Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Papers
Call Number
Language of Materials
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was an orator, writer, union organizer for the Industrial Workers of the World, a founder of the American Civil Liberties Union, a Communist, and an activist born in New Hampshire in 1890. Influenced by her mother's political views, Elizabeth Flynn became a socialist and was active in the suffrage movement and Irish nationalism. She died in 1961 after leaving New York and moving to Moscow in 1961. These papers span the years 1896 - 1964, the bulk covering Flynn's years in the Communist Party, 1937 - 1964. Contents include correspondence, scrapbooks, poetry, published and non-published articles, speeches, itineraries, clippings, programs, invitations and galley proofs for her prison memoir: 'The Alderson Story.' The Papers of her son Fred comprise series 5, subseries B and series 8, subseries D consists of material by Rosalyn Fraad Baxandall pertaining to her book: 'Words on Fire: the life and writing of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn,' 1988, Rutgers University Press. Series IX consists of FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) U.S. government files on Flynn obtained by Rosalyn Baxandall and Helen Camp.
Biographical Note
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was an agitator and organizer for the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and a Communist Party (CP) official. Flynn was an organizer in major strikes in Lawrence, Massachusetts and Paterson and Passaic, New Jersey. She saw labor court trials as important extensions of organizing, and participated in trials in Missoula, Montana (1908), and Spokane, Washington (1909-1910). As part of her defense work she created the Workers' Defense League, an organization to fight for the victims of the post-World War I Red Scare, and helped establish the American Civil Liberties Union. Flynn also wrote leaflets, pamphlets, articles, and a regular newspaper column for twenty-six years.
Up until the publication of her microfilm collection, there has been no easily available collection of her work. The microfilm contains her writing depicting the complexities of her political life, as both a team player and a dissenter in the IWW and Communist Party. It also includes her writings on world events that deeply affected her life, including World War I and II, the Palmer Raids, and the McCarthy period. Her written work includes pamphlets, letters, columns and drafts for her unpublished autobiography of her latter years. Her columns include articles about women's suffrage, International Women's Day, and the Spanish, French and American revolutions, plus portraits of Irish, French, Russian, and American revolutionaries, as well as her relatives and friends.
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was born in 1890 in Concord, New Hampshire. Her mother, Annie Gurley, related to George Bernard Shaw, emigrated from Ireland. She supported the family through tailoring. She advocated equal rights for women and taught her children of Irish history, English classic literature, Greek mythology and working-class solidarity. Thomas Flynn, Elizabeth's father, ran for the New York State Assembly in 1920 on the Socialist Party ticket, getting more votes than the Republican. The Flynn family was friends with Irish politicians and union leaders, James Larkin and James Connolly.
The young Elizabeth Gurley attended Socialist meetings with her parents and read The Worker and other left publications as well as the works of Edward Bellamy, Upton Sinclair, Karl Marx, and Frederick Engels. Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication of the Rights of Women and August Bebel's Women and Socialism finally propelled her into socialist activism. At fifteen, Flynn mounted her first soapbox to inaugurate her career as a "jawsmith" as professional agitators were then called.
By the end of 1906, Flynn had been arrested for the first time, and was speaking regularly. Broadway producer David Belasco tried to lure her onto the stage, but as she told him, she wanted to, "speak her own piece." In 1906, Flynn dropped out of school and joined the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) as an organizer.
As "One Big Union," the IWW stood in direct opposition to the staid American Federation of Labor (AFL), which primarily organized skilled white men. The Wobblies, as they were called, were a young (beginning in 1905) labor union and social movement that sought to organize immigrant and migrant workers. From 1906 to 1918, Flynn spoke in strikes around the country as IWW's youngest organizer and one of the few women in the organization. She spoke alongside agitators such as Big Bill Haywood and Eugene V. Debs.
In Minnesota's Mesabi Range in 1908, Flynn spoke to miners about the IWW and fell in love with IWW member, Jack Jones. Flynn married Jones in January 1908. After two years, and with a baby due, Flynn left Jones and returned home to the Bronx. There, she lived with her mother and sisters, who babysat Fred Flynn (born on May 19, 1910) so that she could continue her life as an organizer. Later she regretted that she had missed being an attentive, present mother.
Flynn organized iron miners in Minnesota, copper miners and timber workers in Montana, textile workers in the 1912 Lawrence, Massachusetts strike, silk workers in Paterson, New Jersey in 1913, and hotel cooks and waiters in New York City. The IWW met strong and sometimes violent resistance. Towns tried to discourage labor organizers by enacting legal restrictions on free speech. The IWW generally regained the right to speak in public.
In major strikes of the century, Flynn led the organizing operations. Lawrence, Massachusetts was a major textile-producing center in 1912. Flynn estimated that 30,000 workers were employed in the woolen mills there, paid starvation wages for their labor in dirty, noisy, unventilated and unsafe conditions. The IWW became the organizing core of the strike, with Flynn giving speeches and arranging for outside speakers and entertainment, setting up schools and dances, organizing the food distribution, arranging to send the children away from the violence and sustaining long parades and pickets that formed many blocks of human chains. The violent Lawrence strike - one woman was killed and many beaten and injured - brought news reporters and humanitarians to Lawrence, fueling a nationwide protest that helped to force the employers to negotiate. On March 14, 1912 the strike was settled with worker demands for wage increases and increased overtime pay met. Another outcome of the Lawrence Strike was Flynn's encounter with Italian anarchist Carlo Tresca, who became her lover for fourteen years (1912-1926) and remained the love of her life until he was murdered in 1943. He edited an Italian-language anarcho-syndicalist newspaper.
With the victory of the Russian Revolution, the U.S. government grew alarmed about Bolshevism and immigrant radicals. Repressive legislation was passed culminating in the Palmer Raids. In 1919 IWW headquarters in many cities and towns were raided, IWW leaders arrested, and tens of thousands of immigrants beaten, jailed and some deported. Flynn response was to mobilize a broad coalition, the Workers Defense Union (WDU), to represent the more than fifteen hundred political prisoners. More than 170 labor, socialist and radical organizations participated in the united front organization consisting of unions, cooperative apartments, vegetarians, consumers and progressive women. Over the next five years Flynn worked to raise money, provide lawyers and bail, publicize cases, provide relief for families, visit prisoners and appeal to government agencies to secure pardons.
Flynn was a founding member of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). In 1920, she played a leading role in the case against the conviction of Italian anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti.
