Cedric Belfrage Papers
Call Number
Language of Materials
Cedric Belfrage, socialist, author, journalist, translator, and co-founder of the National Guardian, was born in London in 1904. In 1927 Belfrage went to Hollywood, where he was hired by the New York Sun and Film Weekly as a correspondent. He became politically active, joining the Hollywood Anti-Nazi League and co-editing a left literary magazine, The Clipper. In 1948, he wrote for and helped found the National Guardian (later Guardian) to which he would remain affiliated until the 1960's. Belfrage was summoned in 1953 to appear before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), and in 1955, he was deported back to his native England. Belfrage then travelled to Cuba in 1961, and in 1962, travelled throughout South America before finally settling in Cuernavaca, Mexico. In 1973, Belfrage returned to the U.S. for the first time since 1955, on a publicity tour for a new book. Belfrage continued to write extensively until his last years. He died in Mexico on June 21, 1990. The papers of Cedric Belfrage span the years 1922-1990, with the bulk of the material from 1945-1985. The collection consists mainly of Belfrage's writings both published and unpublished. The writings include articles, travel notes, translations, short fiction and non-fiction essays, book manuscripts and research files, and related correspondence. The collection also contains correspondence (mostly incoming), documentation of Belfrage's political activities, biographical materials and photographs.
Historical/Biographical Note
Cedric Belfrage, socialist, author, journalist, translator, and co-founder of the National Guardian, was born in London on November 8, 1904. He came from a conservative middle-class family and his father was a doctor. During his childhood and adolescence he attended public school, and at the age of twenty-one went to college at Cambridge University. His early career as a film critic began there, where he published his first article in Kinematograph Weekly on May 8, 1924.
In 1926 Belfrage travelled to New York where film criticism was a more profitable occupation. There he wrote for magazines and newspapers such as Picturegoer, Bioscope, The New York Herald Tribune, The Daily News, and Commercial Art. Belfrage's characteristic ironic humor is evident even in these early writings. In 1927 his career as a film critic propelled him further west, to Hollywood. He traveled by train and arrived with $23.00. He was hired by the New York Sun and Film Weekly (based in London) as a Hollywood correspondent. In 1928 he was married to Virginia Bradford, a Hollywood starlet, whom he divorced about two years later.
Belfrage returned to London in 1930 as Sam Goldwyn's press agent. Once there, Lord Beaverbrook of the Sunday Express (later Daily Express) soon hired him and in 1932 sent him back to Hollywood as the paper's correspondent. The Express sent him on another film criticism journey in 1934, this time around the world. This voyage provided Belfrage with the material for his first book, Away From It All (published in 1937 by Gollancz, Simon and Schuster, and Literary Guild, and in 1940 by Penguin). It was also during this voyage that Belfrage became politicized. Not only did he witness the poverty brought about by imperialism, but also "the advent of Hitlerism and the lack of alarm in the British ruling circles." (Guardian obituary, Jul 4, 1990)
When Gollancz accepted Away From It All in 1936, Belfrage resigned from the Express to settle back in Hollywood, with his new wife Molly Castle, and their daughter Sally. At this point he became politically active for the first time, joining the Hollywood Anti-Nazi League and the Spanish Republican Committee, and co-editing a left literary magazine, The Clipper. He also collaborated with Theodore Dreiser on a book. Away From It All proved successful, and Belfrage soon began work on his second book, The Promised Land, dispelling various myths about Hollywood. In 1937, Belfrage met Claude Williams, a Presbyterian preacher from Arkansas, with whom he became fast friends and would have an on-going collaborative relationship. Williams was on a fund raising tour for his People's Institute of Applied Religion, a Christian Marxist organization in solidarity with southern sharecroppers and the Civil Rights movement. Belfrage wrote a biography of Williams that was published as Let My People Go in 1937 by Gollancz (and as South of God in 1938 by Left Book Club, and as A Faith To Free The People in 1942 by Modern Age, Dryden Press and Book Find Club).
Belfrage's political engagement, which seems at this time to have centered on the broad based anti-fascist effort, led him to join the Communist Party in 1937. The fact the he withdrew his membership a few months later, and that he had only just begun to read Marx and Lenin, suggests that he joined because of the C.P.'s visible, accessible and organized protest against fascism, rather than because of any allegiance to the C.P. itself. After this break, Belfrage would maintain a friendly but critical relationship with the Communist Party.
In 1941, the Belfrage family, now including two year old Nicholas, moved to New York where Cedric served with British Intelligence. Also in 1941, he had an autobiography published, They All Hold Swords (Modern Age). He continued his work with British Intelligence until 1943, and in 1944 became a Press Control Officer in London for the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditional Forces (SHAEF) Psychological Warfare Division (PWD). He was sent in this capacity to France and then to Germany where his mission was to de-Nazify the German press by helping found the first anti-fascist newspaper in Germany after World War II, the Frankfurt Rundschau. At this time Belfrage met Jim Aronson who was working on the same project. The two would go on to found the National Guardian (along with Jack McManus) and become life-long best friends.
Belfrage returned to the U.S. in 1945, where he settled with his family in Croton-on-Hudson, New York. He received a Guggenheim fellowship to write Seeds of Destruction, his chronicle of de-Nazifying the German press, but the Cold War made its publication impossible until 1954 (Cameron & Kahn). At this time, he also worked on his novel about the U.S. funeral industry, Abide With Me (Sloane Associates, N.Y., 1948, Secker & Warburg, London, 1948, translated in Germany and Czechoslovakia). In 1947 his third child, Anne, was born.
In the summer of 1948, Belfrage travelled to southeast Missouri to visit Claude Williams. He spent several months there and was introduced to Claude's friends, Owen Whitfield (Whit), a black sharecropper preacher, and Thad Snow, a white cotton planter and Whit's neighbor. From them Belfrage learned about the Sharecropper's Strike of 1939, which was organized by Whit and Thad. He began writing a book on this event and these two men, but never completed it (though he took it up again in 1982), due to another project that came up: founding a newspaper.
The fall of 1948 marks the birth of The National Guardian, a progressive newsweekly. Its purpose was, as Belfrage put it in his address to the 1980 Meiklejohn Institute Symposium on HUAC, "to oppose head-on both the witch-hunts and the Cold War of which they were the domestic auxiliary," but on a strictly non-partisan basis. The paper also aimed to unify the left, as Belfrage explained in a 1986 Guardian interview: "There's apparently something about Marxism which makes its devotees fight each other like cats and dogs. And this was an attempt to stop that." (published in the Fall 1988 40th Anniversary Journal). This goal of unity typifies Belfrage's political stand, which was critical but always aiming to strengthen ties among leftist groups rather than emphasize differences.
The National Guardian drew its readership largely from the Progressive Party. The first issue featured an article by progressive Henry Wallace, whom the National Guardian endorsed as a presidential candidate on the independent ballot that year. The paper also found support in the American Labor Party. Congressman Vito Marcantonio was especially enthusiastic about the paper. It reported on such issues and events as the trial and execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, charged with 'atomic espionage' for the Soviet Union, the Korean War (the paper opposed it), the indictment of reporter Anna Louise Strong (National Guardian foreign correspondent) in the Soviet Union as a U.S. spy, the Trenton Six, the murder of Emmet Till, and the growth of the Civil Rights movement (it was the first American newspaper to have a Black History section). It supported national liberation struggles around the world: Africa in the 1950's, Southeast Asia in the 1960's and early 1970's, and Latin America in the 1980's. It also supported the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (in which Sally Belfrage was extremely active and about which she wrote her first book, Freedom Summer). The National Guardian was among the first papers to oppose the Vietnam War with on-scene reports from foreign correspondent Wilfred Burchett. Another cause taken up by the National Guardian was the defense of political prisoners such as Alger Hiss, Corliss Lamont, the Hollywood Ten, and Ann and Carl Braden, many of whom Belfrage knew personally and had an on-going correspondence with.
