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Cedric J. Robinson and Elizabeth P. Robinson Collection on Third World News Review

Call Number



1981-2015, inclusive


Robinson, Cedric J.
Robinson, Elizabeth P.
Robinson, Elizabeth P. (Role: Donor)
Robinson-Mayer, Najda (Role: Donor)


6.44 Linear Feet
in 4 manuscript boxes, a half manuscript box, and 8 media boxes


1.79 Terabytes
in 517 computer files


3 U-matic


15 VHS


29 audiocassettes

Language of Materials

Materials are in English.


The Third World News Review (TWNR) was a community-led news program based at the University of California, Santa Barbara that provided a counter-narrative news source aimed at destabilizing the ways in which mainstream media outlets report on politics and foreign policy in the so-called Third World. TWNR was conceived by Cedric Robinson, Corey Dubin, and Gerard Pigeon; and was produced by Elizabeth Robinson and Beth Anderson. The Cedric J. Robinson and Elizabeth P. Robinson Collection on Third World News Review (dated 1981-2015) consists of materials documenting the creation, production, and distribution of TWNR. Materials include scripts and notes for episodes, as well as research materials mainly consisting of news articles from other media sources. The majority of the collection consists of recordings of full episodes originally recorded in analog and electronic formats, including audiocassettes, VHS tapes, U-Matic tapes, and digital files on optical discs.

Biographical Note on Cedric Robinson

Cedric Robinson (1940-2016) was a radical and a cross-disciplinary theorist; a political scientist; a scholar of media and film studies; a co-creator and producer of multiple long-standing left community media outlets; an educator and professor; and an activist and organizer dedicated to international solidarity movements. At the University of California, Santa Barbara, he became the director of the Center for Black Studies Research. He was the author of multiple texts including, but not limited to: The Terms of Order: Political Science and the Myth of Leadership, (1980, republished in 2016); Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition, (1983, republished in 2000 and 2020); Black Movements in America (1997); and Forgeries of Memory and Meaning: Blacks and the Regimes of Race in American Theater and Film Before World War II (2007). He is well-known for theorizing the framework of racial capitalism.

Biographical Note on Elizabeth Robinson

Elizabeth Robinson is an educator and social worker; a community media-producer and former associate director for media at KCSB Radio; an organizer and activist; and the long-time host of No Alibis, a radical news outlet that provides commentary, from a left and community-based perspective, on local, national, and international stories.

Historical Note on Third World News Review

Along with University of California, Santa Barbara student Corey Dubin, Cedric Robinson created Third World News Review (TWNR), a long-standing community-led radio show on KCSB 91.9 FM that provided a counter-narrative news source aimed at destabilizing the ways in which mainstream media outlets report on politics and foreign policy in the so-called Third World. Though TWNR was initiated by Cedric Robinson, Corey Dubin, and Gerard Pigeon, the show must be more fully understood as having been produced collectively. Elizabeth Robinson, alongside Beth Anderson, was TWNR's co-producer in both its radio and television program formats. The show invited a wide range of scholarly and activist dialogue, with numerous correspondents and guests over the life of TWNR.

Third World News Review first aired in 1979 in the wake of what was known in Western media circles as the Iranian Hostage Crisis. Recognizing a general lack of understanding and awareness of international politics beyond the framing of U.S. imperialism amongst United States citizens, TWNR was born. The hour-long show ran weekly for 35 years and covered a range of subjects including the "Dirty War" in Argentina; the U.S. invasions of numerous Latin American countries; the Iraq War; the first and second intifadas in Palestine; the independence of Zimbabwe; and U.S. manipulation of elections in the Philippines, El Salvador, Afghanistan, and Venezuela. At every point in its three decades of production, TWNR supported global liberation movements — in particular, those in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. TWNR aired its last episode on October 26, 2015.


The collection is arranged into two series:

Series I: Production Files

Series II: Third World News Review (TWNR) Episodes

Materials in Series I are arranged into scripts and research materials. Episodes in Series II are arranged in chronological order by episode air date.

Scope and Contents

The Cedric J. Robinson and Elizabeth P. Robinson Collection on Third World News Review (dated 1981-2015) consists of materials documenting the creation, production, and distribution of Third World News Review. The majority of the collection consists of recordings of full episodes on analog and electronic formats, including audiocassette, VHS, U-Matic, and optical disc. Both the productions files and episodes document the types of news stories discussed on TWNR, including political unrest and government corruption in Africa; military conflicts including the Gulf War, the Iraq War, the Lebanese Civil War, and the War in Afghanistan; American international and domestic politics; U.S. intervention overseas, particularly in Africa and the Middle East; human rights violations in Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa; riots and bombings in Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Africa; and Western colonialism in continents like Africa and Southeast Asia.

Conditions Governing Access

Materials are open without restrictions.

Conditions Governing Use

This collection is protected by copyright and/or related rights. It is made openly available by the copyright holders under a CC BY 4.0 license. You are free to use materials in the collection in any way that is permitted by the license that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).

Preferred Citation

Identification of item, date; Cedric J. Robinson and Elizabeth P. Robinson Collection on Third World News Review; TAM 835; box number; folder number or item identifier; Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University.

Location of Materials

Materials are stored offsite and advance notice is required for use.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Donated by Elizabeth Robinson and Najda Robinson-Mayer in June 2024; the accession number associated with this gift is 2024.031.

Custodial History

This collection represents one portion of the whole of the Cedric J. Robinson and Elizabeth P. Robinson Papers, the bulk of which is held by University of California, Santa Barbara and the connections between which are guided by a cross-institutional Memorandum of Understanding between UCSB and NYU. This letter of agreement states the Cedric J. Robinson and Elizabeth P. Robinson Collection on Third World News Review and to be held at the Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives.

Audiovisual Access Policies and Procedures

Audiovisual materials have not been preserved and may not be available to researchers. Materials not yet digitized will need to have access copies made before they can be used. To request an access copy, or if you are unsure if an item has been digitized, please contact the Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives,, 212-998-2596 with the collection name, collection number, and a description of the item(s) requested. A staff member will respond to you with further information.

Born-Digital Access Policies and Procedures

Advance notice is required for the use of computer records. Original physical digital media is restricted. Born-digital materials have not been transferred and may not be available to researchers. Researchers may request access copies. To request that material be transferred, or if you are unsure if material has been transferred, please contact the Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives,, 212-998-2596 with the collection name, collection number, and a description of the item(s) requested. A staff member will respond to you with further information.

Related Materials

The Cedric J. Robinson and Elizabeth P. Robinson Archive, consisting of the Robinsons' research and teaching papers, ephemera, and other materials related to the careers of the Robinsons, was donated to the University of California Santa Barbara by Elizabeth P. Robinson and Najda Robinson-Mayer in March 2024.

Collection processed by

Shannon O'Neill, Rachel Searcy, Aki Snyder, Emily Teller, Madeline Baird, Mercedes Rodrigues Lima, and Linda Smith

About this Guide

This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on 2025-01-06 14:27:59 UTC.
Using Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language: Description written in English

Processing Information

At the time of accessioning, materials were rehoused in archival boxes. Loose documents and documents in hanging folders were rehoused in archival folders, maintaining their original order and titles (if existing).

The collection was processed and described by an archivist in the fall of 2024. Paper materials were kept in their archival folders and boxes. Materials were arranged into two series by topic. Since materials in Series I had already been divided into date ranges, during processing, they were kept in their current order of scripts and then research materials.

47 audiovisual items were assigned media ID numbers and housed appropriately. These materials were then intellectually incorporated into Series II.

New York University Libraries follow professional standards and best practices when imaging, ingesting, and processing born-digital material in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the content. 592 optical discs were forensically imaged and analyzed using Isobusters. A floppy disk and flash drive were forensically imaged, analyzed, and arranged using Forensic Toolkit. The electronic records were intellectually incorporated into the finding aid.

For episodes listed in Series II, of the 523 full length episodes, 468 episodes had viewable digital copies that were reviewed. Short episode summaries were written and listed with each of the 468 episodes. This work was completed with the assistance of student workers. During the preservation process, it was also determined that of the 592 optical discs, 80 discs could not be imaged or viewed; 42 discs contained duplicate episodes; and four discs were determined to be unrelated to TWNR. All of these discs were removed from the collection.


Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives

Series I: Production Files, 1983-2015, inclusive


1.1 Linear Feet in 2 manuscript boxes and a half manuscript box


194 kilobytes in 21 computer files

Scope and Contents

This series contains typed scripts, some of which have margin annotations, and research materials mainly consisting of news articles from other media sources, some of which have margin annotations and handwritten notes attached. Materials in this series date from 1983 to 2015 and are arranged by date ranges.

The Third World News Review scripts focus on various topics including: the Iraq War, the Lebanese Civil War, and the Gulf War; the Iran-Contra Affair; the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and hijacking of TWA flights; Gaza, the West Bank, United States-Israeli relations, and the Pollard Affair; the United Nations conference seeking international ban on chemical weapons; the assassination of Fatah founder Khalil Ibrahim al-Wazir; the Arab League Summit; growing Contra activity and violence in Central American countries like El Salvador, Panama, and Nicaragua; growing political instability and coups in the Sudan; the 1984 anti-Sikh riots in India; the bombing at West Berlin nightclub La Belle; and critiques of the Reagan administration.

Research materials focus on topics including tensions between the United Nations and African countries related to the attempted prosecution of corrupt government officials in countries including Uganda, Kenya, Liberia, South Africa, and Nigeria; U.S. military intervention in Somalia; economic unrest related to mines in South Africa; conflicts involving Boko Haram; protests in Egypt related to the Muslim Brotherhood; growing Islamist insurgency in Mali; Gaza; Simon Mann's trial in Equatorial Guinea; Israel and Palestine; the Rwandan genocide; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); investigations related to U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair and the Iraq War; President Barack Obama and the 2012 Presidential Election; British colonialism in Africa, including the Mau Mau massacre; and the War in Afghanistan.

Scripts, 1983-1991, inclusive

Paper, 1983-1991, inclusive

Box: 1, Folder: 1-3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Paper, 1984-1985, inclusive

Box: 1, Folder: 4-5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Paper, 1986-1987, inclusive

Box: 1, Folder: 6-7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Paper, 1988-1989, inclusive

Box: 1, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Electronic Records, 1989-1990, inclusive

Digital materials

Electronic Records (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Research Materials, 1989-1990, 2008-2013, inclusive

Paper, 2008-2009, inclusive

Box: 1, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Box: 2, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Paper, 2009-2015, inclusive

Box: 2, Folder: 2-4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Paper, 2010

Box: 2, Folder: 5-6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Paper, 2011-2013, inclusive

Box: 3, Folder: 1-2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Paper, 2012-2015, inclusive

Box: 3, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Paper, 2013

Box: 3, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Electronic Records, 1989-1990, inclusive

Digital materials

Electronic Records (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Audio Mixing Request, 2001

Box: 3, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Notes, undated

Box: 3, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Series II: Third World News Review Episodes, 1981-2015, inclusive


1.67 Linear Feet in 2 manuscript boxes and a cassette box


1.79 Terabytes in 496 computer files


3 U-matic


15 VHS


29 audiocassettes

Scope and Contents

This series, which comprises the majority of this collection, contains 523 full length radio and television episodes of Third World News Review. These episodes include the entirety of TWNR's run, with episodes airing between 2003-2015. While most episodes are available in a digital format, analog formats including audiocassette tapes, VHS, and U-Matic tapes can also be found in this series.

Each episode of TWNR focused on topics such as political unrest and government corruption in Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe; military conflicts including the Iraq War, the War in Afghanistan, civil wars in Africa, and civil wars in the Middle East; American politics and intervention overseas; human rights violations in Latin America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa; domestic and global protests and riots; international and domestic politics; the prosecution of war criminals and corrupt politicians at the Hague; and Western colonialism on the continents of Africa and Southeast Asia.

The majority of the episodes are moderated by Cedric J. Robinson, who specialized in topics related to Africa. On occasion, Elizabeth P. Robinson, who specialized in topics related to the Middle East, would also moderate the program, but she more often appeared as a correspondent. Recurring correspondents on TWNR include Gerard Pigeon, who provided the Francophone press' perspective on news stories; Hector Javkin, Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval, and Corey Dubin, all of whom specialized in topics related to Latin America; Gary Colmenar, who specialized in topics related to Asia and Southeast Asia; Katia McClain, who specialized in topics related to Central and Eastern Europe; Thomas Jacob, who specialized in topics related to Southeast Asia; and Ilya Ahmadizadeh who specialized in Spain, the Middle East, and occasionally discussed Latin America.

Other correspondents on the show include Lisa Hajjar, H.L.T (HQ) Quan, Avery Gordon, Phoebe Hirsch Dubin, Will Thomas, Dadie Aime Loh, Paul Lynch, Yoel Haile, Huwe Jikata, Amr El Abbadi, Kathleen Bruhn, Christine Shearer, Alina Smiyun, Manuel Gil, Oscar Gil, Mark Schuller, Mark Manning, Jennifer Rogers, Ian Thompson, Raquel Lopez, Kevin McKiernan, Brian Brown, Enita David, Ghazala Rafiq, Ben Daouda Toure, Jovian Radheshwar, Marcus Lopez, Michael Dorsey, Lucy Edwards, Mahader Tesfai, Maryam Griffin, Daniel Alvarenga, Meriem Ouederni, Jorge Ramirez, Maryam Griffin, Jim Phillips, Peter Shapiro, Kofi Nyawuto, Jihad, Nelcya Delanoe, Sherrie Higgins, Suzanne Avellano, Philip Roettinger, David MacMichael, Daniel Ellsberg, and Louis Wolf.

When available, episodes in digital format have been listed with a brief description providing information about the episode's moderator, correspondents, and topics discussed. For frequent correspondents, like Hector Javkin or Gerard Pigeon, their geographic specialities are noted in the series level scope and content note. For less frequent correspondents, like Lisa Hajjar or Raquel Lopez, their specialities are noted next to their names in parentheses.


Episodes in this series are arranged in chronological order by air date.

May 12, 1981, 1981

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0005 (Material Type: Audio)

1982, 1982

Box: 5, VHS: 835_0030 (Material Type: Video)

1984, 1984

Scope and Contents

This digital file contained two episodes.

The moderator of the first episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Peter Shapiro (South Africa), Elizabeth Robinson, Kofi Nyawuto (Africa), Corey Dubin, and Jihad (Middle East). Discussed topics include a Guinean coup d'état and attempted coup d'état in Cameroon; the Nkomati Accords between South Africa and Mozambique; South African Border War/Angolan Bush War; prison reform and Apartheid in South Africa; droughts in Africa leading to widespread starvation; Nicaragua suing the U.S. in the world court for its involvement in mining ports; Nicaraguan contras and the CIA; El Salvador government forcing sterilization of women; white paper on Grenada invasion released by the U.K. government; upcoming Israeli elections; charges against Iraq for using chemical weapons; and elections in the Middle East.

The moderator of the second episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Peter Shapiro (South Africa), Nelcya Delanoe (Nicaragua), Sherie Higgins (Nicaragua), Suzanne Avellano (Latin America), and Kofi Nyawuto (Africa). Discussed topics include Apartheid in South Africa; negotiations about the release of President Nelson Mandela; civil and political unrest in Africa; Nicaraguan contras, the Sandinista National Liberation Front, Creoles, indigenous peoples of Nicaragua, and U.S. involvement in Nicaragua; and the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) leak in Bhopal.

Digital materials

1984 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 17, 1985, 1985

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0016 (Material Type: Audio)

June 25, 1985, 1985

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0016 (Material Type: Audio)

July 8, 1985, 1985

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0017 (Material Type: Audio)

July 16, 1985, 1985

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0017 (Material Type: Audio)

July 23, 1985, 1985

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0015 (Material Type: Audio)

August 20, 1985, 1985

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0020 (Material Type: Audio)

August 26, 1985, 1985

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0019 (Material Type: Audio)

September 3, 1985, 1985

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0019 (Material Type: Audio)

October 29, 1985, 1985

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0011 (Material Type: Audio)

November 4, 1985, 1985

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0011 (Material Type: Audio)

December 24, 1985, 1985

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0025 (Material Type: Audio)

April 7, 1986, 1986

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0018 (Material Type: Audio)

April 13, 1986, 1986

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0018 (Material Type: Audio)

June 23, 1986, 1986

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0023 (Material Type: Audio)

June 30, 1986, 1986

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0023 (Material Type: Audio)

January 25, 1988, 1988

Box: 5, VHS: 835_0034 (Material Type: Video)

Circa 1980s, circa 1980s

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Corey Dubin, Philip Roettinger (CIA in Central America), David MacMichael (CIA in Central America), Elizabeth Robinson, Daniel Ellsberg (State Department/Department of Defense), Louis Wolf (Editor of Covert Action Bulletin), and Jim Philips (Central America). Discussed topics include President Vinicio Cerezo of Guatemala and the current political and military situation; ARDIS (Association for Responsible Dissent); the history of U.S. involvement with coups globally; and American foreign policy and the use of the CIA to meet those goals.

Digital materials

Circa 1980s (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 1990, 1990

Box: 6, U-matic: 835_0042 (Material Type: Video)

May 20, 1991, 1991

Box: 5, VHS: 835_0032 (Material Type: Video)

January 25, 1993, 1993

Box: 5, VHS: 835_0031 (Material Type: Video)

February 8, 1993, 1993

Box: 5, VHS: 835_0031 (Material Type: Video)

April 7, 1997, 1997

Box: 6, VHS: 835_0047 (Material Type: Video)

April 10, 2000, 2000

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0024 (Material Type: Audio)

May 1, 2000, 2000

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0026 (Material Type: Audio)

May 8, 2000, 2000

Box: 5, VHS: 835_0041 (Material Type: Video)

September 25, 2000, 2000

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0026 (Material Type: Audio)

April 8, 2001, 2001

Box: 5, VHS: 835_0033, 835_0036 (Material Type: Video)

July 9, 2001, 2001

Box: 5, VHS: 835_0038 (Material Type: Video)

August 6, 2001, 2001

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0002 (Material Type: Audio)

September 17, 2001, 2001


Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0001 (Material Type: Audio)


Box: 5, VHS: 835_0037 (Material Type: Video)

October 1, 2001, 2001

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0002 (Material Type: Audio)

October 15, 2001, 2001

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0001 (Material Type: Audio)

December 17, 2001, 2001

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0003 (Material Type: Audio)

Circa 2002, 2002

Scope and Contents

The moderator was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Gerard Pigeon. This was a retrospective episode looking back at some of the top news stories covered on the program. Those topics included the CIA's involvement with mining ports in Nicaragua; ARDIS (Association for Responsible Dissent); Israeli politics in 1984; the U.K. producing mustard gas for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; 9/11; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

Circa 2002 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 6, 2002, 2002

Scope and Contents

The moderator of this episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Topics discussed include the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) victory in the Kenyan elections; UN intervention for ceasefire negotiation for the Ivorian Civil War; President Yasser Arafat canceling Palestinian elections; elections in Israel and growing scandals surrounding the Likud party; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

January 6, 2002 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 5, 2002, 2002

Box: 5, VHS: 835_0039 (Material Type: Video)

October 14, 2002, 2002

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0006 (Material Type: Audio)

November 18, 2002, 2002


Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0006 (Material Type: Audio)


Box: 5, VHS: 835_0040 (Material Type: Video)

December 30, 2002, 2002

Scope and Contents

The moderator of this episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Katia McClain. Topics discussed include growing anti-Arabic sentiment in the United States; the Kosovo War, Albania's desire for independence, and Balkanization; an explosion in Chechnya; Venezuela beginning to import oil despite major strikes; and an attempted coup against President Hugo Chávez.

Digital materials

December 30, 2002 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 13, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include gun law reform in the United States; the International Criminal Court and the trial of President Slobodan Milošević; the Bosnian War; the death of General Leopold Galtieria and his legacy; and demonstrations in Liberia in opposition to the United Nations sanctions against Liberia.