Along with defense work, she worked on the Passaic Strike of 16,000 woolen workers in 1926, the longest textile strike in history, lasting over a year.
Flynn's constant organizing and traveling began to take a toll. Furthermore, she felt betrayed when Tresca had a child in 1923 with her younger sister, Bina. In 1926, she moved to Portland, Oregon to recuperate. She spent most of the next ten years at the home of Dr. Marie Equi, an out lesbian who was involved in prison reform, provided abortions, and dispensed birth control, which was then illegal. In a letter to her sister Kathie, Elizabeth described this period as one of the most difficult in her life, but it gave her chance to reflect, rest, and plan for the future. Prompted by the suicide of her brother Tom, and a need to be with her son and her mother, who were both ill, Flynn returned east in 1937.
Shortly after her return to New York, Flynn became a member and a paid officer in the Communist Party of the United States (CP). She saw joining the CP as a way to continue her IWW commitment to labor organizing and defense work. The Party was the largest at this time in its U.S. history, having doubled its membership between 1936 and 1938 to just over 80,000. The transition was not entirely smooth; having come from a loose anarcho-syndicalist movement, she was unaccustomed to and uncomfortable with party discipline and doctrinal shifts, often directed from Moscow. She preferred militant direct organizing to bureaucratic reform work, radio talks, and internal party politics. Her constituency remained the immigrant workers and, in the late fifties and sixties, civil rights workers and students. Coming into the Party at the top, she never developed her own base, although she was one of its most popular speakers and columnists. In her personal writings, she recorded her disagreements with the Party.
She assumed the position of Chair of the CP Women's Commission, and in 1938 was elected to the Party's National Committee. In 1942, Flynn ran unsuccessfully for a Congressional seat in New York, receiving 50,000 votes. Flynn was also a regular teacher at the Party's Jefferson School and at their national training school.
In 1940, the ACLU demanded that Communists resign from official posts and Flynn was ousted from the ACLU's National Board of Directors. Flynn alone refused and defended her position. Refused a hearing, she was expelled. In l976, they repudiated their ouster on grounds that it was inconsistent with their basic principles.
In the period shortly after the Cold War, CP members and sympathizers often lost their jobs, were shunned and suspected of being "anti-American." CP membership declined by almost fifty percent due to the repression and fear. In 1948, several members of the CP and other immigrant organizers were arrested and held for eventual deportation. Later that year, twelve top CP leaders (the entire National Board except for Flynn) were arrested for having violated the Smith Act.
Flynn became the chair of the Smith Act Defense Committee. She toured the country, speaking and raising money for publicity, legal fees and for families support; and she alerted Americans to the threat to their basic freedoms, the right of assembly and the right to free speech. Anti-Communist hysteria mounted with the Korean War and the Rosenberg trial. Loyalty oaths were enforced and books burned. The McCarran Act was passed, mandating government registration of communists and members of communist front organizations. States passed anti-subversion laws, and communists were denied the right to unemployment and Social Security benefits and were evicted from their homes. The records of the CIA and FBI spying on Flynn, opening her letters, and spying on anyone to whom she talked, even the waitress at the luncheonette where she ate breakfast, are included in the microfilm.
In June 1951, a second group of Smith Act victims, referred to as "second string CP leadership," were arrested and prosecuted. The New York Times referred to Flynn as the most notorious. Flynn acted as her own counsel, bearing the brunt for ten months of the courtroom offensive. She called upon her long career and personal reasons for joining and advancing the Party. Judge Dimock offered Flynn the option of spending the rest of her life in Russia as a substitute for prison. Flynn's reply to this unprecedented offer was: "I am an American; I want to live and work in the United States of America. I am not interested in going any place else and would reject any such proposition." On January 20, 1953, all defendants were found guilty.
Between 1953 and 1955, Flynn waited while the case went through the appeals process, and in this time wrote the autobiography of her life prior to joining the CP. I Speak My Own Piece was published first in 1955, and was later republished in 1973 and called The Rebel Girl. On January 11, 1955, Flynn went to Alderson Federal Penitentiary for Women in West Virginia to serve her twenty-eight month sentence.
Flynn tells the story of her incarceration in The Alderson Story: My Life as a Political Prisoner, which she wrote after her release and published in 1963. Elizabeth was assigned to a maximum-security residence. She used the time to read over 200 books, poetry, plays, classics philosophy and psychology. She had intended to write the second half of her autobiography, but prison officials censored her writing and paper was even hard to obtain.
Flynn left Alderson Prison on May 25, 1957. In 1960, she attended a fiftieth anniversary celebration in Copenhagen of International Women's Day. She accepted many invitations to speak in the Soviet Union and celebrate May Day in Moscow. She travelled and spoke for eight months. On returning to the United States, she was elevated to the post of Party chair.
Under new State Department regulations issued in 1961, strictly enforcing the McCarran Act, Flynn was denied the right to travel. When the Supreme Court struck down the passport provision of the Act in 1964, she returned to the Soviet Union to finish her autobiography. She was hospitalized within a month of her arrival and died on September 5, 1964, of stomach and intestinal inflammation aggravated by a blood clot to her lungs. Flynn was given a full-scale state funeral in Red Square with over twenty-five thousand people attending, before being returned, to be buried in Chicago's Waldheim Cemetery close to the Haymarket Martyrs in accordance with her wishes. The New York Times gave her a substantial front-page obituary. In October, a memorial service was held for her at the Community Church with over a thousand people attending.
