Series VI: Political Cartoons and The Art of Controversy, 1910-2013, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
The Art of Controversy, Political Cartoons and Their Enduring Power, published in 2013, is the subject of this series. The book considers both the artistic and polemical aspects of cartoon and caricature, and relates the censorship, incarceration and even deaths that have resulted from this form of expression. The series contains Navasky's research material, as well as notes, drafts, edits, and post-publication reviews.
Subseries VIA: Research and Related Materials
Scope and Content Note
Research materials touch on the history of cartoons and caricature, scientific theories of the brain and its response to the content and images, and on individual cartoonists and their work. Specific controversial cartoons are included, such as the Mohammed cartoons published by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten; New Yorker covers such as the Obamas' fist bump (Barry Blitt's "Politics of Fear"); and a Kissinger cartoon by David Levine that caused a great deal of discord at The Nation. Much of the research resulted in a Timeline of various cartoon and caricature controversies beginning in 1831 and continuing through 2012.
Art of Controversy, 2001-2013, inclusive
Aniconism, 2011, undated, inclusive
Anti-Semitism, 2004, 2011, inclusive
Anti-Semitism: Cartoons, 2003-2011, inclusive
Anti-Semitism: Cartoons-Falk, Richard, 2011, inclusive
Anti-Semitism: "Die Bildpublizistik der antisemitischen Zeitung 'Der Stürmer'", 2009, inclusive
Anti-Semitism: "Jews in American Caricature: 1820-1914" by John J.Appel, 1981, inclusive
Anti-Semitism: "More Than a Laughing Matter: Cartoons and Jews" by George M. Goodwin, 2001, inclusive
Anti-Semitism: Vauro Senesim Case "Italian Judge Says Cartoonist is No Anti-Semite", 2012, inclusive
Arisman, Marshall, undated
"The Art of Editorial Cartoons and Political Caricatures", undated
Art and Politics, 1991, 1993, undated, inclusive
Art and Politics: R. Crumb, undated
Articles: "Cartoon Violence and Freedom of Expressionism" by David Keane, 2008, inclusive
Articles: "Economics in Cartoons" by Sandra J. Peart and David M. Levy, 2007, inclusive
Articles: Molla Nasreddin: "The Magazine That Would've, Could've, Should've", 2010, inclusive
Articles: "Racial Imagery, Racism, Individualism, and Underground Comix" by Leonard Rifas, 2011, 2012, inclusive
Articles: "The Rationale of Deformation", 1983, inclusive
Articles: "A Study of Ethnic Slurs: The Jew and the Pollack in the United States" by Alan Dundes, 1971, inclusive
Articles: Various, 1944, 1985, 1995-2012, undated, inclusive
Articles: Various (history), 1973-1996, 2012, undated, inclusive
Articles: Various (individuals), 1905, 1972, 2002-2013, inclusive
Articles: Various (individuals), 1983, 2011, inclusive
Articles: Various (religion), 1910, 2001, 2011, inclusive
Articles: Various (science), 1999-2011, inclusive
Articles: "War in the Funnypapers: Cooperation Between the Federal Government and the Comic Book Industry, 1940-1945" by Paul Hirsch, 2009, inclusive
Articles: "Whose Art is it Anyway", 1992, inclusive
Auth, Tony, undated
Baudrillard, Jean, 1988, inclusive
Beerbohm, Max, 2012, inclusive
Bell, Steve, 2002-2011, undated, inclusive
Berger, John: Navasky notes on Ways of Seeing, undated
Bibliography (few entries), 2008, 2009, undated, inclusive
Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum, 2011, inclusive
Blitt, Barry (includes The New Yorker "Politics of Fear" cover controversy), 1993-1994, 2008, inclusive
The Brain: Articles, 1993-2001, undated, inclusive
The Brain: Articles, 2005-2009, inclusive
The Brain: Articles, 2011-2012, inclusive
The Brain: Eye, Brain and Vision by David Hubel, undated
The Brain: Freud, 1996-2008, inclusive
Brodner, Steve, 2004, inclusive
Brown, Dave and David G. Brown, 2011, inclusive
Bryant, Mark, 2006-2010, inclusive
Bulgarian Cartoons, 2006, 2011, inclusive
Caricature, 1938, 1983, 2008-2011, inclusive
Caricature, 2005, 2011, 2012, inclusive
Caricature: Baudelaire, 2010, inclusive
Caricature: Caricature, 1940, inclusive
Caricature: Chinese-"The Fuming Image: Cartoons and Public Opinion in Late Republican China, 1945-1949", 2010, inclusive
