Series VII: Other Navasky Writings, 1930s-2012, inclusive
Subseries VIIA: Books
Scope and Content Note
In 1976, Victor Navasky donated the bulk of his papers associated with the book, Kennedy Justice, to the John F. Kennedy Library. A copy of the deed of gift and an initial list of folder titles are included in this subseries. There also remain in this collection one complete draft with editors' annotations (1971), a set of proofs, several folders of research material, sections of the book that were printed in the New York Post, and numerous reviews.
The subseries also includes material associated with two books Navasky co-authored with Christopher Cerf – The Experts Speak, The Definitive Compendium of Authoritative Misinformation and Mission Accomplished! Or How We Won the War in Iraq: The Experts Speak. Each book contains a compilation of quotes by "experts" who turned out to be completely wrong. In addition to contracts, reviews, notes, and other related materials, there are several annotated drafts of the Iraq edition.
The Experts Speak, 1981, 1993-1997, inclusive
The Experts Speak: Contracts and royalties, 1981-1985, 1991-1993, 2001, inclusive
The Experts Speak: Design samples, edits, revisions and notes, 1982-1983, inclusive
The Experts Speak: Publicity and reviews, 1984-1985, 1998, inclusive
The Experts Speak: Iraq edition (Mission Accomplished! Or How We Won The War in Iraq: The Experts Speak), 2003, 2007-2008, inclusive
The Experts Speak: Iraq edition-Draft of introduction, Nov 2, 2007, inclusive
The Experts Speak: Iraq edition-Manuscript draft with annotations, Oct 21, 2007, inclusive
The Experts Speak: Iraq edition-Manuscript draft with annotations, Nov 3, 2007, inclusive
The Experts Speak: Iraq edition-Manuscript draft with annotations, Nov 4, 2007, inclusive
The Experts Speak: Iraq edition-Manuscript insertions, Oct 26, 2007, inclusive
The Experts Speak: Iraq edition-Notes, undated
Kennedy Justice: Donation of papers to John F. Kennedy Library (includes deed of gift), 1973, 1981, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Donation of papers to John F. Kennedy Library (includes folder title list), 1990, undated, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Draft (with editors' annotations) pp. 1-132, 1971, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Draft (with editors' annotations) pp. 132a-276, 1971, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Draft (with editors' annotations) pp. 277-379, 1971, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Draft (with editors' annotations) pp. 380-518, 1971, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Draft (with editors' annotations) pp. 519-661, 1971, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Draft (with editors' annotations) pp. 662-841, 1971, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Draft (with editors' annotations) pp. 769-842, 1971, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Draft (with editors' annotations) index, 1971, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Notes and fragments, undated
Kennedy Justice: Proofs
Kennedy Justice: Related Correspondence (includes letter from Bud Schulberg to Marvin Kitman re: RFK and Hoffa and letter accusing Navasky of misstatements re: James M. Landis case), 1971-2000, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Research and related material, 1948, 1972, 1975, 2001, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Research and related material-"Biographical Sketches of the Attorneys General", 1946, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Research and related material-"The Performance of the FBI in Investigating Violations of Federal Laws Protecting the Right to Vote--1960-1967", 1971, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Reviews, Oct 1971, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Reviews, 1971, undated, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Reviews, 1972, inclusive
Kennedy Justice: Sections printed in the New York Post, 1972, inclusive
The Art of Making Magazines, 2002-2012, inclusive
Jack O'Dell Research and Drafts, 2001-2014, inclusive
Subseries VIIB: Articles and Essays
Scope and Content Note
This subseries contains articles, essays, book reviews, letters to the editor, and similar writings by Victor Navasky, a representative sample of Navasky's output but, by no means, all of it. Research material, correspondence, drafts, notes, and other associated items are included with some of the articles. There are pieces from as early as 1958. Among the publications represented are the New York Times, New York Times Magazine, The Yale Law Journal, Esquire magazine, Atlantic Monthly, The Plain Dealer, and The Nation. Many of Navasky's "In Cold Print" columns from the New York Times Book Review are included. Articles written by Navasky also appear in other series, as appropriate.
A Navasky article -- "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" -- appeared in Esquire magazine's April 1987 issue. In addition to a copy of the piece, this subseries contains a great deal of associated research material, covering not only judicial appointments but many other aspects of Reagan's time in office.