Digital materials

January 13, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 27, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval. Discussed topics include the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in Sierra Leone and Burundi; the search for Major Johnny Paul Koroma; the First Ivorian Civil War and Accra II Peace Talks; the Iraq War; ongoing violence in the Gaza strip; discussion of the documentary In the Mirror of Maya Deren; the World Social Forum; and general strikes in Venezuela against President President Hugo Chávez.

Digital materials

January 27, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 3, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Avery Gordon (Brazil). Discussed topics include the Duke and Duchess of Windsor (Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson) and the Nazis; the World Social Forum meeting in Brazil; the World Economic Forum in Davos; ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip; and allegations against the United States regarding torture.

Digital materials

February 3, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 24, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include Abu Sayyaf and Muslim extremists in the Philippines; American imperialism in the Philippines; the Taliban and the War in Afghanistan; the Iraq War; and the growing anti-war movement globally.

Digital materials

February 24, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 3, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guest was Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval. Discussed topics include the Iraq War and a global labor press conference with international labor leaders opposing the war; the United States eavesdropping on members of the United Nations; the ongoing teacher strike in Guatemala; the upcoming midterm elections in Mexico; and increased insurgency activity in Nepal against Maoists.

Digital materials

March 3, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 10, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain, Dadie Aime Loh (Ivory Coast), and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the United Nations investigation into the United States eavesdropping on other delegations; the Iraq War; and political instability in Ivory Coast, the history of French imperialism, and the 1999 Ivorian coup d'état.

Digital materials

March 10, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 17, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War; the Vandenberg Action Coalition; the death of Rachel Corrie in Rafah, Gaza Strip; and upcoming demonstrations in Paraguay against U.S. intervention in Iraq.

Digital materials

March 17, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 24, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the death of Rachel Corrie in Rafah, Gaza Strip; the Iraq War; Geneva Convention violations in Guantanamo Bay; and American interests in Iraqi oil.

Digital materials

March 24, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 31, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Phoebe Hirsch-Dubin (Mexico). Discussed topics include the Iraq War and human rights violations of Iraqi prisoners; the meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna; and a discussion of the United States' allies in Latin American countries (Colombia, Bolivia, and El Salvador) versus those opposed to the United States (Triple Frontier -- Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina).

Digital materials

March 31, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 7, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the Iraq War; the Battle of Jenin in Israel and the shooting of American activist Brian Avery by the Israeli Defense Forces; the reconstruction of Afghanistan; the Bush Administration cutting veteran's benefits; and the assassination of Zoran Đinđić.

Digital materials

April 7, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 14, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Cedric Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Topics discussed include the Iraq War; anti-war movements in the United States and globally; the removal of Saddam Hussein's statue in Baghdad; and the destruction of the Antiquity Museum in Baghdad, libraries, and other cultural heritage sites.

Digital materials

April 14, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 21, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson, Will Thomas (Middle East), and Paul Lynch (Middle East). Discussed topics include the Iraq War and anti-war protests globally; destruction and looting of cultural heritage sites in Baghdad ; efforts made towards preserving Iraqi oil fields; ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine in the Gaza Strip; and the death of Rachel Corrie in Rafah, Gaza Strip.


Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0003 (Material Type: Audio)

Digital Video Recording

Digital materials

Digital Video Recording (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 28, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Romania and Bulgaria's bid to join the EU; the Iraq War; the Bosnian War; increased salaries and budgets of U.S. defense contractors; and the negative impact of globalization on small rural communities in India and protests against globalization in Hyderabad.

Digital materials

April 28, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 5, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War; British elections and lack of support for Tony Blair; continued violence in the Gaza Strip; the death of Rachel Corrie in Rafah, Gaza Strip and the attack against Brian Avery; the First Ivorian Civil War and the signing of UN Intervention ceasefire accords; and civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone.

Digital materials

May 5, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 12, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Jayson Blair scandal; protests against Halliburton; Barbara Bodine, her time at UCSB, and her affiliation with the invasion of Iraq; PFC Jessica Lynch; the civil war in Sierra Leone; peace in Liberia and Ivory Coast; and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Digital materials

May 12, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 19, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War, discrimination facing Roma communities in Eastern Europe, vandalism of historical structures in Iraq by American soldiers, the United Nations Human Rights Commission discussing the destruction in Gaza, the first hearings of Sierra Leone's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the civil war in Liberia.

Digital materials

May 19, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 2, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon, Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval, and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include the Bogoro massacre in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; the end of Sierra Leone's civil war and creation of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission; corruption of Liberian president President Charles Taylor; the Iraq War; the 29th G8 Summit; and the growing number of femicides in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.

Digital materials

June 2, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 9, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War, Guantanamo Bay prison, Osama bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein; the 2003 Central African Republic coup d'état; discussion of discrepancies in media depictions of Palestinian support for Yasser Arafat; and sanctions against President Charles Taylor by the United Nations Security Council.

Digital materials

June 9, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 16, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were H.L.T (HQ) Quan (Asia) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the 36th Annual Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA); the Iraq War; the attempted assassination of Aung San Suu Kyi; protests in Indonesia against the Union Oil Company of California (Unocal); and global terrorism.

Digital materials

June 16, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 23, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

Moderator and Guests: None

This was a special episode focusing on a lecture given by Vandana Shiva at UCSB titled "Resource Monopolies versus Truth Democracy" on March 4, 2003. Topics discussed include globalization, international trade, and the General Agreement on Trade Tariffs (GATT); pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries; and India.

Digital materials

June 23, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 30, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the Pope's visit to the Balkans; the Bosnian War and the Dayton Accords; the European Union-Western Balkans Summit; the European Union and International Criminal Court; Albania's bid to join NATO; the Iraq War; the trial of President Slobodan Milošević; the extradition and trial of Ricardo Camacho; and the indictment of President Charles Taylor.

Digital materials

June 30, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 7, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include oil production in Africa, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, and political instability in Nigeria; the Iraq War; the ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine; and the roles and responsibilities of the United Nations Security Council and the International Criminal Court.

Digital materials

July 7, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 14, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War; Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami and his latest film, Ten; the history of American imperialism in the Philippines; and President George W. Bush's trip to Senegal.

Digital materials

July 14, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 21, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Katia McClain and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include President George W. Bush's trip to Africa; peace talks between the Colombian government and paramilitary groups; the history of Argentina's government under Isabel Perón, Carlos Menem, and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

July 21, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 30, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Lisa Hajjar (Middle East) and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include the history of Liberia and former Liberian president, President Charles Taylor; the legal system in Sierra Leone; Israel-U.S. relations, the West Bank Barrier, and Gaza; and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Digital materials

July 30, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 4, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War; Israel's plans for a West Bank wall; Apartheid in South Africa; the Argentinian economy and growing unemployment; the signing of a free trade agreement between the U.S. and Chile; a Chilean court investigating human rights abuses; and the indictment of President Charles Taylor.

Digital materials

August 4, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 11, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include transition of power in Liberia between President Charles Taylor and Vice President Mosese Blah; the indictment of President Charles Taylor and his political asylum in Nigeria; the intersection of activism and agricultural rights in the fight against globalization; the War in Afghanistan; and the history of U.S. foreign policy regarding the Middle East.

Digital materials

August 11, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 18, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the signing of a peace accord and the ending of violence in Liberia; attempts to remove Carla Del Ponte as a UN War Crimes Prosecutor and the difficulties in prosecuting war crimes; violence in Kosovo; controversy surrounding a Mother Teresa sculpture in Macedonia; and Libya agreeing to pay reparations to those impacted by the Lockerbie airplane affair.

Digital materials

August 18, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 25, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include attempts to overturn amnesty laws in Argentina; the Iraq War; bombings in Mumbai; growing religious tensions and fundamentalism in India; and the Rwandan elections.

Digital materials

August 25, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 8, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War; ongoing tensions between Presidents Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas leading to Abbas' resignation; the ongoing conflict in Gaza and a report by the Norwegian Refugee Council documenting human rights violations in Palestine; and political instability leading to violence in Liberia and the Ivory Coast.

Digital materials

September 8, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 15, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War, a coup d'etat in Guinea-Bissau, post-Civil War reconciliation in Liberia, the Israeli government's decision to remove President Yasser Arafat from the West Bank, collapse of the World Trade Organization meeting in Cancun, and the ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel.

Digital materials

September 15, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 22, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the history of TWNR and two retrospective topics - Nicaragua accusing the United States of mining their harbors in 1984 and the Iranian hostage crisis; reconciliation between Croatia and Serbia over war atrocities; the Iraq War; ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine; a resurgence of antisemitism in France; and civil and political unrest in Ivory Coast.

Digital materials

September 22, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 29, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the death of Edward Said; the Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan; intelligence scandal involving Joseph Wilson, Valerie Palm, and the CIA; President Charles Taylor and his political asylum in Nigeria; the United States' refusal to join the International Criminal Court; and the Srebrenica massacre.

Digital materials

September 29, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 6, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Lisa Hajjar (Middle East). Discussed topics include the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza; Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and their opposition to President Yasser Arafat; the Iraq War; the International Monetary Fund and Argentina's debt crisis; and fighting in Colombia between the national government and revolutionary groups.

Digital materials

October 6, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 13, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Israel's infiltration of Rafah; concerns over Iran's nuclear capabilities and the UN International Atomic Energy Agency's deadline for a full inspection; discussion of countries with nuclear programs; the Iraq War and search for Saddam Hussein; upcoming French election and fears of a recession; and Mumia Abu-Jamal and Angela Davis.

Digital materials

October 13, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 20, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar, Hector Javkin, and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include demonstrations related to resignation of Bolivian president Gonzalo Sanchez Losada; the ex-NYT journalist Jayson Blair scandal; the Free Trade Area of the Americas agreement; war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; President George W. Bush's visit to the Philippines; and the growing rate of poverty in the Philippines.

Digital materials

October 20, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 27, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the Bulgarian elections and the rise of socialism; controversial elections in Chechnya and Azerbaijan; the United Nations' anti-landmine campaign; controversies about US military bases in Central Asia; the Iraq War; and tensions between French and Ivory Coast governments over funding.

Digital materials

October 27, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 3, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War; the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; the forced resignation of six British police officers over allegations of racism and corruption; the decline in protests after Carlos Mesa became president of Bolivia; Chile signing a free trade pact with the U.S.; Argentina continuing to prosecute generals involved in the "Dirty War"; and the indictment of President Charles Taylor.

Digital materials

November 3, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 17, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the Iraq War, President George W. Bush's visit to the U.K., the human trafficking problem in Albania, the controversial elections in Georgia, the failed election in Serbia, the Okinawan government's request to remove all American troops, and the European Social Forum meeting in Paris.

Digital materials

November 17, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 24, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Phoebe Hirsch-Dubin (Mexico), Katia McClain, and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTA), the Iraq War, controversial elections in Georgia, a fire at Patrice Lumumba College in Moscow, a lecture by Rigoberta Menchu Tum at UCSB, and the anniversary of the founding of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN).

Digital materials

November 24, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 1, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include President Charles Taylor seeking political asylum in Nigeria and the ongoing civil war in Liberia; trial of former members of the security forces in South Africa who conspired to kill President Nelson Mandela; instability in Ivory Coast; mortality rates globally due to HIV/AIDS; issues surrounding abortions in the U.S. and globally; the release of some British and American prisoners from Guantanamo Bay; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

December 1, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 8, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include declassified documents linking Henry Kissinger and Argentina; the International Monetary Fund and Argentina's debt crisis; the Iraq War; fighting in Ivory Coast with the French and increased xenophobia; criticism about Liberia's interim government; and scandal surrounding President Charles Taylor.

Digital materials

December 8, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 15, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Lisa Hajjar (Middle East) and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the tribunal of Saddam Hussein, protests related to growing labor unrest in South Korea, the Filipino elections, attempts at demobilizing government troops in Liberia, a sex scandal linked to the Liberian government, and Halliburton illegally overcharging the Department of Defense for gasoline delivered to Iraq.

Digital materials

December 15, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 22, 2003, 2003

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson, H.L.T (HQ) Quan (Asia), and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the Iraq War and the capture of Saddam Hussein; Islamophobia in the U.S.; the reconstruction of Iraq; ongoing conflicts in Gaza and the West Bank; the upcoming Taiwanese elections; concerns about North Korea's nuclear weapons program; and religious clothing ban in French schools.

Digital materials

December 22, 2003 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 5, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include fear of terrorism and increased security at American airports; political scandals and parliamentary opposition to the National Rainbow Coalition in Kenya; the indictment of President Charles Taylor by the International Criminal Court; the Iraq War; the Socialist Party winning the Bulgarian election; political and socio-economic instability in the Balkans; U.S. imposed sanctions on Libya; and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Digital materials

January 5, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 12, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include an increased number of progressive governments in Latin America; a meeting in Mexico to discuss free trade agreements in Latin America; attempts to rebuild Iraq; a coup in Haiti and President Jean-Bertrand Aristide; and the discharge of three American military personnel over allegations of abusing Iraqi prisoners.

Digital materials

January 12, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 26, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the indictment of former Liberian president Charles Taylor and problems with the interim Liberian government; protests in Europe and the Middle East over the French government's ban on Muslim head scarves; the rise of antisemitism in France; the Iraq War; the death of David Christopher Kelly; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; and the life and legacy of Jean Léopold Dominique.

Digital materials

January 26, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 2, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the construction of Israel's West Bank wall, continued fighting in Gaza, and Israel's deteriorating economy; the Hutton Inquiry and death of David Christopher Kelly; the Iraq War; land row dilemma for Brazil's President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva; and disputes between Argentina and Uruguay over human rights.

Digital materials

February 2, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 9, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include a subway car explosion in Central Moscow; the cult of reluctant killers and the black widows of Chechnya; Haiti on the verge of civil war; the French–Ivorian clashes; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

February 9, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 23, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the Haitian coup d'état and President Jean-Bertrand Aristide; the Iraq War; President George W. Bush preparing for his re-election campaign; transition to an independent Iraqi government; and hearings against Israel at the Hague about the West Bank wall.

Digital materials

February 23, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 1, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain, Gerard Pigeon, and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Haitian coup d'état; the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM); the trial of President Slobodan Milošević at the Hague; the Czech Republic, and Slovakia becoming members of the European Union; and growing racism and prejudice against Roma communities in Eastern Europe.

Digital materials

March 1, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 8, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Congressional International Relations Committee and Roger Noriega; pro-Aristide Haitian demonstration in Flatbush, Brooklyn; the Zimbabwe government's alleged seizure of an American cargo plane carrying suspected mercenaries; Ayatollah Sistani and the construction of a government/constitution in Iran; and the Salvadoran elections.

Digital materials

March 8, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 15, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the Madrid train bombings, Spanish politics, U.S. intervention in Venezuelan politics, and anti-Iraq War demonstrations.

Digital materials

March 15, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 22, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the South Korean and Filipino elections; NATO and UN occupation of Kosovo; failure of American attempts to reconstruct Iraq; and the construction of a wall to divide Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank.

Digital materials

March 22, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 29, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the history of human rights abuses in Argentina, the Rwandan genocide, the 1993 genocide in Burundi, and French involvement in both genocides.

Digital materials

March 29, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 5, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the 1994 Rwandan genocide; violence in Kosovo and Eastern Europe; and the Salvadorian elections.

Digital materials

April 5, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 12, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Phoebe Hirsch-Dubin (Mexico), Katia McClain, and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the 9/11 hearings; political relations between the U.S. and the Middle East; the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); and the Zapatista insurgency in Chiapas, Mexico.

Digital materials

April 12, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 26, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the release of Mordechai Vanunu from Shikma Prison; instability throughout the Middle East; the Iraq War; and the South Korean and Filipino elections.

Digital materials

April 26, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 3, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include abuses by U.S. military personnel on Iraqi prisoners; Argentina's history of human rights violations and American involvement; the role of the Catholic church in Argentina; and changes in the European economic and political union.

Digital materials

May 3, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 10, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Lisa Hajjar (Middle East). Discussed topics include the result of trial in Libya against Bulgarian health workers for alleged medical abuses; the occupation of Kosovo by NATO troops and UN personnel; Chechnya's fight for independence during its war on terror; and world tribunals on Iraq.

Digital materials

May 10, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Circa May 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include Indian elections; the anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education and its implications on minority students in the U.S.; abuses by the CIA on prisoners during the war on terror; and energy shortages and economic issues in Argentina.

Digital materials

Circa May 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 7, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin, Kathleen Bruhn (Central America), and Christine Shearer (South America). Discussed topics include media coverage of President Ronald Reagan's death; Brazilian economy and politics; and American foreign policy in Latin America.

Digital materials

June 7, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 21, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include Romanian parliament restriction on foreigners adopting Romanian children, the trial of President Slobodan Milošević in the Hague, and elections in the Philippines.

Digital materials

June 21, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 28, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include U.S. Representative Paul Bremer handing off control of Iraq to Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, ongoing tension in Sierra Leone surrounding President Charles Taylor, Sierra Leone's Special Court convening committee to discuss war crimes in Africa, and growing violence in other African countries.

Digital materials

June 28, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 12, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War, reliability of U.S. intelligence, and Saddam Hussein; the International Criminal Court ruling that Israel's West Bank wall is illegal; and the assassination of an American journalist Paul Klebnikov in Russia.

Digital materials

July 12, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 19, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include an Amnesty International report on the treatment of women in Sudan and the Khartoum government; a UN agreement with Libya to deliver relief supplies to Sudan; genocide in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; and Filipino and South Korean politics and their involvement in Iraq.

Digital materials

July 19, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 2, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Social Forum of the Americas and Latin American politics.

Digital materials

August 2, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 9, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Al-Qaeda; South African politics; the Liberation Army of Sudan and Justice and Equality Movement agreeing to meet with the Sudanese government; Nigerian government sending troops to protect Darfur refugees; the ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine; and instability across Middle Eastern governments.

Digital materials

August 9, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 16, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and H.L.T (HQ) Quan (Asia). Discussed topics include Venezuelan politics and President Hugo Chávez; the humanitarian and international refugee crisis in Afghanistan; the death of Robert Brown; and the killing of refugees by a rebel group in Burundi.

Digital materials

August 16, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 23, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were H.L.T (HQ) Quan (Asia) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Iran's nuclear weapons program and participation in the summer Olympics; social justice movements throughout the Middle East; the growing numbers of Afghan refugees; and political and economic corruption in China.

Digital materials

August 23, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 13, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include militarism in Iraq and Afghanistan; growing number of deaths of journalists and members of the U.S. military in the Middle East; and unrest in Haiti and President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

Digital materials

September 13, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 20, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War and growing number of hostage situations in Baghdad; the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); the upcoming U.S. elections; international human trafficking; and violence between student protestors and the police in Liberia.

Digital materials

September 20, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 27, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include Operation Flush and oil in Nigeria; political instability throughout Africa; the Beslan school attack; and the Iraq War.


Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0009 (Material Type: Audio)

Digital Video Recording

Digital materials

Digital Video Recording (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 4, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Second Intifada and the ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine; the Iraq War; Indian politics and the economy; and violence in Sudan and Uganda.

Digital materials

October 4, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 11, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the closure of Indymedia site servers by the FBI, election in Afghanistan, U.S. government intervention in Latin America, the murder of Sierra Leone Gay and Lesbian Association co-founder Fanny Ann Eddy, and a mutiny in Guinea-Bissau.

Digital materials

October 11, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 18, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include demonstrations in London against the Iraq War and President George W. Bush; the British government withdrawing the ambassador to Uzbekistan; the Caspian Pipeline; multinationals buying media outlets in Romania; and Colombian opposition to a free trade agreement between the U.S. and Colombia.

Digital materials

October 18, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 25, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include femicide in Mexico; South Korean and Polynesian politics; the history of General Douglas MacArthur in the Philippines; French interest in the U.S. elections; and issues arising from ethnic, religious, and geographical divisions in Ivory Coast.


Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0009 (Material Type: Audio)

Digital Video Recording

Digital materials

Digital Video Recording (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 8, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Lord's Resistance Army, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, and the ongoing war in Uganda; agribusinesses, politics, religion, and the economy of West Africa; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

November 8, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 15, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the death of President Yasser Arafat; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

November 15, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 22, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include a ceasefire in Uganda between the government and Joseph Kony of the Lord's Resistance Army; growing tension and instability in Ivory Coast under Laurent Gbagbo; and the death of Iris Chang and her book the Rape of Nanking.

Digital materials

November 22, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 29, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include elections in Ukraine; scandal and corruption surrounding the Oil-for-Food program in Iraq; consequences of landmines in Africa; and heavy policing by U.S. forces in Iraq.

Digital materials

November 29, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 6, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Alina Smiyun (Ukraine), Elizabeth Robinson, and Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval. Discussed topics include President George W. Bush and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit (APEC); protests against the School of the Americas; the murder of Gerardo Soto in El Salvador; the Ukrainian presidential election and political divisions in Ukraine; and protests in the Niger Delta against the oil industry.

Digital materials

December 6, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 13, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the death of Gary Webb; the history of Nicaragua's Contras and the CIA's involvement; the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie; tensions between France and Ivory Coast and the First Ivorian Civil War; a coup d'état in Haiti and the removal of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

December 13, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 20, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine in Gaza; Israel's attempt to create a unity government; the Palestinian elections; Marwan Barghouti's trial and imprisonment in Israel; attempts by the International Criminal Court to prosecute participants in the Rwandan genocide; and fighting between the Ugandan government and the Lord's Resistance Army.

Digital materials

December 20, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 27, 2004, 2004

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami; the Ukrainian presidential election and the Orange Revolution; growing racism against Eastern Europeans in the U.K.; the Bulgarian health professionals imprisoned in Libya as a result of an "HIV trial"; elections in Uruguay and victory of the Frente Amplio party; economic growth in Argentina; the trial of General Augusto Pinochet in Chile; and protests against Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons.

Digital materials

December 27, 2004 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 10, 2005, 2005

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include peace process attempts between Sudan and Uganda; continued violence in Uganda from the Lord's Resistance Army; the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami; ongoing tensions between Indonesia and East Timor; the Palestinian elections and the election of Mahmoud Abbas as president; attempts to create democratic elections in Iraq; and the Salvador Option.

Digital materials

January 10, 2005 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 31, 2005, 2005

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Manuel Gil (Mexico), Oscar Gil (Mexico), and H.L.T (HQ) Quan (Asia). Discussed topics include Senegalese film director Ousmane Sembène and his film Moolaadé; the tradition of female circumcision in Africa; refugee migration in Chad; and human rights violations, refugee camps, and sexual and gender based violence in Chiapas, Mexico.

Digital materials

January 31, 2005 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 7, 2005, 2005

Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0008 (Material Type: Audio)

February 14, 2005, 2005

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include a car bomb explosion in Beirut that killed former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri and the growing tumultuous situation in Lebanon; and the outcomes of the Iraqi elections and formation of a provisional government.

Digital materials

February 14, 2005 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 7, 2005, 2005

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include fuel wars in Asia; the capture of Italian journalist Juliana Rena in Iraq; the death of Rafik Hariri in Beirut; and conflicts in the Middle East with Israel, Lebanon, and Syria.

Digital materials

March 7, 2005 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 14, 2005, 2005

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the rise of the Afghan Warlords; political instability in Iraq; growing tensions in Ivory Coast; attempts by the UN to strike a peace treaty between the Lord's Resistance Army and the Ugandan government; and a coup d'état in Haiti.

Digital materials

March 14, 2005 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 21, 2005, 2005

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the 45th anniversary of the Sharpeville massacre; the Iraq War; restructuring the UN Security Council; attempts by right wing conservative educators in Japan to whitewash Japanese history; the Kuril Islands dispute; increasing number of political assassinations in Philippines; and the corruption case against President Charles Taylor.

Digital materials

March 21, 2005 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 28, 2005, 2005

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the Rose Revolution in Georgia and the Orange Revolution in Ukraine; civil and political unrest in Kyrgyzstan; refugee camps in Northern Uganda and military conflicts in that region; Doctors Without Borders in Africa; civil wars and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Sierra Leone; and the second anniversary of Rachel Corrie's death in Rafah, Gaza Strip.

Digital materials

March 28, 2005 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 18, 2005, 2005

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Thomas Jacob. Discussed topics include the ongoing civil war in Uganda; peace negotiations between Indian and Pakistan; the Central Asian Alliance; the expansion of the UN Security Council; protests in China and Korean in response to Japan's attempts to whitewash its history; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

April 18, 2005 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 9, 2005, 2005

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the declining rate of Army recruitment in the U.S.; the Iraq War; the impact of Palestinian elections on the political and economic conditions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip; Belgium's crime laws allowing for the prosecution of international criminals; and the Rwandan genocide.

Digital materials

May 9, 2005 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 16, 2005, 2005

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include human rights violations in Uzbekistan, political turmoil in Kyrgyzstan, the importance of an oil pipeline in Central Asia to major Western countries, Guantanamo Bay, and the Ethiopian elections.

Digital materials

May 16, 2005 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 6, 2005, 2005

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Mark Schuller (Haiti) and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the growing number of kidnappings in Haiti, the exile of President Aristide, and the 2004 Haitian coup d'état.

Digital materials

June 6, 2005 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 13, 2005, 2005

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Mark Manning (Iraq) and Elizabeth Robinson. This episode was a conversation with documentary filmmaker Mark Manning about his film American Voices, which focuses on the Iraq War.

Digital materials

June 13, 2005 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 22, 2005, 2005

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Katia McClain and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include Junichiro Koizumi's controversial visit to Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo; Japan becoming a permanent member of the UN Security Council; the Chinese and Korean government's outrage with Japan's attempt to whitewash its history; allegations of election fraud surrounding Philippines president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo; human rights violations in Hispaniola; the growing number of kidnappings in Haiti; and the anniversary of the Beslan school attack.

Digital materials

August 22, 2005 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 3, 2005, 2005

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include anti-Iraq War demonstrations in Santa Barbara and San Francisco; fighting between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo; the Rwandan genocide; and the prosecution of Bosnian War criminals by the Hague.

Digital materials

October 3, 2005 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 23, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the death of President Ibrahim Rugova of Kosovo, the release of Turkish hitman Mehmet Ali Ağca from prison, issues surrounding access to natural gas in Western Europe, the election of Evo Morales as president in Bolivia, and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

January 23, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 30, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the inauguration of Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf as President of Liberia; the hostage of foreign oil workers in the Niger Delta; racism in Japan; France commemorating May 10th as National Memorial Day for Slavery and Its Abolitions; elections in Ivory Coast, Haiti, and Chile; and the International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) investigating the murder of journalists in the Philippines.

Digital materials

January 30, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 6, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the Goleta postal facility shootings; Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair accusing the media of "institutional racism" in its reporting of murders in the U.K.; the Iraq War; the ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine; Apartheid in South Africa; and attacks on President Hugo Chávez.

Digital materials

February 6, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 13, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon, Mark Manning (Iraq), and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the elections in Haiti and fate of former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and the upcoming constitutional vote in Kenya. Filmmaker Mark Manning also discussed his experiences in Fallujah during the Iraq War while filming his documentary.

Digital materials

February 13, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 27, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the abuse of prisoners in Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, and Bagram prisons; Hamas' victory in the Palestinian election; tensions between Hamas and Israel; the issuing of Proclamation No. 1017 in the Philippines; and the increasing cost of gasoline.

Digital materials

February 27, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 6, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include President George W. Bush's trip to India, India establishing a naval base in Madagascar, fighting in Afghanistan, the opening of an "Islamic Art" exhibition from the Louvre collection at the Riyadh National Museum, and growing racial tensions in France.

Digital materials

March 6, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 16, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Cedric Robinson and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the death of President Slobodan Milošević and history of the Yugoslav Wars; a lecture given by Malalai Joya on women's rights, warlords, and the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; the third anniversary of Rachel Corrie's death in Rafah, Gaza Strip; and the capture and trial of Peter Waldron in Uganda.

Digital materials

March 16, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 20, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ian Thompson (Cuban Five), Hector Javkin, and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the history of the Cuban Five; the Iraq War; the upcoming Iraqi elections; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; and the trial of President Charles Taylor.

Digital materials

March 20, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 27, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include Israeli elections; tensions between Hamas and Israel; the Iraq War; youth protests in France; and President Charles Taylor's return to Liberia and upcoming trial by a special Sierra Leone court.

Digital materials

March 27, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 3, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include discrimination experienced by Roma communities in Europe, a proposed oil pipeline in Russia, the upcoming trial of President Charles Taylor, ongoing oil-related problems in the Niger Delta, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Digital materials

April 3, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 10, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include Iran, Israel, and India's nuclear programs; the war in Afghanistan; a new controversial immigration bill; the conviction of Nicholas Halling for the murder of Deraye Lewis; and the upcoming trial of President Charles Taylor.

Digital materials

April 10, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 17, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include floods in Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia; controversies surrounding the President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo administration and the unpunished killing of journalists in the Philippines; and a Nepalese general strike to protest monarchic rule.

Digital materials

April 17, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 24, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Raquel Lopez (Social Worker), Hector Javkin, and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include undocumented workers globally; and the impact of weak economies and human rights violations in Latin America on immigration to the U.S.

Digital materials

April 24, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 1, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include protests opposing anti-immigration legislation, May Day celebrations in Eastern Europe, memorials for the Chernobyl disaster, the Shining Path insurgency, the Arab League, and protests opposing the use of militias in the Sudan.

Digital materials

May 1, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 8, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Kevin McKiernan (Middle East). Discussed topics include the Iraq War, the death of Daniel Boone Schirmer, U.S. military intervention in the Philippines during the Marcos regime, and the current politics of the Philippines.

Digital materials

May 8, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 15, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the election of Evo Morales in Bolivia; politics and the economy of Latin America; French politics and growing racism against immigrants; Israel's West Bank wall; and the American government surveilling citizens' phone calls.

Digital materials

May 15, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 22, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War, a referendum on whether Montenegro should leave the union with Serbia, and the discovery of a Rwandan genocide suspect living freely in London.

Digital materials

May 22, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 5, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include Pfizer's controversial clinical trials in Nigeria; the Iraq War; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; Latin American medical fields; and increased African immigration to Europe.

Digital materials

June 5, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 12, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Guantanamo prison; the Iraq War; the ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine; Filipino Independence Day; and Filipino politics.

Digital materials

June 12, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 19, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the gay rights movement in Russia; homophobia in Eastern Europe; Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; the School of the Americas Watch Organization; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

June 19, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 26, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War; U.S. support of warlords in Somalia; the World Cup and its ties to colonialism; and Homeland Security making arrests under the suspicion of terrorism.

Digital materials

June 26, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 10, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the Iraq War; the ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine; torture carried out by past Argentinian military governments; and Mexican politics.

Digital materials

July 10, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 17, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the growing tensions between Israel and Hezbollah; tensions at the G8 Summit; and the World Cup and its ties to racism.

Digital materials

July 17, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 24, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine; corruption in the Mexican election; Haitian debt; and a call for the cancellation of debt internationally.

Digital materials

July 24, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 31, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include a train blast in India and its impact on peace talks with Pakistan; the Doha Round; the civil war in Nepal; deaths of Lebanese civilians; the ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine; and Condoleeza Rice's visit to the Middle East and Malaysia.


Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0013 (Material Type: Audio)

Digital Video Recording

Digital materials

Digital Video Recording (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 7, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were HH.L.T (HQ) Quan (Asia), Gerard Pigeon, and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include political and economic instability in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; China's economic relationship with Africa; a ceasefire agreement by the U.S. and France rejected by Lebanon; and tensions between Israel and Lebanon.

Digital materials

August 7, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 14, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include conflict between Israel and Lebanon, and President Fidel Castro and how he is perceived in the U.S. versus Latin America.

Digital materials

August 14, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 21, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Katia McClain and the guests were Corey Dubin and Phoebe Hirsch-Dubin (Mexico). Discussed topics include the gubernatorial election in Chiapas; politics in Chiapas and Oaxaca; the 16th World AIDS Conference; and pharmaceutical industries and medical resources globally.


Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0010 (Material Type: Audio)

Digital Video Recording

Digital materials

Digital Video Recording (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 28, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Hector Javkin and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Thomas Jacob. Discussed topics include the assassination of Nawab Akhbar Khan; the Tamil Tigers; a film about the occupation of Iraq; the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah; the Congolese elections; and President Fidel Castro's surgery.

Digital materials

August 28, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 11, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the 9/11 attacks and the Iraq War; death and sickness after toxic waste was dumped in Abidjan, Ivory Coast; a coup on Salvador Allende; U.S. interference in Chile; and opposition to Nestor Kirchner in Argentina.

Digital materials

September 11, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 18, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Iran's nuclear weapons program in Iran, the Israel-Lebanon conflict, Operation Medusa, the war in Afghanistan and the Congolese presidential elections.


Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0014 (Material Type: Audio)

Digital Video Recording

Digital materials

Digital Video Recording (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 25, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War and growing terrorism; negotiations between the Ugandan government and the Lord's Resistance Army leader, Joseph Kony; the Union of Islamic Court's control over Somalia; the murder of the Director of the Ministry of Women's Affairs in Afghanistan; the 14th Non Aligned Movement Summit; and President Hugo Chávez's portrayal in American media.

Digital materials

September 25, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 9, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the murder of Anna Politkovskaya and political corruption in Russia; protests in Hungary against Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány; political instability in Somalia; a breakdown of negotiations between the Lord's Resistance Army and Ugandan government; and a political conflict in France due to an increased number of African immigrants.


Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0027 (Material Type: Audio)

Digital Video Recording

Digital materials

Digital Video Recording (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 16, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia; ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; and the disappearance of Jorge Julio Lopez in Argentina after testifying against Miguel Etchecolatz.


Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0007 (Material Type: Audio)

Digital Video Recording

Digital materials

Digital Video Recording (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 23, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include non-governmental organizations in Russia, foreign medical workers on trial in Libya, Orhan Pamuk wins the Nobel Prize for literature, Mohammad Yunus's microbanking schemes, and Condoleeza Rice's tour of Asia.

Digital materials

October 23, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 30, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Brian Brown (Mexico) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include political unrest in Oaxaca, the Congolese presidential election, global child labor, and the use of phosphorus weapons by Israel in Lebanon.


Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0004 (Material Type: Audio)

Digital Video Recording

Digital materials

Digital Video Recording (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 6, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include a strict ban of abortion in Nicaragua, Nicaraguan politics, and Daniel Ortega; the Dengue fever epidemic in Cuba; and the economic relationship between China and Africa.


Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0010 (Material Type: Audio)

Digital Video Recording

Digital materials

Digital Video Recording (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 20, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and growing military conflicts there; the economies of various African nations; ongoing military conflicts in Uganda; and demonstrations at the School of the Americas.


Box: 4, audiocassette: 835_0013 (Material Type: Audio)

Digital Video Recording

Digital materials

Digital Video Recording (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 27, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include political conflicts between Venezuela and Argentina over the international arrest warrants for eight Iranian former cabinet ministers; the Ecuadorian elections; influence of the U.S. on the Philippines; scandal surrounding President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

November 27, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 4, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the death of Alexander Litvinenko; tension between Presidents Vladimir Putin and George W. Bush; France's historic and current involvement in Africa; growing racial tensions in France; and elections in Haiti.

Digital materials

December 4, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 11, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Jennifer Rogers (Mexico) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the dissertation of sociology graduate student Jennifer Rogers on the 2006 Oaxaca movement, ongoing pro-Hezbollah demonstrations in Lebanon, the Arab League, and speculations about Israel's nuclear weapons program.

Digital materials

December 11, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 18, 2006, 2006

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the history of General Augusto Pinochet; increased migration out of South Africa to Europe, the Middle East, or northern parts of Africa; and the immigration policies of various European nations like Spain, Italy, and Germany.

Digital materials

December 18, 2006 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 8, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin, Gerard Pigeon, and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the film Iraq in Fragment; banking and record-setting tax revenues in Argentina; and the impact of films on political decisions in France.

Digital materials

January 8, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 22, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include Bulgaria and Romania joining the European Union; discrimination against Roma communities throughout Europe; the Serbian elections and politics; and the politics, economy, corruption, trade union strikes, and demonstrations in Guinea.

Digital materials

January 22, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 29, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the death of Ugandan rebel Alice Auma Lakwena; U.S. support for resistance against the Union of Islamic Courts in Somalia; an African Union meeting in Libya; opposition to the governor of Cochabamba, Bolivia; demonstrations against the Iraq War throughout the U.S.; and land rights for Bushmen in South Africa.

Digital materials

January 29, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 5, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the 7th World Social Forum held in Kenya; the economy and debt cancellation in Africa; the Palestinian presence at the forum; the ethnic and religious composition of Kosovo; and economic pressures on Yugoslavia.

Digital materials

February 5, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 12, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War; Iran's nuclear weapons capabilities; Carnaval in Cochabamba, Bolivia; the U.S. not participating with a treaty that bans secret detentions; U.S.-Brazilian negotiations on ethanol and energy concerns; and the death of South African activist Adelaide Tambo.

Digital materials

February 12, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 26, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include a complaint by Bosnia and Herzegovina against Serbia and Montenegro at the International Court of Justice for acts of genocide; violence in the former Yugoslavia; President Vladimir Putin's criticism of U.S. military force abroad; the 21st anniversary of the People Power Revolution in the Philippines; and political killings in the Philippines.

Digital materials

February 26, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 5, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the 50th anniversary celebration of Ghanaian independence; severe flooding in Trinidad and Bolivia; the murder of Salvadoran Arena party members; President George W. Bush's trip to Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina; the killing of civilians in Afghanistan by NATO actions and the U.S. military; and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Digital materials

March 5, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 19, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include a comparison between the Latin American tours of President George W. Bush and President Hugo Chávez; the death of Tanya Reinhart; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Lebanon; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

March 19, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 26, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include post-election news in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; the indictments of President Joseph Kabila and Jean-Pierre Bemba of war crimes; investigation of Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo; Islamic Court rebellion in East Africa; protests in Philippines against Gloria Macapagal Arroyo; and the French elections.

Digital materials

March 26, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 2, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include a mine explosion in the Kemerovo region of Russia; the suppression of anti-fascist demonstrations in Russia and the upcoming Russian elections; the U.S. announcing a potential strike against Iran; questions surrounding the future of Kosovo; biofuel; and the election of Guillaume Soro as prime minister of Ivory Coast.

Digital materials

April 2, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 9, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the four year anniversary of the fall of Baghdad and the pulling down of Saddam Hussein's statue; the Iraq War; questions about Iran's nuclear program; protests in Argentina and the upcoming teacher strikes; a meeting between President George W. Bush and President Lula da Silva of Brazil; and politics in Zimbabwe.

Digital materials

April 9, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 30, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Cedric Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the Nigerian and French elections; the war between the Somali military and Ethiopian troops versus insurgents; growing rates of immigration and xenophobia in France; and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

Digital materials

April 30, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 14, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include denial of women's rights in Afghanistan; the impact of globalization on Africa; the French elections; economic migration to the U.S.; and the teacher strikes and heavy police repression in Argentina.

Digital materials

May 14, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 21, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include displaced people from the Second Sudanese Civil War; clashes between Palestinian refugee camp residents and Lebanese authorities; the history of the Lebanese Civil War; the African National Congress; a general strike in response to the installation of new Nigerian president, Umaru Yar'Adua; the death of Mullah Dadullah; and the rise of religious fundamentalism in Pakistan.

Digital materials

May 21, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 4, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the ongoing conflicts between Lebanese authorities and Palestinians in the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp; the Venezuelan government's refusal to renew RCTV's contract and resulting protests; Venezuelan politics and economy; and the beginning of President Charles Taylor's trial at the Hague.

Digital materials

June 4, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 18, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the 33rd G8 Summit meeting; the U.S. wanting to place military bases across Europe; President George W. Bush's positive reception in Albania; the history of the Falklands War and anniversary celebrations; the newly elected Hamas government in Palestine; and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine in Gaza.