Caricature: Ethnic-"'I Want a Real Coon': Mark Twain and Late-Nineteenth Century Ethnic Caricature" by Henry B. Wonham, 2000, inclusive
Caricature: "Four Modes of Caricature: Reflections Upon a Genre", undated
Caricature: "George Townshend Revisited: The Politican as Caricaturist" by Herbert M. Atherton, 1985, inclusive
Caricature: Indian-"Freedom to Cartoon, Freedom to Speak" by R.K. Laxman, 1989, inclusive
Caricature: "Infinite Jest: Caricature and Satire From Leonardo to Levine" (Exhibit at the Met), 2011, inclusive
Caricature: "The (Neuro)-Aesthetics of Caricature: Representations of Reality in Bret Easton Ellis' Lunar Park" by Timothy C. Baker, 2009, inclusive
Caricature: "On a Theory of Political Caricature", May 15, 2011, inclusive
Caricature: Photojournalism and Caricature, 2000, 2010, inclusive
Caricature: Psychology of Caricature, 1992, 1996, inclusive
Caricature: Themes, 2011, inclusive
Carrier, David, 2011, inclusive
Cartoonist rights, 2011-2012, inclusive
Cartoonist Rights Network International (CRNI), 2006-2011, inclusive
"Cartoonists Speak Out...The Pen is Mightier Than the Sorehead" (The Nation), Jan 17, 1994, inclusive
Churchill, Winston: in Nazi propaganda, 2011, inclusive
Cinderella Press Ltd. envelope with cartoon image, May 21, 2012, inclusive
Comic Books: "Overview" by James McWilliams (First Amendment Center), 2003, inclusive
Conrad, Paul, 1999-2011, inclusive
Cruikshank, George, 2000, 2011, inclusive
Danish Cartoons: Charlie Hebdo Firebombing/Mohammed Cartoon, 2011, inclusive
Danish Cartoons: Controversy, 1985, 2005-2011, inclusive
Danish Cartoons: Controversy, 2006-2012, inclusive
Danish Cartoons: "The Danish Cartoon Affair: Free Speech, Racism, Islamism, and Integration", 2006, inclusive
Danish Cartoons: Jyllands-Posten, 2006-2011, inclusive
Danish Cartoons: "Muhammad Cartoons and Humor Research: A Collection of Essays", undated
Danish Cartoons: "The Muhammad Cartoons and Multicultural Democracies", 2009, inclusive
Danish Cartoons: "Religion and Freedom of Speech: Portraits of Muhammad", 2007, inclusive
Daumier, Honoré, 1992, undated, inclusive
Delonas, Sean: New York Post chimp cartoon, 2003, 2009, inclusive
Delonas, Sean: Sharpton, Ferrer cartoon and the 2001 NYC Mayoral Race, 2001-2011, inclusive
Distribution, 1995, undated, inclusive
Edwards, Robert, 1994-2011, inclusive
E-mail (research), 2008-2013, inclusive
Ferzat, Ali, Oct 2011-Nov 2011, inclusive
German Cartooning (portion of unidentified book), undated
Giles, Carl, 2011, inclusive
Gill, André, 2011, inclusive
Gillray, James, 2007, 2011, inclusive
Glaser, Milton, 2002, inclusive
Goldstein, Robert Justin, undated
Gombrich, Ernst, 2009, undated, inclusive
Goya, Francisco, 1989, 2011, undated, inclusive
Grossman, Robert (includes letters to The Nation re: Hillary Clinton), 2008, inclusive
Grosz, George, 2011, inclusive
Harrison, Ted: Interview and ...from the Ridiculous to the Sublime..., 2010, 2011, inclusive
Heartfield, John, 1991, 2010, inclusive
Heller, Steve, 2008, undated, inclusive
Hiley, Nicholas, 2011, undated, inclusive
History, 1977, 2009-2012, undated, inclusive
Hoffman, Werner, 1957, 2011, inclusive
Hogarth, William, 2000, 2001, 2011, undated, inclusive
Humor Theory: Articles, 1974, 1981, 1988, 2005, undated, inclusive
Humor Theory: "De la divinagracia: Reflexiones en torno a la relacion entre humor y fe" (Student paper on the relationship between humor and faith-Andres Bello Catholic University-in Spanish), undated
Hustler Magazine and Larry C. Flynt v. Jerry Falwell, 2008, 2011, inclusive
Illustration, 2002, inclusive
Impact, 1998-2011, inclusive
Impact: Power of Images, 2008, 2009, undated, inclusive
Iran newspaper cockroach cartoon controversy, undated
Jackson, Raymond ("JAK"), 1997, 2011, inclusive
Johnson, Isabel: "Cartoons" from The Public Opinion Quarterly, vol 1, no 3 (Jul 1937), 2011, inclusive
Kaiser, Wolf, 2011, inclusive
Kimmelman, Michael, 2006, 2009, inclusive
Koestler, Arthur (notes), undated
Kohler, Wolfgang, 2011, inclusive
Kollwitz, Käthe, 2011, inclusive
Kraus, Jerelle, 2003, 2008, undated, inclusive
Latuff, Carlos, 2011, inclusive
Lawsuits, 1996, 2010, 2011, inclusive
Lehrer, Jonah, 2008, 2009, inclusive
