Series II: Subject Files, 2010 Accession, 1978-2007, inclusive
Afghan and Iraq Wars, circa 2000s
Afghan and Iraq Wars 1, 1988 - Oct 2006
Contains: Democratic Party; London bombing (2005); Oil - International Trade; Colombia; Pakistan/Iran/Uzbekistan; Patriotism, US; Russia; SE Asia; Pro-War in US; Military Recruitment; Military Repression, US; Military Intervention (1979-), US; Panama; Central America, Contragate; Katrina (2005); Afghanistan;
Afghan and Iraq Wars 2, 1999 - Jan 26, 2006
Contains: Gulf War 1991; Cuba, Left Criticism of; Imperialism, generally; Darfur; WMD, US Nukes; WMD, Iran; WMD, Korea; UN; Torture;
Afghan and Iraq Wars 3, Oct 2, 2001 - May 27, 2007
Contains: New York City Labor Against The War; (NYCLAW) postings; NYCLAW digests.
Afghan and Iraq Wars 4, Sep 2001 - Apr 2006
Contains: 911 immediate impact - domestic; Bin Ladin evidence; 911 labor assistance to victims; 911 economic impact; 911 disaster victims; 911 Giuliani; 911 biological attack; Civil liberties.
Afghan and Iraq Wars 5, Feb 10, 2003 - Apr 16, 2007
Contains: Iraq, Iraq War
Afghan and Iraq Wars 6, c 1974 - Jun 6, 2006
Contains: Iraq; Undocumented Workers "Illegals."
Afghan and Iraq Wars 7, Dec 23, 2002 - Jun 3, 2006
Contains: Somalia; Korea; 911 HS; Korea; Iran
Criminal Justice, undated
Criminal Justice 1, 1990 - 2001
Contains: AIDS; Bail; Black community position; Black crime; Broken Windows Theory; Children; Drugs: CIA involvement; Drugs: citizen patrols; Drugs: Civil liberties; Drugs: Colombia
Criminal Justice 2, 1988 - 2000
Contains: Offensive in NYC; Courts, Pro-prosecution; Drugs: courts; Drugs: crack, generally; Drugs: crack babies; Drugs: Crime lab; Crime rates; Dinkins crime plan; Giuliani crime plan
Criminal Justice 3, 1986 - Aug 21, 2001
Contains: District Attorneys, Prosecution; Death Penalty; Drugs: crime; Overview
Criminal Justice 4, 1989 - 2001
Contains: Drugs: drug courts; Drugs: education about; Drugs: National enforcement; Drugs: Entrapment; Drugs: Evictions, NYC; Drugs: Federal Policy 1988-; Drugs: Los Angeles; Drugs: Money Laundering; Drugs: legalization; Drugs: interdiction and use of the military
Criminal Justice 5, Mar 1982 - Mar 2001
Contains: Drugs: trade, turf, gangs (NYC); Drugs: treatment; Drugs: gangs (national); Drugs: genocide argument; Drugs: jail and prison (NY); Grand Jury; Judicial Appointments and conduct; Juries; Juveniles; Drugs: drug exception (national); Drugs: marijuana; Mental illness; Drugs: National Guard, use of; Drugs: needle exchange; Drugs: parole; Plea Bargaining; Prison-Industrial Complex; Drugs: Angela Thompson Sentence (NY); Central Park Jogger Case ("Wilding") 1989
Criminal Justice 6, 1979 - Nov 20, 1996
Contains: Racism: general overview and discussion; Racism: cocaine sentencing disparity; Racism: prosecutors; Racism: Judicial Commission on Minorities (1988); Racism: judiciary; Racism: prosecution of prominent blacks; Racism: reports; Racism: street level enforcement; Racism: sentencing
Criminal Justice 7, 1986 - 2000
Contains: Sentencing; Sentences; OJ Simpson Trial; Rodney King Trial