Due to such reportage the National Guardian was constantly harassed by the government, culminating in 1953 when Belfrage was summoned to appear before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) and Senator Joe McCarthy. Belfrage invoked the fifth amendment at his hearing in response to charges of being a Communist Party member. The next day he was arrested by immigration officials at his desk in the National Guardian office. Belfrage alone among the paper's staff was vulnerable to arrest due to his status as an alien; he had never obtained U.S. citizenship. He was taken to Ellis Island where he spent one month in jail.
But Belfrage's troubles with the government were not over and he was again arrested in 1955. This time he spent three months at the West Street Federal Penitentiary before he was deported (along with his third wife, Jo) back to his native England. There he became the editor-in-exile of the National Guardian. As a reporter, he travelled to India, East and West Europe, Israel, Russia (just after Nikita Krushchev's 1956 "Secret Speech" on Stalin), China, where in 1957 Belfrage was "the only person...reporting for an American publication" (1986 Guardian interview), and Ghana, where he renewed his friendship with W.E.B. DuBois. He also helped organize a British committee to obtain a U.S. passport for African-American singer Paul Robeson. In addition to reporting, Belfrage wrote a book at this time about his deportation experience, The Frightened Giant (Secker & Warburg, London, 1956, Guardian Books, N.Y., 1957).
In 1961, Belfrage travelled to Cuba and in 1962 throughout South America. He used his experience in Cuba to write a historical novel, My Master Columbus (Secker & Warburg, 1961, Doubleday, N.Y., 1962) and his South American experiences were published in 1963 as The Man at the Door With The Gun (Monthly Review Press). In the same year, Belfrage settled in Cuernavaca, Mexico with his fourth and last wife, Mary. There they ran a left-wing guest house and offered refuge to South American exiles.
In 1967 Belfrage resigned from the National Guardian (which then shortened its name to the Guardian), as did Aronson. The new Guardian staff wanted the paper to become an ideological leader of the New Left. Neither Belfrage nor Aronson could endorse this move, as they had deliberately founded the Guardian on a non-sectarian basis and as a unifying force on the left. As Belfrage wrote in a letter dated April 11, 1966 to staff member Jack Smith, "What seems beyond a doubt is that our non-sectarian radicalism is the main basis of the support we receive, the main thing NG has that other Left publications don't have...I would describe the paper as an organ and defender of, and newspaper of record for, all groups and individuals who are fighting the political and social status quo..." Belfrage's relations with the Guardian remained hostile for a time, though by the 1980's he was corresponding with the staff and writing book reviews and articles.
While 1967 marks the end of one phase in Belfrage's career, it also marks the beginning of a new one. He made his debut as a Spanish/English translator with Eduardo Galeano's Guatemala Occupied Country (Monthly Review Press). He achieved great success in this field and was extremely talented. From about 1970 to 1973 Belfrage's main project was researching and writing his book on the McCarthy era, The American Inquisition (Bobbs Merrill, 1973, Siglo XXI, Mexico, Thunder' Mouth Press, 1989). In 1973, Belfrage returned to the U.S. for the first time since 1955 (after a lengthy campaign to obtain a visa) on a publicity tour for his new book. He lectured at universities and to left organizations throughout the country.
In 1981 Belfrage suffered a stroke which partially paralyzed his left hand. He continued to write extensively until his last years. He translated Eduardo Galeano's trilogy on Latin America, Memory of Fire (Pantheon, 1985), for which he received much acclaim. He also began writing (but never finished) a memoir, and a book on his time in Hollywood, focusing on the social and cultural side rather than the political, and returned to his book on Thad and Whit. He also began biographies on the Mexican Revolutionary, Emiliano Zapata, and the Spanish priest Las Casas who befriended the natives at the time Spain conquered Mexico. Belfrage's sense of humor remained sharp during his last years as is evident in various short writings such as an Encyclopedia of Useless Information, and a novel about a nudist colony. In addition to writing, he was active with Mary in the aid of South American refugees, and together they continued to welcome friends and comrades to their home. He died in Mexico on June 21, 1990.
BOOKS BY CEDRIC BELFRAGE'Away From It All.' Gollancz, London, 1937; Simon & Schuster, 1937; Literary Guild, 1937 Penguin (Britain) ppbk. 1940.'Promised Land.' Gollancz, London, 1937; Left Book Club, London, 1937; Republished by Garland, N.Y., Classics of Film Literature series, 1983.'Let My People Go.' Gollancz, London, 1937.'South of God.' Left Book Club, 1938.'A Faith to Free the People.' Modern Age, N.Y., 1942; Dryden Press, N.Y., 1944; Book Find Club, 1944; (translated into Chinese and German) by the People's Institute of Applied Religion.'They All Hold Swords.' Modern Age, N.Y., 1941'Abide With Me.' Sloane Associates, N.Y., 1948; Secker & Warburg, London, 1948; (translated in Germany and Czechoslovakia)'Seeds of Destruction.' Cameron & Kahn, N.Y., 1954'The Frightened Giant.' Secker & Warburg, London, 1956'My Master Columbus.' Secker & Warburg, 1961; Doubleday, N.Y., 1962; Editiones Contemporaneos, Mexico, (in Spanish). Also translated in Germany and Czechoslovakia.'The Man at the Door With the Gun.' Monthly Review, N.Y., 1963'The American Inquisition.' Bobbs-Merrill, 1973; Siglo XXI, Mexico (in Spanish) Thunder's Mouth Press, 1989.'Something to Guard.' Columbia University Press, 1978
Translations (all for Monthly Review Press, N.Y. & London, unless indicated)Galeano: Guatemala Occupied Country, 1967.Silen: We the Puerto Rican People, 1971.Galeano: Open Veins of Latin America, 1973.Galeano: Workers' Struggle in Puerto Rico, 1976.Fraginals: The Sugarmill, 1976.Selser: Sandino, 1981.Galeano: Memory of Fire (translated 1983) Pantheon, 1985.
The collection is arranged into six series, three of which are arranged into subseries:
Series I: Biographical Materials, 1922-1990
Series II: Correspondence, 1937-1989
Subseries II:A: Family Correspondence, 1953-1987
Subseries II:B: General Correspondence - Individuals, 1938-1988
Subseries II:C: General Correspondence - Countries, 1937-1989
Series III: Political Activities, 1944-1989
Subseries III:A: German Press Control, 1944-1946
Subseries III:B: Deportation, 1944-1989
Subseries III:C: National Guardian, 1948-1987
Series IV: Writings, 1927-1990
Subseries IV:A: Travel Notes, 1956-1977
Subseries IV:B: Articles, 1946-1987
Subseries IV:C: Translations, 1966-1989
Subseries IV:D: Published Writings, 1937-1990
Subseries IV:E: Unpublished Writings, 1941-1980
Subseries IV:F: Published Writings: American Inquisition, 1945-1989
Subseries IV:G: Published Writings: American Inquisition - Research, 1945-1978
Subseries IV:H: American Inquisition - Leo Sheiner and Miami Red Cases, 1946-1961
Subseries IV:I: Memoirs, 1974-1981
Subseries IV:J: Unpublished Writings - Hollywood Book, 1927-1984
Subseries IV:K: Unpublished Writings - Owen Whitfield Book, 1947-1985
Subseries IV:L: ADDENDUM to Published Writings: American Inquisitionand My Master Columbus, 1959-1990
Series V: Addendum, 1923-2003
Series VI: Photographs, 1923-1999
Scope and Content Note
The papers of Cedric Belfrage span the years 1922-1990, with the bulk of the material from 1945-1985. The collection consists mainly of Belfrage's writings both published and unpublished. The writings include articles, travel notes, translations, short fiction and non-fiction essays, book manuscripts and research files, and related correspondence. However, the collection does not fully reflect Belfrage's career as an author since there is little information on many of his published books. The collection also contains correspondence (mostly incoming), documentation of Belfrage's political activities, and biographical materials.