Digital materials

June 18, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 9, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include growing Islamophobia in the U.K., Nigeria filing criminal charges against Pfizer, Somali refugees being held in Ethiopia, an international conference in Brussels on immigration, assassination attempt against Ivory Coast prime minister Guillaume Soro, the release of Palestinian prisoners to President Mahmoud Abbas, and the planned construction of Israel's West Bank wall.

Digital materials

July 9, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 16, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Cedric Robinson and H.L.T (HQ) Quan (Asia). Discussed topics include social, economic, and political restructuring occuring in China; attempts to end the violence in Somalia with a reconciliation conference with Somalia's many clans; and the assassination of Sahar Hussein Al Haidari.

Digital materials

July 16, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 23, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Bulgarian medical personnel jailed in Libya since 1991; the fate of Kosovo; Jafar Panahi's film Offsite; Iraq War veterans revealing American wartime atrocities; and the Ogaden National Liberation Front in Ethiopia.

Digital materials

July 23, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 30, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Robert Gates and Condoleezza Rice's visit to Saudi Arabia; controversy surrounding U.S. aid to Israel; changes in Cuban politics; and the election of Nicolas Sarkozy in France and his visit to Africa.

Digital materials

July 30, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 6, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War, the election of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as President of Liberia, the hybrid UN-African Union force in Darfur (UNAMID), violence in Somalia, ongoing trials related to crimes from Argentina's "Dirty War," and political instability in Egypt.

Digital materials

August 6, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 13, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Huwe Jikata (Africa). Discussed topics include political unrest in Nigeria; the environmental effects of oil extraction and the demands of oil workers in the Niger Delta; the history of colonialism in Africa; and investigations of international business practices in Southeast Asia.

Digital materials

August 13, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 20, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Hector Javkin and the guests were Katia McClain and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the trial of Bulgarian medical professionals jailed in Libya; U.S. visa requirements to and from EU countries; elections in the Philippines and President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo; Antonio Triana and his senatorial coup; and an earthquake off the coast of Peru.

Digital materials

August 20, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 10, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the death of Rita Solinas; the Iraq War; comparisons between the Iraq War and Vietnam War; the anniversary of an attack against General Augusto Pinochet in Chile in 1973; socialists winning the election in Argentina; undocumented citizens fleeing from Zimbabwe into South Africa; and corruption allegations against Daniel arap Moi and his family in Kenya.

Digital materials

September 10, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 17, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include discrimination against the Roma community in Bulgaria; the rise of the right-wing in Bulgaria; the Nisour Square massacre and Blackwater Security Consulting scandal; the 25th anniversary of Sabra and Shatila massacre; and undocumented peoples from Zimbabwe relocating to South Africa.

Digital materials

September 17, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 24, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator for this episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Gerard Pigeon. Topics discussed include the Jena Six; France's new far right laws on immigration; revelations that Guadeloupe and Martinique were poisoned with pesticide sprayed by the French on banana crops; the anniversary of President Ferdinand Marcos signing Proclamation No. 1081 and establishing martial law Philippines; and China sending 315 engineers to Sudan to help build bridges, roads, and explore water sources.

Digital materials

September 24, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 1, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include U.S., EU, and Russian negotiations in New York City with the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia to discuss Kosovo's future status; the Bosnian War; cluster bombs and anti-mine treaties; the upcoming Pakistani elections; the insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; and the Taliban's control over poppy production in Afghanistan.

Digital materials

October 1, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 8, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guest was Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include immigration from Zimbabwe to South Africa; Zimbabwean politics and the economy; a Costa Rican referendum on joining the Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and the effects of CAFTA on Central America; the anniversary of Che Guevara's capture in Bolivia; and Blackwater activities in Iraq.

Digital materials

October 8, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 15, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and H.L.T (HQ) Quan (Asia). Discussed topics include protests and political arrests in Myanmar and the Saffron Revolution; the alliance between China and Myanmar; President Hu Jintao calling for peace with Taiwan as long as they stop pursuing independence; President Hu Jintao's new economic policies in China; a move towards the removal of Christopher Columbus statues in South America; the anniversary of the Paris massacre of 1961; and the tightening of immigration laws in France.

Digital materials

October 15, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 22, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include Benazir Bhutto's return to Pakistan and the explosion of two bombs during her return parade in Karachi; rising gasoline prices; American opposition to a Russian gas pipeline proposal for Europe; criticism of new DNA testing mandate by French government on immigrants; the upcoming general election and rise of extreme right-wing party in Switzerland; and the death of South African reggae musician Lucky Debe.

Digital materials

October 22, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 29, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the meeting of Condoleezza Rice, Robert Gates, and Vladimir Putin to discuss the U.S. desire to place a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic; the ChevronTexaco trial in Ecuador for environmental damages; the French pesticide problem in Martinique and Guadeloupe; and the trials of dictators at the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

Digital materials

October 29, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 5, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Thomas Jacob. Discussed topics include the election of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner as President in Argentina; Argentinian politics and the economy; controversial racial comments made by scientist James Watson and the history of Watson's career; Pakistan in a state of emergency; and the insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Digital materials

November 5, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 12, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include a conference focused on the role of women in the freedom of expression and community media in North Africa and the Middle East; ecological repercussions after a major storm in Eastern Europe and the Kerch Strait; the violent police response to a peaceful protest in Tbilisi, Georgia; tensions between Turkey and Iraqi Kurds; and intensified violence in Mogadishu.

Digital materials

November 12, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 19, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include America's imposed presence in the Middle East; growing political and military instability in the Middle East; a conflict related to the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp; the creation of a unified African common post with the help of the United States; and the arrest of members from the NGO L'Arche de Zoé in Chad for allegedly abducting 103 African children.

Digital materials

November 19, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 26, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include workers protesting the re-election of Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada as the president of Bolivia in 2002 and his status as a fugitive in the United States; attempts to return displaced Iraqis to their homes in Baghdad; an open letter from the Electronic Intifada calling for the protection of Palestinians; and the resignation of Lebanese president Emile Zahoud.

Digital materials

November 26, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 3, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the Russian parliamentary election results; the popularity of President Vladamir Putin and his control of the Russian media; a 7.4 earthquake in Martinique and the West Indies; a rebellion in a city north of Paris about the lack of employment opportunities; and the Villiers-le-Bel riots in France.

Digital materials

December 3, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 10, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include amendment changes to the Venezuelan Constitution; the cult of personality surrounding President Hugo Chávez; Iran's nuclear weapons program; Israel and the U.S. dealing in arms; and the shooting of four people in the Firestone community in response to a worker strike.

Digital materials

December 10, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 17, 2007, 2007

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the African National Congress delegates meeting at the University of Limpopo; South African politics; a coup, Antonio Trillanes, and the Writ of Amparo passing in the Philippines; the Association of Southeast Asian Nations conference in Manila; and a climate conference in Bali.

Digital materials

December 17, 2007 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 7, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include conflicting Kenyan presidential election results; the trial of President Charles Taylor; FARC (Colombian armed forces) asking Venezuelan president President Hugo Chávez to release hostages; Italy wanting to prosecute members of Operation Condor; growing pressures to deport undocumented immigrants from France; and accusations against Israel for human rights violations in Palestine.

Digital materials

January 7, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 14, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include U.S. and international agents working for and against Kosovo's fight for independence, past bombing campaigns, and the UN and NATO's protection of Kosovo; Hashim Thaçi elected as prime minister of Kosovo; U.S. Base Camp Bondsteel; the war in Afghanistan; Sri Lanka and the Tamil Tigers militant group; and the assassination of Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

Digital materials

January 14, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 28, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include a meeting between Russia and the U.S. to discuss missile defense systems; Iran's nuclear weapon capabilities; President George W. Bush's speech on Cuba and how it relates to Bulgaria; the ChevronTexaco trial in Ecuador; an ecological disaster in Guadeloupe; and the International Court of Justice announcing the indictments of several African dictators.

Digital materials

January 28, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 4, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Cedric Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include continuing conflicts over the Kenyan presidential election and dissent towards the Kibaki government; protests in France about undocumented peoples and increased undocumented immigration; the abduction of children from Chad, the Chadian Civil War, and French military involvement with the war; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

February 4, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 11, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the elections in Serbia and election of Boris Tadić as president; anticipation of Kosovo's independence; investigation of possible anti-immigrant arson in Germany; growing Islamophobia and xenophobia in Europe; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine over Gaza; elections in Chad; and the movement of refugees between Chad and the Sudan and the impact of French troops in the region.

Digital materials

February 11, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 25, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Fidel Castro's resignation as president of Cuba, a history of the Cuban revolution, and Castro's legacy; Cuban politics in relation to race; LGBTQIA+ rights globally; HIV/AIDS; Marcus Bleasdale's book on post-colonial conflicts in the Congo; Palestinian protests at the Gaza-Israel border; and the British Labor Party deleting information from reports regarding Israel.

Digital materials

February 25, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 3, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include censorship of the Israeli press; ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine in Gaza; the Iraq War; the Argentine economic crisis since 2005; the arrests of cardboard collectors in Buenos Aires by mayor Mauricio Macri and resulting protests; a Colombian raid into Ecuador in March 2008 resulting in the death of Raúl Reyes and other FARC members; and U.S. policies in Latin America and the "War on Drugs."

Digital materials

March 3, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 10, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the the Iraq War and anti-war sentiments globally; Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to Iraq; Kenya negotiating its power and Kofi Annan's formulation of a coalition government; Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki's history of corruption; the history of colonialism in Guinea-Bissau; and the trial of President Charles Taylor at the Hague.

Digital materials

March 10, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 17, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Enita David (Middle East) and Ghazela Rafiq (Pakistan). Discussed topics include the founding of Pakistan as secular state and post-1977 "Islamization"; former president Pervez Musharraf and U.S. interests in Pakistan; opinions on Pakistani fundamentalism and U.S. policy; the Iraq War; and the murder of Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho and ongoing bombings of churches in Iraq.

Digital materials

March 17, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 24, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the testimony of Joseph "Zigzag" Marzah against President Charles Taylor at the Hague; political formation and conflict in Liberia; the Firestone rubber plantations and labor violations in Liberia; the attempted arrests of 115 undocumented migrants in France; conflicts between Chad and the Sudan; the signing of a ceasefire agreement at the Abeche Peace Talks; and a controversy surrounding the Bishop of Zimbabwe, Nolbert Kunonga.

Digital materials

March 24, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 31, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the Iraq War; Condoleezza Rice's attempts to broker a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine; the death of Dith Pran, Cambodian Holocaust survivor and photojournalist; illness of former Filipina president Corazon Aquino; and the elections in Zimbabwe.

Digital materials

March 31, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 7, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Corey Dubin and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the Colombian free trade agreement, NAFTA, and U.S. foreign policy in Latin America; protests in France against President Nicolas Sarkozy's anti-immigration and xenophobic policies; the L'Arche de Zoé controversy in Chad; food riots in Haiti; and the election in Zimbabwe and its contested results.

Digital materials

April 7, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 14, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the assassination of two journalists in Mexico and increased media censorship there; allegations against the U.S. regarding human rights violations in the treatment of prisoners; an Islamophobic ad published in a UCSB student newspaper; protests and counter protests for Free Tibet on the UCSB campus; the commander of Lord's Resistance Army, Joseph Kony, murdering his deputy commander in Uganda; and Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki announcing his new cabinet.

Digital materials

April 14, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 21, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the death of Aimé Césaire; the concept and movement of Négritude; elections in Nepal and the success of Maoist Party; and the formation of coalition government in Pakistan and U.S. demands of Pakistan.

Digital materials

April 21, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 28, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include negotiations between Hamas, Egypt, and Israel; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; American claims that Syria is building a nuclear reactor; the refugee crisis in the Central African Republic and Chad, as well as civil wars in that region; a proposed Colombian trade deal; human rights violations and disappearances in Colombia; and a lawsuit against United Fruit Company (Chiquita).

Digital materials

April 28, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 5, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the growing price of oil; a movement for the emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND); political instability in Nigeria; Zimbabwe elections and the re-election of President Robert Mugabe; Liberian elections; the Tuareg rebellion in Niger; President Nicolas Sarkozy and human rights issues in Tunisia; the ambassador of France recognizing French atrocities committed in Algeria; and the history of the French Student Demonstrations of May 1968.

Digital materials

May 5, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 12, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ghazela Rafiq (Pakistan) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the U.S. Supreme Court ruling it cannot get involved with South African lawsuits against U.S. companies involved with Apartheid; Halliburton and KBR being investigated by the U.S. for the bribery of Nigerian officials; fighting in Lebanon and declarations of war from Hezbollah; reflections on a three-part al-Jazeera multi-media piece '60 Years of Division' and the current conditions in Gaza; political, social, and economic instability in Pakistan; and the Muttahida Qaumi Movement in Pakistan.

Digital materials

May 12, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 2, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the use of cluster munitions in military conflicts globally; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine in Gaza; Desmond Tutu heading the UN investigation of Beit Hanoun killings; an attack against the indigenous peoples in Bolivia at an independence ceremony; and Mengistu Haile Mariam sentenced to death for mass murder.

Digital materials

June 2, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 9, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include fighting in the Congo's borderlands with Rwanda; anti-US beef protests in South Korea; a proposed bill in the Philippines that would require all cell phones to be registered with a fee; the death of Crispin Beltran; Israel's hint at a potential attack against Iran due to its alleged nuclear program; and President Barack Obama's statements about the unification of Jerusalem under Israel at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Digital materials

June 9, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 16, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the investigation of U.S. government arrests in Guantanamo Bay; the U.S.-Ethiopian invasion of Somalia; human trafficking problems in Africa; the Ugandan Army trying to negotiate peace with Lord's Resistance Army; the Iraq War and subsequent refugee crisis; calls for President George W. Bush's impeachment; a military conflict in Chad and France's unwillingness to get involved; and French involvement in the Ivorian Civil War and upcoming elections in Ivory Coast.

Digital materials

June 16, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 23, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include election violence in Zimbabwe, Morgan Tsvangira not seeking re-election, and Robert Mugabe's refusal to relinquish his power; the MEND movement in Nigeria announcing a ceasefire and calls on the government to reciprocate; a lawsuit against Chevron Oil due to its complicity in murder and torture in Nigeria; continued violence in Uganda between Lord's Resistance Army and the government; anti-American beef import protests in South Korea; elections in South Korea; South Korea abandoning a cross-country canal plan; independence celebrations in the Philippines; and ongoing tensions between Israel and Iran.

Digital materials

June 23, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 30, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iraq War and War in Afghanistan; U.S. escalation of covert operations in Iran; President Nelson Mandela's 90th birthday; the U.S. Congress removing the African National Congress from a list of potential terrorists; and the contentious election in Zimbabwe between President Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai.

Digital materials

June 30, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 7, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Corey Dubin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Robert Mugabe and the elections in Zimbabwe; the G8 Summit in Japan; Operation Jaque in Colombia and the history of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC); drug trafficking in Latin America; the anniversary of the International Court condemning Israel's West Bank wall; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

July 7, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 14, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Gerard Pigeon and the guests were Gary Colmenar and H.L.T (HQ) Quan (Asia). Discussed topics include the G8 Summit in Japan; global food crises; American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) service workers strike at UCSB campus; issues surrounding the importation of U.S. beef to Korea; Liancourt Rocks dispute between Japan and Korea; and President Nicolas Sarkozy's "Mediterranean Union."

Digital materials

July 14, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 21, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ghazala Rafiq (Pakistan) and H.L.T (HQ) Quan (Asia). Discussed topics include global food crises; the Cambodian–Thai border dispute; an ASEAN meeting in Singapore; migrant workers in Asia and Southeast Asia; the Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) convention; recent elections in Pakistan; the United States' role in the insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; and a meeting between President Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai in Zimbabwe.

Digital materials

July 21, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 28, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guest was Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include President Barack Obama's visit to Israel, Germany, and France; the history of French colonialism in Africa and the Caribbean; the Iraq War; a strike by Asian migrant workers in Kuwait; the arrest of Hannibal Gaddafi (son of Muammar Gaddafi) in Switzerland and how the arrest created tensions between Libya and Switzerland; and the death of Egyptian filmmaker Youssef Chahine.

Digital materials

July 28, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 19, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ghazela Rafiq (Pakistan) and Corey Dubin. Discussed topics include the resignation of Pervez Musharraf, calls for his impeachment, and legacy of his policies in Pakistan; the insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; the political crisis in Bolivia; and the evolution of politics and plurinationalism in South America.

Digital materials

August 19, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 25, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ghazela Rafiq (Pakistan) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include boats with activists sidestepping Israel's blockade of Gaza in order to provide aid; the death of Mahmoud Darwish; the growing number of street children in Pakistan; the Wah bombing in Pakistan; the insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; controversy surrounding Asif Ali Zardari; and political conflicts in Zimbabwe.

Digital materials

August 25, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 8, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include meetings in Libya between Muammar Gaddafi and Condoleezza Rice; the trial of President Charles Taylor at the Hague; the weak Japanese economy and its competition with China over Asian markets; an upcoming vote for an anti-terrorism bill in Japan; an art exhibit memorializing people who have disappeared in the Philippines; the August Russo-Georgian War; and African immigrants rioting in Roquetas de Mar, Spain after a Senegalese man was stabbed to death.

Digital materials

September 8, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 15, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Corey Dubin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include civil and political unrest in Bolivia; plurinationalism in South America; an increase of military arms sales globally; the United States, NAFTA, and Latin America; the creation of a coalition government in Zimbabwe; calls for the resignation of Thabo Mbeki as president of South Africa; the trial of President Jacob Zuma at the Johannesburg High Court; and the Duweika Rockslide in Cairo.

Digital materials

September 15, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 22, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the resignation of Ehud Olmert as Israel's prime minster; the Islamabad Marriott Hotel bombing; the resignation of Thabo Mbeki as president of South Africa and speculation whether Jacob Zuma or Kgalema Motlanthe will succeed him; and the Rwandan government releasing a 300 page report accusing France of collusion with the Rwandan genocide.

Digital materials

September 22, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 29, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ghazela Rafiq (Pakistan) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the election of Kgalema Motlanthe as president of South Africa; talks to establish a Zimbabwe Government of National Unity; an exodus of citizens out of Somalia due to the war with Ethiopia; former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert urging Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories in the name of peace; the Damascus car bombing and Tripoli-Lebanon bombings; the assassination of Malalai Kakar; and Global Threat Perceptions Report.

Digital materials

September 29, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 6, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include Somali pirates attacking trade routes; the Mitterrand–Pasqua affair, also known as "Angolagate"; the U.K. Metropolitan Black Police Association calling for a boycott due to racism; tainted milk in China and tainted rice in Japan; and smuggling tunnels in the Gaza Strip supplying food and other necessities to those in need.

Digital materials

October 6, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 13, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Corey Dubin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the election of Kgalema Motlanthe as president of South Africa; the African National Congress starting to fragment; President Thabo Mbeki's legacy in South Africa; growing tensions between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda; the U.S. surrendering the power to appoint a World Bank president; growing labor camps in Dubai; the Peru oil scandal and resignation of most of the government; and the Council of South American Defense and Union of South American Nations (UNASUR).

Digital materials

October 13, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 3, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the 2008 U.S. election; the Iraq War; the African National Congress continuing to fragment and the creation of a new unnamed party; and the Nord-Kivu conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the rise of Laurent Nkunda.

Digital materials

November 3, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 10, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Thomas Jacob. Discussed topics include the death of Miriam Makeba, also known as Mama Africa; the Assam bombings and western India bombings; violence against Christians in India and an increase of domestic terrorism in India; racism in French politics; and growing tensions between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda.

Digital materials

November 10, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 17, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include controversies surrounding President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and her administration in the Philippines; the arrest of Philippines labor rights attorney Remigio Saladero Jr.; the Filipino Veterans Equity Act; Iraq's cabinet approving a full withdrawal of American forces from the country by the end of 2011; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine within the Gaza Strip; and the Army of Samy Matumo mining for tin ore in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as part of Nord-Kivu conflict.