Rosalyn Fraad Baxandall, "Elizabeth Gurley Flynn: The Early Years," Radical America, 8:6 (Jan-Feb 1975)._______________. Words on Fire: The Life and Writing of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1987.Helen C. Camp, Iron in Her Soul: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and the American Left. Pullman, WA: Washington State University Press, 1995.Cole, Stephen Charles, "Elizabeth Gurley Flynn: A Portrait." Ph. D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1991.Elsa Jane Dixler, "The Woman Question: Women and the American Communist Party, 1929-1941." Ph. D. Dissertation, Yale University, 1974.Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, The Alderson Story: My Life as a Political Prisoner. New York: International Publishers, 1963._______________, I Speak My Own Piece: Autobiography of 'The Rebel Girl.' New York: Masses and Mainstream, 1955. (Reissued as The Rebel Girl, An Autobiography: My First Life, 1906-1926. New York: International Publishers, 1973.)Margaret Gerteis, "Coming of Age with the Industrial Workers of the World: The Early Career of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn." M.A. Thesis, Tufts University, 1975.Rebecca Hill, "Nothing Personal? Women in the Communist Party, U.S.A., 1940-1956." B.A. Thesis, Wesleyan University, 1991.Benjamin H. Kizer, "Elizabeth Gurley Flynn," Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 58 (1966).Corliss Lamont, editor. The Trial of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn by the American Civil Liberties Union. New York: Horizon Press, 1968.Audrey P. Olmsted, "Agitator on the Left: The Speechmaking of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, 1904-64." Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1971.Robert Shaffer, "Women and the Communist Party USA, 1930-1940," Socialist Review, No. 45, May-June 1979.Kate Weigand, Red Feminism: American Communism and the Making of Women's Liberation. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
The collection is organized into nine series (series 1-8 and part of series 9 have been microfilmed):
I. Family and Early Life, 1896-1907
II. The Rebel Girl and the Industrial Workers of the World, 1907-1917
III. Defense Activities, 1917-1927; IV. Sojourn in the West, 1927-1936
V. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn's "Second Life," 1937-1952
VI. Smith Act Defense, 1951-1955
VII. Alderson Penitentiary, 1955-1957
VIII. Final Years, 1957-1964
IX. Files by Obtained Rosalyn Baxandall and Helen Camp under the Freedom of Information Act.
X. Addendum.
Scope and Content Note
The Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Papers, Microfilm Edition, contains correspondence, biographical sketches, autobiographical notes, telegrams, published and unpublished articles, speeches and poems, diaries, itineraries, clippings, programs, invitations, course materials, documents pertaining to legal proceedings and files produced by various government agencies. Printed materials are also included, among them election campaign literature, broadsides, handbills and posters, annotated books, pamphlets and articles, clippings, galley proofs for The Alderson Story, and several copies of sheet music for "The Rebel Girl" by Joe Hill, including a copy in Russian.
Throughout her life Flynn kept scrapbooks. The earliest contain newspaper accounts of her speeches. Later ones include her traveling schedules and more detailed evidence of her activities including handbills, invitations and programs to events at which she was a featured speaker, or which she attended on behalf of the CPUSA.
From time to time Flynn made autobiographical notes with the intention of organizing a second volume to follow The Rebel Girl, which covers her life story only up to 1926. These autobiographical notes, summarizing important phases of her life history, have been placed chronologically throughout the collection as she wrote them.
Notable correspondents in represented in the collection include: John Abt, Herbert Aptheker, Roger Baldwin, Ella Reeve Bloor, Benjamin Davis, Eugene V. Debs, Eugene Dennis, Marguerite DeSilver, Mary Dreier, Joseph Ettor, Marie Equi, William Z. Foster, Arturo Giovanitti, Mike Gold, Emma Goldman, Alice Hamilton, William D. Haywood, John Haynes Holmes, Claudia Jones, Helen Keller, Vito Marcantonio, Robert Minor, Tom Moody, and Art Young.
Conditions Governing Access
Materials are open without restrictions.
Conditions Governing Use
Copyright (and related rights to publicity and privacy) to materials in this collection created by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn are held by the Communist Party, USA. Permission to publish or reproduce materials to which the CPUSA holds copyright must be secured from the copyright holder.
Preferred Citation
Published citations should take the following form:
Identification of item, date; Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Papers; TAM 118; box number; folder number;
Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Donated by the Communist Party, USA in 1983; an additional accession was donated by Rosalyn Baxandall in 1984. The accession numbers associated with these gifts are 1964.001, 1986.044, and 2014.087.
Custodial History
After her death in 1964, the papers of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn were held by her estate, and eventually transferred to the custody of the Communist Party, USA. In 1983 a portion of the papers was donated to the Tamiment Library at New York University. These papers were, for the most part, concerned with Flynn's activities in the Communist Party, 1937-1964. In 1984 a second donation was made; this body of documents and papers from Flynn's earlier years and included the papers of her son, Fred Flynn. The Library was also given several batches of documents collected by historians Rosalyn Baxandall and Helen C. Camp Files obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The accession number associated with this gift is 1986.044. At a later date, one manuscript box of material was apparently received from the Reference Center for Marxist Studies Library (located in the headquarters of the Communist Party USA), and this comprises the last box of the collection. A button discovered in the repository was added to the collection in 2014. The accession number associated with this item is 2014.087.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
This collection, with the exception of Series IX: Boxes 13 & 14, and Series X, is available on microfilm (Film R-7263) for use in this repository only. Researchers must use microfilm for this collection, except for what is listed above.
Separated Material
Photographs were removed and placed into the Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Photographs (PHOTOS 018).
Two pennants were separated and placed in the Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives General Archives and Ephemera Collection.
About this Guide
Processing Information
A button was found in the repository in 2014 and added to Series V as Box 2, Folder 61.
Decisions regarding physical interventions for this collection prior to 2019 have not yet been recorded. In 2019, while preparing for offsite storage, a biographical file was found and added to Series V. Materials were placed in new acid-free folders and boxes.
Revisions to this Guide
Edition of this Guide
Note Statement
Series I: Family and Early Life, 1890-1970, inclusive
Scope and Contents
This series contains biographical materials about Flynn's parents and siblings in addition to her school records, early compositions, awards, clippings and three scrapbooks of poetry and literary personalities that interested her.
Father Thomas Flynn, news clippings, bio notes
Reel 1, 1896-1943
DW Clippings on Mother
Reel 1, 1945, 1959
Early compositions
Reel 1, 1902-1906
Old poetry scrapbooks
Reel 1, 1904-1905
Prize winning essay
Reel 1, 1903
School record/clippings
Reel 1, 1903-1906
Scrapbook of clippings and poetry
Reel 1, 1904
Series II: The Rebel Girl and the IWW, 1907-1917, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Text from Flynn's speeches, early manuscripts, drafts for pamphlets, letters, datebooks, notes, clippings, posters and materials on the Lawrence and Paterson strikes documenting her activities with the IWW are contained here. Material on Joe Hill and some early correspondence are also included.
Early newspaper clippings
Reel 1, 1906-1907
Early newspaper clippings
Reel 1, 1907
Diary of inspirational poems
Reel 1, 1907
Evaluation of the Labor Leader
Reel 1, 1907
MS--Problems of Organizing Women. Published in Solidarity. (Badly deteriorated)
Reel 1, 1915
MS--Jungle Law, outline
Reel 1, 1908
Early speeches--Women and Socialism, Necessity of Deciding...
