Series I: The Communist Party U.S.A.
Language of Materials
Subseries I:A: Organization, Policy Development, Political Activities
Language of Materials
Scope and Content Note
The news clippings, correspondence, and reading notes assembled here outline the internal development of the CPUSA and are particularly useful for the period 1919-1929. Party minutes, letters, and reports of 1928 and 1929 provide additional information on the labor situation in the needle trades and in mining and on intra Party affairs, in particular on the expulsion of the Lovestoneites in 1929. For the period after 1929 there are articles, newsclippings, and pamphlets illustrating the CPUSA's economic and political orientation. Some of the political activities of the CPUSA are suggested in these reading notes, articles, and news reports concerning the "united fronts" of the 1920s, the Farmer Labor movements of 1922-1925, Henry Wallace, and Vito Marcantonio.
Bolshevization, 1925-1929: Notes, Typescripts, undated, inclusive
Browderism: Theory, Expulsion: Clippings, 1943-1947, inclusive
CPUSA Internal Documents, 1920s (Factionalism, etc.), undated , 1926-1927, inclusive
Duclos, Jacques. Notes on the Dissolution of the American Communist Party (ts, 13 p), Apr 1945
Clippings & Ephemera, 1940s-1950s, inclusive
Expulsion of Lovestoneites: Copes of Letters & Statements, 1929, inclusive
Farmer-Labor Maneuvers, 1922-1925: Bell Notes & CP Documents, undated, inclusive
Foster, William Z.: Bibliography, Notes, undated, inclusive
Foster, William Z.: Monthly Industrial Report of Dist. #3 (Oct. 1924), Nov 1, 1924
Fronts, 1920s: Notes & Typescripts (Includes: "The United Front: a History/Draper," 7 p), undated, inclusive
Hall, Gus: Speech at Madison Square Garden, New York, Sep 19, 1950
Hungary: Reaction by Intellectuals: Clippings, 1956-1957, inclusive
Letter to the ECCI: the Need for Communist Unity (Lovestone, et al), Nov 9, 1935
Materials Owned by the Communism Study of the Fund for the Republic (27 p), Apr 1956
National Unemployment Council: Unititled ts on the Unification of All Unemployed Organizations, 1935, inclusive
1935: (re AFL Convention): Typescript, Reading Notes, Articles & Clippings from the CP Press, undated , 1935, inclusive
Peter V. Cacchione, Vito Marcantonio: Ephemera re Campaign Tactics, undated, inclusive
Political Committee Minutes, Jan 1928-Mar 1928
Political Committee Minutes, Apr 1928-Jun 1928
Progressive Party: News Reports, 1948-1955, inclusive
Split in the American CP Articles, Clippings, News Reports, 1957-1958, inclusive
Wallace, Henry: Clippings & Ephemera; Bell Notes, undated , 1941-1947, inclusive
Subseries I:B: Earl Browder Materials
Language of Materials
Scope and Content Note
Most of these files contain reports of interest to the CPUSA during World War II. There are, in addition, a report by Earl Browder to the CPUSA National Committee, 1939; a financial report of the Communist Political Association for 1944; and a statement concerning political tactics, 1946.
Bittelman, Alex [?]: Important elements for winning the war are…" (ts, 5p.), Jun 3, 1942
Browder, Earl: Plenum Report, Untitled (on intensifying war production), 80 pp., Nov 29, 1942
Browder, Earl: Report to the National Committee, CPUSA Meeting on the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party. Chicago (47 pp), Sep 1, 1939
Communist Political Association: Monthly Financial Rept, Sep 30, 1944
CPUSA Intensive Pro-War Efforts, General (Includes memos from Roy Hudson, others), 1943-1945, inclusive
Early American Writings on (U.S.) Constitution, undated, inclusive
Maritime: Special Report (pp. 551-554/5). Covers CPUSA role in the National Maritime Union (by an anti-communist leftist, apparently based on internal sources), Sep 1, 1942
National Groups as a Problem in Trade Union Work. (Typescript, 12 pp., of a CPUSA meeting, with remarks by Roy Hudson, et al), ca.1940, inclusive
Republican Party: Suggested Workplan for Subcommittees on Labor (confidential to program committee), Nov 19, 1938
Trotskyites, Lovestoneites: Internal Documents (ALP, ILLA - Trotsky, attack on), May 1940
United Automobile Workers of America: Factional Conflict. Contents include (principally pertaining to the Aug 1938 trial of Frankensteen, Mortimer, et al.): letters from Homer Martin to Jay Lovestone; a report by Bill (Foster?); transcripts of Jay Lovestone's and Lovestoneite's telephone conversations; statements by Mortimer, et al, 1936 , 1938, inclusive
United Automobile Workers of America: Intensive War Work, 1942-1943, inclusive
United Electrical Workers: Pro-War Efforts (includes Browder correspondence with UE officials, Browder speeches to UE), 1943-1944, inclusive
United Office & Professional Workers of America - War Policy, 1943-1944, inclusive
Subseries I:C: Communist Party Influence in the CIO and in Government re Labor
Language of Materials
Scope and Content Note
Material on the role of the Party in the labor movement in general is included in this section of the collection. Much of it is congressional testimony concerning communist influence in the Congress of Industrial Organizations and the National Labor Relations Board. The testimony is supplemented by interviews with CIO officials and articles by prominent communists outlining CPUSA labor policy. There are also articles, news reports, and CIO committee reports concerning the CIO's purge of communists in the years 1948-1950. Communist activity in specific unions is dealt with in Series II.