Digital materials

November 17, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 25, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the need to protect migrant workers globally from exploitation and violence; growing racial tensions from African American and Muslim communities in France; the upcoming Ivory Coast elections; European nations acquiring land in Africa for agricultural production; a coup d'état in Guinea; and the Nord-Kivu conflict.

Digital materials

November 25, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 1, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the Nord-Kivu conflict, casualties, and refugee camps in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; and the Mumbai attacks.

Digital materials

December 1, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 8, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include talks between President Barack Obama and the Iranian government about its nuclear weapons program; perceptions of the Middle East by Western countries; the ongoing conflict within the Gaza Strip and criticism of Israel's actions; the trial of Blackwater guards for their involvement of Nisour Square massacre; unrest in West Africa due to recent elections; and movement towards demobilization in the Nord-Kivu conflict.

Digital materials

December 8, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 15, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Richard Falk's "Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied since 1967"; Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi throwing his shoe at President George W. Bush during Bush's trip to Iraq; the dominant political party in Thailand, the People's Power Party, being overthrown; a post-election crisis in Kenya; and protests against President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo for her alleged attempts to amend the Filipino constitution.

Digital materials

December 15, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 22, 2008, 2008

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Sri Lankan Civil War; the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks and growing tensions between India and Pakistan; post-election riots in Jos, Nigeria; Garamba offensive against Lord's Resistance Army; the UN being forced to suspend distribution of supplies in Gaza; human rights violations against Palestinians in Israel's Oufar Detention Center; and Jendayi Frazer openly denouncing President Robert Mugabe while in South Africa.

Digital materials

December 22, 2008 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 5, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the death of Helen Suzman; the Ghanaian elections and election of new president John Atta Mills; a Guinean coup d'état after the death of President Lansana Conté; Ethiopian and Ugandan troops withdrawing from Somalia; the convictions of participants in the Rwandan genocide; and the Gaza War.

Digital materials

January 5, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 12, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Gaza War, global protests calling for ceasefires, the smuggling of supplies into Gaza, and Israel's use of white phosphorus munitions.

Digital materials

January 12, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 2, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the trial of President Charles Taylor in the Hague; the Gaza War; the power of Hamas in Palestine; the anniversary and history of the Iranian Revolution; the French Caribbean general strike; and Muammar Gaddafi's election to Chairperson of the African Union.

Digital materials

February 2, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 9, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the upcoming Israeli elections; the Gaza War; Guantanamo Bay and Binyam Mohamed; Bernard Kouchner being accused of unethical ties to African regimes; the end of general strikes in the French Caribbean and the Jacques Bino Accords; and the political crisis in Malagasy between the mayor and the president.

Digital materials

February 9, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 23, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the return of Binyam Mohamed to Britain after his long time imprisonment at Guantanamo Bay; the Gaza War; the insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; the Sri Lankan Civil War; and a suicide attack in Iraq carried out by Abdullah Al Ajmi, a former Guantanamo Bay Kuwaiti prisoner who had been released in 2005.

Digital materials

February 23, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 2, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include the assassination of President João Bernardo Vieira of Guinea-Bissaeu; the growing drug trade in West Africa; Mvume Dandala announced as presidential candidate of the Congress of the People (COPE) in the South African general elections; and the French Caribbean general strike.

Digital materials

March 2, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 9, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Israel annexing East Jerusalem; the Gaza War; the UN accusing Britain of condoning torture; bomb attack on the Sri Lankan national cricket team in Lahore; the insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; the Bangladesh Rifles revolt; the conviction of Beatrice Munyenyezi for her involvement with Rwandan genocide; Presdient Omar al-Bashir of Sudan indicted by the International Criminal Court; Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai involved in a car accident that killed his wife; and the assassination of President João Bernardo Vieira of Guinea-Bissau.

Digital materials

March 9, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 16, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the elections in El Salvador and the history of death squads in El Salvador; the anniversary of Rachel Corrie's death and ongoing conflict in West Bank; the end of a general strike in the French Carribbean and the Jacques Bino Accords; the Malagasy political crisis between the mayor and the president; and ongoing violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Kivu conflict, and the growing number of sexual violence cases.

Digital materials

March 16, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 23, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; the Sri Lankan Civil War; U.S. goals to bypass the presidency of Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan; and Pakistani politics and activism.

Digital materials

March 23, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 30, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guest was Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the Israeli elections, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the ongoing conflict in Gaza; attempted negotiations to end the French Caribbean general strike; and the Young Lives Project by the Department of International Development of the United Nations.

Digital materials

March 30, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 6, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the 15th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide; bombings in Assam; the Taliban advance on Mansehra and Second Battle of Swat; the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) and the growing attacks globally against those who want to distribute news; and an examination of the relationship between the U.S., Syria, and Israel.

Digital materials

April 6, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 13, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the rescue of Captain Richard Phillips from Somali pirates and what caused the rise of Somali pirates; comparison of the 1998–2002 Argentine great depression to Great Recession in the United States; the Filipino Veterans Equity Act; and the killings of journalists in the Philippines.

Digital materials

April 13, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 20, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the South African elections; the death of Aimé Césaire and his legacy; the Durban Review Conference (Durban II); journalist Roxana Saberi being imprisoned in Iran for suspicion of espionage; American journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling being imprisoned in North Korea; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

April 20, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 11, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include the Camp Liberty shooting; Kenyan Mau Mau veterans suing the U.K. for colonial abuses; the new South African government headed by President Jacob Zuma; violence and political instability in Somalia; the resignation of the Nepalese prime minister; the Sri Lankan Civil War; and the Indian elections.

Digital materials

May 11, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 18, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) leader Velupillai Prabhakaran being killed by the Sri Lankan government; the house arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar; Burmese politics and Myanmar's economic relationship with China; Filipino elections and politics; and the withdrawal of the Ethiopian military from Somalia.

Digital materials

May 18, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 1, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Italy apologizing and promising reparations to Libya for colonial era damages; the ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine; agrarian reform in Bolivia and Afro-Bolivians; and the deportation of undocumented immigrants from France without legal representation.

Digital materials

June 1, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 8, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Lebanese elections, the use of torture in Argentina, and America's use of torture during the war on terror.

Digital materials

June 8, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 15, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Iranian elections and violent political demonstrations; the abduction of two American journalists at the North Korean and Chinese border; the suicide of South Korean president Roh Moo-hyun; Filipino politics; and xenophobic riots in South Africa.

Digital materials

June 15, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 22, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Indian elections; post-war effects on the Tamil minority in Sri Lanka; the Pakistani government's aims to actively remove militants and civilians fleeing the region; plans for supporting an amnesty project and a series of development zones in Nigeria; the splitting of Somali Islamic militants into several factions; Callixte Kalimanzira being sentenced to imprisonment for Rwandan genocide crimes; and the imprisonment of Iranian journalists.

Digital materials

June 22, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 29, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Ilya Ahmadizadeh. Discussed topics include a coup in Honduras amid political conflict; demonstrations against the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iranian politics; and the abduction and torture of Melissa Roxas in the Philippines.

Digital materials

June 29, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 6, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the death of Robert McNamara and his legacy; Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's policy speech about Palestinians in Israel; the Israeli housing minister calling for strict segregation between Jews and Arabs; and General François Buchwalter's revelation that the 1996 murder of the Tibhirine monks was done by the Algerian army.

Digital materials

July 6, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 13, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Thomas Jacob. Discussed topics include President Barack Obama's visit to Ghana; the trial of President Charles Taylor at the Hague; internally displaced Tamil people in camps after the end of Sri-Lankan civil war; uprising in China's Xinjiang province; Indian and Pakistani prime ministers resuming Indo-Pakistani talks; Pakistan's fight against the Taliban; and counter-terrorism officials revealing information about hidden operations planned by the U.S. military and the CIA.

Digital materials

July 13, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 20, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Ilya Ahmadizadeh and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the European Union's elections; Bulgarian, Hungarian and Czech elections; demonstrations against the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; and the "Breaking the Silence" testimonies being met with derision by the Israel Defense Forces.

Digital materials

July 20, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 27, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include a coup in Honduras; the abduction and torture of Melissa Roxas in the Philippines; Filipina president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo delivering her State of the Nation address; and Iranian and Israeli nuclear programs.

Digital materials

July 27, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 3, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include Boko Haram's armed struggle against the Nigerian police and military; Mamadou Tandja seeking to change the constitution to maximize his power in Niger; and Israeli evictions of Palestinian families in East Jerusalem.

Digital materials

August 3, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 10, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the U.S. planning to spend millions on military support for African countries in 2010; the legacy of torture from the Bush administration; the Nigerian government's amnesty program; and a Fatah party meeting to elect leadership.

Digital materials

August 10, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 17, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Phoebe Hirsch-Dubin (Mexico). Discussed topics include the lack of justice for the Acteal massacre perpetrators in Chiapas, Mexico; genetically modified organisms; and the arrest of Darul Islam members in Nigeria.

Digital materials

August 17, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 24, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Corey Dubin and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include U.S. diplomacy in Africa; indigenous groups opposed to the U.S. military presence on Colombian soil; and the Taliban targeting voters after elections in Afghanistan.

Digital materials

August 24, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 31, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Corey Dubin and the guests were Katia McClain, Phoebe Hirsch-Dubin (Mexico), and Marcus Lopez (Indigenous and Latin America). Discussed topics include the U.S. entering Georgia for a training mission; the rise of violence in Chechnya; a coup in Honduras and how it relates to Latin America; and indigenous rights and efforts to reframe civil society in Latin America.

Digital materials

August 31, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 14, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include Kenya's dismissal of its police chief; the assassination of Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan; Japanese elections and politics; the death of former Filipina president Corazon Aquino; Muntadhar al-Zaidi's early release from prison; and the Gabonese elections.

Digital materials

September 14, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 21, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the 2006 Trafigura toxic waste dump in Ivory Coast; Boko Haram in Nigeria; violence in northern Yemen; and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Digital materials

September 21, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 28, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Cedric Robinson and Ilya Ahmadizadeh. Discussed topics include nuclear weapons in the Middle East; Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Muammar Gaddafi at the UN; Muammar Gaddafi's visit to Venezuela; and a protest in Guinea against military rule.

Digital materials

September 28, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 5, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the U.S. in Afghanistan, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and the Afghan elections; and a massacre in Guinea and Guinean politics.

Digital materials

October 5, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 12, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include School of the Americas Watch, a vigil for Mercedes Sosa, President Manuel Zelaya fleeing after a coup in Honduras, President Barack Obama's foreign policies with Latin America, and the health concerns in Iraq as a consequence of chemical warfare.

Digital materials

October 12, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 19, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the UN affirming widespread fraud in the Afghan elections, fight against Chevron for indigenous rights in the Ecuadorian Amazon, a major earthquake in Indonesia, and President Barack Obama's revised policy on Sudan.

Digital materials

October 19, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 26, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; the U.K. monitoring demonstrators; the American boycott of Israel; revolutionary guard leaders killed in Iran and growing tension between Iran and Pakistan; Afghan politics; the Pakistani Taliban; severe floods in India; and Indian Maoists.

Digital materials

October 26, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 2, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the legal settlement between indigenous Ecuadorians and Chevron; the Afghan elections; violence in Iraq; American-Israeli settler Yaakov Teitel charged with terrorism; the Goldstone Report; the presidential pardon of Simon Mann for his 2004 attempted coup in Equatorial Guinea; and an agreement reached in Honduras between the de facto government and Manuel Zelaya.

Digital materials

November 2, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 9, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Yoel Haile (East Africa) and Ilya Ahmadizadeh. Discussed topics include millionaires in the U.S. Congress; the connection between the International Criminal Court and Kenyan election-related violence; violence against women in Juarez, Mexico; the organization of the Islamic Cooperation conference and capitalism in the Islamic world; and the political history of Eritrea and current repression by the Eritrean government towards its opponents.

Digital materials

November 9, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 23, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and Bagram prison; and racism, the mistreatment of people of color, and immigration issues in France.

Digital materials

November 23, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 30, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Cedric Robinson and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the Maguindanao and Ampatuan massacre in the Philippines; local elections in the Philippines; land-grabs in Africa; and food security.

Digital materials

November 30, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 7, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Nigerian vice president President Goodluck Jonathan serving as de facto president; protests against an assassination attempt of Guinean President Moïse Dadis Camara; Uganda rejecting a UN report on military operations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; French-Rwandan relations; and the Copenhagen climate change conference.

Digital materials

December 7, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 14, 2009, 2009

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the EU's condemnation of Israel's occupation tactics, Abu Dhabi expecting to extend a bailout loan to Dubai, the Maguindanao massacre in the Philippines, and the history of revolutions in the Philippines.

Digital materials

December 14, 2009 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 11, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guest was Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the ill treatment of immigrants in American jails and subsequent coverups by ICE and the U.S. government; Israel's attempt to build a southern wall to prevent immigration from Africa; the history of colonization in Africa; H1N1 flu vaccines and how pharmaceutical companies benefit from the production and distribution of medicines; and the potential independence of Caribbean islands colonized by France.

Digital materials

January 11, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 25, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Haiti earthquake, Senegal offering land to Haitians after the earthquake, the resignation of Captain Moussa Dadis Camara as President of Guinea, coordinated suicide bombings in Baghdad targeting mostly hotels, and instability within Nigerian government.

Digital materials

January 25, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 1, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Haiti earthquake; the United Nations fact finding mission on the Gaza Conflict and the Goldstone Report; the Iraq War; the U.S. placing sanctions on Iran; the election of President Mahinda Rajapaksa in Sri Lanka; and the death of Pakistan Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud.

Digital materials

February 1, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 8, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ilya Ahmadizadeh and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the elections in Costa Rica and Laura Chinchilla becoming president; NAFTA, the Mexican economy, and CAFTA; British defense contractor BAE Systems admitting guilt over corrupt arms deals; the incarceration of Charles McArther Emmanuel aka Chuckie Taylor, son of President Charles Taylor; the trial of President Charles Taylor in the Hague; the changing of presidency in the African Union from Muammar Gaddafi to Bingu wa Mutharika; and the blockade of Gaza and Operation Cast Lead.

Digital materials

February 8, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 22, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include missing Nigerian president Umaru Musa Yar'Adua and a government takeover by President Goodluck Jonathan; the rise of Boko Haram; the Haiti earthquake; the history of French colonialism in Haiti and other Caribbean islands; Laurent Gbagbo's refusal to step down as president of Ivory Coast and the resulting protests; and the 2009 Guinean protests and massacre.

Digital materials

February 22, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 1, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include earthquakes in Chile and Haiti; the Chilean government under former President Michelle Bachelet and President-Elect Sebastian Pinera; the arrest of a Jundallah member by Iran and Pakistan; Richard Holbrooke's suspected relations to Russia and the Middle East; and concerns about Iran's nuclear capabilities.

Digital materials

March 1, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 8, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Women's International Community Media conference; a coup d'etat in Niger; elections in Togo; the 2009 Guinean protests and upcoming election; President Laurent Gbagbo, corruption within Ivory Coast elections, and negotiations for the creation of a new government; and the Jos riots and massacre in Nigeria.

Digital materials

March 8, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 15, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ilya Ahmadizadeh and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Israel's intention to build more housing in the Occupied Territories; Israel being on high alert after Hamas' announcement of a "Day of Rage"; crisis in Nigeria due to an unstable government and military coups; the South African president's state visit to the U.K.; and the Mexican economy.

Digital materials

March 15, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 22, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the 50th anniversary of the Sharpeville massacre; Nigerian elections and politics; oil in Africa; Jean-Marie Le Pen and 2010 French elections; the Togo elections and President Faure Gnassingbé winning re-election; anti-Iraq and Afghanistan War demonstrations across the U.S.; and the unresolved Iraqi elections.

Digital materials

March 22, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 29, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the fifth annual Santa Barbara Human Rights film festival; the unresolved Iraqi elections and the uncertainty of Iraqi politics; the death of Fatima Meer; the resignation of Dora Akunyili; and the death of Daphne Park.

Digital materials

March 29, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 5, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Ilya Ahmadizadeh and Thomas Jacob. Discussed topics include the bombing of the U.S. Consulate in Peshawar and a suicide bombing in the Lower Dir district of Pakistan; bombings in Russia and Chechnya and their connection to terrorist activities in Pakistan; and Iran's plan to host a nuclear disarmament conference as new sanctions loom.

Digital materials

April 5, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 12, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the Kyrgyz Revolution; the Smolensk air disaster; Israel's approval of military law allowing the deportation of Palestinians from the West Bank; the 50th anniversary of Senegal's independence, the unveiling of the controversial African Renaissance monument, and instability surrounding President Abdoulaye Wade; the upcoming Guinean elections; Algeria's move towards criminalizing French colonialism; and the murder of Eugène Terre'Blanche.

Digital materials

April 12, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 19, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Santa Barbara Human Rights Film Festival; Zimbabwe celebrating its 30th anniversary of independence; the history of Zimbabwe and President Robert Mugabe; the ongoing Gaza conflict; the Iraq War; Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, and the Iraqi government torturing Sunni prisoners; and political corruption in Africa.

Digital materials

April 19, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 26, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Omar al-Bashir winning Sudanese presidential re-election, while also being indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes; political protests in Thailand by the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship; the upcoming Filipino elections; Egypt's need for a new treaty with neighbors about Nile River access or risk violence and further water shortages; and the upcoming Egyptian elections.

Digital materials

April 26, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 3, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the suppression of criticism by journalists of the Ugandan government; the aftermath of the 2008 Mumbai attacks and the conviction of Ajmal Kasab; food poverty in India; the Dantewada Maoist attack; UN nuclear arms and non-proliferation meetings; and Iran's denunciation of the U.S. and Israel.

Digital materials

May 3, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 7, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the re-nationalization of the Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales in Argentina; the Arab Spring and growing anti-Muslim sentiment; the suicide of Alem Dechasa-Desisa; the exploitation and abuse of migrant workers globally; the elections in Syria and the Syrian Civil War; the international committee for the protection of journalists' most dangerous locations for journalists; and the conclusion of President Charles Taylor's trial.

Digital materials

May 7, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 10, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin, Ilya Ahmadizadeh. Discussed topics include the death of former Nigerian President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua; outrage over the execution of five Kurdish activists by Iran; new documents revealing Henry Kissinger's refusal to issue non assassination warnings to countries involved with Operation Condor; the assassinations of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt; and the Uruguay River pulp mill dispute.

Digital materials

May 10, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 17, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Yoel Haile (East Africa) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include election violence in Kenya; the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Kofi Annan; the trial of James Ibori; the United Nations Security Council's sanction on Eritrea due to its ties to al-Shabaab; and unrest due to upcoming elections in Egypt.

Digital materials

May 17, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 7, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include a flotilla trying to break Israel's blockade of Gaza; surface oil drilling polluting the Niger Delta for 30 years; an oil spill in the Gulf and uproar in America; and France trying to improve relations with African nations.

Digital materials

June 7, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 14, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include ethnic clashes in South Kyrgyzstan between ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbeks; the Somali Civil War and increased use of child soldiers; the Bhopal disaster; the discovery of $1 trillion of untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan; problems surrounding Pakistan's ongoing support of the Taliban; and the Gaza flotilla raid.

Digital materials

June 14, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 21, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include Mauricio Macri being charged with kidnapping and illegal wiretapping; Argentina's 'cartoneros' ("cardboarders") community; controversy surrounding the re-opening of the Libertador General San Martín Bridge in Gualeguaychú, Argentina; the Philippine elections and Benigno Aquino III becoming president; and WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

Digital materials

June 21, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 28, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ilya Ahmadizadeh and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the prison sentencing of Raj Bhojwani Bhojwani; high mortality rates in Zamfara State, Nigeria from lead poisoning; the reemergence of fascism and/or Neo-Nazism in Europe; President Barack Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize; the 50th anniversary of the Democratic Republic of the Congo's independence; and elections in Guinea.

