC matters and contract amendments, 1974-1975, inclusive
NBC (NBC actions completed #1 EEOC subsidiaries, 1974, inclusive
NBC (NBC Acts #2), 1974-1975, inclusive
NBC, 1974-1975, inclusive
NBC, 1974, inclusive
NBC, 1975, inclusive
Contract negotiations, 1976, inclusive
Contract negotiations notes (IBC and Co. (a)), 1976, inclusive
Contract negotiations notes (b), 1976, inclusive
Contract negotiations notes (c), 1976, inclusive
Contract negotiations notes (handwritten), 1976, inclusive
Contract negotiations IBC minutes, 1976, inclusive
Contract agreement dental plan (see IBC Bulletin #9, August 3,, 1976, inclusive
NBC #1 (matters handled), 1976-1977, inclusive
NBC #2 (matters handled), 1976-1977, inclusive
NBC #3 (matters handled), 1976-1977, inclusive
IBC, 1977, inclusive
IBC, 1977, inclusive
Contract negotiations (Brockert), 1979, inclusive
Contract negotiations, 1979, inclusive
Contract negotiations, 1979, inclusive
Contract (Western Union/VTV), 1979, inclusive
IBC Correspondence, 1978-1979, inclusive
IBC Correspondence, 1978-1979, inclusive
IBC Correspondence, 1978-1979, inclusive
Contract negotiations UTW Bargaining Unit; Employees Western Union (R. C. Brockert), 1982, inclusive
UTW Western Union Contract Negotiations (Co. Discontinued Public; Services Marketing Plan), 1982, inclusive
#1 83 organization changes and national transfers Article 22, 1983-1985, inclusive
Contract negotiations Correspondence, memos, bulletins, 1985, inclusive
Contract negotiations #2 Data, 1985, inclusive
Contract negotiations Task Force; Reductions in work force (10% wage reduction), 1985, inclusive
IBC notes (#I); Bargaining UTW/Western Union, 1985, inclusive
IBC notes #2 UTW/Western Union, 1985, inclusive
IBC notes #3, 1985, inclusive
Contract negotiations UTW/Western Union minutes, 1985, inclusive
Contract Bulletins, 1985, inclusive
Strike Authorization Ballot, 1985, inclusive
Assessment, 1985, inclusive
Contract ratification, 1985, inclusive
Contract negotiations ratification, 1985, inclusive
UTW/Western Union contract ratification, 1988, inclusive
Contract negotiations UTW/Western Union #1 CWA Bargaining Council, 1990, inclusive
Contract negotiations #2 CWA Bargaining Council, 1990, inclusive
Contract ratification Western Union referendum Contract and strike, 1990, inclusive
Western Union Printout contract ratification, 1990, inclusive
contract negotiations "New Valley"/Western Union, 1994, inclusive
Bendix organizing., 1977, inclusive
Bendix negotiations; correspondence, notes, 1977-1978, inclusive
Bendix contract drafts, 1977, inclusive
Bendix contract drafts, 1977-1978, inclusive
Bendix negotiations notes #1, 1977-1978, inclusive
Bendix negotiations notes #2, 1977-1978, inclusive
Bendix negotiations notes #3, 1977-1978, inclusive
Bendix contract negotiations correspondence (1979 80), 1980, inclusive
Bendix, Decertification campaign concurrent with negotiations, 1980, inclusive
Bendix contract Bulletins, 1980, inclusive
Bendix contract with drafts, 1980, inclusive
Bendix contract negotiations #1, 1980, inclusive
Bendix negotiations #2 (Salaried Employees Compensation and; benefits partial), 1980, inclusive
Bendix negotiations #3 notes, 1980, inclusive
Bendix/NTTF negotiations #1 correspondence, Bulletins, notes (1982 83), 1983, inclusive
Bendix/NTTF negotiations #2 (1983), 1983, inclusive
Bendix contract negotiations #3 correspondence (1984), 1983, inclusive
Bendix contract negotiation Contract, 1981, inclusive
Bendix Contract Ratification Ballots 10/16/1983, 1983, inclusive
Bendix Pension Plan Revisions, 1984, inclusive
Bendix Pension Plan Revisions ERISA, 1985, inclusive
Bendix Correspondence in regard to negotiations, 1986, inclusive
Bendix Contract negotiations, 1989, inclusive
Bendix Decertification UTW, 1989, inclusive
Nationwide Food Services contracts Stipulations. correspondence, 1952 , 1956 , 1963, inclusive
Thomson and McKinnon (Brokers) contract negotiations, 1961 , 1963, inclusive