Communism, CIO, Anti-War AgitationContents: Contains reports, possibly by Victor Riesel, about strength of Communists and their efforts to keep the U.S. out of WWII, 1940-1941, inclusive
Approaching the Drive(ts, 55 leaves); The Drive Begins(ts, 7 leaves)Contents: Two anonymous reports (by Daniel Bell?) discussing the formation and early work of the Steel Workers Organizing Committee, undated, inclusive
Carey, James B.: World Federation of Trade Unions - MeetingsContains: Report of CIO Secretary-Treasurer James B. Carey covering meetings of the WFTU Executive Bureau and Executive Committee, April 30 to May 10, 1948 (ts, 17 l.)Contains: Text of conversations between James B. Carey…and Giuseppe Di Vittorio, Secretary General, Italian Confederation of Labor and Fernando Santi, also of DGIL, on March 12, 1948, London (ts, 10 l.)Contents: Report on CIO Representative's Trip to Europe: for immediate release, March 22, 1948 (ts, with appendices, 9 l.), Mar 1948-May 1948
Catholics (clippings, reports, telegrams), 1949, inclusive
Centralized Direction of Labor Policy in the United States Steel Corporation / National Labor Relations Board Memorandum from Jacob Karro to David J. Saposs (37 leaves), Feb 2, 1937
CIO Charges Against Communist UnionsContents: Report of the Committees to Investigate Charges Against the: Food, Tobacco, Agricultural and Allied Workers of America; International Union of Mine, Mille and Smelter Workers; United Office and Professional Workers of America; United Public Workers of America., Feb 1950
CIO 11th Convention, Cleveland (Nov. 1949)Contents: typescripts of DB articles, and clippings, covering the lead-up to the convention, the convention and its aftermath., 1948-1950, inclusive
CIO Left-Wing Labor Leaders Meeting, Sep 1949-Oct 1949
Clippings on Communism and Labor, 1950s, inclusive
The End of the (Party) LineDescription: typescript (6 p.) of article, including a useful table, on the decline/demise of Communist-led unions, Jan 30, 1956
Interviews with James Carey, Henry Fleischer, and Clint GoldenContents: covers Phil Murray, Lee Pressman, Len De Caux, and Communist influence in the CIO, 1955, inclusive
Mitchell, H.L (National Agricultural Workers Union): Letter (3 p.) re Don West, Claude Williams, Owen H. Whitfield (leading Southern Communists and/or fellow travelers), Jan 16, 1956
Jack Stachel and John Steuben: Correspondence and Notes re Organizing Steelworkers in Youngstown, Ohio, Aug 31, 1936-Nov 1936
National Labor Relations Board, Communist Influence in.Contents: Includes DB notes on interview with David Saposs, correspondence with Jack Barbash and Morris Weisz (NATO Labor Division)., 1955, inclusive
Pacific Northwest: News cables to Time (not from DB) re Government Hearings on Individual Communists Contents: principally re Barbara Hartle, Organizational Secretary of the CPUSA's 12th District, convicted Smith Act defendant, then cooperative witness., 1953-1955, inclusive
WFTU/CIO/International Labor Cooperation: Clippings, 1945-1958, inclusive
Subseries I:D: Government and Industry's anti Communist campaign
Language of Materials
Scope and Content Note
General aspects of the anticommunist campaign are treated in this section. Articles and reports concerning government actions against union officials associated with the CPUSA and business reports illustrating private harassment of communists and "left wingers" in the labor movement are included here.