Digital materials

June 28, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 26, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include WikiLeaks, the Afghanistan war logs, intelligence gathering, conspiracies to cover up information, and the danger posed by exposing some information; WikiLeaks revealing that a Pakistani spy agency was aiding Taliban against U.S. in Afghanistan; and comparisons between WikiLeaks and the Pentagon Papers.

Digital materials

July 26, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 2, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon, Ben Daouda Toure (Guinea), and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include gay marriage becoming legal in Argentina; France limiting the freedoms of immigrants, particularly from Africa; and the Guinean elections and attempts to educate citizens about politics.

Digital materials

August 2, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 30, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include wildfires in Russia; John Birch Society and climate change; French government's decision to deport Roma migrants from France; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; political instability in Somalia under the Transitional Federal Government; and fighting in Ethiopia being attributed to al-Shabaab.

Digital materials

August 30, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 13, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Daniel Alvarenga (El Salvador) and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include a village in East Congo attacked by Rwandan rebels and Mai-Mai Congolese; food riots and deadly protests in Mozambique; the Somalia airport attack by al-Shabaab; Belgian lawyers readying to charge Ehud Barak and Tzipi Livni for war crimes; the deportation of Roma migrants from France; the upcoming Guinea elections; and the history of El Salvador, the Monument to Memory and Truth, and the Salvadoran student massacre.

Digital materials

September 13, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 17, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include conflicts over the border territory of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan in the city of Osh, Kyrgyzstan; the White House beginning talks with Taliban leaders; the 50th anniversary of independence of African nations from French rule and a commemorative march on Bastille Day; riots in southeast France near the Alps; and Amnesty International accusing Sudan of human rights violations.

Digital materials

September 17, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 20, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the history of Lebanon, the Lebanese Civil War, and Lebanon rebuilding after war; migrant workers and Roma communities in Europe; the kidnapping of French employees from the Vinci construction company and Areva nuclear energy firm in Niger; elections in Guinea postponed; the upcoming elections in Ivory Coast; and the transitional government of Somalia.

Digital materials

September 20, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 28, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Katia McClain and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the Venezuelan elections; the Chilean mine disaster (Copiapó mining accident); Israel's West Bank barrier and the ongoing conflict in Gaza; and migrant labor and agriculture in Lebanon.

Digital materials

September 28, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 4, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Ilya Ahmadizadeh. Discussed topics include economic sanctions against Iran by the U.S.; nuclear issues around Iran; the history of the United Fruit Company (Chiquita) in Guatemala; the Guatemalan syphilis experiments; an attempted coup in Ecuador against President Rafael Correa; and the elections in Brazil.

Digital materials

October 4, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 1, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the ¡Alto Arizona! campaign; protests against the School of the Americas; elections in Brazil and the election of the first female president, Dilma Rousseff; the murder of Mariano Ferreyra; the careers of Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, and unrest in Argentina; the attempted bombing of two U.S. cargo aircraft using explosives concealed in printer cartridges shipped from Yemen; and a discussion of most corrupt and least corrupt nations.

Digital materials

November 1, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 15, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include increased sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the work of gynaecologist Dr. Denis Mukwege towards healing these victims; Muammar Gaddafi releasing Libyan journalists; an examination of the role of mercenaries globally; the 2010 Hajj to Mecca; the Haiti earthquake and upcoming election; Alpha Condé winning the presidency in Guinea; the rise of drug smuggling from South America to West Africa to America; and the disappearance of Jorge Julio López.

Digital materials

November 15, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 22, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the murder of Eugène Terre'Blanche; British mercenaries hired by Somali government versus Somali pirates and the trials of captured Somali pirates; the trial of Jean-Pierre Bemba at the International Criminal Court; 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (GBV); Israeli soldiers being convicted for using a child as a human shield; and the release of Aung San Suu Kyi from house arrest.

Digital materials

November 22, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 29, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include WikiLeaks and the exposure of global diplomatic traffic being sent to Washington, DC; the truth about the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan; WikiLeaks exposing information about Morgan Tsvangirai and Thabo Mbeki; and violent outbreaks after Guinea's first democratic election in 50 years.

Digital materials

November 29, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 6, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include WikiLeaks revealing secret cables sent to the U.S. embassy in Argentina questioning the mental health of President Cristina Kirchner; Bolivia passing a law against racism; WikiLeaks revealing that British politicians were concerned about the election of Barack Obama due to British ill-treatment of his grandfather in Kenya; and the uncertain Ivory Coast elections.

Digital materials

December 6, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 13, 2010, 2010

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the elections in Kosovo and its uncertain future; the death of Richard Holbrooke and the aftermath of the Bosnian War; the EU's condemnation of the Czech Republic for using "phallometric testing' to test gay asylum seekers; the election of Alpha Condé as the president of Guinea; and President Laurent Gbagbo challenging his loss to Alassane Ouattara in the Ivorian election.

Digital materials

December 13, 2010 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 10, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Sudanese government allowing a referendum for South Sudanese independence, the kidnapping of two Frenchmen in Niger, youth protests in Tunisia, and protests againsts Israel constructing its West Bank wall.

Digital materials

January 10, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 24, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include severe floods in Brazil; the Chilean economy; the death of Bishop Simon Ruiz in Chiapas, Mexico; and corruption in India's government and private sectors, as well as economic inequality.

Digital materials

January 24, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 31, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Amr El Abbadi (North Africa) and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the South Sudanese referendum for independence; murder of David Kato and homophobia in Uganda; and protests in Tunisia and Egypt after the death of Mohammed Bouazizi.

Digital materials

January 31, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 7, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include a warrant issued for the arrest of Tzipi Livni and Operation Cast Lead; the formation of South Sudan; the African Union; Egyptian revolutions; governmental changes in Jordan, Yemen, Pakistan, and India and public demonstrations in response to these changes; and the Indian satellite program and Scientific Research Organization.

Digital materials

February 7, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 14, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval. Discussed topics include the arrest of a suspect in Canada related to the Dos Erres Massacre in Guatemala; a 2009 coup in Honduras and the election of Porfirio Lobo Sosa; the International Day of the Flower Workers in Colombia and Colombian trade union violence; the death of Édouard Glissant; Ivory Coast election conflict between Laurent Gbagbo and Alassane Ouattara; the World Social Forum; and the Haitian elections.

Digital materials

February 14, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 28, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon, Meriem Ouederni (North Africa), and Amr El Abbadi (North Africa). Discussed topics include the Second Ivorian Civil War; the Libyan Civil War and Muammar Gaddafi; Mohamed Bouazizi and the Tunisian Revolution; and Egypt and President Hosni Mubarak.

Digital materials

February 28, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 7, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include protests in Zagreb against the prime minister's economic policies and corruption; drug trafficking in Europe; Bangladeshi and Filipino migrant workers evacuated from Libya; the suicide of Filipino Major General Angelo Reyes; investigations of officers and mismanagement of funds in Philippines; and President Laurent Gbagbo's refusal to concede and this decision leading to civil war in Ivory Coast.

Digital materials

March 7, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 21, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Specialist Jeremy Morlock, Private Andrew Holmes, and a U.S. "kill squad" in Afghanistan; dissension within the Arab League amid elections; the Libyan Civil War and Muammar Gaddafi; ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine; and elections in France and Haiti.

Digital materials

March 21, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 28, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the 35th anniversary of the 1976 Argentine coup d'état that overthrew Isabel Perón; the abduction of children by agents of the Argentine government during the "Dirty War"; the International Criminal Court and the prosecution of African heads of state; civil war in Ivory Coast related to the recent election; and Turkey offering to broker a ceasefire with Libya to end the civil war.

Digital materials

March 28, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 4, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval. Discussed topics include the Gaza War, Operation Cast Lead, and the Goldstone Report; President Barack Obama's visit to Latin America; and the International Criminal Court indicting six members of the Kenyan government (the Ocampo Six).

Digital materials

April 4, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 11, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon, Gary Colmenar, and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the arrest of former president of Ivory Coast, Laurent Gbagbo; the Rio de Janeiro school shooting; and the Japanese Tōhoku earthquake, tsunami, and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.

Digital materials

April 11, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 18, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Nigerian presidential election and victory of President Goodluck Jonathan; the Mau Mau Rebellion; the film Mugabe and the White African; racism and colonialist narratives related to Africa; the Arab Spring; and the Syrian Civil War.

Digital materials

April 18, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 25, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include WikiLeaks and the Guantanamo Files; Malalai Joya's U.S. speaking tour; the French film Korkoro by Tony Gatlif and the historic portrayals of Roma communities in Europe; and the death of white African farmer Mike Campbell, who was the subject the documentary, Mugabe and the White African.

Digital materials

April 25, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 2, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the death of Osama bin Laden; the Libyan Civil War and NATO strike on Muammar Gaddafi's compound in Tripoli; the Libyan refugee crisis; France wanting to limit the number of African American soccer players on their professional teams and growing racism in France; Alassane Ouattara becoming the new president of Ivory Coast; and a meeting between the The Elders (Mary Robinson, Kofi Annan, Desmond Tutu) and Laurent Gbagbo.

Digital materials

May 2, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 9, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Lucy Edwards (Honduras) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the trial of Lazare Kobagaya in Kansas for his involvement in the Rwandan genocide; the Honduras Accompaniment Project; coup d'états and ongoing human rights violations in Honduras; the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Honduras; and a "Return to Palestine" international peace march planned for Nakba Day.

Digital materials

May 9, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 16, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Dominique Strauss-Kahn being charged with attacking a New York City hotel maid, a discussion of Strauss-Kahn's career, and other sexual assault allegations against him; Michel Martelly sworn in as president of Haiti; the upcoming inauguration celebration of Alassane Ouattara in Ivory Coast; and demonstrations for Nakba Day turning violent.

Digital materials

May 16, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 23, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guest was Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the Yemeni revolution; the Sudanese government bombing villages in a new border war with South Sudan; the inauguration of Alassane Ouattara in Ivory Coast; France's political relationship with Sub-Saharan Africa; Catherine Ashton opening an EU office in Benghazi; the Libyan Civil War; the arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the impact of his arrest on the International Monetary Fund; fear of growing debt in Europe and the increased number of refugees from Africa; and the Syrian Civil War.

Digital materials

May 23, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 28, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the exit of Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed as prime minister of Somalia and instability in the country; President Thabo Mbeki mediating negotiations between Northern and Southern Sudan; disputes over the South China Sea; the celebration of Philippine Independence Day from Spain and the 150th birthday of José Rizal; the trial of Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his wife for theft; billions in missing money in Iraq; backlash against Syrian president Bashar al-Assad; and the Libyan Civil War.

Digital materials

June 28, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 11, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the death of Clyde Woods; the establishment of the Republic of South Sudan and history of Sudan; Rupert Murdoch and News of the World phone tapping scandal; Christine Lagarde being named the new head of the International Monetary Fund; the scandal surrounding Dominique Strauss-Kahn; protesters in Senegal urging President Wade to step down; the UN urging Senegal to stop the extradition of President Hissène Habré to Chad; hunger strikes in California prisons; and the role of the International Criminal Court, current cases against African heads of state, and potential upcoming cases against Libya, Syria, and Israel.

Digital materials

July 11, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 18, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Libyan Civil War and the 1969 Libyan revolution; France's decision to increase pensions for African war veterans; the Refugee Law Project in Uganda; the growing use of sexual violence as a tool of war in Uganda; and President Nelson Mandela's 90th birthday.

Digital materials

July 18, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 25, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Mahader Tesfai (Africa) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include a domestic terrorist attack in Norway; hunger strikes in California prisons; the treatment of female prisoners in Palestine and Sri Lanka; the Somali Civil War; and major drought and famine in the Horn of Africa.

Digital materials

July 25, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 8, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the 66th Anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bomb; riots in London following the killing of Mark Duggan; a former Hungarian Nazi, Sandor Kepiro, acquitted of participating in a 1942 massacre; fighting in North Kosovo; fighting in Syria and rebellion against President Bashar al-Assad; and Israeli social justice protests.

Digital materials

August 8, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 14, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the Libyan Civil War and the assassination of Abdul Fatah Younis; the trial of President Hosni Mubarak; the growing numbers of Somali refugees in Kenya and growing number of cholera cases in refugee camps; riots in London following the killing of Mark Duggan; a State of the Nation address by President Aquino of the Philippines; and revelations that the 2004 and 2007 Filipino elections were rigged to ensure Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's victory.

Digital materials

August 14, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 29, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Mahader Tesfai (Africa) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Libyan Civil War, the end of Muammar Gaddafi's regime in Libya, and the Gaddafi family escaping to Algeria; a major drought and famine in the Horn of Africa; Eritrea planting bombs at an African Union summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; the growing number of refugees leaving Africa; a suicide bomb attack against a UN building in Abuja, Nigeria by Boko Haram; and attempts at cleaning oil spills in the Niger Delta.

Digital materials

August 29, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 19, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Mahader Tesfai (Africa) and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the role of international nations in the Libyan Civil War; Libya postponing the formation of new government and the Obama doctrine; WikiLeaks revealing that major Zimbabwean military and political officials passed intelligence to U.S. embassy staff; the Dominique Strauss-Kahn scandal; Leila Lopes of Angola crowned Miss Universe; upcoming parliamentary elections in Guinea; Madagascar edging closer to a peace deal between rival factions; Laurent Gbagbo officially charged by an Ivory Coast tribunal of economic crimes; and a pipeline explosion that killed dozens in a Nairobi neighborhood.

Digital materials

September 19, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 26, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the death of Wangari Maathai; WikiLeaks and the release of Zimbabwean diplomatic cables discussing plans with the U.S. to replace President Robert Mugabe; Muslim sectarianism in Kashmir; the abuse of military power in Egypt since President Hosni Mubarak was overthrown; women gaining the right to vote in Saudi Arabia; violence during the Bahraini parliamentary by-elections; the trial of the Irvine 11; Oh Se-hoon resigning as mayor of Seoul, South Korea; and the Open Government Partnership meeting in New York City.

Digital materials

September 26, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 3, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include France rejecting Rwanda's request to extradite Agathe Habyarimana for her role in the Rwandan genocide; the assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki; the continued murders of protesters in Yemen by the government; the incarceration of Bahrain doctors for treating injured protesters; the Syrian government continuing to arrest and allegedly torture protesters; and the Chilean Winter protests.

Digital materials

October 3, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 10, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Maspero demonstrations in Cairo; the Egyptian revolution; Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee and Tawakkol Karman being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize; controversy surrounding Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf winning the Nobel Peace Prize; upcoming Liberian elections; Ivory Coast establishing a Truth and Reconciliation Commission; a suicide bombing in Mogadishu by Al-Shabaab; and a UN report revealing Afghanistan officials had tortured detainees.

Digital materials

October 10, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 17, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Mahader Tesfai (Africa) and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the former Argentine naval officer Alfredo Astiz on trial for crimes against humanity; former Argentine Dictator Jorge Rafael Videla on trial for kidnapping children during the "Dirty War"; Victoria Montenegro revealing Lt. Col. Hernán Tetzlaff murdered her parents and kidnapped her as a child; the Uruguay River pulp mill dispute; the UN threatening Eritrea with sanctions; al-Shabaab threatening to attack Kenya due to the military's intervention in Somalia; the election in Liberia; and Occupy Wall Street.

Digital materials

October 17, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 24, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the death of Muammar Gaddafi; the history of Libyan politics; the 39th anniversary of martial law in the Philippines and the legacy of President Ferdinand Marcos; and the Kenyan army entering Somalia with the intention of fighting Al-Shabaab.

Digital materials

October 24, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 7, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guest was Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the history of secret detention center Escuela Superior de Mecánica de la Armada (ESMA) in Argentina; the Argentine general elections and re-election of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner; Argentina's debt crisis and the creation of the "empresas recuperadas" or a worker-recovered enterprise movement; Iran's nuclear weapons program; protests in Bolivia against road being built through tribal lands; and the trials of high ranking military officials from Argentina's "Dirty War."

Digital materials

November 7, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 14, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the death of Sarkis Soghanalian; the 50th Anniversary of KCSB, history of TWNR, and what led to the creation of the show; Nigerian author Chinua Achebe refusing a Nigerian national honor; and the controversial Liberian election being met with boycotts and violence, as well as the re-election of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

Digital materials

November 14, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 21, 2011, 2011

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Iran's nuclear weapons program; the controversial run-off Liberian election and re-election of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf; Kenyan and Ethiopian armies entering Somalia with the intention of fighting Al-Shabaab; economic problems in Europe; the upcoming French elections; Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Benin; Garry Conille becoming the new prime minister of Haiti; and Egypt's government offering to resign as protests grow before elections.

Digital materials

November 21, 2011 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 23, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Boston Globe's investigation into the corruption of former Liberian president President Charles Taylor; the trial of the Ocampo Six; Boko Haram's attack on Kano, Nigeria; questions about where international aid for Haiti went post-earthquake; Haitian government corruption; Senegalese singer Youssou N'Dour joining the presidential election; the end of Iraq War; the Syrian Civil War; the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan; and the 10 year anniversary of Guantanamo Bay's opening.

Digital materials

January 23, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 30, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include sanctions against Iran related to its nuclear arms program; growing tensions between Israel and Iran; the upcoming Senegalese presidential election and growing protests against Abdoulaye Wade; France's intervention with Ivory Coast elections; the trial of Laurent Gbagbo; investigations into the assassinations of Juvénal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira; and the Rwandan genocide.

Digital materials

January 30, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 27, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Falkland Islands sovereignty dispute and 30th anniversary of Falklands War; the trial of Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón; the death of more than 300 prisoners in a Honduran prison fire; Israel agreeing to release Palestinian activist Khader Adnan from prison; allegations that the British government suppressed evidence relating to the Lockerbie bombing/Pan Am Flight 103; an agreement with BP to extract oil from Somalia; former Governor of Delta State James Ibori pleading guilty to fraud and money-laundering charges; and the 88th birthday of President Robert Mugabe.

Digital materials

February 27, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 5, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the upcoming Senegalese and French elections; the trial of former Guatemalan president Efraín Ríos Montt for crimes against humanity; the government of El Salvador apologizing for the El Mozote massacre; and the White House financing NYPD's surveillance of American Muslims.

Digital materials

March 5, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 12, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Kandahar massacre and the growing number of civilian casualties in Afghanistan; hunger strike of Palestinian activist Hana Shalabi; the documentary KONY 2012 by Invisible Children Inc. and Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony; and the School of the Americas and School of the Americas Watch.

Digital materials

March 12, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 19, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Kandahar massacre in Afghanistan; the aftermath of NATO intervention in Libya; the "ships of shame" carrying weapons from the U.S. to Egypt; the hunger strike of Palestinian activist Hana Shalabi; and a war between Mali and Niger.

Digital materials

March 19, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 25, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include the Pope's visit to Cuba, Mexico, and South America; the Senegalese elections and new president Macky Sall; the Tuareg rebellion in northern Mali; and the Toulouse and Montauban shootings in France.

Digital materials

March 25, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 2, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval. Discussed topics include the trial of former Guatemalan president Efraín Ríos Montt for crimes against humanity; the conviction of participants of the Guatemalan genocide against the Mayan indigenous peoples in 1982; the Syrian Civil War; the Tuareg rebellion in northern Mali and a coup d'état in southern Mali; and the large number of casulaties as a result of the Southern Libyan tribal clashes.

Digital materials

April 2, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 9, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Mahader Tesfai (Africa) and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the Bosnian War; Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and the Russian Orthodox Church; Russia trying to suppress gay rights; the hospitalization of Eritrean poet Yirgalem Fisseha Mebrahtu; the large number of detention camps in Eritrea with poor prison conditions; the Eritrean–Ethiopian War; fighting with Al-Shabaab in Somalia; and a Malian coup d'état and Tuareg rebellion in northern Mali.

Digital materials

April 9, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 16, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the UCSB Human Rights film series; the Chiong murder case in the Philippines; the impeachment trial of Renato Corona; the South China Sea dispute; the death of Ahmed Ben Bella and his legacy; and the chaotic Egyptian elections.