The collection provides substantial information about the early part of Belfrage's life as a Hollywood film critic (1920's-1930's), but very little about his subsequent activity in Germany as a press control officer for the U.S. army (1944-1945), though he maintains correspondence with Emil Carlebach, Buchenwald survivor and Communist, whom he met in Germany and about whom he wrote an article. His trip to Southeast Missouri in 1948 is very well documented in the form of writing and research for a book he later began (but never published) about two people he met there. They were the organizers of the Sharecroppers Strike of 1939, Owen Whitfield, a black sharecropper, and Thad Snow, a white farmer. Belfrage's next major project, the founding of the National Guardian in the fall of 1948, is well documented. Information on his involvement with this paper, and detailed correspondence with the co-founder and Belfrage's best friend, Jim Aronson, spans the rest of his life.
The collection also provides documentation of his deportation case and time in jail, mostly in the form of articles about him and correspondence. The next period in his life, as editor-in-exile for the National Guardian, during which he travelled extensively as a journalist, is less well covered. The main forms of documentation are articles by him, travel notes, and correspondence. The collection covers more thoroughly the final period of Belfrage's life, from the time he settles in Mexico in 1973 to his death in 1990. This time span is best chronicled by correspondence, and book and translation projects. Belfrage's evolving political position is well documented, especially regarding the rise of fascism and anti-Semitism in the 1930's, World War II in the 1940's, McCarthyism in the 1950's, Cuba in the 1960's, and Latin American countries in general in the 1970's and 1980's. His ambivalent relationship to the Communist Party and the Soviet Union is an on-going theme both in his writings and correspondence. The collection provides a detailed record of Belfrage's relations with friends and family, in the form of correspondence, though it is almost all incoming.
Conditions Governing Access
Materials are open without restrictions.
Conditions Governing Use
Copyright (and related rights to publicity and privacy) to materials in this collection created by Cedric Belfrage was not transferred to New York University. Permission to use materials must be secured from the copyright holder.
Preferred Citation
Identification of item, date; Cedric Belfrage Papers; TAM 143; box number; folder number; Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University.
Location of Materials
Immediate Source of Acquisition
The Cedric Belfrage Papers were a gift of Mary Belfrage in 1991. Seven VHS tapes donated by an unknown donor in 2008 were discovered in the repository in 2014. The accession numbers associated with these gifts are 1991.003, 1991.005, NPA.1993.017, NPA.2008.027, and 2014.125.
Audiovisual Access Policies and Procedures
Audiovisual materials have not been preserved and may not be available to researchers. Materials not yet digitized will need to have access copies made before they can be used. To request an access copy, or if you are unsure if an item has been digitized, please contact tamiment.wagner@nyu.edu with the collection name, collection number, and a description of the item(s) requested. A staff member will respond to you with further information.
Separated Materials
Four reels of recordings of House UnAmerican Activities Committee hearings (circa 1952-1955), and five cassettes of interviews for the unpublished book on Owen Whitfield (1982) have been removed and are located in Tamiment's non-print collection. A videotape interview (circa 1976) of Belfrage regarding his Hollywood years has been transferred to the Avery Fisher Center and separately cataloged.
About this Guide
Processing Information
Photographs separated from this collection during processing were established as a separate collection, the Cedric Belfrage Photographs (PHOTOS 057). In 2014, the photograph collection was reincorporated into the Cedric Belfrage Papers (TAM 143). Also in 2014, a box of VHS tapes found in the repository was added to the collection as Box 31.
In August 2017, one item was retroactively accessioned into the collection. This item was prepared to be moved to offsite art storage in September 2017.
Revisions to this Guide
Edition of this Guide
Series I: Biographical Materials, 1922-1990, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Biographical Materials (1922 - 1990) is the smallest portion of the collection. It contains personal notes, passports and other identification, engagement diaries and obituaries.
Miscellaneous notes and writings., undated, inclusive
Passports, identification cards, press and literary contact list., 1922-1936, inclusive
Engagement diaries., 1957 , 1959, inclusive
C.B. obituaries., 1990, inclusive
Cedric Belfrage: Portraits in Pencil [signed "Buenos Aires, Shan...? (name of artist)], 1962, inclusive
Series II: Correspondence, 1937-1989, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Family Correspondence is mostly from his daughters Sally and Anne, and Anne's mother Anne-Marie. Most of the topics covered by these letters are personal, relating to family matters, arranging visits, and the goings-on of everyday life. Sally's career as a writer and Anne's as a linguist are also well documented, and they often write about Belfrage's writing projects, helping to find publishers or offering criticism. Sally's participation in the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and her 1964 summer in Mississippi as a civil rights activist about which she wrote her first book, Freedom Summer, is covered in detail. There is also a short but interesting correspondence between Anne (who grew up in Paris) and Belfrage about the worker and student uprising in Paris in May 1968, especially regarding the role of the Communist Party. Most of the correspondence from Belfrage's son, Nick, is about his love life and his career as a wine taster. There is also correspondence from Belfrage's sister-in-law, Joyce Belfrage, regarding the poor health of his brother, Bruce.
General correspondence is mostly with political colleagues discussing their and Cedric's writing projects, current events, and developments in leftist and socialist movements. The primary correspondent in this section in Jim Aronson (1955 - 1990). While this correspondence is mostly incoming, there is a substantial amount from Belfrage to Aronson. They discuss mostly personal issues such as health, family, and their respective publishing projects. They also write about the problems of the National Guardian (see Wilfred Burchett correspondence and the National Guardian section for more) and current events. In 1979, while Aronson is teaching journalism in Peking, they have a major disagreement about China's presence in Vietnam that threatens their friendship.
Another primary correspondent is Claude Williams (1938-1980), a southern Marxist Christian preacher and the founder of The People's Institute of Applied Religion, about whom Belfrage wrote a biography (appearing variously as Let My People Go, 1937; South of God, 1938, A Faith to Free The People, 1944) . This correspondence is mostly about Claude's work and his collaborative unfinished book project with Belfrage, The People's Book, aka, The Scarlet Thread, a revolutionary reading of the Bible. Belfrage also corresponds with Paul Robeson (1956-1965) regarding the National Paul Robeson Committee (this correspondence is mostly with the secretary of this committee, Frank Loesser). Related to the Robeson correspondence is the correspondence of sisters Hannah and Peggy Middleton (London County Council Member for Greenwich, and Labour candidate for Parliament). This consists of letters from Peggy to Hannah about Robeson. Included are notes by Belfrage on this correspondence. W.E.B. DuBois and his wife Shirley Graham (1955-1964) correspond with Belfrage about DuBois's world tour, and a tribute to DuBois that Belfrage helps organize.
The correspondence with organizations is mostly with journals, magazines and newspapers regarding the publication of Belfrage's articles and letters to the editor. Among the journals is Third World, of which Belfrage was an editor. There is also a short but interesting correspondence with the South Paddington Labour Party (1956-1957) in which Belfrage debates whether or not to join and elaborates on his reasons for not wanting to sign an oath of "political purity."
The second section of general correspondence is arranged alphabetically by country or region of origin. It is mostly with friends and political colleagues about personal issues such as health, family and career, but there is also discussion of politics and current events.
Africa: The main figures in the African section are Conor Cruise O'Brien, the Irish Vice Chancellor of the University of Ghana about 'black native power,' and Alfred Kgokong of the African National Congress regarding Belfrage's support of that organization.
Asia: The key writer from the Asian section is Anna Louise Strong who was the National Guardian correspondent in Peking during the 1960's.
Australia/New Zealand: This section contains only a few letters. Among them are a letter on Belfrage's behalf by John Baker to the Australian Broadcasting Commission regarding publicity for The American Inquisition, a letter from Disarmament Research Group in Australia asking for a Cuban contact, and two letters from Noel Wilson of New Zealand regarding Jamaican trade unionist Ferdinand Smith.
