Series III: Projects, Activities, Associates, Topics, 1949-1990, inclusive
1 Linear Feet
Scope and Content Note
This series contains unpublished typescripts by Green and others, notably James Allen's memoir Marxist Publishing (n.d., 44 pp.), A Labor Revolutionary in Detroit (re Nat Ganley), and Green's 1968 notes on his remarks on Czechoslovakia at the CP's Central Committee meeting thereon; editorial files pertaining to the writing, publication and reception of several of Green's later books, notably his autobiographical Cold War Fugitive (1984); third party correspondence of several of Green's political friends and associates, notably Lloyd Brown; and a file of Smith Act-related material obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests.
Allen, James - Marxist Publishing(memoir, 44 p. ts), undated
Box: 5, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Brown, Lloyd - Correspondence with others, 1980-1982, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Brown, Lloyd - Letters to the Editor (New York Times), 1959-1980, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Chancey, Martin - The American Left in Disarray(ts, 20 p.), circa late 1970s, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Chile - Overthrow of Allende, undated
Box: 5, Folder: 4A (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Foster, notes on - by Arthur Zipser, undated
Box: 5, Folder: 4B (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Ganley, Ann - Reminiscences, undated
Box: 5, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Ganley, Nat: A Labor Revolutionary in Detroit - a Biographical Monograph by Michael Devereaux Whitty. 22 p., undated
Box: 5, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Ganley, Nat: Writings - published and unpublished, 1953-1957, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: An Aesopian Letter, circa 1949, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: Aristocracy of Labor, for Commission on, undated
Box: 5, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: Contradictions in Developing Socialism (Berkeley - Marxist Scholars Conference), 1987 November 14, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: Cold War Fugitive- correspondence, reviews, etc., circa 1984, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: Contradictions in Developing Socialism. Berkeley, CA, Marxist Scholars Conference, 1987 November 14, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: Cuba at Twenty-Five : the Continuing Revolution correspondence, publicity, reviews, etc., 1980-1985, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: "Curriculum" (for a proposed Marxist school), circa 1977, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: Czechoslovakia - "Notes on my remarks in Central Committee discussion...", 1968, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: Democracy, the Key to Party Growth, circa 1990, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: If Justice Murphy Took the Stand, 1949, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 17 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: Reflections on Gus Hall's article, undated
Box: 5, Folder: 18 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: Report - New York State CP Committee Meeting, 1965 January 28-29, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 19 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: Smith Act-related FOIA documents & correspondence, 1948-1984, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: Summary of Four Lectures on Glasnost. Berkshire Forum, 1987 July 24-26, inclusive
Box: 5, Folder: 21 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: "U.S.A." - lesson plans, undated
Box: 5, Folder: 22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: Thompson, Robert - Remarks at His Re-Burial at Arlington National Cemetery, undated
Box: 5, Folder: 23 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: "U.S.A." - Lesson Plans, undated
Box: 6, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: What's Happening to Labor- correspondence, reviews, etc., circa 1976, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Gil: Writings, Miscellaneous & Notes, undated, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Green, Lil: In Memoriam, undated
Box: 6, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Hall, Gus (re): Reply to the Gus Hall Slander (Japanese CP), 1982, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Harrington, Michael - research file, 1980-1985, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Jacques, Jeffrey: "What is Socialism?", 1992, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Myerson, Michael - U.S. Peace Council 10th Anniversary, 1989 November 10, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Two Songs for the Exiles (to Gil Green and Henry Winston), undated
Box: 6, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)