Articles, 1968-1979, inclusive
Articles, 1982-2009, undated, inclusive
Articles: Article re: Foyle's Bookshop, London (Travel and Leisure) - includes background material, 1973, undated, inclusive
Articles: "Big Mike on Campus" (Esquire Sep 1988) - Navasky discusses the college days of Michael Dukakis, 1988, inclusive
Articles: "A CBS Documentary About a CBS Blacklist" (Navasky article on John Henry Faulk and the CBS program "Fear on Trial") - article, drafts, correspondence, background, 1975, inclusive
Articles: "A CBS Documentary About a CBS Blacklist" (Navasky article on John Henry Faulk and the CBS program "Fear on Trial") - notes and partial transcript of "Fear on Trial", undated
Articles: "The Demons of Salem, With Us Still" (New York Times Sep 8, 1996) - Navasky discusses film of Arthur Miller's The Crucible, 1996, inclusive
Articles: "E.L. Doctorow: I Saw A Sign" (includes article drafts and notes from Doctorow interview), 1980, inclusive
Articles: "E.L. Doctorow: I Saw A Sign" (includes draft of "How Writers Write" by Doctorow and interview by Random House staff), 1975, 1980, inclusive
Articles: Early articles (includes correspondence with Frontier magazine), 1958-1959, undated, inclusive
Articles: The Federal Trade Commission's Advertising Substantiation Program (article for MORE A Journalism Review) - drafts, fragments, notes, circa 1971-1972, inclusive
Articles: The Federal Trade Commission's Advertising Substantiation Program (article for MORE A Journalism Review) - related material, 1977-1984, inclusive
Articles: The Federal Trade Commission's Advertising Substantiation Program (article for MORE A Journalism Review) - research, 1971-1972, 1997, inclusive
Articles: "Levi Article" - material related to article on Edward H. Levi (article not included), 1975, inclusive
Articles: The New York Times Magazine, 1967-1971, inclusive
Articles: The New York Times Magazine, 1972-1977, 1996, 2012, inclusive
Articles: The New York Times Magazine - Boycott article (Iran), 1976, inclusive
Articles: The New York Times Magazine - Boycott article, notes, undated
Articles: The New York Times Magazine - Boycott article (Iran) research, 1962-1977, inclusive
Articles: The New York Times Magazine - Boycott article (Iran) research (includes Mar 1976 "Profile on Iran"), 1974-1976, inclusive
Articles: The New York Times Magazine - Boycott article (Iran) research, Committee for Artistic and Intellectual Freedom in Iran, 1973-1976, inclusive
Articles: The New York Times Magazine - Boycott article (Iran) research, Index on Censorship and other materials, 1975-1976, inclusive
Articles: Op Ed on George (draft, notes, research), 1995, undated, inclusive
Articles: "The Oscar No One Will Win", 1999, inclusive
Articles: [Playboy] article on informers, 1973, inclusive
Articles: "Reunion at Watergate" (The Columbia Forum Fall 1973) - article, edited draft and background material, 1973, inclusive
Articles: "The Rights of Journalists" (The Nation Aug 2005), 2005-2010, inclusive
Articles: "The Rights of Journalists" - research articles, 2004-2005, inclusive
Articles: "The Rights of Journalists" - research articles, 2005, inclusive
Articles: "The Rights of Journalists" - research articles, news clippings, 2004-2005, inclusive
Articles: "Robert Kennedy--As Attorney General and His Father's Son: The Strange, Sad Tale of James Landis" (The Washington Post/Potomac Oct 3. 1971), 1971, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" (Esquire Apr 1987), 1987, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - correspondence, 1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - notebooks, undated
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - notes, undated
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - research, Attorney General Ed Meese, 1981-1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - research, civil rights, 1985-1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - research, civil rights - material focused on opposition to William Reinquist nomination, 1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - research, civil rights - "An Oath Betrayed: The Reagan Administration's Civil Rights Enforcement Record in Education", Oct 1983, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - research, civil rights - "Without Justice: A Report on the Conduct of the Justice Department in Civil Rights in 1981-1982", Feb 1982, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - research, Confronting Moscow (Heritage Foundation), 1985, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, "Draft Report on Antonin Scalia", 1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, "How's Business in the Reagan Era?...", Dec 1983, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, "Ideological Shaping of the Court" (articles), 1957, 1983-1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, "The Impact of Reagan Administration Policies on Regional Income and Employment", May 1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, "Impact of the Reagan Years on the Distribution of Income of the Elderly", Feb 1985, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, "Index to Clippings of Alleged Ethics Violations by Reagan Administration Appointees" compiled by Rep. Patricia Schroeder, Oct 23, 