Reel 2, 1907-1908
Notebook, fragments of speeches, biographical?
Reel 2, undated
Pamphlet--To the Coal Miners of District #6 UMW (New Lafferty Cases)
Reel 2, 1909, undated
Course Outline--Birth of Cotton Industry
Reel 2, undated
Notes for lecture--"Women in Modern Industry"
Reel 2, 1909
Note to EGF from Emma Goldmann, Dec 18 1910
Reel 2, 1910
MS--IWW and working women (Lawrence strike)
Reel 2, [1912]
MS--Story of my arrest and imprisonment, Spokane, 1910
Reel 2, 1910
Lawrence strike
Reel 2, 1912
Carlo Tresca's notes to EGF. Annotated copy of "Sonnets from the Portugese," ticket to Hobo Ball, NY, birth control ad, notes and reflctions on Tresca, 1939 and 1945.
Reel 2, 1912, 1939, 1945
The Smith-Preston case: a refiew of the trial, 1915. Morris R. Preston, carbon
Reel 2, undated
MS on women in Socialist Party and IWW
Reel 2, [1915]
Clippings, IWW, Socialist Party. Deteriorating
Reel 2, 1910-1929
Recollections--IWW History
Reel 2, [1915]
MS--Mexico, Outline
Reel 2, 1914
Letter from E.V. Debs to EGF re Joe Hill, 8/20/15
Reel 2, 1915
MS--"On Birth Control"
Reel 2, 1915
MS--Men on women
Reel 2, 1915
IWW history
Reel 2, 1915-1924
MS--Patriotism and Preparedness
Reel 2, 1916
MS--On Women
Reel 2, 1917
Notes for speeches--On War, IWW
Reel 2, 1917-1920
IWW clippings, fragile
Reel 2, 1913-1920's
Series III: Defense Activities, 1917-1927, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Correspondence, handbills, leaflets, telegrams, and posters having to do with Flynn's involvement in the Workers Defense Fund, Garland Fund, International Labor Defense and the American Civil Liberties Union form the larger part of this series. Materials from the Sacco and Vanzetti case are also included, as well as letters and telegrams from the 1926 testimonial dinner in her honor.
Misc. correspondence to EGF--Workers Defense
Reel 2, 1917-1927
Letters from Wm. Z. Foster
Reel 2, 1919, 1922
Der Kommunist, June 1920
Reel 2, 1920
Notes on Fascism
Reel 2, [1920]
Notebook/review of TV Powderly's 30 Years of Labor
Reel 2, 1924
Scrapbook--newspapers, handbills, etc.
Reel 2, 1924
Clippings, broadsides, Socialist Party
Reel 2, 1907-1922
Page from The Labor Herald, July 1922
Reel 2, 1922
Palmer Raids, Oakland, Ca
Reel 2, 1920-1922
Labor Defense Council pamphlet
Reel 2, 1922
Political Persecution Today, 2 copies, International Labor Defense C'tee
Reel 2, 1925
writings--"Radical Tales"
Reel 3, 1927
Clippings on Fascism
Reel 3, 1920-1928
Programs from EGF speaking engagements
Reel 3, 1922-1924
NJ textile strike pamphlet
Reel 3, 1926
Passaic textile, poor condition
Reel 3, 1926
Passaic, misc
Reel 3, 1926
Scrapbook, souveniers from 20 yr. testimonial dinner, Sacco & Vanzetti letter, telegrams. 2/14/26
Reel 3, 1926
2 programs from 20 yr. testimonial dinner
Reel 3, 1926
5 postcards advertising Flynn speaking engagements
Reel 3, [1910, 1924], undated
Speaking itinerary, clippings, notes--ILD
Reel 3, 1925-1926
ILD correspondence to EGF, pamphlets
Reel 3, 1924-1936
Pamphlet--Spies in Steel, by Frank L. Palmer
Reel 3, 1928
Labor Defender, May 1928
Reel 3, 1928
Pamphlet--Eight Prisoners in the Kingston Cells, by Canadian Labor Defense League
Reel 3, 1932
Clippings--Labor Defender
Reel 3, 1937
Letter to EGF from John Haynes Holmes re Sacco & Vanzetti Defense
Reel 3, 1928
Miscellaneous material on Sacco & Vanzetti--clippings, notes, defense
Reel 3, 1920-1959
Sacco-Vanzetti clippings
Reel 3, 1920-1929
ILD clippings
Reel 3, [1920]-1939
Misc Ms. notes
Reel 3, [1917]-1939
EGF on Sacco & Vanzetti, notes & MS
Reel 3, [1920]-1941
Series IV: Sojourn in the West, 1927-1936, inclusive
Scope and Contents
This series contains telegrams, correspondence, medical records and reports relating to Flynn's illness and recuperation. Flynn's first attempts at writing poetry are here in a small notebook.
Correspondence and papers c/o Marie Equi, EGF's stay in Oregon
Reel 3, 1927-1937
Series V: EGF's "Second Life", 1937-1952, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Flynn's activities form the largest series of her personal papers and are broken down into four subseries: A. ACLU Case, 1938-1940, Documents and clippings; B. Fred Flynn, 1910-1940, Papers and Correspondence; C. Tresca's Death, 1943, Mostly Clippings; D. CPUSA Activities, Scrapbooks, itineraries, drafts of speeches, notes and correspondence from "Life of the Party" (Flynn's Daily Worker column, notes from classes in Labor History taught at the Workers School, invitations and clippings relating to CP functions. This subseries also includes: Election campaigns on the Party ticket: Representative at Large, 1942, Congress, 1954, Manhattan City Council, 1957; and Trips to Europe: France, 1945, France and England, 1950.
Biographical, Flynn speaking itinerary for ILD
Reel 3, 1936-1937, inclusive
3 copies of Equal Justice, Journal of ILD
Reel 3, 1939-1940, inclusive
List of articles and speeches
Reel 4, 1936-1937, inclusive
Certificate of literacy issued to EGF, SUNY
Reel 4, 1937
MS--Recollections of Frame-Ups" for Masses & Mainstream. Fragile
Reel 4, [1927, 1937]
Scrapbook--newspaper, handbills, etc.
