Theodore Schapiro Papers and Photographs
Call Number
Language of Materials
Theodore Schapiro (1898-1998), was a political activist and the last director of the Rand School of Social Science (1943-56). This collection consists of biographical matter, business correspondence (including several letters from Norman Thomas, and individual letters from Erich Fromm, Nina Hillquit, and Sidney Hook), documents from the Rand School's Institute of Social Studies, and photographs.
Historical/Biographical Note
Theodore Schapiro (1898-1998) was a political activist and the last director of the Rand School of Social Science (1943-56). His early training in art and industrial design at Cooper Union, the Art Students' League, and the Beaux Arts Institute of Design led to a career in industrial design. He joined the Socialist Party early in his life and assisted in planning the Party's platform for Norman Thomas' presidential bid in 1940. He served as an organizer for the Textile Workers Union as well as other unions, and he taught adult education classes for them and for the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union. During the 1930s he was employed by the Works Progress Administration's Federal Arts Project.
The files are grouped into two series; folders are arranged alphabetically by topic within each series.
Series I: Papers, 1913-1956
Series II: Photographs, 1914-1954
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of biographical matter, business correspondence (including several letters from Norman Thomas, and individual letters from Erich Fromm, Nina Hillquit, and Sidney Hook), documents from the Rand School's Institute of Social Studies, and photographs.
Conditions Governing Access
Materials are open without restrictions.
Conditions Governing Use
Copyright (and related rights to publicity and privacy) to materials in this collection created by Theodore Schapiro was not transferred to New York University. Permission to use materials must be secured from the copyright holder.
Preferred Citation
Identification of item, date; Theodore Schapiro Papers and Photographs; TAM 217; box number; folder number; Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Materials were donated by Ted and Miram Schapiro in circa 1998. The accession numbers associated with this gift are 1999.023 and NPA.1999.017.
About this Guide
Processing Information
Photographs from this collection were established as a separate collection, the Theodore Schapiro Photographs Collection (PHOTOS 089) in July 1999. In April 2013, this photographs collection was reincorporated into the Theodore Schapiro Papers, and the collection was re-named the Theodore Schapiro Papers and Photographs (TAM.217).
Papers, 1913-1956, inclusive
Biographical, 1913-1935, inclusive
"The Commie's Lament or, Custer's Last Stand" (poem/lyrics?), undated
Correspondence, 1931-1956, inclusive
Printed Ephmera, Miscellaneous, circa 1936, 1957, 1964, undated, inclusive
Rand School of Social Science/Institute ot Social Studies, 1954-1955, inclusive
WPA - Federal Art Project, 1937-1938, inclusive
Photographs, 1914-circa 1959, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Fifty-six black and white photographs, including a few portraits of Schapiro and of Schapiro speaking, events at the Rand School of Social Science (classroom and lecture images; individuals include Sidney Hook), and Socialist Party-related events. The latter images include what appear to be campaign workers for one or more of Meyer London's campaigns for Congress for New York State's 12th congressional district (between 1914 and 1920), with an interior splashed with Socialist Party campaign posters; one image includes London himself.