1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, Information and Disinformation, 1985-1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, "Interest Groups and Interest in the Reagan Era", Sep 1983, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, Judicial Nominations, 1985-1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, Newspaper Clippings, 1984-1987, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, Nicaragua, 1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, Perspectives on the Reagan Years edited by John L. Palmer, 1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, Policy Review (Heritage Foundation) 3 issues, 1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, "President Reagan and the Federal Budget...", Mar 1985, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, Potential nomination of Orrin Hatach to the US Supreme Court, 1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, "The Reagan Administration and the Social Safety Net for the Nonaged Poor", Dec 1983, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, "The Reagan Legacy" by Bernard Weinraub, Jun 22, 1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, "Ronald Reagan: Prisoner of his Own Dreams" by David Hoffman, Nov 1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, Publications ("Multinational Monitor", "People and Taxes", "The Defense Monitor"), 1985-1986, inclusive
Articles: "Ronald Reagan and the Supremes" - Research, Various items, 1984-1986, inclusive
Articles: "Saving The Nation" (Atlantic Monthly, Jan 1998) - includes article and draft, 1997-1998, inclusive
Articles: "Saving The Nation" - reader responses to article, 1997-1998, inclusive
Articles: "Stamp Out Bad Communications" (The Plain Dealer), Oct 1, 1991, inclusive
Articles: Unidentified article focused on future of book publishing and conglomerates (also mentions electronic books, etc) - background/research, 1980, undated, inclusive
Articles: Unidentified article focused on future of book publishing and conglomerates (also mentions electronic books, etc) - draft fragments and notes, 1980, undated, inclusive
Articles: Unidentified article focused on future of magazines, undated
Articles: Untitled draft of article concerning New York Times' failure to attribute "scoop" to The Nation, 2004, inclusive
Articles: Various, from The Nation, 1975-1985, inclusive
Articles: Various, from The Nation, 1990-2005, undated, inclusive
Bittman, William: "Article In Progress" and related materials (includes Bittman FBI files), 1981, inclusive
Book Reviews, 1963-1999, inclusive
Book Reviews: The Big Foundations by Waldemar A. Nielsen (includes drafts, notes, correspondence), 1973, inclusive
Book Reviews: Fair Enough: The Life of Westbrook Pegler (includes related material), 1975, inclusive
Book Reviews: New York Times, 1971-1977, 1982, 2000, inclusive
Book Reviews: "The Ordeal of Meyer Levin" (includes article, correspondence and notes; also "Fifty Years in Writing" by Meyer Levin), 1973-1974, inclusive
Book Reviews: "The Ordeal of Meyer Levin" - annotated copy of The Obsession, 1973, inclusive
Book Reviews: "The Ordeal of Meyer Levin" - Plays in dispute (Anne Frank by Levin and The Diary of Anne Frank by the Hacketts), [1952], 1956, inclusive
Book Reviews: "Orphans of the Cold War" review of We Are Your Sons by Michael and Robert Meeropol, 1975, inclusive
Book Reviews: The Publish-It-Yourself Handbook, undated
Book Reviews: re: Navasky's review of Halberstam's The Best and the Brightest, 1973, inclusive
Book Reviews: "The Selling of the Brethren" The Yale Law Journal, Apr 1980, inclusive
Book Reviews: "The Selling of the Brethren" The Yale Law Journal (galleys), 1979-1980, inclusive
Contracts, 1954-1997, inclusive
Essay, "The Nation", for The Companion to American Thought, 1993, inclusive
"In Cold Print..." columns (The New York Times Book Review), Feb 1973-Apr 1974, inclusive
"In Cold Print..." columns (The New York Times Book Review), 1975, inclusive
"In Cold Print..." columns: notes, 1975, inclusive
"In Cold Print..." columns: research materials (includes Confrontation Fall 1974 containing articles on copyright), 1974-1975, inclusive
"In Cold Print": Coop publishing and other ideas (for columns), 1973-1974, inclusive
"In Cold Print": Correspondence, 1972-1973, inclusive
"In Cold Print": Correspondence, 1974-1975, undated, inclusive
"In Cold Print: A Crime Writers' Mafia" (Jun 15, 1975) - article, correspondence, background material, 1975, inclusive
"In Cold Print: A Crime Writers' Mafia" (Jun 15, 1975) - drafts and notes, 1975, inclusive
"In Cold Print: Safe Publishing" (Mar 16, 1975): article, correspondence, fragments, notes, 1975, inclusive
"In Cold Print: Safe Publishing" (Mar 16, 1975): Research, 1972-1974, inclusive
"In Cold Print: Safe Publishing" (Mar 16, 1975): Research, 1973-1974, inclusive
"In Cold Print: The Search for Subsidy": article, drafts, notes and related material, 1957-1958, 1975-1976, inclusive
"In Cold Print": Various columns - notes, undated
"In Cold Print: What is a Good Editor Worth?", 1972-1973, inclusive
"In Cold Print: What is a Good Editor Worth?" - Notes, 1973, inclusive
"In Cold Print: Writers and Underwriters": article and related material, 1973, inclusive
"In Cold Print: Writers and Underwriters": drafts and notes, undated