GTE; contract ratification, 1993, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunications DIV UTW; correspondence, 1974-1979, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunications Div. UTW 1980 correspondence; (employee lists former Div. #43 National Railway CLB Election Canadian Labor Board), 1980, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunication Div. correspondence, notes, 1980, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunication Union (Div. 5) UTW; correspondence notes, arbitrations, 1981, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunications Union# 1; CP Rail, 1982, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunications Union; correspondence; notes (#2),, 1982, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunications Union; #1, 1983, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunications 7 UTW; #2, 1983, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunications Union; #1, 1984, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunications Union; #2, 1984, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunications Union; #3, 1984, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunications Union; Intervenor, 1984, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunications Union, 1985 , 1986, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunications Union UTV; Press clips; Canadian Labor Board; other, 1928-1996, inclusive
Canadian Telecommunications Union UTW; Notes (dated and undated), 1928-1996, inclusive
Canadian Press UTW Div. contracts;; (1974,'76,'78,'80,'82,'84,'87), 1974-1987, inclusive
Canadian Press UTW Div. (contracts, other), 1928-1996, inclusive
Canadian Press UTW (contracts, 1986 89), 1986-1989, inclusive
UTW contract UPI 1977, 1977, inclusive
UTW contract UPI 1979, 1979, inclusive
UTW contract UPI 1981, 1981, inclusive
UTW contract; #1 and #2 UPI, 1984, inclusive
UTW Div. #47 UPI Telegraph Workers; Correspondence, contracts, circulars, 1975-1979, inclusive
UTW Div. #47 UPI; Correspondence, notes, Pension Plan, 1980-1982, inclusive
UTW Div. #47 UPI; correspondence, notes, 1983, inclusive
UTW Div. #47 UPI; (January August) correspondence, notes, 1984, inclusive
UTW Div #47 UPI; (September December) correspondence, notes, 1984, inclusive
UTV Div #47 UPI; January June) correspondence, notes, 1985, inclusive
UTW Div. #47 UPI; (July December) correspondence, notes, 1985, inclusive
UTW Div #47 United Press International (UPI); correspondence, notes, 1986-1987, inclusive
UTW Div. #47 UPI; correspondence, notes (undated), 1928-1996, inclusive
UTW Div. #47 UPI; Wire Service messages (copies), 1928-1996, inclusive
UTW Div. #47 UPI'; Wire Service messages (originals), 1928-1996, inclusive
UTW Div. #47 UPI; Press clips (1983-85), 1983-1985, inclusive
UPI Report, Feb 28, 1984
UTW Div. #14 Associated Press (AP); contract, 1973, inclusive
UTW Div. #14 AP; contract, 1976, inclusive
UTW Div. #14 AP; contract, 1979, inclusive
UTW Div. #14 AP; contract, 1983, inclusive
UTW Div. #14 AP; contract, 1986, inclusive
UTW Div. #14 AP; correspondence, contract proposals, bulletins, resolutions, 1975-1976, inclusive
UTW Div #14 AP; correspondence, newsletters, resolutions j, 1977-1978, inclusive
Western Union Div. Financial Data (Bargaining resolutions), 1960s
Western Union #1 Pension Plan split; (Documents 1955 1983 Pension), 1969-1971, inclusive
Western Union Pension Plan split #2, 1971, inclusive
UPI strike Telegraph Workers, 1950, inclusive
Western Union pre strike: bulletins, press, picketing/line organization, 1952, inclusive
Western Union strike pickets, line organization, 1952, inclusive
Western Union strike company correspondence, Ads, other, 1952, inclusive
Western Union strike bulletins, correspondence (March April), 1952, inclusive
Western Union strike bulletins, correspondence (April), 1952, inclusive
Western Union strike Fisher & Rudge/Danville Textile strike (same attorneys), 1952, inclusive
Western Union strike press releases, radio addresses, bulletins, other ACA, 1952, inclusive
Western Union strike National Press coverage, 1952, inclusive
Western Union strike bulletins, strike agreement (original signed copy, 5/23/52), 1952, inclusive
1962; 1966 strike ballots, 1962-1966, inclusive
Western Union strike, 1928-1996, inclusive
Series VIII: Joint Labor Management Task Force/QWL
Scope and Content Note
The union and the company's effort to manage the failing fortunes of the telegraph industry are reflected in this series. The Task Force and programs related to the Joint Labor Management program include correspondence, drafts, memos, working papers, and other materials related to the QWL program devised for Western Union The agreement between the company and the union to establish the Joint labor management Board was signed in October 1985. Materials date from 1985 to 1989.