Criminal Justice 8, 2000 - Mar 6, 2007
Contains: Tobacco; Rockfeller Drug Laws, NYS; Misc. CJS to file
Criminal Justice 9, Oct 24, 1979 - 2000
Contains: California; Florida; LAPD; California; Rodney King
Criminal Justice 10, 1990 - Jan 24, 2002
Contains: By state; Phillip Pannell (v. Spath), 1990 NJ; Tyisha Miller Los Angeles Police Department, 1999
Giuliani, Rudy, undated
Rudy Giuliani 1, 1994 - 2000
Contains: School chancellors; School uniforms; Secrecy; Sex; Suits against city; Strike contingency plans; Street signs; Taxis; Time Warner cable; Traffic and peds; Vendors; Welfare; Popularity; Press; As US Attorney; Animus; Aides; AIDS; Arts - Brooklyn Museum; Street artists; Bunkers; Car seizures; Charas; Character, ambition, personal; Racism, personal; Redbaiting; Protesters, gethering; City Hall gardens; NYC Charter reform
Rudy Giuliani 2, 1992 - Jan 15, 2002
Contains: City Council; City employee free speech; City Hall fortress; Contractors, vendors; Critics, misc.; CUNY; Defamation, character assassination; Dibrienza; DNA testing; Foreign government figures; Grammys; Opposition to; Haitians; Hanac; Donna Hanover; Health, personal; Homeless; Housing works; Judges; Law, Mafia; Manhattan Institute; Municipal unions; City Hall demo, riot; NYPD commissioner; Navy Yard; Public order; v. Pataki; Patronage, corruption; Pets; v. politicians
Labor, Oct 23, 1979 - May 2002
Contains: Labor notes 1979-2002; Songs, history, etc.; Labor movement; Inside strategy
New York City Police Department, undated
New York City Police Department 1, Oct 27, 1983 - 2002
Contains: To file; Brutality generally; Bystanders; Cadets; Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB)
New York City Police Department 2, 1972 - 2002
Contains: Community policing; Corruption, misc.; Equal Justice News; IAD/IAB corruption; Mollen Commission; Drugs corruption/abuse; Crime stats; Corrupt cops: drug rings tipping off mob; Black cops; Locurto; Internal racism; AIDS; Gay; Women; Desmond Robinson: black cop shot by white cop; Cop; Discrimination
New York City Police Department 3, 1989 - 2001
Contains: Drugs: DEA; Drugs: Drug Wars NYC; Drugs: Tactical Narcotics Teams (TNT), NYC; NYPD: DWI, by police; NYPD: evictions by; NYPD: evidence, handling of; NYPD: false arrests by; FBI: treatment of FDNY by; Gangs; NYPD: cuffing by; NYPD: treatment of Hassidim by; NYPD: treatment of homeless by; NYPD: hot pursuit and driving by; NYPD: lineups; NYPD: brutality lawsuits and awards; NYPD: media victims; NYPD: city budget; NYPD: commanders; NYPD: compensation; MOVE (Philadelphia); DEA; Drug enforcement by boro; Tactical Narcotics Teams (TNT)
New York City Police Department 4, 1985 - 2001
Contains: NYPD: general misconduct; NYPD: off-duty misconduct by officers; NYPD: Operation Condor; NYPD: policy and planning; NYPD: reform proposals; NYPD: spying; NYPD: 48-Hour Rule; NYPD: Giuliani v. Diallo Critics; NYPD: organizations v. abuse by; NYPD: Guiliani v. Patrick Dorismond; NYPD: overtime pay for; NYPD: Police Benevolent Association (PBA); NYPD: use of pepper spray by; NYPD: "Perp walk."
