Series III: Writings by Beffel
Short Stories (some published, 1912-1937):
"The wanderer meets her at the edge of the wood," Nov. 6, 1912;
Altars of the Gods, November 16, 1912;
At the Foot of the Totem Pole, Dec. 13, 1923 (also entitled Never Go Back, May 6, 1935);
The Boy Who cried Wolf, February 28, 1932;
The Camel Stealer, April 16, 1919;
Canines Met at Night;
The City of Tombs, October 24, 1912;
The Dance of Death, July 28, 1926;
The Deaths and the Lights, July 22, 1933;
Demetri, October 5, 1912;
Denmark, October 21, 1912;
Dog in the Night, September 29, 1927;
Dogs Met at Night, October 16, 1933?;
Empire Stuff (also entitled McIntyre Puts It Over) 1919?;
The Farm, May 12, 1912;
Fifty Minutes from Chicago;
Gas in Area D, October 15, 1927;
A Girl in Vermont (by John Strong (pseud.);
Ghost House;
Glad Do I Die, July 3, 1913;
Grid Patton's Dog, March 27, 1912;
Hard Sledding, April 2, 1937;
Helping Ed, February 25, 1916;
I Find a Dog (also a different version entitled Lost Dog);
"It was a Son She Heard From Her Father's Ship...";
The Laughter of Fairies, August 13, 1912;
Light in the Sky, November 30, 1914;
The Man Near the Stove, September 7, 1929 (also entitled They Don't Mix);
The Man With the Black Wiskers: 3 different verions, one dated November 9, 1923;
Mean Man Mallory, January 17, 1924;
Mean Man Mallory and the Goat;
Melody's End, August 7, 1934;
Mightier Than the Machine gun;
Miracles Even Now, September 9, 1927;
Moral of Australia; Muldoon, October 1, 1912;
The Night Clerk and the Gold, begun Jan. 17, 1926; resumed Aug.17, 1926;
On Thunder Bay (also entitled Joe Chenery);
Open That Chest! (also entitled End of the Rope and The Brass Bound Chest);
A Queen Come Back to Haunt Me;
The Scar, August 11, 1914;
Slatko the No Good (also entitled The Hole in the Earth);
Some Upper Room;
Son of a Crimp, August 12, 1923;
The Soup Eater Silenced at Last, February 10, 1919?;
The Trained Duck (also entitled A Thief in the Wings) Sept. 24, 1934;
Up An Alley (also called Up an Alley in Ohio) June 29, 1927;
Up the Snow Slopes of Rainier;
The Viking Woman;
West From St. Paul by Mary Starland (pseud.);
The Wild Wild West; Waterloo;
The Youngster in Buena Terra (retired copy).
"Annie Oakley" -- Includes 3 drafts of article on Annie Oakley, letters to various people concerning the article and notes by JNB on Annie Oakley;
"Burn, Black Man, Burn" -- Article written in 1943(?): Includes 3 copies of the article and notes by J"NB on that subject;
"Dark Day in New England" -- Article written for The Mercurv April 1943: Includes typescript of the article "Blackout in New England," letters to Eugene Lyons and Robert Littell, and misc. material related to the article;
"The Fauntlerov Plague": Material and article relating to a proposed statue honoring Frances Hodgson Burnett, author of Little Lord Fauntleroy. (Beffel was opposed to the building of the statue);
"Sir Martin Frobisher": Includes first draft and final (?) draft of articles on Frobisher, notes and newspaper clippings;
Mooney, Tom: Serials of newspaper articles on Mooney written in June 1920;
Radicals I have Met: Draft of the article "Four Radicals" which was published in The American Mercur April 1932, and Includes sketches of E.V. Debs, Bill Haywood, Vanzetti, Lucy Parsons and Tom Mooney (The last sketch was deleted from the final draft of the article);
"Stephen Crane Gets Fired": Includes copies of the article, letters to and from Edgar Snyder, notes by JNB for article and related misc. material;
"Wolheim, Master Teller of Tales": Includes draft of article, notes and questionnaires pertaining to the article; Miscellaneous Writings.
American Mosaic; Light and Shadow on the Land of the Free: An outline and proposal for a book on Americana to be written by Beffel. Many of the tentative chapters have been written or published as short stories;
"Book of Light": Seems to be a diary of sorts; Julv 14, 1926 December 24, 1939;
Corn Belt Bov: A series of sketches based on Beffel's early years in Seneca, Illinois. They were intended to be part of an autobiography (?). It is believed that some of the sketches were published as separate short stories. It is alternately entitled "Honest Hearts and Willing Hands";
Desperate Pageantrv: The saga of the Polaris Disaster. This is chapter 1 of a book never written (?);
Jim Higgins Jail: A partial novel. 115 p.;
Land of the Free: A magazine edited and published by Beffel. It was intended as "A monthly journal which lets in light and air." (never published?);
Living Men: Devoted to the Struggles of the Driven. A magazine edited and published by Beffel. (See Also map case for an unused design of the cover). It contained articles by various people including David Karsner, Theodore Dreiser and Robert Monov.
Holdings: Vol. 1 No. 5 (incomplete); Chicago, October 1917, Vol. 2 No. 3,Chicago, February 1913; Vol. 2 No. 3 Chicago, June 1919; Vol. 2 No. 4, New York, October 1919;
The Wart: An incomplete story;
Where Did these Gentlemen Die?": Manuscript for a proposed book by Beffel which dealt with the mysterious deaths of various distinguished men.
Billington and Colonial Families:
Notes and manuscripts relating to John Billington, a Pilgrim who was hanged in the Plymouth Colony ten years after its founding, and to early colonial times. Also includes a small part of a manuscript by George Prince. The proposed title of Beffel's book, in 1930, was "John Billington: Pilgrim to the Gallows."
Articles and Essays (2 folders), Some published: A—M, M—Z;
Book Reviews;
Letters to the Editor;
News Items and Releases (some published):
News Items and Releases: Contains five articles for the Federated Press on marine workers, 1921;
Newspaper and Magazine Writings: Approximately 60 articles clipped from magazines and newspapers written by Beffel (Some of the articles can be found in manuscript form in the folders labeled "Articles and essays," and "Short stories");
Notes and Memorandums;
Poems (some published);
Collected Poems: poems by various authors, clipped and copied by Beffel;
About JNB: includes biographical notes on Beffel and 11 photos;
Miscellaneous Material.