Canada: The major figures from the Canadian correspondence are Sol Pomerance, Beryl Wheelon (regarding Castro and Cuba) and Betty Madiros of the Socialist Fellowship Seminar where Belfrage spoke on Latin American politics. This correspondence also pertains to surgery that Belfrage had in Canada in 1975 and 1979.
Caribbean and Central America: This section features Rosa Hilda Zell, the Cuban poet, and Steve Nelson of the Libreria El Porvenir in Costa Rica who write often of their respective projects. Europe: Comprised mainly of letters from France and Germany. The main correspondents are Wilfred Burchett who writes from Paris in the late 1960's, Victor Grossman of the Deutsche Akademie Der Kunste Zu Berlin in Berlin regarding a donation to the Paul Robeson archive (1966), and Franz Loesser regarding his book on the Rosenbergs (1975-76).
Ireland/United Kingdom: Contains correspondence between Belfrage and K. Zilliacus about the Soviet-Yugoslav conflict (1950), the Cold War and the National Peace Party (1950's), Cuba (1962), and the British Labor Party (1965). Also in this section Belfrage corresponds with Joan Robinson (a Cambridge professor) (5/76) about China's position on Angola, Clive Jenkins of the Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staff, and Heinrich Fraenkel of The New Statesman.
Mexico: Clive B. Smith and Charles Small are the main correspondents in the Mexico section. Small writes about the Chilean political situation, and on behalf of refugees. In 1973 he has an argument with Belfrage over his review of The American Inquisition. There is a short series of letters in 1963 from Carlos Fuentes about Cedric renting his apartment in Mexico.
South America: This section is mostly in Spanish. It contains several letters from the Peoples' Progressive Party in British Guyana about articles by Belfrage for them, from Harry Drayton of the University of Guyana about the political situation in that country, and from Maurice Bazin in Brazil about Brazil and Portugal.
United States: This is the largest section. Some of the prominent figures from whom Belfrage receives letters are Theodore Dreiser and Erich Fromm in the 1940's, Anna Louise Strong in the 1950's, Rockwell Kent in the 1960's, Alger Hiss in the 1970's, Virginia Durr and Serge Chermayeff in the 1980's, and Pete Seeger (undated). Some of the most frequent U.S. correspondents are Lorna D. Smith regarding the Civil Rights movement in the south and Stokeley Carmichael, Maxwell Geismar regarding his writings, politics and U.S. leftist periodicals, and Decca Treuhaft. Some of the major topics covered are events in Cuba in the early 1960's, Theodore Dreiser's death (1963-64), the endorsement of McGovern's presidential campaign (1972), Third World leftist politics (c.1979-1981), and Belfrage's participation in the Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Union "Are You or Have You Ever Been?" symposium (1980). In an outgoing letter (Sep 1974) to Carl Braden Belfrage discusses Marxism, revolution and party organization.
Subseries II:A: Family Correspondence, 1953-1987, inclusive
Anne Belfrage/Zribi & Anne-Marie Hertz., 1959-1971, inclusive
Anne Belfrage/Zribi & Anne-Marie Hertz., 1972-1979, inclusive
Anne Belfrage/Zribi & Anne-Marie Hertz., 1980-1987, inclusive
Sally Belfrage/Pomerance., 1955-1963, inclusive
Sally Belfrage/Pomerance., 1964-1979, inclusive
Sally Belfrage/Pomerance., 1980-1987, inclusive
Nick Belfrage., 1955-1986, inclusive
Mother's Death., 1961, inclusive
Miscellaneous Family., undated , 1953-1986, inclusive
Subseries II:B: General Correspondence - Individuals, 1938-1988, inclusive
C.B. to Jim Aronson., 1959-1969, inclusive
C.B. to Jim Aronson., 1970-1979, inclusive
C.B. to Jim Aronson., undated, inclusive
Jim Aronson to C.B., 1955-1959, inclusive
Jim Aronson to C.B., 1963-1969, inclusive
Jim Aronson to C.B., 1970-1979, inclusive
Jim Aronson to C.B., 1980-1990, inclusive
Jim Aronson to and From Others., 1963-1979, inclusive
Jim Aronson Writings., 1945 , 1970-1983, inclusive
Anne Braden re: Southern Conference Educational Fund., 1973, inclusive
Wilfred Burchett., 1965-1976, inclusive
Emil Carlebach., 1945-1985, inclusive
Noam Chomsky., 1970-1986, inclusive
Martin Duberman., 1983-1984, inclusive
W.E.B. Dubois and Shirley Graham., 1955-1964, inclusive
Richard Hart., 1963-1985, inclusive
Hiss, Alger, 1960, inclusive
Annie and Malcolm Macewen., 1972-1988, inclusive
Magazines, Journals & Newspapers., 1946-1969, inclusive
Magazines, Journals & Newspapers., 1970-1987, inclusive
Peggy and Hannah Middleton., 1961-1975, inclusive
Monthly Review Press., 1962-1982, inclusive
The Nation., 1953-1987, inclusive
O'Casey, Sean, 1956, inclusive
Judy Polumbaum From China., 1979-1981, inclusive
Paul Robeson., 1956-1965, inclusive
Bill Reuben's Archive / Information On Rosenberg Case., 1979-1984, inclusive
South American Refugees., 1977-1981, inclusive
South Paddington Labour Party Correspondence., 1956-1957, inclusive
Third World / Tercer Mundo., 1979-1985, inclusive
Claude and Joyce Williams., 1938-1967, inclusive
Claude and Joyce Williams., 1968-1972, inclusive
Claude and Joyce Williams., 1973-1980, inclusive
Claude and Joyce Williams., undated, inclusive
Claude Williams Research File., 1943-1980, inclusive
Asa Zatz., 1982-1986, inclusive
Subseries II:C: General Correspondence - Countries, 1937-1989, inclusive
Africa., 1940-1979, inclusive
Asia., 1937-1980, inclusive
Australia/New Zealand., 1963-1972, inclusive
Caribbean and Central America., 1961-1966, inclusive
Caribbean and Central America., 1967-1986, inclusive
Canada., 1961-1985, inclusive
Europe., 1938-1987, inclusive
Ireland/United Kingdom., 1939-1972, inclusive
Ireland/United Kingdom., 1973-1986, inclusive
Mexico., 1963-1972, inclusive
Mexico., 1973-1987, inclusive
Mexico., undated, inclusive
South America., 1962-1985, inclusive
United States., 1942-1964, inclusive
United States., 1965-1967, inclusive
United States., 1968-1973, inclusive
United States., 1974-1978, inclusive
United States., 1979-1982, inclusive
United States., 1983-1989, inclusive
United States., undated, inclusive
Series III: Political Activities, 1944-1989, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Political Activities contains three subseries: Belfrage's press control activity in Germany, his deportation, and the National Guardian. The Germany section is the smallest, containing mostly travel orders from the U.S. Army (see also unpublished writings, circa 1947, for two short manuscripts on this topic). The deportation section is the largest and contains mostly articles about Belfrage, correspondence, and legal documents from his case. There are a few articles here about Russian espionage charges against Belfrage (1949) (see obituaries for a discussion of these charges). The National Guardian section mostly contains correspondence, articles by Belfrage, and his notes on the events covered in the paper (see also Something to Guard, Belfrage and Aronson's book about the National Guardian in the writings section). There is a fair amount of documentation on the founding and early years of the paper, and a brief but important series of letters from 1967 that chronicle Belfrage and Aronson's resignation from the paper.