Reel 4, 1937
Notebook of poetry and autobiographical notes, mostly poetry
Reel 4, 1938-1939, inclusive
Article in NM on coal mines
Reel 4, 1939
programs for testimonial dinners EGF participated in
Reel 4, 1936-1947, inclusive
DW clippings, autobiographical or about family members
Reel 4, 1930-1969, inclusive
Clipping, NY Times ad, protesting HR 2122 intro by J. Parnell Thomas, March
Reel 4, 1946
Clippings, DW on Lincoln Brigade, EGF addresses large group as CP member
Reel 4, 1937
Programs from mass protests
Reel 4, 1937
Speaking itinerary ILD, some dated, some undated
Reel 4, 1936-1940
Poetry, drafts, notes, clippings
Reel 4, 1938-1945
Drafts for recruiting pamphlets CPUSA
Reel 4, 1930-1940
I have no regrets--from Women Today
Reel 4, 1937
Scrapbook--newspaper, handbills etc
Reel 4, 1938
Text of radio speech, May Day, Pittsburgh
Reel 4, 1938
Outlines for classes on labor history taught at Workers' School NYC
Reel 4, 1938-1939
Course notes from the Workers School
Reel 4, 1938
Women in American Socialist Struggles, data & MS copies
Reel 4, undated
Invitation for EGF to speak at Labor Day celebrations
Reel 4, 1938-1939
Statement re classes taught at Nat'l Training School
Reel 4, 1938-1939
Course notes, American Labor History
Reel 4, undated
Lecture notes, American Labor History
Reel 4, 1938-1939
Class notes, American Labor History, Workers School, Nat'l Training School
Reel 5, 1938-1939
Outlines for classes on American Labor History, Workers School
Reel 5, 1939
Copies of protest letters from incident at Flynn speech, Adena Ohio, Oct 1938
Reel 5, 1938
Letter, Margaret De Silver re Carlo Tresca, Oct 1939
Reel 5, 1939
Course Outline, the Workers School. IWW and its forerunners
Reel 5, 1939
Attacks on Labor and labor's rights ILD??, lists of prisoners, other cases
Reel 5, 1939
Scrapbook--newspapers, handbills, etc
Reel 5, 1939
Scrapbook--newspapers, handbills, etc
Reel 5, 1940
Personal correspondence cards
Reel 5, 1931-1940
Visitor Button (not microfilmed), 1939
Biographical file, undated
Subseries A: ACLU Case, 1938-1940, inclusive
ACLU pamphlets
Reel 5, 1924-1925, 1937
Report on the Dies committee, ACLU (copy)
Reel 5, 1940
Defense committee for Civil Rights for Communists
Reel 5, 1940
ACLU case, Legal correspondence & copies (Feb-March, 1940)
Reel 5, 1940
Pamphlets and other printed materials from ACLU case
Reel 5, undated
ACLU case, EGF reply to charges at Board mtg, 3 copies, March 4, 1940
Reel 5, 1940
Reprints of 2 articles--New Masses 3/19/40 and DW 3/17/40, protesting ACLU ouster
Reel 5, 1940
Conference on civil rights, April 10, 1940
Reel 5, 1940
Correspondence protesting ouster of EGF from ACLU, response to article in
Reel 5, 1940
ACLU, correspondence Corliss LaMont/EGF, May 1940
Reel 5, 1940
Correspondence and copies, ACLU case, Rev. J.H. Holmes, R. Baldwin,
Reel 5, 1940
Minutes of extraordinary meeting, May 7, 1940, ACLU
Reel 5, 1940
ACLU, EGF's notes. Feb-May
Reel 6, 1940
ACLU, other correspondence to EGF
Reel 6, 1940
ACLU, press releases, minutes, bulletins to membership
Reel 6, 1939-1940
Correspondence and working copy of summary of meeting, 5/7/40
Reel 6, 1940
Communists and Civil Liberties Survey Graphic, May
Reel 6, 1940
ACLU meeting summary, May 7, 1940
Reel 6, 1940
Press releases from EGF re ACLU, May 1940
Reel 6, 1940
ACLU, EGF copies and correspondence with Board, May 1939-June 1940
Reel 6, 1939-1940
Bylaws and Board of Directors, ACLU
Reel 6, 1940
EGF correspondence, ACLU case, returns from national Committee
Reel 6, 1940
MS--critical of ACLU, found among papers, and report on prosecutions
Reel 6, [1940]
ACLU carbon of proposed statement by Board
Reel 6, 1940
Clippings, ACLU
Reel 6, 1940
Clippings, ACLU, Flynn case
Reel 6, 1940
Subseries B: Fred Flynn, 1910-40
Fred Flynn, school composition
Reel 6, 1920-1929, inclusive
Fred Flynn, papers, mementos
Reel 6, 1940
Correspondence on death of son, Fred
Reel 6, 1940
Poetry after Fred's death
Reel 6, [1940]
Fred Flynn, mementos
Reel 6, 1944
Subseries C: Tresca's Death, 1943
Clippings, death of Tresca
Reel 6, 1943
Clippings, Tresca murder, The Call, New Leader, bad condition, January 1943
Reel 6, 1943
Clippings on Tresca, fragile, deteriorated and unprocessed
Reel 6, 1943-1945
Pamphlets, clippings on Tresca, Tresca Memorial Committee
Reel 7, [1945]
Subseries D: CPUSA Activities
Clippings, "They have just begun to fight" Monongahela railroad strike, historical contracts
Reel 7, 1940
Scrapbook materials
Reel 7, 1940-1949
Correspondence, National Federation for Constitutional Liberties, June-July
Reel 7, 1940
Statement of Committee on Election Rights, National Federation for Constitutional Liberties
Reel 7, 1940
Clipping re Dill Pickle Club, founded by Jack Jones
Reel 7, [1940-1949]
Scrapbook--newspapers, handbills, etc
Reel 7, 1941
Letter to EGF from Helen Keller
Reel 7, 1942
Honorable withdrawal from American Newspaper Guild
Reel 7, 1942
Scrapbook--newspapers, handbills
Reel 7, 1943
MS, a history of the IWW
Reel 7, 1943
Obituary, Art Young, Dec 31, 1943
Reel 7, 1943
CP history, consitutions of the CPU, marked for change by EGF
Reel 7, 1944-1945
Vandenburg Speech, notes on the NY Times article by EGF
Reel 7, 1944
Notes on destruction of Fascism
Reel 7, 1944
Proof of legal advertisement, notice of dissolution of the Defense Committeefor Civil Rights of Communists, January 10, 1944
Reel 7, 1944
Scrapbook--newspapers, handbills etc
Reel 7, 1944
Pages from diary, "Notes on People"
Reel 7, 1944
Correspondence, misc
Reel 7, 1945
Scrapbook--newspapers, handbills etc
Reel 7, 1945
Autobiographical notes for period, 1919-46
Reel 7, 1946
Notes on Homestead Strike and clipping by R. Baldwin
Reel 7, [1946]
Scrapbook--newspapers, handbills etc
Reel 7, 1946
Biographical sketch--Press release? 12/10/46
Reel 7, 1946
MS on Mother Bloor, pamphlet on Bloor
Reel 7, 1937-1947
MS reviewing CPUS history
Reel 7, 1940-1949, undated
Texts of radio speeches, on behalf of CPUSA candidates
Reel 7, 1944-1950
Excerpts from books or articles mentioning EGF and IWW
Reel 7, 1940-1959
Autobiographical notes on trips
Reel 7, 1940-1959
Notebook of autobiographical events, diary?