Lepore, Ernie "Poetry, Medium and Message", 2011, inclusive
Levine, David, 1984, 2008, 2011, undated, inclusive
Low, David: "David Low and the Sociology of Caricature" by Lawrence H. Streicher, 1965, inclusive
Low, David: Photocopies of Low cartoons from John Heartfield Archive at Akademie Der Kunste, 1939, inclusive
Low, David, 2002-2011, undated, inclusive
Mankoff, Robert, 2009, inclusive
Marlette, Doug, 2004, undated, inclusive
The Masses (includes photocopies of article fragments from 1914, 1915, plus descriptive materials), 2011, undated, inclusive
McCabe (Thomas B. McCabe Memorial Lecture), 2009, inclusive
McLuhan, Marshall, 2011, inclusive
Memos, 2009-2012, undated, inclusive
Minor, Robert, 2011, inclusive
Mitchell, W.J.T., 2005, 2006, inclusive
Naji, Al-Ali, 2004, 2010, inclusive
Nast, Thomas, 2001-2013, undated, inclusive
Nast, Thomas: "Editorial Cartoonist Thomas Nast: Anti-Irish, Anti-Catholic bigot?" by Michael Dooley, 2012, inclusive
Nast, Thomas: "Thomas Nast and the Public School of the 1870s" by Benjamin Justice, 2005, inclusive
New Statesman (John Major Libel Suit), 1993, 2002, inclusive
The New Yorker Magazine: Covers rejected, 2012, inclusive
The New Yorker Magazine: "From Racism to Tokenism: The Changing Face of Blacks in The New Yorker Cartoons" by Ruth Thibodeau, 1989, inclusive
Nieman Reports: "Editorial Cartoons: The Impact and Issues of an Evoloving Craft" vol 58, no 4, Winter 2004, inclusive
Oesterheld, Hector German, 2011, inclusive
Oliphant, Pat, undated
Permissions, undated
Picasso, Pablo, 1973, 2011, undated, inclusive
Plantu, 2010, 2011, inclusive
Platt, Steve (New Statesman and John Major Story), 1993-2007, 2011, inclusive
Platt, Steve: "The Right to be Offensive: Poltical Cartoonists and Political Correctness", 1994, inclusive
"Politics of Fear" New Yorker cover reaction, 2008, inclusive
Porterfield, Todd (on caricature), 2011, inclusive
Propaganda, 2011, inclusive
Raemaekers, Louis, 2011, inclusive
Research images, undated
Resources, 2010, inclusive
Reviews and abstracts on related books, 1971, 1989, 2001-2012, undated, inclusive
Rhodes, Gillian, undated
Rowlandson, Thomas, 2011, inclusive
Sakurai, Heiko, 2011, inclusive
Scarfe, Gerald, 2011, inclusive
Schellmann, Hilke: Reasearch-Lists of books and articles concerning the brain and art/cartoons, undated
Searle, Ronald, 2011, inclusive
Segal, Jon (Random House editor): Drafts, with annotations, of letter describing planned book, 2011, undated, inclusive
Sensation (article concerning Brooklyn Museum of Arts "Sensation" exhibit), 1999, inclusive
Sex-difference research, undated
Sociology of cartoons, 2002, undated, inclusive
Sorel, Edward, 1988, 2011, inclusive
Speeches, 2009, 2013, undated, inclusive
Spiegelman, Art, 1993-2011, inclusive
Steadman, Ralph, 2000-2013, inclusive
Sunenblick, Jesse: his article "Little Murders" (why editorial illustrations get killed and why it matters), 2004, inclusive
Szyk, Arthur, 2011, inclusive
Timeline, 2008-2010, undated, inclusive
Trip: England/Germany (May 21-June 2, 2011), 2011, inclusive
Visual culture, 2005, undated, inclusive
Visual language, 2011, inclusive
Walker, Martin: Selected pages from Daily Sketches-A Cartoon History of British Twentieth Century Politics, 1978, inclusive
Waltzer, Ben: Research and comments, 2006, 2011-2012, inclusive
Weil, Robert (W.W. Norton editor): Drafts of letter describing planned book, undated
Westin, Alan: Selected pages from his book Getting Angry Six Days a Week: A Portfolio of Political Cartoons, 1979, inclusive
Wetzel, Juliane (anti-Semitism and images), circa 2008, 2011, inclusive
Zuma, Jacob: Images (Brett Murray and Zapiro), 2003-2012, inclusive
Subseries VIB: The Writing Process
Scope and Content Note
The writing process subseries contains drafts, edits, reviewer comments, notes, and many illustrations, some in color. Within the folders of illustrations, there are numerous duplicates. There are also illustrations that did not appear in the final book. Of interest are the many changes Navasky made to the structure of the book during the writing process. It should be noted that some of the drafts are incomplete. (The working manuscripts reflect the use of Microsoft Word's change tracking feature.)