Subseries III:A: German Press Control, 1944-1946, inclusive
Psychological Warfare Division (Pwd), Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (Shaef)., 1944-1945, inclusive
U.S. Army and German Newspapers., 1945-1946, inclusive
Subseries III:B: Deportation, 1944-1989, inclusive
Government records of C.B.'s political activities and writings., ca.1949, inclusive
Foreign press articles on C.B.'s Espionage charges., 1949, inclusive
C.B.'s Arrest and deportation case: Congressional Record, National GuardianPress Releases, Notes., 1952-1953, inclusive
Jim Aronson and C.B.'s testimony before Committee On Government Operations., 1953, inclusive
British articles on C.B.'s arrest and deportation case., 1953, inclusive
Portrait of an Undesirable Alien: article about C.B. by Frank Scully., ca.1953, inclusive
Meeting to Defend C.B. Speeches., 1953, inclusive
Sermon on C.B.'s deportation at Holy Trinity Church in Brooklyn., 1953, inclusive
House Unamerican Activities Committee hearing., 1953, inclusive
Jim Aronson and C.B.'s testimonies before the State Permanent Subcommittee On Investigations of The Committee On Government Operations., 1953, inclusive
C.B.'s arrest for deportation: Warrant, notes, article., 1953, inclusive
C.B.'s speech for Nassau Co. American Labor Party dinner., 1953, inclusive
Deportation case notes., 1953-1955, inclusive
Arrest and Deportation Case: legal documentation., 1953-1955, inclusive
Deportation case: U.S. Court of Appeals briefs., 1953-1955, inclusive
C.B. writings in jail., 1953-1955, inclusive
Deportation Case: articles., 1953-1955, inclusive
Deportation Case: articles from National Guardian., 1954-1955, inclusive
Federal Detention Headquarters: record of C.B.'s belongings., 1955, inclusive
Speech in defense of C.B. (by Jim Aronson?)., ca.1955, inclusive
The Case of the Stubborn Editor: pamphlet on deportation., 1955, inclusive
Questions from deportation hearings., 1955, inclusive
The American Tradition: extracts from C.B.'s address at Conway Hall, London. September, 1955, inclusive
Interview and Meikeljohn Institute Symposium; speech on American inquisition and deportation experience., ca.1980, inclusive
Espionage accusations: articles and correspondence., 1984-1985, inclusive
Deportation case and jail correspondence., 1949-1953 , undated, inclusive
Deportation case and jail correspondence. June, 1953-1958, inclusive
Subseries III:C: National Guardian, 1948-1987, inclusive
Founding of the National Guardian., 1948, inclusive
Editorials for a new P.M.; About Wallace presidential campaign., ca.1948, inclusive
National Guardian; Subscriptions and loans., 1948-1951, inclusive
Noel Field: correspondence., 1948-1951, inclusive
C.B. Letter to Jack Mcmanus regarding political differences., 1949, inclusive
Notes on a political line for the Guardian.., ca.1949, inclusive
Peoples Party of Connecticut dinner, notes for a speech by C.B., 1950, inclusive
Chronology of events reported in the National Guardian., 1945-1959, inclusive
Early National GuardianWriters and chronology of events., 1948-1955, inclusive
A Dissenting Newspaper In The U.S.A. by C.B., 1956, inclusive
Speeches by C.B. for National Guardiandinners., 1956 , 1960, inclusive
National Guardian; articles by and about C.B., 1954-1967, inclusive
Correspondence From National Guardianreaders., 1963-1966, inclusive
Memories and convictions by Jim Aronson, Nationarticle on National Guardian's Origins., 1968, inclusive
Chronology of "Negro 'Cases' and Lynchings"., ca.1970, inclusive
The split at the Liberated Guardian., 1972, inclusive
C.B. and Jim Aronson's resignation from The Guardiancorrespondence., 1967, inclusive
" National Guardian: A History" by C.B. and J.A., and essay on The Guardianby J.A., ca.1974, inclusive
Guardian correspondence., 1948-1983, inclusive
Guardiancorrespondence with C.B., GuardianBook reviews and articles by C.B., ca.1984-1987, inclusive
"The Birth of The National Gazette" (by C.B.?)., undated, inclusive
National GuardianJournalism notes., undated, inclusive
National Guardian; international contact list., undated, inclusive
Series IV: Writings, 1927-1990, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Writings contains 12 subseries. The first consists of published and unpublished articles, travel notes, and translations. There is substantial documentation of Belfrage's two trips to Cuba (1961-1962 & 1975-1977), including notes, articles and correspondence. There is a long correspondence with Belfrage's friend and colleague, Eduardo Galeano about Belfrage's translation of his trilogy, Memory of Fire.
Several sub-series document Cedric's published book projects and contains typescripts, correspondence and research files. There is a large section of writing and correspondence for the section of Belfrage's book, The Frightened Giant (about his deportation) called, The Admiral (1955-1965). This is about Scotty MacKenzie, who posed as a Naval admiral for many years, whom Belfrage met in jail. There is also a substantial section of Something to Guard materials, mostly reviews, notes and correspondence (1974-1980). The American Inquisition is the largest section (three linear feet). It consists mostly of research files which contain Belfrage's notes and source material. One linear foot exclusively contains information on the case of Miami lawyer Leo Sheiner who was taken before the Florida Supreme Court for alleged Communist Party affiliations, and on the `Red Cases' of several Miami residents taken before the House Un-American Activities Committee for the same reason. There is also a great deal of research on the atomic espionage cases of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg and Morton Sobell. The American Inquisition section documents Belfrage's 1973 publicity tour in the U.S., his first time back since his deportation in 1955, and his continuing campaign to obtain visas to visit the U.S.
Other sub-series contain unpublished writings. They are mostly book projects, but there are also numerous shorter pieces. The two longest projects are his book on Owen Whitfield and Thad Snow (Belfrage's fictional name for Owen Whitfield is Hugh Goodrum), and his Hollywood book and memoir. The Hollywood section contains many of Belfrage's articles as a film critic, manuscripts of chapters, and a small amount of correspondence and source material. There is also a short general memoir project including chapter notes on people who played influential roles in his life and an autobiographical outline. Most of the shorter pieces are light-hearted, humorous spoofs on miscellaneous topics. There are also two short manuscripts on Belfrages' German press control activities (circa 1947).