Digital materials

April 16, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 30, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Cedric Robinson and Lucy Edwards (Honduras). Discussed topics include President Charles Taylor being found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity; a counter coup attempt in Mali and the Tuareg rebellion; the Human Rights Accompaniment program in South America; and the history of Honduras, growing human rights violations, and the suppression of protests by police funded by Miguel Facussé.

Digital materials

April 30, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 14, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the Libyan Civil War; Palestinian prisoners in Israel ending their hunger strike; the history of clandestine detention centers in Argentina and the Trelew massacre; the capture of Joseph Kony of the Lord's Resistance Army; and President Charles Taylor's defense counsel pleading that Taylor not be imprisoned in the U.K.

Digital materials

May 14, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 21, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the World Bank's Stolen Assets Recovery Initiative and political corruption globally; a Malian coup d'état and the Tuareg rebellion; the impeachment trial of Renato Corona; U.S. companies being allowed to invest in Myanmar; the democratic elections in Myanmar and Aung San Suu Kyi; and NATO meetings in Chicago and protests.

Digital materials

May 21, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 3, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Jovian Radheshwar (South Asia), Lucy Edwards (Honduras), and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include indigenous communities in Honduras protesting the construction of a dam; narco-traffic trade in Honduras; Padre Melo's activism; conflicts between campesinos and companies with extensive land; and left-wing extremism leading to attacks and land conflicts in India.

Digital materials

June 3, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 4, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Karzai family and the future of Afghanistan's government; growing racism in Israel against African refugees; the Yo Soy 132 movement in Mexico; the third anniversary of the 2009 Honduran coup d'état; the growing number of violent U.S. DEA drug raids in Honduras; the M23 rebellion in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Bosco Ntaganda; and President Charles Taylor's trial and sentencing.

Digital materials

June 4, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 11, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include combatants fighting in Northern Mali coming to an agreement; the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS); a Malian coup d'état; Malawi canceling the African Union summit because of tensions with President Omar al-Bashir; the Ocampo Four case; the death of South African anthropologist Phillip Tobias; the Yemeni revolution and increased rates of starvation in Yemen; global condemnation of Syria's actions during civil war; and growing tensions between Israel and Syria.

Digital materials

June 11, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 18, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Mahader Tesfai (Africa) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Israel trying to limit the number of African refugees; increased racism, deportations, and protests in Israel; the Egyptian elections and the election of Mohamed Morsi as president; the election of Fatou Bensouda as the new Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court; and the Gacaca courts in Rwanda holding their last legal cases.

Digital materials

June 18, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 25, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include a coup in Paraguay and the removal of President Fernando Lugo; the murder of Carlos Fuentealba in Argentina; President Barack Obama awarding the Medal of Freedom to Jan Karski, Gordon Hirabayashi, and Dolores Huerta; Madeline Albright and the Yugoslav Wars; and President Jimmy Carter's criticism of drone strikes.

Digital materials

June 25, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 2, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval. Discussed topics include the Mexican elections and politics; a parliamentary coup in Paraguay; the Egyptian elections and politics; human rights violations in Syria; the release of International Criminal Court agents after their arrest in Libya; and the destruction of historic sites in Mali by Ansar Dine.

Digital materials

July 2, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 23, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the assassination of several Syrian government officials; the Assad regime and Syrian refugees; President François Hollande's acknowledgement of the Vichy regime's crimes amid rising racism and xenophobia in France; French nuclear testing linked to cancer cases and environmental damage; a mutiny by soldiers in Malagasy; and the U.S. State Department withdrawing military aid from Rwanda.

Digital materials

July 23, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 30, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include Monsanto's investment into genetically-modified corn seed in Argentina; Estela de Carlotto and the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo (Asociación Civil Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo); a bombing at Burgas Airport in Bulgaria; and Mitt Romney's tour of Europe and Israel.

Digital materials

July 30, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 6, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include the defection of Syria's prime minister to Qatar; offshore financial centers and secrecy structures; a summit meeting to finalize the development of a police force to suppress the war between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo; and French colonial history and its relation to the conflict in Mali.

Digital materials

August 6, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 13, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the removal of Egyptian defense minister Hussein Tantawi and Armed Forces Chief of General Staff Sami Anan; the ongoing conflict in Syria; severe floods in the Philippines; the Daniel Hooper controversy at the Olympics and the defection of Olympic athletes; and the disintegration of the Malian state.

Digital materials

August 13, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 20, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the Pussy Riot trial outcome in Russia; Vladimir Putin and Orthodox Church; the expulsion of Roma people from France; the miner strike and Marikana massacre in South Africa; and the activities of Shell Oil Company in Nigeria.

Digital materials

August 20, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 27, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include new information about Rachel Corrie's death in 2003 and other deaths at the hands of the Israeli Defense Force; the Syrian Civil War; the miner strike and the Marikana massacre in South Africa; the death of Prime Minister Meles Zanawi in Ethiopia; Togolese women calling for a sex strike; and the disintegration of the Malian state.

Digital materials

August 27, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 10, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the election of Hassan Sheikh in Somalia; miners continuing to strike in South Africa; strikes against economic suppression in the West Bank; a debate over a health bill in the Philippines; and a proposal for Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in Asia.

Digital materials

September 10, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 17, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the 30th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre; human rights abuses in Syria; demonstrations in Beirut against an American anti-Islam video; the impact of President Barack Obama's election on minorities in France, French politics and racism; Ivory Coast politics; and Julius Malema being prohibited from speaking to Marakana miners in South Africa.

Digital materials

September 17, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 24, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Phoebe Hirsch-Dubin (Mexico) and Corey Dubin. Discussed topics include a change in the Burmese government; growing migration from Portugal to Angola, Mozambique, and Brazil; tensions between China and Japan; political instability leading to high unemployment in Europe and South America; and an alternative Zapatista government in Chiapas, and conflicts between Zapatistas and the Mexican government.

Digital materials

September 24, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 1, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include Presidents Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Mahmoud Abbas speaking at the UN General Assembly; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; Argentinian forensic anthropologists cooperating with Vietnam to identify the remains of soldiers from the Vietnam War; demonstrations against President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner in Argentina; and three Kenyans suing the U.K. for torture inflicted by the colonial regime during the Mau Mau uprising.

Digital materials

October 1, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 8, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include President Mohamed Morsi granting amnesty to those arrested for crimes that supported the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak; the U.S. warning European governments against supporting the Palestinian bid for state recognition; the Kurds in Syria, Turkey, and Iran; the Syrian Civil War; and the Mau Mau uprising torture victims lawsuit in the U.K.

Digital materials

October 8, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 15, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the shooting of Mauritanian president Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz; unrest and a call for military intervention in Mali; Nigerian farmers suing Shell Oil Company; a platinum mine firing 12,000 strikers in South Africa; President Jacob Zuma investigated for use of public funds for home renovation; the impact of corn consumption for biofuels; the murder of U.S. ambassador J. Christopher Stevens in Libya; and the shooting of Malala Yousafzai.

Digital materials

October 15, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 22, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Mahader Tesfai (Africa). Discussed topics include an investigation into the Marikana massacre; a leaked report claiming that Rwanda and Uganda supported a mutiny in the Congolese army; the death of four journalists in Eritrea; political and religious oppression in Eritrea and protests against the "infiltrators law"; and President Barack Obama's foreign policy.

Digital materials

October 22, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 29, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include demonstrations against the School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia; the destruction of a memorial honoring victims of a military regime in Argentina and Monsanto; Imran Khan leading demonstrations against drone warfare in Pakistan; the Likud-Yisrael Beiteinu merger in Israel; and South African trade unions protesting in favor of mine workers.

Digital materials

October 29, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 5, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the ongoing threat of an Israeli attack on Iran; Iran slowing uranium enrichment as a goodwill gesture before U.S. talks; Chinese investments into Africa; and a tentative peace agreement between the Muslim population and government in the Philippines.

Digital materials

November 5, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 12, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include African and American plans for potential military intervention in Mali; a new government being established by tribal chiefs in Somalia; President François Hollande acknowledging France's colonial past and apologizing to African countries; and President Yasser Arafat being exhumed in Palestine.

Digital materials

November 12, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 19, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include Israeli airstrikes in Gaza and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; the 21st ASEAN Summit in Cambodia; and unrest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Mali.

Digital materials

November 19, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 26, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the M23 rebellion in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; the upcoming trial of Simone Gbagbo at the Hague; fighting in Mali; the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS); drug trafficking in West Africa; a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine in Gaza; and the Israeli elections.

Digital materials

November 26, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 3, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include a general strike and debt crisis in Argentina; the perpetrators of Trelew massacre receiving life sentences; the release of Croatian Generals involved in the Yugoslav Wars by the International Criminal Court; the former prime minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, being acquitted of crimes against humanity; and the indictments of President Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto by the International Criminal Court.

Digital materials

December 3, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 10, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Maryam Griffin (Palestine). Discussed topics include President Mohamed Morsi's consolidation of power in Egypt; misinformation on Iran nuclear program; and Maryam Griffin's observations and photographs from her visit to the West Bank.

Digital materials

December 10, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 17, 2012, 2012

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the African National Congress meeting to elect party leadership in South Africa; Malian prime minister Cheick Modibo Diarra resigning following arrest; economic issues in Senegal; French soldiers accused of murdering an Ivory Coast man having their sentences suspended in France; and Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman resigning after indictment.

Digital materials

December 17, 2012 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 28, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Mali War and the Tuareg people; the history of French colonization in Africa; the Israeli elections; and an anti-Benjamin Netanyahu cartoon published by the Times newspaper.

Digital materials

January 28, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 11, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Amr El Abbadi (North Africa) and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the assassination of Chokri Belaid in Tunisia; the Egyptian elections, politics, and demonstrations; the 1994 bombing of the Argentine-Israeli Friendship Association and an agreement to have bombing suspects questioned in Iran; President Hugo Chávez in the media; and French military intervention in northern Mali and plans to replace them with African troops.

Digital materials

February 11, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 25, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Katia McClain and the guests were Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the death of four Miskito people during a DEA raid in Honduras and subsequent claims of innocence by the U.S. State Department despite witness reports; the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the politics of the Catholic Church; and economic unrest in Bulgaria.

Digital materials

February 25, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 4, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Ethiopian women in Israel being given the contraceptive Depo-Provera without consent; the death of Arafat Jaradat in Israel's Megiddo Prison; Somalia's strict regulations on the press; the upcoming Kenyan elections; and fighting in Mali.

Digital materials

March 4, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 11, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the death of President Hugo Chávez and the upcoming Venezuelan elections; rioting after a controversial Kenyan election and the election of President Uhuru Kenyatta as president; the International Criminal Court's indictments against President Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto; and fighting in Mali.

Digital materials

March 11, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 18, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the Iraq War; scandal surrounding Avigdor Lieberman; the U.S.S. Guardian running aground on the Tubbataha Reef in the Philippines; the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPSEP); and the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires as Pope (Pope Francis).

Digital materials

March 18, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 25, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the death of author Chinua Achebe and his legacy; the Mali Civil War and Central African Republic Civil War; Israel offering Turkey $20 million dollars in compensation over Gaza flotilla raid; the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War; and the rise of drone warfare since 2004.

Digital materials

March 25, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 1, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include President François Bozizé, unrest in the Central African Republic, and the Séléka coalition; fighting in Mali; Libyan war refugees protesting at World Social Forum; the Syrian Civil War; and the Iraq War.

Digital materials

April 1, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 8, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the death of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher; the upcoming inauguration of President Uhuru Kenyatta in Kenya and the upcoming trial of Kenyatta at the International Criminal Court; a coup in the Central African Republic; and drone warfare in Pakistan.

Digital materials

April 8, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 22, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Cedric Robinson and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing; death and violence in Baga, Nigeria and the government blaming Boko Haram; the release of a human rights report on Liberia; sanctions against Caterpillar for the use of their equipment in Gaza; and official calls to stop sending weapons to Syria.

Digital materials

April 22, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 29, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the conviction of several men in the murder of Argentine activist Mariano Ferreyra; Pope Francis I's relationship with the Argentinian military; retaliatory actions between Russia and the U.S.; U.K. sentiment against Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants; and Kenyan politicians indicted for crimes during the 2007 presidential election and those charges dissolving before trial.

Digital materials

April 29, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 20, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Jovian Radheshwar (South Asia) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include unrest in Iraq; disparities between Sunni and Shia Muslims in Lebanon; Hezbollah's involvement in the Syrian conflict; the Yinon Plan advocating for partitions of and conflicts in Middle Eastern countries; and the Pakistani election.

Digital materials

May 20, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 10, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include the Kikuyu people filing a lawsuit against the U.K. for crimes against Kenyans decades ago and the U.K. settling out of court; the killing of civilians by the Nigerian military and Boko Haram; conflicts between the Mali military and rebels; and Bulgarian protests and elections.

Digital materials

June 10, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 17, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Thomas Jacob. Discussed topics include Russian anti-LGBT laws; the controversy surrounding the International Criminal Court not prosecuting certain military commanders for war crimes; the Pakistani elections and re-election of Nawaz Sharif; the upcoming elections in India; prisoners at Guantanamo Bay; and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad being summoned to criminal court.

Digital materials

June 17, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 24, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were H.L.T (HQ) Quan (Asia) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include protests in Brazil; President Nelson Mandela being hospitalized; corruption within the African National Congress; and the National Security Agency (NSA), issues over privacy protections, and the NSA fact sheet.

Digital materials

June 24, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 8, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Guantanamo Bay prison; a military coup d'etat in Egypt, the death of 55 protestors in Cairo by the Egyptian military, and Chief Justice Adly Mansour appointed as the interim president of Egypt; the re-routing of Bolivian president Evo Morales' jet amid suspicions that Edward Snowden was on board; and fighting in Mali.

Digital materials

July 8, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 15, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the First Congo War and the M23 rebellion; President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf firing several corrupt Liberian military and government officials; the crash of Asiana Airlines Flight 214; the history of racist portrayals of non-white communities in American media; the South China Sea disputes; the 1958 US invasion of Lebanon; and claims that the U.S. supported anti-Mohamed Morsi activists in Egypt.

Digital materials

July 15, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 22, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the death of Helen Thomas; Martin Indyk being named United States Special Envoy for Middle East Peace; elections in the Philippines; the South China Seas dispute; and protestors being attacked by police outside Paris after a woman was arrested for wearing a Muslim veil.

Digital materials

July 22, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 29, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Lucy Edwards (Honduras) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the impact of corporate capitalism on Honduras, the murder of Tomas Garcia, indigenous people protesting the construction of a hydroelectric dam, and the Sinohydro Corporation; the upcoming elections in Mali; the upcoming elections in Zimbabwe and Robert Mugabe running for re-election; alleged peace talks between Israel and Palestine; and the conviction of a Palestinian-Israeli citizen in a gunman case.

Digital materials

July 29, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 5, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the election in Zimbabwe and re-election of Robert Mugabe; the election in Mali; the Karachi affair; the history of Pan-Arabism and coups; and U.S. drone strikes in Yemen.

Digital materials

August 5, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 12, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the elections in Zimbabwe and re-election of Robert Mugabe; the arrest of Jose Americo Bubo Na Tchuto of Guinea-Bissau for cocaine smuggling; the Philippines being named one of the fastest growing economies; the election in Mali and election of Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta as president; and ongoing fighting in Mali and the High Council for the Unity of Azawad (HCUA).

Digital materials

August 12, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 19, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include Russia passing new anti-LGBT laws and global protests in response to them; trials against Argentinian ex-generals who incited the 1976 coup d'etat; Bolivian president Evo Morales' plane being forced to land due to false claims of harboring Edward Snowden; U.S. senators visiting the prime minister of Egypt and President Barack Obama's cancellation of aid to Egypt; and the policies of former Egyptian president President Hosni Mubarak.

Digital materials

August 19, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 9, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the war in Syria; French attitudes towards U.S. politics in the Middle East; the growing global arms trade and sellers; Senegal's newly appointed prime minister Aminata Touré reforming the justice system; Mali's first post-war cabinet and the creation of a National Reconciliation and Development of the North department; and the upcoming trial at the Hague of Kenyan politician William Ruto.

Digital materials

September 9, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 16, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Phoebe Hirsch-Dubin (Mexico) and Corey Dubin. Discussed topics include the 31st anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres; the Syrian Civil War; the Escuelitas and Zapatista movement of civil and indigenous resistance in Chiapas, Mexico; indigenous relations in Bolivia and the conflict over plans to build a highway through indigenous territory; and the policies of Bolivian president Evo Morales.

Digital materials

September 16, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 23, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Hector Javkin and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the U.S. attempting to withdraw all troops from Pakistan by the end of 2014; the Episcopalian church bombing in Northeast Pakistan; attempted peace talks between the Pakistani government and the Taliban; religious violence between Muslim and Hindu groups in India; LGBTQIA+ activism in Bulgaria and homophobic laws in Bulgaria being pushed by the state church and right-wing groups; immigration concerns in Bulgaria due to influx of Syrian refugees; and poverty in Argentina.

Digital materials

September 23, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 30, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include a four-day siege of Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya by Jihadists; indictment of President Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto for inciting violence during the Kenyan elections; the siege in Zamboanga City, Philippines for three weeks by the Moro National Liberation Front; the Trans-Pacific Partnership Program (TPPP); and U.S. media coverage of Iranian nuclear weapons.

Digital materials

September 30, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 7, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Yoel Haile (East Africa) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the dismantling of Syrian chemical weapons by the Assad regime; the National Coordination Body of Syria report; a boat carrying Libyan and Somali migrants to Lampedusa catching fire and sinking; Eritrean history, reasons for migration, and overall diaspora from nation; the arrest of Abu Anas al-Libi by the U.S. Navy in Tripoli and Libya suspected for participation in embassy bombings; and an upcoming African Union meeting and the Kenyan proposal involving the International Criminal Court.

Digital materials

October 7, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 21, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include President Cristina Fernández signing a contract with Monsanto and civilian protests against this contract; Argentina's economic policy; the Argentinian government and the trials of three ex-generals associated with La Perla concentration camps; the upcoming Israeli municipal elections and Palestinian boycott; bombings in Egypt and Baghdad; Libya on the brink of civil war; and the Pentagon contracting military bases in Africa.

Digital materials

October 21, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 28, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Cedric Robinson and Thomas Jacob. Discussed topics include Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus and others in Bangladesh speaking out against criminalization of homosexuality and the Islamic Federation calling for his exile; drone strikes in Pakistan and misreporting by the U.S. media; the Pakistani Taliban; the Indian elections; an army raid on the Somali Shabelle Radio Station; a drone attack in the Middle Juba region of Somalia killing senior al-Shabaab members; and the detention of South African politician Tokyo Sexwale at JFK airport.

Digital materials

October 28, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 4, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the marginalization of Roma populations in Greece and the Balkans; the October Riot in South Moscow by ethnic Slavic Russians against migrant populations; Soviet political and economic organizations; the South China Sea dispute; the trial of Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi; Secretary of State John Kerry's visit to Cairo; and the death of two French journalists in Mali.

Digital materials

November 4, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 11, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guest was Jovian Radheshwar (South Asia). Discussed topics include Typhoon Haiyan and global warming; growing Neoliberalism in Karachi; drone strikes and the Taliban in Pakistan; a polio outbreak in Syria and children needing to be vaccinated; the Syrian Civil War; and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Iran nuclear energy program.

Digital materials

November 11, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 25, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include an agreement reached between Iran and the UN's P5+1; a call for justice for the Maguindanaoa and Ampatuan massacre in the Philippines; and Typhoon Haiyan.

Digital materials

November 25, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 2, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Yoel Haile (East Africa). Discussed topics include the geopolitical divisions in Somalia; Maiduguri put on lockdown amid Boko Haram attack in Nigeria; racism in France and France's control of the UN Security Council; parliamentary elections in Mali; and a violent crackdown on undocumented Ethiopian migrant workers in Saudi Arabia.