Letters to the Editor, 1951, 1976, 1995, inclusive
Letters to the Editor: Civil Liberties Review "Ramsey Clark and Wiretapping", 1976, inclusive
What Orwell Didn't Know (Navasky a contributor): material related to appearance at Miami Book Fair, 2007, inclusive
Subseries VIIC: Articles and Essays - Alger Hiss
Scope and Content Note
The amount of material associated with Navasky's Alger Hiss-related articles warrants its own subseries, although much of it is focused on a single piece - "The Case not Proved Against Alger Hiss." The article is a critique of Allen Weinstein's 1978 book, Perjury: the Hiss-Chambers Case. Navasky conducted extensive research and interviews in preparation for the article, which appeared in the April 8, 1978, issue of The Nation. Not only does this subseries contain material associated with the article's research and writing, it also includes relevant items subsequent to its publication. An example involves Sam Kreiger, one of the individuals interviewed by both Weinstein and Navasky, who brought a libel suit against Weinstein in 1979. There are documents from Krieger, Sam v. Allen Weinstein et al. which include Weinstein's deposition and a transcript of Weinstein's interview of Kreiger.
Navasky continued his criticism of Weinstein's work in a 1982 essay "Weinstein, Hiss, and the Transformation of Historical Ambiguity into Cold War Verity," which is included in a 1982 book edited by Athan G. Theoharis titled Beyond the Hiss Case: The FBI, Congress, and the Cold War. Correspondence, notes, research materials and working drafts are included.
Materials added to this subseries in 2016 largely relate to the 1996 release of the Venona papers. They contain clippings, articles, photocopies of the Venona papers, handwritten notes, drafts written by Navasky and others. Other research materials related to the Hiss case including copies of the FBI file of Victor Perlo, and published works about Hiss by John Lowenthal and Tony Hiss. These materials also include correspondence with Tony Hiss related to the creation of the website
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss", Apr 8, 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "British Reviews" of Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case, 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Correspondence Hiss Issue" Post-article (includes letters from Malcolm Cowley, John Henry Faulk, Eliot Janeway, Anthony Lewis, and Albert Moltz. Also copy of letter from Kurt Vonnegut), 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Chambers in CP" (HUAC hearing transcript pages-Whittaker Chambers Testimony), 1948, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Eddy, George", 1976, 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Eisler", Gerhart, undated
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": Field, Hermann, 1978, undated, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Garlin, Sender", 1978, undated, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Herbst, Josephine", 1949, 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Hiss, Alger", 1957, 1975, 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": Hiss, Alger "Pre-Perjury articles and clips" (includes copy of Richard M. Nixon speech "The Hiss Case"), 1950, 1972-1978, undated, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Hiss, Donald", 1951, 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Hiss, Priscilla", 1978, undated, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Hiss, Tony", 1973, 1977, undated, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Kaplan, Karel", 1977-1978, 1980, undated, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Krieger, Sam", 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Krieger, Sam" - Sam Krieger v. Allen Weinstein et al. (includes transcript of Krieger interview by Weinstein), 1978-1980, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Krieger, Sam" - Sam Krieger v. Allen Weinstein et al. (deposition of Allen Weinstein), 1979, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Lieber, Maxim", 1976-1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Licht", 1949, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Lowenthal, John", 1976-1980, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Massing, Hede", 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Nation (and New Republic) articles on Perjury", 1978-1979, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Navasky Drafts", 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Nobile, Philip", 1976, 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": Notes, 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Perlo, Victor", 1949, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Peter, Josef", circa 1949, 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": Post-article Press, 1978-1980, undated, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Reuben, Bill" (William A. Reuben), 1975, 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Reuben, Bill" (William A. Reuben), undated