Subseries IV:A: Travel Notes, 1956-1977, inclusive
Travel notes from Russia., 1956, inclusive
Travel notes from Ghana and Rome., 1957, inclusive
Travel notes from China and correspondence., 1957-1958, inclusive
Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Conference in Cairo; Notes and articles., 1958, inclusive
Travel notes from Israel., 1959, inclusive
Articles by C.B. Written during Cuba trip., 1961, inclusive
Travel notes from Cuba., 1961-1962, inclusive
Travel notes from the West Indies., 1963, inclusive
Correspondence about Cuba., 1964-1966, inclusive
Travel notes from Ussr, Hungary and Germany., 1966, inclusive
Rosa Hilda Zell; Correspondence from Cuba., 1965-1971, inclusive
Travel Notes from Spain., 1971, inclusive
Travel Notes from Cuba and correspondence., 1975-1977, inclusive
Subseries IV:B: Articles, 1946-1987, inclusive
Journalism correspondence., 1946-1955, inclusive
Published articles., ca.1948-1960, inclusive
The Strange Case of the 16 Tokyo Roses (Unpublished Article)., 1956, inclusive
Foreign Language Articles., 1956-1959, inclusive
Journalism notes., ca.1957-1959, inclusive
Typescripts of articles by C.B., 1966, inclusive
Book reviews and articles for the Progressiveand In These Times., 1977-1978, inclusive
Book Reviews by C.B., ca.1969-1979, inclusive
How I Broke the Atlantic Round Trip Record., 1985, inclusive
GuardianArticles and book reviews., 1986-1987, inclusive
Subseries IV:C: Translations, 1966-1989, inclusive
Eduardo Galeano correspondence., 1972-1988, inclusive
Translation reviews., ca.1976, inclusive
Translation correspondence and manuscripts: Galeano and others., 1966-1984, inclusive
Translation correspondence and manuscripts: Galeano and others., 1985-1986, inclusive
Memory of Fire: Translation correspondence., 1984-1989, inclusive
Subseries IV:D: Published Writings, 1937-1990, inclusive
Let My People Go: Review., 1940, inclusive
Correspondence from readers of C.B.'s books., 1937-1956, inclusive
Book contracts., 1939-1971, inclusive
Upside Down On Horse Back: Novel manuscript, preliminary draft of "Abide With Me.", 1940, inclusive
Deadline - Democracy: Outline of book in preparation by C.B. and Jim Aronson, Preliminary Draft of Seeds of Destruction., ca.1947, inclusive
Reviews of "Abide With Me.", ca.1948-1951, inclusive
The Frightened Giant: Scotty Mackenzie / The Admiral correspondence., 1955-1965, inclusive
The Admiral / The Frightened Giant manuscript., 1957, inclusive
The Admiral / The Frightened Giant manuscript., 1957, inclusive
The Admiral / The Frightened Giant manuscript., 1957, inclusive
'The Frightened Giant' proposal, reviews and correspondence., 1955-1957, inclusive
'My Master Columbus' correspondence and contract., 1960, inclusive
'My Master Columbus' reviews., 1961, inclusive
'The Man At The Door With the Gun' reviews., 1964, inclusive
'seeds of Destruction' correspondence in German., 1966-1967, inclusive
Book Procurements from publishers., 1971-1982, inclusive
'Away From It All' review., 1974, inclusive
'something to Guard' grant application., 1974, inclusive
'something to Guard' notes., ca.1977-1978, inclusive
'something to Guard'; "A Personal Note" (To Readers)., 1978, inclusive
Cedric Belfrage Biographical Data (Joke autobiographical sketch for book cover by C.B.)., ca.1978, inclusive
'something to Guard' Royalty statements and book orders., 1979, inclusive
'something to Guard' correspondence., 1975-1980, inclusive
Reviews of 'something to Guard:' Articles and correspondence., 1978-1980, inclusive
Royalty statements for books by C.B., 1979-1985, inclusive
Editorial correspondence: With publishers regarding publication of books; with literary agents regarding ideas for books and attempts to get books published; with readers and friends responding to books; bills and invoices., 1937-1949, inclusive
Editorial correspondence., 1950-1958, inclusive
Editorial correspondence., 1960-1969, inclusive
Editorial correspondence., 1970-1979, inclusive
Editorial correspondence., 1980-1990, inclusive
Subseries IV:E: Unpublished Writings, 1941-1980, inclusive
'stab In The Dark' Novel notes and character descriptions., 1941, inclusive
'The King is Naked: A Primer of Heresy for my First Born' Manuscript., 1946, inclusive
Notes and manuscript on Nazi Germany newspaper., ca.1947, inclusive
Fritz - Meet The Free Press Manuscript about Shaef press control., ca.1947, inclusive
Memo on Time-Life-Luce book project., 1949, inclusive
Raymond Robbins Biography project manuscripts, notes and correspondence., 1949-1956, inclusive
'The Testament of a Heretic' Tentative outline for a book., 1950, inclusive
'Beggars In Velvet: A Book About Charity' Book outline., ca.1951, inclusive
'Beggars In Velvet' Book project notes and correspondence., ca.1951, inclusive
Unfinished Fiction Projects., ca.1952, inclusive
'My Au Revoir to America' manuscript., ca.1956, inclusive
Topolobampo Book project correspondence, source material and notes., ca.1959-1964, inclusive
Bartolome De Las Casas Book project., ca.1969-1971, inclusive
'Who Were The Rosenbergs? The Nine Lives of A Heretic' manuscript, draft for an autobiography., 1974, inclusive
Emiliano Zapata Biography manuscript., ca.1975, inclusive
The View from Cuernavaca speech at First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles., ca.1980, inclusive
Untitled novel outline., undated, inclusive
Nudery novel character descriptions and notes., undated, inclusive
Problems of Corpse Disposal In US manuscript., undated, inclusive
An Encyclopedia of Useless Information synopsis., undated, inclusive
The American Standard of Dying; play manuscript., undated, inclusive
Man Bites Dog In Mexico manuscript., undated, inclusive
How to Stop Thinking notes., undated, inclusive
The Person Game Unfinished manuscript., undated, inclusive
Latin America., undated, inclusive
Miscellaneous unpublished writings and notes, undated, inclusive
Subseries IV:F: Published Writings: American Inquisition, 1945-1989, inclusive
An Account of American Heresies and The Manner of Their Suppression (Rough draft of introduction)., ca.1970, inclusive
Bibliographical Information., ca.1973, inclusive
Book Orders., 1976-1979, inclusive
Comments on Manuscript., 1969-1971, inclusive
Correspondence regarding attempts to find publisher., 1967-1970, inclusive
Correspondence regarding attempts to find publisher., 1971-1973, inclusive
Correspondence regarding grant., 1967-1969, inclusive
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley: Responses to questionnaire on her expulsion from the ACLU in 1940, 1968, inclusive
High Wind In Miami Chapter 23 manuscript., ca.1970, inclusive
Literary biographical sketches of C.B., ca.1973, inclusive
Manuscript changes., ca.1970, inclusive
Mitford, Jessica, her foreword for republication of 'American Inquisition.', ca.1989, inclusive
Chapter 1., ca.1945-1960, inclusive
Chapter 2., ca.1945-1950, inclusive
Chapter 3., ca.1945-1950, inclusive
Chapter 4., ca.1945-1950, inclusive
Chapter 5., ca.1945-1950, inclusive
Chapter 6., ca.1950, inclusive
Chapter 7., ca.1951-1953, inclusive
Chapter 8., ca.1950-1955, inclusive
Chapter 9., ca.1954, inclusive
Chapter 10., ca.1959, inclusive
Chapter 11., ca.1960-1966, inclusive
Chapter 12., ca.1966-1968, inclusive
Chronology of Events., 1952-1955, inclusive
Outline, character descriptions, subject index., ca.1968, inclusive
Proposal., 1967, inclusive
Publicity., ca.1973-1976, inclusive
Reflections on Becoming a Lampshade, "How My Thoughts Became Dangerous" (Rough Draft of Beginning)., ca.1970, inclusive
Republication of 'American Inquisition.', 1989, inclusive
Republication of 'American Inquisition' correspondence., 1984-1985, inclusive
Subseries IV:G: Published Writings: American Inquisition - Research, 1945-1978, inclusive
Marion Bachrach., ca.1955-1957, inclusive
Nicholas Bela., ca.1953, inclusive
Elizabeth Bentley., ca.1949-1946, inclusive
Louise Berman., ca.1949, inclusive
Dr. Albert Blumberg., ca.1954-1956, inclusive
Kay Boyle and Joseph Franckenstein., ca.1952-1957, inclusive
Louis Budenz., ca.1950-1957, inclusive
Matt Cvetic., ca.1950-1954, inclusive
Bella Dodd., ca.1952-1961, inclusive
Virginia Durr's Statement At New Orleans Hearings on Southern Conference For Human Welfare., 1954, inclusive
Albert Einstein and Thomas Mann Speeches and letters on HUAC and the Cold War, undated, inclusive
Simon Gerson and Isidore Begun acquittal., ca.1952, inclusive
Gil Green., ca.1956-1957, inclusive
Ralph H. Gundlach., 1949-1952, inclusive
Claudia Jones., ca.1955, inclusive
Steve Nelson., ca.1957-1956, inclusive
Linus Pauling., ca.1950-1963, inclusive
Herbert A. Philbrick Case., ca.1957-1959, inclusive
Irving Potash., ca.1954-1955, inclusive