Reel 7, 1937-1948
MS--A Trade Unionist Should be a Communist
Reel 7, undated
Notes on Public Speaking. Pamphlets on defense activities, notes
Reel 8, 1942-1949
Scrapbook--1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, Part I
Reel 8, 1944-1945
Scrapbook--1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, Part II
Reel 8, 1946-1947
DW Clippings, mostly historical
Reel 8, 1946, 1958
Pamphlets--Meet the Communists, Women's Place
Reel 8, 1946, 1947
List of articles for 1947, handwritten
Reel 8, 1947
Fragments of the Miami News, 2/17/48
Reel 8, 1948
Program and Text for speech, CPUSA 14th Nat'l Convention
Reel 8, 1948
Text of Program for CPUSA 14th Nat'l Convention, 8/2/48
Reel 8, 1948
Scrapbook--newspapers, handbills etc
Reel 8, 1948
Personal account/date book, backdated 1925-27
Reel 8, 1948-1957
Scrapbook--newspapers, handbills, etc
Reel 8, 1949
Statement opposing confirmation of Tom Clark as Associate Justice
Reel 8, 1949
Outline for autobiography
Reel 8, 1940-1949
Statement by EGF against Supreme Court appointment
Reel 8, 1949
Subseries D-1: Election Campaigns on the Party Ticket
Election campaign, EGF for Representative-at Large
Reel 8, 1942
EGF for Congress, clippings, invitation
Reel 8, 1942
Scrapbook material--Bronx campaign
Reel 8, 1954
Publicity campaign for City Council
Reel 8, 1957
Speeces, campaign for City Council
Reel 9, 1957
Clippings used in campaign for City Council
Reel 9, 1957
Scrapbook--newspapers, handbills
Reel 9, 1942
Radio script--women in the elections, press release and pamphlet
Reel 9, 1942-1944
Subseries D-2: Trips to France
EGF's notes while attending International des Femmes in Frances, Nov-Jan
Reel 9, 1945
Souvenirs from France
Reel 9, 1945
Congres International des Femmes, Paris, scrapbook material, 11/26/45
Reel 9, 1945
Notes from International Women's Conference, Paris
Reel 9, 1945
International Women's Conference, December 1945
Reel 9, 1945
DW clippings on trips to France
Reel 9, 1945, 1949
Souvenirs from trips to England, mostly CP, pamphlets and publications
Reel 9, 1945-1950
Clippings from newspapers mentioning Flynn's visit
Reel 9, 1949
International Congress of Women
Reel 9, 1945
Souvenirs from trip to France, 1949
Reel 9, 1949
Women's Conference, France
Reel 9, 1945
Report on the problems & status of women in England, France
Reel 10, 1945
Souvenir of Women's Conference, Paris. Report on the participation of women in the struggle against Fascism
Reel 10, 1945
Draft of speech to French Communists
Reel 10, 1945
Documents adopted by the 3d session of the Councl, Women's International Democratic Federation
Reel 10, 1951
Lists of EGF articles, women in Paris and other subjects
Reel 10, 1945-1950
Series VI: Smith Act Defense, 1951-1955, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Trial documents, clippings, broadsides, fundraising and publicity materials, and other papers from the Smith Act Defense organizations started by Flynn and taken over by her sister Kathy while Elizabeth was in prison.
Smith Act--comments on arrests
Reel 10, 1948-1949, inclusive
Financial Report at Communist Committee to Defend the 12
Reel 10, 1949
Notes of Garden speech, 9/19/50
Reel 10, 1950
MS--Political Significance of Defense Work. Memo to all Districts from Defense Committee. Fall 1950
Reel 10, 1950
Short bio of Euge Dennis, Chairman CPUSA
Reel 10, 1904-1961, inclusive
EGF speech at 1950 convention of CPUSA
Reel 10, 1950
MS on CP early history, mostly 1920's
Reel 10, [1950], undated
Scrapbook--publicity, birthday cards
Reel 10, 1950-1951, inclusive
Scrapbook materials, publicity
Reel 10, 1951
Personal correspondence, birthday greetings from W.Z. Foster
Reel 10, 1951
Scrapbook materials
Reel 10, 1950-1951
From folder marked "CP Hist"
Reel 10, 1940-1959
Smith Act--correspondence, Jacques Duclos
Reel 10, 1952
Daily Worker
Reel 10, 1947-1952
CP History--"Some Remarks on Role of the Review Commission"
Reel 10, undated
Scrapbook materials
Reel 10, 1952
Clippings on EGF 30 day detention
Reel 10, 1952
Collected material on play "I Was a Spy for the FBI"
Reel 10, 1953
Scrapbook material I
Reel 10, 1954
Scrapbook material II
Reel 10, 1954
Loose scrapbook materials
Reel 10, 1954
Clipping on Flynn, Morning Freiheit (Yiddish)
Reel 10, 1955
Scrapbook, 1955
Reel 11, 1955
Mother's Day Tribute, messages and speeches, text for dramatic reading
Reel 11, 1956
Pamphlets on women, mother's day, women in CPUSA
Reel 11, 1950-1969
Wm Z Foster, CP policy during trials
Reel 11, 1952
Clippings used as evidence in Smith Act trial
Reel 11, 1937-1943
EGF in her own defense--speaking itineraries
Reel 11, 1946-1950
Letters, notes expressing sympathy over Smith Act activities
Reel 11, 1952-1954
Smith Act--Summary of defense proposal. Changeover after Duclos evidence.
