This series consists of National Lawyers Guild publications, photographs, and organizational records from the 1960s-2000s. Organizational records relate predominantly to annual conventions and the National Executive Committee (NEC) meetings. These materials include NEC meeting minutes, budgets, nominations, membership reports, committee correspondence, and regional committee reports. Reports and organizing materials produced by specific committees largely address topics on international human rights including Palestine, apartheid in South Africa, US intervention in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the War on Terror. Publications consist of copies of national referral directories (1986-2009), pamphlets, and conference programs. The series also contains records related to production and promotion of Guild publications including committee minutes, correspondence, press clippings, brochures, and programs. There are also large number of photographs and graphics, the majority of which appear to have been used in NLG publications. The bulk of the photographs were originally loose in a box, containing little clear sense of order. There is limited information about the topics addressed in the photographs or how they were used, but many relate to international campaigns in Latin America, the Caribbean, and the middle-east. Other materials in this series include a 2002 photo album on women in the National Lawyers Guild; a scrapbook of about the Palo Alto Peace Club's opposition to the Korean War (1950-1953); cassette tapes related to South Africa and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 4 floppy disks containing documents related to South African human rights hearing after the end of apartheid, and a CD of the 2009 Law of the People Convention in San Francisco.