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg and Morton Sobell., ca.1952-1963, inclusive
Junius Scales., ca.1954-1958, inclusive
Leo Sheiner., ca.1956, inclusive
Agnes Smedley., 1949, inclusive
Robert Thompson., ca.1953-1957, inclusive
Fred Williams., 1959, inclusive
Biographies of people called before congressional committees for alleged Communist Party affiliation., ca.1970, inclusive
American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born., ca.1955-1960, inclusive
CIA., ca.1965-1967, inclusive
Cleveland Taft-Hartley conspiracy case., 1958, inclusive
'Counter-Attack Red Channels'., ca.1950, inclusive
House Unamerican Activities Committee chronology., ca.1945-1955, inclusive
Informers., ca.1970, inclusive
Lost Books correspondence., 1970, inclusive
Perjury Cases., ca.1954-1958, inclusive
Philadelphia communist trials:, ca.1953-1955, inclusive
Miscellaneous individuals and organizations., undated, inclusive
Miscellaneous source material and notes., ca.1969-1971, inclusive
Correspondence., ca.1965-1969, inclusive
Reviews (articles and correspondence)., 1971-1976, inclusive
'The Spanish Inquisition' Chapter 1 manuscript., ca.1968, inclusive
Waldorf-Astoria Cultural-Scientific Peace Conference: responses to questionnaire., 1968, inclusive
Waldorf-Astoria Cultural-Scientific Peace Conference: Responses organized by answer to questionnaire., 1968, inclusive
Campaign for Visa to visit the U.S. correspondence with congressmen., 1972-1973, inclusive
Campaign for visa to visit U.S.: general correspondence., 1972-1973, inclusive
C.B.'s return to the U.S.: correspondence and invitations., 1972-1974, inclusive
Campaign for visa to visit U.S.: Interview at U.S. Embassy and editorial by C.B. about trip., 1973, inclusive
C.B.'s return to U.S. articles., 1973-1975, inclusive
C.B.'s return to U.S. speeches., 1973, inclusive
C.B.'s return to U.S. itinerary, notebook and announcements of lectures., 1973, inclusive
Biographical Information., ca.1976, inclusive
Correspondence. December, 1973-1977, inclusive
Correspondence. April, 1977, inclusive
Research material and notes., 1971-1978, inclusive
Subseries IV:H: American Inquisition - Leo Sheiner and Miami Red Cases, 1946-1961, inclusive
Edwin Waller Research file for Leo Sheiner Case., 1948 , 1956, inclusive
Summons., 1954, inclusive
Transcript of record of Florida Supreme Court., 1954, inclusive
Opinion and judgement., 1954, inclusive
Paul Crouch research file., 1954-1955, inclusive
Joseph Mazzei research file., 1954-1956, inclusive
Articles., 1955-1956, inclusive
Transcript of testimony., 1956, inclusive
Witnesses., 1956, inclusive
Recusation and judgement., 1956, inclusive
Index to transcript of Record of Florida Supreme Court., 1956, inclusive
Preparation of appendix in State-vs-Sheiner., 1957, inclusive
Copy of proceedings from appeal to Supreme Court., 1957, inclusive
Correspondence with Lawyers., 1956-1958, inclusive
Reversal of disbarment., 1956-1959, inclusive
Articles., 1947-1955, inclusive
Transcript of record of proceedings of Florida-vs-Jimmy Sullivan., 1948, inclusive
Jacob Burck briefs., 1953-1954, inclusive
Thomas Kelly hearings., 1954, inclusive
Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF) Hearings., 1954, inclusive
Summary and background of the violent outbreak of McCarthyism in Miami., 1954, inclusive
Joseph Weinberg hearing., 1954, inclusive
Crouch and Sheiner's Testimony before hearings subcommittee to investigate administration of Internal Security Act., 1954, inclusive
HUAC hearings., 1954, inclusive
How legislative inquisitions stifle integration and social progress SCEF pamphlet., 1961, inclusive
McCarthy Era scrap book of newspaper clippings., 1946-1960, inclusive
Subseries IV:I: Memoirs, 1974-1981, inclusive
Autobiography Outline., ca.1974, inclusive
Antisemitism Introduction., ca.1981, inclusive
Olga, manuscript, notes and correspondence., ca.1981, inclusive
Eileen, manuscript, notes, correspondence & source material., ca.1981, inclusive
Emil Carlebach, 'De-Nazification of German Press,' manuscript, notes, correspondence and source material., ca.1981, inclusive
Frank Scully, manuscript, notes and correspondence., ca.1981, inclusive
Frank Scully, manuscript, notes, correspondence and source material., ca.1981, inclusive
Subseries IV:J: Unpublished Writings - Hollywood Book, 1927-1984, inclusive
Biographical Articles., 1931-1932, inclusive
Sunday Expressarticles., 1931, inclusive
Sunday Expressarticles., 1932, inclusive
Sunday Expressarticles., 1932, inclusive
Sunday Expressarticles., 1933-1934, inclusive
S Sunday Expressarticles from trip around the world., 1934, inclusive
Daily Expressarticles., 1935, inclusive
BBC film criticism., 1927-1932, inclusive
Thames Television interview about Hollywood., ca.1973, inclusive
Film Weeklyarticles., 1928-1930, inclusive
Manuscript - outline, introduction & chapters 1-7., ca.1984, inclusive
Manuscript - introduction, chapters 1-7, & synopsis of remaining chapters., ca.1984, inclusive
Manuscript (unfinished) - chapters 2-3., ca.1984, inclusive
Feedback and Hollywood articles., ca.1984, inclusive
Manuscript, index and letter from Kevin Brownlow., 1984, inclusive
Notes & source material on Tom Mix & Hobart Bosworth., ca.1984, inclusive
Draft of Introduction., ca.1984, inclusive
Correspondence., 1985-1986, inclusive
General., ca.1984, inclusive
Dupes and Dopes., ca.1984, inclusive
Sex and Censors., ca.1984, inclusive
Custard Pies., ca.1984, inclusive
Road to Mecca (Getting There Chapter)., ca.1984, inclusive
Louella Parsons, ca.1984, inclusive
Cecil B. De Mille: notes and source material., ca.1984, inclusive
Clara Bow, ca.1984, inclusive
Greta Garbo, ca.1984, inclusive
Hucksters, ca.1984, inclusive
By Royal Appointment, ca.1984, inclusive
H.K. Thaw, ca.1984, inclusive
Talkies, ca.1984, inclusive
Hand-Biters, ca.1984, inclusive
Articles by C.B., 1924-1929, inclusive
Articles by C.B., 1930-1932 , undated, inclusive
correspondence., 1927-1984, inclusive
General., ca.1984, inclusive
Subseries IV:K: Unpublished Writings - Owen Whitfield Book, 1947-1985, inclusive
Notes on visit to Owen Whitfield., 1947, inclusive
Cotton Patch Moses: article about Owen Whitfield by C.B., 1948, inclusive
Hugh Goodrum Novel: outline and first two chapters., ca.1948, inclusive
Hugh Goodrum Novel: chapter notes., ca.1948, inclusive
Thad Snow research file., 1942-1955, inclusive
From Missouri - Xerox of book by Thad Snow (research for Owen Whitfield book)., 1954, inclusive
Thad and Whit correspondence., 1982-1984, inclusive
Thad and Whit source materials, research notes, indexed book notes and chronologies., ca.1982, inclusive
Thad and Whit fiction version., 1982, inclusive
Thad and Whit foreword and book outline., 1982, inclusive
Chapter 1., 1982, inclusive
Chapter 2., 1982, inclusive
Chapter 3., 1982, inclusive
Chapter 3a., 1982, inclusive
Chapters 4 & 5., 1982, inclusive
Chapter 6., 1982, inclusive
Chapter 7., 1982, inclusive
Chapter 6., 1985, inclusive
Chapter 7., ca.1985, inclusive
Chapter 8., ca.1985, inclusive
Chapters 9, 10 and 11., ca.1985, inclusive
Owen Whitfield: fiction version manuscript and notes., ca.1985, inclusive
Two American Devils: proposal, outline and literary biographical sketch of C.B., 1985, inclusive
Subseries IV:L: ADDENDUM to Published Writings: American Inquisitionand My Master Columbus, 1959-1990, inclusive
American Inquisition: Bibliography, Drafts, Index, Fragments of Manuscript, 1971-1973 ; 1990, inclusive
American Inquisition: Correspondence, Comments, Corrections, 1969, inclusive
American Inquisition: Draft (ch. 1-14), ca.1969, inclusive
American Inquisition: Draft (ch. 15-End), ca.1969, inclusive
American Inquisition: Draft (ch. 1-14), ca.1972, inclusive
American Inquisition: Draft (ch. 15-End), ca.1972, inclusive
My Master Columbus: Draft (ch. 1-10), ca.1960, inclusive
My Master Columbus: Draft (ch. 11-22), ca.1960, inclusive
My Master Columbus: Draft (23-37), ca.1960, inclusive
My Master Columbus: Notes, ca.1960, inclusive
My Master Columbus: Notes, Correspondence, etc., ca.1959-1960, inclusive
Mein Herr Kolumbus (Book Jacket), Undated
Series V: Addendum, 1923-2003, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
The Addendum contains correspondence of Cedric Belfrage, of his widow Mary Belfrage, a typescript of and unpublished autobiography by Cedrice, "Nine Lives of a Heretic," other writings by CB, including a typescript "The Jews and I," FOIA files obtained by Belfrage biographer Jennifer Palmer, correspondence and other materials relating to the Cuernavaca Belfrage home insofar as it served as a guest house for various leftists traveling abroad, and biographical information on Mary Belfrage.