Reel 11, 1952
Musmanno, Dolsen, Mazzinni Pittsburgh Sedition Case 1951-53
Reel 11, 1951-1953
U.S. v Flynn et al. Newspapers, first trial
Reel 11, 1951-1952
U.S. v Flynn et al. Newspapers relating to the defense
Reel 11, 1952-1957
U.S. v Flynn et al. Newspapers relating to arrests
Reel 11, 1951
U.S. v Flynn et al. Newspapers relating to bail issues
Reel 11, 1951
Articles--McCarran/Smith Act violations
Reel 11, 1951
Smith Act trial
Reel 11, 1951
Amnesty for Smith Act violators
Reel 11, 1949-1954
Smith Act trial, clippings
Reel 12, 1952
U.S. v Flynn et al. Newspapers relating to second trial
Reel 12, 1952
Smith Act trial, clippings
Reel 12, 1952
Smith Act trial, clippings
Reel 12, 1953
U.S. v Flynn et al. Newspapers relating to second trial
Reel 13, 1952
U.S. v Flynn et al. Newspapers relating to second trial
Reel 13, 1952-1954
U.S. v Flynn et al. Newspapers relating to appeals
Reel 13, 1954
Trial transcripts, summation of EGF. 1/6/53
Reel 13, 1953
Smith Act trial reports #1-#26. April 1952 - Jan 1953
Reel 13, 1952-1953
Published material, two pamphlets
Reel 13, 1939, 1959
Matuson Case
Reel 13, 1955
James Dolsen, Congo. Philadelphia Tribune
Reel 13, 1960
Assorted articles--McCarran Act, "Worker" closing, Gates departure
Reel 13, 1951-1962
EGF's work file of clippings and pamphlets on Smith Act
Reel 14, 1951-1957
Deputy Marshall McLaughlin, Smith Act, Clipping from Colliers
Reel 14, 1953
Smith Act clippings, used as evidence
Reel 14, 1937-1943
Smith Act trial document affirming District Court verdict
Reel 14, 1954
Notes for speech on Smith Act
Reel 14, 1952
Smith Act--notes on defense, some transcripts, Flynn trial sentencing
Reel 14, 1952
Smith Act--notes on Flynn trial
Reel 14, 1952
Smith Act--notes on CP history, trial
Reel 14, 1952
Affidavit of EGF re John Lautner
Reel 14, 1952
Draft of speech for trial, 4/24/52, marked history of CPU
Reel 14, 1952
notes used in Smith Act trial
Reel 14, 1950-1959
Defense committee, financial transfers, April
Reel 14, 1950
Smith Act trial charges
Reel 14, 1948-1954
U.S. v Flynn--Briefs, appeals, motions
Reel 14, 1954
U.S. v Flynn et al. Brief of witnesses
Reel 14, 1951
U.S. v Flynn et al. Letters, telegrams
Reel 14, 1951-1952
U.S. v Flynn et al. Press release, defense committee publications
Reel 15, 1952
U.S. v Flynn et al. Exhibit list
Reel 15, 1952
U.S. v Flynn et al. Subject index of Government proof
Reel 15, 1952
U.S. v Flynn et al. Proceedings in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Reel 15, 1953-1954
U.S. v Flynn et al. Transcript Analysis, parts I and II
Reel 15, 1952
Smith Act indictment in Ohio
Reel 15, 1954
Benjamin J. Davis, parole application
Reel 16, 1953
Commonwealth of Australia v Australian Communist Party
Reel 16, 1950
Smith Act, various documents
Reel 16, 1954
Flynn's writings on sedition trial
Reel 16, 1949
Sedition trial--Dolsen, Mazzini, Musmanno
Reel 16, 1950-1953
Series VII: The Alderson Years, 1955-1957, inclusive
Scope and Contents
All of the correspondence, notes, prison documents and publications used by EGF for her book The Alderson Story. Preserved here are letters to Clarens France, Murial Symington and Kathy Flynn, the three officially approved correspondents permitted EGF while serving her prison term. Scrapbook material from the publication of the book and its public reception are included.
Letters to Alderson from Kathy
Reel 16, 1955
Kathy's notes on Alderson prison I
Reel 16, 1955
Kathy's notes on Alderson visits II
Reel 16, 1955-1956
Draft poem, "What Do I Miss"
Reel 16, 1955
Alderson prison papers--letters, notes, clippings
Reel 16, 1955-1961
Correspondence, personal release from prison
Reel 16, 1957
Letters from Alderson to A. K. Flynn, Jan 1955-May 1957
Reel 16, 1955-1957
Letters from Alderson to Muriel J. Symington, Jan 1955-May 1957
Reel 17, 1955-1957
Letters from Alderson to Dr. Clemens, France, Aug 1955-May 1957
Reel 17, 1955-1957
Alderson Manuscript, I & II
Reel 17, 1963
Alderson Manuscript, III, Alderson Eagle
Reel 17, 1956-1957
Alderson Story, galleys, master set of revisions, pp 1-223
Reel 17, 1963
Alderson Story, galleys II, marked set
Reel 18, 1963
Letters and drawing commemorating publication of The Alderson Story, I & II
Reel 18, 1963
Scrapbook, The Alderson Story--book reviews, announcements, etc
Reel 18, 1963-1964
Book reviews and correspondence, I Speak My
Reel 18, 1956-1958
Series VIII: Final Years, 1957-1964, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Scrapbook materials, pamphlets and documents from Flynn's activities upon her release from prison to her death in 1964. Documents and publication and clippings from the McCarran case, trips to Russia, itineraries, speeches, clippings, and correspondence both personal and pertaining to Flynn's position as Chair of the Communist Party after the death of Eugene Dennis in January 1961. The four subseries are: A. Research on Women; B. Passport Case; C. Scrapbooks, Autobiographical materials, correspondence; D. Baxandall Materials.