National Joint Labor/Managements Board(NJL/MB)/UTW/Western Union correspondence, 1985, inclusive
(January March) correspondence, memos, notes, 1986, inclusive
(June July) correspondence, 1986, inclusive
(August December) correspondence, 1986, inclusive
(January May) correspondence, 1987, inclusive
(June December) correspondence, 1987, inclusive
correspondence, 1988-1989, inclusive
minutes, NJL/MB, 1985-1986, inclusive
minutes, NJL/MB, 1987-1988, inclusive
Correspondence; documents; training; sample, L/M QWL, 1986, inclusive
ECR Associates, 1928-1996, inclusive
ECR Associated Training; L/M BD. Western Union "Co operative Efforts:; Management, Union and Worker, Oct 17, 1985
Training ECR Associates; "Dynamics of L/M Co operation", 1928-1996, inclusive
Training ECR Associates, 4/19/86; "Problem Solving", 1986, inclusive
Western Union documents (press releases, corporate structure chart, financial and SEC reports), 1928-1996, inclusive
JT L/M BD documents (agreement, UTW/Western Union, structure, activities, operating procedures, notes), 1928-1996, inclusive
JL/MB assessment report/data summary (based on employee interviews), 1928-1996, inclusive
Western Union assessment report NJL/MB draft letters to participants, 1928-1996, inclusive
Goals/communication program (correspondence, notes, drafts), 1928-1996, inclusive
Goals/communication program July 29, 1986; October 1, 1986, 1986, inclusive
Task Force Recognition Program, correspondence; Part 1, 1928-1996, inclusive
Task Force Recognition Program, Part 2, 1928-1996, inclusive
Task Force Recognition Report, Part 2, 7/28/86, 1986, inclusive
Task Force Product Targeted Incentives (PC Sp) (UFCW sample), 1928-1996, inclusive
Task Force SLIP (contract/maintenance/sales program), 1928-1996, inclusive
'"Employee Suggestions" pre Quality of Work Life (QWL) program, 1928-1996, inclusive
Series IX: Subsidiaries Case
Scope and Content Note
Legal materials relating to the "subsidiaries" case wherein Western Union maintained that its divisions constituted separate corporate entities. The records follow the case through the early correspondence, charges and complaints, from the NLRB to the U. S. Supreme Court.
