Series IV: FBI and Prison Files, 1939-1993, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
This series makes up the bulk of the collection and contains all of the files sent to Gil Green from federal agencies between 1978 and 1991 in response to his numerous Freedom of Information Act requests. They consist of FBI reports, correspondence between bureau offices, transcripts of trial proceedings and testimony, surveillance logs, and copies of documents produced by individuals and organizations under FBI surveillance. A large portion of these files deal with the FBI's hunt for Green between 1951 and 1956. During these years, Green was a political fugitive seeking to escape federal charges for violating the Smith Act. The series also contains a number of FBI files obtained through the efforts of Gil Green's attorney, Edward Greer, and contain FBI files from various regional offices and files on individuals affiliated with Green or the CPUSA between the 1930s and 1970s. FBI files contained in Subseries IVB were grouped by Green in preparation for his 1984 memoir, Cold War Fugitive: A Personal Story of the McCarthy Years. These files are heavily annotated and reflect the various stages of the FBI's campaign against Green. They do not, however, correspond with chapters in his book.
Along with FBI files, Green received several hundred pages of documents from the Bureau of Prisons and Parole Board. These files contain copies of Green's personal notes and correspondence during his time in prison, as well as conduct reports, telephone logs, and parole board paperwork.
Also included among these materials is a small amount of correspondence between Green, his attorney Ed Greer, and various federal agencies regarding Green's FOIA requests between 1975 and 1981, held in Subseries IVA.
This series has been subdivided into three subseries based on the way in which these documents were maintained by Gil Green. Subseries IVA: FOIA Correspondence is arranged alphabetically by federal agency. Subseries IVB: Files Grouped By Green, have been maintained in the order established by Green. Subseries IVC: Files By Topic, are grouped roughly by topic of investigation or FBI office of origin.
Subseries IVA: FOIA Correspondence, 1949-1981, inclusive
Bureau of Prisons, 1978-1979, inclusive
CIA, 1978-1979, inclusive
Department of Justice, 1949-1956, 1978-1979, inclusive
Department of State, 1979, inclusive
Ed Greer, 1979-1981, inclusive
FBI, 1976-1979, inclusive
US Parole Commission, 1979, inclusive
Subseries IVB: Files Grouped by Gil Green, 1941-1971, inclusive
The Family (Book I and II), 1951-1952, inclusive
The Family (Book III) and Guatemala Story, National Underground, 1952-1953, inclusive
The Hunt: Mistaken Identities, Resumes, and FBI Directives (Book I), 1951, inclusive
The Hunt: Mistaken Identities, Resumes, and FBI Directives (Book II), 1951-1952, inclusive
The Hunt: Mistaken Identities, Resumes, and FBI Directives (Book III & Book IV), 1952-1956, inclusive
The Hunt: Mistaken Identities, Resumes, and FBI Directives (Book IV), 1953-1956, inclusive
Surrender & After: Where Was I, Legal & Amnesty, and Rare Book Reviews, 1956-1962, 1971, inclusive
Personal Political Misc, 1941-1947, inclusive
Subseries IVC: Files by Topic, 1925-1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
This subseries contains sets of documents sent to Gil Green from the FBI as a result of his FOIA requests. These files range in size from ten to several hundred pages, and have been retained largely as they were received from the FBI. In some instances, certain pages have been excluded by the FBI. Where these exclusions occurred, the FBI included "FOIPA Deleted Information Sheets." Many sheets, however, were removed by Green to reduce bulk, and it may no longer be apparent where certain content has been omitted.
Files in this subseries were sent to Green from both national and regional FBI offices. They document a wide array of topics related to Green's political activities between the 1930s and 1970s, including: Smith Act trials against members of the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA), the FBI's search for Green and other Smith Act fugitives, Green's surrender to the FBI, Green's five-year sentence at Leavenworth prison, and surveillance of Green after his release. The files contain a variety of documents including: FBI field reports, correspondence between bureau offices, Smith Act trial transcripts, surveillance logs, and copies of documents produced by individuals or organizations under FBI surveillance. Files from regional offices largely relate to CPUSA activities in New York and Chicago. A large portion of these regional files consist of memoranda from the Special Agents in Command (SAC), who managed the FBI regional offices, and contain records of the FBI's surveillance of Green. Other files focus on individuals or organizations associated with Green, but may not relate to him directly. These files touch on a wide array of topics. Titles for these files address the general subject to which they relate, but because some vary so widely, references to certain topics or individuals may be scattered throughout.