Series I: Correspondence, General, 1949-1990, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
This series contains correspondence (most incoming, arranged alphabetically) with like-minded communists, ex-communists, other U.S. leftists, historians and other researchers, and is primarily concerned with communist history and with current events, radical thought and activity. There is also some family correspondence. Additionally, several letters relate to Green's support of organized labor and independence movements in Puerto Rico in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Prominent and/or principal correspondents include: Harry Bridges, Lloyd Brown, David Engelstein, Sender Garlin, Dorothy Healey, Kate Hyndman, Lolita Lebron and other Puerto Rican radicals, Sidney Lens, Helen North (his second wife), Paul Robeson Jr., Bill Schneiderman, Pat Toohey, Saul Wellman and Leon Wofsy. Folders labeled "Addendum" were moved into this series in 2016, following the consolidation of materials into Series I and Series II.