New York City Police Department 5, 1988 - 2002
Contains: Police in schools; NYPD: injury death; NYPD: cop v. cop; NYPD perjury; NYPD failed policy; Drug policy; Prosecution of; Protest - NYPD reaction; Puerto Rican Day parade
New York City Police Department 6, 1989 - 2002
Contains: NYPD: quality of life arrests; NYPD: arrest quotas; NYPD: racial profiling by; NYPD: radios, beatings with; NYPD: mistaken drug raids by; NYPD: rappers, treatment of; NYPD: recruitment by; NYPD: disclosure of discovery by; NYPD: residency requirement for officers; NYPD: cop v. cop retaliation; NYPD: unconstitutional search and seizure by; NYPD: street crime unit; NYPD: strikebreaking by; NYPD: strip searches by; NYPD: suicide by officers; Police: SWAT (national); NYPD: Brutality Task Force (1997); NYPD: training of; US Marshals; NYPD: ammunition; NYPD: choppers; NYPD: weapons used by; NYPD: street enforcement
New York City Police Department 7, 1992 - 2002
Contains: Beatings 1978-; Michael Stewart 9/15/1983; Anthony Patrick 2000; Ryan Zulia 2000; Lauren Sudeall 10/3/2000; Jason Rowley; Sheldon Gilbert 10/3/2000; Marie Claire Lim 10/3/2000; Errol Maitland 3/28/2000; Stacey Patton 4/2/2000; Thomas Washington (broom attack) 4/21/2000; Gilberto Reyes Jusino 3/1999; Donaldo Maloney 7/23/1999; Thomas Pizzato 1/13/1999; Alton Fitzgerald White 7/16/1999; Walter Avila 1998; Kenneth Banks 10/29/1998; Jean Charles 9/24/1998; Norman Batista 9/97; Kuken Kernisant 12/16/1997; Murrell 1997; Shane Daniels 9/1996; Harold Dusenbury 7/25/1996; Anthony Baez 12/24/1994; Ernest Sayon chokehold death 4/29/1994; Johnny Cronartie 1993; Edward Dominguez 1993; Yunas Mohammed 9/16/1992; William Smith death 1/29/1992; Michael Perez rape 1991; Federico Periera custody death 2/5/1991; Joanne Tunner 9/28/1990 video taped assault; Henry Hughes 1989; Juan Rodriguez restraint death 1/20/1988; Edwin Torres drowning death 4/19/1998; Larry Davis 1986; Cadets; Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB)
New York City Police Department 8, 1978 - 2002
Contains: NYPD: shootings 1973-1989; NYPD: Bernard Kerik; NYPD: Patrick Dorismond shooting (2000); NYPD: Abner Louima, assault on (1997); NYPD: Amidou Diallo shooting (1999)
New York City Police Department 9, 1988 - circa 2000
Contains: Precincts; Anti Bias unit; Crime lab; Correction; Housing Police Department; Medical examiner; NYS troopers; Transit police; Amadou Diallo
New York City Police Department 10, 1983 - 2001
Contains: Allan Cameroon, 2005; Shooting by year; Tysheen Bourne and Thomas Boyland, 2000; Reynaldo Colon, 2000; Malcolm Ferguson, 2000; Carmen Valentine, 2000; Andre Austin, 9/18/1999; Gary Busch, 8/30/1999; Larry Cobb, 8/18/99; Stanton Crew, 1999; Walter Hickey, 2/23/1999; Dantae Johnson, 5/26/1999; Charles Stevens, 4/6/1999; Robert Striker, 8/9/1999; Richard Watson, 9/1/1999; Dexter Brown, 1998; Sean Kelly, 9/31/1998; Michael Jones, 1998; Antonio Reid, 6/14/1998; Felix River, 1/1983; Steven Service, 2/27/1998; Jason Rodriguez, 1995; Anthony Rosario, 1/12/95; Argencio, 1/1994; Desmond Robinson, 8/22/1994; Kenneth Cook, 1993; Aurea Bonnie Vargas, 1/29/1993; Earl Black, 5/27/1992; Robert Cabeza, 1992; Jacques Camille, 4/9/1992; Jose Garcia, 7/3/1992; Douglas Orfaly, 3/3/1992; P.O. Derwin Pannell, 11/17/1992; Ardel Amos, 8/25/1991; David Coho, 3/1/1990; Jose Cruz, 12/7/1990; Jose Luis Lebron, 2/1/1990; Luis Liranzo, 1/27/1990; Patrick Bailey, 10/31/1997; Reginald Bannerman, 12/1997; Kevin Cedeno, 4/1997; Donald Davidson, 3/1997; Rodney Dilbert, 1997; William Whitfield, 12/1997; Charles Campbell, 10/1996; Nathaniel Levi Gaines, 7/1996; Gayle Hoffman, 3/1996; Henry Phelan, 1/1996; Thompkins Square Park [riot], 1988
Racism, undated
Racism, 1980 - 2002
Contains: Atlanta murders - Wayne Williams; Greensboro, NC murders, 1979; Latinos, immigration; Klan; Attica Prison (NYS); Martin Luther King; Muslims; Malcolm X; Political prisoners, misc.; Repression, US; MOVE; Mumia Abu Jamal
Racist Violence
Racist Violence, 1980 - 1989
Contains: Central Park jogger 4/89; Bernard Goetz, 1984; Yusef Hawkins, 1989; Howard Beach, 1986; 1980-1989; Willie Turks, June 1982; Crown Heights (Bklyn, NY)