Cassette 3097: Includes Thomas Donahue (AFL-CIO), George Higgins, Bayard Rustin, Lane Kirkland (AFL-CIO), Benjamin Hooks (NAACP), Resse Robrahn (American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities), Eleanor Smeal (NOW), Jerry Wurf (AFSCME), Vernon Jordon (Urban League), Steve Wallaert (PATCO Local 291, Norfolk, VA), George Shirley and Douglas Fraser (UAW). Cassette 4129: Includes Douglas Fraser (UAW), Coretta Scott King, Tony Bonilla (League of Latin American Citizens), Sam Church (UMW), Joyce Miller (CLUW), Jacob Clayman (NCSC), Jessica Smith (Frontlash), Thomas Donahue, Rev. Robert Pruitt. Cassette 4000: Includes Douglas Fraser (UAW), Speech.