Belfrage, Cedric: Biography, "The 9 Lives of A Heretic", undated
Belfrage, Cedric: condolences, 1990, inclusive
Belfrage, Cedric; correspondence, 1945; 1973, inclusive
Belfrage, Cedric; Deportation press statement, 1955, inclusive
Belfrage, Cedric; Espionage charges clippings, 1996, inclusive
Cedric Belfrage from the World Wide Web, undated
Belfrage, Cedric; letters to Mary Belfrage, 1959-1960, inclusive
Belfrage, Cedric; letters to Mary Belfrage (photocopies), 1960, inclusive
Belfrage, Cedric; Memorial guest book, 1990, inclusive
Belfrage, Cedric; Memorial, quotes for, 1990, inclusive
Belfrage, Cedric; Passports and other travel documents, 1950s-1990s, inclusive
Belfrage, Cedric; "America Standard of Dying," Black and White, October, 1939, inclusive
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings, "Amy", undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Away from it All," volume 2 typscript, undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "The Case of the Stubborn Editor, 1955, inclusive
Belfrage, Cedric; "Forest Lawn Beckons You," Black and White, Novemeber, 1939, inclusive
Belfrage, Cedric; "The Jews and I" (unpublished transcript), undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: memoir (file version), 1982, inclusive
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Nine Lives of a Heretic," table of contents (unpublished autobiography), undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Nine Lives of a Heretic," draft, undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Nine Lives of a Heretic," incomplete draft, pp. 1-84 (photocopy), undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Nine Lives of a Heretic," incomplete draft, miscellaneous portions (photocopy), undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Nine Lives of a Heretic": Misc. 6 pp., Undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Nine Lives of a Heretic," "1938" (copy), undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: " Nine Lives of a Heretic," prelude, undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Nine Lives of a Heretic,' Chapter 2, undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Nine Lives of a Heretic," Chapter 3, undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Nine Lives of a Heretic," chapter 4, undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Nine Lives of a Heretic," Chapter 5, undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Nine Lives of a Heretic," Chapter 5, Inquisitor, 1. A History Lesson, undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Nine Lives of a Heretic," Chapter 6 (re DuBois), undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writing: "Nine Lives of a Heretic," Chapter 7, Inquisitor, pp. 108-157, undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Nine Lives of a Heretic," Chapter 8, "Jailbird", undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Nine Lives of a Heretic," Chapter 8, "Editor is Bonkers", undated
Belfrage, Cedric; Writings: "Politics Catches up with the Writer," New Masses, December 28, 1937, inclusive
Belfrage, Cedric and Mary; Personal documents: marriage, ect., 1923-1990, inclusive
Belfrage Family; Letters to Cedric and Mary, 1980-1989, inclusive
Belfrage Family; Letters to Cedric and Mary, 1990-1996, inclusive
Belfrage, Mary; Biography, notes for, undated
Belfrage, mary; correspondence with Sally Belfrage, 1990-1994, inclusive
Belfrage, Mary; family tree, undated
Belfrage, Mary; friendship with Shart [French painter], 1960s, inclusive
Belfrage, Mary; Letters to Cedric, 1959-1961, inclusive
Belfrage, Mary; travel; letters from Mary Belfrage, 1958-1959, inclusive
Belfrage, Mary; Writings re Cedric, 1990-1991, inclusive
Bernick, Mary; Jentelson, Lee; correspondence, poetry, ect., undated
Birthdays, [list of dates for friends and relatives, undated; 2001, inclusive
Bradford, Virginia; letters to Cedric Belfrage, 1920s-1930s, inclusive
Cuba; Cedric Belfrage, manuscript (article length), undated
Cuba; letters to/from Cedric and Mary Belfrage, 1966-1969, inclusive
Cuernavaca guests; letters, 1991-1996, inclusive
Hollywood; filmed interview of Cedric by Kevin Brouslow, undated
Hollywood; Research interview of Cedric by Sue McLonachy, undated
Jewish Book, notes for (Cedric Belfrage), undated
Memory of Fire (Geleano book); letter by Tom Englehardt, undated
Palmer, Jennifer; Belfrage PhD; FBI files, 1960s, inclusive
Palmer, Jennifer; correspondence with Mary Belfrage, 1995, inclusive
Publishers and Agents, 1980-1994, inclusive
South America; travel notes re Cuba, 1962, inclusive
Txalaparta editorial, 2002, inclusive
Wallace, Bert H.; "Sands of Sorrow: A Semi-Political Autobiography", 1989, inclusive
"McCarthy and the Army: A Fight on the Wrong Front" / Norman Dorsen (Columbia University Forum), Fall, 1964
"The German Who Should Have Been Dead" / Cedric Belfrage (Harper's Magazine; June, 1948, pp. 511-517), Jun 1948
The Minority of One: Five Issues, each with an article by Cedric Belfrage, Oct 1967-Sep 1968, inclusive
"Reflections: On Political Exile" / Cedric Belfrage (The Progressive; August 1977, pp. 20-21), Aug 1977, inclusive
"Post-Inquisition: The Exile Returns" / Cedric Belfrage (Rights; Jun-Jul 1973, pp. 3-8; the journal of the National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee), Jun/Jul 1973, inclusive
Voight the Nineteenth Century & After Limited and Constable & Co., Ltd. v. News Chronicle, Ltd., The Daily News, Ltd., and Cedric Belfrage -- In the High Court of Justice: King's Bench Division (London). Transcript, 221 pp., Jul 10, 1945, inclusive
VHS Tapes Featuring Cedric and Mary Belfrage, 1983-2003
Unprocessed Videos
Oswaldo Guayasamin art, undated, inclusive
Series VI: Photographs and Bust, 1923-1999, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Approximately two hundred photographs document Cedric Belfrage's extensive travels to China, Nepal, Cuba, Egypt, the USSR and other countries. There are many portraits of Belfrage from the 1920s through the 1980s, as welll as photographs of family and friends. Individuals represented in these photographs include Paul Robeson, Scotty Mackenzie, Claude Williams, Owen Whitfield (organizer for the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union) and Colonel Raymond Robins.
Belfrage, Cedric: Portraits, 1923-1973, inclusive
Cropperville, undated
Cuba, 1977, inclusive
General, 1930s, inclusive
General, 1940s, inclusive
General, 1950s, inclusive
General `, 1960s, inclusive
General, 1970s-1990s, inclusive
General, undated
Mackenzie, Scotty, 1934-1958, inclusive
People's Institute For Applied Religion (Claude C. Williams), undated
Robeson, Paul, 1957-1958, inclusive
Travel (China, Napeal, USSR), 1950s, inclusive
Whitfield, Owen, 1955-1963; undated
Head of Cedric, Undated, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Artist: Elizabeth Catlett