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Series XII: Archived Websites


6 websites in 6 archived websites.

Scope and Content Note

The Actors Fund, a nonprofit human services organization founded in 1882, serves professionals in film, theater, television, music, opera, and dance through programs that address their professional needs. The Fund serves more than 12,000 performing arts and entertainment professionals across the country every year, and reaches hundreds of thousand through the Fund's online resources. The website contains information on their services and programs, tickets to upcoming performances and events, donation solicitations, and education and workshops. The Actors Fund Home website features intake information, information about services offered, contact information for staff members, a brief history of the Fund and the facility, booking information for the Home's in-house salon, location information, and a feedback form.

In May 2022, the Actors Fund changed its name to the Entertainment Community Fund to better represent all performing arts and entertainment professionals in film, theater, music, opera, radio, and dance that the organization supports. The website contains information on their Housing Developing Corporation, the Friedman Health Center for the Performing Arts, the Mark O'Donnell Theater at the Entertainment Community Fund Arts Center, social service support groups, emergency financial assistance programs, performances, workshops, other events, and online resources.

The Research Center for Arts and Culture (RCAC) provides data and ideas for applied research, education, advocacy, policy making, and action for artists, arts institutions, researchers, academia, policy makers, and students. The website contains PDFs of their reports on topics such as aging artists, composers, dance needs, career transitions out of the performing arts, jazz musicians, playwrights, employment and earnings for artists, social services for artists, commuting, and their oral history project. Also includes information on the ART CART project, specifically the "Honoring of the Legacy" exhibit, the Voicing the Legacy oral history project, the ART CART legacy project, artist biographies and obituaries involved in the project. The Performing Arts Legacy Project is a project of the Research Center for Arts and Culture. It is an online platform to help older professionals in the performing arts to document their careers. The website contains manual and other training material to create digital exhibits, as well as the digital exhibits themselves.


New site crawls are accrued semiannually. In 2020, the website crawling was increased to monthly crawls.


Crawl was limited to domains and subdomains of,,,, and in order to remain within the collection scope and data constraints.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Due to technical or privacy issues, archived websites may not be exact copies of the original website at the time of the web crawl. Certain file types will not be captured dependent on how they are embedded in the site. Other parts of websites that the crawler has difficulty capturing includes Javascript, streaming content, database-driven content, and highly interactive content. Full-Text searches of archived websites are available at

Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012