Series V. Staff and Administrative Materials, 1946-2006, inclusive
Scope and Contents
This series mostly consists of materials created by the staff at the national office. These materials reflect the day-to-day administrative tasks, as well as the national oversight of numerous chapters, performed by the staff members of DSOC, NAM, and DSA. Materials include general financial records (mostly budgets), internal memos, staff meeting minutes, and directors' correspondence and reports. Additionally, there is biographical material, writing (both published and unpublished), and publicity on and by Michael Harrington. Items include correspondence between Harrington and publishers; copies of his CV; drafts, publications, and notes written by Harrington; reviews of his writing; clippings of his appearances; and interviews with him. Writing, publicity, and biographical information on other prominent staff members, including Carl Shier, a founding member of DSOC; Jack Clark, the first national organizer of DSOC; Harry Boyte, a leading figure of NAM; and Barbara Ehrenreich, a co-chair of DSA, are included. There is general correspondence with members about dues and registration; chapter leaders about the number of delegates apportioned to the national convention; other organizations on co-sponsoring events; and individuals about conference and other event participation.
Arranged first by individual staff member, chronologically by years of service, then alphabetically (with the exception of "General Correspondence") by topic.