Subseries A, Research on Women
International Women's Day
Reel 18, 1960
File on Women, Internation Women, Clippings, Notes
Reel 18, 1959
DW, Clippings on Soviet Women
Reel 18, 1960
Miscellaneous Letters
Reel 18, 1960-1969
On Women's Rights
Reel 18, undated, [1950-1959]
Greeting cards to EGF, Int'l Women's Day
Reel 18, 1960
Section from
Reel 18, 1960
US Dept of Labor, Women's Bureau publications, pamphlets
Reel 18, 1960-1969
Women in labor unions, pamphlets, publications
Reel 18, [1960-1969]
EGF from folder marked CP Hist
Reel 18, 1959-1964
Subseries B: Passport Case
Passport Case, Newspaper clippings
Reel 19, 1962-1963
Passport Case, U.S. Gov't documents
Reel 19, 1959-1963
Passport Case, correspondence
Reel 19, 1962-1963
Material for "Roadblock" article, McCarran Act
Reel 19, 1963
Draft, "Roadblocks to Defeating the McCarran Act"
Reel 19, 1960-1969
Passport case, brief for appellants, EGF and Herbert Aptheker
Reel 19, 1963
Pamphlet, "The McCarran Act, Fact and Fancy," by EGF, other pamphlets, notes
Reel 19, 1950-1960
Political Affairs articles, EGF
Reel 20, 1960-1964
EGF work copies, McCarran Act, reference notes, ILD materials
Reel 20, 1920-1939
Passport case, Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
Reel 20, 1963
Passport case, EGF Mss.
Reel 20, 1962-1963
Full page story from NY Times, 10/26/63, fight against McCarthy
Reel 20, 1963
EGF work copies, pamphlets, papers on McCarran & Smith
Reel 20, undated
McCarran Act material, EGF work copies, "Dare We Be Free" by H. Aptheker, and "Why You Need to Know about the McCarran Act"
Reel 20, 1961
Communism, the Courts, and the Constitution, by Guttmann & Ziegler--reference EGF, work copies on McCarran Act
Reel 20, 1964
Subseries C: Scrapbooks, Correspondence, Autobiographical
Scrapbook materials
Reel 21, 1957
Scrapbook materials
Reel 21, 1958
Autobiographical writings
Reel 21, [1958]
Autobiographical clippings, notes, EGF
Reel 21, 1916-1963
Gear the Party to Mass Work, CP report, by Wm Albertson, notes by EGF
Reel 21, 1959
Greeting cards and invitations
Reel 21, 1950-1969
Schedule of courses, the Faculty of Social Sciences (EGF instructor of several)
Reel 21, 1959
Speaking engagements, with misc. correspondence & clippings
Reel 21, 1959
Obituaries, John Haynes Holmes and Louis F. McCabe
Reel 21, 1960-1969
Scrapbook materials
Reel 21, 1959
Scrapbook materials
Reel 21, 1960-1961
EGF papers referring to Joe Hill
Reel 21, 1960
Autobiographical chronology, date log
Reel 21, [1961]
Later autobiographical writing & notes
Reel 21, 1950-1969
Autobiographical notes
Reel 21, [1961]
Origins of CP, outline
Reel 21, [1960-1969]
EGF scrapbook
Reel 21, 1960-1961
Current Biography, vol 22, nr 9, features bio of EGF
Reel 21, 1961
Scrapbook materials
Reel 22, 1960-1962
Scrapbook materials
Reel 22, 1962-1963
Scrapbook materials
Reel 22, 1962-1963
Scrapbook materials
Reel 22, 1963
Pocket calendar
Reel 22, 1962
Letter to Soviet comrades, 45th anniversary of October Revolution (draft?)
Reel 22, 1962
Autobiographical Ms.
Reel 22, 1963-1964
Correspondence, EGF & Richard Criley, Chicago Committee to Defend the
Reel 22, 1962
Correspondence with Al Richmond
Reel 22, 1963-1964
Joe Hill songbook, Russian/English
Reel 22, 1963
Manuscript (partial), 22nd Congress, CPUSA
Reel 22, 1963
Letters to the Editors of Pravda, on its 50th Anniversary
Reel 22, [1960-1969]
Textile Labor, issues on Patterson and Lawrence
Reel 22, 1962-1963
Engagement calendar/diary
Reel 22, 1963
Autobiographical outline, "My Second Life"
Reel 22, [1963]
Correspondence re Sean O'Casey's letters
Reel 22, 1964
Letters to Roberta Bobbo & companion while travelling in USSR, returned to EGF
Reel 22, 1964
Reel 22, 1964
Library of Congress collection list, catalogue of documents
Reel 22, undated
Copies of clippings from Dartmouth College Library, used by R. Baxandall
Reel 22, 1970-1979
Correspondence re EGF papers, from Wayne State Archives and U of Michigan.
Reel 22, 1964
Notes for lecture on turbulent 20's and the the IWW by EGF, various
Reel 22, 1964
Ms on Democratic rights (draft for speech)
Reel 22, 1964
Ms, draft, "The State of the Whole People"
Reel 22, 1964
Draft for speech, "History of CPUSA, 1919-64"
Reel 22, 1964
Autobiographical outline and notes
Reel 22, 1964
Bio as of 1964
Reel 22, 1964
Last published piece by EGF, September
Reel 22, 1964
Letter from H. Aptheker and newspaper clippings on EGF's death, press releases by CPUSA, September
Reel 22, 1964
Flynn bibliography materials
Reel 22, undated
Subseries D: Baxandall Materials
Draft of biography
Reel 22, undated
Correspondence referring to Baxandall's publication
Reel 22, 1970-1979
Materials (xerox) used in Baxandall's publication
Reel 22, undated
Series IX (Addendum): Files Obtained by Rosalyn Baxandall and Helen Camp under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Scope and Contents
This series consists primarily of photocopied material from the files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency, U.S. Department of Justice, U. S. Bureau of Prisons and other government agencies. The copies were provided to Rosalyn F. Baxandall and Helen C. Camp as a result of separate requests under the Freedom of Information Act in the mid-1980s. Because there was considerable duplication of material between the Baxandall and Camp files, duplicate files have been eliminated and the files have been arranged in one series, beginning with FBI files arranged by file number and concluding with files arranged by agency of origin.
Individual files may contain a wide variety of documents, including intercepted correspondence of Flynn and her associates, correspondence between government officials and agents, clippings, leaflets and other radical political materials, reports or summaries of reports by agents and informants, and summarizes the contents of the Daily Worker and other publications. There may be considerable duplication of content between files, as government agencies and branches regularly transmitted material from their files to each other.
The series begins with a folder of Baxandall requests and related correspondence; these letters were found without accompanying documents. Where request letters were found in the collection with accompanying documents, they have been filed along with those documents. The series ends with a bound volume of material secured by Baxandall through a legal proceeding (Baxandall vs. FBI, DOJ, CIA [CA - 82 - 8736]). NOTE: boxes 1-4 have been processed and microfilmed; boxes 5-6 are unprocessed and not microfilmed.