Digital materials

December 2, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 9, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include the death of President Nelson Mandela and his legacy; Apartheid; Winnie Mandela and her legacy; Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu avoiding peace talks with Palestine; and the recent elections in India and rise of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Digital materials

December 9, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 16, 2013, 2013

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval. Discussed topics include the elections in Honduras and the 2009 Honduran coup d'état; turmoil in Bangui in the Central African Republic and the death of two French soldiers; the elections in Mali; criticisms of the EU's inaction in Syria and lack of assistance for refugees; the transfer of two Saudi prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to Saudi Arabia; and severe floods in Gaza.

Digital materials

December 16, 2013 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 6, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the South Sudanese Civil War; conflict in Northern Mali; political instability in Burkina Faso; France's interference with the Central African Republic politics and growing violence there; Israel tightening immigration of African refugees; and fighting in Iraq and Syria against al-Qaeda.

Digital materials

January 6, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 13, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the death of Ariel Sharon; the lack of LGBTQ+ rights in Eastern Europe, homophobic laws in Russia, and attempts to ban same-sex marriage in Croatia; the increased number of refugees in Bulgaria; and elections in Chile, the election of Michelle Bachelet as president, and student activist Camila Vallejo being elected to Congress.

Digital materials

January 13, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 27, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Jorge Ramirez (Mexico). Discussed topics include homophobia in Africa; the first ceasefire agreement signed during the South Sudanese Civil War; increased xenophobia in France and dissatisfaction with government; fighting in Northern Mali; the Central African Republic elections and election of interim head, Catherine Samba-Panza; and the 2006 teacher's strike in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Digital materials

January 27, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 10, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include the death of Stuart Hall; the death of Juan Gelman; the economic crisis in Argentina; power supply shortages in Philippines and protests; and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA).

Digital materials

February 10, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 24, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Michael Dorsey (Environmental Issues). Discussed topics include the resignation of Egypt's interim government; JStreet versus the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC); Michigan electoral districts; international climate justice, injustice movements, and climate crisis in politics; the Islands First initiative; the Green Climate Fund; privatization of climate benefits and energy; and the Chevron oil company in California.

Digital materials

February 24, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 3, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics include South African platinum mine workers on strike; the South Sudanese Civil War and the violation of a ceasefire agreement; the trial of Pascal Simbikangwa in Paris for his involvement in the Rwandan genocide; the upcoming Algerian presidential election; and President François Hollande's visit to Nigeria and promises to help fight Boko Haram.

Digital materials

March 3, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 24, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval. Discussed topics include the presidential election in El Salvador; the San Francisco System treaty; disputes over the South Kuril Islands and Liancourt Rocks/Takeshima Islands; the Philippines exploring the possibility of allowing the U.S. and Japan to add more bases; U.S. intervention in Syria and Egypt; and the 2013 Egyptian coup d'etat.

Digital materials

March 24, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 31, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Ebola outbreak in Guinea; South African Public Protector Thuli Madonsela's report about President Jacob Zuma; the Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé trial at the International Criminal Court; violence between Christians and Muslims in the Central African Republic; movement towards seeking justice for missing and murdered indigenous women in Canada; and an investigation of residential school abuses in Canada.

Digital materials

March 31, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

circa March 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Thomas Jacob. Discussed topics include the Syrian Civil War; the Libyan Civil War and Muammar Gaddafi's downfall; the Egyptian crisis; the upcoming elections in India; the trial of Pascal Simbikangwa in Paris for his involvement in the Rwandan genocide; the interim head of Central African Republic Catherine Samba-Panza trying to bring peace to region; and Morocco's King Mohammed VI's visits to African countries.

Digital materials

circa March 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 14, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, the history of residential schools, and an investigation into missing and murdered indigenous women in Canada; war crime trials in Libya; the South China Sea dispute; the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) between the U.S. and Philippines; and the Nyanya bombing in Abuja and Boko Haram.

Digital materials

April 14, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 28, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Boko Haram, the abduction of 300 girls, and the Nyanya bombing in Abuja, Nigeria; the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in Zimbabwe and Morgan Tsvangirai; immigrants' rights hunger strikes across the U.S. and activist Cynthia Diaz; protest over the construction of an ICE detention center in Santa Maria, CA; and the collapse of Israel-Palestine peace talks.

Digital materials

April 28, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 12, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval and Jovian Radheshwar (South Asia). Discussed topics include Boko Haram and abduction of 300 girls in Nigeria; the abuse of political and military power in Nigeria; the forced removal of the attorney general of Guatemala Claudia Paz y Paz; human rights violations in Guatemala; and the growing number of polio cases in Pakistan.

Digital materials

May 12, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

May 19, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Thomas Jacob. Discussed topics include the Indian elections and overwhelming popularity of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP); the looming drought in Syria and its impact on the refugee crisis; and President Goodluck Jonathan's mishandling of the abduction of school girls by Boko Haram.

Digital materials

May 19, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 2, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Jorge Ramirez (Mexico) and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include Boko Haram and abduction of 300 girls in Nigeria; the increased number of sexual violence cases against women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the South Sudan; the South China Sea dispute; the Nobel Peace Prize and Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution; the death of Yuri Kochiyama; and the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico and the death of Subcomandante Marcos.

Digital materials

June 2, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 16, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the collapse of the Maliki government in Iraq; the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS); the Central American immigration crisis and the ill treatment of refugees in American detention centers; the significant increase in child migrants from Central America; and protests in the Philippines against government corruption.

Digital materials

June 16, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 30, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Thomas Jacob. Discussed topics include the bodies of three missing Israeli teenagers found in the West Bank; the Sykes–Picot Agreement; the Israeli police re-arresting 1,000 African asylum seekers; the ISIS-Kurdish War; the Jinnah International Airport attack; the increase in honor killings in Pakistan and increase in traditional Islamic values; and the Hindu Mission Army and the increase in right wing Hindu nationalism in India.

Digital materials

June 30, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

circa June 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include Argentina's international debt crisis; the World Cup in Brazil and demonstrations against excessive public spending for the event; the re-election of President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz in Mauritania; the upcoming trial of Karim Wade in Senegal; the upcoming trial of President Hissène Habré in Senegal; and political instability in Mali and fighting in Northern Mali.

Digital materials

circa June 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 7, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Katia McClain and Yoel Haile (East Africa). Discussed topics include the South Stream pipeline; major floods in the Balkans; violent mass evictions of impoverished people living in informal settlements in South Africa; and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).

Digital materials

July 7, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 14, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the US signing a $11 billion arms deal with Qatar; a global meeting in Vienna to discuss Iranian nuclear capabilities; the Gaza War and Operation Protective Edge; the kidnapping of 300 schools girls in Nigeria by Boko Haram; the death of Nadine Gordimer; and France inviting heads of African nations to centennial celebrations of World War I in France and recognizing African contributions to the war.

Digital materials

July 14, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 21, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine; the civil war in Eastern Ukraine; the Gaza War; an increase of child migrants from Central America entering the US and being held under terrible conditions in detention centers; and growing protests against deportations from the U.S.

Digital materials

July 21, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 28, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the Ebola outbreak in Africa; Boko Haram and the 300 kidnapped Nigerian girls; the South African union of metal workers ending their one month strike; France and the U.S. sending assistance to Africa to fight Boko Haram; talks for a peace treaty in Northern Mali to end hostilities; the Central African Republic peace treaty with Seleka rebels in Brazzaville; and the State of the Nation Address of Philippines President Benigno Simeon Aquino III.

Digital materials

July 28, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 4, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include the Ebola outbreak in Africa; the Gaza War and a pro-Gaza protest in Tel Aviv; the civil war in Ukraine; the inability to collect remains of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, which was allegedly shot down by Russian separatist forces; and major bank runs in Bulgaria after the collapse of Bulgaria's CorpBank.

Digital materials

August 4, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 11, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the Israeli attack against the southern Gaza town of Khuza; Human Rights Watch condemning Israel and Palestine for war atrocities against civilians; the conflict in Gaza being linked to anti-semitic attacks in France; thousands marching for Gaza in Cape Town; the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit; and the Ebola epidemic in Africa.

Digital materials

August 11, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 18, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Katia McClain and the guests were Hector Javkin and Thomas Jacob. Discussed topics include ISIS; Pakistan's Imran Khan and Tahirul Qadri at the Islamabad rally; the Indian general election, the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) victory, the election of Narendra Modi as prime minister, and the rise of Indian right-wing Hindu nationalism; the civil war in Ukraine; the investigation of war crimes by the Kosovo Liberation Army; and the history of children stolen and illegally adopted during the 1976–1983 Argentine military dictatorship and Estela de Carlotto locating her long-lost grandson via a DNA bank.

Digital materials

August 18, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 25, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include Boko Haram; the growing number of journalists killed in Israel and attempts to try to suppress truth about Gaza; the Ebola crisis in Africa frightening France; President François Hollande joining African leaders in honoring Operation Dragoon from World War II; the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; the International Criminal Court considering charges against Israel for war atrocities in Palestine; and Palestinians and Ferguson, MO protesters uniting virtually.

Digital materials

August 25, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 8, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include a scandal involving South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and game farms; child labor in the Philippines; Kosal Khiev and a documentary about him called Cambodian Son; the South China Sea dispute; the Iraqi parliament approving a new government and Haider al-Abadi as new prime minister; ISIS; and the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Digital materials

September 8, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 15, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Thomas Jacob. Discussed topics include a global alliance against the Islamic State (ISIS) and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL); President Barack Obama and war contractors; Denmark introducing rehab programs for Syrian fighters; Egyptian hunger striker Alaa Abdel-Fattah's release; Israeli Defense Force Refuseniks facing backlash from the Israeli military and government; the origins of ISIS and ISIL; elections in Afghanistan; and a major flood in the Kashmir Valley.

Digital materials

September 15, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 22, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guest was Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the People's Climate March; Cuba sending medical professionals to West Africa to help with the Ebola outbreak; the Ebola outbreak and lockdown in Sierra Leone; journalists killed while covering the Ebola education campaign in Guinea; and fighting in Syria against ISIS.

Digital materials

September 22, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 29, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include unrest in Argentina due to the debt crisis and Paul Singer; controversy surrounding César Milani, military Chief of Staff of Argentina; the República de los Niños (The Children's Republic) in Argentina; the film Flying Paper; the Khorasan group; and the Houthi takeover in Yemen.

Digital materials

September 29, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 6, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include President Uhuru Kenyatta indicted by the International Criminal Court and his resignation; the death of former Haitian President Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier; scandals surrounding President Jacob Zuma of South Africa; Mali's ancient manuscripts being smuggled to safety from Timbuktu; Japan whitewashing World War II history; a bill proposed in the Philippines to provide reparations to victims of Martial Law; and Sweden recognizing Palestine as a state.

Digital materials

October 6, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 14, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include growing protests in Israel against the high court ruling declaring internment camps of African refugees as unconstitutional; the Hannibal Directive and the Israeli Defense Forces; the potential for Israel to be tried for war crimes related to their attack on Rafah; Malala Yousafzai winning the Nobel Peace Prize; the re-election of Evo Morales as president of Bolivia; a movement to close the School of Americas; protests from Argentina's Mapuche indigenous peoples to stop fracking in their region; protests relating to the Iguala mass kidnapping; and the death of Ali Mazrui.

Digital materials

October 14, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 27, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Maryam Griffin (Palestine) and Cedric Robinsonn. Discussed topics include the Rwandan government banning the BBC from broadcasting in their country; the 20th anniversary of Rwandan genocide and a controversial BBC documentary about the genocide; Boko Haram; instability in South Sudan; Maryam Griffin's dissertation on the politics of transportation in the West Bank; Palestinian Freedom riders; and Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon's attempts to prevent Palestinians with work permits from accessing the West Bank via Israeli buses.

Digital materials

October 27, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 10, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the film On The Side of the Road; the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; the Iraq War and body counts; World War I history; and the Burkina Faso uprising and history of Burkina Faso.

Digital materials

November 10, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

November 24, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include President Barack Obama's executive order that would limit deportations of undocumented peoples; immigration reform and policies globally; a suicide bomber killing 45 at an Afghanistan volleyball game; the Pakistani Taliban; blasphemy laws in Pakistan and India; an upsurge in Hindu nationalism ushered in by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government; the fifth anniversary of the Ampatuan massacre in Philippines; and indigenous people from the Palawan Island in the Philippines protesting against plans to mine nickel on their land.

Digital materials

November 24, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 1, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval. Discussed topics include the Cairo Criminal Court dropping murder and corruption charges against President Hosni Mubarak; Syrian refugees; the Iguala mass kidnapping and protests against President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico; the Nigerian parliament planning to give President Goodluck Jonathan a bill of impeachment; and Boko Haram.

Digital materials

December 1, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

December 15, 2014, 2014

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Hector Javkin. Discussed topics include a Senate Intelligence Committee report examining the CIA's use of torture; the use of torture in Argentina; Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib Prison; and the use of torture globally as an interrogation tactic.

Digital materials

December 15, 2014 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 12, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Jovian Radheshwar (South Asia). Discussed topics include Boko Haram; political, military, and civil instability in Nigeria; the Paris Unity March; re-established political relations between the U.S. and Cuba; the history of American embargoes on Cuba; and the Rojava (Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, AANES) and ISIS.

Digital materials

January 12, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 15, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Elizabeth Robinson and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine; the Iraq War and body counts; Boko Haram and military efforts in Nigeria to combat them; destabilization in Sub-Saharan Western Africa; and Ezadeen and migrant ghost ships.

Digital materials

January 15, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

January 26, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Hector Javkin and the guests were Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval and Gary Colmenar. Discussed topics include the death of Argentinian lawyer Alberto Nisman; Pedro Garcia Arredondo being found guilty of killing 37 activists in Guatemala and Guatemalan politics; and Pope Francis' visit to the Philippines and Filipino politics.

Digital materials

January 26, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 2, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include fighting in Kobanî, Turkey against ISIL and ISIS; Kurdish women in Syria being granted equal rights in defiance of ISIS; Australian Al-Jazeera journalist Peter Greste being released from an Egyptian jail; the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris and the growing threat against freedom of press in France; growing racism in France; Boko Haram; and a car bombing in Nigeria after President Goodluck Jonathan's rally.

Digital materials

February 2, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 9, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Cedric Robinson. Discussed topics included the death of Assia Djebar; Nigeria postponing the presidential vote for security reasons; Boko Haram; President Robert Mugabe becoming Chairperson of the African Union; stability in India with Narendra Modi as prime minister with continued issues; racial tensions in India and the growing power of Hindu Mahasabha; and incidents of churches burning in Delhi.

Digital materials

February 9, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

February 23, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include ISIS; Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to the U.S. to meet with Congress, but not President Barack Obama; Egyptian activist and blogger Abd El-Fattah being sent to prison; and the increased migration from African refugees into Europe and the fear of radical Islamists and terrorism.

Digital materials

February 23, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 9, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Bethnal Green trio and brides of ISIL; the death of Ivana Hoffmann by ISIL; the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees published report about Syrian refugee women; negotiations to end the war in South Sudan; military efforts to stop Boko Haram and Boko Haram's allegiance to ISIS; and the Iguala mass kidnapping in Mexico and protests against corrupt police forces.

Digital materials

March 9, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 23, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics included the Israeli elections and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's opposition to a two state solution; the civil war in Yemen; political instability in Brazil with protests against President Dilma Rousseff and Petrobras; the trial of Karim Wade and prison sentencing; the death of Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew; the Mamasapano clash; and the deportation of Shin Eun-mi from South Korea.

Digital materials

March 23, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

March 30, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Thomas Jacob and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include political instability in India and the dominant Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP); racial tensions in India; food safety concerns in Lebanon; the U.S. and other allies removing themselves from the civil war in Yemen; and the Nigerian general elections.

Digital materials

March 30, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

April 2, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Katia McClain. Discussed topics included Bulgaria tightening its border with Turkey and building a wall to keep refugees from the Middle East and North Africa out; the change of the political landscape on Bulgaria over 25 years; the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank; the arrest of Palestinian activist Khalida Jarrar by Israel; Mumia Abu-Jamal; and the deaths of Günter Grass and Eduardo Galeano.

Digital materials

April 2, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 15, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Israel preempting a UN report by defending the Gaza conflict; Aung San Suu Kyi's visit to China; China publishing white papers about its future planning and reforms; the anniversary of the Bandung Conference; Nigeria, Chad, Niger, Cameroon, and Sudan to form a regional force against Boko Haram; and the trial of President Omar al-Bashir by the International Criminal Court.

Digital materials

June 15, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

June 22, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Jovian Radheshwar (South Asia) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the UN Gaza Inquiry's discovery of credible allegations of war crimes committed in 2014 by both Israel and Palestine; the arrests of Khalida Jarrar and Khader Adnan; Prime Minister Narendra Modi leading a mass yoga session in New Delhi and the Bharatiya Janata Party's use of yoga as a political weapon; the Cuban Five's visit to South Africa; South Africa being ordered to surrender President Omar al-Bashir after his indictment by the International Criminal Court.

Digital materials

June 22, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 6, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the Greek debt crisis and Greek bailout referendum; economic problems in Argentina; Cuba becoming the first country to eliminate mother-to-child transmissions of HIV and syphilis; Argentina's development of a genetic data bank due to large number of missing people; and controversies surrounding General César Milani of Argentina.

Digital materials

July 6, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 13, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gary Colmenar and Gerard Pigeon. Discussed topics include a Burundian crisis due to the presidential election results; the end of the South Sudanese Civil War; immigration from Africa into Europe; the Bardo National Museum attack and Sousse attacks in Tunisia; President François Hollande's tour of Sub-Saharan Africa; Puerto Rico's debt crisis; the Dominican Republic deporting Haitians; President Barack Obama given authority to expedite negotiations for a massive trade deal with countries on the Pacific Rim; and the anniversary of the Russell–Einstein Manifesto.

Digital materials

July 13, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 20, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Jovian Radheshwar (South Asia). Discussed topics include the re-establishment of diplomatic relations with Cuba, the history of Cuba, and the Cuban Revolution; the signing of Iran's nuclear deal; the rise in farmer suicides in India due to debts; the fight over land bill in the Indian Parliament; and the Statue of Unity in India.

Digital materials

July 20, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

July 27, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Gerard Pigeon and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include Turkish involvement in the Syrian Civil War; the U.S. and Turkey striking an agreement relating to the fight against ISIS; runner Dutee Chand winning her case on behalf of high testosterone female athletes; controversy surrounding the Burundian presidential election; and the trial of President Hissène Habré.

Digital materials

July 27, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

August 10, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Elizabeth Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Katia McClain. Discussed topics include Ukrainian officials creating a blacklist of "anti-Ukrainian" people and subjects; Ukrainian decommunization laws and the deteriorating infrastructure of Ukraine; rapidly growing cases of HIV/AIDS in Ukraine; government debt crisis in Puerto Rico and growing poverty; the upcoming elections in Argentina; and ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Digital materials

August 10, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

September 28, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Hector Javkin and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the coup in Burkina Faso; Egyptian students returning to university after warnings against anti-government protest; political murals on Mohamed Mahmoud street in Egypt; the Yemeni Civil War; Pope Francis' visit to Cuba; demonstrations about Iguala mass kidnappings in Mexico; and demonstrations in Argentina for the "Night of the Pencils"

Digital materials

September 28, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 9, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator of the episode was Cedric Robinson and the guests were Maryam Griffin (Palestine) and Elizabeth Robinson. Discussed topics include the increase in the number of Syrian refugees heading to Europe; ISIS; the attempted global crackdown on refugees; the release of paralympian Oscar Pistorius from prison; the gold miner silicosis litigation case in South Africa; and the ongoing violence in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

Digital materials

October 9, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

October 26, 2015, 2015

Scope and Contents

The moderator was Cedric Robinson and the guests included Elizabeth Robinson, Ralph Ambruster-Sandoval, Lucy Edwards, Hector Javkin, Ilya Ahmadizadeh, Gary Colmenar, Katia McClain, Jim Phillips, and Gerard Pigeon. This was the final episode of Third World News Review and it was a retrospective episode consisting of farewell messages from guests, guests reminiscing about their time of the show, why they joined the show, and the history of the show.

Digital materials

October 26, 2015 (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Undated Episodes, undated


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Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
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