Subsidiaries correspondence; 1972 (NLRB changes) (January August), 1972, inclusive
Subsidiaries correspondence/NLRB (September December), 1972, inclusive
Subsidiaries correspondence (NLRB changes/notes/bulletins), 1973, inclusive
Subsidiaries correspondence (NLRB amended complaint), 1974, inclusive
Subsidiaries correspondence (NLRB decision), 1975-1976, inclusive
Subsidiaries correspondence/Petition for Writ of Cert denied, 1977-1978, inclusive
UTW Bulletins notes (other), 1928-1996, inclusive
Western Union Research file (annual reports, notes, other), 1928-1996, inclusive
FCC Western Union; subsidiaries, other, 1928-1996, inclusive
Legal Research file, 1928-1996, inclusive
NLRB Hearing (transcript), Mar 18, 1974
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)(March 28) Hearing, 1974, inclusive
NLRB Hearing (March 1974) part 3, 1974, inclusive
NLRB 1974 (April 2) Hearing before Administrative Law Judge (transcript Part 4), 1974, inclusive
NLRB Brief on Behalf of Charging Party (UTW) (July 11, 1974), 1974, inclusive
NLRB Brief on Behalf of Counsel for General Counsel to Adm. Law Judge; July 12, 1974, 1974, inclusive
NLRB Brief Western Union, Jul 29, 1974
NLRB Briefs; Decision; Western Union; UTW, Jan 1975-May 1975
NLRB Decision and Order Western Union; June 1, 1976, 1976, inclusive
Appellate Court briefs 1976, 1977, 1978 (for Petition, Reply Brief), 1976-1978, inclusive
Supreme Court, U.S. petition for/against Cert.), 1928-1996, inclusive
CWA/UTW Court Case VU (correspondence, Briefs, Bulletins), 1985, inclusive
CWA/UTW case Subsidiaries, Apr 1985
correspondence, notes, other CWAJUTW Subsidiaries Case, May 1985
CWA/UTW Subsidiaries correspondence, briefs, bulletins, Jun 1985-Jul 1985
CWA/UTW Case correspondence, judgements, bulletins, Aug 1985-Sep 1985
Report SEC, 1992, inclusive
Bankruptcy Proceedings (November 24) Corporation", 1993, inclusive
Bankruptcy Proceedings (January February 14), 1992, inclusive
Bankruptcy Proceedings "New Valley", Feb 16, 1994
'"New Valley", Feb 16, 1994
Bankruptcy "New Valley", Feb 16, 1994
"New Valley, Mar 1, 1994
"New Valley", Apr 5, 1994
"New Valley", Apr 5, 1994
"New Valley", Apr 6, 1994
"New Valley", Apr 6, 1994
"New Valley", May 24, 1994
"New Valley", May 24, 1994
"New Valley", May 24, 1994
"New Valley", May 24, 1994
"New Valley", 1994, inclusive
"New Valley", Jun 10, 1994
"New Valley", Jun 15, 1994
"New Valley", Jun 15, 1994
"New Valley", Jun 20, 1994-Jun 23, 1994
"New Valley", Jul 26, 1994
"New Valley, Aug 3, 1994-Aug 19, 1994
"New Valley", Aug 22, 1994-Aug 26, 1994
"New Valley", Sep 2, 1994-Sep 12, 1994
"New Valley", Sep 16, 1994-Sep 27, 1994
"New Valley", Sep 27, 1994
"New Valley", Sep 27, 1994
"New Valley", Sep 27, 1994
"New Valley", Sep 27, 1994
"New Valley", Sep 27, 1994
"New Valley", Oct 1994
Subsidiaries files, research Data Services, 1994, inclusive
Data Services #2, 1928-1996, inclusive
Telegraph, exhibits and info. #1, 1928-1996, inclusive
Telegraph #2, 1928-1996, inclusive
Telegraph Terminal leasing DNP, 1928-1996, inclusive
Teleprocessing, 1972, inclusive
Western Union Computer Logistics Corporation and Gift America, 1928-1996, inclusive
Series X: Arbitration Appeals and Negotiations Records, 1947-1994.
Appeals Cases, Pension Split, Benefit Cases, Part-time Hours Dispute Settlement, 1954-1993, inclusive
Centralized Telephone Bureaus (CTBs), Grievance Log Sheet, Part-timers Stats Appeal, Legal Briefs, 1947-1994, inclusive
Legal Briefs, Strike Negotiations, Contract Negiotiations, 1952-1994, inclusive
Contract Negotiations, 1960-1994, inclusive
EBF Cases Nos. 1-73 to 5-89; Appeals Cases 19-79 to 222-82, 1973-1989, inclusive
Appeals Cases, 1982-1994, inclusive
Series XI: Photographs, Charters and Badges
Scope and Content Note
This series contains photographs documenting the history of the Commercial Telegraphers Union/United Telegraph Workers from circa the early 1940s to the 1980s. Includes black-and-white and color group and documentary photographs from CTU/UTW conventions and meetings from the 1940s to the 1980s; black-and-white portraits and candids, with corresponding negatives, of union leadership and staff from circa 1973; circa 1940s small black-and-white prints from a CTU and AFL strike; an undated group portrait of the AFL-CIO Executive Council; and a portrait of Samuel Gompers.