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": Reviews of Perjury, 1978, undated, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Robinson-Reuben Case", 1979, undated, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Robinson-Reuben Case" - FOIA responses, Department of State, 1930s, 1976-1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Rosenward, Harold", 1975, 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Smith, John Chabot", 1976, 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Typewriter", 1949, 1976, undated, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Waltuch, Jack", 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Weinstein Articles, etc." (includes paper "The Alger Hiss Case: An Assessment"), 1969-1979, undated, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Weinstein-Navasky Correspondence", 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Whitman, Alden", 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Willert, Paul", 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Winter, Ella", 1978, inclusive
"The Case Not Proved Against Alger Hiss": "Wyzanski, Judge Charles E.", 1978, inclusive
"Ideology and Truth: Some Notes on the Hiss Case, The Cold War, Historiography and Imagery" (discusses writing of "The Case Not Proved..."), undated
Various Navasky Articles re: Alger Hiss, 1977, 1978, 1997-1999, inclusive
"Weinstein, Hiss, and the Transformation of Historical Ambiguity Into Cold War Verity": Correspondence, 1981, inclusive
"Weinstein, Hiss, and The Transformation of Historical Ambiguity into Cold War Verity": Notes, undated
"Weinstein, Hiss, and The Transformation of Historical Ambiguity into Cold War Verity": Research materials (includes copy of motion for summary judgment, "Alger Hiss and William A Reuben v. The Department of Justice et al.", 1981, undated, inclusive
"Weinstein, Hiss, and The Transformation of Historical Ambiguity into Cold War Verity": Working drafts, undated
Alger Hiss: Articles and Clippings, 1990-1992, inclusive
Alger Hiss: Venona Papers Notes and Photocopies, 1995-1996, inclusive
Alger Hiss: General Research, 1990-2009, inclusive
Alger Hiss: Victor Perlo FBI File, 1949-1972, inclusive
Alger Hiss Alger Hiss Project: Organizational Planning, 2003-2006, inclusive
Subseries VIID: Plays
Scope and Content Note
Although the collection contains a few examples of Navasky's early plays, most of the material in this subseries relates to Starr's Last Tape, a one-act play written by Navasky and his friend Richard Lingeman. Inspired by Kenneth Starr's investigation of Bill Clinton and Samuel Beckett's Krapp's Last Tape, it had a run at the Berkshire Film Festival in September of 1999. The collection contains correspondence, drafts and notes, research (including a complete copy of The Starr Report with the White House response), and reviews of the play.
Bech v. Jarndyce proposal for a television series, 2005, inclusive
Early interest in playwriting, 1954-1955, inclusive
An Emory Mack Adventure "Operation Statehood", undated
Emory Mack Breaks the Ice, undated
The Shopping Hour, circa 1954, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape, 1999, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Correspondence (also includes some script drafts), 1998-1999, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Drafts (early) with notes and insertions, Jul 1998-Aug 1998, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Drafts (with annotations), 1998, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Drafts and notes, with Starr biographical information and "Christian Life in the Law" by Kenneth Starr, 1995, 1996, 1998, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Drafts and notes with annotations, 1998, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Notes, undated
Starr's Last Tape: Performance and reviews, 1999, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Research/background, 1992-1998, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Research/background, 1998-1999, undated, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Research/background - magazine issues, 1998-1999, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Research/background - newspaper clippings, 1997-1998, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Research/background - newspaper clippings, 1998-1999, undated, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Research/background - newspaper sections, Sep 13, 1998, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Research/background - newspaper sections, Sep 22, 1998, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Research/background - newspaper sections, Feb 13, 1999, inclusive
Starr's Last Tape: Research/background - The Starr Report (complete text and White House response), 1998, inclusive
We Held These Truths or United We Stand, circa 1952, inclusive
Unidentified fragments, undated
Subseries VIIE: Speeches
Scope and Content Note
Folders in the "Speeches" subseries contain a variety of materials: some hold completed speech texts, drafts, or fragments; others contain items related to a speech but with none of the speech text. Not all the speeches are identified and some folders reflect Navasky appearances where he did not give a talk or speech but may have participated in a panel or question and answer session. The folders that are arranged chronologically and labeled "Speeches" reflect original order and titles.