Series IV. Youth Section/Young Democratic Socialists of America, 1972-2012, inclusive
Scope and Contents
This series contains materials from the youth and student section of DSA, known as the DSA Youth Section, the Young Democratic Socialists (YDS), and the Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA). The New American Movement's Campus Commission is also represented. These materials reflect the active participation of this section since its inception, through its separate conferences, chapters, and events. Materials include Executive Committee and National Coordinating Committee minutes, memos, mailings, chapter updates, event materials (conference programs, rally and march flyers, and articles/clippings about events), information on internship programs (applications), fundraising and outreach documents (correspondence and mailings, fundraising event invitations, and membership brochures), organizing manuals, resolutions, and mailings from related organizations (including the Student Action Union and Campus Labor Institute). Also included are audiovisual recordings of conferences and other events.
Organized in a similar arrangement as the series on the collection-level.