Series V, Legal Cases and Documents, documents five lawsuits in which Agee was the plaintiff, and also contains a selection of legal documents from and correspondence with Agee's attornerys regarding other cases that were of interest to Agee. The majority of the series consists of affadavits and other legal documents from Agee's suit v. the United States Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency, Department of State, and Department of Justice, seeking to obtain government documents under the Freedom of Information Act. There are a small number of files, chiefly legal correspondence, but with some legal documents, from two lawsuits in which Agee sought damages for allegedly being falsely accused of being responsible for the 1975 death of Athens, Greece CIA Station Chief Richard Welch. In this regard, Agee separately sued former First Lady Barbara Bush, charging that her Barbara Bush: A Memoir (1994) falsely made this claim. Agee also sued author George Crile, et al, on the same grounds re his book Charlie Wilson's War (Grove/Atlantic, 2003). Bush agreed to alter one paragraph in her book as per a 1997 settlement. For the Crile case a similar settlement was reached in 2004. From Agee's unsuccessful attempt to regain his passport by suing the Department of State are several files of clippings, correspondence, and legal documents. There is also one file of plaintiff's affadavits from the case Philip Agee v. United States of America: Civil Action No. 94-2020-WBB, To Recover Damages for Illegal and Tortious Acts Committed against the Plaintiff by the CIA.